Re: [GOANET] Employment Goa Government style

2003-01-14 Thread hobcraft

Dear Mr. Gonsalves,

I congratulate you for copiling the below post  "EMPLOYMENT GOA GOVERNMENT
The current BJP government of Goa must put up this as the 'SALIENT FEATURES'
for attracting more applicants to join the BJP and thereby land the
government jobs instead of doing the door to door rounds to attain the same.


- Original Message -
From: godfrey gonsalves <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, January 14, 2003 8:47 PM
Subject: [GOANET] Employment Goa Government style

> Look at this interesting fact of year 2003.
> Those in government and allied services in the State
> will need to work just for 117 days of the 365 days in
> the year 2003.

[Goanet] Letter to Election Commission of India

2002-07-14 Thread hobcraft

Our Ref:  GSRP/EC/SCO/07/02
Dated: 12th. July, 2002.

Election Commission of India,
Nirvachan Sadan,
Ashoka Road,
New Delhi - 110 001.

Dear Sir,
Subject: Acknowledgement of  directives vide Supreme Court Order No.
3/ER/2002/JS-II/Vol-III dated; 28 th June, 2002.

Su-Raj Party,   while  acknowledging receipt of   your above mentioned
directive letter   dated 3rd. July, 2002 along with the leaflet detailing
the Supreme Court Order  and the relevant requirements for furnishing of
criminal antecedents, assets/liabilities and educational qualifications by
candidates contesting Parliamentary as well as state legislative assembly
elections, we heartily congratulate the Election Commission for implementing
the Honourable Supreme Court's Order,  despite unanimous opposition to it by
all  of India's political parties.

In its maiden assembly election contest,  Goa Su-Raj Party fielded eight
candidates who were required to furnish such details like criminal
antecedents, personal assets and educational qualifications in the
application form as well as in the "Agreement" as  prerequisites for
obtaining party tickets since these are the Party's constitutional
We at Goa Su-Raj Party believe that, left to the discretion of the political
parties, no laws will be enacted by our august 'People's Parliament' to
prevent criminalisation of national and state  politics which has reached
alarming proportions. Therefore,  the only saviours of our beloved nation is
the Honourable Supreme Court, the Election Commission   and the Central
Vigilance Commission. The professy that Sir. Winston Churchill made in the
open British Parliament in 1947 on the future 'governance' of this, then to
be,  newly independent nation,  seems to be coming true,  but must not be
allowed to consume the nation at all costs.

We are enclosing the copies of the " Application Form" and the "Agreement"
as mention above along with a copy of our Constitution, for your kind

With the highest appreciation and regards  for the sincere efforts of the
honourable Justices of the Supreme Court and for the 'WILL'  of the Election
Commission to implement the same, we remain,

Yours faithfully,
for Goa Su-Raj Party

(Floriano Lobo)

Encl: As above.
Copy: Honourable Justices of the Supreme Court of India, New Delhi.
Copy: Chief Electoral Officer, EC, Altinho, Panjim.

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Re: [Goanet] Genocide in Gujarat, From Prof. Hari Sharma

2002-07-14 Thread hobcraft

- Original Message -
From: George Pinto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I you ask me George, there are three main culprits that need to be put on
trial in an international criminal trial court of the type of Nuremberg to
bring to justice the criminals of this great planned genocide.

No. 1.  Narendra Modi, the Gujarat Chief Minister
No. 2.  Main accomplice: Deputy Prime Minister, Lal Krishna Advani.
No.3.   Accomplice by inaction:  Prime Minister Atal Behari Vajpayee.

India will be free from future genocides of this magnitude and potential if
these three are put behind bars for life.
And I for one will shed no tears.


Sent: Sunday, July 14, 2002 6:01 AM
Subject: [Goanet] Genocide in Gujarat, From Prof. Hari Sharma

> Dear friends:
> Appended below is the announcement of the Public Forum on the genocide
that took place in Gujarat.
> This is for your information, and support.
> Hari Sharma
> President, SANSAD
> President, INSAF
> Bring to Justice!
> The Perpetrators of the Crimes against Humanity in Gujarat, India.
> A Public Forum

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[Goanet] Fw: Commendable stand.

2002-07-13 Thread hobcraft

- Original Message -
From: hobcraft
Sent: Saturday, July 13, 2002 4:26 PM
Subject: Commendable stand.

There are two specific issues/happenings in the recent past which are very
dear to Goa and Goans and on which is based the Goa's identity and its well
being respectively.

The stand taken by Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar in both these instances
is commendable and can only foster the ground swell support from Goans from
all walks of life for these initiatives.

Inspite of the rift of discontent that he knew would be created within the
Marathi camp in Goa, Manohar Parrikar has made a bold stand in the context
of the almost forgotten  great Goan son of the soil 'Shenoi Goembab' There
is no language equalling one's mother tongue and without its patronage,
there cannot be 100 percent identity and integration of its peoples. Goa's
tongue has suffered enough of persecution  for ages, but has been resilient
in keeping itself alive  and well. It is only through the well meaning and
sincere patronage to one's own mother tongue, the kind shown by Bab Manohar
Parrikar by according the deserving tribute and recognition to 'SHENOI
GOEMBAB  that Goans  can mend fences and come together to fight the external
challenges that threaten every aspect of Goan survival.

Madei river water diversion to malaprabha basin  by Karnataka has been a
thorn in Goa's flesh for a long time. What is more hurting is the connivance
of the Karnataka government with the Central Water Commission in total
disregard for the well being of the neighbouring state of Goa. It must be
well understood that environmental and ecological degradation of Goa cannot
benefit Karnataka in the long run. The fight to put things into right
perspective gains significance when the government of the day leaves no
stones unturned to get at the root of this conspiracy to deprive Goa of its
livelyhood and balance. The full support for this fight and the initiative
taken by Manohar Parrikar in this regard is well appreciated. The
representation of Goa's all party meet with the Union Minister in New Delhi,
however, should have been expanded to all parties rather than only the
parties represented in the Goa legislative assembly. Nevertheless, it is
heartening that Goa is fighting as one united force for its survival. We
wish Goa well.

Floriano Lobo
Goa Su-Raj

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Fw: [Goanet] NEWS: Who's ready for cow's urine?

2002-07-11 Thread hobcraft

Subject: Re: [Goanet] NEWS: Who's ready for cow's urine?

> Dear Marlon,
> Considering that the VHP is targetting the Majority (hindus) to catapult
> fascist ideology as SUPREME, just as the Ex- BJP president Jana
> Khrisnamurthi has said only yesterday that "each one is supreme in its own
> sphere"  in context of the  'all party meet" to reject the Supreme Court's
> directives to EC., and just like the Muslim fanatics who, every now and
> then,  pass edicts on dress code of their women , we can expect the
> VHP/BJP/RSS/Bajrang Dal/Shiv Sena combine to make it compulsory for the
> majority (hindus) to drink 'cow urine' instead of tea , coffee and milk.
> This will negate the efforts of poor sidelined Vajpayee ( who has been
> to revive the slumping indian economy growth by 6% thro' a pep talk to the
> industrialists) where the prices of tea, coffee, sugar and milk will slump
> and,  as many industries will down the shutters,  millions of bulls and
> cows redered unemployed. The  roaring bulls will eventually  swell the
> ranks of the fascists . It is sad to see every well meaning efforts by the
> Vajpayee camp  being frustrated by the fascists. In that case India will
> able to take over from Spain its National Sports of "Bull Fighting" which
> slowly dying there anyway. Somehow, somebody's loss is some other's gain.
But then,
> the fascists will  have to reckon with  Maneka Gandhi who would'nt want to
be cruel to no bulls.
> Floriano
> - Original Message -
> From: Marlon Menezes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; santoshhelekar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Thursday, July 11, 2002 1:42 AM
> Subject: Re: [Goanet] NEWS: Who's ready for cow's urine?
> > Unfortunately, getting a US patent is a bit of a joke. If one has

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[Goanet] Fw: LETTER : Director of Fisheries Mr. S.C. Verenkar Re: Implementation of Fisshing Ban, Fish net 'mesh-size' Rule.

2002-07-10 Thread hobcraft

- Original Message -
From: hobcraft
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ; Averthanus ; Goa Desc ; Other India Bookstore ;
Sent: Tuesday, July 09, 2002 7:39 PM
Subject: LETTER : Director of Fisheries Mr. S.C. Verenkar Re: Implementation
of Fisshing Ban, Fish net 'mesh-size' Rule.

(The Good-Governance Party)
ZO: 2nd. Floor Karekar Building- Angod-Mapusa-403 507
Ph: 266111 / 266101

 Our Ref: GSRP/DF-1/07/02
Date: 9th. July, 2002.

Mr. S.C. Verenkar,
Director of Fisheries,
Panjim- GOA.


Sub: Failure to implement "Goa Fishing Rule" on Mesh -Size by the
Directorate of Fisheries. Ref: "Fisheries Department fails to crack whip on
use of mesh size" Herald dt. 05/07/2002.

The Herald, as referred to above, has reported your comments stating that
the Goa Fisheries Rules on mesh size are 'impracticable' and 'not advisable'
. (xerox copy of the paper cutting enclosed). If you own that statement
reported therein, then we would like to enlighten you that this rule on fish
net mesh size control is not new to Goa. This rule was very effectively
implemented by the erstwhile Portuguese regime. There is nothing indigenous
about this rule as this is  followed internationally to protect the juvenile
fish. Once upon a time, Goa enjoyed  abundance of fish in its seas as well
as in its estuaries and rivers. Today, because this important rule is bent,
if not totally abrogated due to the overpowering predominant influence of
the fishing lobby over the governments of the day and its bureaucracy,  for
their own vested interests, Goa's marine as well as the estuarine fish
resources are depleted and many species are either extinct or are on the
verge of extinction. Furthermore, your kind attention is drawn the very
disturbing comment that you have made in the above mentioned newspaper
report: Quote Tomorrow, the fisheries officials cannot just go and
confiscate the nets and thus bring the activity to a standstill" Unquote.
Such a  statement coming from a supposedly responsible person such as the
Director of Fisheries is, indeed,  in very bad taste and demands immediate
apology. This type of attitude adopted by the custodians of law promotes
lack of respect for the laws in the people who have to obey them.

Secondly, taken the issue of government's current ban imposed on mechanized
fishing, effective from 1st. June to 15th. August, 2002, your office has
issued directives to all concerned fishermen to observe the ban in toto.
According to the reports reaching our office, we believe that some
politically well placed fishermen's groups have planned to fish from 25th.
July, 2002 to  defy the ban,  to follow the example of last year. If this
happens, is your department ready to swing into action and not only arrest
the violators and impound their boats and trawlers but also suspend their
licenses for a period of 6 months or more? Or will you derelict your
official duties by shifting the blame elsewhere just as you have indicated
through your comments as mentioned above? If that happens, then it will be a
clear cut case of  ''Contempt of High Court",  and as such,  necessary
proceedings shall be filed against you and your department, seeking your
removal from office while holding you solely responsible for helping vested
interests to promote anarchy and get away with it.

We further remind you, sir, that your suggestions as reported in the above
mentioned newspaper report of making the fishermen aware of the need for the
control of mesh size through awareness workshops etcetera is fine as long as
it helps to forewarn  the would be offenders of this rule of their potential
arrests, heavy penalties and on the spot  suspension of their fishing
licenses. But to leave it to the discretion of the fishermen to follow the
rules  through such awareness programmes is highly presumptive and borders
on absurdity. This will be tantamount to kicking the law around and
conspiring to deprive the people of Goa their staple food from their plates.
Please be  assured that your inaction to implement, in totality,  the
fishing ban upto 15th. August, 2002 as provided by the law,   as well as
your inaction to  implement, in the strictest possible manner, the mesh-size
rule for the fishing nets, will be taken as blatant aberrations in
governance on the part of the government and specifically your department.
Therefore, you are hereby forewarned to expect massive people's agitation to
restore the rule of law in this land where all principles are seen to be
compromised for selfish personal int

[Goanet] Fw: Comments on All party meeting to reject the SC directives to EC.

2002-07-10 Thread hobcraft

NT. JULY 9, 2002
Front Page Box
Order on candidates' background stands: EC

   NEW DELHI,  July 8 (PTI): despite an all-party meeting rejecting it, the
Election Commission today said its order on seeking criminal antecedents of
candidates would stand and be enforced in the election to lone Rajya Sabha
seat in Maharashtra on July 25.
   "The affidavit is in position. The commission is only following a Supreme
Court directive," commission sources said. Prescribing the affidavit, the
commission had made it clear on June 20 that non-furnishing of full and
complete information by a candidate would be considered violative of the
court's directive.
   The last date for filing of nominations in the Rajya Sabha election is
July 15, the day the monsoon session of Parliament begins.
   The sources said the commission had turned down a request by the
government to seek a fresh directive from the apex court on the issue since
it was going to hold an all-party meeting to discuss the matter.

NT. EDITORIAL , July 10, 2002.
Without Any Checks

  IDEOLGICAL DISTINCTIONS WERE  blurred when it came to rejecting the
Election Commission's recommendation making it necessary for candidates
contesting an election to declare details of their assets and criminal
antecedents. In a rare show of unanimity the representatives of all parties
at an all-party meeting made it explicitly clear that they were not inclined
to abide by the Supreme Court order and the directives of the Election
Commission. The leaders, who have been winning sympathy of the people by
shouting hoarse over the rise in corruption and criminalisation of politics,
ironically described the Supreme  Court's verdict and  EC's directive as
   It is really sad that someone like Mr. Arun Jaitley, who stands for
ethical politics, rejected the directives on the ground that criminal
offences can sometimes be political. Then there was the observation of the
Union Law Minister, Mr. Jana Krishnamurthy who in his eagerness to undo the
recommendations of the Election Commission put the politicians at par with
the Supreme Court. He observed: "The meeting appreciated the Supreme Court
judgment, but each of us is supreme in our respective spheres and as far as
enactment of laws go, Parliament is supreme." There is no doubt that
Parliament is supreme, but a common citizen has got the right to know what
the parliamentarians have done to curb this menace? Why has the malady been
infecting the bodypolitik? What is even worse is that the politicians
propose to support a legislation within a week to safeguard their narrow
   The deliberations leave no room for doubt that the politicians are not at
all interested in fighting corruption and criminalisation of politics. How
could the criminal antecedents, or for that matter, the information about
the candidate's assets, liabilities, educational qualifications be
politically misused? The criminals who enter politics or the politicians who
have criminal background use legislator's office to acquire immunity and
levers to pressurize the government machinery into not acting against them.
Do the politicians really treat the people of the country as naïve, ignorant
creatures? Whom do they want to fool? People who know everything but are
scared to open their mouth due to their criminal acts. It is really a matter
of shame for the political system and the politicians. It is indeed a matter
of great surprise that a person like Mr. Advani, who fought against
corruption and criminalisation of politics, could become a part of the
   A common citizen has the right to know why the political parties and the
leaders are scared of the Supreme Court verdict. The Leftist leaders echoed
the sentiments of their Rightist colleagues and Rightists quoted the
Leftists in their quest to stall the implementation of SC's directive. All
touted the view that the directive would pose serious obstructions and needs
to be amended. It is extreme form of hypocrisy that the politicians who have

been harping on the need to fight against the criminalisation, are now
shying away from it. Why, instead of appreciating the initiative of the
Supreme Court, are they asserting the element of their supremacy? The
government too has suddenly come to realize of the urgency to maintain
politician's supremacy. Mr. Krishnamurthy articulated the mood: "Politicians
are racing against time". One wonders how? What made him to come out with
such statement? Why the minister is in a hurry to bring a bill on it within
a week? One wonders why the government is not at al willing to allow the
Election Commission to implement the corrective measures? If the EC fails to
do justice, it can take corrective (actions) in future to rectify the wrong.
   It is really strange why there is reluctance to allow the EC to act.
Political leaders must realize that the Supreme Court came out with its
directive when Parliament and political leaders had raised their hands and

Fw: [Goanet] Parrikar: Under guise of secularism education is devoid of values

2002-07-08 Thread hobcraft

- Original Message -
From: hobcraft <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: ; Herald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, July 08, 2002 7:48 PM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Parrikar: Under guise of secularism education is
devoid of values

> - Original Message -
> From: ; Herald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Monday, July 08, 2002 9:19 AM
> Subject: [Goanet] Parrikar: Under guise of secularism education is devoid
> values
> >
> > The BJP-led coalition government promises to give a better governance in
> its
> > second term. Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar says a vision document for
> the
> > next ten years is in the offing and that development will be in a
> > manner. In an interview with Vijay de Souza, the chief minister dwelt on
> > issues like political stability, education, saffronisation and
> > accountability. Excerpts.
> Herald, 4 July, 2002
> Q. You have always been stressing on education- right from the days you
> been in the Opposition. What exactly is your vision of education in Goa- a
> sector where crores of rupees are spent by the government annually.
> A. We never stressed on quality. Always on quantity. I have started
> this.
> Comments:
> I have a suggestion to make to you, Mr. Manohar Parrikar. You will do
> if you drop the "I" syndrome.  A core politician like you, who is a
> technocrat by profession should leave the changing of 'education' in GOA,
> for the better,  to the eminent "educationists"and "academicians",  of
> whom GOA certainly has  no dearth. I can understand you suggesting changes
> in the technical education.  If ideologues of RSS like you interfere in
> education matters, it is bound to be saffronised. And no amount of denying
> this will help. On the contrary, as the education minister, it would be
> proper for you to organize brainstorming sessions by the academicians and
> educationist of GOA and let them come up with a "WHITE PAPER" on  Goa's
> futuristic education policy, the syllabi, the teaching techniques et al.
> Su-Raj Party will do that at the very first opportunity. Goa requires
> educated practical people rather than high funda crammers who stand like
> sore thumbs  in the highly competitive  practical field.
> As regards your stand on Goa's freedom struggle and its freedom fighters,
> governments and politicians, again,  should not interfere in the heroics.
> There are freedom fighters, who were, and are,  real and sincere . And
> are many others who are hypocrites and fakes. As an enterprising CM of Goa
> where you can help is to weed out the fakes and let the genuine ones seek
> their own levels to claim the glory for  their patriotism. This is an
> exercise for real GOANS.   A point to make here is that though freedom
> fighters  rid GOA  of the colonial rulers, they have achieved nothing
> than to hand it over to the hypocrites and free-booters,  when they
> themselves have been satisfied in receiving  commendations, year in and
> out,  and of course, their fat pensions. The real freedom fighters should
> ashamed to call themselves freedom fighters in Goa's context.  I know of
> who is and  who has been humiliated at your very hands in the recent past.
> And not many Goans and the 'real' freedom fighters are going to forget
> in a jiffy. That brings us back to "who should talk about freedom fighters
> and heroes and who should not"
> Floriano Lobo
> Goa Su-Raaj.

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[Goanet] Goa Suraj to hold special convention

2002-07-02 Thread hobcraft


(4th. AUGUST-2002 (SUNDAY)  3.00 TO 6.00  PM.  T.B. CUNHA HALL, PANJIM)

Having braved the competitive arena of Goa's electioneering in its maiden 
attemptby fielding 8 candidates (4 in South, 4 in North) where money and
muscle power prevailed as never before in the 2002 Goa Assembly Elections,
it was no wonder that all its candidates lost their deposits. However, for
Goa Su-Raaj Party, unlike other parties  whose candidates  lost their
deposits, main among them being the President of the Maharashtra Gomantak
Party (MGP), Mrs. Shashikala Kakodkar,  it was not a defeat but a victory,
not a humiliation, but a commendation, not a loss but a thousand wins. 

By braving the 2002 elections before its time (2004), the nascent GOA
SU-RAAJ PARTY has shown to the electorate of Goa and to the world at large
(expat Goans) that it means business seriously. It has proven to the Goans
that elections can be fought without excessive money and that muscle power
has no place in the educated Goan society at large. It is little wonder
that goliaths like Congress and BJP has won 16 and 17 SEATS
respectively. One must consider the amount of CRORES OF RUPEES of public
as well as blood money they have spent for winning those seats. If the
Election Commission had implemented its CODE OF CONDUCT seriously and
diligently to deprived them  the use of spending this money , or making
use of the official government machinery, the results would have been
quite different. As for  the UGDP, it has been victorious only in the case
of one seat, that of Mathany Saldanha. And the credit does not go  to  the
UGDP,  but,  to the years of sincere work and efforts of this man alone to
identify the sores in the successive government administrations and their
agendas.  The other two seats have come by on the sole  merits of the
candidates, having ONLY the clout of muscle and money at their
disposal. The verdict of the People of Goa as far as NCP is concerned is
obvious. People of Saligao have shown, time and again,  that they respect
Dr. Wilfred D'Souza for what he is and not the Party he belongs to. 

For Goa Su- Raaj Party, the real work has begun the day after the election
results 2002 are  declared. It vigorously sought to learn from its
candidates,  who sacrificed their leisure and that of their respective
families, their precious time and their hard earned money to prove that
they  believe in what  Goa Su-Raaj   stands for. We can hardly assume that
they expected to win in the race where the 'artful dodgers' were at
play. And Goa Su-Raaj is totally grateful to these brave 8 men for their
sacrifices to promote its cause. Not wanting the effect of their good work
in their respective constituencies to  ware out, they have been eager to
carry on the good work of spreading the good news to the Goans that clean
politics is not dead yet. Therefore, to oblige them and in keeping with
the Party's future programmes, the first CONVENTION OF THE PARTY  has been
organized to be  held  on 4th. August- 2002  at T. B. CUNHA  Hall, Panjim
at 3.00 p.m.
The Convention will be an 'OPEN'  Convention where not only the members
will attend but it will be open to all  who want Goa's politics of  ODC
(Opportunism, Defections and Corruption) to end and who wish to usher in
the politics of GOOD GOVERNANCE.  Personages who have contributed towards
exposing the corrupt regimes and their agendas as well as  the press, the
media free-lancers, NGOs, SIGs (Special Interest Groups) and anyone who
would want to witness the message  that Goa Su-Raaj wants to send  to Goa
& Goans  shall be our invited guests.

The programme at this Convention is to put into actual effect, (but on
the mock-up basis to elect the 'SHADOW CABINET') ,  the Party's unique
democratic and transparent procedure of electing the Leader of its
Legislative Wing, and the members of the  CABINET'  which is sealed at
un-amendable 5 (FIVE ONLY) under the Party's constitutional provision
(Article 34). The nominees/contestants in this case will be the EIGHT
(8) candidates who contested on Goa Su-Raaj Party's tickets and the
Independent candidate the Party supported in the Taleigao Constituency. 


(To be formally announced at the Convention)

1.. Eligible members from each WARD of each VILLAGE constituting the

2.   The respective 'WARD REPRESENTATIVES' will elect from amongst
themselves  the 'VILLAGE REPRESENTATIVE' in keeping with the
constitutional provision. 

1.. The 'VILLAGE REPRESENTATIVE' will elect from amongst themselves the

1.. The vacancies in the 'VILLAGE REPRESENTATIVES' following the above
election will be filled by appointing the 2nd. highest procurer of votes
in the election of 'WARD REPRESENTATIVES' 

1.. The vacancies in the 'WARD REPS' will be filled up by fresh
nominations. CRITE