Re: [Goanet] One Goa - Konkani

2002-06-25 Thread Jorge/Livia de Abreu Noronha

fausto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on June 24:

> Hi Rene
> Many, including myself have limited knowledge about Konkani. In this
> I hope for some assistance as follows:
> 1. Geography of Konkani (regions where it is predominant and regions where
> it co-exists, like Mangalore)
> 2. Types of Konkani (the Hindu Konkanas of Mangalore, The Catholics of
> Mangalore and Goans speak different types of the language. Are there more?
> What is the list?
> 3. Age of the language (I understand it is one of the 5 Dravidan
> 4. List of those martyred for the sake of Konkani (in the State of Goa).
> Rene,
> I will try and give the information I have in this regard:-
> 1. The regions where Konkani is predominantly spoken today is Goa, it
> co-exists in Mangalore, Kerala, Kochin, Maharashtra and Karwar, Belgaum
> 2. All the regions speak Konkani differently, as with any other Indian
> Language e.g. the Marathi of Konkan and Punne is spoken differently.
> 3. The age I do not know exactly but it is as old as many other Indian
> languages. Konkani is an aryan language, inflexive and non-dravidian. It's
> written in five scripts Devanagri, Roman, Kanada, Malayalam & Urdu.
> 4. I cannot vouch for the martydom of the seven persons at the time of the
> Konkani agitation, but they are considered to be the martyrs. I can
> recollect only one name - Floriano Vaz.
> Fausto

Hello everybody,

Re 3. above, (a) Vaman Varde Valaukikar (Shennoy Goembab), whose 125th birth
anniversary was celebrated on the 23rd of this month and who is acknowledged
as the Father of Konkani Literature, in his investigations found out that
the birth of the Konkani language dates back at least 2,500 years as an
autonomous language, it being much older that Marathi; (b) As for the
scripts in which it is written, there are also Tulu and Gujarati - so, seven
in all, which I think is one of our language's richest features and
treasures, meriting its entry into the Guiness Book of Records.


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RE: [Goanet] ONE GOA

2002-05-31 Thread C Fernandes

Hi Aloysius,

I think that you are right.

I do not think that Goans do not need any more discussion group. Perhaps,
this type of discussion group starts for egoistic reasons. Also, cross
postings creates another type of problems.

I would appreciate if someone start some innovative ideas to share correct
information on Goa and Goan important matters which can help Goans.



-Original Message-
Of Aloysius D'Souza
Sent: 30 May 2002 13:49
Cc: The Goan Forum; Goanet
Subject: [Goanet] ONE GOA

Hi Peter,

We already have so many Goan discussion groups on the internet  --  do we
really need one more?

Aloysius D'Souza

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