[GOANET] Congressman

2002-12-09 Thread Mervyn Lobo

Dec 7-8: Seminar 'Jesuits in India', at XCHR-Porvorim
Ongoing: Exhibition of paintings, Art Chamber, Calangute www.goa-art.com
Dec  14: Customer Relationship Mgt Seminar, Xaviers, Mapusa Tel 2262356
Dec  13: Dance workshop, with Jaap Van Maanen. Tel 2275733 BB Cafe
Dec  09: Martial arts for women and travellers. Tai Chi, Karate, BB Cafe
Jan 18-19: Int't kite carnival at Morgim beach, Pernem

* * * * * * * * * * * * 
Note: Some events continue beyond the starting date mentioned above

A Congressman is awakened in the middle of the night
by his wife.

She whispers, I think there's a thief in the house.

Yes, dear, her half-awake husband mumbles. But in
our defense, there are even more in the Senate. 

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[GOANET] Reuters: India Sex Imbalance Grows as Rich, Poor Want Boys

2002-12-09 Thread Eddie Fernandes

Dec 7-8: Seminar 'Jesuits in India', at XCHR-Porvorim
Ongoing: Exhibition of paintings, Art Chamber, Calangute www.goa-art.com
Dec  14: Customer Relationship Mgt Seminar, Xaviers, Mapusa Tel 2262356
Dec  13: Dance workshop, with Jaap Van Maanen. Tel 2275733 BB Cafe
Dec  09: Martial arts for women and travellers. Tai Chi, Karate, BB Cafe
Jan 18-19: Int't kite carnival at Morgim beach, Pernem

* * * * * * * * * * * * 
Note: Some events continue beyond the starting date mentioned above

Last year on a visit to Goa, we  visited  the Punjab Food Festival  in the
grounds of  a luxury hotel complex. The clientele seemed to be exclusively
Punjabi apart from us. After a short while I noticed that there were about
20 children sitting with their parents at various tables and that they were
all, without exception, boys!  I was somewhat sickened by the realisation. 
I wondered what the statistics would reveal.  Now I know…

Headline: India Sex Imbalance Grows as Rich, Poor Want Boys 
Source: Reuters
Mon December 9, 2002 01:39 PM ET 
By Penny MacRae

Text at:

NEW DELHI (Reuters) - Workers cleaning drains in a northern Indian town
recently discovered two aborted female fetuses, a find that highlights the
country's bias against girls.

A few weeks later, a bag turned up in the same town of Alwar in Rajasthan
state containing a dozen female fetuses and dead baby girls police believe
was dumped by a nursing home.

The discoveries were stark evidence of the preference for boys over girls
among many parents that has skewed the sex ratio in this country of more
than a billion and been exploited by money-hungry doctors using ultrasound
machines to detect the sex of fetuses.

It's an unholy alliance of tradition and technology. Ultrasound was not
meant for sex selection, said demographer Ashish Bose. It's a quick way
for greedy doctors to make money.

The result of the quest for sons was clear in the 2001 census. From the
ages of birth to 6, there were 927 girls for 1,000 boys, down from 945
girls a decade earlier.

But that national figure masked big local variations. In northern Punjab
state, for instance, there were 793 girls for 1,000 boys, down from 875
girls in 1991. The global ratio is about 1,005 females to 1,000 males.

India has had a long history of female infanticide--of girls poisoned,
suffocated, drowned or left to die.

In the early 19th century, British Col. Alexander Walker recorded his
horror at seeing a mother drowning her newborn girl in a trough of milk in
the western Gujarat region.

But now abortion of female fetuses or female feticide has become common
with the easy availability of ultrasound sex tests.

While such tests, costing as little as 600 rupees ($12.42), are illegal
across India, the law is regularly flouted and clinics offering sex tests
abound. Portable ultrasound machines mean the tests can be done even in
remote areas.

It's illegal but it's happening all over. It's available at an affordable
price, New Delhi social worker Mira Shiva of the Voluntary Health
Association told Reuters.

The yearning for a son is deep-rooted social phenomenon.

A lot of it is economically based. If you have children you're better off
having boys because the sons will take care of you in your old age, Bose


Daughters, on the other hand, leave home when they wed and a dowry--which
can range from $100 to a new car, jewelry, apartment or more--can prove
crippling for a family.

Social activists say many who seek to find out the sex of their unborn
child are poor, rural and illiterate.

The prejudice against girls also stretches into urban centers such as the
capital, New Delhi, where the census showed about 850 girls per 1,000 boys
in some affluent neighborhoods.

Often a woman who gives birth to a daughter gets treated much worse than
one who gives birth to a son, Shiva said.

Some commit suicide they're so worried about how they'll be treated by
their husband's family. The family may be educated, have money. This
discrimination is across-the-board, she said.

Girls are seen as a burden and the fact educated women are willing to
abort their girls shows their social conditioning.

Shiva says the government's push for two-child families to slow population
growth has only worsened the situation.

With the small family norm, many people want boys so they have abortions
and keep trying when it's a girl, she said.

In neighboring China where there is a similar traditional preference for
boys and a controversial one-child rule to keep the population down, there
is also a big sex imbalance.

Social workers in India say the trend will mean major social problems ahead
and make it harder for young men to wed.

People won't be able to find girls to marry for their sons. People in