[Goanet]Birthdays on 5th Apr 2004

2004-04-05 Thread Vincente Fernandes
Wishing you all a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY on behalf of GoaNetters to

5-Apr  Cajetan de Sanvordem  (Kuwait)

5-Apr  Evelyn Siqueira Miramar, Goa(Special B'day wishes to you 
from your Brother: Allwyn)

Please do notify if your e-mail address has been changed, for cc'ing B'day 
wished to your e-mail address.

NOTE: Please send your Birthday's details for those who haven't done so far 
to the following e-mail address([EMAIL PROTECTED]) with subject as 
Birthday/Birthday details as per below format.
Birth Day/Month   NameBirth/Current Place

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2004-04-05 Thread Valmiki Faleiro
It may warm the cockles of Ole Xac's heart to learn
that the cut-off year for the Vintage Car Rally held at
Margao yesterday was 1961.

Why 1961 and not 1930, 1940, 1950 or even 1960,
one may ask.

Main organizer of the rally was a grandson of the
redoubtable late Narcinv Naique, Goa's leading
automobile dealer in pre- and post-1961 years and
founder Vice-President of the defunct United Goans

The rally was a success by all accounts.

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[Goanet]Police Priorities

2004-04-05 Thread Miguel Braganza
ASI V.K.Yerram of CID Mapusa issues a 'Memo' to his three 'Hawaldar'
insubordinating  subordinates; the memo gets 'leaked' and Yerram gets
suspended.NO ONE IS KILLED IN THIS PROCESS.Only the names of some
politicians and political parties are involved. There are investigations by
his 'superiors', there is a 'departmental enquiry' and there is an enquiry
by the Election Commission.

A Traffic Policeman 'orders' a Traffic Constable  to catch/apprehend and
detain a ten year old 'street kid' who is walking in the street. The
constable and four Margao Municipal Council workers catch and 'load' him
onto the rear of a mini truck and transport him to the Police Station for a
'medical check-up'. The boy jumps out and attempts to escape. He is chased
and killed [by accident or otherwise]. THE BOY IS DEAD. On the second-last
day of the Financial Year, his account on this Earth is prematurely closed.

The Superintendent of Police justifies the action as an act of 'good faith'
[ two words that protect a Government employee in due discharge of his
'duties in the designated post'.] even though the "duties" of the 'Traffic
Police' do not extend to preventive detention or to any action on
non-traffic offences. If the traffic police man was doing his 'civic duty',
he does not have the protection of law for his bonafide or malafide action
by claim of 'good faith'.

If such a protection is available to a citizen[ government employee or
otherwise], can we load  a drunk cop in a garbage truck and take him to a
hospital for a check-up or unload him at the traffic police post? Can we
chase a pretty LDC,UDC or steno in a government office because she has a
bottle/tube of Erazex or some other 'white ink' in her hand? Would it be
justification to push her under a truck or just chase her till she
'accidentally' falls under a speeding truck,bus or other vehicle or falls in
the Mandovi? Would the 'white ink' help us to obliterate our action in the
police records?

If the answer is NO, why are the traffic cops and the MMC workers suspended
and FIRs lodged against them a week after the Murder of the innocent boy. Is
it a crime to be poor, to be orphaned, to be a street child? What are the
Goa Police, Directorate of Prosecution, Home Department and the Home
Minister trying to tell us? What are we doing?

Viva Goa.

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2004-04-05 Thread Joel D'Souza
05 APRIL 2004

goacomNews02 Apr 04
-- Churchill Alemao is the South Goa Congress candidate -- Christopher
Fonseca (CPI) is from North Goa - Dr Willy confident of winning -- Municipal
market tenants stage morcha -- IFFI website inaugurated.

Website: http://www.goacom.com
Webzine "GoaNOW": http://www.goacom.com/goanow
Daily Clippings: http://www.goacom.com/news

MGP TO FIELD SANDIP RAUT: The Maharashtrawadi Gomantak Party, which has
decided to go it alone in the Lok Sabha polls has decided to field Zilla
Panchayat member Sandip Raut as its candidate for the Panaji seat. The MGP
has decided to contest both seats in a bid to revive the party and also to
keep its existence alive, according to the MGP chief. (GT)

TRAFFIC DISCIPLINE NEEDED: Director General Police, Mumbai, Dr PS Pasricha,
IPS, yesterday stated that traffic control and death on roads was a serious
problem and stressed the need for better traffic discipline and education on
the traffic. He was speaking at the first two-day Goa Road Safety conference
organised by the Movement of Amity towards Roads in Goa, at the Institute
Menezes Braganza hall, Panaji. (GT)

STOP BARS ALONG HIGHWAYS: Use of helmets, removal of liquor outlets on
highways, improving road engineering, enhancing enforcement and traffic
education, was today (April 4) described by Maharashtra's Director General
of Police, Dr PS Pasricha, as some of the key factors that will effectively
contribute towards improving road safety in the State. (H)

BARGE EMPLOYEE'S BODY FOUND: The Panjim police recovered the body of one
barge employee who is suspected to have committed suicide by jumping out of
the moving marine vessel early today (April 4) morning. The barge 'Cuncolim'
was proceeding Amona to Vasco when the incident took place. (Clemente)
Fernandes (33, from Seraulim) jumped from the moving vessel and his body was
recovered near the Campal swimming pool. (H)

DEBT CASES TO BE REFERRED TO MUMBAI: All pending and future disputes
involving recovery of Rs.10 lakh and more between all co-operative banks in
Maharashtra and Goa and their borrowers and guarantors would have to be
referred to Bombay bench of Debts Recovery Tribunal. In a landmark
judgement, the full bench of High Court Judicature at Bombay held that the
Central and State Registrars of Co-operative Societies and also the nominees
appointed by them have no jurisdiction to decide the dispute pertaining to
recovery of loans above Rs.10 lakh give by the co-operative banks. (GT)

VOTERS NEED TO DEMAND BETTER ROADS: Road culture in Goa is identified with
the fashion of converting old, untarred roads into asphalted, pucca roads.
There is no consideration of the durability, geometry, quality of riding
surface, alignment, drainage and safety. In Bardez and Salcete the road
density is so high and the intersections are so confusing and hazardous that
almost every house is connected to a road. The condition of the
8,000-km-long road is pathetic. Only 50 per cent of our 225 km national
highways have double-lanes. Our 23-km state highways have single lane. Out
52 major district roads running into 815 km are very narrow. The
4,000-km-long narrow village roads are not properly maintained. (Nandkumar
Kamat in Glimpses-NT)

for Social Action has called upon the citizens to act for restoring
democracy in its true meaning and character. In an appeal to voter's the
Centre said over 26.24 crore people live below the poverty line toiling
under oppressive conditions to earn their meager basic needs for survival.In
democratic India, the people are 'sovereign'. We have the right to freely
decide what is 'necessary' and 'good' for our benefit and progress. We give
the mandate to the persons we elect as our representatives, to legislate,
govern and administer. These persons are fully accountable to us.Hence major
proposals, projects and plans that impact the lives of the people, deserve a
wide consultation. (NT)

DIVAR SUMMER CAMP: The students of Our Lady of Divar High School, Divar, are
all set to develop their talents with the launch of a summer camp under the
banner "Divar Son of the Soil Project 2004" from April 5 to 18. Secretary of
the DSE, Fr Tony Salema, will inaugurate the camp on April 5. Organised by
the Parents and Teachers' Association of the school with the help of the
ex-students and villagers, the camp is divided into four sections-sports,
eco, culture and leadership programmes-held between 8 am and 12 noon. During
the camp prominent personalities of Goa will share their knowledge on
various topics in their field: NIO Director Dr Satish Shetye, cartoonist
Alexyz, Sangeeta Naik of Digital Goa, North Goa SDPO Allan D'SA, Sabina
Martins of Bailancho Saad, SAG Director Dr VM Prabhudesai, Mr Gaonkar from
Food and Drugs Administration, Fr 


2004-04-05 Thread domnic fernandes
Hi Miguel!

I need a little clarification from you on the following:

When I attended Shirigao Zatra in 1959, Anjuna “Dhonds” (a Dhond is a Hindu 
who participates in the ceremony of running through fire at Shirigao Zatra) 
with whom we attended the Zatra, told us that Mapusa church and Shirigao 
Temple authorities exchanged gifts at the Milagres feast and Shirigao Zatra 
respectively.  We were told that Mapusa church sent seven pots of coconut 
oil (one pot each for each sister?) to Shirigao Temple and they in turn 
reciprocated with candles of equal worth.  Is this true, and does it stiill 
take place?  Please clarify.  If true, it is yet another example that goes 
to prove the bondage between Hindus and Christians in Goa!

Domnic Fernandes
Anjuna/Dhahran, KSA
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[Goanet]Fw: IFFI Advantages :By Sandeep Heble (NT Cybervoices) - COMMENTS: By Floriano Lobo (goasuraj)

2004-04-05 Thread Goasuraj

- Original Message -
From: Floriano Lobo
Sent: Sunday, April 04, 2004 9:09 PM
Subject: IFFI Advantages :By Sandeep Heble (NT Cybervoices) - COMMENTS: By
Floriano Lobo (goasuraj)

Navhindtimes, 4 April 2004
IFFI Advantages : By Sandeep Heble
Floriano Lobo in his post titled "problems related to IFFI", which appeared
in The Navhind Times dated March 30, commits the cardinal sin of raking up a
few disadvantages (some of them imaginary) associated with the film festival
whist ignoring the huge benefits a festival of this kind can have for Goa
and its citizens.
Endowed with natural beaches and scenic nature, Goa has always been a
tourist's  paradise. Of  late though, the growth rate in the tourism sector
has been marginal and other states are fast catching up with Goa. In fact,
states like Kerala have surged ahead and reasons for this are not difficult
to comprehend. The modern tourist is a more demanding one. He has various
choices at his disposal and Goa, apart from its natural beauty, has very
little to offer to cater to his  wants and needs.
In a world fascinated with fame and celebrity, it comes as no surprise to
find that films have consistently influenced travel decisions. The Hindi
film Ek Duje Ke liye was credited with sending a huge wave of tourists to
our state. If films enable countries and regions to leverage the visibility
that they provide and boost their tourism potential, a film festival
promises much more.
The IFFI thus is a mountain of opportunity for Goa and Goans. It can bring
substantial benefits in terms of jobs and income, and support for a wider
choice of services and facilities that would otherwise be viable. While the
boom in the tourism sector will be unimaginable, there are bound to be
spin-offs in other areas too. Theatres, airlines, restaurants, hotels,
consumer shops, travel agencies and construction houses are just some of the
related businesses that can experience a huge growth. Investment in basic
infrastructure too will grow at a fast and rapid  pace. Mr Parrikar has
shown the vision and the wisdom of a statesman by adopting policies that
promise to give a big boost to Goa's tourism sector. The IFFI is bound to
transform Goa into one of the hottest destinations in the World. With Mr.
Parrikar in the helm, Goa is certainly in for major development
Sandeep Heble seems to have analyzed the advantages and the disadvantages of
the IFFI to be held permanently in Goa, more so in the City of Panjim and
has come to the conclusion that the advantages weigh far more than the
disadvantages. And if that is so, then I have no quarrel with him. But I am
very uncomfortable with his assessment of Mr. Parrikar  when he says " with
Mr. Parrikar in the helm, Goa is certainly in for major development
advancements"  That makes Mr. Parrikar a man with a vision for Goa, the "I
KNOW IT ALL" syndrome.
We know from history that Adolf Hitler was a man with a vision for Germany.
And Germans acknowledged and accepted his leadership that would make Germany
the leader of the  entire world at whatever cost. But they failed to see
that he was consumed with hatred for the Jews. And  it took just one man of
courage and perseverance in Winston Churchill of Great Britain to break the
back of Hitler's Germany  along with its Italian and Japanese allies.
A leader with a vision must have the people behind him. When it comes to
Manohar Parrikar, the only people who are behind him are the people with
vested interests and his RSS goons. May it be his  few  self-centered
colleagues in the government or the contractors and government officials
with vested interests. But definitely not the people at large. This has been
shown through the exercise of the City of Panjim Corporation Bill, Miramar
Beach Privatization, Campal trees, and now the IFFI. When a  visionary
leader fails the people, his and his coterie's fate is marked. The examples
are a plenty. Herr Hitler had to shoot himself in the head to disappear from
the scene . The bodies of Italy's Benito Mussolini and his mistress Clarette
Petacci were hanged and spat on in public square in Milan after their
execution.  Nicolae Ceausescu of Rumania and his wife Elenor   faced a
machine gun squad.  Ferdinand Marcos of Phillipines had to  sneak out  like
a fatigued dog to an exile in Guam.  The latest is Saddam Hussein of Iraq
who was fished out of a hole in the ground after his overthrow. This is the
ultimate  fate of dictators  who believe in nothing and everything.
Dear Mr. Sandeep Heble, should I continue to name more dictators who have
been trampled by the people ???
The IFFI is  a 10 day programme in a year of 365 days,  and the euphoria
surrounding it in a small vested interest's circle versus the prohibiting
costs does not justify the ends. Besides, Manohar Parrikar is using the IFFI
as an excuse to unleash on Goa the cultural destabilizati


2004-04-05 Thread vivek araujo
My response to Mr, SEB,with reference to the above

Seb, whether this party was launched on April fool's
day or joe has left for a prize is immaterial to me.
What made me say YES to this party was, atleast a goan
party has been launched to wipe out corruption and for
that matter any goan party which has positive goals
set in mind, we should support and join such party.

I very well remember Rene had once mentioned Let's do
something positive, and this is the testing time for
Goans who have the ability to unite and contribute in
whatever way we can, let's practice what we preach,
let's not be mere spectators but forefront runners,
forefront leaders, and let's excel for the betterment
of the Goans, keeping in mind the next generation and
our children who will benefit from all our efforts. 


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2004-04-05 Thread domnic fernandes
“Moronn ani vavr gorchecheo vostu, nhoi vinchun kaddunk zata tosleo”
(Death and labor are things of necessity and not of choices)
Domnic Fernandes
Anjuna/Dhahran, KSA
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[Goanet]Cow Dung pooh!

2004-04-05 Thread Gabe Menezes
COWDUNG HAS MEDICINAL VALUE: Dung of cows of Indian breed not only can be
used as organic manure but also has medicinal properties, according to
Govindyan Anusandhan Kendra, Nagpur, which is doing intensive research on
the subject. Director of the Kendra, Sunil Mansinghak told a press
conference in Panjim that there is a high content of medicinal properties in
dung of cows of Indian breed and expressed the need to take a patent of the
same. (H)


First preference will be given to the Doctors of Goanet. You will be allowed
to carry this back with you, without let or hinderance to your foreign
distination, for distilation and further refinement. May your patients enjoy
good health.


Gabe Menezes.

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[Goanet]Our Lady of Divar High School, Divar, Goa. ..................."Divar Son of the Soil Project 2004"

2004-04-05 Thread rene barreto

Dear Floriano ,

Please convey my best wishes to the Parents and Teachers' Association
of Our Lady of Divar High School, Divar, Goa.

ACTION ! That s what we need

Is Mario Fernandes involved in this project at all ?
Do they have an email address  ?


rene barreto


DIVAR SUMMER CAMP: The students of Our Lady of Divar High School, Divar, are
all set to develop their talents with the launch of a summer camp under the
banner "Divar Son of the Soil Project 2004" from April 5 to 18. Secretary of
the DSE, Fr Tony Salema, will inaugurate the camp on April 5. Organised by
the Parents and Teachers' Association of the school with the help of the
ex-students and villagers, the camp is divided into four sections-sports,
eco, culture and leadership programmes-held between 8 am and 12 noon. During
the camp prominent personalities of Goa will share their knowledge on
various topics in their field: NIO Director Dr Satish Shetye, cartoonist
Alexyz, Sangeeta Naik of Digital Goa, North Goa SDPO Allan D'SA, Sabina
Martins of Bailancho Saad, SAG Director Dr VM Prabhudesai, Mr Gaonkar from
Food and Drugs Administration, Fr Mario Pereira of Pilar, Fr Francis
Silveira from Childline, freedom fighter Nagesh Karmali and Director of
Alcon Victor Group Victor Albuquerque. (H)

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[Goanet]Gabechem Chaldean caldinha 2

2004-04-05 Thread Gabe Menezes
From: "Dr. José Colaço" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Subject: [Goanet]Gabechem Chaldean caldinha 2

> Gabechem Chaldean caldinha 2
> Gaben boroilem The deities mentioned are B.V.M and J.C. and all those
> cherubic angels, as well as  Arch angels, Michael the warrior and Gabriel
> the messenger.>
> Gabebab..do correct me if I am wrong, but the word deity stands for
> "God" . So I do not know how a Michael and a Gabriel (even a Menezes) can
> a deity?

RESPONSE: When this thread was started, it was mentioned that deities were
depicted in the Indian form. I understood, as I am sure the writer meant
'deities' in a broad sense.
If not it would have been simple to just say 'God'. Again we shall be
digressing and the thread will keep evolving, as it does on Goanet.  In the
beginning, Angels were considered almost on par ? This is a religious and
theological discussion ani I am not in the least bit qualified to venture
into this.

 I respectfully forward :-

Definitions of deity on the Web:

  any supernatural being worshipped as controlling some part of the world or
some aspect of life or who is the personification of a force



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[Goanet-news]Goanet CyberMatrimonials * April 5, 2004

2004-04-05 Thread Frederick Noronha (FN)

Goanet C Y B E R  - M  A T R I M O N I A L S ***

LOOKING OUT FOR a life partner? Circulate your message among thousands of
Goans for free. For a listing in this column send details to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] with the subjectline MATRIMONIAL. Respondents are
requested to verify details for themselves. We carry, in good faith, details
as sent in by our readers. Make sure to include an email address to enable
you to get faster responses. Due to an overcluttered mailbox, it is 
possible that a despatch you sent through may have not got reproduced
below. If this is the case, please write in and resend the message. Our
apologies. If you'd like to repeat your announcement, feel free to request
us to do so.

GOAN MALE, 33: Successful professionally. Looking for success in his
personal life. Educated in the US. Lived and worked there for several years.
Now running successful national company in Africa. Looking for his woman -
27-33 years old. Pretty. Petite. Professionally successful. Enjoys travel
and adventure. Please respond by describing yourself, and what you are
looking for in a partner and in life. [EMAIL PROTECTED]

5ft 5, chiselled facial features, athletic body, liberal and living
abroad. I would like to meet an educated, slim, fair/bronze
complexion Goan female -- to develop a friendship towards romance
and committed relationship. Please attach picture. Thanks. Email:

I AM A GOAN male (03-02-1951), divorced through no fault of mine. Height 182
cms, weight 70kgs. Graduate in economics/law (Univ. of Bombay) and
philosophy/Spanish (Univ. of Amsterdam). I have a lot of hobbies like
cycling, watching fims, sports, Goan cookery (a must), listening to all
kinds of music. People who know me say I am too good for this world. I would
like to correspond with a lady who has a sense of understanding, and a good
conscience. The rest is not so important. [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

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GOAN CATHOLIC SPINSTER, age 32, Commerce Graduate, height 5.3, works
for an private company, slim, God fearing, seeks proposals from
educated bachelors, age 32-36, working India/abroad, kindly email

SEEKING A SUITABLE family-oriented Catholic bachelor between 38-45 years for
a spinster in a mid-thirties settled in Canada who is smart, responsible and
has a zest for life. Must be willing to relocate and have a positive, go
getter attitude. Only serious enquiries please: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Bachelors for Goan spinster 31 years, 5'3", fair complexion. 
Hailing from a good family,homely, sincere, well educated , employed
as a secretary in an airline in Mumbai. Bachelors who are well
educated, well placed with sober habits and good family background
(31-36 years) from India/Abroad.  Please respond with complete
details to : [EMAIL PROTECTED]

GOAN CATHOLIC SPINSTER, age 37, Commerce Graduate, height 5.3, slim, God
fearing, seeks proposals from educated bachelors, age 37-44, working
India/abroad, kindly email [EMAIL PROTECTED]

From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Thu Mar  4 23:47:34 2004


Looking out for a life partner? Circulate your message among
thousands of Goans for free. For a listing in this column send
details to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the subject line MATRIMONIAL. 
Details and current list (2 Mar.) at

And/or you could join Go-an' Connect, "a service beckoning young
Goans from the world over to a unique experience of sharing thoughts
and forging everlasting friendships, irrespective of geographical
distances." Membership is free. The resource has over 1200 members. 
Take a tour of the site before deciding whether to join. Check it
out at http://www.goacom.com/connect/


Re: [Goanet]Re: Rita ... from 'Amchem Noxib'.

2004-04-05 Thread fausto
She was staying at Pine Mansion, Dockyard Mazagaon. I heard she now stay at
Mazagoan Hill.
- Original Message -
From: "Goa's Pride www.goa-world.com" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "Sarabond" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, April 03, 2004 7:12 PM
Subject: [Goanet]Re: Rita ... from 'Amchem Noxib'.

> Hi Alfonso,
> As usual, your queries are quite interesting.
> Thought to reply to you promptly.
> The real name of the actress is Rita Lobo and she
> hailed from Mangalore, Karnataka. And to the best of
> my reseach on the Konkani films and tiatrs, this was
> the only Konkani film she ever acted.
> Will investigate more on the subject as to her present
> whereabouts.
> Gaspar Almeida
> Associate, www.goa-world.com
> c.c.: gasper almeida <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> http://www.goanet.org/pipermail/goanet/2004-April/011752.html
> At 03:29 ã 03/04/2004 +0530, Sarabond wrote:
> Re: Rita ... from 'Amchem Noxib'.
> As a child I had watched this Frank Fernand's konkani
> movie " Amchem Noxib" in the cinema hall. There after
> I had the opportunity to watch it from video cassettes
> several times. I need not say - it is worth watching
> it again & again. The movie is really superb keeping
> in mind the production was of early 60s. But keeping
> everything aside - I am more keen in knowing about the
> Heroine called Rita. She has never acted before doing
> this vintage movie nor was she seen thereafter on
> Konkani stage. Could anyone throw more light on this
> sensational find of Frank Fernandes. As to where was
> she from (Goa/Bombay)?
> What is her real name? And where does she resides
> now?? etc. etc.
> - Alfonso Bond Braganza
> __
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> ##
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[Goanet]The Blessings of Reserved Forests

2004-04-05 Thread Miguel Braganza
Dear Lt.Gen[Retd] JFR Jacob,

Thank you for the posting of 31 March[ graciously placed on Goanet by
Bosco]. The Madei and Netravali Reserved Forests that you helped preserve
for Goa now and for the posterity  are still in one piece,though under
constant threat. Man's greed has helped him overcome even his fears. We live
as if there is no Tomorrow. Once in a while comes a man like you and brings
somes sense to the way things are ordered around us. Thank you.

We have to thank the Supreme Court for upholding the  Right...and the rights
of the people of Goa to the Green Heritage of the Sahayadri Range and the
vegetation therein; to the clear water from this forested areas that sustain
life even in far away Panaji, to the coolness they give the region, to the
livelihoods[even through tourism] that these forests sustain. Tourists come
to admire Goa's Natural beauty..the beauty of these trees, the birds and
beasts they sustain. I have not heard of tourists coming to see our open
cast mines. I have not heard of the mine owners distributing their wealth as
the forests do. Minining will not even sustain the mine owners in the coming
generations. Yet our so-called 'leaders' are willing to sacrifice everything
for a quick buck as would the Romans who robbed Lebanon of the Cedars and
made it a desolate desert.

Thank you for being there when the Forests needed you most, when we needed
you. May the Lord bless you and keep you in Good health. Generations to come
will admire the forests in Goa because you saved them from the axe, ripper,
bulldozers and shovels. They may not hear about you or even know your name.
They will be grateful that the trees are there!

with fond regards,
Miguel Braganza
I am marking a copy to the Mail List of the Botanical Society of Goa, the
Goa Foundation;CM and the Forest Department-Goa. In the BSG we remember you
with pride. Here was a man amongst us who had the courage to do what was
right. Bravo. There is no PVSM or Ashok Chakra for such an act of bravery
and gallantry...simply because no human award is enough! You did it for us.
Thank you.

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[Goanet]Nuvem case results in warning to dog owners

2004-04-05 Thread Goa Desc
Documented by Goa Desc Resource Centre Ph:2252660
Website: www.goadesc.org Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Press Clippings on the web: http://www.goadesc.org/mem/
Dog owners warned over 'wild' pets
Dog owners beware! If your dog has turned dangerous or unruly, causing
nuisance to the neighbourhood, ensure it is tamed immediately or else
run the risk of the canine being taken away by the authorities.
In an unprecedented order, the Sub-divisional Magistrate, Margao,
Dipak Dessai has ordered a resident of Belloi-Nuvem to hand over his
"unruly" dogs to the Animal Husbandry department or the Goa Animal
Welfare Trust or simply remove the dogs from the locality by any other
means within 7 days. The police would then step in the event the order
is not complied with.
In this case, the Maina Curtorim police had lodged a complaint stating
that one Punit Prasad Jain owns and possesses eight alleged dangerous
dogs of hybrid varieties, without obtaining the licence from any authority.
The police alleged that all these dogs are ferocious/ dangerous and that
the owner has no control over them, resulting in dog bites to the neighbours,
passer-byes and children. Besides, the police alleged that the dogs have
the habit of howling in a loud and frightful manner every night, disturbing
peace and tranquillity in the area.
In his reply, Jain termed the police report as false, mischievous and
malicious. He denied that the dogs are causing any noise or that they
disturb the peace in the neighbourhood and that they are ferocious.
In his order issued under section 133 of the CrPC, the SDB maintained
that the dogs belonging to Jain have created a terror in the vicinity thus
endangering the life of the people.
"The physical comfort of the residents in the vicinity of Jain's house has
also been disturbed as fear has gripped the people from using the road
in front of his house", Dessai said.
"No doubt, dogs are domestic animals, but at times, they can be ferocious
which can be perilious to the life of common man", he said, adding that
every person in a civilised society enjoys a constitutional right to his life
and liberty and that it's the duty of the state to protect the rights.
"Merely because the owner is a professional dog trainer as stated by a
witness, it doesn't empower him to play with the lives of a dozen people,
when he has no control over them", he said.
The SDM further observed that had the owner been cautious and diligent,
then no person would have ever suffered injuries of serious nature as has
been with one person, and added that the entire evidence goes to prove
beyond doubt that the dogs of the respondent are dangerous in nature
which are detrimental to the life of the inhabitants in the locality.
HERALD 3/4/04 page 1
Documentation + Education + Solidarity
11 Liberty Apts., Feira Alta, Mapusa, Goa 403 507
Tel: 2252660 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  website: www.goadesc.org
Working On Issues Of Development & Democracy
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[Goanet]Goanet CyberMatrimonials * April 5, 2004

2004-04-05 Thread Frederick Noronha (FN)

Goanet C Y B E R  - M  A T R I M O N I A L S ***

LOOKING OUT FOR a life partner? Circulate your message among thousands of
Goans for free. For a listing in this column send details to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] with the subjectline MATRIMONIAL. Respondents are
requested to verify details for themselves. We carry, in good faith, details
as sent in by our readers. Make sure to include an email address to enable
you to get faster responses. Due to an overcluttered mailbox, it is 
possible that a despatch you sent through may have not got reproduced
below. If this is the case, please write in and resend the message. Our
apologies. If you'd like to repeat your announcement, feel free to request
us to do so.

GOAN MALE, 33: Successful professionally. Looking for success in his
personal life. Educated in the US. Lived and worked there for several years.
Now running successful national company in Africa. Looking for his woman -
27-33 years old. Pretty. Petite. Professionally successful. Enjoys travel
and adventure. Please respond by describing yourself, and what you are
looking for in a partner and in life. [EMAIL PROTECTED]

5ft 5, chiselled facial features, athletic body, liberal and living
abroad. I would like to meet an educated, slim, fair/bronze
complexion Goan female -- to develop a friendship towards romance
and committed relationship. Please attach picture. Thanks. Email:

I AM A GOAN male (03-02-1951), divorced through no fault of mine. Height 182
cms, weight 70kgs. Graduate in economics/law (Univ. of Bombay) and
philosophy/Spanish (Univ. of Amsterdam). I have a lot of hobbies like
cycling, watching fims, sports, Goan cookery (a must), listening to all
kinds of music. People who know me say I am too good for this world. I would
like to correspond with a lady who has a sense of understanding, and a good
conscience. The rest is not so important. [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

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# subjectline reading: JOIN GOANET/DIGEST#

GOAN CATHOLIC SPINSTER, age 32, Commerce Graduate, height 5.3, works
for an private company, slim, God fearing, seeks proposals from
educated bachelors, age 32-36, working India/abroad, kindly email

SEEKING A SUITABLE family-oriented Catholic bachelor between 38-45 years for
a spinster in a mid-thirties settled in Canada who is smart, responsible and
has a zest for life. Must be willing to relocate and have a positive, go
getter attitude. Only serious enquiries please: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Bachelors for Goan spinster 31 years, 5'3", fair complexion. 
Hailing from a good family,homely, sincere, well educated , employed
as a secretary in an airline in Mumbai. Bachelors who are well
educated, well placed with sober habits and good family background
(31-36 years) from India/Abroad.  Please respond with complete
details to : [EMAIL PROTECTED]

GOAN CATHOLIC SPINSTER, age 37, Commerce Graduate, height 5.3, slim, God
fearing, seeks proposals from educated bachelors, age 37-44, working
India/abroad, kindly email [EMAIL PROTECTED]

From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Thu Mar  4 23:47:34 2004


Looking out for a life partner? Circulate your message among
thousands of Goans for free. For a listing in this column send
details to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the subject line MATRIMONIAL. 
Details and current list (2 Mar.) at

And/or you could join Go-an' Connect, "a service beckoning young
Goans from the world over to a unique experience of sharing thoughts
and forging everlasting friendships, irrespective of geographical
distances." Membership is free. The resource has over 1200 members. 
Take a tour of the site before deciding whether to join. Check it
out at http://www.goacom.com/connect/


RE: [Goanet]Birthdays on 5th Apr 2004

2004-04-05 Thread Vincente Fernandes
Wishing you a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY on behalf of GoaNetters to

05-Apr   Maria Valerie RodriguesMargao/Abu Dhabi
(Special B'day wishes to you from your Husband:Wilmarco Rodrigues)
Please do notify if your e-mail address has been changed, for cc'ing B'day
wished to your e-mail address.
NOTE: Please send your Birthday's details for those who haven't done so far
to the following e-mail address([EMAIL PROTECTED]) with subject as
Birthday/Birthday details as per below format.
Birth Day/Month   NameBirth/Current Place
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RE: [Goanet]Pre-1961 Cars.

2004-04-05 Thread Terry Braganza
Hi Valmiki,

Why the surprise ?
Dont you know of the car scene in Goa in 1961 - 1962 ?  Also pre & post ?
Similar for the rest of India post 1947 - 50.
Hindustan Moters, Fiat etc. produced the same year after year - so there was 
nothing unique (special) about them.
But the  pre 1961 / 1947 cars are rare, valuable, antique & unique as a 
group for India.

Have you seen a Hindustan Landmaster ? (pre Ambassador) It could qualify as 
an antique -  post 1950 in its own right.

Here in Macau antique cars are too valuable to race (rally) about, so they 
are driven at a slow pace at the Grand Prix track for exhibition.

Glad to hear of Mr.Naik's efforts to make the rally a success.

Cheers then1

From: Valmiki Faleiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet]Pre-1961
Date: Mon, 05 Apr 2004 08:26:29 +0530
It may warm the cockles of Ole Xac's heart to learn
that the cut-off year for the Vintage Car Rally held at
Margao yesterday was 1961.
Why 1961 and not 1930, 1940, 1950 or even 1960,
one may ask.
Main organizer of the rally was a grandson of the
redoubtable late Narcinv Naique, Goa's leading
automobile dealer in pre- and post-1961 years and
founder Vice-President of the defunct United Goans
The rally was a success by all accounts.

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[Goanet]Vintage Car Rally

2004-04-05 Thread Daniel_Soares

Any pictures from the Vintage Car Rally in Margao? I'd be really interested to
see them. When I used to visit Goa on vacation in the late seventies and early
eighties, I often saw the old vintage Impalas being used as taxicabs. Have not
seen them lately. Did they turn into old rustbuckets? Parts not available
anymore? What happened to them?

Dan Soares

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[Goanet]10 Questions- Cecil Pinto on 'Child Naming Patterns among Goan Catholics'

2004-04-05 Thread Cecil Pinto
10 Questions by Ree Coh

Professor Cecil Pinto is interviewed by world famous journalist Ree Coh. 
Professor Pinto, is a Ph.D and has been twice awarded the Adha Shri for his 
contributions in the field of Literature by President Pandurang of the 
Independent Republic of Chimbel. Currently officiating as the V-i-c-e 
Chancellor at Chimbel University, Professor Pinto is a prolific writer with 
many well researched books to his credit. His next book is titled 'Child 
Naming Conventions of Goan Catholics'. Ree Coh met Cecil in a rather lucid 
moment at his rented apartment in Panjim. After a few rounds of drinks the 
interview begins.


RC: What made you choose this rather unconventional topic for your next book?

CP: You see I have always been interested in proper names. My earlier book, 
"Business Names in Goa and their Origins" was rejected by the publishers 
because a lot of big companies currently operating in Goa do not want their 
rather mediocre origins to be exposed. And they had enough muscle and money 
to silence the publishers. I have written to President Pandurang who has 
promised to intervene in the matter.

RC: Why did you study Goan Catholics only and not the Goan Hindus?

CP: You see Rico. Can I call you Rico? The Goan Hindu has always followed 
cultural convention while naming their children. There has been little or 
no variance over the centuries. The Goan Catholics on the other hand shows 
interesting discernible waves and patterns which can be scientifically 
enumerated and categorised.

RC: Any particular reason for this strange Goan Catholic trait?

CP: To fully understand this Rico, you must understand how the Goan 
Catholic ethos has evolved over the millennia. We have to examine their 
culture right from pre-historic times. Let me briefly bring you to the 
present by demystifying a few myths which have crept into our understanding 
of the Goan psyche. Incidentally all this is clearly explained in one of my 
earlier books "Goa - A Concise History"

Firstly, let us examine the legend of the 'creation' of Goa. According to 
the Vedas, Lord Saptoshwar threw a trident into the Arabian Sea, hoping to 
catch the equally mythical Goan Crabs. The trident missed its mark and 
landed in interior North Karnataka, close to where the Dupont Nylon 66 
plant is currently situated. Three clumps of earth thus shot up from the 
ground and landed near the Arabian Sea. Lord Saptoshwar immediately 
christened them Govapuri, Bhajipuri and Shrikandpuri. These were later 
re-christened by the Portuguese as Goa, Daman and Diu.

Now this is the legend we have been telling our children for so many 
generations. But this is absolutely false. I have done some digging in my 
hometown, Aldona, and found a diety-like oblong object that I got carbon 
dated and found that it predates even Lord Saptoshwar. It goes way back to 
3246 B.C. I even tried to get a photo of this diety-like object published 
in The Chimbel Times, but the newspaper  rejected my submission. In fact 
the Features Editor told me that 'Papayas that are shaped like dieties are 
news, but dieties shaped like papayas don't sell". Imagine this man's 
ignorance of our history and culture!

RC: Coming back to your thesis about naming patterns among Goan Catholics...

CP: One minute. I was explaining the cultural ethos of Goan Catholics. See 
our history books tell us that Goa was once the 'Kashi of the Konkan' 
before it became the 'Rome of the East'. This is another example of a 
warped understanding created by our language diversiity. It was just a typo 
in the original transalation from the Gopi Script. It was not 'Kashi' it 
was 'kashti'. This is a loin cloth worn by...

RC: Are'nt we digressing a bit, we were supposed to discuss your thesis..

CP: Yes I am coming to that. Let me just rush you through the history part. 
Lots is said about the Kadamba Era. Now you tell me what did the Kadambas 
do for Goa? All they did was provide employment. Conductors, drivers, 
mechanics etc. And for that matter the Portuguese? The old timers say that 
they introduced us to western concepts and the printing press. This is a 
lie. All they did was introduce superior distillation techniques that make 
our country liquor better than any other country's liquor. Did you know for 
example that the Coconut Tree is not native to Goa and was brought here by 
Marco Polo in 2232 B.C. along with Polo Shirts, Polo Mints and Water Polo? 
Not many people know this. Read my book.

RC: Ok! Ok! I believe you. Now can we start on the topic of Child Naming?

CP: Wasn't that what we were discussing all this while? I know you want to 
restrict yourself to only 10 questions but that is your problem, not mine. 
So where was I? The Portuguese.

Before the Portuguese arrived the Goan Catholics had no proper names. They 
just used to call each other 'Bhau' and 'Bai' and 'Guru' and stuff like 
that. In fact before the Portuguese arrived there were not many Catholics 
in Goa.

[Goanet]Vivian D'souza - Maddiem

2004-04-05 Thread Daniel_Soares


That's a very sweet gesture and I appreciate it. It might turn out to be more
trouble than you anticipated and I would understand completely if you couldn't
do it .



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[Goanet]Announcing a new party!!

2004-04-05 Thread Anthony Barretto
Hi Goanetters

Read something about a new party on Goanet. 
Well! Around this time the only party that makes sense
to Goans is an Urak party. 

Urak Party (free) on 11 April (Easter). Interested
report at Galgibaga beach (behind the church) on 11
after mid night mass.

(Galgibaga is in Canacona. If you didn't know that
after one murder, the shacks controversy and the
turtle ridleys than be sure you have rocks in the head
bigger than the ones on the either extremes of the
Galgibaga beach.)

Urak is free all right. But do come with your own
chouris pav or pea nuts whatever you prefer with urak.


Tony Martin


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[Goanet]Victor Rangel-Ribeiro & Gummot

2004-04-05 Thread Daniel_Soares

Victor.. wow... another Gummot in the USA and that one in NY too. What are the
odds eh? I would love to get together with you and your family sometime. We live
on Long Island if you would like to visit someday.

Perhaps a jam session with our Gummots? :-)

631.444.9655 (work)

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[Goanet]Vintage Car Rally

2004-04-05 Thread Sarabond
Hi Valmiki,
I was very keen to witness this Vintage Car Rally held on 4th April in
Margao. But it did not happen as I was pre-occupied with my routine work
here in Mapusa.
Although you have not said it, most of the local dailies here has credited
that this car rally was the FIRST OF ITS KIND IN GOA.
Here is... just for your and our netters information that the First Vintage
Car Rally was held in Mapusa in the early 80s (Can give you the exact date
later). It was held on the eve of the Milagres feast day. The main
organizers were Hemant Barros, Ubaldo Braganza, late Joe Almeida, Diogo
Sequiera and myself under the banner called "ZEST AFFAIR".. The rally
started from St. Joseph's chapel near Mapusa Police station was made to
climb the  Municipal Building slope to go to Altinho and wound up at
Municipal garden for prize distribution. We kept the route very short so as
to enable the old royals have a decent drive without break down. Some cars
from Margao ( from Naiks and the Azavedos) did come but they reach only
after the rally was over. Beside cash prizes we had offered  5 liters of
free petrol  to every participating vehicle courtesy the local dealers. The
press did give us good coverage specially the marathi Nav Prabha who gave a
half page in their Sunday Magazine.
Thank you.

-Alfonso Bond Braganza.

Date: Mon, 05 Apr 2004 08:26:29 +0530
From: Valmiki Faleiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet]Pre-1961

It may warm the cockles of Ole Xac's heart to learn
that the cut-off year for the Vintage Car Rally held at
Margao yesterday was 1961.

Why 1961 and not 1930, 1940, 1950 or even 1960,
one may ask.

Main organizer of the rally was a grandson of the
redoubtable late Narcinv Naique, Goa's leading
automobile dealer in pre- and post-1961 years and
founder Vice-President of the defunct United Goans

The rally was a success by all accounts.

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[Goanet]Who was Jesus?

2004-04-05 Thread Tim de Mello
Who was he?

   There were 3 equally good arguments that
   Jesus was Black:
   1. He called everyone "brother"
   2. He liked Gospel
   3. He couldn't get a fair trial.
   But then there were 3 equally good arguments
   that Jesus was Jewish
   1. He went into His Father's business.
   2. He lived at home until he was 33.
   3. He was sure his Mother was a virgin
   and his mother was sure he was God.
   But then there were 3 equally good arguments
   that Jesus was Italian:
   1. He talked with his hands.
   2. He had wine with every meal.
   3. He used olive oil.
   But then there were 3 equally good
   arguments that Jesus was a Californian:
   1. He never cut his hair.
   2. He walked around barefoot all the time.
   3. He started a new religion.
   But then there were 3 equally good arguments
   that Jesus was Irish:
   1. He never got married.
   2. He was always telling stories.
   3. He loved green pastures.
   But the most compelling evidence of
   all - 3 proofs that Jesus was a woman:
   1. He had to feed a crowd at a moment's
   notice when there was no food.
   2. He kept trying to get a message across to a
   bunch of men who just didn't get it.
   3. Even when he was dead, He had to get
   up because there was more work for him to do.
Source of the the last "compelling evidence" . . . . could it be a woman?

Tim de Mello
MSN Premium with Virus Guard and Firewall* from McAfee® Security : 2 months 

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2004-04-05 Thread A. Veronica Fernandes

The draw for the 11th edition of G.O.A. Rolling Trophy tournament was held 
today Monday 5th April at 8.00 p.m., at Village Inn Restaurant with the 
attendance of the participating club representatives and special invitees.  
Normally G.O.A. since last few years are organizing their tournament at 
Kheitan Stadium but this time due to some difficulties they will not be able 
to have it at the stadium and instead it will be held at both the Sour 
Grounds A & B.  Total Number of teams participating in this year’s edition 
will be 12 and they are splitted into two segments.  Segment one will 
consist of Navelim Youth, CRC Chinchinnim, Bombay Boys, United Friend Club, 
Curtorcares and Kerala Challengers while segment two comprises AVC, Jai 
Hind, Santos, Rising Stars, UG and G.O.A. Maroons.  The first match of the 
tournament will be played on 16th at Ground “A” at 6.45 between CRC 
Chinchinnim and Bombay Boys and simultaneously at Ground “B” at Ground “B” 
Jai Hind will face Santos FC.  All the matches will be supervised by the 
umpires drawn from KIFF Referees Body.  The tournament will last for about 
one month approximately and final will be played on 14th May.  This edition 
will be sponsored by Bassem Trading Co. W.L.L. whose managing director Mr. 
Charles D’Sa is a staunch supporter of Sports in general and soccer in 
particular even though he was once a very good Cricketer during his younger 
days.  Mr. Charles besides involving himself in the promotion of sporting 
activities where he was inducted by Raymond D’Sa the president of Goan 
Overseas Association, is also very active in many of the social and 
charitable activities thru Kuwait Canara Welfare Association and other 

The actual draw lasted for about 30 minutes where G.O.A. Sports Secretary 
Clifford conducted the draw and Julio Cardoso compeered the proceedings.  
Chief Guest of the function Mr. Charles D’Sa lauded the efforts of G.O.A. in 
organizing such tournaments and giving the youth one more opportunity to 
display their talents and prowess while the president of G.O.A. Raymond D’Sa 
in his short speech thanked every one for joining G.O.A. in this tournament. 
 He very philosophically and of course rightly remarked “Let Sour Grounds 
be the venue of inculcating friendship and spreading goodwill amongst all”.  
Let this be the motto of everyone.  Tony Correia the president of Kuwait 
Indian Foot-ball Federation and a part of G.O.A. proposed the vote of 

Goan Overseas Association (G.O.A.) was established in 1980 a year after the 
establishment of our soccer activities at Sour Grounds by UG. Since the 
formation of G.O.A. it has always maintained its grandeur and G.O.A. Rolling 
Trophy tournament is one of the prestigious tournaments amongst Indians in 
Kuwait.  G.O.A. soccer team Maroons is one of the best amongst the 
expatriates in Kuwait having unique distinction of demolishing the might of 
Hubara and other top Clubs fielding some of the best European players and 
thus winning the Forest of Dean R.A. Trophy some years back at Ahmadi, 
Kuwait.  G.O.A. Maroons has created lot of ripples and the current members 
who are running the show of their team on and off the field must work hard 
to maintain the pristine greatness of their activities.  When it was formed 
in 1980, G.O.A. Maroons was not only a team but it was a powerhouse having 
finest footballers in its rank.  G.O.A. was formed by great stalwarts namely 
Peter D’Souza, Domnick Correia, Assumption D’Sa, Raymond D’Sa, John Felix 
D’Souza, Pascoal Soares, the late Gabriel Soares, Messias Barreto and A. V. 
Fernandes. Many of the founders are not in Kuwait now but the major credit 
should go to both the D’Sa brothers – Raymond and Assumption for overcoming 
all the hurdles and keeping G.O.A. function beautifully.  Those new later-on 
entrants into G.O.A. who are also doing so much for the promotion of G.O.A.  
deserve compliments too.

The soccer activities of Indians at Sour Grounds are conducted under the 
supervision of Kuwait Indian Foot-ball Federation.  Annually, 4 major 
11-A-Side tournaments are organized;  one of Navelim, the other of G.O.A., 
the third of UG and the fourth of Rising Stars (Youth Recreation Centre) 
while 5 are 7-A-Side tournaments; 1st by Santos, 2nd by AVC, 3rd by UFC, 4th 
by Curtorcares and the 5th by Bombay Boys.  CRC Chinchinnim organizes their 
9-A-Side tournament.

A. Veronica Fernandes,
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[Goanet]The Nairobi Institute Centenary Website

2004-04-05 Thread rene barreto

The Centenary Celebrations Committee has been
launched to provide you with all the necessary
information for June 11, 2005. The website name is  
www.nicentenary.com   and will updated on a weekly
basis. Please forward the website details to as many
interested parties as you know.

Best Regards

The Centenary Celebrations Committee


Fwd: rene barreto
20th August 2004.

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[Goanet]Jewish remains give clues on crucifixion - Mon 05 April, 2004 02:29 AM

2004-04-05 Thread Gabe Menezes
Reuters News ArticleAs it is Holy week, Please reflect:-

 Jewish remains give clues on crucifixion
Mon 05 April, 2004 02:29 AM

By Megan Goldin
JERUSALEM (Reuters) - The graphic portrayal of the crucifixion of Jesus in
Mel Gibson's film "The Passion of the Christ" has brought the ancient
world's execution method of choice in all its horror to the big screen.
Jesus is the best known victim of crucifixion. But thousands of other Jews
were put to death on the cross by the Romans, trying to quash Jewish
rebellions in the Holy Land in the first century.
Yet strangely the remains of only one victim have ever been found. He was
Yehohanan Ben Hagkol, a Jewish man whose heel bone, excavated by
archaeologists near Jerusalem in 1968, still had a nail embedded in it.
"It is the only case ever found in the world where there is indisputable
evidence of crucifixion," said Joe Zias, a physical anthropologist who
examined the remains of Yehohanan Ben Hagkol.
"We've looked at thousands of skeletons in Jerusalem. Some were decapitated.
Others were mutilated. But we've never found another one that was
"It has to be one of the most obscene forms of death ever invented by man,"
said Zias of the execution method practiced between 400 BC and AD 400 also
by the Persians, Greeks, Assyrians, Carthaginians and other ancient
Professor Martin Hengel, a leading scholar of crucifixions from Tubingen
University in Germany, said thousands of captured Jewish rebels were
crucified by the Romans around Jerusalem during the first century, when
Jesus lived.
Crosses dotted the landscape around the city. Zias said that between AD 66
and 702, the Romans at times crucified as many as 500 Jews a day until they
quashed what became known as the first Jewish revolt and destroyed the
Second Temple.
"Eventually they ran out of crosses and they ran out of space," he said.
Not much is known about Yehohanan Ben Hagkol, whose name in English means
John, son of Hagkol. The name was carved in ancient Hebrew letters on an
ossuary containing his bones in a tomb north of Jerusalem's Old City in
At the time of his death he was between 24 and 28 years old, stood around
five feet seven inches tall (170 cm) and was in excellent health -- until he
was hoisted on to a cross some time between AD 50 and 70.
"He could have been a thief, he could have been a rebel. To his nation he
may have been a hero," said archaeologist Vassilios Tzaferias, who
discovered Ben Hagkol's remains during the excavation of an ancient Jewish
family tomb.
The state of the skeletons in the tomb bore testimony to the turbulent times
in which the Jews of Jerusalem lived in the first century. Nine of the 35
people buried there had met violent deaths. Others had died of starvation.
When Ben Hagkol's remains were examined, archaeologists noticed the nail
piercing what remained of the heel bone.
Archaeologists believe they have not uncovered other physical evidence of
crucifixion because victims were sometimes tied rather than nailed to the
cross and the corpses were often thrown onto garbage dumps where animals
would feed off them.
Nails of the crucified were also in high demand. People regarded them as
powerful amulets that could ward off evil, so they would remove them from
the bodies of victims.
In Ben Hagkol's case, the nail hammered through his heel bone had bent after
catching in a knot of wood and relatives who retrieved his body would have
been unable to remove it.
As shown in graphic detail in Gibson's film, victims were often brutally
beaten with whips of leather and metal before being taken to the cross.
Their hands were then either tied or nailed to the horizontal bar of the
cross. They were stripped naked, strung up and left, sometimes for days,
until they died.
"It was used because it was so appalling. It was very painful and everybody
could see the suffering. It must have been very humiliating too, hanging
naked at the cross," Hengel said.
Gibson's film shows Jesus being hammered to the cross through his hands, in
line with the traditional view depicted in religious icons and paintings
since the Middle Ages.
Zias said this reflects theology rather than reality. Jesus, like other
victims of crucifixion, would either have had his hands tied to the cross,
or been nailed through the wrist.
"You cannot crucify a person through the hands because there is nothing
there but skin and muscle. It will tear. It has to be done through the
wrists," Zias said.
Death could be relatively quick, within 10 minutes, for those whose hands
were tied or nailed directly above their heads and whose feet were
restrained too. A person crucified in this position would be unable to
exhale, Zias said.
This apparently was not the case with Jesus' crucifixion since the Gospels
say it took several hours for him to die, Zias said.
"The body goes into shock and then you die from shock. You can keep a person
up there for hours or you can keep a

[Goanet]TidBits - GAG or CAG??

2004-04-05 Thread Floriano Lobo
TidBits - GAG or CAG ??

Have you heard of the "All  Goa  C A G" ?

GAG? who is being gagged?

Not Gag silly. Cag, it is.

Well, I don't know of any cag who is an all round Goan. So fill me in quick
and don't waste my time. I don't like suspenses.

In  that case, how about IFFI? Have you heard of IFFI?

Sure, Isn't it the debris collected out of the demolition of the once upon a
time Campal football stadium and some old hospitals nearby or something?

Where did you pick that one up?


No, the thing about demolition of the stadium and old hospitals.

Its all over the newspapers, the net, man!. Some ex-footballers who played
on this ground were travelling in the bus I was travelling in. And oh my !
Were they sore about the whole thing? Someone even pushed a leaflet in my
hands at Panjim Kadamba bus stand. So what has this cag thing got to do with
IFFI? Don't Goans like to have modern football, hockey and athletic stadiums
and modern hospitals?

Sure we can do with some. But they only exist in the manifestoes of
political parties until they win the elections. IFFI has nothing to do with
debris. It is the acronym for International Film Festival of India.

A crony of the IFFI? You mean blue films?

Blue films? Who is saying IFFI has anything to do with blue films, silly?.
There will be films of all colours, like white films from Europe, Black from
Africa, Yellow from Japan, red from the US of A  etc and technicolour from
places like Brazil, Phillipines, India etc.

And no blue films?

No blue films. In Goa we only make them. In Miramar, in star hotels, through
hidden cameras, unknown to the guests with a lightly laced coke, or a pepsi
or a sand piper  with a dolphin or whatever.

A dolphin, a sand piper? That too in a coke, a pepsi? You must be out -a-ya-
mind. You mean to say in Miramar  you have actual dolphins?

Oh! come on! I am not talking of dolphins that jump in the sea. I am talking
about little dolphins that slip silently to the bottom of the coke bottle
when you least notice it, and if you are a girl, especially..
Never mind all that now. You will know better when you get around.

Coming back to your first question, what is CAG supposed to mean?

Well, we have all sorts of citizen's groups in Goa. But this is a new one,
specially designed so that citizens can spit out what is being forcefully
thrust down their throats, the IFFI. Cag stands for "Citizen's Action Group"

So what is the plan?

CAG will assemble at the Ferry Wharf in Panjim at 10 00 hours on Wednesday
the 7th. of April, 2004 in great numbers. And that will be like a side-show
only. The real show will  come later.

You mean only the Panjimites?

No, silly, it is All Goa CAG. Not only Panjimites but Goans all over the

And do what? Burn the CM or something? I mean, the CM's effigy, like they
burnt the effigy of Christ in some Northern or Eastern State, recently?

And cause pollution?  No Sir, thank you. Sanathan Saunstha would object to
it vociferously.  In Goa we don't believe in burning effy's, sorry effigies.
We only burn plastics and garbage. And sometimes we burn shacks on the
beaches. That is allowed you know? if you are a minister, that is.

Minister of the Church?

No, silly. Minister in the Manohar Parrikar Government.

In Delhi? They have beaches and shacks in Delhi?

Oh! Pho!  You are miserable with your Geography. Delhi has no beaches, and
therefore,  no shacks. Only Vajpayee's Government which is run by Advani. We
are talking of Manohar Parrikar who is the CM of Goa and related to Advani.
Not literally, but through the brotherhood of RSS. And in his government,
his ministers can do what they like. They can burn beach shacks, and have
the police sleep over the case files until the High Court is woken up,  they
can slap Directors of departments until they fall down, if they don't obey
orders. And it takes  the CM to apologize for the behavior of his ministers.
They can threaten to resign just to get tickled to see the  CM  fall to
their feet, begging not to ... whatever.

Sounds interesting. Is there any chance that I could become a minister in
government of Goa? I would love to. Whatever the cost.

Why only Goa? You can become a minister in Delhi. You have just
2 days to file your nomination papers for either one of the  Constituencies.
The general elections are on,  to select a government in Delhi, you know?
Then you purchase all the other candidates in your constituency, for cash
down payment, to withdraw their candidature. You get elected unopposed on
May 10. That is if you have crows, sorry, crores in your bags. Then you take
this stupid IFFI and dump it in the Mandovi river as a payment to me for my
excellent advice 'how to become a minister' in Delhi..Dumping to sink IFFI
that is, and not to keep it floating. Because, if it floats in the Mandovi,
you will have done just the thing that Manohar Parrikar wanted to do at one
time.  Then use your Delhi MPLADs to rebuild the Campal football stadium in

[Goanet]Re: Pre-1961 (and Ole Xac)

2004-04-05 Thread Frederick Noronha (FN)
Does he have a heart? I thought he lost it in 1961...
PS: Sorry Ole Xac, whoever you might be. I just couldn't resist this one.
But then, you've been having a lot of fun at our cost, innit? 

>From: Valmiki Faleiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: [Goanet]Pre-1961
>It may warm the cockles of Ole Xac's heart to learn
>that the cut-off year for the Vintage Car Rally held at
>Margao yesterday was 1961.

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[Goanet]2#MINUTE#REVIEWS: Music ...from the pen of a priest

2004-04-05 Thread Frederick Noronha (FN)

2#MINUTE#REVIEWS: Music ...from the pen of a priest

SOME OF THE most interesting publications from Goa lie unnoticed on
bookshelves. Hopefully, one will be wrong here 

This book under review comes from the musically-oriented Pilar priest Peter
Cardoso. It reflects an attempt at helping youngsters to take to a field
Goans have long been considered good at -- music.

His explanation: "It is an interesting and well-known fact that the organ
and guitar have contributed immensely in generating interest in what we may
call 'home entertainment music'. The reason for this situation might well be
that these instruments tend themselves to the easy learning of entertainment
music, much more than any other instruments.

"In particular, the beautiful and almost unlimited range of tone qualities
and its sustained tone power, makes the organ an ideal medium for the
amateur musician and even for the non-musician."

So, in a simple and unpretentious way -- there isn't even an introduction to
the man that is Fr Peter, apart from a mug-shot -- this book, or booklet as
you could call it, goes about giving an one-page 'introduction to the organ'
and another page to the guitar.

>From then on, comes the meat of the book -- some 109 lyrics and music of
popular songs that have been long sung by Goan communities everywhere.

Besides 20th century all-time favourites, also included are Konkani lyrics
like Bokddeam-Rakhnneachem Git (based, strangely enough, on a Rhumba), the
Bombay Meri Hai (recently reproduced in Jerry Pinto & Naresh Fernandes'
anthology on Mumbai city; BMH has been done in Dekhnni style according to Fr
Peter), the Portuguese polka-medley Cadiza-Za, the Konkani Beguine devoted
to 'Calangute' (a hippy haunt in the 'sixties when we were growing up... our
elders cautioned against seeing the wrong thing; now a concrete jungle
which emanates the wrong kind of whiff, according to environmentalists).

Then, there's that unofficial Goan expat almost-anthem, Hanv Saiba Poltoddi
Vetam (based on the Kehorva, an Indian beat), and the corridinho Malhao, the
Mollbailo Dou (coming in a slow-rock format). To Goaphiles interested in
Konkani, there's also the Fox-Trot based Poixilea Desantle, Sobit Amchem Goy
(Waltz), Sobit Udentech Polongar (manddo), Suria Kupant Dhamplo (manddo),
Tarka, Ie, Begin, Begin (Rhumba), and Undir Mhojea Mama (Dekhnni).

This book also includes a few popular Bollywood numbers of the yesteryears.
Goans -- of both Hindu and Catholic backgrounds -- did play a big role in
shaping this synthesis of musical traditions that is now part of the Indian
film culture, and has probably influenced Indipop and beyond.

To get a taste of what the book contains, here's an extract:

Gm D7   Gm
Hanv saiba poltoddi vetam,
Damulea lagnak(u) vetam;

Mhaka saiba vatt(u) dakhoi,

Mhaka saiba vatt(u) kollona.

G   D7
Damulea mattvant(u)

Kolvontancho khell(u)

G D7
Damulea mattvant(u)

G   D7   G
Kolvontacho khell(u) ...

One's regret is that one hasn't yet got a chance to get to know better this
priest from the heart of Tiswadi/Ilhas, who is devoting his time and energy
at building musical talent there. Our only encounter was a hurried run-into
while doing some photography at Pilar's recent Konkani opera (on Fr Agnelo)
and another hasty meet during the interval of a college concert, which the
priest was lending his musical support to.

If it wasn't for e-mail, and the young Peter C Raposo, another editor-priest
from IXTT  one wouldn't have seen this book
or got to know more about the work at Pilar.  A book of this kind could
obviously do better at the hands of a more knowledgeable reviewer... Anyway,
treat this just as an attempt to share what one came across. FN

Title;  Golden Hits
Author: Fr Peter Cardoso sfx
Publ:   Self-published, Pilar 2003 (?)
Pages:  80
Price:  Not mentioned 

Frederick Noronha, Freelance Journalist
Goa India 0091.832.2409490 or 2409783

Email fred at bytesforall.org
Writing with a difference 
.. on what makes *the* difference
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[Goanet]RE: Cow Dung Pooh

2004-04-05 Thread Radhakrishnan Nair
(Gabe Menezes wrote: First preference will be given to the Doctors of 
Goanet. You will be allowed
to carry this (cow dung) back with you, without let or hinderance to your 
foreign distination, for distilation and further refinement. May your 
patients enjoy good health!)

A good one, Mr Menezes! These days you're growing really witty.

I would like to add that doctors in the Caribbean region can also try it on 
themselves to improve their sense of humour and general well-being.

Cheers, RKN

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# Send submissions for Goanet to [EMAIL PROTECTED]   #   
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# Please keep your discussion/tone polite, to reflect respect to others  #

[Goanet-news]2#MINUTE#REVIEWS: Music ...from the pen of a priest

2004-04-05 Thread Frederick Noronha (FN)

2#MINUTE#REVIEWS: Music ...from the pen of a priest

SOME OF THE most interesting publications from Goa lie unnoticed on
bookshelves. Hopefully, one will be wrong here 

This book under review comes from the musically-oriented Pilar priest Peter
Cardoso. It reflects an attempt at helping youngsters to take to a field
Goans have long been considered good at -- music.

His explanation: "It is an interesting and well-known fact that the organ
and guitar have contributed immensely in generating interest in what we may
call 'home entertainment music'. The reason for this situation might well be
that these instruments tend themselves to the easy learning of entertainment
music, much more than any other instruments.

"In particular, the beautiful and almost unlimited range of tone qualities
and its sustained tone power, makes the organ an ideal medium for the
amateur musician and even for the non-musician."

So, in a simple and unpretentious way -- there isn't even an introduction to
the man that is Fr Peter, apart from a mug-shot -- this book, or booklet as
you could call it, goes about giving an one-page 'introduction to the organ'
and another page to the guitar.

>From then on, comes the meat of the book -- some 109 lyrics and music of
popular songs that have been long sung by Goan communities everywhere.

Besides 20th century all-time favourites, also included are Konkani lyrics
like Bokddeam-Rakhnneachem Git (based, strangely enough, on a Rhumba), the
Bombay Meri Hai (recently reproduced in Jerry Pinto & Naresh Fernandes'
anthology on Mumbai city; BMH has been done in Dekhnni style according to Fr
Peter), the Portuguese polka-medley Cadiza-Za, the Konkani Beguine devoted
to 'Calangute' (a hippy haunt in the 'sixties when we were growing up... our
elders cautioned against seeing the wrong thing; now a concrete jungle
which emanates the wrong kind of whiff, according to environmentalists).

Then, there's that unofficial Goan expat almost-anthem, Hanv Saiba Poltoddi
Vetam (based on the Kehorva, an Indian beat), and the corridinho Malhao, the
Mollbailo Dou (coming in a slow-rock format). To Goaphiles interested in
Konkani, there's also the Fox-Trot based Poixilea Desantle, Sobit Amchem Goy
(Waltz), Sobit Udentech Polongar (manddo), Suria Kupant Dhamplo (manddo),
Tarka, Ie, Begin, Begin (Rhumba), and Undir Mhojea Mama (Dekhnni).

This book also includes a few popular Bollywood numbers of the yesteryears.
Goans -- of both Hindu and Catholic backgrounds -- did play a big role in
shaping this synthesis of musical traditions that is now part of the Indian
film culture, and has probably influenced Indipop and beyond.

To get a taste of what the book contains, here's an extract:

Gm D7   Gm
Hanv saiba poltoddi vetam,
Damulea lagnak(u) vetam;

Mhaka saiba vatt(u) dakhoi,

Mhaka saiba vatt(u) kollona.

G   D7
Damulea mattvant(u)

Kolvontancho khell(u)

G D7
Damulea mattvant(u)

G   D7   G
Kolvontacho khell(u) ...

One's regret is that one hasn't yet got a chance to get to know better this
priest from the heart of Tiswadi/Ilhas, who is devoting his time and energy
at building musical talent there. Our only encounter was a hurried run-into
while doing some photography at Pilar's recent Konkani opera (on Fr Agnelo)
and another hasty meet during the interval of a college concert, which the
priest was lending his musical support to.

If it wasn't for e-mail, and the young Peter C Raposo, another editor-priest
from IXTT  one wouldn't have seen this book
or got to know more about the work at Pilar.  A book of this kind could
obviously do better at the hands of a more knowledgeable reviewer... Anyway,
treat this just as an attempt to share what one came across. FN

Title;  Golden Hits
Author: Fr Peter Cardoso sfx
Publ:   Self-published, Pilar 2003 (?)
Pages:  80
Price:  Not mentioned 

Frederick Noronha, Freelance Journalist
Goa India 0091.832.2409490 or 2409783

Email fred at bytesforall.org
Writing with a difference 
.. on what makes *the* difference
CHECK OUT USENET http://www.algebra.com/~scig/approved/threads.html

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[Goanet]Re: Family list? Goanet Survey-All matured members only & 95% of them appearing regularly.

2004-04-05 Thread Bosco - Goanet Volunteer
On Fri, 2 Apr 2004 22:43:15 +0100 (BST), Candice Ezekwe

Hi all,

Just a quick reply since this was brought up. I am one of those silent members
on Goanet and I am below 30 years of age.

I subscribe Goanet coz I like to read the various opinions that everyone has
regarding issues in Goa.

I find it very interesting that there are very few members below the age of 30.


JoeGoaUk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I am with GOANET for just 8/9 months...

No, there are no children on Goanet, all are grown up adults, infact, they are
well matured. I wont be wrong to say Most of them in the age group of 50-70
years. I wonder if there is anybody below 30 years of age, they might have come
and seen and then run away. (please, no offence to any one).

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[Goanet]What is a 'family' list?

2004-04-05 Thread Bosco - Goanet Volunteer
On Sat, 03 Apr 2004 14:33:54 +0530, Cecil Pinto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Fred Noronha wrote...

[Hi Cecil: There is a place for 'adult' content; but that's not on Goanet. We at
Goanet-Admin were finding some risque and rude content slipping in, and that's
not the idea of a list we'd like to create.]

Perhaps Fred would like to define 'adult content'. Other than the 'risque and
rude' content does Fred feel that all other postings on GoaNet are suitable for
a 'family' list. My contention is not that Goanet should be made a 'adult' list.
I want to know when the GoaNet Admin Team decided it is a 'family' list as
Viviana emphasised. I notice Fred has shrewdly not used the word 'family'. There
are many shades between 'family' and 'adult' and I don't think that GoaNet
should go to either extreme.


[In terms of *another list* you talked of, I would recommend the list below to
whoever is interested: From [EMAIL PROTECTED] == This article has been
sent to you by Cecil Pinto Hot News Service (our motto - Search and we will find
- and forward) To stop receiving such articles please send me back an e-mail
saying "I'm not yet grown up. Stop treating me like an adult!" If you found the
news informative then use it in conversation, and forward it to others who might
be interested. Feedback welcome.

Please note that not only did Fred get my e-mail address wrong, he wrongly
described Cecil Pinto Hot News Service as a 'list'. It is a Free Adult News and
Entertainment service and purely for Private Direct Circulation.


[In the meantime, pray, let Goanet remain a frank but not lewd, blunt but not
rude, mailing list that shouldn't be out-of-bounds for anyone of any age on
grounds of its content.]

Why doesn't Fred say the word? Does Fred want this to be a 'family' list? Not
wanting 'lewd' and 'rude' behavior is perfectly ok. But making it acceptable for
'anyone of any age' is a tall task. I can easily take at least 20% of last
months postings and convincingly prove that they would not be acceptable reading
material for an impressionable 8 year old.

[Also, I would second the view that we need a platform for discussion which
allows new members to join in without making them feel intimiadated, and allows
women to post while minimising the chauvinism that silences their voices in so
many other Goan debates. Looking forward to hearing the views of others on
this... FN]

Here I totally agree. In fact I have privately written to enthusiastic new
posters, who sometimes got slammed, and explained to them how to approach such
discussion groups and play the field. I had compiled a FAQ specifically for
newcomers to know what happened and what's happening, but that was rejected by
the Admin Team. I am still willing to re-write it and post it so it can serve as
an introduction and a guideline for newcomers. There are no rude words or adult
descriptions in my FAQ but just some opinions which were construed as slander by
the Holy of Holies. I repeat I can re-write it, but not for 8 year olds to
understand!! One has to draw the line somewhere.


# Send submissions for Goanet to [EMAIL PROTECTED]   #   
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[Goanet]With Summer Camp 2004 Divar all set for a Eco, Sports & Cultural Revolution

2004-04-05 Thread Goa Desc
Documented by Goa Desc Resource Centre Ph:2252660
Website: www.goadesc.org Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Press Clippings on the web: http://www.goadesc.org/mem/
Divar all set for a Eco, Sports & Cultural Revolution
The lighting of the traditional lamp by the Secretary of the DSE
Fr. Tony Salema will mark a new dawn for the 520 children of
Our Lady Of Divar High School, Divar. Fr. Tony will inagurate the
summer camp which begins from 5th April 2004 to 18th April 2004
from 8.00an to 12.00noon.
The parent &Teacher Association Ex- Students & Villagers who
are taking a lead in this camp makes this project unique.
Under the banner of Divar Son of The Soil Project the camp is
divided into four sections namely sports, eco, culture and leadership
With the help of the S.A.G & local sports persons children will be
trained in football, Kho- Kho, Kabbadi, Table Tennis, Basket ball,
Taikwondo & Soft ball. After the camp children will be selected to
represent the school in their chosen sport for the next four years.
The aim is to give children time to develop their talents, coach to
spot talent & for talented students to be sent for state trials in a
systematic way.
Music & Culture are in our blood. To enhance the children's talent,
classical, music, singing, painting, tailoring will be nurtured by
local and state level artists. The above classes will help the children
to prepare better when they take part in the famous Bonderam &
Natkasur festivals. Children will be able to paint their own floats
design their own costumes, compose and sing their own songs.
To add spice to the camp children will be thought to cook & taste
Gujarati, Chinese vegetarian dishes besides snacks.
Our Island has produced famous business houses like C.M.M,
I.A Gonsalves, Armacar Group, etc. To keep this trend going we
will have a leadership workshop.
Between 8.00am & 9.00am the P.T.A has invited a galaxy of speakers
from all over Goa namely The new N.I.O Director -Dr. Satish  Shetye,
Cartoonist -Alexyz, Sangeeta Naik  -Digital Goa, Allan D'Sa.
North-Goa S.D.P.O, Dr Prabhudesai Director S.A.G, Mr. Gaonkar
 -Food & Drugs-Govt of India, Sabina Martins- Bailancho Saad,
Fr. Mario Pereira -Pilar- Goa, Fr. Francis Silveira -Child Line,
Mr. Nagesh Karmali -Freedom Fighter & Mr. Victor Albuquerque -
Dir. Alcon Victor Group. The above speakers will share their
knowledge on various topics in their field. This session is open
to all the children parents & villagers.
One of the most exciting part of the camp will be the eco project
in partnership with the panjim based N.G.O Peoples Movement
for Civic Action. It will be from 9.00am to 12.00noon besides helping
to build a vermin composting pit, kitchen garden a scheme will be
implemented to collect milk bags plastic bottles to get rid of such
waste from the island. Patricia Pinto and her team will bring
speakers to talk on Nutrition, Mangroves, Frogs, Turtles, Mhadai
river with the help of slides and video shows.
During the camp the teachers of the school will undergo a
basic course in computers which would help the school to be
computerized. The above initiatives have come from Divadcars
from grassroots who have volunteered to put in their spare time
and make the camp a success.
On 18th April 2004 from 9.30 am onwards children will display
what they have learnt during the camp. Our very own Mr. & Mrs.
Victor Albuquerque has kindly consented to be the chief guest.
Mario Fernandes  Tel no: 2280691. (P.T.A)
Stanley Vaz Tel no: 2280434. (P.T.A Chairman)
Ms. Marcelia Gomes Tel no: 2280155. (Headmistress)
Source:Press Release of Summer Camp 2004
Divar Son of the Soil Project 2004, Our Lady Of Divar High School
Documentation + Education + Solidarity
11 Liberty Apts., Feira Alta, Mapusa, Goa 403 507
Tel: 2252660 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  website: www.goadesc.org
Working On Issues Of Development & Democracy
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2004-04-05 Thread Joel D'Souza
06 APRIL 2004

Uploaded: Apr-05-04 | 6 am Duration: 4:33
- Architect Gerard da Cunha, the eminent exponent of natural
architecture, speaks about his rare museum "Houses of Goa", which he has set
up in Salvador do Mundo village in North Goa. The beautiful museum, built in
the shape of a ship and located deep in a picturesque valley, is a new
landmark on Goa's "interesting spots" map, documenting as it does Goa's rich
architectural heritage.

Webzine "GoaNOW": http://www.goacom.com/goanow
Daily Clippings: http://www.goacom.com/news

RAID ON CUSTOMS: A team of Central Vigilance Bombay and the CBI Goa Branch
raided the Central Warehouse of Central Customs and Excise at Verna on April
3 and seized 22 large wooden boxes containing unaccountable consumer durable
goods. (GT)

CEMENT ROADS IN SIX TOWNS: A reputed cement company hopes to introduce a
revolutionary technology for rapid construction of mass housing in Goa at
the rate of a house per day and also resurface with value-added cement 20
kms of road stretches in six municipal areas. ACC Scanform is the new
Swedish technology adapted to local conditions for constructing houses on a
mass scale using tunnel forms. It enables speedier construction of
one-flat-a-day with adequate construction aids and also imparts greater
stability against earthquakes as compared to conventional technology. (GT)

ELECTORAL REFORMS NEEDED: Former student leader and social activist Adv
Aires Rodrigues has stated that the new government that would come at the
Centre should speed up the much needed electoral reforms. In a press note,
Adv Rodrigues has called for an amendment to the Representation of People
Act, 1951, to ensure that a person is not allowed to contest from more than
one constituency. If he wins from both the seats, he has to resign from one
and consequently the Election Commission has to conduct bye-elections for
the vacant seat by spending crores of rupees. The burden falls on public
funds and this is a waste of public money. (H)

lit by the Secretary of the DSE, Fr. Tony Salema, to mark a new dawn for the
520 children of Our Lady Of Divar High School, Divar, yesterday, and to
inaugurate the summer camp (5th April  to 18th April), organised by the
Parent & Teacher Association, Ex- Students & villagers, under the banner of
"Divar's Son of The Soil Project". The unique camp is divided into four
sections namely sports, eco, culture and leadership. Today, N.I.O Director,
Dr. Satish Shetye, will have a presentation on the river-system of Goa.

DEBTS FORCED HIM TO PLAN DACOITY: It was repayment of money which his
finance company owed to its creditors that made Gajanan Ramesh Desai (28), a
Goan, and presently a resident of Chinchwad, Pune, to resort to dacoity at
Shobha Jewellers in Mapusa on 15 March. (GT)

has de-licensed the product 'Immuno-QR' of 'Fair Pharma', which claims to
cure killer viral disease, besides boosting immune deficiency. The product
was being widely advertised and claiming to cure cholesterol, TB and an
alternative to angiographies/angioplasty. The full course of 100 days was
priced at Rs.8,800 while the price of Cholesterol-QR was Rs.2,250. (GT)

LICENCE CANCELLED: Directorate of Food and Drugs Administration, Panjim, has
cancelled the drug licence held by M/s Sandeep Medical Stores, Chapora, with
immediate effect. The medical store was found engaged in unauthorized sale
of drugs like Ketamine, Mephentermine injections and Sildenafil Citrate
tablets, etc, which are largely misused, besides violating various other
laws. (H)

DHARNA IN CITY: The newly formed Goa Action Group-a group of concerned
citizens-will hold a dharna on April 7, opposite Custom House, Panjim, from
10 am to 1 pm. The group will highlight IFFI issues such as non-compliance
of procedures, wasteful expenditure, denial of information, lack of
transparency and accountability, lopsided priorities over basic amenities.

ANGLE PEGS ASSETS AT RS.6.77 CR: BJP candidate for South Goa Parliamentary
constituency, Ramakant Angle, has put his total assets at Rs.6.77 crore and
liabilities at Rs.1.40 core. In his affidavit filed before the Returning
officer Angle said there's no case pending against him. He mentioned his
educational qualifications as BSc (Hons). (H)

Committee has decided to fully support the candidature of the NCP-Congress
alliance nominee, Dr Wilfred de Souza, and work hard for his victory against
his BJP rival, Shripad Naik. (GT)

NAIDU TO ADDRESS BJP MEETINGS: BJP National president Venkaiah Naidu will
address two public meetings at Curchorem and Bicholim on 7 April to boost
the BJP poll campaign. (GT)



2004-04-05 Thread Mervyn Lobo
> COWDUNG HAS MEDICINAL VALUE: Dung of cows of Indian
> breed not only can be used as organic manure but 
> also has medicinal properties, according to
> Govindyan Anusandhan Kendra, Nagpur, which is doing
> intensive research on the subject. Director of the >
Kendra, Sunil Mansinghak told a press conference in >
Panjim that there is a high content of medicinal 
> properties in dung of cows of Indian breed and 
> expressed the need to take a patent of the same. 

Someone beat me to it and is taking a patent on
nothing but bull$hit :-)

Post your free ad now! http://personals.yahoo.ca

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[Goanet]Now its cheapest to Call from GOA to UK/Europe-US-Canada etc (just Rs.7.20 to UK?)

2004-04-05 Thread JoeGoaUk

  eff. April 1 2004
(no April fool this time please)
  BSNL promotional scheme of reduction in ILD call
charges to UK, USA and other European countries ( the
scheme has been extended till further orders on
 Promotional Tariff to UK /US/Canada/Europe
Rate /pulse per minute

   Pulse  Rate Pulse RateNew (promotional)
   Peak   Rs.  OffPk  Rs.   24 hours eff.April
   (old) (new)Pulse  Rs.
To UK   3 243.4   21   107.20

Europe  3 243.4   21   7.5   9.60

** This promotional tariff is also applicable to ISD
calls originated from PCO, Cellular and WLL(Mobile),
where ISD call charges is prescribed as per PSTN. 
Read more..


then click on ISD tariff




WIN FREE WORLDWIDE FLIGHTS - nominate a cafe in the Yahoo! Mail Internet Cafe Awards  

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# Please keep your discussion/tone polite, to reflect respect to others  #

[Goanet]Beyond Mhapsa Fest.

2004-04-05 Thread Miguel Braganza
One of the most pleasant pieces that I have read recently is entitled "
Emotions that flow onto the canvas" written by  by a painter, Shweta Chopra,
in  the NT Panaorama dated 04 April,2004[page 1]. It is nice to read one
painter 'painting' a pretty picture of another painter in a local newspaper.
It is difficult to miss the article on the page: at one extreme is an image
of a painting of a well-endowed woman with a fulsome hip and at the other
extreme is a photo of a serious looking man. I do not know if women are
fascinated by the sombre looking artist, but his art is almost entirely
devoted to them!  The artist is none other than Rajendra Usapkar, the de
facto curator of the art galleries at the Mhapsa Fest[Feb.13-15.]

Both Shweta and Rajendra were part of the Mhapsa Fest. On Tuesday the 13
April,2004 at 6.30 P.M. Rajendra begins his art exhibition at Galleria
Cidade in the shopping arcade of Hotel Cidade de Goa[ just beyond the
reception/front office counter, to the right].The exhibition is open to
public through the week. Those who like to admire the intrinsic beauty of
women, both clothed and titilatingly nude, go see it for yourselves. I had a
peek last evening...into the works of Rajendra Usapkar.

>From 22 to 24 April, charming Charmin Suares will be part of the art
exhibition at the "Down to Earth" programme put together by effusive Ethel
da Costa. Rudolf Kammermier of Galleria das Bellas Artes,Calangute,[ and
husband of artist Yolanda de Souza] will be the curator. The programme
includes a jazz concert. The evening of wine ,women and song is from 5 to 10
p.m. on all three days at the Heritage Precint/F.L.Gomes garden,
Campal-Panaji. The occasion: World Earth Day,22 April. On the next day Dr.
Willy celebrates his birthday. I do not know if he will like jazz in the
middle of the political music in the CM's home constituency. Difficult to
take a stand on environment at any time of the year at any venue.It is
tougher at Campal, just off the proposed four-lane project, the IFFI venues
[Kala Academy, the ex-Bandodkar Football stadium and the ex-GMC complex] and
Councillor Patricia Pinto's backyard--quite literally. To extract a
commitment, one may actually have to resort to surgery.

Two parting thoughts:
A child was told of the futility of throwing star fishes back into the sea:
there were millions of them for him to make a difference. He replied
innocently," What I do makes a difference to the star fish that I put back
into the sea."

" A drawing is not a form; it is a way of seeing a form." said Edgar
Degas[Impressionist Painter]

Viva Goa.

Miguel Braganza

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# Send submissions for Goanet to [EMAIL PROTECTED]   #   
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# Please keep your discussion/tone polite, to reflect respect to others  #


2004-04-05 Thread Joel D'Souza
06 APRIL 2004

Uploaded: Apr-05-04 | 6 am Duration: 4:33
- Architect Gerard da Cunha, the eminent exponent of natural
architecture, speaks about his rare museum "Houses of Goa", which he has set
up in Salvador do Mundo village in North Goa. The beautiful museum, built in
the shape of a ship and located deep in a picturesque valley, is a new
landmark on Goa's "interesting spots" map, documenting as it does Goa's rich
architectural heritage.

Webzine "GoaNOW": http://www.goacom.com/goanow
Daily Clippings: http://www.goacom.com/news

RAID ON CUSTOMS: A team of Central Vigilance Bombay and the CBI Goa Branch
raided the Central Warehouse of Central Customs and Excise at Verna on April
3 and seized 22 large wooden boxes containing unaccountable consumer durable
goods. (GT)

CEMENT ROADS IN SIX TOWNS: A reputed cement company hopes to introduce a
revolutionary technology for rapid construction of mass housing in Goa at
the rate of a house per day and also resurface with value-added cement 20
kms of road stretches in six municipal areas. ACC Scanform is the new
Swedish technology adapted to local conditions for constructing houses on a
mass scale using tunnel forms. It enables speedier construction of
one-flat-a-day with adequate construction aids and also imparts greater
stability against earthquakes as compared to conventional technology. (GT)

ELECTORAL REFORMS NEEDED: Former student leader and social activist Adv
Aires Rodrigues has stated that the new government that would come at the
Centre should speed up the much needed electoral reforms. In a press note,
Adv Rodrigues has called for an amendment to the Representation of People
Act, 1951, to ensure that a person is not allowed to contest from more than
one constituency. If he wins from both the seats, he has to resign from one
and consequently the Election Commission has to conduct bye-elections for
the vacant seat by spending crores of rupees. The burden falls on public
funds and this is a waste of public money. (H)

lit by the Secretary of the DSE, Fr. Tony Salema, to mark a new dawn for the
520 children of Our Lady Of Divar High School, Divar, yesterday, and to
inaugurate the summer camp (5th April  to 18th April), organised by the
Parent & Teacher Association, Ex- Students & villagers, under the banner of
"Divar's Son of The Soil Project". The unique camp is divided into four
sections namely sports, eco, culture and leadership. Today, N.I.O Director,
Dr. Satish Shetye, will have a presentation on the river-system of Goa.

DEBTS FORCED HIM TO PLAN DACOITY: It was repayment of money which his
finance company owed to its creditors that made Gajanan Ramesh Desai (28), a
Goan, and presently a resident of Chinchwad, Pune, to resort to dacoity at
Shobha Jewellers in Mapusa on 15 March. (GT)

has de-licensed the product 'Immuno-QR' of 'Fair Pharma', which claims to
cure killer viral disease, besides boosting immune deficiency. The product
was being widely advertised and claiming to cure cholesterol, TB and an
alternative to angiographies/angioplasty. The full course of 100 days was
priced at Rs.8,800 while the price of Cholesterol-QR was Rs.2,250. (GT)

LICENCE CANCELLED: Directorate of Food and Drugs Administration, Panjim, has
cancelled the drug licence held by M/s Sandeep Medical Stores, Chapora, with
immediate effect. The medical store was found engaged in unauthorized sale
of drugs like Ketamine, Mephentermine injections and Sildenafil Citrate
tablets, etc, which are largely misused, besides violating various other
laws. (H)

DHARNA IN CITY: The newly formed Goa Action Group-a group of concerned
citizens-will hold a dharna on April 7, opposite Custom House, Panjim, from
10 am to 1 pm. The group will highlight IFFI issues such as non-compliance
of procedures, wasteful expenditure, denial of information, lack of
transparency and accountability, lopsided priorities over basic amenities.

ANGLE PEGS ASSETS AT RS.6.77 CR: BJP candidate for South Goa Parliamentary
constituency, Ramakant Angle, has put his total assets at Rs.6.77 crore and
liabilities at Rs.1.40 core. In his affidavit filed before the Returning
officer Angle said there's no case pending against him. He mentioned his
educational qualifications as BSc (Hons). (H)

Committee has decided to fully support the candidature of the NCP-Congress
alliance nominee, Dr Wilfred de Souza, and work hard for his victory against
his BJP rival, Shripad Naik. (GT)

NAIDU TO ADDRESS BJP MEETINGS: BJP National president Venkaiah Naidu will
address two public meetings at Curchorem and Bicholim on 7 April to boost
the BJP poll campaign. (GT)


[Goanet]RE: Malabar Christians

2004-04-05 Thread Gilbert Lawrence
Subject: Malabar Christians

In the post on Malabar Christians, the author called the Persians or
Syriac Christians as 'Christians of St. Thomas'. I may be wrong, but to
the best of my knowledge, the group is called Mar-Toma Christians.
That's because this group was led to India from Persia in the fourth
century by a leader called Mar-Toma. The group had no direct linkage to
St. Thomas, The Apostle. Any one in the know please clarify. Regards,

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# Please keep your discussion/tone polite, to reflect respect to others  #

Re: [Goanet]Family list? Drug deaths and how many more?

2004-04-05 Thread Bernado Colaco
Goa has received admirable coverage in recent times in
the foreign press, not for anything positive but for
the drug deaths taking place in Goa for the past one
year. Over 59 foreigners have died and the UK leads
the pack with 28 deaths. Apparently and it is common
knowledge that the local puppets do very little about
the situation since 61 and  drugs for foreign exchange
is the policy of the bharati government. 

Goa a shining example for you!

B. Colaco

WIN FREE WORLDWIDE FLIGHTS - nominate a cafe in the Yahoo! Mail Internet Cafe Awards  

# Send submissions for Goanet to [EMAIL PROTECTED]   #   
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# Please keep your discussion/tone polite, to reflect respect to others  #

Re: [Goanet]Re: Pre-1961 (and Ole Xac)

2004-04-05 Thread Bernado Colaco
Hi Val,

 I thought bollocks was the means of transport before
61. Thanks for the info.

B. Colaco

 --- "Frederick Noronha (FN)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
wrote: > Does he have a heart? I thought he lost it in
> 1961...
> PS: Sorry Ole Xac, whoever you might be. I just
> couldn't resist this one.
> But then, you've been having a lot of fun at our
> cost, innit? 

WIN FREE WORLDWIDE FLIGHTS - nominate a cafe in the Yahoo! Mail Internet Cafe Awards  

# Send submissions for Goanet to [EMAIL PROTECTED]   #   
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# Please keep your discussion/tone polite, to reflect respect to others  #

Re: [Goanet]Victor Rangel-Ribeiro & Gummot

2004-04-05 Thread VRANGELRIB
Thanks, Dan, we'd like that too.  Incidentally, we have been in Goa since January; 
during the cold spell, pipes burst in our New York home, part of a ceiling fell on our 
grand piano smashing it, but the gumot that was on the piano was untouched.  Also two 
gurguretts in the kitchen, though falling plaster smashed even the oven and the range.
  We'll be back in mid-April, but the house won't be in fit shape to live in for some 

# Send submissions for Goanet to [EMAIL PROTECTED]   #   
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# Please keep your discussion/tone polite, to reflect respect to others  #

Re: [Goanet]RE: Orissa Bajrang Dal

2004-04-05 Thread Bernado Colaco
Like all 'moderate' muslims will Radha Nair take on
the Bajarang Dal? In fact it is the Radha Nair type
who hides behind the parda and appreciates the
bajarang comments.

B. Colaco

 --- Radhakrishnan Nair <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> (Nicholas Fernandes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The hatred for christians 
> in India by the hindus should be known all over the
> world.)
> This is too sweeping a statement, Mr Fernandes.
> You've apparently used the 
> word Hindu to encompass the vast majority of people
> like me who're no 
> Bajarang Dali eggheads by any stretch of
> imagination.  I'm offended by your 
> knee-jerk reaction.
> Regards, RKN

WIN FREE WORLDWIDE FLIGHTS - nominate a cafe in the Yahoo! Mail Internet Cafe Awards  

# Send submissions for Goanet to [EMAIL PROTECTED]   #   
# PLEASE remember to stay on-topic (related to Goa), and avoid top-posts #
# More details on Goanet at http://joingoanet.shorturl.com/  #  
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