Re: [Goanet]Christianity's Similarities with Hinduism

2003-11-06 Thread Filomena Giese
There are definitely connections between India, the
Middle East and the West.
The Greek connection to both India and to Christianity
are strong.  Alexander the Great took back Indian
philosophers and saddhus to Greece.  Emperor Ashoka
was related to him through an aunt, I believe.   
Ashoka sent Buddhist missionaries to Palestine and
further west 200 years before Christ. 

--- Lawrie D'souza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Christianity's Similarities with Hinduism
> November 2, 2003, 4:29 am
> Stephen Knapp
> You may find it surprising that much of Christianity
> originated from India. Indeed, over the centuries,
> numerous historians and sages have pointed out that
> not only has Hinduism had a predominant influence on
> Christianity, but that many of the Christian rites
> could be directly borrowed from Hindu (Vedic) India.

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Re: [Goanet]Re: The saint business

2003-11-06 Thread Filomena Giese
Dear Ferros,
Do these Catholic websites have anything on Goan
saints or discussion forums about Goan saints?

--- ferros <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> Interesting points.  Goanet I feel should not be
> used for what can often be
> heated religious debate that is not very Christian.
> Perhaps people who have
> issues with Catholicism should use another forum to
> explore the teachings of
> the Catholic Church.
> A good website worth exploring, which I highly
> recommend is Catholic answers
> they have lots of factual information from Scripture
> and the history of
> Christianity on aspects such as saints, indulgences
> and purgatorty.
> try these websites:
> Happy surfing to all!
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Filomena Giese" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Sunday, November 02, 2003 9:55 PM
> Subject: Re: [Goanet]Re: The saint business
> > Dear Mervyn,
> > There are millions of Christians who believe, as
> you
> > seem to, that we can pray to God directly, without
> the
> > interventions of "saints", and especially without
> the
> > interventions of "saints" canonized by the
> Catholic
> > Church by putting simple, ordinary folk like you
> and
> > me through tortuous hoops of legislation and a
> huge
> > outlay of money - it has been calculated that by
> the
> > time a canonization takes place these days, we are
> > talking of more than a million U.S. dollars!
> > These Christians are called, very simply,
> > "Protestants."  Starting with Martin Luther, they
> > simplified life and saved a lot of money going to
> > support the grand lifestyle of Rome by knocking
> off
> > saints, and taught people to pray directly to God.
> > Also, the reason you have heard about the Ugandan
> > Martyrs and not about the Cuncolim Martyrs of 1583
> (I
> > think this is their date of martyrdom) is that the
> > former were canonized while the names of the
> latter,
> > the Goan Martyrs, were removed from the list of
> those
> > Beatified when Jesuits "Rudolf Aquaviva and
> > Companions" were beatified.  There's no way they
> can
> > reach the canonization stage and enter into the
> > Catholic Calendar of Saints.
> > Yes, we Goans had Martyrs too.  But unlike the
> Martyrs
> > of Uganda, Korea, China, Japan, Vietnam, the
> > Philippines, Mexico, etc. etc. they are not
> destined
> > to get the honors of the altar.
> > And, no amount of pleading by the Archbishops and
> > Bishops of India that Joseph Vaz be canonized for
> the
> > Jubilee as a symbol of faith and courage under
> > persecution needed for today's world got him a
> > canonization.
> > As Srinivasan so shrewdly pointed out, the saints
> that
> > Rome wants for India and Indians are still
> European.
> > It keep us us on our knees, praying for favors
> from
> > white folks.   Rome does not want it known that it
> was
> > Goan missionaries who built the Church up in India
> and
> > even other countries like Sri Lanka during the
> > difficult, early days, not only Europeans like
> Xavier.
> >  And we have plenty of devoted native clergy and
> other
> > "devoted laity" who are Oreos, brown on the
> outside
> > and white on the inside, who maintain this
> > indefensible position and won't work to change the
> > situation.   If they had their way, we would still
> be
> > teaching our children that the sun goes around the
> > earth as the Church and the Bible said and we'd be
> > sending Galileo to hell!
> > Filomena
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > --- Mervyn Lobo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Filomena Giese <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > Most people don't question miracles or the
> > > > requirements for official sainthood.  It
> doesn't
> > > > bother them that the process is unfair,
> > > > unscientific, or any of that. They see the
> > > > situation through the filter created by the
> > > > establishment.
> > >
> > >
> > > The question I have is, do we really need
> 'official'
> > > saints? What seems to be the problem here? Is
> God
> > > getting more prayers than s/he can handle? Does
> God
> > > need 'official' assistants to handle all the
> volume?
> > >
> > > And if that is the case, are the chances of
> getting
> > > my
> > > prayers heard better if I pray to a popular
> saint
> > > (who
> > > has to be well organised) or will the prayers be
> > > processed faster if they are to an obscure saint
> who
> > > does not have a large workload :-)
> > >
> > > Personally, I favour praying directly to God.
> > > However,
> > > those who need a good intermediary, let me let
> you
> > > onto a little secret. Try using the following
> > > (official) Ugandan's. I heard they have almost
> the
> > > same powers as other saints.
> > > 
> > > Uganda's Martyrs
> > > Martyr's Name  Birthplace  Clan  Religion 
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> > >


2003-11-06 Thread JoeGoaUk
State award to Alfy

(This also has the refernce to A Veronica's posting on
the subject).

1. Firstly, our people from Tiatr circle to blame for
not taking this up with the Goa Govt. all this time.
'Bikareak nosai bikareachi tech baxen tiatristak nosai
This is a well known fact about our tiatrists and is
going on for ages. e.g.
I remember about 30 years ago, there was Tiatr
'Sounsar Sudorlo' by M Boyer but soon after came
another 'Sounsar Sudorlo Punn Munis Sudronk Na' by
This was due to infighting amongst the tiatrist

2. Our Tomazin Cardoz, he being a tiatr lover (or
tiatrist himself)  should have taken this up but he
did not and proved himself as any other minister 'Aya
Ram Gaya Ram'.

3. Apart from our Goan organisation, Committees or
Sounsthas, we too are equally responsible.  We all go
to GOA at least once in two years.
Did any one of us taken this up individualy or
collectively? Did any one go to see Tomazin Cardoz or
any other tiatr/konkani loving minister in his Cabin
or residence ? if so, what did he say? 
If we had gone to see him, may be, things would have
been different. After all, they are ministers, always
busy doing nothing, they need reminders,
representations, gifts and bribes. 

Now, what is done is done, no use crying over spilt
milk. We all learn from mistakes.
Let's try  do something for those who are still living
- with or without the support of Tomazin or Parikar.



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Re: [Goanet]Re: Incredible thoughts

2003-11-06 Thread Filomena Giese
Would appreciate any other quotes - I am only going on
the Galileo Inquisition case.

--- Santosh Helekar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Joe Vaz wrote:
> >
> >Incredible thoughts, but even more incredible is
> the notion …. "that
> >the sun goes around the earth as the Church and the
> Bible said..."
> >
> I don't think Filomena's statement is incredible at
> all, especially
> for someone who believes in the literal truth of
> what is written in
> the Bible.
> >
> >Was this a part of the Bible at any time?
> >
> Yes. It has always been so. Briefly, the Bible
> states that the earth
> does not move and the sun rises and sets.
> One exact Bible quote is: "The world is firmly
> established, it will
> not be moved."
> Cheers,
> Santosh
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Re: [Goanet]Playing with FIRE

2003-11-06 Thread halur rasho
Another one Alphonso, They create Sati; jumping into
the FIRE after her
husbands death! But is it a practice still???

- Seb
Yes this is a common practice in India. In fact it is
a crime not to commit sati under the indian penal
code, and a widow can be sentenced to 10 years RI for
not doing so.

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[Goanet]Rs 4.8 crore to rejuvenate Goa’s coir industry

2003-11-06 Thread Goa Desc
Documented by Goa Desc Resource Centre Ph:2252660
Website: Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Press Clippings on the web:
Rs 4.8 crore to rejuvenate State's coir industry
There's some good news for the coir industry in Goa. The Coir Board,
Government of India, has prepared an action plan for the development
of this industry in the State.The Rs 4.8 crore plan is expected to give
a boost to the sagging coir industry in Goa. This will help create 1000 jobs
during the year 2003-04, the chairman of Coir Board, Mr C Chandran told
a press conference in the presence of the Director of Craftsmen Training,
Mr Surendra Desai.
Rejuvenating the coir business in Goa was among the decisions taken
at the 173rd meeting of the Coir Board chaired by the Union Minister
of State (with independent charge) for Agro and Rural Industries,
Mr Sangh Priya Gautam, held at Kesarval Retreat, today.
Goa's coir industry is in a primitive stage though the potential is very high.
There are only three fibre extraction units and the total production of these
units is estimated at 265 metric tonnes per annum which works out to only
5 per cent of the existing potential, according to Mr Chandran.
Under the action plan, the Coir Board will impart skill development training
to 500 women workers, strengthen the existing training centres, organise
demonstration of coir geo-textiles and pith composting, organise
entrepreneurship development programmes, exposure tour,
seminars/worshops, etc. He said the action plan will be implemented
jointly by the Coir Board and the State government.
The total area under coconut cultivation is 25000 hectares which works
out to 15 per cent of the total cultivable land. As the production of coconut
is estimated at 125.1 million nuts per annum, Mr Chandran said there is
a potential to produce 5000 metric tonnes of coir fibre per annum at
50 per cent of the available husk.
Mr Chandran said the Board approved a few major schemes like
enhancement of utilisation of coconut husk under Mahila Coir Yojna,
financial assistance to the flood affected units of Orissa, collaborative
research projects with Baba Atomic Research Centre (BARC) for use
of coir pith as a bio-absorbent for removal and recovery of uranium
from solutions at lower ph.
The Board also approved a scheme for enhancement of utilisation of the
coconut husk, 'Swarna Jaanthi Coir Cluster Vikas Yojana' for developing
model coir clusters all over India including one in Goa.
Mr Chandran said the coir industry is a traditional cottage industry
providing means of livelihood to half a million workers in the rural sector
belong to the weaker sections of the society. The industry uses 35 per
cent of the coconut available in the country.
He said expecting an increase of more than 13 per cent over the year
2002-03, the Central government have fixed a target of Rs 400 crore during
the 2003-04. The actual export during 2002-03 was Rs 352.70 crore as
compared to Rs 320.58 crore during 2001-02.
During the first six month period of the current financial year covering
April-September 2003, the export of coir and its products totalled 41903 mt
valued at Rs 184.39 crore.
Earlier in the meeting, Mr Gautam said utilisation of coconut husk for the
coir industry is only 35 percent at the national level, which has to been
enhanced to 50 percent. By the end of 10th plan period it will be possible
to generate new employment opportunities to one lakh workers in coir
sector, the minister added. In the meeting, the minister also promised to
consider various issues like increased sales tax on coir, and non-availability
of railway wagons faced by the industry.
HERALD 1/11/03 page 1
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[Goanet]SNIPPETS: Blackout in Goa... Cannes ride

2003-11-06 Thread Frederick Noronha (FN)
BLACKOUT in Maharashtra, Goa, Gujarat
Times of India, India
MUMBAI: Almost entire Maharashtra , except Mumbai and Vidarbha, and parts
of Gujarat and Goa , were hit by a major power breakdown that lasted up
to eight ...

CANNES in Goa can ride on religion
The Statesman, India
Nov. 4. — To ensure the much-criticised International Film Festival of
India moves to Goa next year, authorities are turning to religion, and
also, ships. ...

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[Goanet]INDIAN EXPRESS: A liberation from lies (Prabhakar Sinari)

2003-11-06 Thread Frederick Noronha (FN)

A liberation from lies (COURTESY: The Indian Express)
In a bid to rewrite history, the RSS appropriates credit for the liberation
of Goa. But its role in the state's freedom struggle was only marginal
A systematic campaign is underway to distort and rewrite the history of
Goa's freedom movement. The RSS is trying to take belated credit for a
struggle in which its role was, at best, marginal. This is being done with
the patronage of the BJP-led governments in Delhi and Panaji. This 'spin'
cannot go unchallenged.

The campaign began in 2001, with the Centre flouting rules to bring 115 RSS
men under the Swatantrata Sainik Samman Pension scheme. They were said to
have liberated Dadra and Nagar Haveli, when historical records show
underground groups from Goa and locals did so.

Yet Home Minister L.K. Advani and Petroleum Minister Ram Naik presided over
a function at Pune on December 10, 2001, where it was projected that the 115
RSS beneficiaries were the only liberators of Dadra and Nagar Haveli. The
fighters from Goa and Daman who captured larger Portuguese forces were

The honouring of these RSS workers contradicted the Indian government's
affidavit in the International Court of Justice, the Hague, that no 'Indian
nationals' were involved in the Dadra and Nagar Haveli operation and that it
was entirely an internal uprising against the Portuguese.

As a direct participant, I can say that Goans and Damanians, under the
banner of the United Front of Goans, Azad Gomantak Dal (AGD) and Goan
People's Party accomplished the mission.

Dadra was liberated on the night of July 21, 1954, by a group led by Francis
Mascarenhas, Waman Sardesai and 10 others (none from the RSS). Thereafter,
the process of liberating Nagar Haveli began, under the aegis of the Azad
Gomantak Dal. I was part of that team.

We attacked the police post and the taluka headquarter on the night of July
28. We had 10 RSS volunteers with us. The AGD had worked out a clear
understanding that the volunteers were participating as individuals and not
RSS members.

We captured Naroli, Pimparia Post and then Silvassa. We learnt the
administrator, Captain Virgilio Fidalgo and Lieutenant Falcao and Chefe
Pegao had moved to Khandvel, on the southern side of Nagar Haveli, with a
force of 150. While retreating to Khandvel, they were forced to halt at
Rakholi for the night of August 2, since the Damanganga river was in spate.
When the rains did not subside the next morning, they crossed all the same.

The Portuguese set up rearguard defences on the other bank, while we were
faced with the flooded Damanganga. I formed a unit of eight Goan volunteers
and two from Daman. Early on August 10, with the help of a local ferryman,
we crossed the furiously swirling waters, two at a time.

By noon we arrived at the outskirts of Khandvel. Though moving under cover
of bushes, we knew we were being monitored. So we were not surprised when a
hail of bullets greeted us. One group under the leadership of Prabhakar
Vaidya charged the enemy positions on the left flank. I headed for the
police post.

When I saw Sub-Chefe Pereira firing at us, I took cover. At the appropriate
moment, I pounced on him and snatched his stengun. He begged for his life. I
stuck the stengun in Pereira's back and got him to order his soldiers to lay
down their arms. It took us two hours to disarm around 80 members of the
Portuguese force. Most of them were drunk, demoralised and mortally afraid.

Sub-Chefe Pereira was holding up the rear, while his seniors led by Captain
Fidalgo, Lieutenant Falcao and Chefe Pegao were on the run, hoping to sneak
into Daman. When they learnt of Khandvel's fall, they preferred to surrender
to Indian authorities. Thus Dadra and Nagar Haveli were liberated.

There was not a single RSS volunteer with the United Front of Goans or the
Goan People's Party. It's only the AGD that used their services. The number
of such RSS volunteers would have been 40-45. Of these about 15, mostly from
Talegaon arrived at Silvassa on August 3, 1954, after its liberation. They
dragged out the priest of Silvassa church, disgracing the movement.

Morarji Desai, then chief minister of Bombay state, sent John Lobo, then
deputy commissioner of police, to Silvassa. On his report, most of the RSS
volunteers were removed from Nagar Haveli. Now it's Goa's turn to face the
RSS spin. It is learnt the Centre has decided to sanction the Samman Pension
4,000 persons from Maharashtra and another 6,000 from other states. The
logic: they had offered satyagraha in Goa, 1954-55.

The reality is these 10,000 people were never actually able to participate
in satyagraha in Goa. A few who could, like N.G. Gore and Shirubhau Limaye,
are already recipients of pensions. The bulk of the satyagrahis could not
even reach Goa's borders because of a Bombay government ban.

The Centre can at best give these people a special cert

[Goanet]It is about MAKING A DIFFERENCE !

2003-11-06 Thread rene barreto

WORLD GOA DAY  , is a world wide event with a difference ,
an event celebrated by the Global GOAN COMMUNITY  , this
is  what  it is all about.

It is about  MAKING A DIFFERENCE   by  Goans of all ages
from  across the WORLD , they  take action to change the
communities  in which they live  and work for the better.
It is a  beacon of light and inspiration which continues
throughout the year and for the rest of our lives.

This year's GOA DAY event has captured the imagination of
many Goans. The many postings  on the various Goan Internet
forums have stimulated  the understanding Goans  have of their
unique heritage.  The world-wide  organizing and coordinating
committees have helped us achieve results.

The theme of  "Giving back to Goa" is a good way to inspire
our Goan community to do more for Goa and Goans worldwide.

Now , that we have seen the last of the WGD celebrations for this year ,
the last of such  celebrations was held in Karachi -Pakistan ,  organised
by  Deborah Santamaria under  very difficult and stressful conditions.

The time has now come for me to acknowledge and thank those
who supported WORLD GOA DAY ...our  Goan Togetherness.
To those who may  not had the opportunity of supporting or
participating  in the past , I take this opportunity of inviting
them to do so for the future

Plans are  in motion for next years world Goa Day celebrations  ,
we will share them as we  progress . Goans of  Australia have
chalked in  their date for their WGD is ,   .17th of
August 2004 !  Other Organistions participations etc will
be posted  on the various  Goan Forums  from time to time .

 I am no  great orator nor a superb writer. My father often
 reminded me of Abbe Faria's famous words ..* Katore re baji *
Those words , have been an inspiration to me I am not too
concerned of the Grammatical errors , etc ., etc., * Katore re baji *
I say !  ...i JUST DO IT !

MESSAGES  , I was told should be kept SIMPLE , simple enough
for  grass root readers to understand  , pompous writings , speeches
etc only confuse their  readers and  listeners ,  is understood only by
2% of the public !

My postings will touch on  Goa Sudharop  our webiste sponsors ,
Constantino , the Young Goan from Portugal ,  an  upcoming Goan
who has been a great supporter and promoter of WORLD GOA DAY,
all the coordinators of the WGD 2003 and individual supporters too.

We have a GOANWORLD  electronic Album :
Linked , to keep us updated with happening in our
part of the GOANworld.

Related Link: WORLD GOA DAY
e-link : e-Photo Album news.

USA -Houston

rene barreto

In TRYING if I fail , I can say , I tried and failed.
I am sure YOU too can say the same !


 It's true.

* Community organisations  can achieve more than individuals *


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2003-11-06 Thread Lawrie D'souza
Sometimes We can feel Without Touching,
 ……Its called Emotions.

Sometimes We have To Touch To Feel,
   ……It’s called Desire.

Sometimes When We Touch We Never Feel.
   ……that is called Ignorance.

And Sometimes We Touch And W Retouch,
And The Feeling Is Different Everytime.

That’s What We Call Life….
The Rest Are Just Reflections…..

Above is not my composition but something I picked
from Pravsworld…

Lawrie / Kuwait


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Re: [Goanet]Playing with FIRE

2003-11-06 Thread Seb dc
Can somebody put some more light (not fire) on this !!!

The question now is who is right n who is wrong??? n also let the list



- Original Message -
From: halur rasho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, November 05, 2003 7:50 PM
Subject: Re: [Goanet]Playing with FIRE

Yes this is a common practice in India. In fact it is
a crime not to commit sati under the indian penal
code, and a widow can be sentenced to 10 years RI for
not doing so.

- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, November 05, 2003 3:57 PM
Subject: FW: [Goanet]Playing with FIRE

Hi Seby,

Performing 'Sati" has been abolished long time back by Raja Ram Mohan Roy if
I am not mistaken.  I don't think it is still existing.
But setting fire to daughter in laws nowadays for want of dowry and then
changing the whole scene as an accident, I can fully
agree with.

Even in their marriages "Muhurt" - the couple take rounds by keeping "agni"
fire in the middle while their Bhattji saying those mantras, which is a
common scene in a Hindi movie.  Is it "Agni Sakshi"?

Cypriano (Riyadh, KSA)

-Original Message-
From: Seb dc [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, November 05, 2003 9:10 AM
Subject: [Goanet]Playing with FIRE

Another one Alphonso, They create Sati; jumping into the FIRE after her
husbands death! But is it a practice still???

- Seb

>I was watching the closing ceremony of the just concluded Afro-Asian
>Games-2003 at Hydreabad, last weekend.
>And the conclusion I came to is 'India is the only country that plays with
>The closing function started with the Mashal Dance which had hundreds of
>young & old dancing at the stadium to a rhythmic beats. Some had fire in
>hands, some had it on their heads and some were blowing fire from mouths.
>Besides these games... India does play with fire.
>They burn wives for dowry.
>They burn brothers in the name of Religion.
>At the end of any cricket game -you'll see burning of Cards/plastic bottles
>in the stadiums.
>And then, (Sacred ?) fire for the final rituals of a dead body.
>Any more could be added by you (let the list grow) !!
>Besides the fire ...i.e. Pakistan, India indeed plays with fire!!
>- Alfonso Bond Braganza
>   Mapusa Goa.

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[Goanet-news]INDIAN EXPRESS: A liberation from lies (Prabhakar Sinari)

2003-11-06 Thread Frederick Noronha (FN)

A liberation from lies (COURTESY: The Indian Express)
In a bid to rewrite history, the RSS appropriates credit for the liberation
of Goa. But its role in the state's freedom struggle was only marginal
A systematic campaign is underway to distort and rewrite the history of
Goa's freedom movement. The RSS is trying to take belated credit for a
struggle in which its role was, at best, marginal. This is being done with
the patronage of the BJP-led governments in Delhi and Panaji. This 'spin'
cannot go unchallenged.

The campaign began in 2001, with the Centre flouting rules to bring 115 RSS
men under the Swatantrata Sainik Samman Pension scheme. They were said to
have liberated Dadra and Nagar Haveli, when historical records show
underground groups from Goa and locals did so.

Yet Home Minister L.K. Advani and Petroleum Minister Ram Naik presided over
a function at Pune on December 10, 2001, where it was projected that the 115
RSS beneficiaries were the only liberators of Dadra and Nagar Haveli. The
fighters from Goa and Daman who captured larger Portuguese forces were

The honouring of these RSS workers contradicted the Indian government's
affidavit in the International Court of Justice, the Hague, that no 'Indian
nationals' were involved in the Dadra and Nagar Haveli operation and that it
was entirely an internal uprising against the Portuguese.

As a direct participant, I can say that Goans and Damanians, under the
banner of the United Front of Goans, Azad Gomantak Dal (AGD) and Goan
People's Party accomplished the mission.

Dadra was liberated on the night of July 21, 1954, by a group led by Francis
Mascarenhas, Waman Sardesai and 10 others (none from the RSS). Thereafter,
the process of liberating Nagar Haveli began, under the aegis of the Azad
Gomantak Dal. I was part of that team.

We attacked the police post and the taluka headquarter on the night of July
28. We had 10 RSS volunteers with us. The AGD had worked out a clear
understanding that the volunteers were participating as individuals and not
RSS members.

We captured Naroli, Pimparia Post and then Silvassa. We learnt the
administrator, Captain Virgilio Fidalgo and Lieutenant Falcao and Chefe
Pegao had moved to Khandvel, on the southern side of Nagar Haveli, with a
force of 150. While retreating to Khandvel, they were forced to halt at
Rakholi for the night of August 2, since the Damanganga river was in spate.
When the rains did not subside the next morning, they crossed all the same.

The Portuguese set up rearguard defences on the other bank, while we were
faced with the flooded Damanganga. I formed a unit of eight Goan volunteers
and two from Daman. Early on August 10, with the help of a local ferryman,
we crossed the furiously swirling waters, two at a time.

By noon we arrived at the outskirts of Khandvel. Though moving under cover
of bushes, we knew we were being monitored. So we were not surprised when a
hail of bullets greeted us. One group under the leadership of Prabhakar
Vaidya charged the enemy positions on the left flank. I headed for the
police post.

When I saw Sub-Chefe Pereira firing at us, I took cover. At the appropriate
moment, I pounced on him and snatched his stengun. He begged for his life. I
stuck the stengun in Pereira's back and got him to order his soldiers to lay
down their arms. It took us two hours to disarm around 80 members of the
Portuguese force. Most of them were drunk, demoralised and mortally afraid.

Sub-Chefe Pereira was holding up the rear, while his seniors led by Captain
Fidalgo, Lieutenant Falcao and Chefe Pegao were on the run, hoping to sneak
into Daman. When they learnt of Khandvel's fall, they preferred to surrender
to Indian authorities. Thus Dadra and Nagar Haveli were liberated.

There was not a single RSS volunteer with the United Front of Goans or the
Goan People's Party. It's only the AGD that used their services. The number
of such RSS volunteers would have been 40-45. Of these about 15, mostly from
Talegaon arrived at Silvassa on August 3, 1954, after its liberation. They
dragged out the priest of Silvassa church, disgracing the movement.

Morarji Desai, then chief minister of Bombay state, sent John Lobo, then
deputy commissioner of police, to Silvassa. On his report, most of the RSS
volunteers were removed from Nagar Haveli. Now it's Goa's turn to face the
RSS spin. It is learnt the Centre has decided to sanction the Samman Pension
4,000 persons from Maharashtra and another 6,000 from other states. The
logic: they had offered satyagraha in Goa, 1954-55.

The reality is these 10,000 people were never actually able to participate
in satyagraha in Goa. A few who could, like N.G. Gore and Shirubhau Limaye,
are already recipients of pensions. The bulk of the satyagrahis could not
even reach Goa's borders because of a Bombay government ban.

The Centre can at best give these people a special cert

[Goanet]Who wrote this brilliant stuff?

2003-11-06 Thread Cecil Pinto
This joke below was forwarded to me by someone who does not know the 
original author.
Does anyone know who first penned this?

Have u come across these actual personal ads which appeared in one of the
Goan papers :
Worried about in-law meddling? I'm an orphan. Write. POB 74.

Damiao Bostiao Rostad, New Testament scholar, french beard, bushy eyebrows,
likes feni, bebinca ani kulleo. Seeks same in woman.
Desperately seeking...! Retired senior citizen desires female companion
70+ for keeping hoouse, me and the pigs! Under 30 is OK. POB 64
Carmelina Luiza Vallankani Fernandes,35,+ college graduate, seeks
successful Goan Prince Charming to get me out of my parents' house.
Nice Goan guy, 38. No skeletons. No baggage. No personality.
Female graduate student, studying snakes, exorcism of spirits, seeks mate.
No weirdos, please. POB 56
Staunch Goan feminist, wears minis, seeking male who will accept my
independence, although you probably will not. Oh, just forget it. POB 435
Professor Agusto Carm Constantinho Cabral, 41, with 18 years of teaching in
my behind. Looking for American-born woman who speaks English very good.
80-year-old Amelda Succorina D'Mello, no assets, seeks handsome, virile
Goan RC male, under 35. Object: matrimony. I can dream, can't I?
I am a sensitive Goan prince whom you can open your heart to. Share your
innermost thoughts and deepest secrets. Confide in me, I'll understand your
insecurities. No fatties, please.
Renato Joao Sabastiao Santimano Gomes, 34, very successful, smart,
independent, self-made. Looking for girl whose father will hire me. POB 53

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[Goanet]RE: Saint business

2003-11-06 Thread Teotonio R. de Souza
There is a popular Portuguese saying: «descer todos os santos ajudam»,
meaning : «to go down all saints give help», or rather,  one must rely on
one's own efforts to come up!  
 However, blasphemous the Marlon's style may be, he could be entitled to the
Portuguese kind of sainthood! As some others have suggested / affirmed /
accused, canonization is an "expensive" business. 
If "Rome" was located somewhere in the "third world", I doubt the procedure would 
remain the same! But it is also true that saints pay back the money spent on them. The 
sanctuaries anywhere in the world become centres of bristling trade and commerce. Many 
make their living out of them. Hence, Filomena Giese and others struggling for "our 
saints" are to be thanked by the petty shop-keepers / traders waiting in the wings.

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Re: [Goanet]Goa's next patron saint,& G.O.A. (U.K.).

2003-11-06 Thread Marlon Menezes
--- Gabe Menezes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> RESPONSE: I have seen your photograph and you look
> like two pieces of plank
> stuck together. A fatwa should be issued and you
> should be sorted out
> immediately. The G.O.A. (U.K.) are celebrating the
> feast of St. Francis
> Xavier in December - perhaps you should advise them
> according to your
> beliefs.
> On another matter, your take up for the G.O.A.
> (U.K.). that they have legal
> advice is all lies. I have asked the Goan
> Association U.K. to furnish me
> with a copy of the advice.
> They have not even had the courtesy to acknowledge
> my email letter. There is
> no legal advice, at least not in writing and one
> which will stand up to
> scrutiny.
Dear earthling Gabe,

As Goa's first expat saint based in the US, I do not
wish to get involved in your disputes with your local
association in the UK. I suggest you folks in the UK
get organized and choose your own saint to deal with
your petty issues. 

I do however hope you will ab-use your influence with
your Navelim association and put up a picture of me at
their annual feast on the 16th. Also as part of our
special agreement I expect you to keep your part of
the promise and send me pictures of your member's good
looking daughters. I know beauty does not naturally
come to you Navelkars, but well, miracles can happen!

Saint Marlon

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[Goanet]Reply to Francis de Verna

2003-11-06 Thread A. Veronica Fernandes
Reply to Francis de Verna

Francis de Verna you are still more shameless for writing something about 
which you have no proper knowledge.  Otherwise you justify your following 
statement you made in your reply.  Your reply is full of lies.  You are a 
liar of Hitlerian grade otherwise you will prove with concrete evidence that 
I am responsible for the disaster in  Novem Goem Funds.

“The Novem Goem Funds had gone in the wrong hands and crooks like Antonio 
Veronica Fernandes and his associates in the so-called KKK and NGP have 
dissolved a huge amount in lakhs and swindled it to their benefits.  The 
Novem Goem is dead, but some of the crooks like Antonio Veronica Fernandes 
have gone scott free who has betrayed the Goan audience and even called them 
'rostad' while he enjoyed himself and his croonies on free passes and 

Once again I say that those who are trying to kill the dramatic art in any 
innocent dramatist by trying to suppress him are not only shameless but 
“rostad” of first grade and those shameless tiatrists who support such 
destruction are double "rostad". Every right thinking person must raise 
his/her voice against the injustice created by some tin pot tiatrists in 
Kuwait. They are not to promote tiatro art which is very beautiful and 
initiated by great people of yesteryears but these tin pot tiatrists are all 
out to destroy the art of tiatro itself. Their dirty move has to be halted 
by all the right thinking persons and real lovers of Tiatro.

A. Veronica Fernandes,
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RE: [Goanet]The saint business (Filomena Giese)

2003-11-06 Thread Colaco-Dias, Paulo R
Hi Filomena, 

Being a catholic is firstly to have faith and to demonstrate it by your
own actions and thoughts. You have been extremely critical of the
Vatican which for me is a contradiction in the sense that if you are so
critical of the Vatican and the Catholic Church, why are you fighting so
much for the cause of our Blessed Jose Vaz? In my opinion and and in
many others' I have spoken to, Blessed Jose Vaz is already a Saint. And
I am sure there are so many other saints whose lives were never known
and will never be known but who have died in the service of others and
by the love of others, in tragic circumstances, many times as martyrs of
their own faith. Those are definitely saints, for sure! Even we are all
called to be saints. 

I have no justification for your allegations but, as a Catholic, my
faith is all I need to keep me going. I trust in the Vatican and in the
Catholic Church because my faith is strong.

Let me also tell you that the Vatican has got a Goan (born in
Borda-Margao) as a Nuntius Apostolicus. Archbishop Blasco Francisco
Collaco is currently the Apostolic Nuncio for South Africa, Namibia,
Lesotho and Swaziland, and also Apostolic Delegate for Botswana. For
those who do not know, an Apostolic Nuncio is an ambassador of the Pope
and officially represents the Vatican in the countries they work. 

Best regards, 
Paulo Colaco Dias.

-Original Message-
Of Filomena Giese
Sent: 05 November 2003 12:34
Subject: Re: [Goanet]The saint business (Filomena Giese)

Dear Evans,
Now you really sound like a Protestant!  Is there a
name for someone who is in-between being a Catholic
and a Protestant? That would describe a lot of
This Pope has completely stifled all discussion on the
topics you have outlined.  Catholics mostly are living
a different reality from what the conservative
teachings say.  I did go into the corridors of the
Vatican in the year 2000 (not just once, but 3
times!)to canvass for the Joseph Vaz canonization, and
went to services, the Papal audience etc. - my
overriding impression was that the place was run by 
white, male, mostly aged or aging clerics, and not one
woman in any position of power and decision-making
authority,that I could see anyway! 
It's definitely a bastion of white, aging male (dare I
say male menopausal) privilege!  They don't speak the
ordinary language of you and me
There's little hope of changing their agenda.  Why
worry, we can only live our own good life and do good
works, and chuckle at the incongruity of it all.

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[Goanet]Farewell to Shahu by Kuwait-Goa Tiatristanchi Sonvstha

2003-11-06 Thread Kuwait-Goa Tiatristanchi Sonvstha
Farewell to Mr. Francis Almeida (Shahu) by Kuwait-Goa Tiatristanchi Sonvstha
November 5, 2003 was a sad day for the many Tiatrists (Dramatists) in Kuwait 
when one of the famous young musician Mr. Francis Almeida, popularly known 
as Shahu, left Kuwait for good for better prospects in life. Shahu has been 
instrumental in uplifting the standards of Konkani Tiatr in Kuwait by his 
unique style of playing the keyboard to perfection. His departure from 
Kuwait will surely create a void in the Konkani Stage and the entire tiatr 
fraternity will yearn for a musician of his caliber in the times to follow.

On November 4, 2003, the members of Kuwait-Goa Tiatristanchi Sonvstha (KGTS) 
along with its president Francis de Verna hosted a farewell to this young 
musician and the Joint Cultural Secretary of the KGTS who had assumed this 
position just recently.

The president of the Sonvstha in his brief opening speech said in his 33 
years of association with the Konknni Stage in Kuwait he has not come across 
such a talent like Shahu, especially his leadership and unique one-man music 
capability for the entire Tiatr (Drama).

Others who spoke in few words and offered good wishes for a better future to 
Shahu were Mr. Marcus Vaz, Mr. Cajetan de Sanvordem, Mr. Julio Cardoso, Mr. 
Jennifer Rodrigues, Mr. Laurente Pereira, Mr. Manuel Fernandes, Comedian 
Filipe Pereira, Ms. Gracy Morais, Mr. Anthony Carr, Comedian Nelson Colaco, 
Mr. Domingos Araujo, Mr. Mario Fernandes (Colva), Mr. Augusto Morais, Mr. 
Ketty de Navelim and Mr. Jose Rod.

While Shahu in his tearful words and choked with emotions, thanked the 
Sonvstha for honoring him even though he had not been able to give much 
input to the Sonvstha due to his short tenure with them. He remarked that 
most of other organizations in Kuwait for whom he played for charity had 
forgotten him. In a lighter moment, Shahu with a bright smile jokingly said 
“may be when I have gone too far away, they will hold a Condolence Meeting 
for me”. He later thanked Mr. Jose Rod specially for giving him maximum 
exposure in his tiatr “Tujem Naum Vhodd Zaum” which toured the Gulf.

Special Songs composed for the occasion were sung by Jose Rod (Adeus Re 
Shahu) and Gracy Morais (Devan koruum Feliz) accompanied on the Guitar by 
Augusto Morais, with all the members present joining in singing the famous 
goodbye mando “Adeus korchea vellar” with affection.

Before concluding, a plaque was awarded to Shahu from the hands of the 
president Francis de Verna, in recognition of his services towards the 
Konkani Stage in Kuwait.

Kuwait-Goa Tiatristanchi Sonvstha
** SONGS **
Adeus Re Shahu
…Composed and Sung by Jose Rod and accompanied on the Guitar by Augusto 

Art apli uzar korun, munis vhod zata
Music vazoun, lokhachim kallzam jikon gheta
Sounsar amcho korunk, ami pordesan eta
Amig amchea modlo, amcam soddun veta
Adeus re shahu, ekuch aundetaum
Khoimsorui tum asson, devan tujer ghalchem besaum
Kuwait sodun veta aikon dokho boslo
Tiatr vazounk Kuwait konn naslo tujea oslo
Tiatr Kuwait korunk amkam usko naslo
Kiteak tiatr vazounk amcho Shahu aslo
Adeus re shahu, ekuch aundetaum
Khoimsorui tum asson, devan tujer ghalchem besaum
Devan Koruum Feliz
….Re-arranged and Sung by Gracy Morais and accompanied on the Guitar by 
Husband Augusto Morais

Uloilelim utram tonddantuch uron
Udkachea porim to mog amcho guelo varon
Ek dis ani kernaim sonvsar vochot soron
Tuzo mog kallzan amchea astolo bhoron
Porot bhettonk sodanch urteli ass
Konnuch (sonvstha) visorchenam tuzo moipass
Adeus korunk Shahu-k, suskarta hem kalliz
Borem magon munttam devan tukam korcho feliz
Borem magon Sonstha muntta, Devan koruum feliz
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[Goanet]Comments targetting personalities...

2003-11-06 Thread Frederick Noronha (FN)
Kindly note -- the discussions bearing subjectlines Goa's next 
saint and Reply to Francis de Verna, and also some earlier posts to which 
these were sent in reply, contain some personally-targeted comments 
which could be considered offensive, or worse.

This is just a reminder that Goanet rules do not allow for such personal 
digs. Posts violating this rule (and other rules) are liable to be 

You are free to discuss issues; but please avoid coments targeted at 
others which don't really take the issue forward. On behalf of Goanet 
Admin, an apology if any distasteful message which shouldn't have got 
through inadvertently did so... on this or other subjects. FN

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[Goanet]Fwd: Re: Goanet digest, Vol 1 #582 - 14 msgs

2003-11-06 Thread Evans Mendonca

 Subject: Re: Goanet digest, Vol 1 #582 - 14 msgs

 14. Re: The saint business (Filomena Giese)

 Filomena : :  Im "still" a Catholic! without the
 power to change things ... as much as I sound
 Protestant !! I guess my faith still carries me on. I
dare to compare it to a marriage where one still
compromises with one's spouse (when u cannot change
things).. instead of filing for divorce!!
Regards..Evans Mendonca/Hong Kong


Author: Evans F.J.Mendonca 1984

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2003-11-06 Thread JperGOA

I fully agree with Domnic Fernandes..

All female actresses of 60's, 70's 0r 80's etc whether living or dead should also be 

And not forgeting Betty Nazareth for her songs, tragedy roles etc (also film Boglant). 
She should not be left out just because she is Manglorean. Or any other actor or 
actress for that matter.

It is the 'konkani' that counts and not the residency.



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[Goanet]Re:NSS/NCC/Scout & Guide CAMPS

2003-11-06 Thread Miguel Braganza
Rightly said Anthony. Rhetoric is easy.I was surprised Suzanne de Souza used
it ,too.
Two parents cannot control one child...their How do we expect
two programme officers to look after 50 adolescent children..often a mixed
group of giggly girls and rambo boys...for ten days [and nights!] in a row?
In addition,they are taken to a new,and often remote,locale where even
mobile phones are out of range,there is no vehicle on call and they are on a
shoe-string budget.

Having said that, I would give much credit for what I am today to the Boy
scout camps and NCC camps that I attended under the most trying conditions
in remote areas, without power,phone[no mobiles then], no ambulance[no
101,102 GATES/ambulance], no doctor on call and sometimes no shelter from
the rain.

We take the risk of never waking up, each night when we go to sleep. Would
one rather stay awake all night? Every night?

NOTHING RISKED, NOTHING GAINED. That's life. At best a gamble. At worst, a
Russian roulette. Would we rather have a generation of couch potatoes and

Viva Goa.

> From: "Bosco - Goanet Volunteer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Tue, 04 Nov 2003 13:46:32 -0800 (PST)
> Subject: [Goanet]NSS/Scouts and Guides Camps
(PST), Anthony Barretto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> NSS/Scouts and Guides Camps
> Tragedies at camps are not new.  It will be running away from the issue to
summarily say, as some suggest, such camps should be banned.
> Yet a few questions need to be given due thought to prevent not only
> but ugly incidents that are often reported at these 10-day camps.
 Ten days is a long time for a programme officer or two to consistently keep
a check on 50 students. The Directorate of Youth Affairs has made the
presence of a lady teacher mandatory on the camp site. But often a lady
teacher is not there.
> The entire issue calls of an extensive discussion involving the dept of
> education, the directorate of youth affairs, parents, teachers and
> All rhetoric about discipline not withstanding, there is certainly no use
> blaming a programme officer when tragedy strikes.
> Tony Martin

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[Goanet]Re: Goanet digest, Vol 1 #582 - 14 msgs

2003-11-06 Thread Agnelo Mascarenhas
Hello Tim,

The subject is of great interest to me. I am looking
to access or prepare konkani lessons for learning on
the web. do keep me posted of interesting

best regards

> --__--__--
> Message: 7
> From: "Tim de Mello" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Wed, 05 Nov 2003 21:21:05 -0500
> Subject: [Goanet]Konkani Lessons in the GTA - Dinner
> celebration
> A dinner was held at The Flaming Copper Pot
> Restaurant in Mississauga on 
> October 17 to celebrate the successful conclusion of
> the first phase of 
> sixteen two hour weekly Konkani lessons in the GTA.

> The occasion was also used as a debriefing session
> in order to asses what 
> worked well and what areas could be improved upon.
> The following is a 
> summary of the points discussed.

> 3.   Another suggestion was to separate the class
> into two groups - 
> Beginners, i.e. those who are being introduced to
> the language for the first 
> time and Intermediate, i.e. those who have some
> knowledge of the language. 
> This way the lessons can be focussed appropriately.
> 4.   The classes were originally meant to focus on
> "colloquial Konkani". 
> However, this was not the case as it was felt that
> written and read Konkani 
> would be more beneficial to the learning process.
> This proved to be more 
> academic than practical and also more difficult than
> anticipated - 
> particularly as there is no standard way to spell
> (or pronounce) Konkani in 

> Roman script. One suggestion was to devote more time
> for students to 
> appreciate the nuances of Indian sounds as defined
> by the Devanagri script. 
> This did not find a lot a favour with the group as
> this would be difficult 

> for the uninitiated. Another suggestion was that the
> classes in the future 
> concentrate on short and simple spoken Konkani
> phrases and sentences and 
> dispense with the reading and writing part. This
> way, the students will be 
> better equipped to use what they learned in a
> practical way.

> students should be immersed into a Konkani speaking
> session where no English 
> is spoken except by the tutor.

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[Goanet]Thanks for the recipes

2003-11-06 Thread Bosco - Goanet Volunteer
On Wed, 5 Nov 2003 10:52:15 -, "Vera" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi there,

I`m glad to see your recipe on sannaas --without the use of toddy--as it`
practically difficult to get hold of it in the western world!!

I shall certainly try it !

Vera Antao

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[Goanet]Profile: A Christian in public life

2003-11-06 Thread Bosco - Goanet Volunteer
On Thu, 6 Nov 2003 13:23:51 +0530, "George Menezes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

A Christian in public life

By Janina Gomes
(Janina Gomes is a freelance contributer to an Italian news agency and works for
chambers of commerce and other business organizations. She also contributes
regularly to the "Speaking Tree", a column of philosophy and religion in the
national daily, The Times of India.)

MUMBAI, India -- Not many Christians in India are active in public life. When
they are, they are often outstanding Christians and their personal testimony
very interesting. George Menezes is one such public figure in India who says
that he does not buy the argument that one is a Christian because one is born
into a Christian family. Rather, he sees his Christian commitment as a daily
choice that arises from his fascination with the personality of Jesus.

A squadron leader in the Indian Air Force; a diplomat in Paris; a greatly
respected and successful human resources manager and trainer for Hoechst, the
multinational pharmaceuticals company; and now, at age 74, working as a
consultant in management training -- Menezes is seen as a Christian leader of
significance in India. Says Fr. Benny Aguiar, former editor of The Examiner, the
archdiocesan weekly of Mumbai, and a regular contributor to The Tablet, "George
played a significant role in the early years when Christians were being
persecuted and missionaries expelled from India."

Lionel Fernandes, a former reader in politics at the University of Mumbai,
believes that Menezes showed great courage in the 1980s when he joined the
Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), a right-wing Hindu majority party, even though the
move was controversial and attracted much criticism from the Christian
community. Menezes believed he could influence the BJP from within. Fernandes
says he followed the courage of his convictions again when he resigned from the
party because he did not succeed in his objectives.

Louis D'Silva, former professor in the Department of Civics and Politics at the
University of Mumbai, calls Menezes a talented, effective and charismatic
Christian leader who has given Catholics a presence in the political arena.

Menezes says that Christian involvement in the world must address issues of
justice. Jesus was proactive and set people free. He could not see injustice
being meted out to others. This is what inspires and motivates Menezes.

He recalls working for the Society of St. Vincent De Paul in a northeastern
suburb of Mumbai, where he pushed people to shift their focus from works of
charity to rehabilitation. In his 25 years at Hoechst, he was responsible for
training people in nine countries in South and Southeast Asia. He used his
position to help people -- not just Christians -- with employment and other ways
of rehabilitating themselves.

India is a multicultural and pluralistic religious society, but Christians have
been largely absent from political life. Menezes took the plunge when he joined
the BJP. Atal Bihari Vajpayee, the present prime minister of India and the most
influential leader in the BJP party, appointed Menezes to the national executive
committee. Menezes, who was on the Pontifical Commission of the Laity, says Rome
approved of his involvement with the BJP as a means for Christians to build
bridges rather than walls between communities.

Menezes says he joined the BJP after being disillusioned by the Congress Party.
Though Congress had ruled India virtually uninterrupted from the time of India's
independence in 1947 until 1994, Menezes says it had done little to improve the
lot of the marginalized. The party institutionalized corruption and showed its
fascist face when Indra Ghandi declared a state of emergency (1975-1977), he

His move to the BJP polarized the Christian community. He described the
detractors as belonging to three groups: congressmen, Christian fundamentalists
and individuals who wanted to establish themselves as leaders of the community.
Menezes says, "Fundamentalist Christian groups, which were pro-Congress, carried
out a hate campaign against me. This was a rich Christian experience for me
because I realized the criticism was not directed against me as a person but
because of a political decision I had taken."

Even today, Fr. Aguiar sees Menezes joining the BJP as a minus given the
origins, antecedents and agenda of the religiously divisive party.

Menezes says he resigned from the party when he realized that a small group of
moderates like him could not influence hardliners in the party. Advani went on
with his Rath Yatra ("chariot tour" around the country mobilizing people) that
led finally to the demolition of the Babri Mosque in northern India. The party
has led the national ruling coalition since 1999.

Menezes recalls another effective step he took in political life, when he and a
group of people organized a morcha (protest march) against the Tyagi bill, which
sought to introduce a ban on conversions as central legisla


2003-11-06 Thread rene barreto

It is my pleasure to introduce you  to Constantino
Hermanns Xavier , the world wide Young Goans
International coordinator.

Share your thoughts with him , this is your chance
as a YOUNG Goan to MAKE things HAPPEN.

Together_ness is a sure way to SUCCESS.

rene barreto




Here in Portugal, we young goans are meeting up monthly to discuss our
specific needs, questions and ideas. We all come from different associations
and we serve them all. This is our contribution to the promotion of Goan
heritage in Portugal. It is not logical that we young goans remain separated
by different associations, so we decided to join hands, at least informally.
This initiative of mine is the first concrete result out of three years of
Goa Day celebrations in Portugal. We now have a group (a generation?) of
young goans engaged in keeping their identity and their heritage alive and
promote it.

Through these years I have been observing the same within other goan
communities around the world. After a first generation that has put its
energies into local integration, sometimes with economical difficulties and
sacrificing their links to their homeland (which is normal (?) for  a first
generations of immigrants, but thats another discussion).

I think we have to spread the word so other young goans around the world do
the same. Some goan communities already have these young goan
groups/associations/clubs, but they are not linked with other young goan
initiatives. The same question we have put ourselves in Portugal applies to
the rest of the world: why remain separated by political borders and
geographical distances when Goa is in our mind and heart and distances are
today less distant than ever!

This project will allow us to create a network of young goan groups and
individuals that are concerned in promoting their goan identity or origin
around the world. Today's globalized world, where we can exchange
information and travel faster than ever before, allows us to create this
network in excellent conditions.

If you have read my first column on the internet-edition of Independent Goan
Observer (Building Bridges), you will understand that this is just another
bridge we - Goan Diaspora - have to build.

As the coordinator of Young Goans International I take up the responsibility
of creating this network. But this idea is not born from nowhere. It's just
another result of Rene Barreto's project of linking up goan communities
around the world through the annual World Goa Day. I thank him for his
support and initiative.

I will soon submit to you a draft project on this International Platform of
Young Goans. We should not forget that the final objective is to link up
young goans around the world, putting them into contact not only with each
other, but, above all, allowing them to exchange views, concerns and
projects related to their origins: Goa.

In the end, this project should also attain its other main objective, which
is (should be) the same for each and every Goan around the globe: to relink
Goans to contemporary Goa and contribute actively to its development. This
is our task.

Constantino Hermanns Xavier


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[Goanet]Sports News: East Bengal, Air India in semis

2003-11-06 Thread Eustaquio Santimano
East Bengal, Air India in semis
November 06, 2003 18:27 IST
Dempo striker R C Prakash missed a crucial penalty as National Football 
League champions East Bengal scored a 3-0 victory over the Goa side and 
set up a semi-final meeting with Air India, who drew 1-1 with Vasco FC, 
in the Durand Cup football tournament in Delhi on Thursday.

Requiring just a draw to advance, Dempo held the defending champions 
goalless till the 51st minute when Mike Okoro put the Kolkatans ahead, 
but wasted a golden opportunity to draw level two minutes later when 
Prakash blasted a penalty kick wide.

East Bengal then survived several attacks by the Goans before 
Malsawmtluanga (81st minute) and K Kulothungan (89th) put the match 
beyond the reach of Dempo.

Earlier in the day, Air India came back from a 12th minute goal by 
Dennis Cabral and equalised through Suprit Jathanna in the 56th minute 
to send Vasco to second place in Group D.

East Bengal and Air India, the two group winners, will now clash in the 
second semi-final on Saturday after Salgaocar meets Mahindra United 
tomorrow in the first semi-final.

In what was the best match so far in the 116th edition of the 
tournament, Dempo matched East Bengal move for move. Till they faded 
away in the last ten minutes, the Goa team held the edge over their 
famed Kolkata opponents, which had India's top player Baichung Bhutia in 
their eleven.

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[Goanet]"The YoungGoan Link"

2003-11-06 Thread Charlotte Alvares

Just read about the "Young Goan Link" from Rene Barreto to The World Goan
Konkani Forum.
Goan Parents world wide should pass on "The YOUNG Goan link" and get our
offspring on a common platform.  Hats off to people like you and a few
others, including Fred Noronha who
have done, and are doing more to bring Goans together in the last couple of
years, than anyone has ever achieved in the last 50 years !

 Just a thought, but  Goan children living abroad should be encouraged to
spend atleast every other holiday in Goa, so that they retain the nostalgia
and the love of their homeland, and will then pass it on to the new
generation to keep the torch burning.  It's really sad when so many of our
people leave the country for greener pastures, and then sever all
connections with their native land!

Charlotte Alvares

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Re: [Goanet]Christianity's Similarities with Hinduism

2003-11-06 Thread Tariq Siddiqui

--- Gregory Gomes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dear Brothers/sisters,
> There is only one God and definetly there is only one
> truth and that truth is Christ Jesus, who was existing
> at the time of creation (Jesus said I am the first and
> the last "Alpha and Omega". 
> One can say this only if he/she is not aware about the
> truth (that is the Word of God - BIBLE).
> I pray that you will read the Bible which will set you
> free, and one can have salvation ONLY THROUGH JESUS
> who is there to come for the second time.

I don't believe you.


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Re: [Goanet]Thanks for the recipes

2003-11-06 Thread Florina D'Souza

I did not get any response to my question re. sannas.  My question again
is there a substitute for boiled rice in the recipe.
Thank you.


On Wed, 5 Nov 2003 10:52:15 -, "Vera" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi there,

I`m glad to see your recipe on sannaas --without the use of toddy--as it`
practically difficult to get hold of it in the western world!!
I shall certainly try it !

Vera Antao

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Re: [Goanet] Christianity's Similarities with Hinduism

2003-11-06 Thread Tariq Siddiqui

--- Santosh Helekar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Tariq is right. Elst and Frawley are revisionists. Frawley is a Hare 
> Krishna guy who has made up a lot of stories about all kinds of 
> Vedic stuff and the Indus Valley civilization. Elst is big on the 
> Ayodhya nonsense. Both have become convenient poster boys for the 
> Hindutva movement. 

Which begs the question, why is the Hindutva movement obsessed with finding "goras"
to validate it?


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Re: [Goanet]Christianity's Similarities with Islam

2003-11-06 Thread Herman D'Souza
Hello Tariq

I am a bit surprised how do you believe in Jesus
Christ being yourself a muslim.. or am i wrong??? as i
understand islam honours mohammed as the last prophet
and jesus as one of the prophets.  am i correct.
please shed some light on this. reason is i myself
being a roman catholic, i know many similiarities
between islam, christianity and judaism, which are all
connected religions. I respect all religions as they
all believe in God, including hinduism, sikhism, etc.
and they all teach good values of humanity. please

Herman D'Souza

 --- Tariq Siddiqui <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > 
> --- Gregory Gomes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Dear Brothers/sisters,
> > 
> > There is only one God and definetly there is only
> one
> > truth and that truth is Christ Jesus, who was
> existing
> > at the time of creation (Jesus said I am the first
> and
> > the last "Alpha and Omega". 
> > 
> > One can say this only if he/she is not aware about
> the
> > truth (that is the Word of God - BIBLE).
> > 
> > I pray that you will read the Bible which will set
> you
> > free, and one can have salvation ONLY THROUGH
> > who is there to come for the second time.
> I don't believe you.
> -Tariq
> __
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Re: [Goanet]Sponsored Weddings - a good idea for Goa?

2003-11-06 Thread Mervyn Lobo
 --- Cecil Pinto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> "We're having a little slide presentation of
> pictures of us. As the credits 
> roll, it will be credits for the sponsors."
> Weiss and Lay have already saved $15,000 for their
> upcoming wedding and are now looking for a 
> sponsored honeymoon package.

I just can't figure out why a couple will spend more
than they can afford on a wedding. 

Secondly, a wedding is supposed to be an intimate
occasion, one to celebrate with friends. Why would any
couple want to make thier wedding a marketing tool

And lastly, I have a quick suggestion to allow Weiss
and Lay to get a 'free' honeymoon. All they have to do
is make a video of their first night. Their are always
tons of people willing to pay $20 for a copy of
amatuer video's :-)


Post your free ad now!

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Re: [Goanet]Christianity's Similarities with Islam

2003-11-06 Thread Tariq Siddiqui

--- Herman D'Souza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello Tariq
> I am a bit surprised how do you believe in Jesus
> Christ being yourself a muslim.. or am i wrong??? as i
> understand islam honours mohammed as the last prophet
> and jesus as one of the prophets.  am i correct.

Yes you are. Muslims do believe Jesus to be a Prophet of God.

My respose to Mr. Gomes was served with a double scoop of sarcasm as I find such
religious chest-thumping a wee bit nauseating. 


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Re: [Goanet] Incredible Thoughts

2003-11-06 Thread Santosh Helekar
Filomena Giese wrote:
>Would appreciate any other quotes - I am only going on
>the Galileo Inquisition case.

Hi Filomena:

I find the Bible very confusing, almost as confusing, absurd and
duplicitous as the Bhagavad Gita, but perhaps not as unintelligible as
the verses of the Vedas. I haven't ventured to read portions of any of
the original scriptures of other religions, not counting Satanic
Verses, and Zen and the Art of Motorcyle Riding. Please forgive my candor.

In any case, here are the relevant Biblical quotes that I think,
convey a geocentric world-view i. e. a perspective in which the earth
is fixed on a firm foundation, and the sun, the moon and the stars can
move backwards and forwards around it. A similar geocentric cosmology
is also the basis of the Vedic astrological poppycock. The following
quotes are from the King James Version. I don't know which version the
Goan accurate Biblical historians use. 

"The sun, moon, and stars were created after the firm foundation of
the earth was laid."

"He can command the sun not to rise."

"the sun rises and the sun sets; And hastening to its
place it rises there again."

"In [the heavens] He has placed a tent for the sun, which is as a
bridegroom coming out of his chamber; it rejoices like a strong man to
run its course, its rising from one end of the heavens, and its
circuit to the other end of them."

"Then spake Joshua to the LORD in the day when the LORD delivered up
the Amorites before the children of Israel, and he said in the sight
of Israel, Sun, stand thou still upon Gibeon; and thou, Moon, in the
valley of Ajalon.

 And the sun stood still, and the moon stayed, until the people had
avenged themselves upon their enemies. Is not this written in the book
of Jasher? So the sun stood still in the midst of heaven, and hasted
not to go down about a whole day."

"Their line is gone out through all the earth, and their words to the
end of the world. In them hath he set a tabernacle for the sun, 

Which is as a bridegroom coming out of his chamber, and rejoiceth as a
strong man to run a race. 

His going forth is from the end of the heaven, and his circuit unto
the ends of it: and there is nothing hid from the heat thereof."

"And Isaiah the prophet cried unto the LORD: and he brought the shadow
ten degrees backward, by which it had gone down in the dial of Ahaz."

"Behold, I will bring again the shadow of the degrees, which is gone
down in the sun dial of Ahaz, ten degrees backward. So the sun
returned ten degrees, by which degrees it was gone down."



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[Goanet]RE: St. Francis Xavier's fest

2003-11-06 Thread Gilbert Lawrence
Not too far away is the feast of St. Francis Xavier. This is one of the
most important festivities of Goans. The Goan Diaspora communities that
are celebrating it in style and would love to invite other Goans from
other communities should take the lead in posting their notices on the
web so that Goans can plan their celebrations of this important
festival.  Not too long before the feast, the Goan-American communities
will be celebrating the Thanksgiving holiday. Thanks GL

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[Goanet]Saintly business

2003-11-06 Thread Marlon Menezes
Attention all shady entrepreneurs, black money
traders, pyramid scheme operators, property
speculators, general scamsters and the remaining few
goanetters who I may have inadvertently missed (my

With my canonization imminent, I expect the value of
all my earthly relics, possessions and property to be
significantly enhanced. I am therefore offering
options on futures trading on the above which I am
availing to my subjects on goanet at very concessional
rates. I am currently having extraordinary specials on
my hair, toe nails and skin fragments as well as high
quality replicas of a variety of body parts whose use
is only limited by your imagination.

I fully expect my parent’s home in Miramar as well as
our ancestral homes in Aldona and Divar to become
international shrines. I am therefore offering
discounted permits to parties interested in setting up
shop around these soon to be prime properties.
Preference will of course be given to those interested
in supporting the broader tourist economy, i.e., those
who plan to set up high class brothels, gambling dens
and drug parlors.

I understand there has been some dissent about my
nomination as Goa's next patron saint. These
detractors claim that my NRI status does not make me a
true Goan saint and that what Goa needs is a pure home
grown saint. To this vocal minority I say, judge me by
my actions and the wonderful legacy I will be leaving
behind for the goanese people.

Your friendly saint,

--- "Teotonio R. de Souza" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> But it is also true that saints pay back the money
> spent on them. The sanctuaries anywhere in the world
> become centres of bristling trade and commerce. Many
> make their living out of them. Hence, Filomena Giese
> and others struggling for "our saints" are to be
> thanked by the petty shop-keepers / traders waiting
> in the wings.

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Re: [Goanet] Christianity's Similarities with Hinduism

2003-11-06 Thread halur rasho
Beacuse all indians (including Hindutvas who should in
theory be least susceptible) believe a "gora's" word
has more authority. 
> Which begs the question, why is the Hindutva
> movement obsessed with finding "goras"
> to validate it?
> -Tariq
> __
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[Goanet][Fwd: Trying to Locate a friend] - Justino Lobo

2003-11-06 Thread Herman Carneiro
 Original Message 
Subject: Trying to Locate a friend
From:"Tony Lobo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date:Sun, October 19, 2003 4:10 pm

Am trying to get in contact with Justino Lobo used to be staying
In Calangute, Cobra Vado. Should anybody know his address of even
E-mail kindly contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Tony Lobo

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[Goanet]Re: Goa's next patron saint

2003-11-06 Thread Bosco - Goanet Volunteer
On Thu, 6 Nov 2003 10:39:54 + (GMT), joseph fernandes


Your derogatory language against JESUS CHRIST ("that chap on the cross .)
and our revered Goan saint Francis Xavier (that stiff who occupies the casket
) is uncalled for and betrays a sick mind.

JESUS and saint Francis are adored and revered by millions across the globe.

Lets recall the administrators advice : ... "to keep discussion/tone polite,
 while using goanet".


Joseph Fernandes

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[Goanet]Shameless Writer

2003-11-06 Thread Bosco - Goanet Volunteer
On Thu, 6 Nov 2003 09:57:57 -0800 (PST), Francis Fernandes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Shameless writer whose name on the net is a sin.

You talk about proper knowledge of which I am not bothered, but I feel it is
true to the best of my knowledge.

I think for your information there are no lies which I put on the net on Novem
Goem. You Anthony Veronica & Alexander visited my Sabahiya resident in 1980's to
convince me that we have to do something for Novem goem daily, which you and
your friend must have forgotten completely.

F.X. Pereira and myself were the first goans to support you for the goan and
konkani cause, we failed to understand you, and did not know it was for your
personal cause and interest. If we had to know your true colours we would have
never ever supported you. I personally supported you through your activities
held in Kuwait thinking you are a good hearted person.  But today I am sorry to
say that the acolytes with whom you are moving around is a curse on you as they
treat you as a puppet.

To tell you I thought you were a true goan with full of love for Goa and Goans
but you are a shame on goans.  You are a double faced goan, guided by 3
disgraced goans (of goemchi mathi) knowlingly you support them. You are a self
motivated person, you think you can destroy others by lies and gossips created
by your dirty minded colleagues. Remember, you will one day destroy yourself
sooner or later. Again for your information Jose Rod is the most talented and
brilliant tiatrist of today. If 100 Veronicas come they will never be able to
destroy Jose Rods art which is here to remain. Maybe I and you will not be alive
to witness.

The like minded tiatrist are all united to work for the betterment of tiatr and
tiatrist which time will tell.  I do not know whether I will see that day or
not, but I will never die till I see the day you are corrected by than, and free
from your devil acolytes who are feeding you evil.

The tin pot  word you use is simply disgraceful, try to mind your dirty filthy

We are here not to destroy the art of tiatr and tiatristpon but to promote
unitedly the tiatr cause. In fact the tiatr lovers know me much better than you
in Kuwait, Bombay and Goa.

Again I say you are a shameless person who uses people for your own personal

Francis De Verna

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[Goanet]RE: INDIAN EXPRESS: A liberation from lies (Prabhakar Sinari)

2003-11-06 Thread Bosco - Goanet Volunteer
On Thu, 6 Nov 2003 14:31:43 -0500, "Gomes, Anthony
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> " wrote:

Dear Fred,

I hope all is well with you. Could you kindly provide me the date of the Opinion
Poll held in Goa to decide whether Goa should or should not merge into

All best, Anthony.

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Re: [Goanet]Christianity's Similarities Chalo Azad Maidan !

2003-11-06 Thread Auspicio F.M.Rodrigues
My Dear Goan Brothers and Sisters,
My Dear Goanetters,
The purpose  here, is not to add to the unnecessary controversaries that are
raging at Goanet, On The Internet!
May I humbly  submit  that there should be no surprise when, we witness that
different people around the world,accept and believe in GOD Almighty Our
Heavenly  Father and even in  HIS Son , our LORD Jesus Christ.
Even as some who are misled choose to mock at him and to  deny Him, out of
the ignorance of their intelligence!
Jesus Christ,  GOD the Son, the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the
End, undoubtably, came not only for the Jews and the Gentiles, but to Save
the whole human race each one of us Goan and non Goan!
In the midst of all the wars ,conflicts and turmoils of our troubled
times,it is the Word of God alone, that can set us FREE, free from every
discord and everything that divides.
GOD is Universal and it is by HIS Grace  alone, that we can have
collaboration and unity,that everyone desires.
I would not think that any one can survive by himself.
Nothing  has ever been known,even in science to remain in a solitary
position, continously.
Even if we are lonely, the Spirit of GOD is always in us,in some cases we
are allowed to follow the Spirit,and we begin to be witnesses for this
Spirit of GOD, but often this Spirit is supressed by the over-powering evil
forces that, we often  accept in our lives and then within ourselves we
begin to move away from the Spirit.
God allows us this Freedom, HE made a Supreme Sacrifice when HE offered HIS
only Son, to die on the Cross ,in attonement for our Sins.
The values, we receive as children and the values we give our children,will
always be the foundation on which all our  future will depend.Even after
going astray as I did, we will eventually come back to HIM.
Whether we will overcome the evil forces in our lives or succumb to them and
isolate ourselves from our Spirit is therefore a result of our upbringing,I
know this first hand.
We as parents fail by omission and not only by commission,we do not realise,
that the truth is that, nothing belongs to us ever ,but eternally to the
Mighty one.We are, but Trustees
We are living on debt.Borrowed Time! Borrowed Life!
No one can be certain,when we will be called,we need to prepare now!
So, Come and See and Touch!
Jesus Christ - Your Shepherd,
Bring all your cares to HIM!

Luke 19:42-43
42  "If you, even you, had only known on this day what would bring you
peace-but now it is hidden from your eyes.

--- Come and see through Testimonies, Divine Worship  Music and
Hymns,Skit,Worship Dance and Talks on the Bible by Catholic Lay Persons

At Azad Maidan,
 in Panjim
On the 13th,14th and 15th November 2003
Starting at 5:00 p.m. daily
This is a great opportunity!
Last year it changed my life forever,
It was the begining of a revelation of who I really was,it brought home to
me, meaning and purpose to my life.
Don't Miss This Opportunity!
GOD is calling  everyone who will be in Goa at that time and day!
Chalo Azad Maidan!

- Original Message -
From: "Tariq Siddiqui" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, November 07, 2003 1:42 AM
Subject: Re: [Goanet]Christianity's Similarities with Islam

> --- Herman D'Souza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hello Tariq
> >
> > I am a bit surprised how do you believe in Jesus
> > Christ being yourself a muslim.. or am i wrong??? as i
> > understand islam honours mohammed as the last prophet
> > and jesus as one of the prophets.  am i correct.
> Yes you are. Muslims do believe Jesus to be a Prophet of God.
> My respose to Mr. Gomes was served with a double scoop of sarcasm as I
find such
> religious chest-thumping a wee bit nauseating.
> -Tariq
> __
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[Goanet]Birthdays from 7th - 9th Nov 2003

2003-11-06 Thread Vincente Fernandes
Wishing you all a  very HAPPY BIRTHDAY on behalf of GoaNetters to

7-Nov   Agnelo de Silva Eldoret, Kenya/London, U.K.
7-Nov   Victor FernandesCurtorim/ Dubai-UAE
8-Nov   Anthony J. CastelinoFrance
9-Nov   Thaddee ( Teddy) Rodrigues  Nuvem-(Belloy)-Goa/Dubai-U.A.E
9-Nov   Walter FernandesMumbai
NOTE: Please send your Birthday's details for those who haven't done so far 
to the following e-mail address([EMAIL PROTECTED]) with subject as 
Birthday/Birthday details as per below format.
Birth Day/Month   NameBirth/Current Place

Frustrated with dial-up? Get high-speed for as low as $26.95. (Prices may vary by service area.)

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[Goanet]Goa: Waiting for e-governance?

2003-11-06 Thread Frederick Noronha (FN)
Waiting for e-governance?

For a state headed by an IITian, Goa has been surprisingly slow in taking to
e-governance. Leave aside that, it would appear that the majority of the
bureaucrats are mortally afraid of using the computer, let alone becoming
e-responsive to the average citizen. Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar has
built up a reputation of sorts for replying or reacting to email sent on his
[EMAIL PROTECTED] address. But one individual being pro-active is no substitute
for working towards a more responsive administration.

In a recent report ranking Indian states in terms of their e-readiness
('India: E-Readiness Assessment Report 2003'), Goa was rated as an "aspiring
leader". It shared this rank with Gujarat, Delhi and Chandigarh. In the
topmost category of 'leaders' were states like Karnataka, Maharashtra, Tamil
Nadu and Andhra.

This sounds fairly good. But the ground-level reality is quite different.

For one, the Goa government seems neither accessible nor responsive in
cyberspace. Most officials seem innocent about using e-mail as a mechanism
for feedback from the citizen. Rural connectivity has been slow in coming,
and what has come has proliferated due to market pressures rather than state
government support. Goa hardly has any special ICT initiatives in vital
fields like agriculture, health services, transportation, energy and trade.
Not long back, even prestigious institutions like the Goa Medical College
had to complain about the lack of Internet facilities.

Undeniably, Goa has a special stake in deploying IT effectively, because of
its strong needs to deal with the outside world. But apart from a handful of
websites, some of whose main intent seems to be to focus on politicians at
the helm, there is little of an attempt to allow the citizen an easier
interface with the administration via cyberspace. Some time back, it was
pointed out how the Goa police site was lying dormant, after being launched
amidst fanfare. Central Government bodies like the National Informatics
Centre (NIC), which can, and have, done useful work in facilitating on the
state government's computerisation plans, are not utilised to the full while
private parties are preferred.

You don't need much imagination to see how IT could help make life easier
for the citizen. For instance, the scarce and often-unavailable publications
from Printing and Stationery could be made available online. After all, the
job of the government is not to mainly earn profit through sales, but rather
to meet the information needs of the commonman. Likewise, the official
gazette could be made promptly available to one and all via a website.
Release of public exam results, done by the above-cited NIC, has been a good
initiative. Herald understands that the computer infrastructure in some
government departments is in an abysmal state. Leave alone e-governance, Goa
is yet to effectively use the PC as typewriter-replacement.

Tender documents could be published on websites, to ensure that there is
transparency in the bidding process. E-procurement is another possibility.
>From the commonman's point of view, services like land registration,
stamp-paper registration, utilities billing, crime registration and even the
municipal administration needs to be made available online.

One recent media report said Andhra Pradesh CM Chandrababu Naidu has moved
forward to put virtually the entire government infrastructure, from crime
fighting and property rights, even the way people pay their electricity
bills, on-line. As one non-resident asked impatiently: Why can our CM not do
similar stuff for Goa?

We've already heard a lot of promises on this score. In the 2002-03 Goa
budget, the state was told that 'Mahiti Ghars' would be extended to "talukas
and villages" and "more employment (is) to be generated under this scheme".
In the subsequent 2003-04 budget, the state was again told that "GOANET (is)
to be operationalised by (the) IT Department (and) more Mahiti Ghars are to
be set up". (The GOANET referred to here is an official network in 
the state, and is not to be confused with a largely-expat network 
launched nearly ten years ago.) Apart from the controversy over the 
setting up of the Mahiti Ghars, it is unclear as to how many people use 
these facilities. Fact is, there are no crowds rushing in.

In terms of extending household access to PCs, the government's initiative
has focussed on the Cyberage. Again, apart from the tendering process,
questions need to be asked both about whether giving computers to eleventh
standard students -- rather than say teachers, schools or even engineering
students -- is the best way of extending access. That apart, what is the
goal of handing over the PCs? Were these meant to be glorified typewriters,
or to offer youngsters a powerful tool, with access to a wide range of
software (in which case, non-proprietorial software would have been a better
option) and the ability to use the Net as a learn

Re: [Goanet]Re: Goa's Patron Saint

2003-11-06 Thread Ivo Souza
Dear George,
I agree with you. Fr.Joseph Vaz has been a wonderful man, a wonderful
priest-missionary, a man for others. He died in 1711. Yes, he should have
been canonized by now. John Paul II has certainly this wish. For me he has
been a Living Saint.He has put in practice principles of evangelization, of
which we are aware today. The fire of God's love led him to love in a heroic
degree... But the process of Canonization requires another miracle. Among
humans there are also human factors in force... At least, this fact leads us
to be more associated with the Saint in life and death... Even though he has
not been on the altar during my childhood, he has been my model. Each one
has to bloom where one is planted. We grow as men for others wherever we
are, searching God's design for us...

- Original Message -
From: "George Pinto" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, November 02, 2003 1:02 PM
Subject: [Goanet]Re: Goa's Patron Saint

> Fr. Ivo,
> Should Blessed Vaz be a saint?  Since he is not officially one yet, has
the Church not failed him
> using the criteria you have below?  Is the criteria selectively used to
favor Europeans?
> George
> --- Ivo Souza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I am free in my belief, within the limits of my human nature prescribed
> > the ultimate Cause, but cannot call "saints" all those who excelled in
> > and science. Saint is the Man who lives an honest, good life by
> > high quality of love. St.Francis Xavier is a Saint, not only because he
> > lived well, but also because the Catholic Church canonized him.
> __
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