Re: [Goanet] Note to Cecil

2002-07-03 Thread Paddydes

In a message dated 07/01/2002 9:28:10 AM EST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 PS: I've stripped my signature below of my profession or to the job I
 do... hope that at least makes you happy. Is this a battle for the freedom
 of expression, or the freedom of Expressions? 

Dear Fred and All:

Frankly, I don't think you should assume such a defeatist attitude :( 

I am sure most Netters and the A-Team will support me here for your 
extraordinary contributions to Goanet.

It is sad that this matter has been overly protracted, and seems to be never 
ending!  It has brought out the ire of many who, like me, feel that freedom 
of expression is equated to an open general license for holding all Netters 

Even Eugene Correia, who once supported him, has posted the following:

 What you say and what you do are totally different things. Maybe it's
 your split personality. Maybe we have just have to tolerate your. Or best,
 ignore you. I chose the latter. Frankly, I'm tired of you.

And, in response, comes this diatribe:

In a message dated 07/02/2002 4:21:42 AM EST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Maybe I even have a 'multiple personality' syndrome. I have not commented
 on your 'personality'. You should not comment on mine. Comment on what I
 write. Your armchair psychoanalysis should be directed elsewhere. President
 Pandurang would be a good bet! 

It is common knowledge to all that Santosh Helekar has this assumed 
pseudonym, and this is tantamount to a personal slur against this gentleman :(

IMHO, the bounds of human decency have been exceeded and based upon Fred's 
request in the above referenced e-mail  I am also forwarding this to the 
A-Team for appropriate action.

I support Tariq's previous advice that it would be best for dissenters to set 
up their own goanet3 or whatever separate lists and let us maintain some 
decorum and dignity on Goanet. 

Viva Goanet:

Pat de Sousa
Maryland, USA

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[Goanet] Note to Cecil

2002-07-01 Thread Frederick Noronha

Cecil, You're taking this rivalry to ludicrous extents. By now it's very
clear that you will use any excuse to hit out at GoaNet (and GoaCom, which
hosts this mailing-list currently). 

By extension, anyone who is even remotely associated with GoaNet will
become fair-target. IMHO, you would have been a great humour writer, if
only you could keep your personal rivalries and dislikes away from
writing. It might have also helped if you had targetted someone really 
worthy of being targetted, instead of a humour-by-insinuation style meant
to take off on those you don't like.

You seem to be eager to get this forum caught up in all sorts of
irrelevant debates. Let's not waste our time and energies getting caught
up in all this typically-Goan infighting; can't we all concentrate our
energies onto something positive instead? Just imagine what a difference
that could have made

On the filters, the issue is very clear: filters are a machine-level check
to block the possibility of abusive postings from going through. This is a
standard procedure used in a number of un-moderated mailing
lists. Majordomo and a number of other mainstream software allow for
this as part of the package. The rule is -- use foul language, and your
post get blocked. Why should we make  it easier for anyone to find ways to
work-around the filters, and defeat their very purpose? 

Surely, this is not going to convince you; I don't plan to keep debating
endlessly FN

PS: I've stripped my signature below of my profession or to the job I
do... hope that at least makes you happy. Is this a battle for the freedom
of expression, or the freedom of Expressions? With this small note, I
request readers of GoaNet not to remain silent, but to let us know about
this. If we on the GoaNetAdmin team are wrong, let us know! But let's keep
all this intra-mailinglist and intra-website rivalry out of things

PPS: I don't have the time, energy or inclination to get caught in this
once-in-three-months fatricidal GoaNet-versus-GulfGoans,
GoaCom-versys-GoaWorld wars. I've had my say; you can say what you wish...
Frederick Noronha * Goa * India 832.409490 / 409783
Email [EMAIL PROTECTED] * Mobile +9822 122436 (Goa) * Saligao Goa India

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