RE: [Goanet]Mixed marriages

2004-03-01 Thread bantaogoa

Well what about the kind of "Mixed Marriages" that have
recently been solemnized en-masse in San Francisco ??

With India having such a cultural diversity the number
of permutations and combinations might exceed the
computational capacity of India's indigenously built
super-computer :-)

   -- Brian

"Radhakrishnan Nair" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>(The learned doctor Jose Colaco wants to know:  I ask...What are the 
>chances of a Keralite man marrying a Punjabi woman? No discriminations 
>Chances are pretty bright, dear Dr JC! Sitting in Nassau or some other 
>godforsaken place, you're dreaming up delusionary stuff about India and its 
>people. There is absolutely no bar on a Keralite marrying a Punjabi, 
>Gujarati, Goan or anyother Indian, provided they belong to the opposite 
>Have you heard of AIR newsreader Rini Simon, a Keralite? She's now Rini 
>Khanna, married to a Punjabi. I've a couple of journalist friends in Delhi 
>-- one a Christian and the other a Hindu -- both married to Punjabi girls. 
>There are many more, but I don't want to discuss people's private lives on 
>this forum.
>As Miguel once rightly stated, having tended to ailing children all your 
>life, you think this world is made up of kids alone. Grow up, my good doctor 
>JC and, as Gabe would say, spill the coffee!
>Your old friend, RKN

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[Goanet]CLUB 99!

2004-03-01 Thread domnic fernandes
"Club 99" - A fictitious story with a moral..

Some time ago, there lived a King. This King should have been contented with 
his life, given all the riches and luxuries he had. However, this was not 
the case! The King always found himself wondering why he just never seemed 
content with his life. Sure, he had the attention of everyone wherever he 
went, attended fancy dinners and parties, but somehow, he still felt 
something was lacking and he couldn't put his finger on it.

One day, the King had woken up earlier than usual to stroll around his 
palace. He entered his huge living room and came to a stop when he heard 
someone happily singing away... following this singing... he saw that one of 
the servants was singing and had a very contented look on his face. This 
fascinated the King and he summoned this man to his chambers.

The man entered the King's chambers as ordered. The King asked why he was so 
happy. To this the man replied: "Your Majesty, I am nothing but a servant, 
but I make enough of a living to keep my wife and children happy. We don't 
need too much, a roof over our heads and warm food to fill our tummy. My 
wife and children are my inspiration, they are content with whatever little 
I bring home. I am happy because my family is happy."

Hearing this, the King dismissed the servant and summoned his Personal 
Assistant to his chambers. The King related his personal anguish about his 
feelings and then related the story of the servant to his Personal 
Assistant, hoping that somehow, he will be able to come up with some
reasoning that here was a King who could have anything he wished for at a 
snap of his fingers and yet was not contented, whereas, his servant, having 
so little was extremely contented.

The Personal Assistant listened attentively and came to a conclusion. He 
said "Your Majesty, I believe that the servant has not been made part of The 
99 Club."

"The 99 Club? And what exactly is that?" the King inquired.

To which the Assistant replied, "Your Majesty, to truly know what The 99 
Club is, you will have to do the following... place 99 Gold coins in a bag 
and leave it at this servant's doorstep, you will then understand what The 
99 Club is."

That very same evening, the King arranged for 99 Gold coins to be placed in 
a bag at the servant's doorstep. Although he was slightly hesitant and he 
thought he should have put 100 Gold coins into the bag, but since his 
assistant had advised him to put 99, that is what he did.

The servant was just stepping out of his house when he saw a bag at his 
doorstep. Wondering about its contents, he took it into his house and opened 
the bag. When he opened the bag, he let out a great big shout of joy... Gold 
Coins... so many of them. He could hardly believe it. He called his wife to 
show her the coins.  He then took the bag to a table and emptied it out and 
began to count the coins. Doing so, he realized that there were 99 coins and 
he thought it was an odd number so he counted again, and again and again 
only to come to the same conclusion... 99 Gold Coins.

He began to wonder, what could have happened to that last 1 coin? For no one 
would leave 99 coins. He began to search his entire house, looked around his 
backyard for hours, not wanting to lose out on that one coin. Finally, 
exhausted, he decided that he was going to have to work harder than ever to 
make up for that 1 Gold coin to make his entire collection an even 100 Gold 

He got up the next morning, in an extremely horrible mood, shouting at the 
children and his wife for his delay, not realizing that he had spent most of 
the night conjuring ways of working hard so that he had enough money to buy 
himself that gold coin. He went to work as usual - only not in his usual 
best mood, singing happily - as he grumpily did his daily errands.

Seeing the man's attitude change so drastically, the King was puzzled. He 
promptly summoned his assistant to his chambers. The King related his 
thoughts about the servant and once again, his assistant listened. The King 
could not believe that the servant who until yesterday had been singing away 
and was happy and content with his life had taken a sudden change of 
attitude, even though he should have been happier after receiving the gold 

To this the assistant replied "Ah! But your Majesty, the servant has now 
officially joined The 99 Club." He explained: "The 99 Club is just a name 
given to those people who have everything but yet are never contented, 
therefore they are always working hard and striving for that extra 1 to 
round it out to 100!  We have so much to be thankful for and we can live 
with very little in our lives, but the minute we are given something bigger 
and better, we want even more!  We are not the same happy contented persons 
we used to be, we want more and more and by wanting more and more we don't 
realize the price we pay for it.  We lose our sleep, our happiness; we hurt 
the people aro


2004-03-01 Thread goasuraj

My son  who works for Control Net, Verna says that Goans do not know about
the  tremendous job opportunities that exist in the job market.
That there is a total eclipse of such advertising in the local newspapers

That this link should help in that respect to expose new openings, specially
for freshers.

Here is the link to the website for jobs .

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[Goanet]Goa's Exam-centric system!

2004-03-01 Thread domnic fernandes
SAT meant “Scholastic Aptitude Test” or “Scholastic Assessment Test” - not 
“Standardized Aptitude Test”.

An excerpt from The Princeton Review “Cracking the SAT” Foreword by Adam 
Robinson & John Katzman – 2003 Edition:

“In the past few years, the political landscape surrounding testing has 
changed.  As our society has become more test-savvy, the ETS test writers 
have responded in more sophisticated ways.  They have admitted that the SAT 
is not an intelligence test, and not really an assessment test, either.  
This is reflected in the recent name changes of this test.  The test writers 
first changed the name of the test from “Scholastic Aptitude Test” to 
“Scholastic Assessment Test.”  Later, they dropped the claim that it was an 
assessment test, and now it’s just called the SAT (which stands for nothing 
at all).  Further, the College Board now not only admits that preparation is 
advisable but even recommends it.  A College Board official recently 
remarked "Just as you wouldn’t want to take a driver’s test cold, you don’t 
want to go cold into the SAT."

Domnic Fernandes
Anjuna/Dhahran, KSA
Brian Antao, Ph.D [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

…..As a further recommendation, it would be also possible to eliminate the 
HSSC exam, and instead adopt the World recognized SAT (Standardized Aptitude 
Test) conducted by the Educational Testing Service (ETS) of Princeton, USA, 
for the standard XII students.  Admissions for the various colleges in Goa 
would then be based on a weighted combination of a student’s performance on 
the SAT and their performance of their localized merit list in each of their 
individual Higher Secondary Schools. …..

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[Goanet]A talk... and a book

2004-03-01 Thread Frederick Noronha (FN)
XAVIER CENTRE OF Historical Research is to host a lecture on *art in Goan 
homes* by Heta Pandit at the XCHR on Thursday, March 4, 2004 at 5.30 pm. 
Details from phone 241 7772 or 241 4971. 

This illustrated talk will cover examples of art in Goan homes as 
documented by the speaker in her latest book *Hidden Hands: Master 
builders of Goa*. Ms Pandit will show some of these works of art and will 
give an insight into their origin, development and present status.

Ms Heta Pandit lives and works in Goa from where she writes about Goan 
heritage. She has several articles and books on the subject to her credit. 
Her first book *Houses of Goa* (co-authored with Annabel Mascarenhas) was 
published by architect-publisher Gerard da Cunha.

He translations from the Marathi to the English in the anthology *Ferry 
Crossings* brought her a felicitation as 'Lekhika 2002' from the Menezes 
Braganca Institute.

Ms Pandit has a book of original short stories to her credit titled *Dust 
& Other Short Stories from Goa*. Eminence Designs, a Mumbai-based 
publisher published her book *Walking in Goa* in January 2004.

Ms Pandit was awarded the Homi Bhabha Fellowship to document the work of 
the artisans and craftspeople of Goa in Goan houses in the year 1998-2000. 
This work formed the basis of her latest book *Hidden Hands - 
Masterbuilders of Goa*. Ms Pandit currently serves as the honorary 
secretary of the Goa Heritage Action Group.

* * * 

FUNDACAO ORIENTE is to release a novel *Touched by the Toe*, by Alexandre 
Moniz Bardosa. It will be released by MP Eduardo faleiro on Monday, March 
8, 2004 at 6 pm at Fundacao Oriente, 175 Filipe Neri Xavier Road, 
Fontainhas, Panjim. Phone 2230 728 or 243 6108 Email oriente at

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[Goanet-news]A talk... and a book

2004-03-01 Thread Frederick Noronha (FN)
XAVIER CENTRE OF Historical Research is to host a lecture on *art in Goan 
homes* by Heta Pandit at the XCHR on Thursday, March 4, 2004 at 5.30 pm. 
Details from phone 241 7772 or 241 4971. 

This illustrated talk will cover examples of art in Goan homes as 
documented by the speaker in her latest book *Hidden Hands: Master 
builders of Goa*. Ms Pandit will show some of these works of art and will 
give an insight into their origin, development and present status.

Ms Heta Pandit lives and works in Goa from where she writes about Goan 
heritage. She has several articles and books on the subject to her credit. 
Her first book *Houses of Goa* (co-authored with Annabel Mascarenhas) was 
published by architect-publisher Gerard da Cunha.

He translations from the Marathi to the English in the anthology *Ferry 
Crossings* brought her a felicitation as 'Lekhika 2002' from the Menezes 
Braganca Institute.

Ms Pandit has a book of original short stories to her credit titled *Dust 
& Other Short Stories from Goa*. Eminence Designs, a Mumbai-based 
publisher published her book *Walking in Goa* in January 2004.

Ms Pandit was awarded the Homi Bhabha Fellowship to document the work of 
the artisans and craftspeople of Goa in Goan houses in the year 1998-2000. 
This work formed the basis of her latest book *Hidden Hands - 
Masterbuilders of Goa*. Ms Pandit currently serves as the honorary 
secretary of the Goa Heritage Action Group.

* * * 

FUNDACAO ORIENTE is to release a novel *Touched by the Toe*, by Alexandre 
Moniz Bardosa. It will be released by MP Eduardo faleiro on Monday, March 
8, 2004 at 6 pm at Fundacao Oriente, 175 Filipe Neri Xavier Road, 
Fontainhas, Panjim. Phone 2230 728 or 243 6108 Email oriente at

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Re: [Goanet]Re: moving back to Goa

2004-03-01 Thread bantaogoa
>We have many problems, yes. But I still love being here. Being in Goa 
>gives me a feeling that my work matters, and an ability to understand the 
>context. FN

I forgot to mention this most critical aspect, that being here in Goa,
you get the greater satisfaction that "You can make a difference" ...
as opposed to say being in America, where for the most part considered "foreign labor 
for hire" without much of a say or impact !

At the same time we do need Goans to constantly critique the state of affairs in Goa 
in a "constructive" way ... and sometimes one does need
to resort to vitriolic to get the "susegado" Goan machinery to move
on things ! I would say that we need more "watch-dog" type activists
in Goa to keep prodding on for "Continuous Improvement" across the state
as things tend to be easily get lost in a file gathering dust in a corner.

For example, we hear about a lot of "projects" approved by the government,
but many of these "approved projects" are sitting in files gathering dust.
One much needed "watch-dog" group activity is needed to see that once these
projects are "approved" that work on them commences "immediately". 

In Goa, the machinery has the attitude of doing things "Tommorow" but the
"Tommorow" never comes !

We also need a "watch-dog" group to see that projects are untertaken with high-quality 
standards. There is a lot of corruption in this regard, where for example, a project 
is approved for a certain amount, but the work is undertaken at a sub-standard level, 
and money is siphoned off, by compromising on the quality.

For example, It seems that the Margao Municipality has undertaken to paint
around the Municipal garden fencing... but a number of sections of the
fencing are fallen apart, pieces of the concrete sections coming off and
exposing the steel re-enforcing bars ... A good quality engineering work
would be to first fix and patch up all these broken pieces in the boundary all around, 
and then apply the new paint. Instead of just painting over the
broken pieces ... This is the kind of bad work that is much needed to be vocied out 
and critiqued !!!

   -- Brian

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[Goanet]National Football League: East Bengal trounce Salgaocar

2004-03-01 Thread Eustaquio Santimano
East Bengal trounce Salgaocar
February 29, 2004 18:40 IST
Three players received marching orders as title holders East Bengal 
continued their fine run to pulverize formidable Salgaocar Sports Club, 
Goa, 3-1 in an eighth National Football League match marred by frayed 
tempers at Kolkata on Sunday.

Star striker Baichung Bhutia stamped his class with a brace, with Subhas 
Chakraborty netting the other goal for the winners who have now boosted 
their points tally to 24 from 12 matches. Salgaocar remained on 17 
points from 12 encounters.

Nigerian Bello Razzak was the sole scorer for the visitors in the Salt 
Lake stadium game which saw an East Bengal domination.

The red and yellow brigade, who have been on song lately with 
back-to-back wins over Singapore's Geylang FC and Negeri Sembilan of 
Malaysia in the AFC Cup, shot into the lead as early as the sixth minute 
following a Bhutia-Mike Okoro duet.

Bhutia passed on to the Nigerian whose booming shot came off the chest 
of Salgaocar custodian Rajat Ghosh Dastidar and the Sikkimese pushed home.

Even as thunderous celebrations broke out in the galleries, there was an 
unseemly incident on the ground as East Bengal stopper Dipak Mandal and 
Salgaocar's Felix Ibrebru were seen jostling off the ball near the 
midfield. Referee S Kurien flashed the red card at both the offenders.

Salgaocar, who had a tough time resisting the sustained rival pressure, 
drew level in the 40th minute when Gurinder Pal Singh's corner was 
floated into the box by Dharamjit Singh and East Bengal goalkeeper 
Sangram Mukherjee missed the flight of the ball. Razzak, standing 
nearby, headed in.

But East Bengal regained the lead within barely three minutes, thanks to 
a brilliant strike from Bhutia. Brazilian Cristiano Junior essayed a 
forward pass to Baichung, who directed the ball in a flash into the net 
with an on-the-run lob over the head of Ghosh Dastidar.

Leading 2-1 at the break, East Bengal continued to press on the attack 
mode, and consolidated their position in the 53rd minute as Ghosh 
Dastidar once again faltered in collecting an Okoro freekick and 
Chakraborty let loose a snap shot which found its way into the goal.

The goal snuffed out whatever resistance was left in Salgaocar and the 
locals had a merry run on the turf, but could not increase the margin as 
they missed several gilt-edged opportunities.

The match saw yet another unsavory incident in the 71st minute. Bhutia, 
who was moving up into the opponent territory, met with a challenge from 
Razzak. But as the Indian skipper was about to speed past the Nigerian, 
the latter rained a blow on his face.

The referee issued Razzak marching orders for the offence, reducing 
Salgaocar to nine men for the last 19 minutes.

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[Goanet]LPG tanker turns turtle at Navelim providence averts major disaster

2004-03-01 Thread Goa Desc
Documented by Goa Desc Resource Centre Ph:2252660
Website: Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Press Clippings on the web:

LPG tanker turns turtle at Navelim

It was sheer providence that averted a major disaster at
Bellem-Navelim late last night after a LPG tanker mounted
on a trailer turned turtle on the national highway No 17.
Both the driver M D Khaja Basha and cleaner of the tanker
Bhaskar Rao are believed to have sustained injuries in the
mishap and were later rushed to Hospicio hospital.The tanker
(KA 21 C 587) was proceeding towards North Goa, sources
A total of three tyres of the 18-tonne LPG tanker burst as the
heavy vehicle went down the road while giving way to a
speeding oncoming truck. The diesel tank supplying oil to the
engine also  got damaged, fire brigade sources said. Sources
said the tanker first turned turtle and later fell on its side at the
paddy field which was filled-up only recently.
The Margao fire brigade rushed to the spot on getting a call
from the police at around 10.45 pm. Fortunately, the officials
who rushed to the site did not detect any leakage in the tanker.
However, a fire tender with officials and firemen were stationed
at the site as a precautionary measure. In fact, the fire brigade
were seen maintaining a vigil at the accident site last night and
throughout Saturday.
Incidentally, the tanker was seen lying at the site till this evening,
with sources only saying that a crane from Karnataka has been
requisitioned to lift the ill-fated vehicle. Fire brigade officials
maintained that only providence saved the nearby residents from
a major disaster as any untoward incident due to the impact
of the accident would have wrought havoc in the vicinity.
HERALD 29/02/04 page 1
Documentation + Education + Solidarity
11 Liberty Apts., Feira Alta, Mapusa, Goa 403 507
Tel: 2252660 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Working On Issues Of Development & Democracy
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[Goanet]National Football League: Vasco hold Dempo

2004-03-01 Thread Eustaquio Santimano
Vasco hold Dempo
February 29, 2004 20:00 IST
Despite wasting several scoring chances in the first half, Vasco rallied 
from behind in the second half to hold Dempo to a 1-1 draw and split 
points in the eighth National Football League at Margao on Sunday.

Putting up an uninspiring show with a barren first half, Dempo took the 
lead in the 65th minute through Sunday Seah off a pass from Clifford 

Vasco, who also missed scoring chances in the first half, restored 
parity in the 71st minute through Amaechi Tochukwu.

Dempo's third draw in a row put them at par with East  Bengal with 24 
points from 13 matches. East Bengal, who have played one match less, but 
have better goal difference, move on top of the chart for the first time.

Vasco collected 20 points from 13 matches. Vasco appeared to be settling 
down for some earnings as initial midfield play created four scoring 
chances but their strikers Amaechi, Agnelo Colaco and Levy Coelho failed 
to find the target.

Luck also did not favour them as Sushant Mathew and Vinu Jose hit the 

On the other hand, Dempo failed to play as a unit in the first half and 
the absence of defenders Bolaji, Sameer Naik and medio Mohammed Gafari 
was felt as they failed to built constructive moves.

It was only in the second half they showed urgency and purpose which 
fetched them the goal.

Clifford, who worked hard on the flank, relayed a pass to Sunday Seah 
who essayed an angular shot that beat keeper Ramos to his right to find 
the far post.

However, Vasco came off with counter moves and restored parity six 
minutes later when Amaechi made amends for his earlier lapses to guide 
the ball in from close off a pass from Levy Coelho.

Referee P Bhaskar showed yellow card to Dempo's Melvin Rodrigues.

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Re: [Goanet]Vivek's frustration

2004-03-01 Thread vivek araujo
Mr. Radhakrishnan, 

You had started it off, hence i had to give you a
piece of my mind too, you did the same mistake of
abusing another person with me, hence i had to make
sure that we are here not for abuses, mere silence
cannot be gold always if someone abuses you. Right? 
Honestly Mr. Nair if someone had to abuse you the way
a Mr. Colaco has been abused and myself would you just
give in? 
-- Radhakrishnan Nair <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: >
(Vivek wrote: When one is not confidant of what he 
> is talking ,frustration 
> give's in, and he starts abusing others.) 
> How true, Vivek! I knew it when you abused me some 
> time back. You're 
> speaking from experience! 
> Regards, RKN 

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Re: [Goanet] Ogling at women

2004-03-01 Thread bantaogoa
When it comes to dating and personal relationships,
one cannot accuse someone of being a racist, as it is
a matter of personal choice and taste (Supposedly).

And you also have your share of wierdos who want a
"taste" of say women of a particular different race out
of kinkiness etc. When it comes to inter-racial relationships
and dating you really need to watch out for these wierdos
(included both men and women)... I encountered a white-american
woman who was looking for an Indian male specifically based
on her stereotypical perception of the Indian male being a 
docile homely type who she could easily hold on a leash!

On another instance I ran into a Hispanic guy in the US
who was complaining that he had set his eyes on a nice
Indian Girl, but she told him that she dated only other
Indians and Blacks !

   -- Brian

Bernado Colaco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Well, well, well - brings us back to the subject,
>> Indians are a special
>> breed and racists at the same time. Try asking
>> blacks in Britain. I saw a
>> programme just the other day in which the prize for
>> Black men was to get an
>> Indian babe! Seems quite unatainable.
>> Cheers,
>> Gabe Menezes.
>With your six pack Stella most of it is possible. Give
>a try at Leicester square at weekends!:
>B. Colaco

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Re: [Goanet]RE: CRIME IN GOA:4-year-old raped at Aquem, South Goa

2004-03-01 Thread vivek araujo

You made a sarcastic remark on this incident, and all
i added and still add, such acts are to be condemned,
there was no need for you to be sarcastic on the
special breed issue, they are two seperate
issues,unlawful acts committed by goans or whoever are
,should not and will never be excusable,.

1. My answer to your first question is a crime is a
crime be it a goan or an outsider,

2.There are classes of crimes and criminals fall in
such classes, (on goans being special breed,this is
and was a different topic) not tobe mixed.

3. Not agreeable to your question, that goans are
excusable neither did I say so. You seemed to be
Marlon, you have not answered my question, today it is
this girl, God forbid,if we face this situation are
you still going to sing the special breed song or act
on it?
Goa is transforming for good or bad Ican't answer but 
such acts were rare a few years back, but now these
acts like rapes, murders, thefts are high and we read
this through papers, why is the ratio so high? What is
crime rate of these acts? Last five years will speak
for itself and what have we done and what we are
All is said , where are you when such acts are
committed on others be it a goan or non goan? Marlon
it is better you suggest a positive solution.What
should be done, who is responsible for these crimes,
how goans together the law enforcement authorities
deal with this ? this should be your attitude not a
song of 365 days Special Breed.

--- Marlon Menezes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Vivek,

> I am a little confused now. Which of the following 
> are 
> you saying: 
> 1) The person who committed the above crime was an 
> outsider who had a phony goan name. 
> 2) Goans are a special breed, but that there is a 
> special sub breed who engage in crimes. 
> 3) Crimes such as this committed by Goans are 
> excusable, because hey, we are afterall part of that

> special breed. 
> Marlon 
> --- vivek araujo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > My earlier mail had a question what about all the 
> > crimes happening in goa by outsiders, on which 
> > category they fall? Disgraceful or respectful? 
> Where 
> > was and is Marlon when such acts take place?What 
> can 
> > marlon contribute to such incidents? 
> > 
> > This is not the time to be sarcastic on special 
> > breed, 
> > but find a solution, way forward. 
> > 
> > Vivek 

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Re: [Goanet]Re: Goans in the IAS

2004-03-01 Thread vivek araujo
Vegetables and yoga are good for mind, body and soul?
Eating meat drinking what?(water or juice medicine
etc, please be specific)never knew they are or were
bad habits,so all those who eat meat and
drinkwhat?? are bad ,  must be a new slogan since
elections are close, atleast you saw the truth on the
TV, how chinese and portuguese are behaving unlike
bharatis,(never heard of Bharati or 's) who say one
thing and the next folga bharati, everything in the
name of bharat.I should actually give you a telescope
or a magnifying glass to detect which bahartis eat
meat and drink? and which don't. 

All are welcome after all there is board at the
airport Goa Welcomes you,or at the border's if you
happen to travel by roador by train . They only missed
to add up " OPEN ARMS"

Didn't i tell you that every community is special ,
and you understood it only now,thank god you did not
mention "breed" otherwise the rigmarole again. Thank
you for that.

--- Santosh Helekar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > In a
message dated 2/29/2004 8:10:55 AM Central 
> Standard Time, 
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: 
> > 
> >Due to this attitude of some Goans , the outsiders 
> have taken 
> >advantage of this and we are left to Gaze. 
> > 
> I think outsiders are special. We should not add 
> fuel to the fire or 
> salt to the wound. We should welcome outsiders with 
> open arms. After 
> all, they are Bharatis like us. I was watching the 
> TV this morning. I 
> saw Chinese, Portuguese and people like that eating 
> vegetables and 
> doing yoga. It looks like they are becoming 
> vegetarians, and giving 
> up their bad drinking and meat eating habits. 
> Everybody now wants to 
> be like Bharatis. Bharatis are special. 
> Cheers, 
> Santosh 

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[Goanet]Ogling at women

2004-03-01 Thread Gabe Menezes

From: "Nasci Caldeira" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Wrote:
Sent: Monday, March 01, 2004 3:52 AM
Subject: RE: [Goanet] Ogling at women

> Hi all,
> Hindutva as well as Muslim cultures and extreme Indian conservatism are
> primary causes of 'The Ogling of Women' trend amongst a majority of

I have seen a documentary on India, about the situation before the British
arrived. The Victorians did all they could to stifle, the really sexy
Indians. There is a temple somewhere in South India depicting all the
various sex positions. Then of course there is the Kama Sutra. Indians have
to lay the blame on the puritanical British. Prior to that Indians were sex


Gabe Menezes

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[Goanet]About eating rats in Goa..

2004-03-01 Thread sarabond
I do recollect, when I was studing in Salcette, in the late 60s, we were
told that the men folk of the 'gauddi' community ate the king rats.
More light on this could be expected from our netters from Sasthi and
specially residing in Verna, Raia and in Fatorda- Arlem.
Those good days we hunted for squirrels, bats, cuckoo birds, sparrows,
seagulls (Bokem), Cong'ge in the fields etc. and we really relished these
few wild dishes. ( Those days there was no restrictions)

- Alfonso Bond Braganza.

From: "Gabe Menezes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sun, 29 Feb 2004 11:22:35 -
Subject: [Goanet]About  eating rats in Goa..

- Original Message -
From: "Joegoauk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Wrote about eating rats in Goa.

No big deal. I have seen Thai constuction workers in Singapore laying traps
for King rats, which they prize. The Filipinos eat incubated Duck eggs
called balut, as well as swallow newly born mice. Koreans and Chinese eat
dogs, snakes, money brains with brandy and a host of other delicacies which
we would find nauseating.

Buono Apetito!

Gabe Menezes.

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[Goanet]moving back to Goa

2004-03-01 Thread Aloysius D'Souza
Hi Marlon,

Not only in respect of computers and information technology are Indians
being appreciated around the world  --  but in the supplement to Economic
Times of 27.02.2004 the demand for our DESIGNS --  are the designers  called
engineers?  --  is so great that international companies are setting up
design centres in India

Come on back  --

Let us get together and make Goa the centre for computers, information
technology and designs  --  our architects are doing a fine job benefiting
from exposure to both Indian and European ideas


Aloysius D'Souza

- Original Message -
From: Marlon Menezes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2004 2:43 PM
Subject: [Goanet]moving back to Goa

> Brian,
> I think there are a lot of Goans living abroad who
> share your sentiments. Can you tell us what made you
> decide to leave the US. Also, what sort of
> disappointments and pleasant surprises have you
> experienced in Goa in terms of your career, social
> life, day to day chores, finances and overall quality
> of life. Furthermore, did you consider other parts of
> India or just Goa and if so why? What sort of pitfalls
> should an expat look for when planning the move?
> I understand some of these questions may be very
> personal which you may not be willing to answer. I
> think your insights will be very useful for us expats
> thinking of moving or returning to Goa/India. I have
> only vacationed in Goa, moje konkani sucks and I cant
> drink more than a peg of feni even if my life depended
> on it, but the charm and chaos of Goa still beckons
> me.
> Marlon
> (btw, I think we did briefly meet each other at the U
> of Illinois @ Urbana-Champaign)
> --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > PS: I studied and lived in the USA for over 15
> > years, and frankly had enough of it. After returning
> > to Goa... I have discovered to great delight how
> > nicely Goa has been developing and improving and
> > growing and thriving. And I intend to contribute
> > constructively to the growth and development...
> >
> > Cheers !
> >   -- Brian
> ##
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Re: [Goanet]...............................Post on the net...but do something ,too..........

2004-03-01 Thread vivek araujo

So simple and yet true, you have summarised it so
well, that we have to do something, rather than just
posting and being critical of things. 

Hat's off to you rene, and my request goes out to dear
friends, Mr. Naguesh, Mr. Marlon, Mr. Santosh, Mr.
Rui, and all the others, to come together, and
contribute positively, make Goans feel proud and the
next generation too.

Thanks rene for the article.
God bless

--- renebarreto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > 
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Miguel Braganza" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Mapusa-net" 
> Sent: Friday, February 27, 2004 10:19 PM 
> Subject: [Goanet]Re: Goans in the IAS? 
> > Dear Vivek, 
> > Good question, indeed. If I have not heard of or 
> seen the Pacific Ocean, 
> it does not cease to exist. All that Nagesh needs 
> to do is take the trouble 
> to find out. One cannot keep on blaming the 
> Portuguese colonial rule for 
> everything.* 
> . 
> > It is time we stopped only talking and posting on 
> the net. It is time some 
> > of us got together and began to work to make this 
> come true. Post on the 
> > net...but do something ,too.. 
> * It is time some of us got together and began to 
> work to make 
> this come true.* ..Miguel Braganza 
> o My thoughts 
> Lets get TOGETHER and make that difference ! 
> For GOA and Goans Globally. 
> I am in agreement with what Miguel says , there are 
> too many great Goan 
> individuals who have done so very WELL for 
> themselves , their families - 
> NOW , the question we need to ask ourselves - What 
> have we done for 
> our Global Goan Society / Community ? rather what 
> have I done for 
> my Community ? 
> Great Orators we have , great Writers too  on 
> this net - but very few 
> Doers ! lets STOP the idle talking and walk the talk

> ,join the thousand 
> of Goans world wide and make the GOANWORLD a better 
> place. 
> Many Goans and Goan Organistions work in isolation 
> , I believe that the 
> time has come for us to work towards Goan 
> unification ,this can only be 
> done when we Support all good Goan projects ! 
> I believe that one such good project is the * Goan 
> International Writers 
> Workshop * A post made by Fred Noronha - of an 
> article by Victor 
> Rangel-Ribeiro : details at 

> I wonder , WHY ? - why was it that not ONE of us 
> on the GOA net responded 
> to that post ? why , I wonder ? Yet we complain 
> that Goan Authors are not 
> supported by Goans at large. Are The Goan 
> Associations around the world 
> playing the role they are meant to ? What about the 
> Goan 
> Writers -themselves ? 
> How do they expect Goans and their friends to buy / 
> read their books if they 
> do not get involved ? 
> Lets stop finding faults with others and FOCUS on 
> the good we can do get 
> involvedLETS just do it 
> ! 
> Of late I noticed many postings on the net are 
> becoming more personal , 
> at times abusive and at times... simply childish . 
> There was a time when 
> this was a common occurrencebut I thought we

> had passed those 
> days but sadly not. 
> We need to remind ourselves that more eveil we write

> about others , 
> the more we tell the world about ourselves...I 
> wonder if I am right ? 
> rene barreto 
> TOGETHER we can make a difference. 


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RE: [Goanet]Goa's Exam-centric system!

2004-03-01 Thread bantaogoa
Thanks for the clarification on the ever changing acronym "SAT"

Certainly, one has to be well prepared for the test! But preparing
for the SAT is a different form of a preparation, much like "training
to take the driving test" as indicated.

However the Exam-centric general education system, "compromises on learining" or the 
Exams that are conducted should be conducted in 
such a manner where the learining process is very much like "training
to take the driving test" and in the process you have acquired the
skill on how to drive an automobile ! Which is a life-time skill.
Like they say "Once you have learned to ride a bicycle" there's no
question of forgeting it ... and there are many such things in life
that one learns in the manner of riding the bicycle.

   -- Brian

"domnic fernandes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>SAT meant “Scholastic Aptitude Test” or “Scholastic Assessment Test” - not 
>“Standardized Aptitude Test”.
>An excerpt from The Princeton Review “Cracking the SAT” Foreword by Adam 
>Robinson & John Katzman – 2003 Edition:
>“In the past few years, the political landscape surrounding testing has 
>changed.  As our society has become more test-savvy, the ETS test writers 
>have responded in more sophisticated ways.  They have admitted that the SAT 
>is not an intelligence test, and not really an assessment test, either.  
>This is reflected in the recent name changes of this test.  The test writers 
>first changed the name of the test from “Scholastic Aptitude Test” to 
>“Scholastic Assessment Test.”  Later, they dropped the claim that it was an 
>assessment test, and now it’s just called the SAT (which stands for nothing 
>at all).  Further, the College Board now not only admits that preparation is 
>advisable but even recommends it.  A College Board official recently 
>remarked "Just as you wouldn’t want to take a driver’s test cold, you don’t 
>want to go cold into the SAT."
>Domnic Fernandes
>Anjuna/Dhahran, KSA
>Brian Antao, Ph.D [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>…..As a further recommendation, it would be also possible to eliminate the 
>HSSC exam, and instead adopt the World recognized SAT (Standardized Aptitude 
>Test) conducted by the Educational Testing Service (ETS) of Princeton, USA, 
>for the standard XII students.  Admissions for the various colleges in Goa 
>would then be based on a weighted combination of a student’s performance on 
>the SAT and their performance of their localized merit list in each of their 
>individual Higher Secondary Schools. …..

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Re: Fw: [Goanet]No doubt Goa is corrupt

2004-03-01 Thread vivek araujo
Much obliged.

--- cornel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Vivek, 
> Is this helpful? There is much in Goa which is 
> corrupt! 
> Cornel 

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[Goanet]The closest thing to crazy!

2004-03-01 Thread Gabe Menezes
Has this song hit Goa yet? Haunting music check out the site below and
listen to a few bars play the media player.


Gabe Menezes.

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Re: [Goanet]Re: moving back to Goa

2004-03-01 Thread Bernado Colaco
. We should just 
> perhaps be more broadminded in respecting the
> decision of those who opted 
> to move elsewhere (for whatever reason), just as the
> critics among them 
> should refrain from attempts at convincing others
> that Goa/India is the 
> worst place in the planet.

Goans are tired of being part of a third world
community. Maybe our new hero returned from the US may
turn the tables for Goa. 

Not the wrost place on earth before 61 I guess!!

B. Colaco

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[Goanet]India v/s Pakistan series itinerary

2004-03-01 Thread sarabond
India v/s Pakistan series itinerary

>March 10 - Arrival in Lahore
>March 11 - One-day warm-up game in Lahore
>March 13 - 1st ODI in Karachi
>March 16 - 2nd ODI in Rawalpindi (D/N)
>March 19 - 3rd ODI in Peshawar
>March 21 - 4th ODI in Lahore (D/N)
>March 24 - 5th ODI in Lahore (D/N)
>March 28-April 1 - 1st Test at Multan
>April 5-9 - 2nd Test at Lahore
>April 13-17 - 3rd Test at Rawalpindi
>April 18 - Departure from Lahore
 Good Luck to India Team !!

- Alfonso Bond Braganza

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Re: [Goanet]RE: CRIME IN GOA:4-year-old raped / Corruption

2004-03-01 Thread vivek araujo
On corruption you are right, not prevalent only in Goa
but througout the world, not a new born issue but it's
come a long way, forums, workshops, conferences,and
many more,corruption has been discussed and we are
still discussing the same issue of corruption over and
over again, but till date no remedy.

You have got it wrong, an answer to your question
about rapist special breed(outsiders or
insiders),there is no meaning to this question, all i
had mentioned to marlon was crimes are very much on
rise in Goa, and this act cannot be excused be it a
goan or non goan, whether marlon can do something on
this? and where is marlon when such acts are committed
by outsiders? I have not shown any sympathy to the
criminal ,and also mentioned that this is not an issue
where one can make a distinction withthe topic of
special breed.

Yet again i mentioned, Godforbid if a member of any
family , can be mine /yours/becomes a victim to such
acts what next???won't we react, are we still
going to say special breed???

--- Seb dc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > This is not
the time to be sarcastic on special 
> > breed, 
> > but find a solution, way forward. 
> > 
> > Vivek 
> Marlon wrote: 
> Vivek, 
> I am a little confused now. Which of the following 
> are you saying: 
> 1) The person who committed the above crime was an 
> outsider who had a phony goan name. 
> 2) Goans are a special breed, but that there is a 
> special sub breed who engage in crimes. 
> 3) Crimes such as this committed by Goans are 
> excusable, because hey, we are afterall part of 
> that special breed. 
> Response 
> Vivek Now you need to find 2 solutions 
> 1. The Corruption level in Goa. (Thnx, i stand 
> corrected on the corruption 
> subject. But i still have some reservations) 
> 2. Special breed rapist (outsiders or insiders) 
> Find the way forward ! 
> SEB 

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[Goanet]Kolo-Undhrachi Xakuti (Ruchik Gozal)

2004-03-01 Thread lino dourado
Hea disani undir mamachi chorchea Goanetar ekdom
nettan choltta.

 Mhoje ixttan soikalli gozal pattovn dilea. Ruchin

 Ami dukhrachem mass khatat tem pollovn amkam zaite
zann Xii mhuntat. 

Philiphine ani China-hacho lokh Sunnim ani Sorop
khatat tem pollovn ami tankam dobradan
Xi mhuntat.

Maka dista amchea modhem zaite zann asat zanim azun
passun KOLO-UNDHRACHI XHAKUTI chakonk nam, irlixi
tumkam gozal sangpachi mhuntlear, sumar hanv lahn
10-11 vorsancho astana amchea ganvant paddekar narl
paddunk eile, khuimcheanuch eka paddekaran ek
Kolo-Undhir eke dolin ghelo poilo, anik vell
lainastana tea paddekaran ek lahn mathiechea
bullkullean irlemxem tonn (grass) anik toddeo mirsango
ghalun uzo lavun dunvor kelo, anik to bullkullo te
dolichea tonddar gott dovorlo, sumar panch minutani to
babddo Kolo-Undhir ordho melolo dolichea tonddar evun
podlolo, uprant tea Kolo-Undhirachi tea paddekarani
itli ruch'hik xhakuti keli oi itli ruch'hik xhakuti
keli, ki hanv tea paddekaram sangatak boson bhathachea
(Ukddea) tandullanchi pez anik ti ruch'hik xhakuti
khaileli to atam passun maka ugddass evun moji jib

Deva the paddekar porot maka khuim mellot ani kedna
porot ti ruch’hik uhmmm Kolo-Undhirachi
xhakuti mojea tallear poddot??? 

 Aiz hem borovpachem karan mhuntlear, zo meren amkam
khuichea-i zinoss (dish)-hachi ruch’h khobor nam to
meren amkam ti Xiidista.

Atam hem sogllem vachun tumi maka
Xiiba muhnxeat ham!!! 

-Borovpean aplem nanv sugur korunk sanglam-


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Re: [Goanet]Ogling at women

2004-03-01 Thread Eddie Fernandes

  I have no doubt that Gabe did see the documentary about Victorian morality
in India but is this the only or main reason why India has a "puritanical"
(I prefer the word "different") attitude towards sex and the display of the
human form?

  If the British presence was the cause of this, it would apply equally to
the other parts of the British Empire - Australia, large parts of Africa,
West Indies,  etc.  Also, there would have been a major shift in attitudes
after 1947 at least.

  I submit that other more important reasons for the attitudes are:

  1. The Mughal influence.  The attitude in the neighbouring Muslim
countries today is even more repressive.

  2. The Church influence.  This applied particularly to Goa. Recently we
were treated to this description of the Mhapsa Fest:
   "The 'art gallery' was like some pre-historic site of pornographic art in
a ruined house located in a jungle of weeds and thorns. Both, the site and
the porno art has been captured in digital imagery. The house exterior was
exhibited as photos during the Mhapsa Fest, the art is fit only for porno

  3. The Asian influence.  The whole continent of Asia applies different
values from the West and it is not a bad thing either!

  The clashes of  culture are inevitably more pronounced in Goa because of
the presence of tourists. On 7 Feb. 2004 a Scotsman travel writer observed:

  "At Chapora I watched a balding Bombay gent, baggy grey flannel trousers
rolled to his knees, vainly try to persuade two topless German girls to pose
with him for a souvenir photo - just the latest in the long history of
culture clashes that have given Goa its oddball charm. Full text, 1604 words

  A few years ago Der Spiegel, the German newsmagazine did a photo feature
on Goa.  It carried two contrasting photographs - one, a hundred years ago,
of the white traveller to the East paying a local woman to stand naked next
to him in a photograph. The next photograph showed a recent scene on a Goa
beach.  The Indian traveller had paid a young female hippie to stand naked
next to him.   Evidently  the  hippies have a scale of charges depending on
the apparent affluence of the tourist and the amount they are expected to


  - Original Message - 
  From: "Gabe Menezes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

  .> Indians have
  > to lay the blame on the puritanical British. Prior to that Indians were
  > gods/goddesses.

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[Goanet]RE: RE: Mixed Marriages

2004-03-01 Thread Radhakrishnan Nair
(Brian wrote: Well what about the kind of "Mixed Marriages" that have
recently been solemnized en-masse in San Francisco?)
Hi, Brian!

Please read my post carefully. I wrote: There is absolutely no bar on a 
Keralite marrying a Punjabi, Gujarati, Goan or anyother Indian, provided 
they belong to the opposite sexes!

The stress is on the last three words!

Cheers, RKN

Marriage?  Join

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RE: [Goanet] Ogling at women

2004-03-01 Thread Bernado Colaco
> >From: halur rasho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Subject: RE: [Goanet] Ogling at women
> >Date: Sun, 29 Feb 2004 15:52:30 -0800 (PST)
> >
> >Why is it so diffcult to get the point across ? It
> is
> >not about ogling. It is about stereo-typing of
> >indians, by Goa-netters. About 50% percent of the
> >posts here are derogatory comments about indians,
> >being oglers, cheats, corrupt, backward, women
> covered
> >from head to toe etc.
> >
> >Indians are like any other people. Some are
> >insufferable jerks, a few are saints and most are
> some
> >where in between.
> >
Hello Rashu,

I guess it is payback time for the depiction of Goan
man  as drunken louts and women as dresswallis over
the years in Bolliwood crap.

B. Colaco

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RE: [Goanet]Lopsided education in Goa

2004-03-01 Thread bantaogoa
This is a problem due to the fact that the university education
in Goa is rigidly structured across the individual affiliated
colleges, and the curriculum is also rigid with little freedom to
choose courses.

A change can be brought about by having a core-concentration in
the specialized area of study for example engineering and a
minor-concentration in any of the other areas. The problem is implementing
this flexibility, as for example the engineering colleges are rigidly
fixed to only impart courses in engineering. Perhaps a student may be
allowed the flexibility to attended classes/courses at any of the
other affiliated colleges for thier minor-concentration outside the
area of specialization.

One problem that exists at Goa University is that each of the affiliated
colleges are too seperated from each other, with little interaction
and/or collaboration between them. In a previous article "Reasearch Does
Count" I had mentioned that Goa University should move in the direction
of being more of a Research and Teaching University, and I'd like to add
that whatever references made in that article to Goa University applies
not only to just the central Goa University body BUT to both Goa University and all 
its affiliated colleges. 

By bringing about more collaboration between the affiliated colleges,
many inter-disciplinary research programmes can be undertaken. Research
also needs to be undertaken by each of the affiliated colleges and their
faculty, and not just at the main Goa University campus.

Interaction between the affiliated colleges would also offer students
greater flexibility of choosing and undertaking courses and subjects
at the different affiliated colleges.

  -- Brian Antao

jose lourenco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Education in Goa after SSC mostly splits into Science,
>Commerce and Arts streams. In the 'specialised'
>education that follows, which produces doctors,
>engineers, bankers or teachers, there is a lopsided
>focus. It is strange that our authorities feel that
>philosophy or money management need not be taught to
>Engineering students. The field of engineering in
>which I graduated is a broad one. The ethics of
>Socrates, Plato,Nietzsche,Russell et al as well as the
>sublime teachings of eastern philosophy would
>certainly have helped to shape the perspective of many
>an engineer,architect or doctor. Likewise lectures on
>stress management,money matters and motivation would
>have saved many a budding 'science' graduate from
>It is the need of the hour to establish a series of
>'extra-curricular'(as the system may see it) lectures
>that correct this yawning gap in our educational
>system. Commerce students could learn how
>mudhouses,colonial era homes and high-rise buildings
>come together to affect people's spending power.Arts
>students must see how globalisation and technology
>will drastically alter the culture of the state.
>Computer students must debate the ethics of androids
>and anti-trust .
>Only then will we produce wholesome young men and
>women who see the larger picture clearly and
>understand and work with each other to usher in the
>Brave New World. 

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[Goanet]RE: Ogling at women

2004-03-01 Thread Radhakrishnan Nair
(Nasci Caldeira wrote: Hindutva as well as Muslim cultures and extreme 
Indian conservatism are the primary causes of 'The Ogling of Women' trend 
amongst a majority of Indians! Why? Because generations of Indian kids are 
growing up without seeing that their mothers and sisters have legs; they 
only see their fatty midriffs and their bosoms in tight sari blouses. These 
unfortunate unusual people are a victim of their circumstance. What a shame; 
that these cultures do not lift themselves out of their depravity, and 
recognise the 'sheer beauty in God's creation of Woman'.)

What a wonderful theory, Nasci dear! Are we to believe that there is no 
ogling or teasing in cultures where children grow up seeing the bare limbs 
and midriffs of their mothers and sisters? We don't consider ourselves 
unfortunate or unusual, dear! On the other hand, we would consider it not 
only unfortunate and unusual but also downright perversion if you go around 
exposing "the sheer beauty in God's creation of Woman" before your kids.

Get rid of your bigoted and perverted views on the Indian society, about 
which you know nothing at all!

Cheers, RKN

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[Goanet]GOA CORRUPTION WATCH:Dy Conservator of forest placed under suspension

2004-03-01 Thread Goa Desc
Documented by Goa Desc Resource Centre Ph:2252660
Website: Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Press Clippings on the web:
Dy Conservator of forest placed under suspension
A case of alleged manipulation and misappropriation of funds
has led to the suspension of Deputy Conservator of Forests
and Director of Wildlife and Eco-tourism, O V R Reddy.
In an order issued yesterday, Reddy has been placed under
suspension until the completion of the full-fledged inquiry being
conducted by the Vigilance Department.Reddy, an officer of the
Indian Forest Services is alleged to have misappropriated
government funds by manipulating muster rolls maintained by
the department for its casual workers.
A departmental inquiry confirming Reddy's alleged involvement
in gross misappropriation was forwarded to the Vigilance
department under whose orders the IFS officer has been
suspended from services.
Chief Secretary and Chief Vigilance Officer, D S Negi confirming
that an order was issued yesterday suspending Reddy from his
services disclosed that the Forest Department was also
investigating into the alleged involvement of other officers in the
forest department in the same case.
According to information available, the case against Reddy and
the others pertains to siphoning government funds to the tune of
Rs one lakh by manipulating muster rolls over a period of 50 days.
The investigations against the IFS officer and the others was
initiated following a complaint lodged against the alleged accused
before the forest and vigilance department
Herald 29/2/04 page 3
Documentation + Education + Solidarity
11 Liberty Apts., Feira Alta, Mapusa, Goa 403 507
Tel: 2252660 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Working On Issues Of Development & Democracy
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Re: [Goanet]Re: Any Goans in Japan?

2004-03-01 Thread Viviana
Venantius - will you and Cecilia pass through SF?


Venantius J Pinto wrote:

Dear Norman,
Thanks for being helful. I have sent my message to David D'Souza and will
try and call him before we leave. Cecilia says hi. Will keep you informed
how things go.
Warm regards,

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[Goanet]President Pandurang replies to Vivek

2004-03-01 Thread Santosh Helekar
Vivek Araujo wrote:
>must be a new slogan since elections are close, atleast you saw the
>truth on the TV 


My friend President Pandurang Fernandes, who is running for
re-election, wants to respond to your last post. He will answer all
your questions from now on. You have earned that right.



>Vegetables and yoga are good for mind, body and soul?

For the body. Our old rishis and bhots used them for bodybuilding. Our
padris have never used them. That is why they have big stomachs
because they drink a lot and eat meat.

>Eating meat drinking what?(water or juice medicine etc, please be

Whisky, beer, rum. Not feni.

>never knew they are or were bad habits, so all those who eat meat and
>drink what? are bad

Listen to me. They are bad. Do you eat meat and drink whisky? You must
be having a big stomach and talking nonsense.

>how chinese and portuguese are behaving unlike bharatis,(never heard
>of Bharati or 's) 

Chinese and Portuguese on TV are behaving like Bharatis. To hear about
Bharatis read books by Ole Xac Colaco.

>I should actually give you a telescope or a magnifying glass to
>detect which bahartis eat meat and drink? and which don't. 

The Bharatis who eat meat and drink are spoiled by Chinese in 1962 and
Portuguese before 1961. They are bad Bharatis. They like to add fuel
to the fire.

>They only missed to add up " OPEN ARMS"


>thank god you did not mention "breed" otherwise the rigmarole again.

It should be special breed, like Jersey cows. Don't bring God in the
middle. Chicken roll is better than rigmarole, but not better than
vegetable roll. Pork and beef are bad. Do you eat pork and beef
rigmarole like Chinese, Portuguese and people like that?

Yours faithfully,

President Pandurang

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[Goanet]Carry cellphone and u will never be lost in GOA (SMS & money saving tips)

2004-03-01 Thread Joegoauk
I am sure, for some of you, this may not be a new

In UK I tried with most Network service providers
(mobile) but such info is not available.

But in GOA, your mobile will tell you which part of
GOA you are in, be it Arambol, Anjuna or vasco/Margao
or Canacona. Just see the display on your mobile and
it will tell you the place where u are in (its free
service) All you have to do is set your 'phone'
setting to 'Cell info ON'

e.g Porvorim or Miramar and if just be closer to GOA
Mariotte Hotel-it will tell u 'Near Goa Marriot'.
Similarly 'near Airport' when near Airport etc 

Are you one of those who spend heavily on SMS (Text
Messages) to GOA or India  from abroad? Would u like
some money saving tips ? e.g. Just Re.1 from India and
just Rs.1.50p from abroad. Normally, to send one
sms,your friends in India pay Rs.5 (Intl.sms) and you
pay about Rs.16). Receiving sms being free of cost.


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[Goanet]Kolo-Undhrachi Xakuti (Ruchik Gozal)

2004-03-01 Thread Gabe Menezes

- Original Message - 
From: "lino dourado" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Wrote:-

Subject: [Goanet]Kolo-Undhrachi Xakuti (Ruchik Gozal)

> Hea disani undir mamachi chorchea Goanetar ekdom
> nettan choltta.

You have jogged my memory.
After an absence of many years, I revisted Goa in 1974, together with my
newly weded wife. We met my Uncle by chance, in Margao, one evening and were
invited back to his place for a drink. We were served an exceedingly tasty
xacuti. I have never, had a xacuti like that again. It was rather full of
ones and was informed that it was chicken but it did not look like chicken
nor did it tast like chicken it was the sweetest flesh I had ever eaten. I
am now convinced it was kolo-undir. It should be put on the menu at
Nostalgia in Raia or perhaps Martin's corner in Betalbatim.


Gabe Menezes.

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[Goanet]Moving Back To Goa /Melinda Powell

2004-03-01 Thread David Powell
I liked your positve outlook,and helpful comments about "Moving Back To
I have been born and brought up in Bombay,but I found life getting
impersonal,hectic and the pollution was getting unbearable.We moved to
Goa,much to my family and friends consternation,and they were so sure that
Goa was only a holiday home for us.It is four years now,since we have
settled here and I love being in Goa.Yes ,I do crib about the power going
off,crazy driving etc,but I am happy to see that Goa is making progress,slow
as it may be.
What I really appreciate about Goa is the people.Yes,we have an occasional
rapist,or crab mentality goans,but there are also some very warm genuine
people.Ive travelled all over the world,but no where have I  met such
sincere warm people who are kind,without ulterior motives.
I love the women who sell home grown veggies in the market places.They chat
with you,give you an honest deal,even throw in extra stuff without you
asking them too.I was so touched some days ago,when one lady selling
bananas,offered each of my twins a banana, free.She noticed how my smallies
were bothering me,and she gave them a banana each just to distract them,keep
them busy.
So many times,if I dont have change,Ive been told to pay the money the next
day---this comment coming from strangers,who trust me to pay them at a later
date is amazing.
In this selfish world,I find there is warmth ,camaraderie,and friendship
here.While many people may have bad experiences(I have to),I still choose to
live here,and focus on the positive.With Watch dog groups,with more people
being involved in being proactive,I think Goa is slowly heading in the right
Melinda Powell.

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RE: [Goanet]No doubt Goa is corrupt

2004-03-01 Thread C Fernandes
Which is this airport?

...and what is the name of the Customs Officer?

-Original Message-
Of Seb dc
Sent: 29 February 2004 04:47
Subject: [Goanet]No doubt Goa is corrupt

After a very short stay back home. Yesterday I boarded my flight back from
Goa. After the immigration check, I met a guy returning to work like myself.
He was looking quite sad. normally its always the routine emotional scenes
you get to see at the departure lounge. But this was with a difference. He
was cursing the staff at the airport. The reason; he was carrying some
medicine along with prescription, but he was not allowed to carry the same.
It started with the officer putting a circle on his boarding pass (a sign
for the next man to extract money from this person) It seems they told him
would open his baggage and remove unless he paid whatever Indian currency he
was carrying back.


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[Goanet]THE IFFITIZING OF PANJIM - By: Averthanus L. D'Souza (Posted on request)

2004-03-01 Thread Floriano Lobo

By  Averthanus L. D'Souza.

The Chief Minister of Goa allowed himself to be
cajoled and manipulated into agreeing to make Goa the permanent venue for
the International Film Festival of India.   Succumbing to pressures from the
Central Government and from the Bollywood arm-twisters, the Chief Minister
either forgot or ignored the basic principle of good governance:  viz. to
take the people of Goa into confidence.   Furthermore, the C.M. did not take
into account the fact that the Film Festival had bombed out in other more
conducive cities like New Delhi, Chennai and Mumbai,  which had better
infrastructure and a more acceptable cultural atmosphere.

The reason for the selection of Goa to be the
permanent venue for the Film Festival had nothing whatsoever to do with
films or with the 'filmi-cultural' climate of  Goa.   Goa was selected,
ostensibly, because it was internationally known to be a tourist
destination.  It has the natural assets of beaches and beautiful  forests.
As the tourist promotion brochures boast, it has sun, sand and surf. It was
assumed that since the tourists were already going to come to Goa, they
could be persuaded to patronize the film festival while they were here.   A
classical ploy of putting the cart before the horse.   The very fact that
the festival has been scheduled to coincide with the exposition of the
relics  of  St. Francis Xavier at the end of the year 2004 is indicative of
the fact that the promoters of the IFFI want an assured  'audience' for
their otherwise dubious enterprise.

The cart is being got ready by the Chief Minister,
who is in a frenzy to meet the deadline;  but there is still no sign that he
is even looking for the horses to draw the cart !! From all accounts,  there
is a profusion of confusion regarding the infrastructure to be put in place
before the end of 2004.Nobody,  repeat "nobody",  is able to provide the
citizens of Panjim with the Master Plan  of the physical infrastructure
which is to be created to enable the IFFI to be hosted here.Even up to
this point in time,  neither the Chief of the Goa Infrastructure Development
Corporation nor the Commissioner of the Corporation of the City of Panjim is
able to definitively tell us where the different facilities will be
eventually situated.   There is a lot of  "speculation" about the site of
the Convention Centre.  There is no information about parking facilities for
the expected increase in the number of vehicles during the time of the IFFI.
Regarding the transport facilities, the citizens are being handed out
highly glamorized  "artists' impressions"  of  four-lane  speedways within
the city limits of Panjim, which is only 7.56 sq. kms. in area.  For a small
town of less than 50,000  inhabitants  ( According to the 1991 Census,
Panjim had a population of 42,915 ),  the Chief Minister has promised to
provide the City with a ropeway connecting Sinquerim with Panjim, a "skybus"
connecting the Kadamba bus stand with the Miramar Circle and  multi-storeyed
parking plazas.   He has guaranteed that Panjim will be a "European
 standard" city before  the end of the year 2004.

It becomes quite obvious that the Chief Minister of
Goa is inextricably caught up in his own fantasy of  building castles in the
air.   What is excruciatingly painful, however, is that  he does not have a
Master Plan for this "fantastic" ( literally) enterprise.What we are
witnessing is the appointment of  "Consultants" and  "Advisors" to these
Consultants, and, even more  intriguingly,  Advisors to the Advisors to the
Consultants.  The Chief Minister does not seem to have heard  of the adage
that too many cooks can spoil the broth.

While the entire machinery of the Government is now
concentrated on trying to meet the deadline for the  IFFI  in December 2004,
the more serious concerns of the citizens of Panjim remain unattended to.
Panjim remains the malaria capital of India.   It does not  mitigate the
suffering of the citizens by proclaiming that it is the  migrant  workers
who are responsible for the alarming increase in the incidence of malaria in
Goa.  Water supply is still inadequate and unpredictable, despite the
assurances that the capacity of the catchment areas and the purification
plants have now been increased.   For many years, now, the sewage treatment
plant  at Tonca has been non-functional and raw sewage has been allowed to
flow (untreated) into the Mandovi river.   The storm water canal which flows
through the heart of the City has become an open sewer and a dumping place
for all the solid waste of the residents along the embankments.   The
recurrence of the recent epidemic of Jaundice  in the City still haunts the
residents of Panjim.   Political string-pulling and the placating of
political god-fathers has ensured that the basic causes of the epidemic have
not bee

[Goanet]Legal Notice to the Board of Directors of EDC Ltd. , Govt. of Goa. (Notice No. 4)

2004-03-01 Thread goasuraj
Date : 24th Feb., 2004.


1.  Mr. Dempo V. Srinivas,
(Director, EDC Ltd.),
Dempo Villa,
Altinho, Panaji, North Goa,
GOA 403001.

2.  Mr. Joshi V. Parag,
(Director, EDC Ltd.),
2nd Floor, Joshi Bldg.,
Vasco-da-Gama, South Goa,
GOA 403802.

3.  Mr.Desai Narayan Sanjeev,
(Director, EDC Ltd.),
Ponda, North Goa,
GOA 403401

4.  Mr. Dupare N. Krishna,
(Director, EDC Ltd.),
Flat No.3, Sagar Dharshan,
IDBI Office Quarters,
Panaji, North Goa,
GOA 403001

5.  Mr. Karambelkar M. Satish,
(Director, EDC Ltd.),
Flat 203, Model Paradi,
Miramar, Panaji, North Goa,
GOA 403001.

6.  Mr. Salkar V. Vallabh,
(Director, EDC Ltd.),
Bordem, Bicholim, North Goa,
GOA 403504.

7.  Mr. Gomes John Bonny,
(Director, E.D.C. Ltd.)
Cuncolim, South Goa,
GOA 403703

8.  Mr. Ashraf H. Syed,
(Director, EDC Ltd.),
International Ship Repairs,
'F' Complex,
Vasco-da-Gama, South Goa,
GOA 403802

9.  Mrs. Ray Rina,
(Director, EDC Ltd.),
E-5, 'F'  Govt. Quarters,
Altinho, Panaji, North Goa,
GOA 403001.

10.  Mr. Kunkolienkar A. Nitin,
(Director, EDC Ltd.),
G-3  Unique Appartment,
Behind Lawande Clinic,
Porvorim, North Goa,
GOA 403521.

11.  Mr. Palekar V. Anil,
(Director, EDC Ltd.),
955  Ambirna,
Succoro, Porvirim, North Goa,
GOA 403521.

12.  Mr. D'lima Peter F. Xavier,
(Director, EDC Ltd.),
64 Machado Caves,
Dona Paula, Panaji, North Goa,
GOA 403001

Sub:  Waiver of Amounts due to E.D.C. from Sim Chem Pvt. Ltd.,
  Tuem Industrial Estate, Tuem, Pernem, Goa-403512

Ref:  GSRP/EDC/04/2003

Dear Sir,

I am to address this letter to you under instructions and on behalf of my
client 'GOA SU-RAJ  PARTY', also known as 'GOA  GOOD  GOVERNANCE  PARTY'
, a political party registered under the Representation of People Act, 1951,
having their office at Karekar Bldg. (2nd Floor), Opp. Goa Bank Ltd.,
Mapuca, Goa.

2.  My client has been given to understand that the above
captioned Company, 'Sim Chem Pvt. Ltd.', was initially promoted by one Shri
Prakash Sankhawalkar along with Dr. B. B. Gaitonde, Dr. Ajit Shirodkar & Dr.
Ashok Gore and among whom it was Shri Prakash Sankhawalkar who had the major
financial stake in the said Company which manufactures pharmaceutical
formulations.  It is further learnt that subsequently the above named Dr. B.
B. Gaitonde, Dr. Ajit Shirodkar & Dr. Ashok Gore sold their shares in the
Company to Shri Prakash Sankhawalkar and his brothers who then jointly
controlled the said Company.

3.  On 12.12.1990, the Company had applied for a loan from
E.D.C. to set up a pharmaceutical unit at Tuem, Pernem, Goa.   The said loan
of about Rs.100,000,00.00 (Rupees One Crore Only) was sanctioned on
27.4.1991 and disbursed in January, 1993.

4.  As on 31.12.2000 the Company owed E.D.C. an amount of
Rs.1,83,51,035=00 (Rupees One Crore Eighty Three Lakhs Fifty One Thousand
Thirty Five Only)

5.  That on 22nd March, 2001, the said Company applied for a
One Time Settlement which was granted to them on 29th April, 2001, i.e.
within a period of 37 days.  As per the One Time Settlement granted, an
amount of Rs. 77,51,035=00 (seventy-seven lakhs, fifty-one thousand and
thirty-five) was waived off.   It may be noted that at the time of the
waiver of the said amount, The E.D.C. had valued the assets of the Company
at Rs.1,06,39,000=00 (one crore, six lakhs, thirty-nine thousand) .  The
break up of this valuation by the E.D.C. is as under:
Plant & machinery:Rs.   36,89,000=00
6000 mts. square of land  :Rs.  9,00,000=00
Bldg., Structures Godown etc Rs.59,00,000=00
(Built up area 1400 mts. square)

Compound wall & gate  Rs.  1,50,000=00

6.  The above valuation related only to the tangible
physical assets of the Company and did not take into account the actual
operations and financial performance of the Company.  My clients have learnt
that at the relevant time the said Company was financially  sound.  In fact
it was utilizing its installed capacity to a high percentage having been
granted loan licence manufacturing approvals by the Food & Drug
Administration of the Government of Goa.  It is learnt that 'Sim Chem Pvt.
Ltd.' was manufacturing pharmaceutical formulations for a large number of
other pharmaceutical units including units of multinational pharmaceutical
companies based in Goa.  The balance sheets filed by Sim Chem Pvt. Ltd. with
the Registrar of Companies indicate that the Company was not a sick unit
under the Sick Industrial Companies Act, 1985.

7.  It also appears that one of the officers of EDC, Mr.
Dayanand S. Kanekar, was appointed as Nominee Director of EDC on the Board
of Directors of Sim Chem Pvt. Ltd., and which Director, according to public
documents available with my client, resigned from the post of Nominee
Director on 17th Jan. 2002.

8.  Further, as per the

[Goanet]Press -Note issued by Goa Su-Raj Party on waver of 77.51 lakhs by EDC to Sim Chem Pvt. Ltd in 37 days.

2004-03-01 Thread goasuraj
Issued to: Herald, Gomantak Times, Gomantak; Tarun Bharat; Goan Observer,
Goa Today.on 1st. March, 2004 18:00 hours.

(Note: This Press -Note has not been delivered to Navhind Times as they


Legal Notice has been served on the Board of Directors of EDC Ltd., by the
Goa Su-Raj Party in respect of the waiver granted to Sim Chem Pvt. Ltd.
Discrepancies have been noticed in the amount of Rs. 84.61 lakhs reported by
Sim Chem as waiver from the EDC to the Registrar of Companies, and the
amount  of Rs. 77.51 lakhs claimed to have been waived off in the White
Paper published by the Govt. of Goa.

The Notice seeks details from the EDC Board as to whether the Board had
passed a resolution to waive off the amounts due from Sim Chem Pvt. Ltd, or
whether the Board had empowered any Officer(s) of the EDC to waive off
amounts due from Loanee Companies . This aspect is significant as public
records with the Registrar of Companies indicate that the EDC Ltd. Had
nominated an Officer, Mr. Dayanand S. Kanekar, resident of Sanquelim, as
Nominee Director on the Board of Sim Chem Pvt. Ltd., ostensibly to protect
its own interests.

Whether any measures to recover the amounts due to EDC were taken and also
whether any legal action was initiated before the amounts were waived off,
especially since the Company was financially  sound and the loan amount was
secured against the land assets and machinery of Sim Chem Pvt. Ltd. Which
was "manufacturing pharmaceutical formulations for a large number of other
pharmaceutical units including units of multinational pharmaceutical
companies based in Goa", is also the subject matter of the Notice.

It may be noted that the dues in public funds were waived off within a short
period of 37 days on 29th April 2001, and that the said Unit is controlled
by Mr. Prakash Sankawalkar and his brothers, who are closely related to Mr.
Manohar Harishchandra Parrikar, the Chief Minister of Goa, who also directly
 and specifically holds charge of the EDC Ltd. As also the Finance portfolio
of the Govt. of Goa.

Quite obviously the Legal Notice appears to imply that extraneous
considerations weighed heavily in waiving off the huge amounts in public
funds owed by Sim Chem Pvt. Ltd., and accordingly seeks an explanation
within fifteen days, failing which appropriate civil and criminal
proceedings may be initiated by the Goa Su-Raj Party to secure genuine good

For Goa Su-Raj Party.
(Gerald Fernandes)
General Secretary & Spokesperson

# Send submissions for Goanet to [EMAIL PROTECTED]   #   
# PLEASE remember to stay on-topic (related to Goa), and avoid top-posts #
# More details on Goanet at  #  
# Please keep your discussion/tone polite, to reflect respect to others  #

[Goanet]ASSA MAKA UGDDAS - ek kovita

2004-03-01 Thread ACC GENERAL - CYPRIANO
Mogall Domnic bab,

Tujem "Bhurgeapon" ho lekh vachun maka mojeai bhurgeaponnamcho ugddas
Tunvem samkem dolleam mukhar bhurgeaponnailem chitr addlem anink 
maka sarko mojea bhurgeaponnant vorun soddlo.   Anink mojean koxeim
zalenam hache voir ek kovita rochlea xivai.  Tor anink vell kiteak?  Hi
zaun assa moji kovita "Assa maka ugddas"

Tumcho mogall,
Cypriano Fernandes (Riyadh, K.S.A.)


Assa maka ugddas.
Mainche unttien
Bosun oso
Tonddan ghalun bott
Maink bogor bogor
Usko mozo
Topastali pott

Kuum-kuum korta
Khonkli marta
Cheddeak zaleat dont
Ratcho nidant
Hang kaddtta
Ornita dant-vontt

Ah! Hang taplam
Zor aila
Cheddeak zalea dixtt
Apoun add go
Tokler unvllai mitt

Tel laun 
Navoun pusun
Kori goro paklo
Marun hangar
Pauddor boro
Poleak kallo tiklo
Ratcho nidonk
Toear zainam
Mhunnoi etle kole
Koleanchem naum 
Rokddech dample dolle
Jevinam zalear
Kanvlleak apoii
ieo re kankam 
ghe re kankam
Motte pottacho mono etolo
Vortolo borun sakam
Kitlem rosall
Kitlem movall
Mojem bhurgeapon
Kitlei lak duddu dilear
Portem addun maka
Ditlo kon?

# Send submissions for Goanet to [EMAIL PROTECTED]   #
# PLEASE remember to stay on-topic (related to Goa), and avoid top-posts #
# More details on Goanet at  #
# Please keep your discussion/tone polite, to reflect respect to others  #

[Goanet]Europe tightens visas for Indians

2004-03-01 Thread Constantino Xavier
This might be of interest for Goans planning a visit to the EU:

Europe tightens visas for Indians

Goa @
The new MSN 8: smart spam protection and 2 months FREE*

# Send submissions for Goanet to [EMAIL PROTECTED]   #   
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# More details on Goanet at  #  
# Please keep your discussion/tone polite, to reflect respect to others  #

[Goanet]COMMENT: Australia... a story of migration (By Belinda Viegas-Mueller)

2004-03-01 Thread Frederick Noronha (FN)
Australia: a story of migration

Migration holds more than just a certain charm to the average Goan, who has
been crossing the seas for generations. A poignant tale from Down Under, and
the issues there...

By Dr Belinda Viegas-Mueller

"Is this all there is?" The discontented little voice inside kept growing
louder and more insistent. Everything seemed so routine.  "I need to break
out of this monotony," I said to my hubby. "And I need a break too," he
replied as the electricity flickered. On, off. On, off, on... off.

"Perhaps I could work in a town somewhere exotic," I said wistfully.

"Why not?"

"But where?"

Australia. A land of adventure and excitement. A few e-mails to old
classmates and friends and a position clinched. In Cairns, the tourist
capital of Australia. Boredom vanished as we packed a household into four
bags, and with two children, flew Down Under. Brisbane impressed us. A
lovely city, modern and spunk. Clean and efficient. Walking through the park
with flocks of large black ibises, glorious rainbow parakeets and, of
course, raucous kookaburras. The trees, vaguely familiar and yet so
different.  Friendly people. We're going to like it here, we all thought

Then on to Cairns -- and work. After being in private practice for so many
years, I looked forward to working in a big, multi- disciplined hospital
again. We got ourselves a beautiful apartment, fully self-contained,
complete with swimming pool. The children slipped into their new school like
fish into water.  "We love school here," they enthused. "Less writing and
memorising, but a lot more thinking."

They went on a three-day camp to Green Island and the Mila-Mila falls,
building up self-reliance and self-confidence. "We don't want to go back to
Goa!" They were emphatic. "School's lot more fun here."

The hubby was having a whale of a time, or should I say shark?  "Fishing
gear's so cheap!" He couldn't believe the prices. And when he pulled out a
six-foot shovel-nosed shark at the pier and had other monsters fighting on
his lines, he was hooked. Bush walking through lush world heritage
rain-forests, swimming in crystal clear streams and crater lakes, diving on
the Great Barrier Reef, cuddling koala bears, wombats and wallabies --
Australia has a special way of making one appreciate Nature like few other
places in the world. The light is ethereal and the space opens one up to its
glorious magnificence.

Wide roads sans traffic chaos, the ease with which things get done, the
cleanliness, the superb public parks with free barbeque facilities.

"I think I could live here long-term," the hubby ventured carefully.

"We've only come for a year," I warned the family. "Don't get your hopes
up." But I too found myself looking with interest at houses for sale up at
Palm Cove and Clifton Beach.  Everything was so wonderful, we seemed to have
landed in a paradise on Earth.

And so, I couldn't understand the wall of hopelessness I was daily
confronted with in the hospital. The average Goan back home, I knew,
struggling with poverty, ignorance, corruption, bureaucracy and appalling
infrastructure had far less than the average citizen here. And yet, what
struck me so powerfully was the sense of emptiness.

"Ours is a welfare state," I was told, "and the Government looks after us."
Their basic needs were all assured -- shelter, food, clothing, medical care,
schooling, and yet, or perhaps because of this, I could see how desperately
they were trying to find meaning in their lives.

The quest for an easy life and the crumbling down of values, family and
religion seemed to have set many adrift in a sea of vacuum, searching for
new Gods.

The number of New Age believers hovering perilously on the edges of reality
shocked me. I met people who were conversing with spirits everyday and even
two who told me they had actually seen Satan. And I thought I had left
superstitious beliefs behind me in Goa!

I often came across hard desperation mingled with hopelessness, made very
volatile and combustible with drug and alcohol abuse.

It was a new experience to be sure to carry an alarm around. The hospital
seemed like a revolving door with patients going in, out, in out, in, out...

"You'll get used to it," my helpful colleagues assured me.

"I don't want to get used to this," I told my husband. My dissatisfaction

Then came the inevitable culture clashes.

"Mama, we're having a night in town," my ten-year-old daughter brightly
announced one afternoon.

"A night in town? What do you mean?"

"Oh, we're meeting at six this evening and then going about town till ten or


"Arielle, Catherine and myself." All ten-year-olds. 

I explained to her why I couldn't allow her to go, because I knew it was
just too dangerous. She shot back the all-time argument flattener. "If their
mothers are allowing them to go, why can't you? You're being

For three days after

[Goanet-news]COMMENT: Australia... a story of migration (By Belinda Viegas-Mueller)

2004-03-01 Thread Frederick Noronha (FN)
Australia: a story of migration

Migration holds more than just a certain charm to the average Goan, who has
been crossing the seas for generations. A poignant tale from Down Under, and
the issues there...

By Dr Belinda Viegas-Mueller

"Is this all there is?" The discontented little voice inside kept growing
louder and more insistent. Everything seemed so routine.  "I need to break
out of this monotony," I said to my hubby. "And I need a break too," he
replied as the electricity flickered. On, off. On, off, on... off.

"Perhaps I could work in a town somewhere exotic," I said wistfully.

"Why not?"

"But where?"

Australia. A land of adventure and excitement. A few e-mails to old
classmates and friends and a position clinched. In Cairns, the tourist
capital of Australia. Boredom vanished as we packed a household into four
bags, and with two children, flew Down Under. Brisbane impressed us. A
lovely city, modern and spunk. Clean and efficient. Walking through the park
with flocks of large black ibises, glorious rainbow parakeets and, of
course, raucous kookaburras. The trees, vaguely familiar and yet so
different.  Friendly people. We're going to like it here, we all thought

Then on to Cairns -- and work. After being in private practice for so many
years, I looked forward to working in a big, multi- disciplined hospital
again. We got ourselves a beautiful apartment, fully self-contained,
complete with swimming pool. The children slipped into their new school like
fish into water.  "We love school here," they enthused. "Less writing and
memorising, but a lot more thinking."

They went on a three-day camp to Green Island and the Mila-Mila falls,
building up self-reliance and self-confidence. "We don't want to go back to
Goa!" They were emphatic. "School's lot more fun here."

The hubby was having a whale of a time, or should I say shark?  "Fishing
gear's so cheap!" He couldn't believe the prices. And when he pulled out a
six-foot shovel-nosed shark at the pier and had other monsters fighting on
his lines, he was hooked. Bush walking through lush world heritage
rain-forests, swimming in crystal clear streams and crater lakes, diving on
the Great Barrier Reef, cuddling koala bears, wombats and wallabies --
Australia has a special way of making one appreciate Nature like few other
places in the world. The light is ethereal and the space opens one up to its
glorious magnificence.

Wide roads sans traffic chaos, the ease with which things get done, the
cleanliness, the superb public parks with free barbeque facilities.

"I think I could live here long-term," the hubby ventured carefully.

"We've only come for a year," I warned the family. "Don't get your hopes
up." But I too found myself looking with interest at houses for sale up at
Palm Cove and Clifton Beach.  Everything was so wonderful, we seemed to have
landed in a paradise on Earth.

And so, I couldn't understand the wall of hopelessness I was daily
confronted with in the hospital. The average Goan back home, I knew,
struggling with poverty, ignorance, corruption, bureaucracy and appalling
infrastructure had far less than the average citizen here. And yet, what
struck me so powerfully was the sense of emptiness.

"Ours is a welfare state," I was told, "and the Government looks after us."
Their basic needs were all assured -- shelter, food, clothing, medical care,
schooling, and yet, or perhaps because of this, I could see how desperately
they were trying to find meaning in their lives.

The quest for an easy life and the crumbling down of values, family and
religion seemed to have set many adrift in a sea of vacuum, searching for
new Gods.

The number of New Age believers hovering perilously on the edges of reality
shocked me. I met people who were conversing with spirits everyday and even
two who told me they had actually seen Satan. And I thought I had left
superstitious beliefs behind me in Goa!

I often came across hard desperation mingled with hopelessness, made very
volatile and combustible with drug and alcohol abuse.

It was a new experience to be sure to carry an alarm around. The hospital
seemed like a revolving door with patients going in, out, in out, in, out...

"You'll get used to it," my helpful colleagues assured me.

"I don't want to get used to this," I told my husband. My dissatisfaction

Then came the inevitable culture clashes.

"Mama, we're having a night in town," my ten-year-old daughter brightly
announced one afternoon.

"A night in town? What do you mean?"

"Oh, we're meeting at six this evening and then going about town till ten or


"Arielle, Catherine and myself." All ten-year-olds. 

I explained to her why I couldn't allow her to go, because I knew it was
just too dangerous. She shot back the all-time argument flattener. "If their
mothers are allowing them to go, why can't you? You're being

For three days after

[Goanet]RE: Goa's inquisition a.k.a. land grab

2004-03-01 Thread Gilbert Lawrence
Gilbert Lawrence:
What is the name given to the land-grab.?

Vidyadhar Gadgil:
Conquest. Invasion. Colonization. Extermination. Genocide. Zionism.

'Religion' has explicitly and implicitly been one of the justifications
advanced for each of the above. As it was for the Inquisition. Perhaps
the word Inquisition is more intertwined with religion, because religion
was more explicitly advanced as one of the justifications, whatever the
real motive may have been ('land-grab' sounds fine).

But what are you then saying? That the Inquisition was just a land-grab
and religion is unfairly being blamed, while in other cases of
land-grab, the religious aspect is being ignored? I don't think that
such is the case at all.

Let us just accept that each of the deplorable phenomena you describe
above took place (including the Inquisition), and that 'religion' was
often advanced by the proponents of each of them as being a
justification, irrespective of the real motivation; and that we should
learn from history. 

Gilbert's response:
I think you make some VERY GOOD POINTS and intelligent individuals can
agree or disagree with constructive dialogue to advance and learn from
history. I thank you for your contribution and for providing the

Religion or something philosophical is used as a justification of
land-grab. But I think 400 years later, for us to continue to accept
religion as the justification for land grab reflects our unawareness and
perpetuates our ignorance. There is a whole series of ECONOMIC AND
SECURITY REASONS for land-grab after a conquest. That is the reason why
it is so universal and has occurred through the ages of history. That is
for another time. :=)) 

But for now to return to Goa, my point has been to AVOID THE BROAD USE
of the word inquisition within the Goa context when the term has a
well-defined meaning in the worldwide context. To use it broadly ends-up
with what many Goans do - inter-mingle, confuse, recycle and rehash one
with the other.

I have pointed out the many difference between the two "inquisitions".
The European inquisition was PRIMARILY A RELIGIOUS matter with
social-political overtones. The Goan 'inquisition' was PRIMARILY a
MILITARY-ECONOMIC event with religious overtones. The European
inquisition did not include the forced population displacements that the
atrocities aimed and caused in Goa. This last event in itself makes the
'Goan Inquisition' completely different from the European Inquisition. 

I hope this dialogue will put an end to the mis-nomenclature of the
events that occurred in Goa from 1560 to 1812. Hopefully we can now move
to the next phase of categorizing with statistics at least by age,
ethnic background and the nature of crime and atrocities that occurred
over these 250 years. I know, Goans and non-Goans love to lump it all
together and term it as "burning at the stakes", which was a very small
subset even in Europe.  I have requested before, and I am still waiting
for those with opinions and web pages on Goa's 'inquisition' to at least
post their first case-study of the true avant-garde Goan with heretical
ideas.  Amcho Galileo. :=)) 

Then we can evaluate the true victims of an unjust system that was
targeted as a particular race, creed, etc. As you have seen, some posts
have reported torture and killing of Jews and crypto-Jews in Goa. But
land-grab. Knowledgeable Goans have to discover their own history. :=))

# Send submissions for Goanet to [EMAIL PROTECTED]   #   
# PLEASE remember to stay on-topic (related to Goa), and avoid top-posts #
# More details on Goanet at  #  
# Please keep your discussion/tone polite, to reflect respect to others  #

[Goanet]Re: [Goanet-news]COMMENT: Australia... a story of migration (By Belinda Viegas-Mueller)

2004-03-01 Thread Albert Da Cruz
Dear Fred,
I was interested in reading the musings of Belinda.
Sadly, Belinda did not contact me in Perth.
However, I understand her predicament.
I would appreciate it if you could send Belinda my ONLINE MULTICULTURAL
which gives a different story of what we are about.
I am sending you the Online Newsletter separately.
Best wishes
- Original Message -
From: "Frederick Noronha (FN)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, March 02, 2004 7:43 AM
Subject: [Goanet-news]COMMENT: Australia... a story of migration (By Belinda

> Australia: a story of migration
> ---
> Migration holds more than just a certain charm to the average Goan, who
> been crossing the seas for generations. A poignant tale from Down Under,
> the issues there...
> By Dr Belinda Viegas-Mueller
> "Is this all there is?" The discontented little voice inside kept growing
> louder and more insistent. Everything seemed so routine.  "I need to break
> out of this monotony," I said to my hubby. "And I need a break too," he
> replied as the electricity flickered. On, off. On, off, on... off.
> "Perhaps I could work in a town somewhere exotic," I said wistfully.
> "Why not?"
> "But where?"
> Australia. A land of adventure and excitement. A few e-mails to old
> classmates and friends and a position clinched. In Cairns, the tourist
> capital of Australia. Boredom vanished as we packed a household into four
> bags, and with two children, flew Down Under. Brisbane impressed us. A
> lovely city, modern and spunk. Clean and efficient. Walking through the
> with flocks of large black ibises, glorious rainbow parakeets and, of
> course, raucous kookaburras. The trees, vaguely familiar and yet so
> different.  Friendly people. We're going to like it here, we all thought
> happily.
> Then on to Cairns -- and work. After being in private practice for so many
> years, I looked forward to working in a big, multi- disciplined hospital
> again. We got ourselves a beautiful apartment, fully self-contained,
> complete with swimming pool. The children slipped into their new school
> fish into water.  "We love school here," they enthused. "Less writing and
> memorising, but a lot more thinking."
> They went on a three-day camp to Green Island and the Mila-Mila falls,
> building up self-reliance and self-confidence. "We don't want to go back
> Goa!" They were emphatic. "School's lot more fun here."
> The hubby was having a whale of a time, or should I say shark?  "Fishing
> gear's so cheap!" He couldn't believe the prices. And when he pulled out a
> six-foot shovel-nosed shark at the pier and had other monsters fighting on
> his lines, he was hooked. Bush walking through lush world heritage
> rain-forests, swimming in crystal clear streams and crater lakes, diving
> the Great Barrier Reef, cuddling koala bears, wombats and wallabies --
> Australia has a special way of making one appreciate Nature like few other
> places in the world. The light is ethereal and the space opens one up to
> glorious magnificence.
> Wide roads sans traffic chaos, the ease with which things get done, the
> cleanliness, the superb public parks with free barbeque facilities.
> "I think I could live here long-term," the hubby ventured carefully.
> "We've only come for a year," I warned the family. "Don't get your hopes
> up." But I too found myself looking with interest at houses for sale up at
> Palm Cove and Clifton Beach.  Everything was so wonderful, we seemed to
> landed in a paradise on Earth.
> And so, I couldn't understand the wall of hopelessness I was daily
> confronted with in the hospital. The average Goan back home, I knew,
> struggling with poverty, ignorance, corruption, bureaucracy and appalling
> infrastructure had far less than the average citizen here. And yet, what
> struck me so powerfully was the sense of emptiness.
> "Ours is a welfare state," I was told, "and the Government looks after
> Their basic needs were all assured -- shelter, food, clothing, medical
> schooling, and yet, or perhaps because of this, I could see how
> they were trying to find meaning in their lives.
> The quest for an easy life and the crumbling down of values, family and
> religion seemed to have set many adrift in a sea of vacuum, searching for
> new Gods.
> The number of New Age believers hovering perilously on the edges of
> shocked me. I met people who were conversing with spirits everyday and
> two who told me they had actually seen Satan. And I thought I had left
> superstitious beliefs behind me in Goa!
> I often came across hard desperation mingled with hopelessness, made very
> volatile and combustible with drug and alcohol abuse.
> It was a new experience to be sure to carry an alarm around. The hospital
> seemed like a revolving door with patients going in, out, in out, i

[Goanet]Exchange Rates - Mar 1/2004

2004-03-01 Thread Bosco D'Mello
Exchange rates from http://

NOTE: Nearly every currency has depreciated against the Indian Rupee over the
last 3 months except the British Pound and the currencies from the Southern

1 Foreign Currency = Indian Rupees (INR)

_Mar 1__Feb 2__Jan 6__Dec 5__Nov 1__Oct 1__Jul 2_
USD - US Dollar   =  45.16  45.28  45.51  45.53  45.31  45.45  46.31
CAD - Canadian Dollar =  33.67  33.92  35.51  34.88  34.34  33.75  34.62
EUR - Euro=  56.12  56.45  58.03  55.30  52.46  53.31  53.45
GBP - British Pound   =  84.27  82.58  83.02  78.82  76.88  75.87  77.06

DKK - Danish Krone=   7.53   7.57   7.79   7.44   7.05   7.17   7.19
RUB - Russian Rouble  =   1.58   1.58   1.55   1.53   1.51   1.48   1.52
SEK - Swedish Krona   =   6.06   6.13   6.35   6.16   5.77   5.90   5.39
CHF - Swiss Francs=  35.55  36.00  37.04  35.73
AUD - Australian Dollar   =  34.86  34.42  35.07  33.45  32.05  31.20  31.55
NZD - New Zealand Dollar  =  31.09  30.52  30.65  29.34  27.77  27.26  27.57

_Mar 1__Feb 2__Jan 6__Dec 5__Nov 1__Oct 1__Jul 2_
BHD - Bahraini Dinar  = 119.78 120.11 120.70 120.76 120.18 120.55 122.81
KWD - Kuwaiti Dinar   = 153.25 153.58 154.40 154.66 153.86 154.40 154.46
OMR - Omani Riyal = 117.29 117.62 118.20 118.25 117.68 118.04 120.26
QAR - Qatari Riyal=  12.40  12.43  12.49  12.50  12.44  12.48  12.76
SAR - Saudi Arabian Riyal =  12.04  12.07  12.13  12.14  12.08  12.11  12.34
AED - UAE Dirham  =  12.29  12.32  12.38  12.39  12.33  12.37  12.06

CNY - Chinese Yuan=   5.46   5.47   5.50   5.55   5.47   5.48   5.59
HKD - Hong Kong Dollar=   5.80   5.82   5.86   5.86   5.83   5.87   5.93
JPY - Japanese Yen=.
MOP - Macau Pataca=   5.64   5.65   5.69   5.70   5.66   5.70   5.76
PKR - Pakistani Rupee =.

_Mar 1__Feb 2__Jan 6__Dec 5__Nov 1__Oct 1__Jul 2_
TZS - Tanzanian Shilling  =.
ZAR - South African Rand  =   6.79   6.46   6.99   7.19   6.57   6.48

Anybody interested in seeing any other currencies, email me.

- Bosco

# Send submissions for Goanet to [EMAIL PROTECTED]   #   
# PLEASE remember to stay on-topic (related to Goa), and avoid top-posts #
# More details on Goanet at  #  
# Please keep your discussion/tone polite, to reflect respect to others  #

[Goanet]Rates of Interest with Indian Banks

2004-03-01 Thread Bosco D'Mello
Interest rates from effecive Feb 2, 2004

Foreign Currency Non-Resident (B) Deposits Rates:

_ < 2 yrs__> 2 < 3 yrs__> 3 yrs__
USD - US Dollars1.22% 1.91%   2.50%
_ > 1 yr__
GBP - British Pound 4.30%
_ > 1 yr__
EUR - Euro  2.01%

Non-Resident Fixed Deposit Rates:

1 - 2 years.. 1.70%

2 - 3 years.. 2.40%

3 - 5 years.. 3.00%

Resident Fixed Deposit Rates:

30 - 45 days. 4.00%

46 - 179 days 4.50%

180 days - 1 year 5.00%

1 - 2 years.. 5.25%

2 - 3 years.. 5.50%

Above 3 years 5.75

Feedback welcome.

- Bosco

# Send submissions for Goanet to [EMAIL PROTECTED]   #   
# PLEASE remember to stay on-topic (related to Goa), and avoid top-posts #
# More details on Goanet at  #  
# Please keep your discussion/tone polite, to reflect respect to others  #

[Goanet-news]Rates of Interest with Indian Banks

2004-03-01 Thread Bosco D'Mello
Interest rates from effecive Feb 2, 2004

Foreign Currency Non-Resident (B) Deposits Rates:

_ < 2 yrs__> 2 < 3 yrs__> 3 yrs__
USD - US Dollars1.22% 1.91%   2.50%
_ > 1 yr__
GBP - British Pound 4.30%
_ > 1 yr__
EUR - Euro  2.01%

Non-Resident Fixed Deposit Rates:

1 - 2 years.. 1.70%

2 - 3 years.. 2.40%

3 - 5 years.. 3.00%

Resident Fixed Deposit Rates:

30 - 45 days. 4.00%

46 - 179 days 4.50%

180 days - 1 year 5.00%

1 - 2 years.. 5.25%

2 - 3 years.. 5.50%

Above 3 years 5.75

Feedback welcome.

- Bosco

# Send submissions for Goanet to [EMAIL PROTECTED]   #   
# PLEASE remember to stay on-topic (related to Goa), and avoid top-posts #
# More details on Goanet at  #  
# Please keep your discussion/tone polite, to reflect respect to others  #

[Goanet-news]Exchange Rates - Mar 1/2004

2004-03-01 Thread Bosco D'Mello
Exchange rates from http://

NOTE: Nearly every currency has depreciated against the Indian Rupee over the
last 3 months except the British Pound and the currencies from the Southern

1 Foreign Currency = Indian Rupees (INR)

_Mar 1__Feb 2__Jan 6__Dec 5__Nov 1__Oct 1__Jul 2_
USD - US Dollar   =  45.16  45.28  45.51  45.53  45.31  45.45  46.31
CAD - Canadian Dollar =  33.67  33.92  35.51  34.88  34.34  33.75  34.62
EUR - Euro=  56.12  56.45  58.03  55.30  52.46  53.31  53.45
GBP - British Pound   =  84.27  82.58  83.02  78.82  76.88  75.87  77.06

DKK - Danish Krone=   7.53   7.57   7.79   7.44   7.05   7.17   7.19
RUB - Russian Rouble  =   1.58   1.58   1.55   1.53   1.51   1.48   1.52
SEK - Swedish Krona   =   6.06   6.13   6.35   6.16   5.77   5.90   5.39
CHF - Swiss Francs=  35.55  36.00  37.04  35.73
AUD - Australian Dollar   =  34.86  34.42  35.07  33.45  32.05  31.20  31.55
NZD - New Zealand Dollar  =  31.09  30.52  30.65  29.34  27.77  27.26  27.57

_Mar 1__Feb 2__Jan 6__Dec 5__Nov 1__Oct 1__Jul 2_
BHD - Bahraini Dinar  = 119.78 120.11 120.70 120.76 120.18 120.55 122.81
KWD - Kuwaiti Dinar   = 153.25 153.58 154.40 154.66 153.86 154.40 154.46
OMR - Omani Riyal = 117.29 117.62 118.20 118.25 117.68 118.04 120.26
QAR - Qatari Riyal=  12.40  12.43  12.49  12.50  12.44  12.48  12.76
SAR - Saudi Arabian Riyal =  12.04  12.07  12.13  12.14  12.08  12.11  12.34
AED - UAE Dirham  =  12.29  12.32  12.38  12.39  12.33  12.37  12.06

CNY - Chinese Yuan=   5.46   5.47   5.50   5.55   5.47   5.48   5.59
HKD - Hong Kong Dollar=   5.80   5.82   5.86   5.86   5.83   5.87   5.93
JPY - Japanese Yen=.
MOP - Macau Pataca=   5.64   5.65   5.69   5.70   5.66   5.70   5.76
PKR - Pakistani Rupee =.

_Mar 1__Feb 2__Jan 6__Dec 5__Nov 1__Oct 1__Jul 2_
TZS - Tanzanian Shilling  =.
ZAR - South African Rand  =   6.79   6.46   6.99   7.19   6.57   6.48

Anybody interested in seeing any other currencies, email me.

- Bosco

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[Goanet]Mapusa Urban Fixed Deposit records vanish:Aldona Consumer Forum protests

2004-03-01 Thread Goa Desc
Documented by Goa Desc Resource Centre Ph:2252660
Website: Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Press Clippings on the web:
Mapusa Urban Fixed Deposit records vanish:
Aldona Consumer Forum protests
When Mrs. Angelica Silveira from Corjuem when to encash a
fixed deposit receipt of Rs.41,763/- from the Aldona branch of
The Mapusa Urban Cooperative Bank  on 9th February little
did she realise the shock that was awaiting her when the officials
of the bank told her that they had no records of her FD receipt
No.146276  No. 207/99 issued five years ago.
In fact the two FDs made in her daughters name Ms Arolina
Teresa Silveira issued on 8th February 1999 for maturity
amount of Rs.41,763/- each were signed by Mr. Gajanan Sirsat
the then Branch Manager and cashier Mr.Pundalik Homkande.
After being told that the MUCB Aldona branch did not have any
records of one of her fixed deposit receipts and nothing could
be done to help her as the FD receipt was in fact erroneously
given to her Mrs. Silveira proceeded to the Head Office at Mapusa
where she was sent away with some officials acting very unhelpful.
Finally she was able to establish contact with the Aldona Civic
and Consumer Forum (ACCF) who discussed the case on
Saturday at the monthly meeting and resolved to take up the
matter with Bank officials on Monday at Aldona.
Today a delegation led by ACCF President  & Zilla Panchayat
member Jose D'Souza, Village Panchayat member Effie De
Souza,  GOACAN Co-ordinator Roland Martins, ACCF volunteers
Antonette Paul, Salvador Carvalho, Tome A. Fernandes,
Fredrick Lobo,  Darrell Sequeira, Maria Antonia Dias,
Hilda Faria, Austin Rodrigues and Lucy Menezes
accompanied the affected consumer Mrs. Angelica Silveira
to the MUCB at Aldona.
After initial discussions the delegation informed Mr. Devendra
S. Ratwal the Branch Manager that the Aldona Civic and
Consumer Forum would not leave the branch and would launch
an agitation against the Bank unless they are given a written
assurance that the matter will be thoroughly investigated and
As the matter involved the Bank officials who have been
transferred to Mapusa Mr. Ratwal requested the assistance
of the Mapusa Head Office officials, while the ACCF delegation
members refused to leave the bank till the arrival of the Bank
senior officials. Meanwhile a number of consumers had gathered
out side the Bank to know the outcome of the negotiations.
Finally the MUCB Head office deputed its Recovery Officers
Mr. Vishwas Gad and Mr. Nandakishore Nerulkar to Aldona
to offer a solution. The MUCB Officers admitted the mistake
committed and apolgised for the tension caused to the
depositer Mrs Silveira.
The officials assured the ACCF delegation that whatever steps
were required to be taken by the bank they would do so and
arrange to make the payment to Mrs Silveira in a weeks time
with interest for the delayed period.
The Aldona Branch Manager issued a letter stating that since
FD 207/99 was not maintained in the Branch FDR ledger he
was referring the matter to the legal Department of the Head
office at Mapusa.
Subsequently the ACCF decided to hold in abeyance their
future course of action till Wednesday as the matter is to be
discussed in the Banks meeting at Mapusa where the amount
will be recovered from concerned officials who were negligent
in the matter.
Source: Press Release 1/03 /04
Aldona Civic and Consumer Forum
to promote civic and consumer rights in Goa
GOACAN Post Box 78 Mapusa, Goa 403 507
Tel: 2252660 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Goanet]Birthdays from 1st Mar - 5th Mar 2004

2004-03-01 Thread Vincente Fernandes
Wishing you all a  very HAPPY BIRTHDAY on behalf of GoaNetters to

1-Mar   Joyce Fernandes Aldona/Dubai
1-Mar   Suzane Mapusa/Bahrain
2-Mar   Frank D'Silva   New Zealand
5-Mar   Maria Makdani   Kuwait
Please do notify if your e-mail address has been changed, for cc'ing B'day 
wished to your e-mail address.

NOTE: Please send your Birthday's details for those who haven't done so far 
to the following e-mail address([EMAIL PROTECTED]) with subject as 
Birthday/Birthday details as per below format.
Birth Day/Month   NameBirth/Current Place

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[Goanet]Re: Goa is Corrupt

2004-03-01 Thread Jose Colaco
In response to Seb dc's  

der C Fernandes asked 

JC: Hunh?! Goa has more than ONE


Anyway...the year was 1999, the airport was Dabolim,
the "chef" customs officer at the airport (if I
remember correctly) was a fella called Barua. He tried
his luck with us & failed miserably. We stood our
ground till HE backed down. 

It is my submission that most of the so-called
"bhaille" get quite ruffled and nervous when we Goans
stand our ground in GOA!.

All this to illustrate that it is WE who allow the
system to be what it is. We are the people who are in
a hurry, We are the ones who want our things done out
of turn, We are the people who bribe. 

If ALL ( or at least MOST ) of us had refused to give
in, would we have had this reported level of
corruption in India?

I will speak for myself:

A: In the Carribean: 

1. Indians have an exceptionally good reputation for
being Honest and Trustworthy. Sure there are few
rotten apples - but they are exceptions.

2. Indians are entrusted with the most sensitive
financial positions in the various countries.

3. Indians are reputed to be hard working &
exceptionally conscientious. 

My own experience with my Indian colleagues has been
extremely positive. In the field of Medicine 
graduates of Goa Medical College have been superb. If
there is a choice, and their is NO local applicant for
the post, I'd have NO hesitation but to recommend a
well qualified and SPOKEN Indian applicant over ANY
one else..

Let us NOT blame Indians for the sins of the stupid,
uncouth, crooked and horribly corrupt Indian
politicians and their goonda chamchas.

B: In Goa:

I have heard about corrupt public officials and
politicians in Goa. I have YET to have my work NOT
done because I have refused to pay a bribe. Sure the
work was delayed by a week or two or three,  but NOT
one Kawdi changed hands.

Not ONE single Kowdi! to anyone...anywhere!

By way of contrast, I have found many many Goans
willing to help us (and have), AND refusing to accept
even a token appreciation for their assistance.

That has been my experience.

In the final analysis, I believe that IF we did not
feed the system for  reasons of our own Avarice, there
would have been less corruption.

Goa is NOT corrupt, nor are the vast majority of

Why blame Goa or the vast majority of Goans for the
sins of those tricky-dicky grabilicious Congress, MGP
and BJP politicians.

good wishes


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[Goanet]Migration to Australia

2004-03-01 Thread Radhakrishnan Nair
Hi, Fred,

Just read the excellent piece by Dr Belinda Viegas-Mueller.

It reminded me of a cousin who returned to our village in Kerala with her 
two teenaged daughters from Geneva a few years ago. My uncle and family are 
permanent residents of Switzerland and the cousin did her initial schooling 
in Kerala and higher studies in Germany and Switzerland. She was married to 
a German engineer.

She was employed with a UN body in a senior position in Geneva when they 
separated and she found it difficult to carry on there. The reason was more 
or less the same cited by Dr Belinda. My cousin had two options, she told 
me: Either let go of her children and lead an empty life there, or sacrifice 
her career and the good life there and return to India with her kids.

She chose the latter. And I don't think she regrets it. Her older daughter 
is herself an engineer now, happily married and settled in Dubai. The 
younger one is doing her MBA. My cousin says the life here is tough, but it 
has meaning.

Finally, I think, it all depends on how you look at life!

Regards & best wishes,


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2004-03-01 Thread Joel D'Souza
02 March 2004

had tendered his resignation as vice chairman of the Planning Board
yesterday (1 Mar) after the code of conduct came into force with the
announcement of Lok Sabha elections. Dr de Souza claimed that he would
participate in the elections and did not want to be hauled up for
wrong-doing, though he was not sure as yet in what capacity. (GT)

DEVELOPMENT WORK WILL CONTINUE: Ongoing development as well as
administrative work of the State government will continue without any
hindrance, said Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar yesterday (1 Mar) while
asserting that he would adhere to the Model Code of Conduct in text and
spirit. "We will tell the people we have delivered, so allow us to deliver
more," said Parrikar yesterday. (GT)

PARRIKAR MAY SEEK DISSOLUTION: Shiv Sena's Rajya Sabha MP and in-charge of
Goa desk, Eknath Thakur has predicted that Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar
would seek the dissolution of the Goa Assembly within six months owing to
growing disenchantment within the ministry. Mr Thakur was addressing a press
conference in Panjim to announce that the Shiv Sena would contest both the
Lok Sabha seats from Goa. (H)

ALLIANCE WILL STRENGTHEN CONG: Leader of Opposition and Poriem MLA
Pratapsing Rane stressed on the necessity of an alliance of the Congress
party with other political parties to strengthen the position of the former.
He was addressing a meeting of party workers called by the North Goa
District Congress Committee for guiding the party activists in view of the
forthcoming Lok Sabha elections. (GT)

LOSING INCOME FROM HOARDINGS: There are nothing less than 2,000 hoardings in
the State, according to some senior government officials, as described in
government notification and each board/hoarding upto one square metre is to
fetch government an income of Rs.200 per year and for subsequent one metre
or part thereof, their owners have to pay Rs.50 to the State exchequer. The
government is supposed to get a minimum income of Rs.4 lakh.However, the
income that the government has been a paltry Rs.1.42 lakh from
the owners of 7agencies across the State. (NT)

TWO INJURED IN PORVORIM: A 65-year-0ld pedestrian from Keri-Ponda was
injured after he was knocked down by a motorcycle near Porvorim market on
Sunday evening. In another incident, a scooter rider Nelson Pinto was
injured when he dashed against a Matiz car near Porvorim market on Monday.

DEBATE ON DRAFT EDUCATION POLICY: The government will hear public opinion,
suggestions on the draft Education Policy on 22 and 23 May 2004, at a venue
to be announced later. Chief Minister Parrikar stated that it was necessary
to ascertain the views of academicians, educationists, teachers and parents
in general, over the draft, which he said, is an important document. (GT)

GOA SU-RAJ PARTY'S NOTICE TO EDC BODS: The Goa Su-Raj Party has served a
legal notice to the Economic Development Corporation Ltd Board of Directors
in respect of a waiver granted to Sim Chem Private Ltd for discrepancies to
the tune of Rs.84.61 lakh reported as a waiver by the company from EDC to
the Registrar of Companies. (GT)

SEMINAR ON ADVERTISING: The advertising fraternity in Goa is organizing a
seminar on advertising at the International Centre, Dona Paula, on 5 and 6
March. The seminar will benefit corporates, students, agencies and
professionals in the field. The entire seminar is presented by Apple
Computer in association with Gomantak of the Sakal Group, Goan Observer,
Tarun Bharat and Goa Handicraft. (GT)

CONSTRUCTION WORKER DROWNS: A construction worker, Chandraveer KC, died
after he accidentally fell into the water tank at a site in Old Mardol,
Verna, in the early hours on March 1. (NT)

MEET TO CONDOLE FR PEREIRA'S DEATH: Thomas Stephens Konkani Kendra in
collaboration with other Konkani institutions, has convened a meeting on
march 4 at 5.30 pm at TB Cunha Hall, Panaji, to condole the death of Fr
Antonio Pereira, SJ. (NT)

GUIDE BOOK ON MARRIAGE: The Chief Minister released a guide to marriage, in
Marathi, Kadhi Navhati Ashi Sankalpana, at a special function at the Kala
Academy Black Box on March 1. The book has been conceptualized by Mr Santosh
Tari. (NT)

BODY FOUND IN ANJUNA: The Anjuna police recovered the body of an unknown
male person lying at Dando in Anjuna on March 1 morning. The dead person (in
the age group 30-35 years) was found only with his undergarments, according
to the police. (NT)

RAPE ACCUSED TO BE PRODUCED IN COURT: Rape accused Francis Fernandes of
Mapusa, suspected to have links with accused paedophile Aveline Pinto will
be appearing before the Sessions Court on March 3 for trial. (H)

BASIC AMENITIES FOR SLUMS: Some social activists from Pernem have demanded
that migrant labourers staying in slums at Kiranpani be provided with basic
amenities like tap water, toilets, electricity, etc to help them live a
decent life and t

[PHP-INSTALL] PHP install problem

2004-03-01 Thread Stephen Spalding
Hello all,

I'm trying to compile php 4.2.3 on AIX UNIX 5.2 with
apache 1.3.27 with support for an Oracle database, and
I'm having problems.

PHP itself seems to compile ok. Here's my configure
./configure --with-apxs=/usr/sbin/apxs
--enable-force-cgi-redirect --enable-safe-mode
--enable-magic-quotes --without-mysql
--enable-sigchild --enable-shared

After running this command, I then execute 'make'.
Then, I copy the from the ./.libs
directory to the ./libs directory as the filename Next is the 'make install' and copy the
php.ini-dist to /usr/local/lib/php.ini. Finally, I add
the following three lines to the appropriate places in
httpd.conf for apache:

   LoadModule php4_modulelibexec/
   AddModule mod_php4.c
   AddType application/x-httpd-php .php

When I try to restart apache, I receive the following
Syntax error on line 236 of
Cannot load /opt/freeware/apache/libexec/
into server:0509-130 Symbol resolution failed
0509-136   Symbol pw_post (number 258) is not
exported from
   dependent module /unix.
0509-136   Symbol pw_wait (number 259) is not
exported from
   dependent module /unix.
0509-136   Symbol pw_config (number 260) is
not exported from
   dependent module /unix.
0509-136   Symbol aix_ora_pw_version3_required
(number 261) is not exported from
   dependent module /unix.
0509-192 Examine .loader section symbols with
 'dump -Tv' command.

I've gotten Oracle 8.1.7 installed. I've also gotten
this to work on AIX 5.1. Can anyone help me out?


-Stephen Spalding

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 > place of the other.
> I started out talking about tree/subtree operations, but that seemed
> to invite misunderstandings ... which is why I also started to talk about
> a class of operations that required subtree operations.   Namely,
> those which aren't sending differential/data signaling down the wires.

Well, there is a slight difference in meaning.  Debouncing, for instance,
could qualify as non-data signalling but not as a subtree operation.  At
any rate, the terminology doesn't really matter.

> Or I might just say that I want the locking rules to be simple,
> and not dominated by an armload of easy-to-misunderstand
> special case exceptions ...  in fact I'm very sure I said that!
> We may come up with cases where exceptions are needed,
> but let's look at those cases as they appear.  So far you've
> not shown me any cases where they're needed.  (Though
> there's still that subsys.rwsem problem, which seems to me
> not unlike a driver model design flaw.  Not USB-specific.)

That rwsem problem was a separate issue, nothing to do with this question.

Exceptions aren't _needed_. I'm not claiming that your algorithms are 
incorrect -- merely that they are more complicated and cause more delays 
than necessary.

As for simple locking rules...  Your rule seems to go like this:

	Every subtree operation starts by calling locktree() on its
	topmost node, then uses further locking as appropriate for
	the kind of subtree traversal it will perform.  Proper
	serialization is guaranteed by the fact that _every_ subtree
	operation calls locktree() at the start and locks each device 
	before touching it.

The rule I'm proposing goes like this:

	Every subtree operation uses locking as appropriate for the kind
	of subtree traversal it will perform.  Proper serialization is
	guaranteed by the fact that _every_ subtree operation locks each
	device before touching it.

Once you accept that my rule is correct, I think you have to agree that
it's simpler than your rule.

> > While all that is going on, suppose task T2 decides to suspend the entire 
> > tree starting at A.  It uses locktree() to lock A.  Then it locks B, then 
> > it locks, suspends, and unlocks C & D.  Then it suspends and unlocks B.  
> > And so on...  It doesn't block until it tries to lock G, at which point it 
> > has to wait for T1 to finish up.
> Right.  T1 and T2 are fully sequenced; T1 always completes before T2;
> they can't interfere with each other.  They may be partially concurrent.

To me, saying they are fully sequenced would also imply something about
the order in which one starts relative to when the other completes.  The
tasks aren't sequenced in that respect; T2 could start before or after T1
completes.  It is true, however, that the order in which they visit any 
particular device _is_ fully determined.

Let's skip the rest of the serialization discussion; I agree that your 
algorithm prevents other tasks from interfering with suspend().

> Tree locking handles that by dropping the lock as soon as it's no lo

Re: Telewest Broadband on a Mac.......

2004-03-01 Thread Roger Houghton
On 1 Mar 2004, at 9:40 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I'm thinking of getting Telewest Broadband. Please advise:-

1) I have an Apple Lombard G3 Powerbook (USB/Ethernet, not Firewire) 
and OS
9.2.2. Am I Compatible?
Yes. Any computer with Ethernet is compatible.
2) Does the monthly fee include line rental? (I have an unused Telwest
installation in the house)
It's completely separate from the phone and/or digital TV. You can sign 
up for cable, TV and/or telephone (but you get a discount if you sign 
up for more than one).
3) Will I instantly know if I have Email or do I have to periodically 
your website?
It's just a connection to the Internet. You download email to your 
email client. You never need to go to their website (but you can read 
your Blueyonder email there as well if you want).
I currently use AOL dial-up and I'm hoping for a seamless changeover. 
there any pitfalls I need to be aware of before dumping AOL dial-up 
and embracing
Telewest Blueyonder Broadband?
Blueyonder just works. Can't speak for AoL.

Roger Houghton
Bath, England
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Re: Telewest Broadband on a Mac...
Roger Houghton



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