Below are some official statements, facts and figures
that give a hint of what progress Goa has (or has not)
made while promising to promote IT in the state:


* To equip students with IT skills and to compete with
  recent trends of computerization in education, special
  courses, viz Computer Software Application (in secondary
  schools) and Computer Awareness Art (in higher secondary
  schools) have been introduced.

* Upto March 2001, computers have been provided to all
  higher secondary schools and 97 high schools. (Note: No
  numbers of computers given mentioned. -FN) A provision
  of Rs 70 million has been made during 2001-02 to cover all
  remaining schools and purchase off hardware and software
  is in progress.

* The Dept off IT has been created for evolving a "suitable
  IT programme" with the "basic philosophy to realize the
  dream of taking the benefits of ICT to the masses of Goa"
  and "aiming to create an e-citizen for all transactions and
  for all-purposes, towards making Goa the 'intelligent state'
  of the decade".

* Govt claims to have initiated the following infrastructure
  projects: hi-tech habitat, cyber-city/ICE city, IT resort.

* WAN: to involve all departments of the government with
  various district HQs and the state capital. The various
  blocks will be linked to district HQs and they, in turn, to
  the state HQ through a lattice network.

* This would enable the government "to compress geographically
  dispersed resources as though they were centralized". Govt can
  use databases, telecom networks, and standardized processing
  systems to get the benefits of scale and coordination, while
  maintaining the benefits of flexibility and service.

* INITIATIVES TOWARD E-GOVERNANCE: (i) To use IT in the process
  of governance and improve its response to its citizens (how will
  this be done if officials don't respond to e-mail? --FN)
  (ii) to have connectivity between all its officers (iii) to
  computerise process of governance so that citizens could file
  documents required by govt electronically (iv) to connect all
  depts and district HQ with video conferencing (and e-mail)
  with the CM's office to allow a channel of communication (v) to
  put in place a training programme to enable govt employees to
  use IT to enhance productivity.

* Other issues the Economic Survey talks about (mainly lofty
  principles, low on specific commitments) include e-citizenship,
  e-democracy, e-administration, e-security etc (see Page 82-84)

* Says the survey: "It is proposed to set up an International Institute
  of Information Technology and Management (IIITM). The IIITM would
  be modeled after the Indian Institute of Technology and would
  have its own campus, and have the character of a national institution"

* "The common-man in the state is largely unaware of the benefits and
  potential off IT in his day-to-day life. A massive awareness
  campaign is therefore required to be launched, to educate people
  about what IT can mean for improving their quality of life."

* "Incentives and support" being offered to IT:
  - Exemption from Sales Tax, Sales Tax on Capital Goods, Entry Tax
  - "In principle" decided to accord "maximum leverage in exemption,
    wherever possible".
  - NOC from Pollution Board, within environmental laws and regulations
  - Zonal regulations sought to be relaxed to permit IT software and
    IT-enabled commercial services in industrial and commercial
    zones, residential and mofussil areas located in exclusive buildings
  - Relaxation in FAR (floor-area ratio) being formulated for
    IT parks and hi-tech habitat to be established by government.
  - Concessions from Stamp Duty being formalised to attract investors
    for rebate on payment of stamp duty on sale deed or lease deed
    for premises to set up IT software and IT enabled services in
    IT Park, HiTech Habitat (set up by govt or govt-approved private
    parks) having minimum facilities like dedicated connectivity and
    adequate back(?) power.


   IT PROMOTION: (i) Dept with assistance of CII organised a
   seminar on IT enabled services (ii) Natl Conf on E-Governance
   was organised on Nov 8-9, 2001. (Just organising seminars? -FN)

   IT COUNCIL: Two meetings held in April and May 2001. (? Since?)

   INFRASTRUCTURE: (i) Dona Paula hitech habitat -- to be implemented as
   joint-venture between GoG and "other parties". Process of identifying
   the JV partner is in "an advanced stage (of) finalisation". (ii)
   Proposed to set up Cyber City/ICE City at Mandrem-Morjim Plateau.
   Preliminary work of land acquisition started and blueprint will be
   prepared. (ii) Proposed to create a unique infrastructure as IT Resort
   for high skilled IT professionals for "work-cum-leisure". Official
   statement says "details are being fine-tuned".

   E-GOVERNANCE: (i) Tenders floated for development of 10 departments
   based SRS prepared by APTS. (ii) ITG/CDAC started on SRS of next
   ten departments and system-study for four departments has been
   commenced (iii) Training to govt servants is taken up by the
   e-governance cell and around 3800 govt servants trained at various
   locations (iv) ITG has taken steps for computerisation of police
   dept. Expression of interest has been invited.


* Hi-tech habitat proposed at Dona Paula on govt land, extending
  over 70 acres. "Expected to create employment for about 10,000 people."
  Software Technology Park of India has shown interest to set up a
  high speed data communication in the hi-tech habitat, costing about
  Rs 4.75 crore.

* Cyber City: Proposed at Mandrem-Morjim Plateau on private land
  extending over 625 acres. Land costing about Rs 2.25 crore is under
  acquisition. Government would bear the cost of land and the joint
  venture partner would meet other fund requirements.

* IT Resort: Proposed at Mandrem-Harmal Plateau in Pernem taluka on
  government land, over 44 acres.

* E-governance: Proposed Wide Area Network connecting blocks to
  district HQ and state capital. Proposed to evolve integrated
  service centres to provide various types of services at one point.

* Int'l Institute of IT: Modelled after IIT, having own campus and
  character of a national institution.

* Quality IT training: Standard accreditation norms "would have to be
  set up".

* Smart Cards: "It is proposed to provide all-purpose smart cards to all
  citizens living in Goa and those visiting Goa." (!!!)

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