RE: [GOANET] Teaching Konkani in Canada

2003-01-12 Thread C Fernandes

Congratulations Tim!!!

This a new start in the New Year 2003. Goanetter from Canada like Mr.
Silviano Barbosa (GoaRaj) mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] is more than capable of
taking such challenge.

May be easiest way to meet Mr. Silviano Barbosa is to look out for a car in
Toronto with the registration no: GOA RAJ.

Best wishes and good luck to Canadian Goans

Cip Fernandes

-Original Message-
Tim de Mello wrote on 11 January 2003 17:17

Is there anyone in the GTA prepared to teach Konkani?

Could you please contact me so that we can discuss this? Please e-mail me
privately in the first instance.

Deu borem korum.

Tim de Mello
Ontario, CANADA

RE: [GOANET] NEWS: NRI project seeks to save rural India

2003-01-12 Thread C Fernandes

I am willing to sponsor my village Arpora, Bardez, Goa with $2000.00.
Will appreciate to know other Goans who are willing to sponsor their
villages, even with amount less than $2000 please

I will much appreciate if any Goanetter could forward me Vidya Nand Singh's
email to support him with this NRI project.

I believe together we can do it!

Cip Fernandes

NRI project seeks to save rural India

By Deepshikha Ghosh, Indo-Asian News Service

New Delhi, Jan 12 (IANS) If each person of Indian origin across the globe
were to contribute $2,000 each, it could bring health care, education and
jobs to all villages of India.

This may sound quixotic, but it won't be if a project proposed by a
U.S.-based non-resident Indian, Vidya Nand Singh, hits the road.

Singh, a businessman and philanthropist who migrated to the U.S. five
decades ago, has submitted what he calls a common sense economic model for
NRI funding in rural India's upliftment.

My proposal involves rural development across India over a period of five
years with a budget of $40 billion, Singh told IANS in an interview.

He has calculated the damage to each NRI pocket - taking some 20 million
Indians spread the world over - to be $2,000.

That is nothing compared to what they earn and the millions of dollars they
have lost in the stock market, he reasoned.

He proposes the establishment of an NRI investment and development bank
along with a team of Indian entrepreneurs to execute the project.

Singh's proposal, circulated among prominent resident and non-resident
Indian industrialists as well as chambers of commerce at a diaspora meet
that ended here Saturday, envisages providing primary health care, basic
education and employment to about 240,000 block panchayats, or rural
districts, of India.

And he wants the government to be a helpful bystander.

The government should remain out of such development projects and limit
itself to functions only a government can perform, such as providing law and
order and facilitating permits.

Singh, 65, president of the Bihar Chamber of Commerce in America and the
founder chairman of the first Liberty National Bank in Washington, is a
native of Bihar and is involved in various social development projects in

But his rural development model, inspired by China, is the first of national
scale. He refuses to be daunted by scepticism and plain cynicism.

As a first generation NRI based in the U.S., I know that many of us are
self-sufficient and well protected by the social security system. We can
afford to give back to our motherland without being burdened by the
corruption and stagnation that India suffers from.

He points out that over 70 percent Indians live in villages, and 32 percent
of these people fall below the poverty line, meaning they earn less than one
dollar a day and cannot afford two square meals.

The project draws upon the link between health, education, employment,
quality of life and human dignity.

It estimates that $7.5 billion can be allocated in setting rural industries
that will eliminate the problems of almost all people below poverty line in
rural India.

Around 22 billion dollars would be provided for primary education for age
six to 11 in each Panchayat - or village council area. And $10 billion for
120,000 health centres catering to every two Panchayats.

Said Singh: Basic health care can do away with causes of death such as
snakebites, diarrhoea, dehydration, injuries, childbirth. A good primary
education is critical to involve one and all in globalisation and prevent

His model relies heavily on private enterprise.

All these five year plans have not and cannot achieve anything. The
government should only be a facilitator and stay away from developmental
projects that have become a breeding ground for corruption.

Singh says the $40 billion could be raised through 400 million shares at the
unit price of $100. Twenty million NRIs can fund this programme by
purchasing only 20 shares per person.

He banishes fears that the project is too simplistic to work. I am asked if
it was possible, then why didn't it happen till now?

My answer is that many complex problems have simple solutions that miss us.
We have to search our soul to see why.

--Indo-Asian News Service

[GOANET] Request for Information from NRI Goa Facilitation Centre - URGENT

2003-01-12 Thread C Fernandes


To Mr. Chandrakant Keni
NRI Goa Facilitation Centre

Date: 12th January 2003

Dear Mr. Keni

I am pleased to know that the Government of Goa has created the 'NRI Goa
Facilitation Centre' and appointed yourself as the President of the Centre.
Many thanks for your continuous efforts and of Advocate Aries Rodrigues.

As you are aware, recently the Government of India has announced 'Dual
Citizenship' for PIO from USA, UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and
Singapore. You may be also aware that there are thousands of PIO of Goan
origin in these six countries, who are waiting patiently to know the
official procedure for claiming their Indian citizenship as early as

I have every confidence that you and your team will do the needful, obtain
the correct information from the Central Government and post the procedure
on Goanet mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] and update your website.

I believe Goa should do as good as other Indian States, if not better.

If there is need to take this matter with the Chief Minister of Goa and MPs
in order to expedite this matter then do not hesitate to contact me please.

Looking forward for your early reply please

Kind regards and best wishes,

Cip Fernandes

RE: [GOANET] Place names...

2003-01-11 Thread C Fernandes

Kolngutey and Mhapshyanh

I cannot write Konkani either in 'Roman script' or 'Devnagri script'.
However, I have few Konknni writers in Roman script including Fr. Antonio
Pereira SJ who does not use Roman Alphabet 'y' in his Konknni books.
However, this can be clarified from ex-president of KBM bhaii Mr. Damodar
Mauzo mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

IMHO, the need of 21st Century for writing Konkani in Romi script is due to
internet communication (not that Devnagri cannot be used) like goanet. After
living away from Goa over a decade I am forgetting Konkani, the language of
our land Goa, perhaps due to my young age :-).

Some Goanetters may feel that the Konknni script issue is settled long back
in Goa, India politically and culturally. However, time has come for
overseas Goans, particularly at this time of dual citizenship for PIO not to
forget Konkani but to learn and promote it (perhaps we could include in our
New Year's resolution). And, in order to achieve this, the Romi Konknni
script is very important for overseas Goans both, now and in future.

I am neither raising this (Konknni script) issue again nor I am a
non-starter on script issue. The need of written communication in Konkani
over internet in Roman script is the need of the 21st century perhaps born
along with the offer of 'dual citizenship for PIO'.

BTW, I am longing to speak in Konkani as well as to eat the Goan spicy

Cip Fernandes

-Original Message-
Of Sunila Muzawar wrote on January 2003 07:53

Hi Fred,

Fred, I warn you that I have taken this issue up very seriously and you will
have to reckon with my indepth knowledge of konknii and Goa. :-) I am
inclined to insist that Calangute should be Kolngutey and not Congutti. The
l which in Konknii is a pretty deeply pronounced consonant and should be
probably written as ll...a double l is not pronounced properly by a
section of Goans. In fact they leave it out altogether. The same with
deull or temple. Many Goans (mostly the Christian and also the Hindi
speaking people from the rest of India) leave out the deep l and replace it
with a light l sound or even a d sound. So they say deudann instead of
deullann and so on.

Now the reason for the deep l not being pronounced is due to the Portuguese
influence or Hindi influence which does not have this phonetic. That does
not mean Konknii does not have it. It does and we should get it right.

As far as the others go, the Konknii pronouciation of what we now write as
Mapusa definitely has a more ha sound after the M and a nasal n sound at
the end. So I still vote for Mhapshyanhalthough I don't mind changing it
to fact maybe that is more correct. And although I agree
with the general spelling for Margao that you have given I still cannot
accept the O in it because the O is pronounced almost silently here and in
all probability should be written as Madganv.

And Goyan is better for Goa while Goen could also be considered. The whole
problem is some idiot who knew more Portuguese than English wrote out the
English spellings to names of places in Goa. That's why they wrote Panjim
where they expected the m to be silent. But that's not the way English would
pronounce it. And now we are left with a foreign sounding capital name which
no real Goan ever uses expect when he/she converses in English.

This is fun. It is also quite hilarious to see the various inputs to this

The problem is that the expat-imagine Goa is quite a different animal from
 what is the current ruling ideology in Goa itself.

I agree that Goa means different things to different people. And that's
okay. But that is also why many people of Goan origin no longer fit in Goa
when they return to Goa after being away for long, abroad.

E.g. we have a miniscule portion of the expats on this forum who have hardly
even gone to Goa more than a few times in the last twenty years, who happen
to think that they know it all. But talking down is a habit many people
cultivate when they live a few years abroad and go back east to try to
impress on how much they have achieved. Unfortunately, they do let out that
they did not achieve even basic courtesy which true Goans have in plenty.
Talk to a true native Goan - the gaudo - and see the indepth strength of
character and quiet courtesy and respectfulness, not to mention the warmth
of heart that they have despite maybe a lack of high education and riches.
Somehow, when one goes abroad we mostly see the folks return as brash and
loud individuals who think they are God's gift to mankind. The truth is they
do not belong anywhere then, neither in the west where they will always be
regarded as hailing from India (or Pakistan for that matter) despite the
western nation citizenships or green cards which 

[GOANET] Alban Couto to be appointed advisor to Goa Govt

2003-01-04 Thread C Fernandes

Alban Couto to be appointed advisor to govt

PANJIM, JAN 3 — Retired IAS officer, Mr Alban Couto will soon be appointed
as the advisor to the Government of Goa.
The decision to this effect was taken by the Goa cabinet last month though
this was not announced during the post-cabinet briefing.
The nature of the work Mr Couto will handle, is yet to be decided, sources
said. The order formally appointing Mr Couto as the advisor will be issued
later this month.
Mr Couto meanwhile, has been relieved of the charge as one of the members of
the managing committee of Mapusa Urban Co-operative Bank. It may be recalled
that Mr Couto had tendered his resignation from the post last month to the
Chief Minister reportedly due to differences over managing the affairs of
the bank.

RE: [Goanet] Skepticism regarding the new miracle - More information

2002-10-08 Thread C Fernandes

What's On In Goa:
* Oct 11: Konkani translation of Satre book, Alliance Francaise
* Oct 12: Goa Orchestra performs at the Kala (Corelli, Bach)
* Oct 15: Magic in town... Illusion India magic show, Pnj then Vasco
* Mid-Oct: 2-day ornithologists workshop, Bondla

Scientific evidence may be required for science and for scientists. There is
no dispute on this matter whatsoever. However, there are many things in life
and in the universe that there could be NO scientific evidence or beyond the
capability of people dominated by scientific minded (individual or
collectively) to understand.

Perhaps, to understand a miracle one needs to go beyond scientific mind. One
thing is sure: a person who is dominated by his/her scientific mind is NOT
capable to understand what is going in this universe beyond his/her
scientific mind.

ps. I have tried various techniques on my mother, such as arm twisting,
choking, turning crosses upside down etc so that she sees the light.
Unfortunately I have not been very successful. Any other suggestions?

Here is a suggestion. You may try above mentioned techniques on yourself,
perhaps, there may be a Miracle!

-Original Message-
Marlon Menezes wrote on 08 October 2002 03:03
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Skepticism regarding the new miracle - More

I wonder if this miracles business is unique to the goan psyche. My mother
and some of her religious friends are firm believers in miracles. As a kid,
I remember them being thrilled after one of their patients who had cancer
was miraclously cured. Unfortunately for them, this person died a few months

Another relative of mine broke her ankle walking down a flight of stairs.
Numerous visits to the doctors never did get her foot fixed right. She then
went to this place called Pota (not too sure about the spelling) and
claimed that she was healed there. A few months later she fell again and the
injury was several times worse than before. Several years on, she still
walks with a limp. Hmm, I need to ask her why she never went back to Pota.

When a so called miracle happens, it is used as proof of the power of god,
prayers etc. When a miracle does not happen, it is attributed to god's ways
being mysterious and that what has happened is for the best.

Another thing with goan catholics - whats' their obsession with idols, oops,
I mean, statues? One finds these statues (as well as the standard picture of
mary and jesus) in almost every room of the house. When ever I go home, I
make it a point to turn around all the statues so that they face the wall so
that they can have some privacy as they relieve themselves.


ps. I have tried various techniques on my mother, such as arm twisting,
choking, turning crosses upside down etc so that she sees the light.
Unfortunately I have not been very successful. Any other suggestions?

-- Original Message --
From: Santosh Helekar [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2002 17:31:00 -


Those who wish to discuss this further, please find
someone else. There has been no new information. I am
not interested. Sorry.

Here is some new information. This is of course for people who are
interested in knowing the truth, and especially for those who base
their views on scientific evidence.




Times News Network [ Friday, October 04, 2002 12:10:18 AM]

SILIGURI: Doctors here are upset at reports about the alleged
miraculous cure by the 'heavenly touch' of Mother Teresa. Cardinals in
the Vatican this week accepted the 'miracle' performed by Mother
Teresa when she cured an 'incurable' Monica Besra (32).

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[Goanet] All I need is Love

2002-06-12 Thread C Fernandes

POP legend Paul McCartney wed former model Heather Mills at an Irish castle
on Tuesday in a sumptuous affair that included fireworks, feasting, friends
and celebrities.

Wedding bells pealed shortly after 5 p.m. (1600 GMT) signalling that the
ex-Beatle and his bride had tied the knot.

Intermittent rain was the only negative factor as celebrities and family
members gathered for the wedding in a lavish lakeside ceremony at 17th
century Castle Leslie in the Irish border county of Monaghan.

The wedding ceremony itself took place at St Salvator's church, within the
grounds of the 1,000-acre estate.

The band which has been touring with McCartney in the United States was due
to play and there were rumours McCartney and Mills might well take a boat
out on to the castle's private lake to view a mammoth fireworks display.

Women in Indian costume were seen heading to the castle grounds and were
expected to dance or serve a vegetarian feast, which would be accompanied by
crates of champagne and washed down with 150 kegs of Ireland's celebrated
black Guinness stout.

Among the celebrities was former Beatles drummer Ringo Starr, dressed in a
frilly white shirt and jeans, who flew into Belfast airport and was
chauffeured to the castle.

Chrissie Hynde of rock group the Pretenders, 1960s fashion icon Twiggy and
former Beatles manager Sir George Martin were also among the 300 guests as
were guitarist Eric Clapton and pop veteran Sir Elton John.

Despite the star-studded guest list, McCartney had stressed that the wedding
would be first and foremost a family occasion.

The sleepy village of Glaslough, where Castle Leslie is located, has never
seen anything like it, and activity had reached fever-pitch, with Ireland's
World Cup victory against Saudi Arabia adding to the excitement.

It's hectic -- good for business, though, said food van owner Brendan
McKenna, whose Big Macca burgers were selling for three euros ($2.84)

McCartney's spokesman Geoff Baker said it was possible that McCartney could
take to the stage himself. You never know. We've got Macca (McCartney),
Ringo and guests like Pink Floyd guitarist Dave Gilmour -- who knows what
could happen, he said.

The evening was due to culminate in a fireworks display, which a team of
experts flew in several days ago to set up. There were reports that the
couple would then be whisked away by helicopter to a secret location to
begin their honeymoon.


Thought for Today

I am convinced that my life belongs to the whole community;
 and as long as I live, it is my privilege to do for it whatever
I can,
 for the harder I work the more I live.

 George Bernard Shaw

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RE: [Goanet] From Goanet Admin

2002-06-09 Thread C Fernandes

-Original Message-
Of Lawrie D'souza wrote on 09 June 2002 To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Goanet] From Goanet Admin

Wonder if Goanet will continue for a longtime with such attitude against

Goanet is an Entity and not a person to have attitudes against Subscribers.
However, Goanet Administration Team changes from time to time, perhaps due
for a change.

Moreover, the current Goanet Admin Team is honest and very responsible team
having accountability towards the money what they collect from advertisement
and may be from other sources. In my opinion 'Goanet Admin Team' will not
hesitate to publish the account what they have collected and spent so far,
if any Goanetter is interested.

Cip Fernandes

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[Goanet] British boxer Lennox Lewis stuns Tyson for famous win

2002-06-09 Thread C Fernandes

Lewis had Tyson in trouble throughout the fight

Lennox Lewis recorded a superb victory over Mike Tyson to retain his world
heavyweight boxing crown in Memphis on Saturday. The British fighter won
their long-awaited title bout with a stoppage in round eight.

Lewis produced his best form to see off the former champion and in doing so
confirmed his status as one of the great modern heavyweights.

Lewis' mother Violet congratulates the champion

He finished the contest two minutes and 25 seconds into the eighth with a
withering right hook that put Tyson flat on his back.

Fears that the fight could descend into the kind of ugly scenes that have
dogged Tyson's career proved unfounded.

Instead the event provided a timely boost for a beleaguered sport, with the
boxers trading compliments after an enthralling and sporting contest.

The victory ranks as arguably the finest moment in Lewis' long career.
And it will go a long way to silencing his critics - particularly in the US,
where the 36-year-old has sometimes struggled for recognition.

This completed my legacy, Lewis proclaimed immediately after his win.

I wanted to prove I was the best boxer in the world, on the planet.

Nobody gets away from my jab.

Tyson could only manage occasional glimpses of the ferocious power that made
him a boxing legend in the late 1980s and early '90s.

Lewis was on top throughout the fight and, after being docked a point for
pushing Tyson to the canvas at the end of round four, he then twice floored
the challenger in the eighth.

First he landed with a left uppercut and, although Tyson survived the first
count, Lewis finished the job with a huge right.

Tyson, condemned in many quarters for his behaviour in and out of the ring,
was magnanimous in defeat.

I have love and respect for Lennox, Tyson said.

He's a magnificent fighter - and I'd love for him to give me another shot
(at the title).

Lewis paid tribute to Tyson's ability to withstand intense pressure for so

Some of those punches I hit him with on the right-hand side, he took them
like a man - I was shocked he was able to take them.

It was the first time the two boxers, who have dominated the division in
recent years, had met in the ring - but the fight nearly never happened.

Tyson had his boxing licence revoked by the Nevada State Commission after he
sparked a brawl at a news conference.

Memphis was later chosen as an alternative venue.

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[Goanet] BBC E-mail: Pakistan spurns joint patrol plan

2002-06-05 Thread C Fernandes

C Fernandes saw this story on BBC News Online and thought you should see it.


Pakistan spurns joint patrol plan

*Pakistan spurns joint patrol plan*

Pakistan rejects an offer to work with India on the Kashmir border
prompting an Indian response that it is not serious about peace.

BBC Daily E-mail
Choose the news and sport headlines you want - when you want them, all in one daily 

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[Goanet] Goa Assembly Election Result

2002-06-01 Thread C Fernandes

Election Result as show on



BJP- 16, Cong- 16, UGDP- 3, NCP- 1, MGP-2, Ind - 1

Madkaikar (MGP) wins Cumbarjua, Nirmala out
Rane (Cong) wins Poriem
Victoria (Cong) finally wins St Cruz by 40 in recount
Isidore (Cong) retains Poingunim
With 5 left, Parrikar says he is confident of forming Govt., but sitting
with fingers crossed, awaiting final results
Subhash (Cong) back from Shiroda
Vijay for Vijay (BJP) in Canacona, Bandekar out
Narvekar (Cong) back from Aldona, defeating Dy Sp.
Dr Amonkar (BJP) retains Pale
Mathany (UGDP) triumphs in Cortalim, Mauvin out
Kavlekar (Cong) defeats Velip (BJP) in Quepem
Dhawalikar (MGP) retains Marcaim
Dr Willy wins Saligao, NCP opens account
Zantye (Cong) comes back from Mayem, Phadte out
Recount in St Cruz as Victoria leads by 40, against BJP
Silveira (Cong) retains St. Andre
Agnelo (Cong) wins Calangute, defeats Parulekar (BJP)
Ramarao (BJP) retains Curchorem
Patnekar (BJP) wins Bicholim
Digambar (BJP) retains Margao
Arlekar (BJP) wins Vasco
Vishwas (BJP) retains Priol
Vasudev (BJP) wins Sanguem
Mandrekar (BJP) retains Siolim
Azgaonkar (BJP) retains Dhargalim
Joaquim Alemao (Cong) wins Cuncolim
Francis (BJP) retains Mapusa
Luizinho (Cong) retains Navelim
Tendulkar (BJP) retains Sanvordem
Jitendra Deshprabhu (Cong) retains Pernem
Babush (UGDP) wins in Taleigao, defeating Zuwarkar
Philip Neri (Ind) retains Velim
Damu (BJP) wins in Fatorda, defeating Cardoz (Cong)
Karl Vaz (Cong) wins in Mormugao, defeating Shaikh
Churchill (Cong) defeated, Micky (UGDP) wins
Ravi (Cong) retains Ponda, defeats Shripad (BJP)
Sadanand Shet (BJP) wins in Tivim
CM Parrikar (BJP)wins, defeating Cong
Parsekar (BJP) wins, Khalap (Cong) defeated - Mandrem
Alex Sequeira (Cong) retains Loutolim
Sardinha (Cong) retains Curtorim

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RE: [Goanet] ONE GOA

2002-05-31 Thread C Fernandes

Hi Aloysius,

I think that you are right.

I do not think that Goans do not need any more discussion group. Perhaps,
this type of discussion group starts for egoistic reasons. Also, cross
postings creates another type of problems.

I would appreciate if someone start some innovative ideas to share correct
information on Goa and Goan important matters which can help Goans.



-Original Message-
Of Aloysius D'Souza
Sent: 30 May 2002 13:49
Cc: The Goan Forum; Goanet
Subject: [Goanet] ONE GOA

Hi Peter,

We already have so many Goan discussion groups on the internet  --  do we
really need one more?

Aloysius D'Souza

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RE: [Goanet] Cip's Mother Teresa quote

2002-05-23 Thread C Fernandes


I believe that the below mentioned Mother Teresa's words are more than a
quote. She has practiced before she preached.

One of the writer on Mother Teresa said
Mother Teresa did not say or write any 'word' which she did not mean

I believe Mother Teresa manifested the universal LOVE with her open mind and
her open heart to all human beings, beyond the limits of a normal human

I wonder if Mother Teresa had any 'Scientific Methods' to achieve what she
has achieved during her life time?

Did Mother Teresa moved beyond her organised religion?

Who and what stop us to move beyond any organised religion, in which we are
born or chose by us?


Joel Almeida wrote on 22 May 2002 16:34
Subject: [Goanet] Cip's Mother Teresa quote

Cip Fernandes wrote:

If You PRAY, You will have FAITH,
And if You have FAITH, You will LOVE,
And if You LOVE, You will SERVE,
And if You SERVE, You will have PEACE.

-Mother Teresa

Thanks, Cip. I don't think I have read better practical advice for living.
Hopefully I can learn from such advice.

Off for a few days now (everyone bring out the feni and celebrate).

Joel Almeida

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2002-05-22 Thread C Fernandes

Why we should NOT think as 'Human Beings' rather than GOANS?

Cip Fernandes

-Original Message-
Of rene barreto
Sent: 22 May 2002 15:26
Subject: Re: [Goanet] MESSAGE TO ALL GOANS!

A message from William - I d like to share  - as we are on the subject of
RELIGION . and message to all Goans.

We should all think GOAN rather than RELIGION.

Lets not make GOA another Gujarat .we may if we are not too careful.


- Original Message -
From: William Robert Da Silva [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: rene barreto [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, May 18, 2002 6:47 AM
message - WORLD GOADAY 2002

Goa World Day 2002 comes after 9-11 and 10.7 two fundamentalisms
at war with each other. Goa World Day needs to focus on Goa and
what is happening to it--the various political, religious and cultural
forces that enrich it, exploit it and fragment it. This is the right
time to think over what shape is Goa of the future?
Thinking of Goa World Day is Think about Goa in 2002.


- Original Message -
From: Sunila Muzawar [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, May 19, 2002 3:14 AM

Subject: Re: [Goanet] MESSAGE TO ALL GOANS!

 For someone who is totally against organised religion, that is very
 ! ;-) In any case, if all in India gave up their religion, everyone would
 focus on real issues like the economy, education, infrastructure, health,
 sanitation, and development. Instead, with the current obsession with
 organised religion we dig ourselves into a pit.


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RE: [Goanet] Vedas, Antibiotics, etc

2002-05-21 Thread C Fernandes

I wonder if Sunila, James and Santosh ever PRAY?

If You PRAY, You will have FAITH,
And if You have FAITH, You will LOVE,
And if You LOVE, You will SERVE,
And if You SERVE, You will have PEACE.

  -Mother Teresa

The following are my views on FAITH, BELIEFS, SPIRITUALITY and SCIENTIFIC

Whatever we do in life, we SERVE people directly or indirectly.

We can SERVE people with science and technology with or without knowing
much about spirituality or humanity. In the technology and scientific world
we accept only approved scientific methods to measure, quantify, compare the
results of any process.

We can also SERVE people directly much better with combination of our
HEART, INTELLECT, MIND and SOUL with the help of modern SCIENCE and

Vedas (written in Sanskrit about 1500 B.C.) gives us this knowledge (of
HEART, INTELLECT, MIND, SOUL, etc) to KNOW and to SERVE fellow human beings,
other creatures and the Universe. English language has a limit to understand
Vedas (English version). Sanskrit is the spiritual language in which one can
understand Vedas perfectly. Whoever wants to gain this knowledge from the
Vedas can gain tremendous energy for the self-development and to SERVE the

Although Science and Technology is the key factor for the world economy,
however, it is a very small factor to SERVE humanity.

Sorry, I may not have any scientific methods to prove this statement but it
is my experience beyond any doubt.

Cip Fernandes

Sunila Muzawar wrote on  21 May 2002 09:39
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Vedas, Antibiotics, etc

From: santoshhelekar [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [Goanet] Vedas, Antibiotics, etc
Date: Tue, 21 May 2002 07:42:20 -

Romain Rolland got a Nobel prize in literature. He was not a
scientist. As far as I know, he said nothing about the Vedas and the
speed of light. He would not have been qualified to say anything
about the scientific validity of the Vedas. Please don't try to
confuse issues here.

By the way, he was a great supporter of scientific rationalism.

I read his name a long time ago in connection with something he said on the
Vedas. I will try and dig it up and if I do I will let you know. But you
know everything you have said about him reinforces my memory that it was him
only that I had read about in connection with the Vedas. After all science
and literature and the Vedas can be a heady combination. ;-)

 Let me ask you have you ever read the Vedas ? Do you know Sanskrit ?

No for both questions. Have you, and Do you? If you have and do,
Please enlighten us in English or Konkani. I am particularly
interested in the speed of light issue.

Actually I haven't read the Vedas and I don't know Sanskrit. But would love
to know more. If nothing else, it would give me an insight into Indian
history. But one of the reasons I asked is to show you how illogical your
approach is. Just because you haven't read it and don't know more about it
does not mean it does not exist. :-)

 Intuition, gut feeling, sixth sense and whatever else you may call
 it does exist but unfortunately science lacks in being able to prove
Are you sure? Have you read the current scientific literature on
these matters? I know there is a lot of published research that deals
with this. I would love to know whether your assertion is based on
the conclusions of this research, before I accept it.

I do read but am not a scientist or a psychologist. But recent findings on
proving mental telepathy and healing through sending distant mental
vibrations (includes prayer) is proving that thoughts or energy does travel
from one person to another over thousands of miles. I had read that The
California Pacific Medical Center is involved in this research and is
getting very encouraging findings. But why go so far ? Haven't you seen that
a patient responds better to treatment when he/she has the will to get
better and when they don't their health deteriorates dramatically despite
all the medicines and treatments ? Can medical science address that ?

 Similarly, there are some things which are beyond proof. They are
 simply there you cannot deny it.

How do you know this? I deny it, in the absence of evidence that your
statement is true.

Just because you don't know you deny it. That doesn't mean it does not
exist. A hundred years ago if someone was told that you could be heard
thousands of miles away they would have laughed. Yet, today the telephone is
a reality. If sound waves can be captured and transmitted why do you deny
that thoughts can also be electro-magnetic waves which can be transmitted,
accepted and responded to ? Just because science hasn't discovered it yet,
it does not mean it does not exist. It is a superficial and narrow vision
that says that if you haven't seen it or heard it or proven it in some
physical way, it does not