Uma Bharti dreams of India at World Cup

>From Indo-Asian News Service

New Delhi, June 24 (IANS) It's a much, much longer shot than the one wily
Brazilian Ronaldinho kicked into the England goal defeating goalkeeper David
Seaman in Shizuoka Friday.

Can the Indian football XI -- which doesn't figure even among the top 100
world teams -- get a slot among the qualifying top 32?

Sports and Youth Affairs Minister Uma Bharti dreams of it. She says she is
dead serious about giving a big push to the Indian side so that it gets to
play in the grand event -- in future.

"Cricket is very popular in India and hockey is associated with national
pride. I keep football -- equally popular -- at number three," Bharti told
ESPN sports channel in an interview telecast Monday.

"We have, however, failed to do anything in international football (as) we
lack seriousness for football.

"But I am very serious about taking it (the Indian team) to the World Cup. I
personally want to encourage football. My ministry is trying its best."

No Asian country has ever won the coveted cup in its 72-year history.

South Korea would be the first Asian team to play in the semi-final when it
takes on Germany Tuesday. Brazil and Turkey play the other semi-final
Wednesday and the winners of the two matches will play the finals on Sunday.

In a two-part interview, the second of which would be telecast Tuesday,
Bharti said a large chunk of money has been allocated for
international-level Indian players and more would be spent on good coaching.

The government will give contracts to private parties to build
infrastructure like stadiums.

The minister said India would host the Afro-Asian Games in 2003.

"We have to organise big games to encourage our players," she said.

A sum of Rs.1 billion would be spent on the tournament to be attended by
about 94 countries.

Bharti ruled out reviving cricket ties with Pakistan, which New Delhi
snapped last year citing Islamabad's continued support to anti-India

"India will not play Pakistan in any bilateral cricket match until Pakistan
stops cross-border terrorism," she said.

"Cricket creates a lot of passion, a passion that people cannot control."

The minister, however, said India would not back out of any match against
Pakistan at the 2003 World Cup cricket in South Africa.

"That would not amount to reviving cricketing ties," she said.

She added that she had taught a "lesson" to the Indian cricket control
board, which had differed with her on this issue.

"Now we have a good understanding," she remarked.

Referring to the stranglehold of politicians on many sports management
organisations, Bharti said: "Nepotism has to end. The selection process must
be cleansed. I will try to make the federations more accountable."

She was all praise for Indian sporting talent.

"There's no dearth of talent in India," she remarked. "Athletes who win
bronze at the Olympics can win gold. We have failed to support them but all
that will change."

--Indo-Asian News Service

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