Re: Research: Writ, Reason, and Practice

2009-08-05 Thread Jeffery, KG (Keith)
Charles - 

I as certainly not implying you were one of those using the copyright
law discussion disingenuously - I know your work quite well (as you

While I am very keen to ensure there is clarity on copyright law and
practice (precedent)I am equally keen to ensure that researchers know
that - in the domain of scholarly publishing / fair use / research 
education) - most (but not all) of the restrictions apparently imposed
by copyright are, in fact, illusory.  Once this is widely known,
appreciated, accepted then one of the FUD (fear, uncertainty, doubt)
barriers to green OA (Harnad definition) is removed. 


Prof Keith G Jeffery   E:
Director Information Technology  International Strategy
Science and Technology Facilities Council
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory   
Harwell Science and Innovation Campus
Didcot, OXON  OX11  0QX   UK
T: +44 1235 44 6103  F:+44 1235 44 5147

President ERCIM  STFC Director: 
W3C Office at CLRC-RAL  
President euroCRIS 
VLDB Trustee Emeritus: 
EDBT Board Member

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-Original Message-
From: American Scientist Open Access Forum
[] On
Behalf Of C.Oppenheim
Sent: 05 August 2009 07:41
Subject: Re: Research: Writ, Reason, and Practice

I hope I am not included  by Keith as amongst those who use copyright
debates to restrict OA.  I have consistently urged authors NOT to assign
copyright to publishers so that they are indeed free to self-archive.

If authors are foolish enough to assign copyrigh to OA unfriendly
publishers, they only have themselves to blame if the law then puts
barriers to self-archiving in their way. But there is no point in
pretending there isn't a legal barrier under such circumstances.


On Tue, 4 Aug 2009 12:00:05 +0100
  Jeffery, KG (Keith) wrote:
 Stevan -
 many thanks for a succinct summary.  However, while I agree it has  
nothing to do strictly with green OA, the subject of copyright has been

used by some disingenuously to try to dissuade authors from  
self-archiving of peer-reviewed material as you well know.  Debunking  
the myth could prove useful to achieving greater than 15%  

 Prof Keith G Jeffery   E:

 Director Information Technology  International Strategy Science and 
 Technology Facilities Council Rutherford Appleton Laboratory Harwell 
 Science and Innovation Campus
 Didcot, OXON  OX11  0QX   UK
 T: +44 1235 44 6103  F:+44 1235 44 5147

 President ERCIM  STFC Director:
 W3C Office at CLRC-RAL
 President euroCRIS VLDB Trustee Emeritus:
 EDBT Board Member

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From: American Scientist Open Access Forum  
 Behalf Of Stevan Harnad
 Sent: 04 August 2009 11:45
 Subject: Research: Writ, Reason, and Practice

 To summarise:

 Arthur is at pains to try to squeeze some reason out of (or into) an  
incoherent formal writ that does not fit research writing

Re: Research: Writ, Reason, and Practice

2009-08-04 Thread Jeffery, KG (Keith)
Stevan -
many thanks for a succinct summary.  However, while I agree it has
nothing to do strictly with green OA, the subject of copyright has
been used by some disingenuously to try to dissuade authors from
self-archiving of peer-reviewed material as you well know.  Debunking
the myth could prove useful to achieving greater than 15%

Prof Keith G Jeffery   E:
Director Information Technology  International Strategy
Science and Technology Facilities Council
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory  
Harwell Science and Innovation Campus
Didcot, OXON  OX11  0QX   UK
T: +44 1235 44 6103  F:+44 1235 44 5147     
President ERCIM  STFC Director:
W3C Office at CLRC-RAL 
President euroCRIS
VLDB Trustee Emeritus:
EDBT Board 

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From: American Scientist Open Access Forum
On Behalf Of Stevan Harnad
Sent: 04 August 2009 11:45
Subject: Research: Writ, Reason, and Practice

To summarise:
Arthur is at pains to try to squeeze some reason out of (or into) an
incoherent formal writ that does not fit research writing and
practice and never has.

Charles is at pains to point out that researcher practice for a
half-century, though ubiquitous and uncontested, is not literally in
conformity with current formal writ,   be it coherent or incoherent,
fitting or ill-fitting, so it might be a good idea to rewrite the

I say let those whose priority is to reformulate incoherent and
ill-fitting formal writs go ahead and pursue their priority. But
meanwhile, let researchers continue their ubiquitous and uncontested
practice: Full speed ahead.

Aside: This formal side-issue has next to nothing to do with Open
Access and Green Open Access Mandates.


Stevan Harnad

On 4-Aug-09, at 2:53 AM, C.Oppenheim wrote:

  Was ever thus, Arthur. If I make copies of a document in
  a country with no
  copyright laws at all, and attempt to bring them into
  another country, I am
  breaking the other country's copyright laws if they are
  infringing under
  that other country's rules. Every country with copyright
  law has a clause
  which says it is an offence to import copies that would
  be infringing.   If
  such laws didn't exist, you'd get copyright havens with
  little or no
  copyright laws, from which people could export their
  infringing copies
  around the world. It's not murky at all - it is the basis
  of international
  copyright agreements!  For the record, it's Clause 27(3)
  of the UK Act.

  You may find this all very frustrating;  if you don't
  like it, lobby to
  change the law, but don't deny what the law says.


  On Tue, 4 Aug 2009 12:30:58 +1000
  Arthur Sale wrote:

You miss the point. As the copy leaves my

hands, it is not an infringing copy. It falls
under an

exemption and is perfectly legal. From there
you get into

the murkier water of trans-border 'law'.
However, it

seems extraordinarily likely that if I send
to someone in

the UK or EU a perfectly legal copy that they
have a

perfect right to accept it in the absence of
any specific

customs or ownership legislation to the
contrary, for

example as occurs with the receipt of banned
drugs mailed

from abroad. No such UK or EU or German law
exists in

respect of the holding of copyright works as
far as I


Re: Changes in publisher policies on repository deposit?

2009-06-02 Thread Jeffery, KG (Keith)
All -
and are in pdf which is an awful format for any re-purposing.
Also, well-organised institutional repositories are connected to a
CRIS (Current Research Information System) which (assuming it uses
CERIF - Common Research Information Format - an EU recommendation to
member states) provides contextual (meta)data on such things as
persons, organisational units (groups, departments), projects,
funding, facilities and equipment used, patents, products (including
research datasets and software), publications, events - i.e. the
research 'space' associated with the publication.  More information
Of course all of this information is needed attached to the
publication for most re-purposing and also for research evaluation.

Prof Keith G Jeffery   E:
Director Information Technology  International Strategy
Science and Technology Facilities Council
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory  
Harwell Science and Innovation Campus
Didcot, OXON  OX11  0QX   UK
T: +44 1235 44 6103  F:+44 1235 44 5147     
President ERCIM  STFC Director:
W3C Office at STFC-RAL 
President euroCRIS
VLDB Trustee Emeritus:
EDBT Board 

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From: American Scientist Open Access Forum
On Behalf Of Morag Greig
Sent: 02 June 2009 16:45
Subject: Re: Changes in publisher policies on repository

Because the copies on Elsevier's website are NOT freely

Morag Greig
Advocacy Manager (Enlighten)

Direct line: +44(0)141 330 6797
Fax: +44(0)141 330 4952

University of Glasgow
Hillhead Street
Glasgow G12 8QE  

The University of Glasgow, charity number SC004401
-Original Message-
From: American Scientist Open Access Forum
Behalf Of Sally Morris
Sent: 02 June 2009 15:36
Subject: Re: Changes in publisher policies on repository

  Let me be heretical here


  In this interconnected environment, why does it
  matter where the freely accessible version is?





  Sally Morris


  South House, The Street

  Clapham, Worthing, West Sussex BN13 3UU, UK


  Tel: +44(0)1903 871286

  Fax: +44(0)8701 202806


From: American Scientist Open Access Forum
On Behalf Of Stevan Harnad
Sent: 02 June 2009 14:32
Subject: Re: Changes in publisher policies on repository


On 2-Jun-09, at 8:05 AM, Peter Suber wrote:

[Forwarding from Fred Friend via the JISC-Repositories
list.  --Peter Suber.]

To all repository managers:
Rumours are spreading that Elsevier staff are approaching
UK Vice-Chancellors persuading them to point to PDF
copies of articles on Elsevier's web-site rather than
have the articles deposited in institutional
repositories. It appears that the argument being used is
that this will be a cheaper option than maintaining

Re: Liblicense-l: rules of the road

2008-10-23 Thread Jeffery, KG (Keith)
All -
As others have said let us get back to the purpose of this thread and
stop fretting about how it is moderated; the vote has taken place, let
us all get on with sharing experiences, views and proposals concerning
the real challenges we face.

Prof Keith G Jeffery   E:
Director Information Technology  International Strategy
Science and Technology Facilities Council
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory   
Harwell Science and Innovation Campus
Didcot, OXON  OX11  0QX   UK
T: +44 1235 44 6103  F:+44 1235 44 5147

President ERCIM  STFC Director: 
W3C Office at STFC-RAL  
President euroCRIS 
VLDB Trustee Emeritus: 
EDBT Board Member

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-Original Message-
From: American Scientist Open Access Forum
[] On
Behalf Of Leslie Carr
Sent: 23 October 2008 17:08
Subject: Re: Liblicense-l: rules of the road

On 23 Oct 2008, at 12:09, Sally Morris (Morris Associates) wrote:
 Here's a set of 'rules' for another email discussion forum, one which 
 I personally think is moderated in an exemplary fashion

I expect there are hundreds of other discussion forums whose charters
and processes are indeed praiseworthy. To forestall a combinatorial
explosion of admirable attributes, let me draw the attention of those
who are interested to the following analysis of the diverse practices of
mailing list moderation:

Berge, Z.L.  Collins, M.P. (2000). Perceptions of e-moderators about
their roles and functions in moderating electronic mailing lists.
Distance Education: An International Journal, 21(1), 81-100.

Given the range of practices represented above and the result of the
recent vote, I propose that the status quo is admirable position to
maintain. (Moderation-wise, not OA-wise!)
Les Carr
Scanned by iCritical.

Re: Call for a vote of nonconfidence in the moderator of the AmSci Forum

2008-10-09 Thread Jeffery, KG (Keith)
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And me (on pda travelling)
Prof Keith G Jeffery

-Original Message-
From: Alma Swan
Sent: 07/10/08 20:00
Subject: Re: Call for a vote of nonconfidence in the moderator of the   
   AmSci Forum

I agree. Stevan should remain, doing his own inimitable thing, which has been 
invaluable for OA. He keeps things focused and provides an input that is 
uniquely useful. Count me in on the 'aye' side, please.

Alma Swan
Key Perspectives Ltd
Truro, UK

--- On Tue, 7/10/08, Tony Hey wrote:

 From: Tony Hey
 Subject: Re: Call for a vote of nonconfidence in the moderator of the 
  AmSci Forum
 Date: Tuesday, 7 October, 2008, 3:40 PM
 I absolutely agree with Michael - the list would die without
 -Original Message-
 From: American Scientist Open Access Forum
 On Behalf Of Michael Eisen
 Sent: Tuesday, October 07, 2008 7:26 AM
 Subject: Re: Call for a vote of nonconfidence in the
 moderator of the AmSci Forum
 I disagree with Stevan often. He can be infuriating. He has
 a tendency
 to bloviate.
 Nonetheless - he has been a FANTASTIC moderator of this
 list. I have
 sent off many posts that have criticized Stevan directly,
 and he has
 never failed to send them to the group. I can think of no
 other list
 that has not just lasted for 10 years, but kept up a high
 level of
 discourse and relevance.
 Stevan has my complete confidence. The list would die
 without him.
 On Oct 7, 2008, at 5:37 AM, Stevan Harnad wrote:
  On Tue, Oct 7, 2008 at 3:37 AM, wrote:
  I totally support Jean-Claude's view.
  I can only repeat what I said before:
  (1) I am happy to put an end to my 10-year
 moderatorship of the
  American Scientist Open Access Forum and hand it over
 to someone else
  who is willing to do it, but only if it is requested
 by a plurality of
  the membership, not if it is merely requested by a few
  (2) The moderator's role is to filter postings,
 approving the relevant
  ones, and rejecting the off-topic or ad-hominem ones.
  (3) Apart from that, the moderator has no special
 status or authority
  (other than what may accrue from the substance of his
 postings), and
  may post *exactly* as any other poster may post,
 including the posting
  of quotes, comments, critiques, elaborations,
 rebuttals *and
  By my count, there have not been many votes one way or
 the other, but
  of the few votes there have been, more seem to be
  confidence in my moderatorship than those that are
 calling for me to
  be replaced.
  I have also been accused of of censorship, by both
 Jean-Claude and
  Sally, the charge being subsequently rescinded. If
 there are doubts
  about whether I can be trusted to post or tally the
 votes -- or, more
  important, if we are to spare the Forum the bandwidth
 of votes
  appearing instead of OA substance -- I am also quite
 happy to direct
  the votes to be sent to a trusted 3rd party for
 tallying, if that is
  the wish of the Forum.
  Stevan Harnad
  Professor Charles Oppenheim
  Department of Information Science
  Loughborough University
  Leics LE11 3TU
  Tel 01509-223065
  Fax 01509 223053
  e mail
  From: American Scientist Open Access Forum
  Behalf Of Jean-Claude Guédon
  Sent: 06 October 2008 19:00
  Subject: Re: American Scientist Open Access Forum
  What I note is that my messages sometimes appear
 back very late and
  I wonder
  why. It is this detail which caused my recent
 angry  reaction.
  While we are on technical matters, I would
 appreciate two things
  from this
  1. That he should refrain from ever summarizing
 somebody's words.
  We are all
  versed enough in the art of reading to be able to
 survive without
  doubtful form of help. Besides, list moderators
 are not mentors or
  figures. When the summary ends up distorting the
 original message, it
  becomes reprehensible;
  2. Since the moderator also intervenes as member
 in this list, he
  make clear which of his interventions are
 moderating interventions
  and which
  ones are 

Re: Convergent IR Deposit Mandates vs. Divergent CR Deposit Mandates

2008-07-26 Thread Jeffery, KG (Keith)
All -

I know that at this point Alma and Stevan would expect me to point out
that - as well as OA IRs - there are other systems maintained by funders
and research institutions. 

These are called CRIS (Current Research Information Systems)and there is
an EU Recommendation to member states (i.e. a standard) named CERIF
(Common European Research Information Format) which has formal syntax
and defined semantics and is thus ideal for interoperation even in a
multilingual environment.  

Since researchers move quite a lot and may have multiple (simultaneous
or sequential) affiliations to research organisations, funders etc the
data model has to have timestamped role-based relationships between
major entities like persons, institutions, publications etc.  This is
much more expressive than DC-type metadata.

CERIF also has the necessary attributes to generate appropriate
publication metadata in Dublin Core, MARC and the various bibliographic
reference standards (like APA, Vancouver, Chicago, BibTex etc).
Finally, CERIF also provides context for the research i.e. research
project information and what (if any) facilities and equipment used,
events attended etc.  Details at 

So instead of trying to add (non formal (or semi-sructured)syntax and
variable semantics, DC-type) metadata into IRs I recommend strongly
using the data structure of CERIF and link it to the full-text
(multimedia) in the IR.  Of course the same technique works for research
datasets and software etc etc


RE: Acces a des contenus de savoir

2008-04-05 Thread Jeffery, KG (Keith)
N Miradon -

An interesting site.  Somewhat francophilein content as well as interface!!

However, I checked for the top ICT experts in my field in France and none of 
them is represented.

My own view is such 'secondary' or 'overlay' sites will be useful but only when 
Stevan's target of 95% fill of OA IRs is achieved


Prof Keith G Jeffery   E:
Director Information Technology  International Strategy
Science and Technology Facilities Council
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory   
Harwell Science and Innovation Campus
Didcot, OXON  OX11  0QX   UK
T: +44 1235 44 6103  F:+44 1235 44 5147  
President ERCIM  STFC Director: 
W3C Office at STFC-RAL  
President euroCRIS 
VLDB Trustee Emeritus: 
EDBT Board Member 

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-Original Message-
From: American Scientist Open Access Forum 
[] On Behalf 
Of N. Miradon
Sent: 05 April 2008 09:23
Subject: Accès à des contenus de savoir

From yesterday's Le Monde:-
Status: O

Olivier Amiel a ... créé ... un site,, qui donne accès à des 
contenus de savoir (plusieurs milliers d'articles, mémoires, thèses) provenant 
de centres de recherches réputés ou d'universités. ... Est aussi proposé aux 
chercheurs ou aux laboratoires scientifiques de publier leurs textes, après 
validation d'un comité d'experts. Les auteurs en gardent la propriété et ils en 
assument la responsabilité. Ils reçoivent 15 % des droits sur le chiffre 
d'affaires produit par la consultation des textes ... [1]

From the Accedit website:-
Status: O

L'accès à des connaissances solides et fiables est aujourd'hui la clef de la 
réflexion intellectuelle, de la compréhension du monde, et du développement de 
l'action. Mais ces connaissances, bien souvent, ne sont pas diffusées 
systématiquement, ni sous forme de livre, ni sous forme de fichier 
électronique, et demeurent confidentielles, alors qu'elles pourraient être 
utiles à un large public.

Accedit veut faire le lien entre ces documents sous-exploités et un public sans 
cesse à la recherche d'informations précises, pour qui il est vital d'avoir 
accès à un savoir rigoureusement sélectionné et régulièrement mis à jour. [2]

The only way of browsing this site appears to be via a brain-dead Index des 
Mots Clés (Absence, Absurde, Accomplissement ... Zinc, Zone de Proche 
Développement, Zoométéorologie).

I am not clear whether this is a Good, or a Bad, Thing.

N Miradon

Re: Interview with Elsevier Science

2001-11-09 Thread Jeffery, KG (Keith)
Richard -

thanks for the opportunity to comment via the September98 Forum list

My department's responsibility includes the library so we have thought about
it from both librarian and IT angles.  I note also the comments from others
to date.

Our main qustions would concern:
(1) Business model Elsevier see in the future as web-publishing of eprints
(2) how will they (and other conventional publishers) continue to claim
peer-review monopoly
(3) how much will they comply with standards such as OAI especially for
(4) what is their stance concerning SPARC
(5) will they move to leaving copyright with the author and having a licence
to publish
(6) in e-publishing do they favour PDF (frozen image) or dynamic SGML, XML
(7) do they have interest in dvelopment from dictionaries and thesauri to
domain ontologies to assist clssification and retrieval

I hope that's enough to be going on with!

Prof Keith G Jeffery   Director Information Technology and Head Business 
Information Technology Department   CLRC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
T:+44 1235 44 6103 Chilton, Didcot, OXON  OX11  0QX UK
F:+44 1235 44 5831
WWW Person:
VP VLDB Endowment Board:
CLRC ERCIM Representative:
W3C Office at CLRC-RAL

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