[Goanet] Looking out for...

2002-06-15 Thread haresh dadlani

I am presently outside India and am in search of a friend of mine who, during
 the eighties , was with me in the Gulf . I have heard that he has settled
 down in Goa and has opened a Resort type of Hotel somewhere in /near Baga
 beach .

His name is Remy Martin and his wife was/is a
Singer of Konkani songs.

Awaiting to receive your reply and remain ,

Thanking you ,

Faithfully ,

Haresh D.

# 211, Shaqaqi Alley ,
Safi Ali Shah Street ,
Enqalab Avenue ,
Tehran - 11496
Voice :  +98 21  876 6761 (O)
   752 8470 (R)
Mobile:  +98  913 217 9661
Fax   :  +98 21  876 0967

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[Goanet] What Goa is (or is not) doing on the IT front...

2002-06-15 Thread Frederick Noronha

Below are some official statements, facts and figures
that give a hint of what progress Goa has (or has not)
made while promising to promote IT in the state:


* To equip students with IT skills and to compete with
  recent trends of computerization in education, special
  courses, viz Computer Software Application (in secondary
  schools) and Computer Awareness Art (in higher secondary
  schools) have been introduced.

* Upto March 2001, computers have been provided to all
  higher secondary schools and 97 high schools. (Note: No
  numbers of computers given mentioned. -FN) A provision
  of Rs 70 million has been made during 2001-02 to cover all
  remaining schools and purchase off hardware and software
  is in progress.

* The Dept off IT has been created for evolving a suitable
  IT programme with the basic philosophy to realize the
  dream of taking the benefits of ICT to the masses of Goa
  and aiming to create an e-citizen for all transactions and
  for all-purposes, towards making Goa the 'intelligent state'
  of the decade.

* Govt claims to have initiated the following infrastructure
  projects: hi-tech habitat, cyber-city/ICE city, IT resort.

* WAN: to involve all departments of the government with
  various district HQs and the state capital. The various
  blocks will be linked to district HQs and they, in turn, to
  the state HQ through a lattice network.

* This would enable the government to compress geographically
  dispersed resources as though they were centralized. Govt can
  use databases, telecom networks, and standardized processing
  systems to get the benefits of scale and coordination, while
  maintaining the benefits of flexibility and service.

* INITIATIVES TOWARD E-GOVERNANCE: (i) To use IT in the process
  of governance and improve its response to its citizens (how will
  this be done if officials don't respond to e-mail? --FN)
  (ii) to have connectivity between all its officers (iii) to
  computerise process of governance so that citizens could file
  documents required by govt electronically (iv) to connect all
  depts and district HQ with video conferencing (and e-mail)
  with the CM's office to allow a channel of communication (v) to
  put in place a training programme to enable govt employees to
  use IT to enhance productivity.

* Other issues the Economic Survey talks about (mainly lofty
  principles, low on specific commitments) include e-citizenship,
  e-democracy, e-administration, e-security etc (see Page 82-84)

* Says the survey: It is proposed to set up an International Institute
  of Information Technology and Management (IIITM). The IIITM would
  be modeled after the Indian Institute of Technology and would
  have its own campus, and have the character of a national institution

* The common-man in the state is largely unaware of the benefits and
  potential off IT in his day-to-day life. A massive awareness
  campaign is therefore required to be launched, to educate people
  about what IT can mean for improving their quality of life.

* Incentives and support being offered to IT:
  - Exemption from Sales Tax, Sales Tax on Capital Goods, Entry Tax
  - In principle decided to accord maximum leverage in exemption,
wherever possible.
  - NOC from Pollution Board, within environmental laws and regulations
  - Zonal regulations sought to be relaxed to permit IT software and
IT-enabled commercial services in industrial and commercial
zones, residential and mofussil areas located in exclusive buildings
  - Relaxation in FAR (floor-area ratio) being formulated for
IT parks and hi-tech habitat to be established by government.
  - Concessions from Stamp Duty being formalised to attract investors
for rebate on payment of stamp duty on sale deed or lease deed
for premises to set up IT software and IT enabled services in
IT Park, HiTech Habitat (set up by govt or govt-approved private
parks) having minimum facilities like dedicated connectivity and
adequate back(?) power.


   IT PROMOTION: (i) Dept with assistance of CII organised a
   seminar on IT enabled services (ii) Natl Conf on E-Governance
   was organised on Nov 8-9, 2001. (Just organising seminars? -FN)

   IT COUNCIL: Two meetings held in April and May 2001. (? Since?)

   INFRASTRUCTURE: (i) Dona Paula hitech habitat -- to be implemented as
   joint-venture between GoG and other parties. Process of identifying
   the JV partner is in an advanced stage (of) finalisation. (ii)
   Proposed to set up Cyber City/ICE City at Mandrem-Morjim Plateau.
   Preliminary work of land acquisition started and blueprint will be
   prepared. (ii) Proposed to create a unique infrastructure as IT Resort
   for high skilled IT professionals for work-cum-leisure. Official
   statement says details are being 

[Goanet] Forming an Association of parents of a single girl child.

2002-06-15 Thread Goa Desc

Documented by Goa Desc Documentation Service
 circulated by Goa Civic  Consumer Action Network

Forming An Association

I wish to invite parents who have only one child and that too a girl child
to join hands with me in forming an association. This invitation goes out
to parents who are not going to have more children.

The purpose of forming such an association is to explore ways and means
to get better privileges for ourselves from the government. This association
will have no caste or creed barrier and is basically to promote the welfare
of our only child. Let us keep in mind that if we unite we can achieve some 

Parents of single child (girl) desiring to form such an association
may please contact me on Ph no 260839
between 3.30 to 4.30 pm and 8.30 to 9.00 pm.

A Parent
Response in HERALD 10/6/02 page 6

Documentation + Education + Solidarity
11 Liberty Apts., Feira Alta, Mapusa, Goa 403 507
Tel: 252660 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Working On Issues Of Development  Democracy

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[Goanet] PAKISTAN -- Dress code appeal wears badly with women

2002-06-15 Thread robinhod

Dress code appeal wears badly with women
By Robin Fernandez

KARACHI: An advisory issued by the city's biggest church on the prescribed
attire and appearance of worshippers has received a lukewarm response from
church-goers here some of whom question the merits of the dress code.Ask
yourself what you should wear when you come to the house of the 
Lord, said Fr Joe D'Mello, supplementing a short notice in St Patrick 
Cathedral's Sunday service leaflet. 

To the credit of the cathedral's prelates the question was, at first,
open-ended and its subtlety guaranteed more than passing adherence. But
within weeks it became clear that the church notice was aimed particularly
at women who wore allegedly revealing clothes. Among the first to be cited
for indecent exposure were young brides and their maids of honour. 

They were publicly admonished over their choice of attire, and if that was
not enough more unsolicited advice poured forth from the pulpit for
would-be brides. 

Please be careful about the kind of bridal wear you choose. Make sure it
it's not revealing, the priest in carge was quoted as telling women
preparing for marriage. 

A similar note of caution was struck in the cathedral in recent
weeks. Older men and women feel that it is time a dress code is enforced
in Pakistani churches but most young women bristle with rage at the 

It's not as if women here are wearing strapless gowns and are going
around in see-through clothes. How many women wear mini-dresses to
church, anyway? asked a flight attendent icily. I'd like to quote an
enlightened Muslim girl who told her conservative fiance that purdah (the
act of covering one's head and body) is in the mind, not in the eyes.
Since the church earlier left it to the people to decide what is or isn't  
decent attire, it is not fair to talk of a dress code now, complained a  
female choir member. Much of the criticism about female dress may also be

The national dress of Pakistan (shalwar kamez) is suitably modest and
chic, and most Christian women aged between 16 and 45 consider it a fair
alternative, if not first choice wear, to Western-style clothes. 

Older generations of women, however, find the dress cumbersome and
culturally alien, though their daughters and younger siblings have no
such qualms. Whether it is office workers or secretaries, sales reps or
teachers the use of shalwar kameez has become more pervasive among women
today, said an old female secretary who first took to wearing shalwar
kameez 35 years ago.

Apparently it is the skimpier versions of Western-style clothing that has
prompted the church appeal for a dress code. Young women acknowledge that
there probably are few breaches of the unwritten yetwell-defined rules of
female modesty, but these are too few to be counted. In any case women
do know how far to go, said a twentysomething teacher candidly.

The idea of a dress code for church-goers has not been rejected
altogether but many people insist that the code be applicable to both
males and females instead of being gender-specific. 

Men can be sloppy dressers too, said a young bank worker.Modesty in
clothing is a desirable goal. We should not show any disrespect to God by
wearing indecent clothes. However the church should allow men and women
themselves to determine what the criteria of modesty is, said a male
marketing executive. While the phrase Sunday bes

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[Goanet] Re: Sentinels of Goa's Past

2002-06-15 Thread William Robert Da Silva

Forts are sentinels of Goa's past. They are important
national monuments. They are.
Goa itself, with its varied population, the sentinel 
of India's past. It is a national monument. That is
why the Prime Minister took personal interest in
saving it from previous decades' instability and
political rape. He wanted to carry it not into its
glorious past, but worthwhile future.
Who will stand up in Goa as sentinels of the future?
These need to be preserved, made national monuments
and remembered constantly in order only to strengthen
their hands. 
There are plenty of these in Goa. Search should be
on to look them up rather than the luxuries of
backward looking sentinels in stone, mud and mortar!

GMX - Die Kommunikationsplattform im Internet.

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[Goanet] Padre Pio's most astonishing healings

2002-06-15 Thread Mario Rebello


Who was Padre Pio? How do we comprehend a man of so much mystery? How could 
a single person have so many gifts?

There are saints who have been known for healing; there are saints who could 
read souls; there are saints who were known for levitation; there were 
saints who bore the stigmata, or were seen in apparition, or had the odor 
of sanctity. There are saints who could understand languages they didn't 

But Padre Pio of Pietrelcina, who died in 1968 and will be canonized Sunday 
in a huge, historic ceremony, had all these charisms -- and more. In fact, 
no saint in history, with the possible exception of St. Francis, had more in 
the way of mysticism. It seemed there are no charisms he didn't possess. 
This was a man who was a mystery to everyone he ever met and a mystery even 
to himself. To this day, we still don't understand how a single person could 
pack such potency -- nor what this implies. Who was he? Why did one man have 
such potency?

We know only that he has been a fantastic intercessor -- stories of his 
miracles, both during and subsequent to his death, are absolutely legion -- 
and after his canonization, that intercession will grow. Of all Padre Pio's 
healings, one of the most remarkable may have been a blind girl from the 
Palermo area named Gemma DiGiorgio. I had no pupils in my eyes, said Gemma 
in 1971, several years after Padre Pio's death. I had no sight at all. When 
I was three months old, my mother took me to a very famous eye doctor in 
Palermo. He told her that, without pupils, I would never be able to see.

Some claimed that she may have had pupils, but that her birth defect was so 
severe they were not recognized as such. Whatever the case, in 1946, when 
the girl was seven, a nun took it upon herself to write Padre Pio on her 
behalf and received a note saying that the girl should be brought to Padre 
Pio in San Giovanni Rotundo. That's exactly what Gemma's grandmother did: 
brought the girl to see the famous monk, who heard the child's first 
Confession and gave her first Communion -- then made the sign of the Cross 
on her eyes.

After the blessing, Gemma was able to see. It's a fact that is beyond 
question, confirmed by amazed doctors. Did she really lack pupils? Or was 
her entire eye one large pupil (making it seem that way)? We know only that 
there was a severe defect and that although the physical defect remained 
unchanged, afterward Gemma was able to see normally.

More astounding still may be the thoroughly-documented cure of a 
construction worker named Giovanni Savino, who was severely injured on 
February 15, 1949, in a dynamite mishap. When Dr. Guglielmo Sanguinetti, a 
physican, and Padre Raffaele, another Capuchin, and Father Dominic Meyer 
rushed to the injured man's side, all three men noted that among Savino's 
numerous injuries, his right eye was gone entirely. They agreed that 'the 
socket was empty,' reports biographer Bernard Ruffin in Padre Pio: The True 

Other doctors confirmed that the eye was completely annihilated and the 
other one badly damaged.

It looked like Savino was also going to be totally blind.

For three days the worker lay on a hospital bed with his head and face 
bandaged. When a surgeon entered the room three days later, Savino reported 
that Padre Pio had visited him -- something Savino recognized because he had 
detected the beautiful aroma so often reported around the priest.

A week later, at about one a.m. on February 25, 1949, Savino felt a slap on 
the right side of his face -- the side where the eye was completely gone.

I asked, 'Who touched me?' testified Savino. There was nobody. Again I 
smelled the aroma of Padre Pio. It was beautiful.

When later the ophthalmologist -- an atheist -- came to examine the 
remaining eye, there was shock. To their amazement, writes Ruffin, the 
doctors found that his shattered face was fully healed and covered with new 
skin. Savino, however, was most delighted at the fact that he could see. 'I 
can see you!' he said excitedly to the eye specialist.

And indeed, as is medically documented, the doctor saw to his 'utter 
astonishment that Savino had his right eye back. Somehow, the eye had 
materialized. (Now I believe too, exclaimed the doctor, because of what 
my own hands have touched!)

As Ruffin notes, it's one thing when diseases disappear; this is exciting. 
It's tremendous to hear of diabetes or arthritis or even cancer leaving a 
person. For a missing part of the body to be restored, however, is another 
matter, noted the expert biographer.

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Re: [Goanet] Forts: Goa's sentinels lie neglected

2002-06-15 Thread Mervyn Lobo


Thank you for this posting.

Forts: Goa’s sentinels lie neglected

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goanet-digest V1 #4083

2002-06-15 Thread goanet-digest

goanet-digest Saturday, June 15 2002 Volume 01 : Number 4083

In this issue:

[Goanet] Forming an Association of parents of a single girl child. 
[Goanet] PAKISTAN -- Dress code appeal wears badly with women 
[Goanet] Re: Sentinels of Goa's Past
[Goanet] Padre Pio's most astonishing healings

  See end of digest for information on subscribing/unsusbcribing.


Date: Sat, 15 Jun 2002 15:56:05 +0530
Subject: [Goanet] Forming an Association of parents of a single girl child. 

Documented by Goa Desc Documentation Service
 circulated by Goa Civic  Consumer Action Network
Forming An Association
I wish to invite parents who have only one child and that too a girl child
to join hands with me in forming an association. This invitation goes out
to parents who are not going to have more children.

The purpose of forming such an association is to explore ways and means
to get better privileges for ourselves from the government. This association
will have no caste or creed barrier and is basically to promote the welfare
of our only child. Let us keep in mind that if we unite we can achieve some 

Parents of single child (girl) desiring to form such an association
may please contact me on Ph no 260839
between 3.30 to 4.30 pm and 8.30 to 9.00 pm.

A Parent
- ---
Response in HERALD 10/6/02 page 6

Documentation + Education + Solidarity
11 Liberty Apts., Feira Alta, Mapusa, Goa 403 507
Tel: 252660 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
- --
Working On Issues Of Development  Democracy


Date: Sat, 15 Jun 2002 04:39:08 -0600 (MDT)
Subject: [Goanet] PAKISTAN -- Dress code appeal wears badly with women 

Dress code appeal wears badly with women
By Robin Fernandez

KARACHI: An advisory issued by the city's biggest church on the prescribed
attire and appearance of worshippers has received a lukewarm response from
church-goers here some of whom question the merits of the dress code.Ask
yourself what you should wear when you come to the house of the 
Lord, said Fr Joe D'Mello, supplementing a short notice in St Patrick 
Cathedral's Sunday service leaflet. 

To the credit of the cathedral's prelates the question was, at first,
open-ended and its subtlety guaranteed more than passing adherence. But
within weeks it became clear that the church notice was aimed particularly
at women who wore allegedly revealing clothes. Among the first to be cited
for indecent exposure were young brides and their maids of honour. 

They were publicly admonished over their choice of attire, and if that was
not enough more unsolicited advice poured forth from the pulpit for
would-be brides. 

Please be careful about the kind of bridal wear you choose. Make sure it
it's not revealing, the priest in carge was quoted as telling women
preparing for marriage. 

A similar note of caution was struck in the cathedral in recent
weeks. Older men and women feel that it is time a dress code is enforced
in Pakistani churches but most young women bristle with rage at the 

It's not as if women here are wearing strapless gowns and are going
around in see-through clothes. How many women wear mini-dresses to
church, anyway? asked a flight attendent icily. I'd like to quote an
enlightened Muslim girl who told her conservative fiance that purdah (the
act of covering one's head and body) is in the mind, not in the eyes.
Since the church earlier left it to the people to decide what is or isn't  
decent attire, it is not fair to talk of a dress code now, complained a  
female choir member. Much of the criticism about female dress may also be

The national dress of Pakistan (shalwar kamez) is suitably modest and
chic, and most Christian women aged between 16 and 45 consider it a fair
alternative, if not first choice wear, to Western-style clothes. 

Older generations of women, however, find the dress cumbersome and
culturally alien, though their daughters and younger siblings have no
such qualms. Whether it is office workers or secretaries, sales reps or
teachers the use of shalwar kameez has become more pervasive among women
today, said an old female secretary who first took to wearing shalwar
kameez 35 years ago.

Apparently it is the skimpier versions of 

[Goanet] From Carlos Silva: Please send me telephone numbers and email addresses

2002-06-15 Thread Viviana

From: Carlos Silva [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date:  15 June 2002 09:15:54 +

carlos silva wrote:

 Hi sir,
 Please see if you can send me tellphone numbers of all ministers
 and allso e-mail addrased.
 Q8 15th

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[Goanet] Chaddas.. and the D'Souzas

2002-06-15 Thread Frederick Noronha

Obese Anil Kapoor redeems film on Hindu-Christian amity

By Subhash K. Jha, Indo-Asian News Service (byline mandatory)

Badhaai Ho Badhaai. Starring Anil Kapoor, Shilpa Shetty, Keerthi Reddy,
Amrish Puri, K. Vishwanath, Farida Jalal and Kader Khan. Directed by Satish

There's a thin Anil Kapoor and a fat Anil Kapoor, and the twain do meet in
Satish Kaushik's comedy about love sunshine and music, though not
necessarily the melodious kind.

Most of Kaushik's directorial ventures have been faithful adaptations of
Tamil-Telugu blockbusters. Badhaai Ho Badhaai is no exception.

It adheres to the original in most details and emerges with a frothy fun
fare that tries to make a statement on two critical issues: communalism and
obesity. But Kaushik's views on Hindu-Christian amity suffer from

Fortunately the episode about an overweight Raja losing his girth for love
is bracing and absorbing.

In the first-half, Raja arrives in a crowded middle-class neighbourhood,
which is recreated with a superb eye for detail by cinematographer Rajeev
Jain and art director Sharmisha Roy, to stop the hatred between two
neighbouring families.

The Chaddas and the d'Souzas, we are told in swift flashbacks, began to
detest one another when their progenies eloped and got married.

The idea of an incorrigible do-gooder bringing peace is as familiar to
mainstream Hindi cinema as Rajesh Khanna, Anil and Hrithik Roshan. All three
stars have played the domestic saviour in one or more films.

But in Badhaai Ho Badhaai, Anil overdoes the sweetness. Fat or thin, Raja
is determined to spread the full-cream milk of human kindness.

For a long while Kaushik's narrative functions as a relay race. To make sure
nobody feels left out, Raja does everything in twos.

If the matriarch from the Chaddha family, played by Farida Jalal, gets a
smile, so does the one in the d'Souza family, enacted by Rohini Rattangadi.

After a while we begin to feel we're watching a well-orchestrated propaganda
film on communal harmony.

The second half where we go into a flashback with a fat Anil has some
wonderful moments. The growing bond between the obese Raja and the screechy
feather-brained unfocussed Florence, played by Keerthi Reddy, makes us
wonder if the director's own battle with the bulge inspired this section of
the narrative.

Anil plays the fat man with padded compassion. In scenes of romantic
dejection the actor returns to his two old favourites, Raj Kapoor and Kamal
Haasan, to play the Chaplinesque loser with podgy poignancy, a highlight of
the film.

The director also extracts chuckles at the two warring clans' expense. But
like all of Kaushik's remakes, this one too suffers from congenital
crowdedness. Characters spill out of every nook and cranny.

The neighbourhood, though well conceived, is infested with overdone
oddballs. Only Kader Khan shines as a screechy classical singer who has
everybody running for cover.

Some songs, especially Raag banke, done in the neo-classical style of
Girish Karnad's Utsav, have been imaginatively filmed against picturesque

The biggest draw is the wonderful visual aesthetics. Kaushik avoids studio
sets to take us into an outdoor freedom denied to most mainstream Hindi

But he messes up an otherwise cute entertainer with an over-the-top climax
where the two warring families run with guns to a lonely spots for a desi
equivalent of a duel under the sun. Tact and subtlety aren't the highlights
of this film.

Though the story is about a Hindu and Christian family at war, Anil's
climactic speech seems to be targeted more at Hindu-Muslim tension in India.

The vastly gifted supporting cast plays its clichéd parts with stereotypical
proficiency. Among the two leading ladies, after two consecutive flops in
Hindi, Keerthi as the self-seeking Christian girl proves third-time lucky.
She has been dressed and projected very well.

Shilpa Shetty as a loud aggressive Punjabi woman masquerading as Anil's wife
is a nightmarish synthesis of Kajol in Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham and
Sridevi in her best films.

--Indo-Asian News Service

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[Goanet] Fw: discontinuing column

2002-06-15 Thread M Mascarenhas

Dear Readers and Friends,

My most recent column was pulled by the Gomantak Times editors. It seems I
crossed their threshold of tolerance in my efforts to draw attention to, and
ridicule, nuclear weapons, war and hate, and their propagators. You can't
take shots at World Leaders like that. Write something else,  they said.
The disputed column, entitled Duck and Cover, was subsequently accepted
and posted by the web edition of Outlook ( http://www.outlookindia.com ).

As a result of this incident I am discontinuing my weekly column of the past
6 years (Wake Up And Smell the Coffee) with the Gomantak Times Weekender,
owned by Mr. Pratap Pawar (Sakal), with immediate effect. I do this in
protest of the negation of an opinion columnist's right to express views not
necessarily espoused by the newspaper. I am not the first journalist to be
censored in this manner, nor, I suspect, will I be the last.

Those of you who endorse freedom of expression, and oppose muzzling of this
nature, can submit your thoughts on the issue to the Managing Editor of
Sakal at:


Hopefully, this will set a precedent, and help to prevent such an incident
from happening with some other journalist in the future.

Meanwhile, for those of you with web access, my columns will continue to
appear, uncensored, at goanet and http://www.freenewsgoa.net/.

Margaret Mascarenhas

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[Goanet] Re: Margaret Mascarenhas discontinuing column

2002-06-15 Thread George Pinto

Dear Mr. Pratap Pawar (Sakal):

It is regrettable that you have censured one of the gems of your paper which has led 
to led to the
discontinuation of Wake Up And Smell the Coffee by Margaret Mascarenhas.  Your loss 
will be some
other newspaper's gain.  If you think Ms. Mascarenhas was not being deferential enough 
to world
leaders, consider this: the world leaders we have today are a petty lot.  They are 
with the great issues of our times (24,000 children die daily, 3 billion are in 
poverty, and an
equal number are estimated to be illiterate, without access to modern health care, 
housing and clothing, and are touched by violence  discrimination in various ways).  
If you had a
complaint against Ms. Mascarenhas it should have been that she was too deferential.  
Perhaps your
paper will take an expansive view of the world, represent the values of the silent 
majority, and
treat our present world leaders with the disdain they deserve.  But that is asking 
too much
courage.  It is easier to try and silence a journalist.  

George Pinto

--- M Mascarenhas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Dear Readers and Friends,
 My most recent column was pulled by the Gomantak Times editors. It seems I
 crossed their threshold of tolerance in my efforts to draw attention to, and
 ridicule, nuclear weapons, war and hate, and their propagators. You can't
 take shots at World Leaders like that. Write something else,  they said.
 The disputed column, entitled Duck and Cover, was subsequently accepted
 and posted by the web edition of Outlook ( http://www.outlookindia.com ).
 As a result of this incident I am discontinuing my weekly column of the past
 6 years (Wake Up And Smell the Coffee) with the Gomantak Times Weekender,

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goanet-digest V1 #4084

2002-06-15 Thread goanet-digest

goanet-digest Saturday, June 15 2002 Volume 01 : Number 4084

In this issue:

Re: [Goanet] Forts: Goa's sentinels lie neglected
[Goanet] From Carlos Silva:  Please send me telephone numbers and email addresses
[Goanet] Chaddas.. and the D'Souzas
[Goanet] Fw: discontinuing column
[Goanet] RELEASE: Booklets on panchayats in Goa
[Goanet] Re: Margaret Mascarenhas  discontinuing column
[Goanet] Happening s in  the Goan World 

  See end of digest for information on subscribing/unsusbcribing.


Date: Sat, 15 Jun 2002 21:30:06 -0400
From: Mervyn Lobo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Forts: Goa's sentinels lie neglected


Thank you for this posting.

Forts: Goa’s sentinels lie neglected


Date: Sat, 15 Jun 2002 08:36:29 +0200
Subject: [Goanet] From Carlos Silva:  Please send me telephone numbers and email 

From: Carlos Silva [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date:  15 June 2002 09:15:54 +

carlos silva wrote:

 Hi sir,
 Please see if you can send me tellphone numbers of all ministers
 and allso e-mail addrased.
 Q8 15th


Date: Sat, 15 Jun 2002 17:04:07 +0530 (IST)
From: Frederick Noronha [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [Goanet] Chaddas.. and the D'Souzas

Obese Anil Kapoor redeems film on Hindu-Christian amity

By Subhash K. Jha, Indo-Asian News Service (byline mandatory)

Badhaai Ho Badhaai. Starring Anil Kapoor, Shilpa Shetty, Keerthi Reddy,
Amrish Puri, K. Vishwanath, Farida Jalal and Kader Khan. Directed by Satish

There's a thin Anil Kapoor and a fat Anil Kapoor, and the twain do meet in
Satish Kaushik's comedy about love sunshine and music, though not
necessarily the melodious kind.

Most of Kaushik's directorial ventures have been faithful adaptations of
Tamil-Telugu blockbusters. Badhaai Ho Badhaai is no exception.

It adheres to the original in most details and emerges with a frothy fun
fare that tries to make a statement on two critical issues: communalism and
obesity. But Kaushik's views on Hindu-Christian amity suffer from

Fortunately the episode about an overweight Raja losing his girth for love
is bracing and absorbing.

In the first-half, Raja arrives in a crowded middle-class neighbourhood,
which is recreated with a superb eye for detail by cinematographer Rajeev
Jain and art director Sharmisha Roy, to stop the hatred between two
neighbouring families.

The Chaddas and the d'Souzas, we are told in swift flashbacks, began to
detest one another when their progenies eloped and got married.

The idea of an incorrigible do-gooder bringing peace is as familiar to
mainstream Hindi cinema as Rajesh Khanna, Anil and Hrithik Roshan. All thre=
stars have played the domestic saviour in one or more films.

But in Badhaai Ho Badhaai, Anil overdoes the sweetness. Fat or thin, Raja
is determined to spread the full-cream milk of human kindness.

For a long while Kaushik's narrative functions as a relay race. To make sur=
nobody feels left out, Raja does everything in twos.

If the matriarch from the Chaddha family, played by Farida Jalal, gets a
smile, so does the one in the d'Souza family, enacted by Rohini Rattangadi.

After a while we begin to feel we're watching a well-orchestrated propagand=
film on communal harmony.

The second half where we go into a flashback with a fat Anil has some
wonderful moments. The growing bond between the obese Raja and the screechy
feather-brained unfocussed Florence, played by Keerthi Reddy, makes us
wonder if the director's own battle with the bulge inspired this section of
the narrative.

Anil plays the fat man with padded compassion. In scenes of romantic
dejection the actor returns to his two old favourites, Raj Kapoor and Kamal
Haasan, to play the Chaplinesque loser with podgy poignancy, a highlight of
the film.

The director also extracts chuckles at the two warring clans' expense. But
like all of Kaushik's remakes, this one too suffers from congenital
crowdedness. Characters spill out of every nook and cranny.

The neighbourhood, though well conceived, is infested with overdone
oddballs. Only Kader Khan shines as a screechy classical singer who has
everybody running for cover.

Some songs, especially Raag banke, done in the neo-classical style of
Girish Karnad's Utsav, have been imaginatively filmed against picturesque

The biggest draw is the wonderful visual aesthetics. Kaushik avoids studio
sets to take us into an outdoor freedom denied to most mainstream Hindi

But he messes up an otherwise cute entertainer with an over-the-top climax
where the two warring families run with guns to a lonely spots for a desi
equivalent of a duel under the sun. Tact and subtlety aren't the highlights
of this film.

Though the 

Re: [Goanet] Fish, Curry and Rice... in a new edition

2002-06-15 Thread Viviana

Sonali Prabhudesai wrote:

 ...and an email from Viviana saying that according to an email received
 by her, the entire matter has been married.


You have no email from me.  I have no message in my Sent folder addressed
to Sonali Prabhudesai.  I guess this proves you're using an alias??


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2002-06-15 Thread Joel D'Souza

16 June 2002

On the occasion of the Feast of St Anthony,
the patron saint of Siolim village in North Goa,
we greet all the Siolkars

RIBEIRO RAPS CADRE MANAGEMENT: Supercop Julio Ribeiro has picked several 
fist-sized hole in the police department's administration, in his report 
submitted to chief Minister Manohar Parrikar, on observations on Goa 
Police's functioning. From the little I have seen and learnt in my three 
days with the Goa Police, I had an uneasy feeling that cadre management has 
been neglected and is even non-existent, he states in the report. (H)

ONE KILLED, 2 HURT IN MAPUSA LANDSLIDE: Heavy showers, which lashed the 
State since yesterday, claimed a life in Mapusa yesterday evening. Sonu 
Bablo Bhivshet (44) of Inanvaddo died on the spot after he was buried in 
the debris due to a landslide near the Mapusa church. Two persons were also 
seriously injured. A large rock gave way and came rolling down on three 
houses situated at the foot of the hillock. (H)

AMBELIM FLOODS REPORT: In 2001, an expert committee report had suggested 
certain specific measures to contain flooding in the flood prone areas of 
Ambelim village in Salcette. Unfortunately, it's now a year since the 
report was submitted, and which still remains only on paper. (H)

Madkaikar said that the Transport department would take strict action 
against the part-timers, who operate illegally as motor-cycle pilots. The 
part-timers include a sizeable amount of government servants. (H)

SALIGAO RESIDENTS UP IN ARMS: Saligao villagers are up in arms as the 
Mapusa Municipality has been dumping garbage on the Saligao Plateau for the 
last two days. The issue was raised by Saligao MLA Dr Wilfred de Souza in 
the Goa Assembly on Friday. (H)

STRAY MENACE ON THE RISE: At least 26 persons are reported to have been 
bitten by dogs in the past six months, as residents in different villages 
of the taluka are expressing serious concern over man's best friend. (H)

PETROL, DIESEL PRICES HIKED AGAIN: State-run oil companies last night hiked 
the price, for the second time in 15 days, of petrol and diesel by up to 30 
paise per litre, to offset hardened international crude prices. (WE-GT)

PAPER ON GOA HISTORY: Students of the third year Bachelor of Arts will have 
a compulsory paper on History of Goa from this academic year. Important 
events and personalities in the history of Goa, right from ancient times 
upto the Liberation, will be covered. (H)

GSL LAUNCHES I.T. INITIATIVE: Goa Shipyard limited has embarked upon a 
project to transform itself into an e-enterprise with Godrej Infotech 
Limited, a leading IT solutions provider, as its partner. (H)

REVOLUTION DAY CELEBRATIONS: The South Goa freedom fighters will celebrate 
the Goa Revolution Day on 18 June afternoon by organising a function at the 
Lohia Maidan, Margao. (WE-GT)

MATHANY TO RAISE VOICE AGAINST INJUSTICE: Mathany Saldanha is perhaps one 
of the few activists, who managed to break through the seemingly 
impenetrable electoral system (for those without the clout of money and 
muscle power) into the legislative assembly. Even as one is reminded of 
Uday Bhembre's adventamong the deserving intellectualsinto the assembly in 
the mid-eighties, Saldanha's upward mobility bears comparison as it came 
through half-a-dozen abortive bids. He craves for a system which delivers 
the goods. (WE-GT)

NEW WEBSITE FOR TOURISM DEPARTMENT: The Department of Tourism, Goa, is in 
the process of preparing a new comprehensive website, which is nearing 
completion and is scheduled to be launched during this month. (H)

FIBRE-OPTIC LINK FOR ALL METROS: Fibre-optic communication links will be 
through between Howrah-Chennai, Howrah-Hyderabad and Chennai-Mumbai-Delhi 
routes on completion of the Rs.30-crore works in the Vijayawada division of 
the south Central Railway, covering 985 kms. (H)

COMPUTER INSTITUTE DUPES STUDENTS: Many students of information technology 
have been allegedly duped by reputed institutions located in Panaji, 
Margao and Ponda. When they went to attend the classes, the students in 
Panjim were surprised to see a notice that the institution was closed for 
maintenance until June 5. Subsequently they found out that the faculty 
members had resigned en masse owing to non-payment of salaries. (NT)

OUT OF DANGER: The residents of the low-lying areas of Ambelim, Velim and 
Assolna heaved a sight of relief, at least temporarily, as the water level 
of Sal river has receded. (NT)

THE OBJECT IS MARINE LOCATION MARKER: The mysterious object, which was 
found at the Vagator beach on Friday night has been identified as a marine 
location marker. (H)

HARVALEM NULLAH CLEANED: The Mineral Foundation of Goa, which has been 
undertaking several socio beneficial programmes, in its latest endeavour 
has taken up the cleaning of a nullah which connects the