goanet-digest         Saturday, May 25 2002         Volume 01 : Number 4016

In this issue:

    [Goanet] Village Feast/School Celebrations in Toronto - Aldona - Monte Guirim -  
    [Goanet] 10QUESTIONS: 'Once elected, politicians don't show their face'

  See end of digest for information on subscribing/unsusbcribing.


Date: Sat, 25 May 2002 09:06:11 -0700
From: "John D'souza" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet] Village Feast/School Celebrations in Toronto - Aldona - Monte Guirim 
-  Siolim

 The Aldona Association - Ontario Canada
 Presents the 27th Annual Celebration Feast of  St. Thomas
 Date: Sunday, June 2nd, 2002
 Time: Mass - 11:30 a.m. SHARP
 Location: Christ The King Church
 3495 Confederation Parkway
 Mississauga, Ontario
 Followed by Entertainment / Fun / Dancing and much more.

 Ticket Contacts:
    Maureen Pereira - 905.793.9342
    Hazel Fernandes - 905.850.1635
    Marina Ribeiro - 905.270.0125
    Natalie Rodrigues - 905.793.5734
    Almir DaCunha - 416.748.9980
    Tina D’Cruz  - 416.562.8291
    Karl Pereira  - 905.793.9342
    ADULTS  @ $22.00  STUDENTS (13 - 18 yrs.)  @ $15.00
    SENIORS  @ $20.00  CHILDREN (4 - 12 yrs.)   @ $8.00
  (3 YRS. & UNDER  FREE)


 The Ex-Students Association - Toronto Chapter of St. Anthony's High
 Monte De Guirim, Goa is pleased to invite all alumni and  their
 friends and family to their eight annual gala lunch & dance to be held
 Sangeet Banquet hall, 181 Rexdale Boulevard, Etobicoke, Ontario. Feast
 in honour of St. Anthony will be celebrated at 11 AM and will be
followed by
 our traditional Goan festive celebrations. A live band ad DJ will be in

 attendance. Indian buffet lunch will be served accompanied by Sorpotel.

 Prizes and surprises galore.
 Please contact President of the Social Committee, Felix Colaco for
 details and tickets at (905)509 9294, (416)983 9694 and (416) 399 5074
 Please respond as soon as possible if you will be attending. Thank you.

Siolim Association of Toronto
Celebration of the Feast of Saint Anthony
Date: June 15, 2002
Mass @ 5.30 p.m. followed by dinner & dancing
Taj Banquet Hall
Phone: (416)742-9787
4611 Steeles Ave W, (Hwy 400/Steeles)
North York, ON M9L 1X2
For Ticket Information Contact:
Ben & Priscilla Pinto: 416 298 3895
Bruno & Melissa Lopes: 416 231 8751

Posted by JJD'S


Date: Sat, 25 May 2002 20:50:45 +0530 (IST)
From: Frederick Noronha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet] 10QUESTIONS: 'Once elected, politicians don't show their face'

'Once elected, politicians don't show their face'

Four decades back, John Eric Gomes was a young lieutenant on the warship INS
Cauvery that bombarded the Portuguese military vessel, 'Albuquerque'. Today,
he's got his guns trained on another target: double-speaking politicians who
divide the people and enrichen themselves.

A former Assistant Director of Naval Operations at Delhi, he was later also
in the Merchant Navy. He voices the growing impatience many feel with Goa's
selfish politicians, in a talk with Frederick Noronha:

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
FN: How do you see the current scene, pre-polls? Is there hope?
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------

There's absolute frustration. For the voter, the choice is between the devil
and the deep blue sea. Between proven corruption and the BJP, who's
definitely got the best people, but is communal. A party who's versions of
Hindutva even the Hindus won't accept. What happened in Gujarat is
absolutely disgusting.

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
FN: So what's the option?
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------

That's why we've brought in the smaller parties (to face citizens at a
meet-the-candidate programme, just over on Saturday in Porvorim).

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
FN: But one view is that the smaller parties would only fragment votes
and probably contribute to the wrong person winning.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------

Hence the frustration... It's also the fault of the people. Specially the
middle and upper-middleclass. Their attitude makes me sometimes wonder if
we're fit for democracy.

In a democracy, you have to take part. They only want to sit and criticise.
This evening itself, one person boldly said he was not going to vote, and
was critical like anything. I asked him just one question: What are you
doing about this? He had no answer because he was not doing anything except
criticise. Unless you get involved, how can you have a democracy?
Involvement means action. Not words, deeds.

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
FN: What's the focus of the Porvorim Citizens' Action Forum?
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------

What I mentioned is also happening in our own forum! Even this meeting (held
on Saturday evenin, to meet up with local candidates of the May 30 polls)
was not attended by fifty per cent of our members.

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
FN: Is there a palpable anger against the politician, would you say?
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------

Yes, there is a great (sense of anger). But politicians have got everything
sealed. They've got vote banks. They have a you-scratch-my-back and I'll
scratch yours attitude. They've been doing illegal work for each other. They
need each other. Perhaps the people get the government they deserve.

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
FN: What do ex-servicemen feel about the situation?
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------

I can't speak for ex-servicemen. But, basically, every citizen of Goa feels
the same. That is, other than the 'chamchas' of the politicians. They
however don't know what to do about it.

There's a great need for citizens groups from places like Porvorim, Panjim,
Taleigao, Pomburpa and elsewhere to get networked and become a force. So
that they can summon their elected representatives, and they will come (when

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
FN: That doesn't happen now...
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------

Once they're elected, nobody bothers. They just do what they want, and their
faces are not even seen in the constitutencies. My MLA, Asnodkar, is someone
who would not be recognised in many parts of Porvorim, except from
photographs in the paper.

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
FN: Is there some quick fix solution to make politicians improve?
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------

Politicians will not be more accountable, unless people take back the power
in their hands. We give politicians undue importance, treat them like gods.
Politicians then make use of the police, and keep people under their thumbs.
There is not much the people can do about it (immediately).

Politicians are supposed to legislate. But the whole time is spent in
bickerings, shouting, running down one another, and disgraceful behaviour in
the assembly. It's very frightening to see what type of people are
increasingly coming into politics.

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
FN: But parties agree that their partymen have not been convicted?
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------

Unfortunately, the Supreme Court's rulings will not be implemented in the
Goa polls. Even honest police don't know what to do. They say if they arrest
a 'goonda' today, tomorrow he could become a minister and fix them.

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
FN: What do you see as Porvorim's major problems?
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------

First it's water. We are getting a trickle once in two days. Mind you,
that's in the Defence Colony, you can imagine what is the state of the rest.
Electricity means constant fluctuations, spikes, low voltage, tube-lights
that don't come on. On the security front, throats are being slashed and
there are robberies. No convictions are taking place. Take the case of the
Menon family. People, specially the elderly, feel unsafe.

Look at these hoarding (shows photographs) marring the skyline. They're
illegal, and along the highway. Someone's making moeny off the hoarding.
Money rules the roost, then for whom are the laws?



Date: Sat, 25 May 2002 16:45:41 +0530

Dear Goanetters,

At 11:25 AM 5/23/02 -0600, goanet-digest V1 #4009 wrote:

>Please note the following categorical statement issued by the tax
>payer supported U.S. National Center for Infectious Diseases of the
>Centers For Disease Control and Prevention, one of World's most
>prestigious infectious diseases research institutions.
>Is There an Association Between Hepatitis B Vaccine and Serious Side
>There is no confirmed evidence that Hepatitis B vaccine causes:
>1. chronic illness
>2. multiple sclerosis
>3. Guillain-Barre syndrome
>4. transverse myelitis
>5. optic neuritis
>6. seizures
>7. sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)
>8. chronic fatigue syndrome
>9. rheumatoid arthritis
>10. autoimmune disorders"


But which brand of Hep B Vaccine are we talking about?  The one presently 
peddled in Goa?  The last one hawked by Lions Club International-Shanta 
Biotechnics?  Who has certified that these brands are safe?  Certainly not 
the Health Services of the Goa govt.  How do we know that Goa is not being 
made a dumping ground for expired/sub-standard drugs like so many other 

One has to live in Goa to experience the sub-standard drugs/equipment used 
by the Health Services in our hospitals/Health Centres and those sold 
across our pharmacy counters.  It is something of a nightmare for the 
informed citizen to get sick in Goa/India.  Between the average medical 
professional and the pharmaceutical industry, one is safest either 
completely healthy or just plain dead!

And then, out of nowhere and without being asked, come pharmaceutical 
companies and their club-agents take a sudden interest in our health and 
frighten us into buying their products.  "Use our Hep B Vaccine or else..." 
they scream.

One has to be quite frightened or very gullible to fall for that one...

Thankfully, some of the populace will not get taken in...and live to warn 
the rest ;-)

But keep the scientific debate alive.  It only shows why the *present type* 
of mass marketing/administering of any drug/vaccine is unethical and should 
not be foisted on a simple, trusting, unsuspecting group of people.

Educate people.  Give them the objective, scientific facts - no 
marketing/advertising hype.  Then let them make an *informed choice* to be 
vaccinated or not.  Or like other vaccines, make it routine at 
birth/infancy...*if* necessary.  If medically, scientifically 
necessary...not because some pharmaceutical company needs to push its product.

If we talk with a certain intensity, it is because we live in Goa's 
villages.  We live close to the quack-medical mercenary who has sold 
himself/herself to the pharmaceutical industry and its cold blooded profit 
god.  We have had the misfortune - common to so many local people - of 
falling into the hands of the government's health care system at Goa 
Medical College.

With our own eyes we have seen death slowly claim its victims under the 
callous gaze of medical staff because the was no oxygen cylinder available 
in the whole hospital.  One of us nearly died there...but thankfully made 
good our escape, before being discharged.  And have survived to tell the tale!

Don't think we need say more...


Information Is Power. Share It e-quitably.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Muriel & Mario. Saligao. Goa. 403511. India.
Tel:0832-278276. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Think gLoBaLLY - Link Locally.
Think Locally - elink gLoBaLLY


End of goanet-digest V1 #4016

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