[Goanet]Mickky dropped, Matanhy joins Parrikar team - Everyone - all MLAs - 22 - felt Mickky should go???

2004-06-14 Thread Goa-World.Com
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Mickky dropped, Matanhy joins Parrikar team 

— In a surprise political development, Chief Minister
Manohar Parrikar on Monday dropped Tourism and Sports
Minister, Mickky Pacheco from his cabinet and
appointed UGDP’s Cortalim MLA Mathany Saldanha as a
minister. A reshuffle of portfolios is also on the
cards. The chief minister said that he would conduct a
review of all the portfolios in another 3-4 days and
have a minor reshuffle of portfolios. During this
exercise, Saldanha, a teacher by profession, would be
allocated portfolios. The swift move to induct
Saldanha into the two-year old ministry and axe
Pacheco from the cabinet came as a big surprise in the
political circles as the chief minister is required to
reduce the size of his ministry to 12 by July 7 as per
the new anti-defection law. When he was dropped from
the cabinet, Pacheco was on a foreign tour. He left
Goa on Saturday, sources said. He was in London (on
his way to Miami) when the notification to remove him
from the ministry was issued.
Saldanha was earlier administered oath of office and
secrecy by the Governor Kidar Nath Sahani at a brief
ceremony at the Raj Bhavan on Monday. The ceremony
began at 3.20 pm. The appointment warrant was read out
by the Chief Secretary Mr D S Negi.
All the cabinet ministers, North Goa MP Shripad Naik
and senior BJP leaders were present on the occasion.
Saldanha’s wife and supporters also attended the
ceremony.The chief minister told a press conference in
the evening that he had maintained the number of
ministers in his cabinet at 13.
He said the decision to drop Pacheco was unanimous.
“Everyone - all MLAs — 22 — including ministerial
colleagues felt he (Mickky) should go”.
Asked why Pacheco was dropped, the chief minister said
it was because of his style of functioning. “His style
of functioning didn’t match with the overall
perception and style of functioning of the ministerial
olleagues”, the chief minister said.“Despite of our
efforts, he couldn’t be corrected”, Parrikar said
adding that there was a “mismatch”. His style of
functioning was not ``palatable’’ to him and his
ministerial colleagues, he claimed.Asked how long
Pacheco’s style of functioning was an irritant to the
government, the chief minister said initially, it was
felt that it could be because he was “raw” but even
after one year, he didn’t change and slowly it was
realised that it had reached a point that there was no
hope of he correcting himself.Parrikar declined to
answer a pointed question whether Pacheco was defying
the chief minister. As reported by this paper, Pacheco
had walked out in a huff from the last cabinet meeting
accusing the chief minister of not clearing the file
on removal of River Princess. Sources in the BJP say
that friction between the two were noticed for
sometime now.
To another question as to whether there were other
grounds for the decision, Parrikar said “I don’t want
to go into the details”.
Parrikar said Pacheco’s foreign trips was a regular
affair and might have added a dimension to the entire
issue. He said when one is out (of station), the
problem could get aggravated.
Replying to another query, he admitted he had not
discussed with Pacheco before dropping him from the
cabinet. “Dropping or inducting a minister is the
prerogative of the chief minister”, Parrikar reminded.
Asked why was there such a hurry in inducting Saldanha
into the cabinet, the chief minister said discussions
on this matter were going on for around a week.
He said he had offered ministership to Saldanha when
he took over as the chief minister two years ago
(after the last assembly elections) but he (Saldanha)
had said “I’ll wait and see how the government
functions. So now I offered him again (which the
latter accepted)”.
To another question, the chief minister said Saldanha
has his own reputation and shown sincere approach to
several important issues affecting Goa. He said the
Cortalim MLA would be consulted before allocation him
He said by July 6 or even before that, he would prune
his ministry by one as per the new law.


- Forwarded by Gaspar Almeida,  www.goa-world.com
Link: www.goabjp.com

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2004-06-14 Thread Goanet Mail Reformatted
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- Forwarded message from Oscar  Hazel Lobo [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

Date: Sat, 12 Jun 2004 18:49:01 +1000
From: Oscar  Hazel Lobo [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi Mates,

Sorry for my failure in not endorsing a copy of the appended e-mail.

The website was launched last month.

When time permits you,  please go through the website and pass the address to 
other Goans in your circle of family and friends.



- Original Message - 
From: Oscar  Hazel Lobo 
Sent: Saturday, May 15, 2004 3:48 PM

Hi All,

I am pleased to inform you, that a new website www.melgoans.com has been 
created. This website is designed to keep our circa 9000 Goans (in Melbourne) 
and their friends in touch with our Culture and Heritage. One does not have to 
be a 'member' to come along for functions; however, one has to have a broad 
mind to come, enjoy and not to worry ( no worries mate ) in areas of 
hierarchy or other speculations. 

Man has conquered the moon but he has yet to conquer the art of togetherness 
and assimilation.

Please enjoy the website and the music and communicate the website address to 
others who may have a genuine interest in friendship and progression.

Until me meet, Meochem maghir, ate logo!

Recad tumcam (Regards to you all)


- End forwarded message -

[Goanet] Re: Chukh -- bogus maka, ek chukh zali

2004-06-14 Thread Eugene Correia
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In the email re: Chukh -- few omissions, I got the
name of the Girgaum Congresss Block President. His
name is Nolasco Gama, NOT Nolasco Dias.
Nolasco Dias is famed AIR singer, a colleague of my
father. Not sure if he is still alive. He composed and
sang many Konkani songs. He wrote a Konkani operata
called Amoriche Ghantteo (Bells of the Angelus). I
think my father wrote the music for it and later he
was joined by Mauro Alphonso, a well-known musician.
Or, Alphonso wrote the initial music and then my
father was asked to join Alphonso as a team.
My memory is not clear on how it worked.
I, however, remember that my father and Dias spent
hours at my home fine-tuning the music. Then Alphonso
would come to my house and all three would sit and do
rehearsals with Dias doing the vocals.
My father also helped with suggestions in improving
the script of the operatta. 
I won't list my father's limited contribution to songs
of a couple of noted singers, who I will not mention
One thing I will say, my father didn't have high
regards for Goan Konkani stage. He appreciated
Manglorean Konkani dramas. When growing up, he would
tell me that Manglorean dramas were of a higher
standard than Goan dramas. 
He would never decline playing at Manglorean plays,
but I don't remember him playing at Goan dramas. He,
however, went to see then at Bhangwadi, a stone's
throw away from my building in Kalbadevi Road, and I
often went with him when I was very young till I was a
Similarly, I accompanied my dad to many Manglorean
dramas where he played the violin for bands.
Like other aspects of Goan Konkani stage, band groups
played politics. He would never sink to that level. He
would never ask band leaders to give tue chance to
play for tiatrs. Unlike some musicians who played for
tiatrs, my dad had a day job working for Indian Navy
in the administrative office. 
He played for the Bombay Orchestra and often
substituted at the Andrian de Mello and His String
Quartet at the Grand Hotel at Ballard Estate.
Since Romaldo wanted to know how many tiatrs I have
seen, I must inform him that I have lost count. I
would see a tiatr at Bhangwadi more than once. I could
just walk in as the stage hands there knew me well. I
would go backstage at the middle of a play that I have
seen before and engage in conversations with some of
them and then come home.
Princess Theatre, popularly known as Bhangwadi, was my
second home, so to say.
Does my background satisfy both Romaldo and Joyce and
other supporters of the Alphonso brothers and, in
particular, the play, Chukh.
Would Romaldo and Joyce like to know more about my
background with respect to Konkani theatre? At the
same would Romaldo and Joyce be kind enough to tell me
your backgrounds with respect to Konkani theatre and
how many tiatrs each has watched?
Since you'll started this game, including suggesting a
conspiracy theory, I have thrown the ball in your
Forewarning: Failure to reply would invite harsh
comments from me.

Eugene Correia

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[Goanet]Abbe Faria, yet again.

2004-06-14 Thread J. Loiola Pereira
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Email 'sneezings' all these!
I click the Send button once and ... out comes a triple dispatch of the same
document on the same day!
Looked as if I was bent on having Isabel Vas' article on the great Abbe read
by all.
That was the story of the posting of  the not-so-brief text Abade Faria --
A Forgotten Goan Pioneer? on the 10th instant.

Today, it's a slightly different story.
The readers may remember my earlier posting -- Abbe Faria remembered --
sent in the small hours of the 10th.
It was about a meeting that took place in Panjim, to celebrate the 248th
birth anniversary of our hero.
Well, I received some three days back, a report on the same meeting,
prepared by Matanhy Saldanha, with a request that I send it to the Goanet.
Now that he has become a Cabinet Minister, I hasten to send it across ...
lest I be brought to book!
J. Loiola Pereira.

Read on ...

P.O. Box 242,
Panjim - Goa

For favour of Publication on the Goanet

The 248th birthday of the great Goan, Abade Faria, was celebrated by a group
of citizens at Club Vasco da Gama on the 31st of May, 2004.

The chief guest for this celebration, the honourable Minister for Art and
Culture, Mr. Ramrao Desai said that it is unfortunate that we Goans are not
aware of our own greatness in the form of individuals like Abade Faria and
others and thus he said is the reason we forget our own identity. Heritage
has to be protected, but everything cannot be classified as heritage. He was
very enthusiastic about publishing books on Abade Faria and said that the
Government and his Department would definitely help.

Mr. Matanhy Saldanha who has spearheaded this movement for the recognition
of Great Goans, welcomed the chief guest and said Abade Faria is a son of
the soil that is still unknown to many in Goa, and it is imperative that we
project our own great men so that the younger generation has role models
that can inspire them to great heights and give them a sense of identity
they can be proud of. Goa has produced great men but the Goan tendency to
remain closeted within the walls of the family has kept this pride of Goa

Mr. Saldanha said that legend has it, that Parashurama created Goa in its
natural splendour and we take pride in this, but it is now time to also
revel in the greatness of the people of Goa and the great men of Goa
belonging to all communities of the Goan society. In this context he
requested the Minister to aid the group in publishing books on the lives and
works of great Goans. He also said that it is being planned to convert the
house of Abade Faria in Candolim into a Museum depicting his life.

Prof. Prajal Sakardande also spoke on Abade Faria and his beautiful statue
that is almost unnoticed next to the Secretariat, Panjim. He said that the
great sculptor responsible for this statue is another great Goan Ramchandra
Pandurang Kamat from Madkai. Further he said that Mr Kamat has many
sculptures based on themes from the Bible like the Garden of Eden etc. Prof.
Sakardande explained, what heritage means and how important it is to one's
identity and therefore needs to be protected and preserved.

Prof. Isabela Santa Rita Vaz enlightened the gathering on the inspiring life
of Abade Faria from his birth to death. She narrated the well known legend
which every family in Goa has heard that on his arrival in Portugal, Abade
Faria was asked by the Queen D. Maria I to preach to the court. The young
priest was struck dumb with stage fright but his father who was sitting
nearby noticing his son's nervousness whispered to him in Konkani  Cator re
baji, hi soglli baji. These words had the desired effect and Abade Faria
spoke eloquently and perhaps these same works are responsible for Abade
Faria's interest in hypnosis which earned him the title of  Father of

Mr. Albano Couto said that Abade Faria was also involved in the first war
for Independence namely the Pinto Revolution. His contribution towards
hypnotism is immense. Similarly there are other great Goans he said Mr.
Alban Couto, and remembered in particular Dr. Dharmanand Kossambe from

Others who spoke on the occasion are Prof. Sergio Carvalho, Dr. Celsa Pinto,
Alina Saldanha and Sabina Martins.

At the end Mr. Saldanha gave the vote of thanks and expressed his gratitude
in particular to Mr. Francisco Martins due to whose effort, zeal and
enthusiasm the function became a reality. He thanked the Minister for his
precious time and support. He also thanked the core group for their
contribution and all the dignitaries present.

The programme was compered by the 

[Goanet]Learning Konkani and Hindi

2004-06-14 Thread rebecca.oleary
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I live in Southall in Middlesex and have been trying to find a place locally where I 
can learn Konkani and Hindi since I eventually plan to move to Goa. However I have not 
been able to find any lessons.
I realise this is not a necessity since most Goans speak English but I feel it would 
help me.
Can anyone tell me where I can find lessons like this in my area.

Rebecca O'Leary

[Goanet]Anna University's seats for NRIs...

2004-06-14 Thread Frederick Noronha (FN)
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ANNA UNIVERSITY of Chennai (formerly Madras) 600025 recently advertised 
the availability of seats -- in the B.E, B.Tech, B.Arch Degree Courses -- 
for the academic year 2004-2005 from foreign nationals and non-resident 
Indians at the Anna Univ's constituent colleges and government engineering 
colleges of Tamil Nadu.

Application forms can be obtained by downloading them from the website 
http://www.annauniv.edu/adm June 30 is the last date for applying. One 
understands that fees for these courses are higher than what is charged 
from local students. Just fyi, in case it might be of interest to anyone. 
Frederick Noronha * Freelance Journalist * Goa, India
f r e d @ b y t e s f o r a l l . o r g 
Ph 832.2409490 / 832.2409783 Cell 9822 122436
784 Near Lourdes Convent, Sonarbhat, Saligao 403511 Goa 


2004-06-14 Thread Anisa Fernandes
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*** Jokes   ***

Diner: Watch out! Your thumbs in my soup!
Waiter: Don't worry, Sir, it's not that hot!

*** *** ***

A waiter brings the customer the steak he ordered with his thumb over
the meat.
Are you crazy? yelled the customer, with your hand on my steak?
What answers the waiter, You want it to fall on the floor again? 

*** *** ***

Waiter: Tea or coffee, gentlemen?
1st customer: I'll have tea.
2nd customer: Me, too - and be sure the glass is clean!
 (Waiter exits, returns)
Waiter: Two teas. Which one asked for the clean glass?

*** *** ***

Customer: Give me a hot dog.
Waiter: With pleasure.
Customer: No, with mustard.
*** *** ***

Anisa Fernandes.

[Goanet]Outsourced prayers

2004-06-14 Thread Radhakrishnan Nair
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From The New York Times of June 13
BANGALORE, India - With Roman Catholic clergy in short supply in the United 
States, Indian priests are picking up some of their work, saying Mass for 
special intentions, in a sacred if unusual version of outsourcing.

American, as well as Canadian and European churches, are sending Mass 
intentions, or requests for services like those to remember deceased 
relatives and thanksgiving prayers, to clergy in India.

In Kerala, a state on the southwestern coast with one of the largest 
concentrations of Christians in India, churches often receive intentions 
from overseas. The Masses are conducted in Malayalam, the native language. 
The intention - often a prayer for the repose of the soul of a deceased 
relative, or for a sick family member, thanksgiving for a favor received, or 
a prayer offering for a newborn - is announced at Mass.

The requests are mostly routed to Kerala's churches through the Vatican, the 
bishops or through religious bodies. Rarely, prayer requests come directly 
to individual priests.

While most requests are made via mail or personally through traveling 
clergymen, a significant number arrive via e-mail, a sign that technology is 
expediting this practice.

In Kerala's churches, memorial and thanksgiving prayers conducted for local 
residents are said for a donation of 40 rupees (90 cents), whereas a prayer 
request from the United States typically comes with $5, the Indian priests 

Bishop Sebastian Adayanthrath, the auxiliary bishop of the 
Ernakulam-Angamaly diocese in Cochin, a port town in Kerala, said his 
diocese received an average of 350 Mass intentions a month from overseas. 
Most were passed to needy priests.

In Kerala, where priests earn $45 a month, the money is a welcome 
supplement, Bishop Adayanthrath said.

But critics of the phenomenon said they were shocked that religious services 
were being sent offshore, or outsourced, a word normally used for clerical 
and other office jobs that migrate to countries with lower wages.

In London, Amicus, the labor union that represents 1.2 million British 
workers, called on the government and workers to treat outsourcing as a 
serious issue.

In a news release, David Fleming, national secretary for finance of Amicus 
said the assignment of prayers shows that no aspect of life in the West is 

The very fabric of the nation is changing,'' he said. We need to have a 
long, hard think about what the future is going to look like.

However, congregations in Kerala say the practice of ordering prayers is 
several decades old. The church is not a business enterprise, and it is sad 
and pathetic to connect this practice to outsourcing software work to 
cheaper labor destinations,'' said the Rev. Vincent Kundukulam of St. Joseph 
Pontifical Seminary in Aluva, near Cochin.

In Bangalore's Dharmaram College, Rector James Narithookil said he often 
received requests for Mass intentions from abroad, which he distributed 
among the 50 priests in his seminary. Most of the requests from the United 
States were for requiems, with donations of $5 to $ 10, he said. Bishop 
Adayanthrath said sending Mass intentions overseas was a way for rich 
churches short on priests to share and support smaller churches in poorer 
parts of the world.

The Rev. Paul Thelakkat, a Cochin-based spokesman for the Synod of Bishops 
of the Syro-Malabar Church, said, The prayer is heartfelt, and every prayer 
is treated as the same whether it is paid for in dollars, euros or in 

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Re: [Goanet] Re: Chukh -- late reply

2004-06-14 Thread Eugene Correia
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There are a few incomplete sentences in the email I
sent earlier. I would also like to add few new
comments, particularly since one Romaldo Dias has also
questioned my credentials to write reviews.
Murli Deora was municipal councillor and later MP for
South Bombay. I think at the time of forming the
critics' panel, he was president of the Bombay Pradesh
Congress Committee.
It was a Goan, Nolasco Dias, who was president of the
Girgaum Congress Block, who approached Orlando a
trophy donated by Murli Deora.
Nolasco and Orlando, I think, lived in the same lane,
the former Dukurwadi. Nolasco, I think he is from
Cuncolim, was well-known among Goan tarvottis. Nolasco
wanted to be close to Deora and this was one chance to
suck up to the Congress boss. I never asked to be
shown the trophy because I was never a part of the
panel. And I was in shock when the Man of the Year
award was announced at the open-air Rang Bhavan
Auditorium (I think it was at that venue, if memory
serves me right) saying that I was a member of the
panel who voted for Boyer.
I am not sure if the Man of the Year award was given
to Christopher Leitao, the late tiatrist, or it was
some other award. To tell a secret, Christopher, was a
favourite of Orlando and when Chris and Meena, his
tiatrist wife, delived a child, Orlando become the
child's godfather. As I said in my earlier post,
friendships and alliances form part of Konkani
Deora was a wheeler-dealer, very pro-American. When I
covered the Municipal Council occasionally, he
complained to the owner of Free Press Journal about
me. His complaint was that I wasn't giving him enough
The FPJ owner, a Marwari like Deora, questioned the
editor and the editor, in turn, asked the chief
reporter. I told the chief reporter that Deora was
hardly present in the chamber during question period
and when he was there he hardly spoke much. The chief
reporter defended me.
One of biggest suprises in Indian politics was that
Deora was never made a minister though he represented
one of the richest constituencies in India. Congress
High Command knew about his deals and they didn't
want a minister who would be the target of the media.
He was bad for the Congress image.
South Bombay is a prestigious seat that was once
represented by S.K. Patil, known as Kingmaker in
Bombay, who was dethroned by George Fernandes.
I think George lost to Deora. Deora, in the election
previous to the recently-concluded one, lost to
Jayantiben Shah (I hope I got her name correctly) of
the BJP.
However, Deora's son, Milind, avenged his father's
defeat in the recent elections by beating out
On the Cine Times issue, I was later told that the CT
guys hated Ophelia for some differences they had with
her. These guys, especially Elliot de Elly, who was
with All-India Radio's Konkani section, and who edited
the paper though the official editor was his
brother, Enclidas, had their own axes to grind. They
bullied and they threatened triatrists. Triatrists
were scared of getting bad publicity as CT was read
widely by Goans, especially those who lived in kudds.
Their third brother was James de Elly, who was a
tiatrist/singer, though not very successful.
The paper once denounced Souza Ferrao as being too old
and called upon him to retire. They said the veteran
actor was shaking while acting. Ferrao was once
their neighbour in the same building in Dhobitalao. He
told me lot of things about the family. I once asked
someone close to them as to how they got the surname
de Elly. A story hangs over the surname.
Elliot was the person who ruined the family life of
Cyriaco and Jessie Dias, both triatists. I had warned
Cyriaco in Bombay to beware. When Cyriaco came to
Toronto from the Middle East to attend the First
International Goan Convention in 1988, he said to me,
Eugene, I should have taken your hint. Cyriaco's
marriage ended, though not sure if he and Jessie were
legally divorced.
He asked me if I knew that Elliot had died. I said I
read about it. He told me that Elliot had a stroke and
was suffering before he died. Cyriaco felt God had
punished Elliot for his deeds.
Regarding Prem Kumar, I reviewed his play (forget the
name) with the heading, Failure Amidst Success, which
was given by the copy desk. The review appeared in the
Free Press Bulletin, an evening paper, a
sister-publication of the daily, Free Press Journal.
He met me that day and I told him the review has
He went and bought at least a dozen copies of the
paper. Not knowing much of English, he showed the
paper to someone who told him the review was
favourable to him.
He took a copy to 


2004-06-14 Thread Eddie
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Dear Domnic Bab  rest of Goanetters!

I think, Tony Fernandes will be able to tell us if proverbs in his book are
new or
from our list.

As for Edd Bab's response, these proverbs are not my own, but as I said, I
compiled them
from Goanet - Domnic, Ciprian, myself and others
These are the original ones (mix of North and south Goa) and not taken from
any book.
As for my proverbs I heard these from my mai/pai and some Konkani
The proverb 'Ghavo tuca, Dukh maka was title of the Tiatr (2nd prize winner
in KA)
I witnessed recently in Goa.

Eddie Verdes
- Original Message -
From: domnic fernandes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, June 14, 2004 8:32 AM

Dear Eddie Bab,

Thanks for your quick response.  I am not questioning your recent 11 new
proverbs  they are new to us on Goanet and were not included in the list
that was compiled by you and posted on Goanet on October 20, 2003.  This
list contained 315 proverbs which many of us contributed - my contribution
was 132 proverbs.  What I am interested to know is whether the 150 Konkani
proverbs and sayings included in Tony Fernandes book are new (by him) or if
they are from our above mentioned list that was posted on Goanet for free
consumption of Goanetters.

Domnic Fernandes
Anjuna/Dhahran, KSA

Dear Domnic Bab,

I have compiled all the proverbs which were posted on Goanet last year,
and also circulated to some of the goanetters who requested me.
There are about 334 proverbs in this file, and these are new ones which I
to the file. I have not read Tony's book, and these are definately not from
his book.