In a message dated 11/16/02 5:43:41 AM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

     Lieber  William,

                            Read the Suras of the Koran, the Hadits and the life of Mohammed (Mutalib) and you will be happy you have been shown the light. Halleluja! I am a Catholic Agnostic who believes in no religion but follow the Catholic way of life. God is in the minds of those that created him and he is in the disbelief of the one who does not believe. He has the right to choose. Islam has sinister ideas of increasing its population and is hell bent on this goal. To achieve this goal:

       1. Muslim women are not allowed to marry Christians but many Muslims like Arafat, Suharto, Bababgida, Kashoggi, Kind Husein of Jordan, Imran Khan and many well known Muslims use their positions and wealth to increase their numbers. They marry liberal minded Christians but please name some Christians who have married Muslim women and converted to Christianity. For this I blame the Christian Church.

      2. They are permitted to marry 4 times as if God created 4 women to a single man.

      Nrevertheless Muslims are taught in madrassas to be fanatical. This malaise will not end.

     Edgar Martins       

Christians of USA who back war in Iraq, back also complete occupation of
by Israel. They are for the Jews. They 'hate' Muslims.

There is, however, this hook. They want Jews to possess the promised land
convert to 'Christianity' so that Jesus could return.

There is every reason. Jews do not believe Jesus is the messiah of their
God. Christians
believe he is and will come again. Muslims have put Jesus's coming to an end
announcing him as one of the prophets before Muhammad - a good one, great
born of virgin Miriam, but not the last one and will not come again. That is
it, and the end of it. It is Muhammad who received the last message of their
God (But all three say they have one and the only God, whose he is is
difficult to determine, because his missions are so contradictory: awaiting a
messiah (Jews), awaiting the return of the messiah, Jesus (Christians) and
awaiting only the last judgement by God (Muslims. Some like Shi'a await the coming
of their Mahdi), not by his Christian messiah.

These three between them create the greatest religious unrest in the whole
world. The
Hindu and, to some extent, some Buddhists have been there to raise the level
extent of unrest.

A strange scene for peace-preaching and loving religions. Their hearts are
not at
rest either in doctrine or in peace. For the rest, each one strives for the
largest share
of the world economic cake! (More mammon the better!).


Strange isn't it?

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