[Goanet]Re: Goencho or Goenchem

2003-07-23 Thread Santosh Helekar
In a message dated 7/22/03 11:19:08 PM Central Daylight Time,

>Dear Snatosh,
>On this point I could not agree with you. If you are interested in
>the correct usage the prize should be called 'Goemcho inaam'. Prize
>is hardly the word a 71 year old in Goa would use ,except if speaking
>to an NRI or the good old afrikaander. If the word 'inaam' is not
>used the alternate term is the portuguese
>adaptation,'prem'(pronounced as in the English word 'pram').A prize
>is masculine  in Konkani...just like our Chimbelcho cheddo.

Dear Miguel:

I really appreciate this input from you and Joachim. I would have
loved to follow your suggestion and use a pure Konknni name for this
prize. I would choose "Fottingponna Ugodkeaar Haadpak ani Pois Korpak
Puroskar" above all else. But the original purpose in choosing
"Goenchem Prize" was two-fold. First, I wanted the name to reflect a
certain sense of simplicity, defiance and irreverence, considering the
nature of this prize. Second, I thought the word prize would be
better, compared to puroskar, inaam, bokxish or prem because: a)
non-Konkani speaking Goans are eligible to receive this prize, and b)
this word has already become part of the conversational Konknni
lexicon in Goa.

Regarding the gender of the word prize, I am sorry I have to disagree
with you on your contention that common Konknni usage refers to prize
exclusively as a masculine noun. The people I know and converse in
Konknni with in Goa as well as in the U.S. find nothing unusual with
the term Goenchem Prize. They insist that prize is feminine. Mind you,
these people are not Afrikaanders or second and third generation NRIs.
As a matter of fact, I phoned my 71 year old father in Chimbel to
check. I even checked with my mother, because after all Konknni is my
avoi bhaas. Of course, we could all be speaking wrong Konknni. But
there would be an awfully large contingent of people doing that.



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[Goanet]FEATURE: Goan story emerges strong on lifeboat...

2003-07-23 Thread Frederick Noronha (FN)
Goan story emerges strong on lifeboat of World War II-torpedoed Britannia

>From Frederick Noronha

PANAJI (Goa), July 23: It started off as an old puzzle. But for a journalist
in Goa, the six-decade old story about a colonial vessel sunk off the
African coast, open untold pages from history and stories of grit and
determination that people back home simply didn't have a clue about.

Melvyn Misquita (31), assistant chief of news bureau at the local newspaper
Herald, has been working on his family tree for nearly a decade (see

But two family members intrigued him -- adopted seven-year-old Luiza
Misquita who died by accidentally drowning in a well and his grand-uncle
Constantinho Mathias Luduvico, who died in a lifeboat close to the Brazil
coast after the British ship he was travelling was torpedoed by the Germans.

"The only information given to me at the time was that he was in the ship
S.S. Britannia, which sank in 1941," recalls Melvyn. In the Goan village of
Aldona, the local church records his death as sometime in March-April 1941.

Tapping the Internet, and slogging it out for the past four months, the
scribe tracked Australian web-pages that gave details of the little-
remembered ship, descendents of Goan survivors and those who perished, and
even an 83-year-old vice-admiral in Britain who knew the Goans on board.

The SS Britannia was sunk in "enemy action" -- read, German fire -- on March
25, 1941. Many took to lifeboats.  Later "Indian seamen" on board apparently
drank seater and "died in torment", says a rare article on the Net.

Other survivors from the village, Aldona, had since died. The Britannia had
sunk off the west African coast, but because of the winds, one lifeboat only
reached the shores of Brazil after a four-week grueling journey.

Slowly, the jig-saw fitted in place. Relatives in Aldona traced photographs
and documents linking them back to 1941. By some "eerie coincidence", as
Melvyn calls it, he started the search exactly on March 25 this year,
exactly 62 years after the Britannia sunk with its considerable Goan crew.

LINKS WITH MIGRATION: This story, while at one level of a few Goans on a
single ship, also links up with the generations-old story of Goans migrating
and scouring the globe for a livelihood.

Goa, under Portuguese rule since 1510, was one of the first regions in South
Asia to encounter the Western world. The poor state of the Portuguese-ruled
economy in the latter centuries of colonial rule, saw tens of thousands
migrating acorns the globe for jobs and a better life. In coastal central
Goa, there are few families, especially Catholics, who don't have some
history of global migration along the generations.
Says Melvyn: "This search has also -- probably for the first time -- focused
on the Goan seamen who served on the Britannia. Such Goan-oriented research
needs to be pursued, especially since so many Goan seamen died on many ships
during the two world wars. Their contribution to maritime history needs to
be recognised and it is never too late to do so."

Says Melvyn:  "My project is aimed at uncovering the experiences of some of
the Goan seamen before, during and after the Britannia episode. Their voices
have remained silent for over half a century. They need to be heard now."

VIA THE SUEZ: S.S.Britannia, the third ship with this name on Anchor Line,
was built by Alex, Stephen & Sons at Linthouse. Since 1926, she plied from
Glasgow to Bombay via the Suez Canal, till being sunk by the German commerce
raider H.K.Thor during what the Western world refers to as World War II in
1941. During the war, the Suez Canal was closed. 

On March 25, 1941, Britannia was carrying about 500 passengers, off Africa's
west coast, some 600 miles from Dakar in today's Senegal. The Thor, built in
1938, was a 9,200 tonner, with the appearance of a normal merchant ship. On
that successful voyage, she had been at sea for 322 days, sunk 11 merchant
ships and one armed merchant cruiser -- a total of 96,602 tonnes.

After being torpedoed some 600 miles from the West African coast, the
survivors decided to work on the prevailing winds and currents to reach
Brazil, some 1600 miles to the west, which they thought was a more
achievable goal.

But the lifeboats had holes in their planks, survivors were ailing and food
was in short supply. Rations comprised one egg-cupful of water, one biscuit
and a few drops of condensed milk each day.

Some storms helped the survivors to catch some rainwater. The number of
people surviving decreased. But many were covered with salt-water sores,
aggravated by the crowded conditions and the constant rolling of the boat.

Survivors recall that the lifeboat which reach Brazil was just 28 x 10 ft in
size, with two sails and a rudder. At points of their voyage, dolphins
following it. This vessel had a capacity to carry 56, but actually had as
many as 81 packed on its board. 

On landing in Brazil, one of the Goan sailors -- Louis Albino de Souza of

Re: [Goanet]NEWS: Four religions, one wedding...

2003-07-23 Thread Santosh Helekar
In a message dated 7/22/03 5:05:42 PM Central Daylight Time, 

>Said Prem Kwatra, Ajay's father: "I initially opposed the idea. But 
>when Ajay asked me whether as a physician, I discriminated while 
>treating patients because of their religion, I understood his point. 
>We believe in humanity."

Seems to me that it would be great if everybody adopted this 
attitude. Don't you think?

But what do I know? I am not one of those who have privileged 
knowledge of God. 



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[Goanet]Launch of my website- please review

2003-07-23 Thread Arup Bhanja
Hi All,

Sometime back I mentioned the launch of my website. It is now available
at http://arupbhanja.com and I invite you all to review it.

Please send me your suggestions and comments after signing up and making
a website of your own.

Look fwd to your thoughts.

Arup Bhanja

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Re: [Goanet]On line match making + rain.

2003-07-23 Thread Go-an' Connect

Most matrimonial services on the net have not been
very successful. The reasons are many: people
invariably lie about themselves, or else the service
primarily consists of boring static profile pages ..
or in the worst case, it attracts a lot of creeps.

When we designed Go-an' Connect, we decided to model
it to be more of an open social forum rather than a
pure matchmaking service. In real life, people meet
others through their friends - many of whom are
already married. Likewise, we feel one of the best
ways to get to know others on the net is through
others you know and trust or through your friend's
friends. As they say, the world is much smaller than
we think and there is only 6 degrees of separation
between most of us. 

On Go-an' Connect, you can create your own circle of
friends, through whom you can get to know others. One
can engage in discussions with others or be a silent
observer to other people's discussions. An important
part of the communications cycle is that one's
personal information is never revealed. This open
network has also contributed to its rapid growth -
over 250 members since its unveiling just over a month

Go-an' Connect is open to all - married or single.
However, if you want to have to good time, make sure
you bring along your friends with you. The service is



--- Gabe Menezes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> At last a chance for our Fred Noronha to try and
> make some cash out of his
> hobby?
> See article below.
> Rains and pains everywhere, see below.
> Online matchmaking a big business in Kerala
> http://www.rediff.com/money/2003/jul/22marriage.htm
> Rains a modern tragedy?
> Every year we face acute water shortage, yet we do
> nothing to conserve
> rain water, says Sunita Narain.
> http://www.rediff.com/money/2003/jul/22rain.htm
> cheers
> Gabe Menezes

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[Goanet-news]FEATURE: Goan story emerges strong on lifeboat...

2003-07-23 Thread Frederick Noronha (FN)
Goan story emerges strong on lifeboat of World War II-torpedoed Britannia

>From Frederick Noronha

PANAJI (Goa), July 23: It started off as an old puzzle. But for a journalist
in Goa, the six-decade old story about a colonial vessel sunk off the
African coast, open untold pages from history and stories of grit and
determination that people back home simply didn't have a clue about.

Melvyn Misquita (31), assistant chief of news bureau at the local newspaper
Herald, has been working on his family tree for nearly a decade (see

But two family members intrigued him -- adopted seven-year-old Luiza
Misquita who died by accidentally drowning in a well and his grand-uncle
Constantinho Mathias Luduvico, who died in a lifeboat close to the Brazil
coast after the British ship he was travelling was torpedoed by the Germans.

"The only information given to me at the time was that he was in the ship
S.S. Britannia, which sank in 1941," recalls Melvyn. In the Goan village of
Aldona, the local church records his death as sometime in March-April 1941.

Tapping the Internet, and slogging it out for the past four months, the
scribe tracked Australian web-pages that gave details of the little-
remembered ship, descendents of Goan survivors and those who perished, and
even an 83-year-old vice-admiral in Britain who knew the Goans on board.

The SS Britannia was sunk in "enemy action" -- read, German fire -- on March
25, 1941. Many took to lifeboats.  Later "Indian seamen" on board apparently
drank seater and "died in torment", says a rare article on the Net.

Other survivors from the village, Aldona, had since died. The Britannia had
sunk off the west African coast, but because of the winds, one lifeboat only
reached the shores of Brazil after a four-week grueling journey.

Slowly, the jig-saw fitted in place. Relatives in Aldona traced photographs
and documents linking them back to 1941. By some "eerie coincidence", as
Melvyn calls it, he started the search exactly on March 25 this year,
exactly 62 years after the Britannia sunk with its considerable Goan crew.

LINKS WITH MIGRATION: This story, while at one level of a few Goans on a
single ship, also links up with the generations-old story of Goans migrating
and scouring the globe for a livelihood.

Goa, under Portuguese rule since 1510, was one of the first regions in South
Asia to encounter the Western world. The poor state of the Portuguese-ruled
economy in the latter centuries of colonial rule, saw tens of thousands
migrating acorns the globe for jobs and a better life. In coastal central
Goa, there are few families, especially Catholics, who don't have some
history of global migration along the generations.
Says Melvyn: "This search has also -- probably for the first time -- focused
on the Goan seamen who served on the Britannia. Such Goan-oriented research
needs to be pursued, especially since so many Goan seamen died on many ships
during the two world wars. Their contribution to maritime history needs to
be recognised and it is never too late to do so."

Says Melvyn:  "My project is aimed at uncovering the experiences of some of
the Goan seamen before, during and after the Britannia episode. Their voices
have remained silent for over half a century. They need to be heard now."

VIA THE SUEZ: S.S.Britannia, the third ship with this name on Anchor Line,
was built by Alex, Stephen & Sons at Linthouse. Since 1926, she plied from
Glasgow to Bombay via the Suez Canal, till being sunk by the German commerce
raider H.K.Thor during what the Western world refers to as World War II in
1941. During the war, the Suez Canal was closed. 

On March 25, 1941, Britannia was carrying about 500 passengers, off Africa's
west coast, some 600 miles from Dakar in today's Senegal. The Thor, built in
1938, was a 9,200 tonner, with the appearance of a normal merchant ship. On
that successful voyage, she had been at sea for 322 days, sunk 11 merchant
ships and one armed merchant cruiser -- a total of 96,602 tonnes.

After being torpedoed some 600 miles from the West African coast, the
survivors decided to work on the prevailing winds and currents to reach
Brazil, some 1600 miles to the west, which they thought was a more
achievable goal.

But the lifeboats had holes in their planks, survivors were ailing and food
was in short supply. Rations comprised one egg-cupful of water, one biscuit
and a few drops of condensed milk each day.

Some storms helped the survivors to catch some rainwater. The number of
people surviving decreased. But many were covered with salt-water sores,
aggravated by the crowded conditions and the constant rolling of the boat.

Survivors recall that the lifeboat which reach Brazil was just 28 x 10 ft in
size, with two sails and a rudder. At points of their voyage, dolphins
following it. This vessel had a capacity to carry 56, but actually had as
many as 81 packed on its board. 

On landing in Brazil, one of the Goan sailors -- Louis Albino de Souza of

[Goanet]NEWS-INDIA: Supreme Court calls for common civil code

2003-07-23 Thread Frederick Noronha (FN)
Supreme Court calls for common civil code

>From Indo-Asian News Service

New Delhi, July 23 (IANS) The Supreme Court Wednesday called for "a common
civil code" in India while striking down a law that does not allow a
Christian to bequeath property for charitable purposes if he has close

A three-judge bench comprising Chief Justice V.N. Khare and judges S.B.
Sinha and A.R. Lakshmanan observed: "A common civil code will help the cause
of national integration by removing a contradiction based on ideology."

The bench made this observation while declaring as unconstitutional section
118 of the Indian Succession Act, according to which a Christian cannot
bequeath his property for religion and charitable purposes if he has close
relatives, including a nephew or niece.

This section also stipulated that a will for religious purposes has to be
executed within 12 months prior to the death of the person.

The bench held that the section was discriminatory as no such restriction
was imposed either on Hindus or Muslims. It observed that the provision
violated Article 14 of the constitution that grants the right to equality.

The bench regretted that even after 50 years of independence Article 44 of
the constitution, which calls for a uniform civil code, has not been given
effect to.

The bench was of the view that matters like marriage and succession could
not be brought within the ambit of Article 25 and 26 of the constitution
that provide the right to profess and preach a religion of one's choice.

The bench allowed a writ petition filed by a Christian priest, John
Vallamattom, a Roman Catholic, challenging the constitutional validity of
this section.

--Indo-Asian News Service

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[Goanet]PROFILE: Captain of a ship called Leela...

2003-07-23 Thread Frederick Noronha (FN)
S u n d a y   PEOPLE 

Hindustan Times Sunday Magazine May 25, 2003


Captain CP Krishnan Nair.
Even at 80, the owner of 
Leela hotels shows the
same kind of hardy spirit
that made him defy caste
norms in Kerala more than
seven decades ago...

By Poonam Saxena

AWARDS are nothing new for Captain C P Krishnan Nair, owner of the Leela
chain of hotels as well as India's premier garment export house, Leela Lace.
But the sprightly 80-year-old Malayali industrialist reacts to the latest
award -- the CNN Ultimate Service Award for the Leela Palace in Bangalore --
with the same childlike pleasure he probably showed as a student in
Cannanore Maharaja's high school back in the 'thirties.

Even then, he exhibited flashes of the hardy spirit that helped him get
where he is today. As a boy of seven he  rebelled against the strict caste
norms of the times.

"If we were walking through the paddy fields and a Namboodri man was coming
down the same way, we would have to move aside. And of course there was no
question of touching him," recalls Nair. But little Krishnan refused to fall
in line. "I said, 'Who wants to touch you anyway? You stink!' There was a
big hue and cry in the village at my attitude," remembers Nair.

The Chairman, as he is reverentially referred to by his staff, is on a
lightening visit to Delhi and we are stitting in his suite at the
Inter-Continental (there's no Leela hotel in Delhi yet, you see), in a
bright blue shirt-and-tie and grey suit.

Nair is full of stories and anecdotes about his life. The son of a humble
revenue collector's peon ("My father was at the lowest rung of the
Cannanore maharaja's bureaucracy") he was deeply influenced by Subhash
Chandra Bose in his growing years. "I attended the Tripura session of the
Congress," says Nair. "Bose was ill and I was priviledged to be one of those
who looked after him. He was my hero."

Nair says he learnt a few things from his "hero", one of which was to go
that extra mile in striving for excellence. "What is that extra mile?" asks
Nair rhetorically.  For him, it is an attempt to make his three hotels (in
Mumbai, Bangalore and Goa) exceptional. For instance, he recently introduced
a service called ButlerPlus, where butlers trained by former members of the
royal House of Windsor pamper guests at the Privilege Club of the Leela

The Bangalore Leela is modelled on the lines of the Mysore Palace. Some
years ago, Nair was sitting next to then chief minister of Karnataka, Ram
Krishna Hegde, during the Dusshera celebrations. "Hegde told me I should
make a place hotel in Bangalore," says Nair. And that's exactly what he did.

Beams Nair, "One of my guests stayed in our Bangalore hotel and said he
couldn't find a single fault even after two days of looking. I was so

His devotion to perfection is shared by his wife. When he started his Goa
hotel, she turned 75 acres of sandy seaside land into a veritable forest.
"Almost 100,000 lorry loads of black earth were brought to the site," says
Nair. "Plants don't take root in sand, so it was buttressed within two feet
of soil." In Mumbai too, Nair cleaned the slums around his hotel and greened
almost 125 acres.

In their Mumbai home, there is an 80-year-old banyan tree edging its way
right into the house. But both husband and wife refuse to cut it. Today, in
the automn of his life, Nair is lucky to have two devoted sons -- Vivek and
Dinesh -- who look after his empire.

His grandson is just 11, but his granddaughters are older. "One of them is
studying in Cambridge and wants to become a photographer," says Nair. "The
other hopes to become a journalist." With genes like these, it'll be tough
for them to go wrong. Even if they stay away from hotels. (ENDS)

PHOTO: Butlers, trained by former members of the Royal House of Windsor,
look after guests in the Leela Mumbai. Apparently, the President, APJ Abdul
Kalam wanted his own butlers to be trained at the Leela butler workshop.

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[Goanet]Let's Get Ready for World Goa Day Celebration

2003-07-23 Thread Bosco - Goanet Volunteer
On Mon, 21 Jul 2003 21:10:01 +0200, "Basilio Magno <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>" wrote:


by Basilio Magno (Spain)

Who has not heard of the World Goa Day?  This is the fourth year of its
celebration -precisely on the 20th of August 2003, when Goans the world over
will gather together in their own Comunities or Associations, like the G.O.A.
etc, and celebrate with some cultural activity or a gala dinner to mark this,
now what has become , the annual feature of Goan socio-political life.

If you should not have the good luck of having an organised community in the
area you live, you could celebrate it with your family members, making it a
special  day with sanna and sorpotel or a family picnic, remeinding yourself
that this day is held in commemoration of Konkani's entry in the 8th Schedule of
the Indian Constitution, sealing it nationally as the official language of the
State of Goa in the Indian Republic.

It is also a day to remind yourself that you have a language of your own
-Konkani, the Goan Identity, no matter what nationality you posses or what
languages you may know.  At least at home and in the Goan community you should
make use of it -speak in Konkani.  And if you have not done it before, let World
Goa Day 2003 be a day to resolve to speak it if hitherto you have shyed to do
so, and if you do not know to speak itmake a resolution to begin to learn
it.  Konkani is a richer language than many other languages. and older than
Marathi.  In any case, according to the great Konknai philologist Mgr. Sebastiao
 Rodolpho Dalgado:  "Konkani is not a dialect or corruption of Marathi."

So this is also a day to declare to the linguistic world that "Konkani is not a
dialect of Marthis, as some Marathiwalas falsely propagate.  Besides, it is a
day to focus on every aspect of Goan culture, traditions, folklore, arts,
cuisine, etc. and to reestablish cultural unity and solidarity among Konkani
speaking people in all parts of the world, no matter in what script it is
written.  It is every Goans socio-patriotic duty to contribute to make the day a
success, resounding it with its anthem: PROUD TO BE A GOAN.

Initiated by Rene Barreto in 2000 with a small beginning in London, Goa and two
or three countries, the World Goa Day has become a world wide celebration  like
the feast of St. Francis Xavier celebrated with great enthusiasm and pomp, with
the difference that it is centred around our Goan identity -the Konkani
language.  Those missing to get on its Band Wagon in their own communities will
only have themselves to blame. I urge everyone to join the community in the area
of your residence and make this a day to speak in Konkani, after my slogan
composed in 1982:

Konknni uloi, Konknni boroi,
Khoro Goemcho put mhunn dakoi.


Speak in Konkani, write in Konkani,
Tell the world it's the Goan identy.


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[Goanet]GOA:BSNL Enquiry numbers changed

2003-07-23 Thread Goa Desc
Documented by Goa Desc Documentation Service
& circulated by Goa Civic & Consumer Action Network
BSNL Enquiry numbers changed
The existing changed number enquiry service number 195
is being replaced with effect from tomorrow July 23.The
changed number enquiry service
in Hindi will be 1951,
in English will be 1952,
in Konkani 1953 and
in Marathi 1954.
The internet helpdesk number will be 1957
from tomorrow onwards.
HERALD 23/7/03
Documentation + Education + Solidarity
11 Liberty Apts., Feira Alta, Mapusa, Goa 403 507
Tel: 2252660 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  website: www.goadesc.org
Working On Issues Of Development & Democracy
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[Goanet]Velim sub-station fails to resolve power problems of consumers.

2003-07-23 Thread Goa Desc
Documented by Goa Desc Documentation Service
& circulated by Goa Civic & Consumer Action Network

Velim sub-station fails to resolve power problems

For one, Anthony Colaco, a resident of Velim, has stopped making
weekly purchases of perishable items. Instead, he prefers to procure
his requirements on a day-to-day basis, notwithstanding that he
owns a brand new refrigerator.
His friends from neighbouring Betul also grudgingly follow the same pattern.
And, the reason is simple: The residents of Velim coming under the
newly-commissioned Velim sub-station are not so sure of a continuous
and uninterrupted power supply. Adding to their woes  which has made
their life unbearable in recent times, is that it sometimes take the
electricity department nearly 24 hours to restore the supply.
Indeed, when other villages and towns get illuminated as night falls,
the same cannot be automatically guaranteed for the 5000-odd
power consumers in the villages of Velim and Betul and to some
extent Assolna.
Ironically, Velim had got a new sub-station only a year and half ago,
which did bring about improvement in the voltage. And, if the version
of the electricity department is any indication, the problem lies not
with the new sub-station, but with the conductors of the High Tension
line, coupled with gross shortage of staff.
Today, a strong wind is enough to snap the weak conductors. At some
places, the conductors have literally turned into powder due to oxidation.
To make matters worse, there is hardly any staff to attend to the problem
promptly.Says a senior electricity department official: "We are helpless.
Like elsewhere along Salcete's coastal belt, the ageing conductors
snaps even if a small branch comes down on it. The problem is further
compounded as long stretches of the conductors have turned into power".
To tide over the situation, the department has proposed to replace the
entire 20 km HTL, right from Betul to Assolna. "The department has
already prepared estimates for the replacement. The new conductors
itself will cost Rs 50 lakhs", an official added.
The proposed changes, however, are not expected to materialise in the
immediate future as the proposes to take up the work with funding from
the Power Grid Corporation.What has further compounded the problem
is the inadequate manpower at the disposal of the Velim sub-station.
Right now, the station is looked after by just two operators and a lone
driver, when the requirements are four operators and an equal number
of drivers. To make up for the shortfall, electricity staff from neighbouring
Cuncolim and Assolna are normally requisitioned for duties at Velim.
"This have a telling effect on the functioning of the sub station.
Delays in rectifying the snags is a direct result of manpower shortage",
an official admitted.
A fortnight ago, residents of Velim and Betul had represented to the local
MLA and Minister for Water Resources, Filipe Neri Rodrigues on the power
woes, but to no avail. Says the Minister: "The problem is so grave that the
entire line needs to be replaced. This will take time".
Last week, the issue figured prominently at the meeting of the Velim Civic
and Consumer Forum, which later decided to make representations to
the concerned authority.
HERALD 23/7/03 page 3
Documentation + Education + Solidarity
11 Liberty Apts., Feira Alta, Mapusa, Goa 403 507
Tel: 2252660 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  website: www.goadesc.org
Working On Issues Of Development & Democracy
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[Goanet]FRIDAY BALCAO to discuss environmental & health consequences of Dietsand Lifestyles.

2003-07-23 Thread Goa Desc
Welcome  to the FRIDAY BALCAO
Dear Cybergaokars on GoaNet,

Friday Balcao the fortnightly discussion event
to be held on 25th July will feature the topic,
'the Environmental & Health consequences
of our Diet and Lifestyle'.
The Balcao session will begin with a compelling video
documentary hosted by John Robbins, founder of
EarthSave, who reveals the far-reaching and dramatic
environmental and personal health consequences of
a diet centred on animal products.
The documentary presents a vision of hope for an
ethical and sustainable future where people can
make a difference to the well being of the planet
and to their own health by educating themselves
and choosing to move towards a more conscientious
and caring diet and lifestyle. The film will be followed
by an open discussion
Those citizens wanting to contribute to the discussion
at Friday Balcao are urged to attend the event while those who
cannot attend the event may send their views
and action plan suggestions by post to
FRIDAY BALCAO Post Box 78, Mapusa 403 507
or by email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The Friday Balcao will be from 4pm to 6pm
at the Goa Desc Resource Centre
No.11 Liberty Apartments Feira Alta,
Mapusa and is open to  members of the public.
Those citizens who would like to receive
the regular invitation to Friday Balcao and a one page synopsis
of the fortnightly session can subscribe for the same
by sending Rs.80/- to cover printing and mailing costs.
Interested citizens wanting more information
on Friday Balcao can phone on 2252660
best wishes,

Lillian D'Costa.

Documentation + Education + Solidarity
11 Liberty Apts., Feira Alta, Mapusa, Goa 403 507
Tel: 2252660 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  website: www.goadesc.org
Working On Issues Of Development & Democracy
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[Goanet]Re: Looking for....

2003-07-23 Thread Melba Remedios

This message was forwarded to me by a relative in India.

I am the person you are looking for - Rodrigues was my maiden name.  I
taught at Sharada Mandir, Miramar from 1971-1973 or thereabouts.  I have
been living in Canada since 1975.  Knew Lester Lobo and met him on one of my
trips back to Goa.  He was out in the Middle East somewhere - but we have
lost track again.  Rui Menezes -  remember him well.  Was in my class of
mischief makers - 6, 7, 8.  Glad to hear he has done well for himself.

Melba Remedios


Aloysius D'Souza wrote:

> Hi Melba,
> Are you the Melba Rodrigues  these folks are looking for?
> I have still not been able to e-mail Linda and Francisco.  Any luck from
> your end?
> Cheers
> Aloysius D'Souza
> - Original Message -
> From: Bernado Colaco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Monday, July 21, 2003 11:02 AM
> Subject: [Goanet]Looking for
> > I have been requested to look for the following
> > people:
> >
> > Rui Menezes - ex Sharada Mandir, Miramar, Chemical
> > Engineer from Agaçaim;
> >
> > Lester Lobo - ex Sharada Mandir, Miramar, Maths
> > teacher, ex East Africa;
> >
> > Melba Rodrigues - ex Sharada Mandir, Miramar, English
> > teacher, probably in the UK.
> >
> > Thanks
> >
> > Colaço

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[Goanet]IBM in hurry to move jobs to India to cut costs

2003-07-23 Thread rene barreto
IBM in hurry to move jobs to India to cut costs

- By Reuters

New York, July 22: Two senior officials at IBM , the world's largest
computer maker, said the company needs to speed its efforts to move
white-collar jobs to India and elsewhere overseas, reported The New York
Times. In a recording of a conference call given to The New York Times by a
labour union, top employee relations executives said IBM needed to make the
same moves its competitors made to save money by shifting service jobs away
from the United States.

The article cited Forrester Research as estimating 450,000 US computer
industry jobs could be transferred overseas in the next 12 years,
representing eight per cent of US computer jobs.

Executives worried on the March IBM conference call that broader
unionisation could arise as the trend strengthens, The Times said.

posted - RB 

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[Goanet]On Globalization!

2003-07-23 Thread James Almeida

Many of you in the US may be aware of the uptick in conversation regarding 
the (to borrow from that quintessential maverick, Ross Perot) "giant sucking 
sound" associated with the outsourcing of IT jobs overseas (read India, 
China, Russia).  Click for instance on the following link for a summary 


As one can imagine, this raises the heckles of various groups in the US, 
more so understandably the labor unions.  Now, such transitions are 
inevitable in the evolution of a nation's economy, as was seen in the case 
of the manufacturing sector (which today comprises less than 15% of the US 
economy).   Similar arguments were made when the migration of manufacturing 
jobs commenced in the 70s.  Attempting to prevent this process is a futile 
attempt, but then politicians are rarely known to think with their brains in 
matters pertaining to the economy.

Thus, attempts will be made to delay the inevitable, at a tremendous cost to 
the national economy (after all, being myopic is one of the hallmarks of 
most politicians).  For instance, under this broad rubric of Business 
Process Outsourcing (BPO) that has assumed centerstage in the 
political-economic discourse in the country is the case of  the 
call-centers.  For those of you who have visited India recently, you may 
have noticed that this has become big business over the past couple of years 
with many college students taking advantage of these opportunities (as you 
know, many of your direct marketing and service calls are made from such 
off-shore locations).  Such opportunities present an effective way for some 
students (okay, those in the metros) to defray the increasing costs of their 
education in India.  Nevertheless, states like New Jersey have sought to 
enact legislations to make it difficult for companies to engage in such 
outsourcing, never mind that tax payers in the state will have to bear the 
price of such foolish moves.

Vajpayee had it right when he modified the national slogan in India to Jai 
Jawan, Jai Kisan, and Jai Vigyan to reflect the increasingly knowledge-based 
global economy of the future.  States such a Goa can capitalize on such 
trends and concentrate on shaping a strong education system for the future.  
Catering to parochial interests such as making Konkani a mandatory language 
of instruction in schools would derail its attempts to close the distance 
from the more economically advanced neighbors.  After all, some of the 
characteristics that make Indian an attractive place today include the 
prevalence of English as a medium of communication, the existence of a 
variety of institutions (e.g. courts), and the emphasis on science in the 
curriculum.  Offering tax incentives to attract outside companies to 
relocate in the state is akin to a company engaging in a price war.  Such a 
strategy is effective only until the next player comes around and offers an 
even lower price!

Meanwhile, folks in the US should adopt a more proactive role in how the 
landscape out here unfolds.  At the minimum, corresponding with your elected 
representatives and voicing your views on these legislative matters is 
something that almost any one can do.   US politicians, for sure, are very 
sensitive and receptive to the needs/views of their constituents.  As a 
person once remarked to me recently: Indians are notorious for giving 
(donating money to campaigns), but not asking anything in return!

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[Goanet]Fw: [goans_tanzanite] Goan Women....

2003-07-23 Thread Prof. Mascarenhas

- Original Message -
From: "Prof. Mascarenhas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, July 23, 2003 6:38 PM
Subject: Re: [goans_tanzanite] Goan Women

> James:
>  Look at it this way  Juliet was only 13 years and a few months old
> . Her boy was about 15 years !  Juliet was so young she did not know
> many things . about life ..This is why she uttered:
> "Romeo, Romeo where are thou ?"  (My Italian is not good but it sounds
> !)
> Nevertheless thank you for informing all of us that you are 25.  You have
> confirmed that you are not a "mtoto" but an adult.  I got married at 25 to
> an exciting Goan girl ..
> James: I am sure that there is somebody for you who will soon say:
> James!, James! , Where are you ? (It should sound great in Konkoni )
> No more ragging . Kind regards.
> Adolfo
> Dar es Salaam.

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[Goanet]Fw: [Goanet-news]FEATURE: Goan story emerges strong on lifeboat...

2003-07-23 Thread Prof. Mascarenhas

- Original Message -
From: "Prof. Mascarenhas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, July 23, 2003 6:55 PM
Subject: Re: [Goanet-news]FEATURE: Goan story emerges strong on lifeboat...

> Fred:
> Absolutely remarkable !!! Melvyn Misquita (31), deserves a medal !
> I was excited for many many reasons:
> First my  grandmother on my maternal side came from Aldona (Lankkdam) but
> there is little of the maritime heritage !
> Second: In my early teens .. I kept all types of information on
> and what was their armaments, tonnage, battles etc . the Atlantic
> was exciting because the German Pocket Battleships slipped out and played
> havoc.  I heard about the S.S. Britannia, but did not realize that there
> were so many Goans !.
> Thirdly, My mother and the two of us, my brother  5 years and me a year
> younger sailed across in 1942.  That was the time when the Japanese were
> sinking ships as was the Emden ?
> At least one ship was sunk . it would have effected East African
> families.  It would be facinating to find out more !
> Fourth, I would like to to do a trace of Goans in Tanzania .. it would
> have so many dimensions.
> Thank you for keeping us posted
> Adolfo
> Dar es Salaam
> - Original Message -
> From: "Frederick Noronha (FN)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Wednesday, July 23, 2003 2:12 PM
> Subject: [Goanet-news]FEATURE: Goan story emerges strong on lifeboat...

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[Goanet]Goan writing in English and all that...

2003-07-23 Thread Gabe Menezes
My pet hate the use of the word comprises followed by of - Victorian and
correct English is
comprises fiction and non fiction.

The building comprises 4 bedrooms, a lounge ...

an acceptable variable would be comprises = consists of.

 Goan writing in English comprises of fiction and non-fiction, writings
 from the Goan diaspora (quite a bit) and within Goa itself, those

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Re: [Goanet]Interpretation of Indian Tricolour

2003-07-23 Thread Jorge/Livia de Abreu Noronha
There has lately been some correspondence on this list about the
interpretation of the Indian Tricolour. May I be permitted to say here that,
on the occasion of the independence of India (August 15, 1947), I wrote
verses in Poruguese to one of the Brazilian tunes which were then popular in
Goa. One of the stanzas was about the Tricolour and, for those who know the
Portuguese language, here it goes:

A cor do açafrão
Mostra abnegação,
O médio branco traz
Pureza e também paz,
O verde representa
Fé e imortalidade
E a roda encerra a prosperidade.

Needless to say, the authorities in Goa didn't like it a bit.

Cheers.  -  Jorge

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[Goanet]Re: Goan Orthodontists

2003-07-23 Thread Bosco - Goanet Volunteer
On Wed, 23 Jul 2003 04:24:21 EDT, "Lubino do Rego <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>" wrote:

I would imagine that the orthodontists in Goa train from the dame text books as
those that are used in the UK or America and hence experience, qualification and
past cases are going to be the best indicators.  One word of caution, there are
racial differences in the position of teeth and hence teeth would be moved
differentely for an african, malaysian, indian etc.  Do ask as to the final
positions that are hoped to be achieved.

Lubino do Rego

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2003-07-23 Thread Joel D'Souza
24 July 2003

ACTION AGAINST ERRING COPS: Police officials confirmed that the enquiry
report in the Taleigao parading case has been submitted and disciplinary
action will be taken against the erring officers shortly. (GT)

CENTRAL AID FOR CITY SEWERAGE: The city of Panjim will shortly receive
respite from overflowing sewerage chambers as the Central Ministry for
Environment and Forests has approved a Rs.14.2-crore project for upgradation
of sewerage systems for the capital city of Goa. (H)

Information Centre, which has a collection of over 1,30,000 books, besides a
large number of periodicals, is all set to become an information hub of the
State. The university librarian, Dr PV Konnur, talking to The Navhind Times,
mentioned a few of the library projects which are in the pipeline, such as
digitizing or rare books, making on-line library facility available to the
State colleges affiliated to the GU, bar coding of library books to
facilitate their easy lending to students and introducing University grants
Commission's e-journal subscription service, under the INFLIBNET or
Information Library Network programme. (NT)

RAUT, SHASHIKALA HOLD TALKS: Following the split and formation of the
Maharashtrawadi Gomantak Party (Nationalist), both the rival party factions
headed by Shashikala Kakodkar and Pandurang Raut yesterday showed signs of
reconciliation. (GT)

CHARGES AGAINST MAUVIN: The Special Court on Wednesday ordered that charges
be framed against former Power minister Mauvin Godinho, under the Prevention
of Corruption Act for possession of assets disproportionate to his known
source of income. (H)

GANG ROBBERY CASE: A platoon of policemen from the Goa Reserve Police was
dispatched to Pernem to police an area terrorized by a gang of dacoits in
Pernem. (GT)

ARRESTED FOR MOLESTATION: Janardhan Bhijaji Mavlingkar, a 45-year-old man
from Varkhand in Pernem, was arrested on Tuesday on charges of molesting a
14-year-old school girl. (H)

First Class has convicted one Prasad Soma, aged about 35 years and a native
of Kerala, for outraging the modesty of a girl and for house-breaking during
night time. (H)

ALTERNATIVE TO BJP, CONG: The Goa unit of Janata Dal (Secular) unanimously
passed a resolution urging all small groups of different political parties
to come together and form an alternative to the BJP and the Congress Party
in Goa. (GT)

PRIZED CATCH OF WHITE PRAWNS: A moderate catch of the much-sought after
"white prawns" has heralded the commencement of the unofficial fishing
season, even all the players connected with the fishing industry sounded
optimistic of a "good" harvest this year. The traditional fishermen along
the coast of Salcete and Mormugao are believed to have netted a few tones of
the white prawn in the last two days. (H)

PARKS TURNS INTO JUNKYARD: The municipal garden-cum-park, which was once
upon a time the pride of South Goa, has been turned into a junkyard by the
municipal authorities. Dustbins, concrete slabs or gutter covers, chopped
wood, freshly cut trees and rusted railings find their way inside the
garden-cum-park and remain there for months together. (GT)

REPAIR WORK ON UGUEM ROAD: The repair work of the approach roads to Uguem
bridge, which was inaugurated with much fanfare on Goa Statehood Day,
continued afresh on Saturday, as the approach roads continued to sink on
either side. (H)

Chathurthi, the storage and sale of fire crackers will come under close
scrutiny of the district authorities and law-enforcing agencies. An official
said Margao's congested and fire-prone New Market itself might be storing
tones of fire crackers for sale preceding the Ganesh Chathurthi, a popular
Goan festival. (H)

MINING POLLUTION AFFECTS KIDS: A survey by doctors in Curchorem revealed
that around 34 per cent of children of age between 3 and 5 are PPD positive
due to mining pollution. Digambar Naik, a teacher from Fatima High School,
Rivona, highlighted this fact and the various problems caused by mining at
Curchorem Railway yard and 'Deva Dongor' at Rivona while talking about
mining in Curchorem. (GT)

VELSAO SARPANCH VOTED OUT: The Sarpanch of Velsao-Pale, Wilson Vaz, was
ousted from office in a no-trust motion on Wednesday. The motion was carried
by 6-0 votes. (H)

LLB TOPPERS: Henreitta Newton and Shantadurga alias Sonal Prakash Naik of
Govind Ramnath Kare College of Law, Margao, stood first and third
respectively at the TYLLB examination held by the Goa University in April
2003. (GT)

BORKAR REMEMBERED: The Indian Languages Association of ST Xavier's College,
Mapusa, paid rich tributes to well-known writer BB Borkar on the occasion of
his 19th death anniversary recently. The student-members of the Association
presented selected poems of Bakibab Bork

Re: [Goanet]Velim sub-station fails to resolve power problems of consumers.

2003-07-23 Thread noel
The MLA's response is not acceptable, this has been going on for years.  At
the next election voters must make this an election issue.
Noel Almeida
- Original Message -
From: "Goa Desc" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, July 24, 2003 1:56 AM
Subject: [Goanet]Velim sub-station fails to resolve power problems of

> ---

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[Goanet]Goans of SanDiego ? ............we Goans are here there and everywhere !

2003-07-23 Thread rene barreto

WORLD GOA DAY in San Diego ? 

Calling  GOANS in the San Diego area ,  tony thelma>  
 and Iris Rosario [EMAIL PROTECTED] have agreed to help us put
a  *  WORLD GOA DAY  * 
event together ,  if you too live in that  area , please do write to Tony
and Telma , share  your thoughts with 
them and extend your helping hand 


rene barreto

- Original Message - 
From: Iris Rosario 
Sent: Tuesday, July 15, 2003 2:08 PM
Hi Rene, 
I will try to help with San Diego but let me tell you even though I am
and have all the time in the world I am totally computer ignorant So bring
it on
 Iris Rosario,

- Original Message -
From: "tonythelma" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "rene barreto" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, July 16, 2003 7:55 PM
> Have a get-together in San Diego and make sure we have "Cajel", "Sorpotel"
> and "Sannas". This is the Goan tradition and the best way to celebrate
YOUR  WORLD GOADAY. We will be glad to help you put this together.
 Viva GOA and all that good stuff that goes with it!
> Tony

-Original Message-
From: rene barreto [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Tuesday, July 15, 2003 11:27 PM

To: goanet




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[Goanet]RE: Good wishes for Viva Goa and World Goa Day Celebration

2003-07-23 Thread Gilbert Lawrence
To Goans of the Greater Toronto Area (GTA).
Felicitations and Good wishes!!!
For the Viva Goa Celebrations and
The World Goa Day (Weekend) festivity.
>From Emerican Goans and your neighbors south of the border.  
May you grow and multiply and make all Torontoans - "Goans for a day"
Dukrachem mass kobar kor with sorpatel, Vindaloo anim Feijovada.
Ani tea bair borem Cajel mar. Please finish the feni now sold in GTA. 
Fresh supplies will be shipped in August.=:))

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[Goanet]In Search of Gandhi and Godse

2003-07-23 Thread George Pinto
"In Search of Gandhi and Godse" by Harsh Mader is one of the articles from the INSAF 
bulletin at

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[Goanet]God, religion.......and now YODAism ??

2003-07-23 Thread Bosco D'Mello
In Yoda we trust?

We all laughed when the census told us over 20,000 Canadians picked 'Jedi' as
their religion

Last month, somewhere in Australia, the last holy text of a new global religion
began to be born. The final Star Wars movie, title as yet unknown, is now

For the casual moviegoer, this heralds the end of a six-movie space opera, and
the transformation of Anakin Skywalker (played by Canuck Hayden Christensen)
into Darth Vader. But for a few, the film will be a lot more: It'll be fresh
fuel for a new kind of faith.

Millions of Canadians under 30 grew up with a spiritual void, raised on no
religion or none taken very seriously. Look at the 2001 Census, published this
spring. The share of Canadians who reported "no religion" — a category claiming
less than 1 per cent of the public 30 years before — is now 16 per cent.

Of them, 40 per cent are under age 25.

Look at the surging popularity of atheism, vague spiritual creeds and also of
newer Christian denominations — the latter not fully explicable by reproduction
alone. People are dropping out of older churches, and adopting ones more of
their liking, at a rate never before seen in Canadian history.

Your faith is now less a matter of heritage, and more one of shopping. And if
the consumers can't find a new church, they'll make one themselves, or borrow
one from the Cineplex.

In the same census, famously, 20,000 Canadians listed their religion as "Jedi."

Matt Reeves is one of the faithful. For the 30-year-old southern Albertan's
belief system isn't about wearing a robe and talking to Muppets. It's about
embracing the strict moral sense and code of responsibility of a Jedi, even if
it's just in his job at the Medicine Hat Golf and Country Club.

"There are situations every day we have to handle, even if you're just mediating
disputes between friends. I strive to be like the Jedi at the golf course. I
take everything on."

If you found this interestingread the rest of this article @ the Toronto
Star website:


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[Goanet]For Angela the Witty One

2003-07-23 Thread Helga do Rosario Gomes
Hi Angela,
Welcome to Goanet for I haven't seen your postings before. Your little skit
seemed to have amused some of the readers - we need that occasional  bit of
jest or we would get buried in our polemics. I read it several times and to
my utter embarrassment I couldnt even force a chuckle out of myself. It was
highly annoying but after some self analysis I realized that I couldnt get
it probably because I  speak the same pidgin English (is that what it is?)
that  Perpetua, Mariquinha and Estrelina speak for I too was  educated in a
small village school in Verna and  my best friends Xaveriana and Philomena
spoke just so. Of course when things got tough we just switched to Konkani.
Oh well unlike many others I do not seem to have the grace to laugh at
myself so that may be the reason why I did not enjoy your hilarious skit.
Never mind - with your help maybe I can cultivate my funny bone.
 Before I digress any further the reason for this posting is not to lament
on my lack of humour but  to request not only more of these jocular postings
about Perpetua, Mariquinha, Estrelina, Chardos and Brahmins but also your
insights (and an insightful person you appear to be) about English in Goa.
As you might have read we are presently having a discussion about the
English language in Goa with some discussion about our accents, the teaching
of the language in school to kids whose parents speak English vis a vis
those whose parents do not and even about Goan writers writing in English.
So lets hear from you girl!
Looking forward!
- Original Message -
From: "angela" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, July 21, 2003 1:45 PM
Subject: [Goanet]Joke - Goan English

> First Goan Girl: What men! Not talking? Become big or what?
> Second Goan Girl: Why you told her that I told you about Perpet going to
> movie with Pilot?
> First Goan Girl: Told foo men? Ah that Concessao? But I told her not to
> tell annybody that you told me.

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[Goanet]Birthday on 24rd Jul 2003

2003-07-23 Thread Vincente Fernandes
Wishing you a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY on behalf of GoaNetters to

24-JulPatrick P. de Sousa   in  USA
24-JulBradley Raul Mascarenhas  in  Kuwait
NOTE: Please send your Birthday's details for those who haven't done so far 
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2003-07-23 Thread Joel D'Souza
24 July 2003

ACTION AGAINST ERRING COPS: Police officials confirmed that the enquiry
report in the Taleigao parading case has been submitted and disciplinary
action will be taken against the erring officers shortly. (GT)

CENTRAL AID FOR CITY SEWERAGE: The city of Panjim will shortly receive
respite from overflowing sewerage chambers as the Central Ministry for
Environment and Forests has approved a Rs.14.2-crore project for upgradation
of sewerage systems for the capital city of Goa. (H)

Information Centre, which has a collection of over 1,30,000 books, besides a
large number of periodicals, is all set to become an information hub of the
State. The university librarian, Dr PV Konnur, talking to The Navhind Times,
mentioned a few of the library projects which are in the pipeline, such as
digitizing or rare books, making on-line library facility available to the
State colleges affiliated to the GU, bar coding of library books to
facilitate their easy lending to students and introducing University grants
Commission's e-journal subscription service, under the INFLIBNET or
Information Library Network programme. (NT)

RAUT, SHASHIKALA HOLD TALKS: Following the split and formation of the
Maharashtrawadi Gomantak Party (Nationalist), both the rival party factions
headed by Shashikala Kakodkar and Pandurang Raut yesterday showed signs of
reconciliation. (GT)

CHARGES AGAINST MAUVIN: The Special Court on Wednesday ordered that charges
be framed against former Power minister Mauvin Godinho, under the Prevention
of Corruption Act for possession of assets disproportionate to his known
source of income. (H)

GANG ROBBERY CASE: A platoon of policemen from the Goa Reserve Police was
dispatched to Pernem to police an area terrorized by a gang of dacoits in
Pernem. (GT)

ARRESTED FOR MOLESTATION: Janardhan Bhijaji Mavlingkar, a 45-year-old man
from Varkhand in Pernem, was arrested on Tuesday on charges of molesting a
14-year-old school girl. (H)

First Class has convicted one Prasad Soma, aged about 35 years and a native
of Kerala, for outraging the modesty of a girl and for house-breaking during
night time. (H)

ALTERNATIVE TO BJP, CONG: The Goa unit of Janata Dal (Secular) unanimously
passed a resolution urging all small groups of different political parties
to come together and form an alternative to the BJP and the Congress Party
in Goa. (GT)

PRIZED CATCH OF WHITE PRAWNS: A moderate catch of the much-sought after
"white prawns" has heralded the commencement of the unofficial fishing
season, even all the players connected with the fishing industry sounded
optimistic of a "good" harvest this year. The traditional fishermen along
the coast of Salcete and Mormugao are believed to have netted a few tones of
the white prawn in the last two days. (H)

PARKS TURNS INTO JUNKYARD: The municipal garden-cum-park, which was once
upon a time the pride of South Goa, has been turned into a junkyard by the
municipal authorities. Dustbins, concrete slabs or gutter covers, chopped
wood, freshly cut trees and rusted railings find their way inside the
garden-cum-park and remain there for months together. (GT)

REPAIR WORK ON UGUEM ROAD: The repair work of the approach roads to Uguem
bridge, which was inaugurated with much fanfare on Goa Statehood Day,
continued afresh on Saturday, as the approach roads continued to sink on
either side. (H)

Chathurthi, the storage and sale of fire crackers will come under close
scrutiny of the district authorities and law-enforcing agencies. An official
said Margao's congested and fire-prone New Market itself might be storing
tones of fire crackers for sale preceding the Ganesh Chathurthi, a popular
Goan festival. (H)

MINING POLLUTION AFFECTS KIDS: A survey by doctors in Curchorem revealed
that around 34 per cent of children of age between 3 and 5 are PPD positive
due to mining pollution. Digambar Naik, a teacher from Fatima High School,
Rivona, highlighted this fact and the various problems caused by mining at
Curchorem Railway yard and 'Deva Dongor' at Rivona while talking about
mining in Curchorem. (GT)

VELSAO SARPANCH VOTED OUT: The Sarpanch of Velsao-Pale, Wilson Vaz, was
ousted from office in a no-trust motion on Wednesday. The motion was carried
by 6-0 votes. (H)

LLB TOPPERS: Henreitta Newton and Shantadurga alias Sonal Prakash Naik of
Govind Ramnath Kare College of Law, Margao, stood first and third
respectively at the TYLLB examination held by the Goa University in April
2003. (GT)

BORKAR REMEMBERED: The Indian Languages Association of ST Xavier's College,
Mapusa, paid rich tributes to well-known writer BB Borkar on the occasion of
his 19th death anniversary recently. The student-members of the Association
presented selected poems of Bakibab Bork