2004-06-25 Thread Joel D'Souza
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26 June 2004

   at http://www.goacom.com/news
   goacomNews22 June 04
   H I G H L I G H T S
   * Karnataka minister visits Baina demolition site, meets Karnataka origin
people * Congress misguiding people on CET: CM * Government days numbered:
Willy de Souza.

GoaNOW Webzine June 2004 at http://www.goacom.com/goanow

'BAINA WAS AN AIDS SPREADING CENTRE': Nothing went wrong in Baina. Do you
know that Baina was nothing but an AIDS spreading centre. Most of the women
were HIV positive. Demolitions had to happen. It would not have been
different even if I had waited for one more year. The decision has been
taken as per the High Court order.And I was the first Chief Minister to
actually go to the area, talk to the sex workers. I even invited all the
NGOs to give their objections in writing. (Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar
in an interview with Sujay Gupta, Gomantak Times)

MALARIA CLAIMS FIRST VICTIM THIS YEAR: Monsoon 2004, has claimed its first
malaria victim from Panjim city - Ms Rosaia Ribeiro, a 39-year-old
handicapped lady from Campal's Hardin locality. Ribeiro, who died at the GMC
in the wee hours of June 25, had a fever for a few days. (H)

BUS OVERTURNS AT MOIRA: Ten passengers were injured, one of them seriously
when a Mapusa-Aldona bound Kadamba bus overturned while negotiating a sharp
turn at Moira yesterday (June 25). As it was approaching the Moira bridge,
the bus, driven at full speed by the driver, Ajay Dhargalkar (30), failed to
negotiate a sharp turn and fell in the bushes by the roadside. (GT)

TELEMEDICINE SERVICE AT GMC: In a pioneering step towards cardiac treatment
facilities in the State, the Goa Medical College, Bambolim, in association
with the Wokhardt Heart Institute, Bangalore, inaugurated the 'telemedicine
service' at the cardiac Care Unit Centre at the hands of Health Minister Dr
Suresh Amonkar on June 25. (GT)

ONE MEETS WATERY GRAVE: Anderson L Menezes (17) of Palmar in Sant Estevem
went along with four others for a dip, when the teenager met with a watery
grave. (H)

CLICK, FILE CONSUMER PLAINTS! Filing complaints before the department of
Civil Supplies is now only a click of the mouse away, thanks to the website
on consumers affairs in Goa, launched on June 25. Consumers can avail of any
information on consumer affairs at http://www.goagrahak.nic.in (H)

RENAL FAILURE CASES: Rising cases of renal failure have baffled authorities
and residents of Canacona taluka alike even as the State government has set
up a committee and health camps to identify the root cause of Chronic Renal
Failure cases.To tide over this problem, the Goa Kidney Foundation, a
private initiative, set up a Haemodialysis unit at the Community Health
Centre at Canacona to treat patients suffering from kidney failure. (GT)

KRC TRAIN STONED: The Konkan Railway Corporation suspended the service of
the Margao-Karwar train, on June 24, for 7 days after some miscreants pelted
stones at the Margao-bound train and damaged its windowpanes, at Asnotti,
Mazalli, near Karwar in Karnataka at 6.30 am. (NT)

KTC TO PURCHASE 150 BUSES: The Kadamba Transport Corporation has decided to
purchase 150 new semi-luxury and luxury buses in view of the oncoming
International Film festival and the decennial Exposition of the relics of St
Francis Xavier at Old Goa in November this year. The 10-day IFFI event is
likely to start from 29 November while the 45-day Exposition starts from 22
November. (GT)

UNDP FOR WATER PROVIDER: The UNDP-World Bank study report on a vision for
water and sanitation services in Goa has suggested creating an accountable
and self-financing water provider company, on the lines of the Company Act.
The UNDP felt that jointly the power and water reforms would place Goa as
India's leader in delivering high quality local services to all its
citizens. (NT)

LINUX STRETCHES THE MONEY YOU INVEST': Money that could buy 30 computers was
stretched to instead purchase 50. What more, says Prof Anil Seth, head of IT
at the Padre Conceicao College of Engineering, the technology adopted has
offered a robust solution too. Dr Seth, speaking at the Linux Users Group
meet recently organised at D-Link, explained how different options for
computing could help the corporate world too to get more mileage for every
rupee spent. (GT)

ZETA-JONES FOR IFFI? Hollywood actress Catherine Zeta-Jones has been invited
to attend the International Film Festival of India to be held in the State
this year, a section of the national media reported yesterday. (GT)

PROG ON LINUX EXPRESS: The Electronics Test and 

[Goanet]Re: The Goan gene pool

2004-06-25 Thread flower
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To the Chief Minister of Goa goes the dubious distinction of being the only
CM who insults his people time and again. First it was his comment about the
lack of guts of hapless Mala residents who had their residences defaced by
the PNS. His latest take is that Goa's gene pool will not generate top
class IT wizards but is only fit for producing  takers in BPO jobs, call
centres and operator jobs. (Parrikars exclusive interview with GT, June

In case the CM has forgotten his roots, he comes from the same gene pool
as the rest of us Goans. And as he never fails to remind us, he has made it
to IIT. And in case he thinks that he is the only creditable exception to
the rule, it might be pertinent to bring to his notice the fact that many
Goans have left the shores of Goa due to lack of job opportunities and done
extremely well for themselves in the national and international IT industry,
and in very many other spheres. And unlike Mr. Parrikar, who had to quit his
career in metallurgy and take refuge in politics, these dynamic and
enterprising Goans have stuck to their careers in their respective fields
and have moved on to excel and brought credit to themselves, and benefit to
the place of their adoption, only because we do not have the opportunities
in Goa.

A Chief Minister who obviously thinks so little of the people he has been
assigned to lead, will definitely formulate policies in keeping with his
poor opinion of the people and lead them on a road to nowhere, despite all
the hype and the PR, he might generate, which incidentally is an integral
characteristic of the BJP. The Chief Minister should stop using ordinary
citizens as an scapegoats for the failures and inadequacies of his
Government and move to provide Goans opportunities to display the actual
greatness and potentiality of the gene pool they come from.

Diana Pinto

[Goanet]Akashvani Dubai Goenkars

2004-06-25 Thread Goanet Mail Reformatted
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- Forwarded message from jasper eusebio [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

Date: Thu, 24 Jun 05:59 (PDT)
From: jasper eusebio [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Arrogant Goans  ruling Goan Cultural Society in Dubai, United Arab 

For those of you who are keen in knowing the history of this Society 
please read on.

This GCS was formed  approx 17 years ago and not a quarter century back 
as it is wrongly rumoured, by linking the Goan Sports Club to their 
feathers - which was already disbanded with not too good deeds. However from 
what information I have, Goan Sports Club was formed in the late 70's ( maybe 
1978-79) by few individuals who were involved in the arena of football like 
Rosario and Late Titus of Candolim, Francis of Colva, Ramiro of Betalbatim, 
Dominic of St. Estevan and many other dedicated guys to name a few. In those 
years, that was the only entertainment that goans could indulge in late 
evenings besides house parties which were a priviliege for few. Gradually, 
elections were held to run the Club and those who got elected were not on the 
basis of their merit to run the club but on the basis of  their positions held 
in their Companies. My sources told me that the first President coming from 
Africa happened to have a good position in Dubai which made the whole trick to 
get him on the club presidency. By this one instance you can figure out how 
the Club may have progressed and disbanded. It is a pity that we Goans are 
unlucky to have presidents and chairmen of our organisations persons of 
dubious character who will do nothing for the benefit of poor and 
downtrodden. For this reason Goan organisations in the Gulf and Dubai 
in particular are considered of zero value as far as their work is 
concerned towards downtrodden.

According to the latest information during the Annual General Body 
Meeting held in one of the hotels in Dubai in the first week of June, 2004 the 
President did a self-election thus  re-electing himself as President with his 
same quorum of committee with addition of his future family members elected by 
him, regretfully, none among the attendees objected this.  Ironically, those 
who attended the AGM always claim to be the upright and men of justice.

Coming back to the original Goan Sports Club, according to my sources,
the members belonged to only a bunch of those who wanted to gain cheap 
prestige for themselves and were self-centred for their own personal benefits. 
When they had all big guns in their committee and others known to their private 
circle  - my source can't recall any  Goan in distress or jobless or disabled 
in Dubai (let alone back home) being helped by the then so-called  GOAN SPORTS 
CLUB or even setting up a Home For The Aged which would have been useful  to 
them today ..in their old age as I believe some of their mod-children have 
disowned their parents which is probably a curse !!!

From what I gathered, Goan Sports Club ran their organisation without a 
proper, legal club-house Their hatred for individuals went noticed publicly. 
This following episode is an example: I believe in early 80's(as usual  11-a-
side soccer tournaments were  held during the Holy Month of Ramadan as most of 
the employees work straight six hours a day and the afternoon is free) I 
believe they  allowed a non-Goan who married a Goan and was accepted in the 
Goan society to be the Manager of a team  until the semi-Final stage but as the 
team was victorious reaching Finals - this committee banned him from entering 
the field - which is discriminating. I believe, the team sportingly entered the 
field and made the demand that the Manager should be allowed with them before 
the game commencement which was not granted and so the team walked out. I don't 
think any of you has ever witnessed such walk-out by a team specially qualified 
to play the Finals ! Of course they deserved some punishment - but yet again 
the Committee has to be blamed for their poor implementation of Rules which 
they themselves make and break as per their whims and fancies and in this 
instance were the cause of team agitation.Of course nowadays,it is happening 
all over the world in the arena of sports where we hear match-fixing in cricket 
and recently in Goa itself  where soccer match-fixing in Feb-04 had more than 
100 goals scored simultaneously but these teams were banned for only one year 
and had CNN coverage.Whereas this Goan team and their players were banned for 
nearly 3-4 years and were disrespected by the Committee for their respectful 



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2004-06-25 Thread Goanet Mail Reformatted
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- Forwarded message from Colaco-Dias, Paulo R [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

Date: Fri, 25 Jun 2004 23:53:08 +0100
From: Colaco-Dias, Paulo R [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Gabe, you are obviously another victim of the amazing hype created by the media 
of this country (UK).
Having watched and listened to the BBC commentators all these days, it is 
amazing how they managed to create such hype at the expense of the British 
people. The British people have been made to believe England would win this 
tournament for sure. Not even once they accepted they could lose to Portugal. 
Not even once.
What a shock yesterday's game was. And now you talk about Ronaldo's dives... 
and others talk about the sandy pitch that caused Beckam to fail the penalty 
and again others about the disallowed goal. Come on, it is about time to go out 
a bit and check the facts. I have Portuguese, French and Italian channels on my 
satelite reception. Check what the others are saying too. It is about time the 
British people wake up and create an opinion of their own instead of constantly 
being influenced by the most powerful media of this country. 
The media in this country have tremendous convincing powers.
The European-phobia (Anti EU) created by the media is another obvious example. 
If the British referendum chooses not to accept the European Common 
Constitution, it is because of the strong anti-european media influence (a 
couple of bad tabloid papers that are read by large part of the population). 
The common British people have no idea what they are voting about! 
Best regards,
Original Message- 
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Gabe Menezes 
Sent: Fri 25/06/2004 12:35 
Subject: [Goanet]VIVA PORTUGAL.


Having written that, you have glaringly avoided castigating Ronaldo for
taking a dive time and time again. Readers kindly watch him in the next



- End forwarded message -

[Goanet]Re: Looking for my mum's godchild

2004-06-25 Thread Goanet Mail Reformatted
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- Forwarded message from [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

Date: Fri, 25 Jun 2004 01:58:46 EDT

This may help Avril Fernandes looking for his mothers Godchild from Carmona.

I am from Carmona and although I cant remember vaddo in Carmona. Most of 
Pereiras and Fernandes in Zanzibar are from a place close to the Market /Bazaar 
on the main road in Carmona, Salcete Goa. behind the chapel.

I do not know how many of the people there have computers and get goanews. 

However, if you write a letter even with just what I have given you probably 
will get a reply.

Good luck

Barnabe Rodrigues
Arizona, USA

- End forwarded message -

[Goanet]Cricket Match - August 8th.

2004-06-25 Thread Goanet Mail Reformatted
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- Forwarded message from renebarreto [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

Date: Fri, 25 Jun 2004 06:16:22 +0100
From: renebarreto [EMAIL PROTECTED]


[World Goa Day] Cricket Match - August 8th.


The Los Angeles G.O.A (Goans of America)  M.A.A (Mangalore 
Abroad Association) are getting together for a friendly Cricket Match
 on August 8th at 10:30am in Orange County. We share a lot in common 
with this group - culturally  socially  most of them are my very good friends.

This is the first attemp to actually have an informal joint get-together 
between the two associations, so I hope that all of you will support this 
event as it's a great opportunity to make some new friends.

You are all invited, either to play or to cheer/watch your favorite team. 
This invitation is going out via email only... no hard copy to follow in the 

Actual flier for the event is on our web site http://www.goacom.com/goa-
la/links.html  can be downloaded or printed. Click on the small version 
(Thumbnail) to view the full sized flier. Event details are on the flier. 

Pictures of our past events are also on our web site. Please check them out. 

Please RSVP via phone or email if you intend to play on the G.O.A team. We'll 
accept players on a first-com-first-serve basis, so please hurry  reserve your 
spot on the team!!!

Looking forward to yet another fun-filled event in So Cal :)

Ralph Figueiredo. 
President - Los Angeles G.O.A. 
26602 Athena Avenue,
Harbor City, CA 90710.

rene barreto
founder and Overall 
Coordinator , 

- End forwarded message -

Re: [Goanet]GHAG debate - Margaret Mascarenhas replies to Fred

2004-06-25 Thread halur rasho
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But, if India joins the 
war on terror, I might consider applying for a
Portuguese passport if 
only to dodge getting drafted and then shipped home in
a “Victim of 
Friendly Fire”container.

Spanish citizenship might be more appropriate.
Portugal has troops in Irak and is a part of G. Bush's
coalition of the willing.

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[Goanet]GHAG debate - Margaret Mascarenhas replies to Fred

2004-06-25 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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As one who has not participated in the Fontainhas Art Festival, I cannot be accused of 
having a vested interest.  Similarly, at not having been invited to participate in 
this Festival either, let it not be insinuated that I have an axe (or coito) to grind. 
 Knowing that my canvases reek of linseed oil rather than Pierre Laurent Rose 
Absolute, why would I subject a fellow Goan to befall the misfortune of having to 
display my art and in the process, earn disgruntlement as commission?  

As for my past – I speak no Portuguese and know not primergrao from Marmagao.  To this 
day, I proudly retain my Indian passport and with it, my sole allegiance to the 
Government of India.  But, if India joins the war on terror, I might consider applying 
for a Portuguese passport if only to dodge getting drafted and then shipped home in a 
“Victim of Friendly Fire”container.

Returning to the subject matter, I am grateful to all those who have shed further 
light on the issues.  If Heta Pandit and GHAG are one and the same entity, then it 
would be fair to assume that the Fontainhas Art Festival has been her ball.  For 
whatever her reasons, she has opted to drop the ball.  One may also assume that the 
ball is in reasonable shape – perhaps needing some inflation or  color touch-up by 
pseudo-leftists.  In any event, the scraping of the Festival might be the result of 
resentment brewing among the players – on who now gets to play centerfield and who 
ends up always in the rear guarding the goalie in a game where the ball was programmed 
to lucratively lob in the opposite end of the field!

Now that Heta has dropped the ball, has she (and GHAG) disowned it, or do they still 
have proprietorship over the Fontainhas Art Festival extravaganza?  If not, can the 
artists who participated in the Festival these last two years and/or benefitted from 
such participation, pool some money together and pick and refurbish the ball?  If the 
venue is still a political hotbed, can it be relocated to some neutral ground?  And if 
the initiative to hold the Festival is alive – and backed by a bonafide treasurer 
currently sitting in front of an empty cash register – I am willing to contribute Rs. 
One lakh to get this worthy ball in motion again.  Let me know.

Dom Martin

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[Goanet]Classic Goa Lyrics (Cont.) Sweet Fantasy, Yo Moga Mhojea Song Track 1 by Lorna

2004-06-25 Thread Silviano Barbosa
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Hi Goanetters,
Here's another song from my Konkani Cd Classic Goa
Enjoy your soccer games for Euro 2004, have a peg of fenni or whatever, and 
listen to this song:
Have a nice weekend!

Konkani Cd # 1 song # 1 A
Sweet Fantasy
Singer: Lorna
Music : Josinho
Lyrics: Silviano Barbosa
Based on tune of the Portuguese song : O ABC do Coracao (Vem minha Flor)
Sweet, sweet fantasy, you fill my heart, my soul, with ecstasy.
Sweet, sweet paradise, that’s where I’ll be, when you are by my side.
Please don’t go away, stay with me, a moment more
Because you are the only one, that I adore.
Please don’t break the chain of my dreaming odyssey
Let me relish, My sweet, sweet fantasy.
Konkani Cd # 1 song # 1 B
(In Konkani, same tune)
Yo moga mhojea, nekhetram modhem, mollbar sodtam tuka
Yo moga mhojea, Chondrimacher, utor ditam tuka.
Rompio zalim zhaddam, sodhun sodhun guelim vorsam
Khoimsor assa, kolloi mhaka, dhanvon etam.
Sabar motiam modhem, eklench tum thik lipon assam
Kednaim tori mellot mhaka, asheun rautam.
Yo moga mhojea, kalliz asheta, venguent dhorunk tuka
Yo moga mhojea, sukh-sontoss hadd, jivitant-u mhojia.
Diss ani rati, tuzoch ugddass, tujich dashtti,
Kitem fuddar moga vinnem, jivit khali.
Uloi bhass kallzachi, bhagoi tum tan hia mogachi
Veguim nivoi gormi tum hia, hunn rogtachi
Veguim nivoi gormi tum hia, hunn rogtachi.
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[Goanet]Re: [Goanet-news]25 JUNE 2004: GOACOM DAILY NEWS CLIPPINGS

2004-06-25 Thread Thomas Buehler
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Could someone please explain this piece of jounalism to me?

on 6/25/04 12:51, Joel D'Souza at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 AS CSW FLEE: Following the demolition of the cubicles at the erstwhile Baina
 red-light area, the fate of many NGOs now seems to hang in balance. (Gerard
 Fernandes in Herald)

 Courtesy: H=Herald; NT=The Navhind Times; GT=Gomantak Times; WE=WeekEnder;
 TOI: Times of India

Thomas Buehler

RE: [Goanet] Books by Goan Authors

2004-06-25 Thread Ariosto J. Coelho, Ph.D.
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Mogal Ixxttamno,

I agree with what Gilbert wrote: First we need to start at home. Every Goan in the 
west should commit to spending at least $25.00 every year to enlarge their personal 
'Goan library' collection of books authored by Goans. And spend an additional $25:00 
to spend on books to give to others as gifts. There are plenty of good Goan books for 
this purpose. Let's stop finding excuses. Of course the market-place has to make these 
books easily available.

During my last visit to Goa in January 2004, I purchased a number of books on Goa and 
Goans and by Goans in English, Portuguese and Konkani both in Devanagari and in Roman 

Encouraged by the following Also every Goan author should promote their own books and 
those of other Goans. Thanks, Regards, Gilbert, I want to let the Goa Netters know 
about some of my writings which are currently available on the web site of 
SPIRITUALDIRECTION.ORG at http://www.spiritualdirection.org/Ariosto-Coelho.htm. Once 
on the net, please select from the menu on the left. The following are some of my 
writings and creative pursuits you may like to read:

- Mandalas  - A Book, 1994
- Insights on Christ - An Excerpt, 1994
- Walking on Water - An Article, 2002
- Along the River - An Article, 2002
- 38 UP - A Sketch, 1988 [SHORT STORIES]
- The P V of Don Bosco - Tesina, 1989
- The Aging Population - A paper, 1997

- Within-Beyond (92-01-08)
- A Magic Synthesis (93-06-21)
- Creative Cosmic Clowns (94-06-13)
- Oh, Mirror! (94-07-04)
- No better Gift! (95-01-12)
- Nothing, Without Grace (96-02-26)
- Beyond Illusion (96-03-08)
- Joseph of Nazareth (96-03-19)
- Life Like a Tree (96-04-05)
- Now, I Know better! (99-09-09)

- 1993 a tribute to Swami Salgaonkar
-1993 Karen  Alan's Wedding
- 2002 Spiritual Leadership
- 2003 Marriage of the Elderly

   - Moima: A Prismacolor Drawing
   - Golden Chalice: A Dream in watercolor
   - Enneagram: Mixed Media on Canvas
   - A Window to Infinity: Oil on Canvas
   - Integral Art: doctoral research
   - Clinical Art Therapy: A Research Pape

Windows to Infinity
 MEDITATIONS: 1  2  3  4  5  6  7

I'm currently writing a book of short stories and am looking for a publisher in Goa.
Your critical comments are most welcomed. Your suggestions, too, are gratly 

With every good wish and prayer
Ariosto Coelho

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[Goanet]NRI Bank Deposits - Latest Rates (...proposal to tax interest Withdrawn)

2004-06-25 Thread JoeGoaUk
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Good News!!!

Income Tax exemptions on interest earn by NRIs on
NRE/FCNR continue to be operative as the proposal to
tax interest is now withdrawn.
Thanks to Hon. Finance Minister, Shri Jaswant Singh.

Today's Exchange rates as follows (25.06.04)

£ 83.66  $ 45.90   EUro 55.81

Popular Goan Banks Deposit rates: 3 year term.
   DomesticNRE   £ $   Euro   
   %%% % % 
Centurion5.75  3.55 5.35  3.50  3.10

SBI  5.25  3.50 5.34  3.53  3.04

Corporation  5.50  3.50 5.33  3.35  3.09

ICICI5.25  3.50 5.29  3.45  3.03

FCR=Foreign currency A/C (Repatriable). Can be taken
back together with interest in foreign currency.
NRE/FCR Interst earned is not taxable.

Domestic: All interest earned is taxable, under income
tax law.

Did you know?? Internet banking in now possible with
some of the Goan Banks? e.g. Centurion Bank is the
first bank from Goa (or perhaps from India) to go on
line, popularly known as 'Any Where Bank'. One can
transfer funds between the accounts, check you
statements, interest earned, pay bills, pay for
railways tickets, if some cheques were issued whilst
in GOA, check when they are cleared/withdrawn/debited
or credited. What more? All transactions  Rs.1000/-or
abv are text on to your mobile with balances (fees
just Rs.10/month). With ATMs Panaji/ Mapusa/
Calangute/ Margao/Vasco/ponda. 
Moreover, incase, you run out of your foreign currency
whilst in Goa, just carry your foreign cheque book,
present a cheque and you a/c will be instantly
with the prevailing exch.rates. NO Fees (Customers
only). Why carry cash? or drafts or traveller cheques?

I find it very convenient (4 years)and thought of
sharing this with you just incase some one is




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Re: [Goanet]Goa National Bernardo Pereira.

2004-06-25 Thread Eugene Correia
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I got the surname wrong.. it is Bernard Pereira, and
also that it wasn't Bernard who was captain.
I saw both the matches and many other in the
tournament. Maybe it was the 1974 Nationals.
But the following day when the tie-breaker was taken
there were a handful of spectators. And Bernard took
the opening shot, hitting wide over. He then laid on
the ground with his face buried in his hands.


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[Goanet]India to set up exclusive economic zones for NRIs

2004-06-25 Thread renebarreto
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And us Goans ?


India to set up exclusive economic zones for NRIs

IANS[ TUESDAY, JUNE 22, 2004 06:35:07 AM ]

HYDERABAD: India will set up economic zones exclusively for NRIs to
facilitate more investments, central Minister of State for NRI Affairs
Jadish Tytler said here Saturday.

Addressing a news conference after interacting with NRI industrialists, he
said an economic zone would come up in every state capital.

Andhra Pradesh will have two such zones - one in Hyderabad and another in

Tytler said economic zones would be set up on a priority basis in the
capitals of Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat,
Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Delhi, Uttar Pradesh and Punjab as these states
account for a large number of people of the Indian diaspora.

The minister's interaction was organised by the Andhra Pradesh Industrial
Infrastructure Corporation.

The economic zones with state of the art infrastructure will have hotels,
motels, higher educational institutions, IT industry and research centres.
He said his ministry was working with the defence ministry to create
opportunities for the NRI scientists keen to work in the country.

He said the government would work out a package to attract NRI investment in
tourism and education and facilitate transfer of technology and joint
ventures with local Indians.

According to the minister, of the 35-million-strong Indian diaspora, about
20 million could invest anything between $5000 and $500 million. Telugu
people are the richest of the diaspora in the US, he said.

Tytler said the new government was keen to create conditions to make NRIs
invest back in their country.

Claiming that the Congress-led government was committed to protect the
interests of NRIs, he said it was for this purpose that a separate ministry
was created as a nodal point to address all issues related to the diaspora.
He promised to announce a policy for NRIs soon.

Tytler told NRIs that a single window clearance system would be introduced
both at the centre and in the states for those NRIs wanting to invest. This
will save time for the NRIs. They have to run around for seven to eight
months to get clearances and by that time the business they would have
started back home would finish, he said.

The minister said he would convene a conference of all state chief ministers
and ministers handling NRI affairs to discuss the proposed economic zones
and other issues of NRIs.

Referring to the problems that NRIs face while making investments, he
promised that things would start changing in two months. Your investments
can create new job opportunities and help improve the infrastructure but it
is sad that they are not being tapped and your are being put to a lot of
inconvenience because of the old setup, the minister added.

We want to make things comfortable for NRIs as this country belongs to
them. When China and Israel can create conditions to facilitate their
diaspora to invest back why can't we do so, he asked.


[Goanet]Konkani Drama Ghara iea by Menino de Bandar get full marks and full house audience

2004-06-25 Thread Goa-World.Com
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Konkani Drama Ghara iea by Menino de Bandar get full
marks and full house audience

Menino de Bandar, a well-known Konkani dramatist,
after performing to houseful audiences in Dubai (UAE)
and Doha (Qatar) the last fortnight, this evening had
the die-hard Konkani tiatr lovers in Kuwait
entertained with comedy and non-stop drama.   Menino
de Bandar, who earlier worked in Muscat (Oman) and
also represented GULAB there is also known as King of
Double Centuries - a name he is bestowed upon when
his popular non-stop dramas were a hit with the
Konkani audiences and completed over two hundred
shows.  Very few Konkani dramatists came near to him
to claim such a record double century performances.
The publicity through the different Goan forums on the
Net made its mark and assisted the organizers in these
above mentioned GCC countries, namely United Arab
Emirates, Qatar and Kuwait.
Menino de Bandar, himself hailing from Benaulim,
Salcette had among the cast popular Benaulimkars
including Peter de Benaulim, Roshan, and Bai Jayanti.

The premiere show of “Ghara Iea” was held in November
2003 at Usgao in North Goa and within a short time it
has completed 100 shows according to press reports.

 A team of 15 artistes accompanied Menino de Bandar 
for the show.  These artistes are from different
villages/towns from Goa which  Francis de Tuem,
Peter-Roshan, Leslie, Pravin, Senno, Joasino, Joe,
Xavier, Peter de Macasana, Comedian Dominic, Comdeian
Louis Bachan, Anju, Ida, Bai Jayanti and Menino de
Bandar.  Musicians from Goa including Maestro Josinho
and Drummer Paklo (from Moira)'s input were an added
feature to the show.

The show was organized by The Entertainment  Cultural
Society-Kuwait which is headed by Santano Alfonso and
co-organized/supported by Anton Rebello (of Curtorim),
the ex-Salgaokar player, who is now based in Kuwait.

For every show, something unique is brought to light
or a cause is supported in Kuwait.  A game of 'Jaldi
Five' and 'Tambola' was held during the break time and
a Vega 21 inch T.V. and a Microwave was given away as
prizes.  The proceeds of this game was declared to be
donated to a chapel in Curtorim.

Carmo Santos, the newly elected President of the Goan
Welfare Society (GWS)-Kuwait was the chief guest.  A
number of GWS Managing Committee members including GWS
General Secretary, Gaspar Almeida, GWS Head of
Cultural Cell, Cajetan Pereira, with Committee
Members Cajetan Pinheiro were seen seated on the front
row as special guests.  

Other Members seen among the audience were Jose Rod,
GWS Vice President Julio Cardozo, Manuel F.X.
Fernandes, Domingos Araujo, Tome Gracias, etc.
were among the audience.

Early Bai Jayanti, daughter of Menino de Bandar, was
introduced to the audienced.  She presented a flower
bouquet to the chief guest as a gesture of welcoming
him on stage.  Anton Rebello presented a flower
bouquet to Menino de Bandar.  The chief guest was
introduced by the compere of the show, Philip Pereira
and was escorted on stage by  Santano Afonso (SPA).  
In his short speech, Carmos Santos, highlighted the
efforts put in by the organizers.  He stressed on the
importance of the lessons learned through the plays
enacted for the benefit of all.  He also called upon
the artistes and the faternity to examplify with good
moral and  lessons.

Carmo Santos was called up to give away special
mementos to Menino de Bandar and all his troupe
members and to the three visiting musicians.

The comedy scenario, enacted within the drama's plot,
by Comedian Domnic and Comedian Louis Bachan, did not
leave anything to get the audience in for a laughter.

At the end of the show, the audience just loved it. 
No doubt the reviews in the Gulf Times of Qatar, and
www.goa-world.com website and the Gulf-Goans
e-Newsletter of the performances in Dubai proved that
it was a show to remember before the audiences decided
'Ghara iea'.

Kudos to the organizers and to Menino de Bandar and
his troupe.  The Konkani lovers in Kuwait will surely
support the organizers, the Entertainment  Cultural
Society-Kuwait in their future endeavours.  Good work
Santano Afonso and Anton Rebello.

A host of Konkani stage artistes who are regularly
seen performing in Kuwait are indebted to the gracious
and at times being introduced by Menino de Bandar,
were among the audience too.

Thanks for a good time to spend the weekend amongst
you folks.  Bhesanv tumcher poddum re!

Gaspar Almeida

Associate, www.goa-world.com  

Report filed at 9:45 p.m.    Friday, June 25, 2004

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[Goanet]Goas new DGP promises a humane, model police force

2004-06-25 Thread renebarreto
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I thought I d share a very interest * news * that appeared on the Heraldo
in Goa.
I wonder what the Goans in Goa think about what the new DG of Police had to
say ?

* Amod Kanth, has expressed in no uncertain terms his desire to convert Goa
s into a model police force.And, COP  community oriented policing *

Interesting .

Goas new DGP promises a humane, model police force


 Suave and articulate, Goas new Director General of Police, Amod Kanth,
has expressed in no uncertain terms his desire to convert Goas into a
model police force.And, COP  community oriented policing  is the formula
with which Kanth said he intends to achieve the goal he has set himself as
head of the force.I strongly believe in peoples participation, Kanth said
in his first interaction with the local media.
He went on to add, the police is meant for those who cannot extract
policing from us, indicating clearly, that under his charge, he would
endeavour to ensure that the man with no `influence will get as good a ear
from the cop as the rich and famous.
Purely in policing terms, Kanths foremost of priorities is to integrate the
Police Control Room (PCR) set-up with that of the police stations, for
better delivery to the public.He said a system by which the PCR and the
police stations co-ordinate to deliver quicker and better results, will be
evolved.Toning up the intelligence gathering mechanism, vital to preventive
as well as investigative policing, is another area where Kanth intends to
devote much of his time.
Improving infrastructure, caring for the policemans social life, upping the
staff strength, particularly at the sub-inspector level, are some other
areas that Kanth said he would pay special attention to.
Would he resort to a reshuffle
within the department? No, says Kanth.
In principle, I am against it. I believe all my men are equally capable.
For children, stories of whose abuse and victimisation in Goa have been in
the media glare for over a decade, there couldnt have have been a better
man to head the police force.
Children are my first love, Kanth said.
Goa, is his first posting on promotion after a two-year sabbatical during
which time he launched Prayas an NGO that has touched the lives of over
50,000 under-privileged children in Delhi, Gujarat and Bihar.
Kanth intends to replicate the miracle of sorts hes worked in Delhi to
tackle and investigate crime against children  a crisis intimation centre
manned by a police officer, social worker, doctor and a lawyer.
Elaborating, Kanth said no sooner the police officer arrives on the scene of
crime, the social worker too would be there and work independently. The
social investigation done by the latter, would later form part of the
policemans investigation, he said, adding that assistance from a doctor and
a lawyer should be hand.This system ensures better witnesses, high-quality
evidence and above all, a sense of security in the victim throughout the
pendancy of the investigation and prosecution, he added.
Getting the Juvenile Justice Act implemented in Goa, both in letter and
spirit, is closest to his heart, he said, adding that the Goa Childrens Act
ill compliment in providing a child-friendly police.
Voluntary organisations, a sensitive judiciary and the social welfare
department are equally, if not more important than the police to tackle
crime by and against the child, he opined.
If as a man, children are his first love, then as a policeman,
narco-policing tops Kanths list of interest. Kanth, who has several record
drug seizures under his belt in his Delhi stint, said Goas narco problems
would be tackled at two levels. One, awareness and counseling at the social
level, and two hardcore policing.
The policeman has to be trained to develop hardcore intelligence, Kanth
said, adding that he would introduce a regime in which the informer is
handsomely rewarded, and more importantly, his identity kept absolutely
hidden.Given the current fare that Goa police dishes out, Kanth indeed has
his hands full, if he is to get his avowed goal of making it the model
force anywhere close to reality.DGP to meet CM: Kanth is scheduled to have
a tete-a-tete with his boss in Goa, Chief Minister, Manohar Parrikar, on
Kanth, who took over on Wednesday, had a hectic day on Thursday acquainting
himself with the working of the Goa police. He also had an hour-long meeting
with the entire 


2004-06-25 Thread Joel D'Souza
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25 June 2004

   at http://www.goacom.com/news
   goacomNews22 June 04
   H I G H L I G H T S
  * Karnataka minister visits Baina demolition site, meets Karnataka origin
people * Congress misguiding people on CET: CM * Government days numbered:
Willy de Souza.

GoaNOW Webzine June 2004 at http://www.goacom.com/goanow

VIVA SAO JOAO: The feast of St John, more popularly known as Sao Joao, was
celebrated with the traditional pomp and piety. Even the dry weather and
absence of heavy showers hardly affected the celebrations as the revelers
found a way out. Many took the usual leap in the well or a nearby water
body.It was a heady mix of pomp and fun as artistically decorated boats
participated in the boat festival at Siolim. (GT)


I AM EITHER LOVED OR HATED: .I am either loved or hated. Even in IIT,
when I was a very popular mess secretary, I reduced the mess bills
massively. At times, some people loved me and others with vested interests
hated me. Those who execute and deliver create enemies. When you take
decisions, all your decisions cannot be popular. (Chief Minister Manohar
Parrikar in an interview with Sujay Gupta, Gomantak Times)

ALLOCATED POWER TO BE RESTORED: The Union Power Minister, Mr PM Sayeed,
yesterday assured the State government of restoring the allocated power from
the Southern grid. The Union government on June 23 decided to cut 25 per
cent allocation of power to Goa from the Southern Grid (Ramagundan) while
re-allocating the power to other states. (NT)

VOCATIONAL EDUCATION: Revamping of vocational education in Goa is on the
anvil, as the State government proposes to raise the standard of this form
of education and simultaneously attract students to it. This process is
being undertaken after a period of almost 15 years and based on a report
submitted by a review committee tow years ago. (H)

Sandesh Prabhudessai yesterday (June 24) gave a clarion call to widen the
scope of the Konkani movement while cautioning Konkani lovers at the same
time. Failure to implement this step on a war footing will transform the
entire Konkani movement into a cesspool, he said at a function organised by
the Konkani Bhasha Mandal to commemorate the 127th birth anniversary of
Shenoi Goembab. Prabdudesai observed, Goan politicians have used Konkani
language to feather their own nest and the Goan sons-of-the-soil must guard
against such elements. (GT)

NO CENTRE-STAGE FOR TIATR IN PANAJI: Hundreds of tiatr lovers in North Goa,
specially Panaji and adjoining villages, are likely to be without their
usual weekend entertainment. With the closure of the Kala Academy, there is
no suitable alternative, they say. Prince Jacob experimented by holding a
show at Menezes Braganza Hall. But the response was poor, according to
sources. (GT)

GAIN FOR MARATHI ART LOVERS: The loss of Panaji citizens will be a gain for
the Marathi art lovers in rural areas. The cultural czars of the Marathi
stage have decided to move the state to the mofussil areas, specially Ponda
and Curchorem. (GT)

SALCETE PANCHAYATS NO MATCH FOR REST! Salcete may boast of having 30
panchayats, but sadly, none of them were found eligible for this year's
State-level awards instituted by the Director of Panchayats for overall
performance. Not a single panchayat from Salcete figures in the first three
places in all the four categories of panchayats. (H)

GOA HAS EXCELLENT RD ENVIRONMENT: Goa provides an excellent environment for
research and development of industries for pharmaceuticals and diagnostics
alike. However, considering its small population and hence smaller
potential, it is imperative that industries have to look regionally,
nationally or internationally if they have to succeed. (Deepak Tripathi,
Direct of Tulip, in an interview with NT)

NABBED: Francis Baptista Rodrigues of Guddem-Siolim, who allegedly stole
cash and whisky bottles from Krishna Bar at Raim-Siolim, was nabbed on June
24 by a police patrol. (H)

ROMAN MUSHROOM DISCOVERED: Mycologists from the botany department of Goa
University have reported a very rare and beautiful species of the famous
European mushroom - the Roman imperial mushroom - from the banks of Ragada
river in Sanguem taluka. This species was reported in India only from two
other sites, from Khasi hills, Assam, in 1856 and Baroda, Gujarat, in 1948.
The species was identified by mushroom researcher and one of the principal
investigators Dr Nandkumar 

[Goanet]England fans - Fri 25 June, 2004 04:27 PM

2004-06-25 Thread Gabe Menezes
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Reuters News ArticleIn response, to postings here regarding English Fans, I
post the following:

 England fans' heads held high
Fri 25 June, 2004 04:27 PM

By Karen Iley
LISBON (Reuters) - Viewed three weeks ago as an invading army of potential
trouble-makers, England fans have flown out of Portugal with a new-found
reputation as welcome guests.
About 60,000 travelled to Portugal to enjoy the games, cheap alcohol and the
sun, an explosive mixture at major soccer tournaments in the past. Fans had
caused mayhem at the last European Championship in Belgium and the
However, legislation to prevent trouble-makers from going abroad and close
cooperation between British and Portuguese police prevented trouble during
Euro 2004, apart from two nights of drink-fuelled rioting on the Algarve.
The behaviour of the fans has been exemplary, said Kevin Miles,
international coordinator for the Football Supporters Federation, the main
umbrella group for England fans.
Even taking the brutal nature of defeat in the best sporting manner,
England fans left a very positive mark on the tournament.
England lost on penalties to hosts Portugal on Thursday in the Euro 2004
quarter-final. While the home fans celebrated, English supporters drowned
their sorrows peacefully in Lisbon.
Clearly last night was disappointing on the pitch but heads can be held
high off it, Miles said.
England had been warned by European soccer's governing body, UEFA, that it
could be thrown out of the tournament if there was a repeat of the Euro 2000
Away from Portugal there were sporadic outbreaks of violence following
England's defeat.
In Jersey police made 14 arrests after using CS gas to disperse a crowd of
1,500 who threw bottles at police and Portuguese fans. In Thetford, Norfolk,
11 people were arrested after up to 300 England fans surrounded a Portuguese
By far the largest group of visiting supporters in Portugal, England fans
made a huge amount of noise wherever the team played but treated their visit
as a football-related holiday rather than, as so often in the past, a
military campaign.
We saw England fans mixing with the other nationalities, making the
occasion a festival of football. It was a great party and the England fans
were part of that, a Foreign Office spokesman said.
New legislation which barred more than 2,800 known or suspected hooligans
from travelling to Portugal prevented the kind of organised trouble which
had marred previous tournaments, including the 1998 World Cup in France.
The Portuguese police, after taking advice from their British counterparts,
operated a fair but firm approach - welcoming the fans, letting them enjoy
themselves but ready to move in forcefully when needed.
The most important factor is the way that we have been received by the
Portuguese people and by the Portuguese police. They didn't treat us as
hooligans as soon as we stepped off the plane, said Mark Perryman, a member
of England Fans' Group.
The trouble in the southern tourist town of Albufeira took place several
hundred kilometres from where England were playing. Fifty three Britons were
arrested and deported.
That was alcohol-fuelled, anti-social behaviour. These were not organised
hooligans, a Home Office (interior ministry) spokesman said.
There is no complacency, the battle against football trouble-makers will
Tough legislative and proactive policing is the key to enabling the great
mass of genuine fans to assert their influence and restore the image and
reputation of English football and England fans.
England fans are not the only ones sorry they are leaving - so are bar and
restaurant owners, who have stayed open until the small hours to fuel the
team's camp followers.
The Portuguese will be sad to see us go, Miles said. We spend a fortune.
Maybe the new image as the best-behaved supporters in the world, the most
welcome guests, will be one that will stick.

[Goanet]Goa National Bernardo Pereira.

2004-06-25 Thread A. Veronica Fernandes
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 Beckham shooting high over the post from the spot in
 the tie-breaker reminded me of Bernard D'Souza,
 skipper of Goa, shooting wide in the tie-breaker
 against Bengal in the 1975 semi-finals of the
 Championship in Goa.
I think it is Bernardo Pereira and not Bernardo Souza.
Ended his playing career in Mumbai.
B. Colaco
The first time National Santosh Trophy held in Goa was not in 1975 but 
before that.  The first leg semifinal was played in Margao MMC stadium where 
Bernardo Pereira scored an equaliser within few seconds almost from the 
centre line making Tarun Bose under the Bengal bar a fool.

The second leg was played at Vasco stadium.  Len D'Sa a Goan referee known 
for his bias was umpiring the proceedings from the centre and to please the 
home crowd and especially Mr. Parkot the president of GFA awarded penalty 
against Bengal.  There was commotion on the ground since Bengalis would not 
accept it.  Jernail Singh once mighty defender of Mohun Bhagan and Bengal 
team was the team manager of Bengal and he pacified the flying tempers of 
his players and accepted the verdict of the referee.  Up to that moment the 
match was heading for draw.  Bernardo Pereira was not the captain of that 
team but it was George Rosemond of Vasco and Visitacao Lobo was his 
assistant but Bernado Pereira was stealing the limelight.  The puny Socorro 
Coutinho one of the best left backs Goa has ever produced was entrusted the 
task of kicking the penalty as he was like Brazilian Socrates especialist in 
taking penalties.  The goal was next to the road side and not next to the 
sea side.  There was tension in the stadium and we all Goa mad spectators 
were watching Sucurro's move with rapt attention.  Bernardo had no intention 
for Sucurro to take that crucial penalty and out of frustration he grounded 
himelf on the ground as if he was lying down without even looking at Sucurro 
taking the spot kick.  Sucorro went with his normal pose and instead hit the 
ball wide over the bar, oh not only over the bar but the ball went wide over 
the stadium and landed on to the road outside.  The Bengal players were so 
happy that with that happiness they even embraced, hugged and kissed Sucorro 
who was totally nervous.  In this way that semifinal ended and because of 
bad light 5 - 5 penalty kicks were not taken that day but on the following 
day when huge number of spectators came to watch this drama where Bengal 
carried the day by scoring more that what Goa scored inspite of excellent 
saves by Sudeer under Goa's bar.  For the final the number of spectators was 
less than what it was for the tie breaker.

Bernardo Pereira and myself we played against each other many times in Goa, 
Mapusa, Vasco, Margao, Panjim.  He was a very good shooter, very fast runner 
with the ball and in aerial duels he would outbeat any of the defenders.  He 
was pushing and dashing forward of Vasco.  He joined Vasco as an youngsters 
and blossomed into a matured player from where he was taken by Orkay Mills 
where his cousin Arthur Pereira was also playing and creating ripples in 
Bombay.  Gradually while still shining he faced lot of problems in life when 
Orkay Mills closed its operation and soccer team also thereby putting many 
of the top players on the road.  Bernardo's young son of about 12 was 
affilicted with Leukemia for which there was fund collection campaign as 
Bernardo was unable to meet with the expenses of this treatment.  Vasco 
Sports Club during its Golden Jubliee celebration in Goa helped his son with 
a good amount of money but that was not sufficient and finally the young son 
Kevin died.  Bernardo named his son after English great player Kevin Keegan.

A. Veronica Fernandes,
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Re: [Goanet]Oparinchem Bhanddar

2004-06-25 Thread richard
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Hi Eddie,
I have here before me a copy of Konknni Oparinchem Bhanddar. It was
published in 1985 and the price then was Rs.15. The foreword to it has been
written by another konknni stalwart, (Prof.) L. A.Rodrigues.The book has 251
pages and on each page on an average there are 6 proverbs.
The author Fr.Antonio Pereira has quoted the sources from where he has
collected all these proverbs. There are a total of ten sources.
I do know whether the book is still available.
- Original Message -
Sent: Sunday, June 20, 2004 10:32 PM
Subject: [Goanet]Oparinchem Bhanddar

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 'Oparinchem Bhanddar by Fr. A. Pereira, is this book available now
 Can anyone let me know how many proverbs are listed in this book?
 Thanks in advance

[Goanet]Saturday 26th June Meeting on Baina Demolitons - Implications for Goa

2004-06-25 Thread Goa Desc
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Documented by Goa Desc Resource Centre Ph:2252660
Website: www.goadesc.org Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Press Clippings on the web: http://www.goadesc.org/mem/

Meeting on Baina Demolitons -- Implications for Goa
Forum for Justice in Baina*
c/o CRG,
F-5, Meera Building, Near Gomantak Bhavan,
Santa Inez, Panjim, Goa - 403001
Forum for Justice in Baina invites you for a meeting on
Baina Demolition - Implications for Goa. All concerned citizens
are invited to attend and participate in this meeting to be held at
Goa Union of Journalists Hall, Shram Shakti Bhavan, 6th floor,
behind Panaji Kadamba Bus Stand
on 26th June 2004
from 3.30 - 5.30 p.m.
*The Forum for Justice in Baina is an alliance of organisations and
individuals concerned with issues affecting the rights and human dignity
of the residents of Baina beach red-light area. The member organisations
include Baina Rahivasi Sangh, Baina Mahila Mandal, Bailancho Saad,
Bailancho Ekvott, Children's Rights in Goa, Childline, Positive People,
Arz, Jan Ugahi, Population Services International, Sandarsh and Vikalp.

Source:Press Release from Forum for Justice in Baina

Documentation + Education + Solidarity
11 Liberty Apts., Feira Alta, Mapusa, Goa 403 507
Tel: 2252660 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  website: www.goadesc.org
Working On Issues Of Development  Democracy

Re: [Goanet]VIVA PORTUGAL. - Good bye England

2004-06-25 Thread Bernado Colaco
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 Having written that, you have glaringly avoided
 castigating Ronaldo for
 taking a dive time and time again. Readers kindly
 watch him in the next

England lost, England lost. Good bye England. Grapes
are sour when England loses. 

A tiny and wriggling Ashley what was he looking for
between Ronaldo's legs? 

B. Colaco

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Re: [Goanet]Re: Parabéns Portugal (Euro 2004)

2004-06-25 Thread Bernado Colaco
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 Beckham shooting high over the post from the spot in
 the tie-breaker reminded me of Bernard D'Souza,
 skipper of Goa, shooting wide in the tie-breaker
 against Bengal in the 1975 semi-finals of the
 Championship in Goa. 

I think it is Bernardo Pereira and not Bernardo Souza.
Ended his playing career in Mumbai.

B. Colaco

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2004-06-25 Thread Gabe Menezes
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From: A. Veronica Fernandes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, June 25, 2004 10:48 AM
Subject: [Goanet]VIVA PORTUGAL.


 It was a wonderful match last night between Portugal and England and
 deservingly Portugal won it in a very tense atmosphere where every player
 gave his best.  Youngster Cristiano Ronaldo deserves more compliments for
 being the live wire for his team, he played a stellar role roving all
 the field and moving from one end to the other without tiring.  Oh my
 What an abundant amount of stamina one requires to play such an exhaustive
 game and yet he was as fresh as he was in the beginning.  His ball control
 was superb, dribbling was excellent and shooting power was second to none.


Having written that, you have glaringly avoided castigating Ronaldo for
taking a dive time and time again. Readers kindly watch him in the next



[Goanet]BRIEfnCOUNTERS: Tales of another kind...

2004-06-25 Thread Frederick Noronha (FN)
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Tales from Golden Goa
Anita Pinto Ph 225 0594
1998, pp 36, Rs 50

WHERE WAS I in 1998? To review a book six years after it was published
might be giving a new definition to the inertia that has become a cliche for
Goa. Anyway, a daughter with a ceaseless appetite for having stories read
out to her is a good enough excuse.

By some quirk of fate, Anita Pinto's *Tales from Golden Goa* was
published in the year Riza was born. Now that she's nearing six,
suddent stories for children takes on a new meaning. And a new
urgency. After exhausting *Magic Pot* (the made-in-Kerala, Manorama
group's excellent magazine for nursery/primary school children),
it's time for *Junior Chandamana* (the mag for children under-nine). 
Sometimes one has to make-do with *Chandamama*, spruced up and with
much more colour than we knew it with as kids, but a bit too 'heavy'
for youngsters. *Gokulam* and *Lollipop* and a range of others are
inexpensively available; but you never know what catches a child's
fancy or gets hit by her bias.

The other day, I dug into my collection of Goa books, which Pamela manages
quite stricly as librarian. Anita Pinto's 36-page, well-coloured book(let)
seemed just suitable for a bout of dinner-time reading.

Anita is a daughter of the Goa diaspora and a product of the (still
unacknowledged) melting-pot that is this small region. Her father,
William Coelho, was a history prof at St Xavier's College, Bombay. 
Her mum, Nur Fazul, was a artist who studied at JJ College of Art,
as Alexyz introduces her. Anita is one of the the ex-Xaviers-and-
Sophia's gang that returned to Goa in the 'seventies; as are
cartoonist Alexyz himself, environmentalist Claude and lawyer Norma
Alvares, advocate Jos Peter D'Souza and (I'm not quite sure here)
the late journalist Norman Dantas. Like them or not, many went on to
do things in Goa that wouldn't have happened without their being
here; one has to admit that even if it's today fashionable to
criticise NGOs and those who don't quite traverse the beaten track.

Anita's book is devoted to her husband Nico. She writes: 'I have a dream',
he said, 'to bring Goans back to Goa.' I hope my stories will realise a
small part of his dream.

Her stories take us to a missing pig at Calangute, an adopted boy's
Carnival, a kindly grandfather at Bastora, a runaway chicken at the
Friday Market at Mapusa, a sick child Raia who loves her 'kakon'
(typically Goan ring-bread), the age-old legend St Francis Xavier's
crab (which, interestingly, parallels the story of Hanuman and the
squirrel), Benaulim and its mosquitoes, the flooded fields of
Saligao, a young boy's impatience for *nevreo* (the traditional
pastry) at Ganesh Chaturthi, a turtle at Palolem (wouldn't Galgibaga
be more apt?), the San Joao fest (what a coincidence, reading it on
the very day of the fest), a fruit-stealing monkey, little Mehmood
who helps at his father's shop in Vasco, Kamla Maushi at Candolim,
and granny Imelda Colaco awaiting eagerly for her family's letter at
her palatial house in Margao. (Perhaps I should make a phone call
tonight, thought Granny Imelda. But I can't hear properly now and
with their Canadian accent, I can't understand a word they say. She

By the time Riza situated the story of Patsy's pig at Calangute, she was
intrigued. Is this a real story, she wanted to know. Next, moving over to
the Carnival was even more surprising. Do they know King Momo? she asked,
wide eyed.

It was obviously taking time -- for both of us -- to get used to the
idea that Goa and the local villages could make a good setting for
children's stories. For long have our minds been colonised; the fact
that Goan writing still can't make it (the response to Lino Leitao's
comments are telling) only underlines this fact.

To make matters worse, Goa is a long way off from sorting out its own
misunderstandings and contradictions. We are not willing to come to terms
with the reality that Goa is, has been, and probably will be, a melting pot.
One look at the text-book is enough to show how the characters and

[Goanet]Re: World Goa Day

2004-06-25 Thread Eugene Correia
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Why nothing of WGD is heard in the United Arab
Emirates. Not sure if Kuwait, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia,
and Oman, which have lot of Goans, are doing anything
to celebrate this event.
Dubai has the Goan Cultural Society, an organization
has seen the re-election of its executive committee.
Seems there is no initiative from the organization or
may the committee feels Dubai is too work-centric
that people have no time for such things.
It's a waste of time and effort if any organization or
people put up a show or some sort of cultural
happening to mark the day and very few people turn up.
Goa is too close to Dubai and many Goans make a yearly
trip to their homeland. Hence, the appeal of a Goa
World Day may not really sink into their hearts and
minds. This is my feeling, but long-time residents in
the UAE may have different explanations.
I am told that at least during summer those working in
hotels have freer time. Summer is low season for the
tourist industry.

Eugene Correia

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2004-06-25 Thread A. Veronica Fernandes
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It was a wonderful match last night between Portugal and England and 
deservingly Portugal won it in a very tense atmosphere where every player 
gave his best.  Youngster Cristiano Ronaldo deserves more compliments for 
being the live wire for his team, he played a stellar role roving all around 
the field and moving from one end to the other without tiring.  Oh my God!!  
What an abundant amount of stamina one requires to play such an exhaustive 
game and yet he was as fresh as he was in the beginning.  His ball control 
was superb, dribbling was excellent and shooting power was second to none.  
Captain Luis Figo is yet another might name whose role thoughout his game 
was excellent though he was erratic in taking direct free kicks. Besides 
him, this tournament produced 3 more captains of thier national teams in 
this Euro 2004 all coming from one team Real Madrid.  While playing their 
national anthem my nostalgic feelings appeared back when I heard the 
National Anthem of Portugal which I too as a young boy at Escola Primaria 
Abade de Faria – Candolim, used to sing everyday during the assembly session 
in front of our school.  The beautiful game of soccer we Goans have 
inherited from Portugal and we are very much indebted for this to Portugal.  
Today half the number of teams playing in Indian National League Soccer 
Tournament are from Goa and the other half are from all over India.  This 
shows the mighty power of tiny Goa in this sport.  India is yet to produce a 
skillful and sharp shooter foot-baller like my Goan brother from Assagao, 
Neville D’Souza whose record of scoring a magnificent Hat-Trick in the 
Olympics Tourney is yet to overpower by any of the current days Bhutias and 
others.  Calcutta in India spends big money to produce big foot-ball while 
Goa actually plays big foot-ball.  A tiny Goa has produced two Arjuna 
Awardees while big states are still starving of this.

During the playing of National Anthem of their country I was amazed to see 
how nicely the English players held each other tightly, whites and blacks 
without any colour bar though once upon a time British had worst distinction 
of spreading racisms and colour bar practices amongst us in society.  The 
beautiful game of soccer has destroyed this myth of racisms and colour bar 

The last time in a major soccer tournament where Portugal and England 
clashed with each other was in 1966 World Cup semi-final at Wembley where 
England had to use their reserve energies and little cunningness to beat 
Portugal 2-1.  The great Eusebio of Portugal was their hero and also the 
hero of that tournament.  Last night we again saw him not in his national 
jersey but in his suit, not as a player but as a layman encouraging 
Portuguese players.  In 1966 he was the highest scorer and best player of 
the tournament.  Last night we saw him laughing and enjoying over the 
victory of Portugal  on the field along with Portuguese players and team 
manager while in 1966 after their loss against England we saw him coming out 
of the field crying like a small baby though he was 24 at that time, while 
he was crying on the field his wife Flora sobbing away from the stadium.  
Their 1966 team had great players in its rank such as Coluna the skipper, 
Jose Agusto and Torres in the attack besides Eusebio himself who played the 
game of 2 players whereas in this years team Portugal also has great players 
but not of the magnitude of 1966 though Gomes, Ronaldo and defender Carvalho 
are world class players.  In English team of 1966 they had great artistes 
such as the late Bobby More the skipper of the team, Bobby Charlton, Geoff 
Hurst and custodian Gordon Banks who made that team a dream team, such a 
team it is said will not easily come again in England.  While in this year’s 
team they have Michael Owen, David Beckam, youngster W. Rooney and others 
but they are all pigmies compared to those of yester years Englishmen.  
Beckham again proved to be a big flop.  He proves himself to be the 
celebrity only and the status of his wife as Spice Girl added to his fame 
but on the field he is not what he is made by the English media. His bending 
of free kick was a flop as he belied the expectations of his English fans.  
How admiring it was to see Platini and the great Maradona scoring goals thru 
direct free kicks!!!  Beckahm’s bending of free kicks  is a big joke in 
front of  Maradona and Platini.  So far what I have seen in this Euro 2004 
is nothing extraordinary from any of the teams played.  In 1966 the English 
team had a pure Englishmen in Sir Alf 

[Goanet] Re: Konkani Drama - Menino de Bandar's 'Ghara iea in Kuwait

2004-06-25 Thread Eugene Correia
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I wish I knew about the play being staged in Dubai. I
was told about it the day after it was performed. I am
told one comes to know about such things if one
attends church or through a network of friends and
Flyers are distributed at church. I missed church the
previous week, as i was still suffering from jet-lag.
I request Dubai/Oman goanetters post info regarding
tiatrs or any Goan events on this forum, just as
Kuwaiti goanetters do.


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Re: [Goanet]Proverbs - beta testing

2004-06-25 Thread renebarreto
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Friends !

Please permit me to draw the attention of the readers of this forum to a 
site dedicated to * GOAN ROMMI SCRIPT KONKANI .* 

 It would be helpful  to the cause - to also send a copy of your postings
 to this  e-group too.By doing so , we would also support the * Rommi 
Script Konkani. * 

This e-group  has a memebrship of around 250 members ?


rene barreto

- Original Message - 
From: jose lourenco [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Here go the first ten proverbs for correction/debate.
 Please correct the Konkani spelling and meanings or
 any ambiguities.I would also appreciate learning
 whether a proverb is prevalent/originated in Goa  or
 other parts of Konkan.
 1.  Aapli savddi aplea paimam muddam.
 Literal translation: One treads one's own shadow. 
 Meaning : Our actions follow us wherever we go.
 2.  Aaplo koito hatar boslear , nallak kiteak galli ?
 Lit.trans:  If the chopper cuts your hand, why curse
 the coconut ?
 Meaning: Do not blame something else for your own
 3.  Aiz mhaka, faleam tuka.
 Today for me, tomorrow for you.
  Don't be complacent or gloat at my fate, the same
 could befall you tomorrow.
 4.  Ajiak natu xikoita.
 The grandchild is teaching the grandfather. An
 immature person is trying to teach  someone more
 English equiv:  Goslings teaching the goose to swim
 Port equiv:  Ensinar padre nosso ao padre vigario
 5.  Akeak soddlo, Pokeak soddlo, Xannoimamank gobrant
 Akko and Pokko were let free and Xannoimama was
 smeared with ash.
 The real culprits escaped and innocents were punished.
 6.  Aleixo, jevunk io re, hanv manai muga.Aleixo, tann
 re vole, hanv bhurgo muga.
 Aleixo, come for meals, I am a  worker, sir. Aleixo,
 pull at the oars, I am but a child , sir.
 Some persons are greedy for gains , but find excuses
 when it comes to work.
 7.Allshak biknnam bhaj mhunnlem, to mhunntta
 harvinch kalear chodd borem.
 The lazy man was told to fry the groundnuts, but he
 says its better to eat them raw.
 A lazy person avoids doing things the proper way and
 prefers to work haphazardly.
 8.  Allshak dupat vavr.
  Double work for the lazy .
  One who carelessly lazes at work eventually has to
 put in twice the effort .
 9.  Allshi uttunk shimbrem shinklem.
 The lazy man rose to work and just then a snuffling
 (noseless ?) man sneezed, considered an ill omen. Lazy
 persons  look for some excuse or the other to avoid
 10. Ambadde vikun aile duddu khorzukainat
 Money gained by selling emblic myrabolan (a sour local
 fruit) does not irritate the throat.
 Any work that provides one with honest income should
 not be considered as below one's dignity.
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[Goanet]Re: Parabéns Portugal (Euro 2004)

2004-06-25 Thread Eugene Correia
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It was a spirited and hard-fought quarter-final clash.
Beckham shooting high over the post from the spot in
the tie-breaker reminded me of Bernard D'Souza,
skipper of Goa, shooting wide in the tie-breaker
against Bengal in the 1975 semi-finals of the National
Championship in Goa. Goa lost.
Beckham played a low-key role, except for the corner
that saw England score the equliser in the dying
minutes of the game. I think England paid heavily for
their defending tactics after the first-minute goal.
No doubt England had to face the waves of attack from
Portugal who moved the ball well, especially using the
whole width of the ground. If England had put more
emphasis on attack it would have forced the Portugal
to fall back just as it did when England launched a
series of raids after Portugal made it 1-1.
Owen's goal was of a rare varity. Rui Costa's shot
from more than 25 yards as a gem. But then, as it
happened, Lampard kept England's hopes alive.
It had great moments, but I wished if England had put
in some more power in the play and counter-attacked as
fast and as often as Portugal attacked the English
I don't know why but my support was for England.
Eugene Correia

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[Goanet]Misery and rage as England lose - Fri 25 June, 2004 07:20 AM

2004-06-25 Thread Gabe Menezes
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Reuters News Article Misery and rage as England lose
Fri 25 June, 2004 07:22

By Andrew Cawthorne
LONDON (Reuters) - England fans stumbled into the streets in disbelief,
misery and rage after their team were knocked out of the European
Championship in a heartbreaking quarter-final.
The loss on Thursday to Portugal after a shoot-out - the fourth time England
has lost on penalties in a major tournament in 14 years - brought on a grim
sense of deja vu.
The gods are always, always against England in the big tournaments, said
mechanic Dave Johnson, 31, shaking his head in disbelief as he trooped home
from The Gooners pub in London.
The pub had been so packed that people were crowded on the street watching
the game through windows.
It cleared out minutes after Portugal goalkeeper Ricardo placed his spot
kick past England's David James to win the game.
It's absolutely unbelievable. History is repeating itself. When will the
luck ever go with us? Johnson said.
This is beginning to scar me emotionally.
The Times called the match torture by means of football and said it was a
night of swirling emotions and football that touched levels of perfect
Many fans were angry that referee Urs Meier had disallowed a Sol Campbell
headed goal in the last seconds of ordinary time.
Judy Davies, standing on her front patio, her face still painted red and
white with England's cross of St George, was incapable of discussing the
incident without sounding unhinged.
That referee is supposed to be the best in the world. Well, he'd better
never set foot in England. I'll lynch him with my own bare hands, she said.
The best-selling Sun shared her view.
Robbed ... by reffin' half-wit it blasted.
Some fans felt the team itself was partly to blame, looking lacklustre after
teenage phenomenon Wayne Rooney was forced off the pitch with a foot injury
midway through the first half.
In the cold light of day, we'll have to accept that Portugal looked the
better side on the night, said Andrew Parkin, 32.
They had more possession and they were more dangerous. After Rooney went
off we seemed to lose our organisation and dominance.
English hearts also sank when captain David Beckham blazed his penalty over
the bar.
Beckham was a pale shadow of his best. The press are going to crucify him,
especially for that missed penalty, Parkin added.
In fact, Beckham appears to have escaped censure in the media although not
all players were so fortunate.
Perhaps a little unfairly the Guardian said last Darius Vassell was the
villain for missing his penalty.
England's 4-2 victory over Croatia earlier this week was the most watched
sporting event in British history. All the signs were that Thursday's match
would set a new record.
The country came to a complete standstill during the quarter-final as
motorways and city streets were empty of traffic.
Huge screens were erected in all major cities but the atmosphere deflated
instantly and crowds quickly dispersed after the shoot-out.
England's shock loss to France earlier in the tournament triggered running
battles between police and fans, but this time there have been no reports of
major disturbances -- everyone was far too depressed.
the world.

[Goanet]Help sending a Air Rifle to India.

2004-06-25 Thread ShootU
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hi, i want to gift a Air Rifle to a relative in India. Can somebody
here with previous experience help me with the same. Has anybody got
any link or website who can help me purchase the rifle there in India
itself and get it delivered.

[Goanet]Colonial Powers Duel on Pitch

2004-06-25 Thread Gabe Menezes
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Sent: Thursday, June 24, 2004 7:22 PM
Subject: [Goanet]Colonial Powers Duel on Pitch

Mr. Dias ostensibly earns his bread and butter in England, life must be
tough for him, as he prefers to support a team other than England. It is
because of this kind of mentality that a few years back a Politician queried
the loyalty test, during Cricket matches. I am glad that I support the
country that has given me and my family opportunities. I have served in the
Royal Air Force, so my patriotism cannot be questioned. Do I detect a tinge
of jealousy, re the Beckhams and their wealth and his golden balls?


Gabe Menezes.

[Goanet] Re: Books by Goan Authors

2004-06-25 Thread Eugene Correia
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I am with Lino Leitao when he says that Goans don't
read. Many years ago Prof. Peter Nazareth asked me to
collect copies of his book, The General Is Up, from M.
J. Vassanji, the prize-winning Canadian writer, who
also runs a publishing house, Vassanji told me that
very few Goans bought the book.
I tried to sell some copies but Goans were reluctant
to buy. Similarly, Prof. Olivinho Gomes asked me to
take names of people who were interested in his book,
Village Goa, as he would send them to me from Goa.
Unfortunately, the books didn't come but a few copies
were sent, I think, through Lino Leitao.
The books were smelling of pickle. There were stains
of oil. I traded one book with John D'Souza for a copy
of the book on the proceedings of the International
Goan Convention. Isn't it nice to read and smell Goa
at the same time (haha.
Even when Prof. Nazareth asked me to see if it's
possible to sell the novella, Pears from the Pear
Tree, by Violet Dias Lannoy, which was published by
Three Continents Press, I couldn't convince any Goan
to buy a copy.
At the hall where the tiatr, Chukh, was held, Tony
Fernandes had put a stall selling his book, Memories
Of My Homeland. I am not sure how many copies he sold.
However, I think Tony's pirce of $20 is stiff.
No doubt one has to encourage Goan writers, but
writers must be sensible enough to charge resonable
Just because it's self-published and the writer needs
to recover his costs, the book shouldn't be priced so
much as to turn people away.
The late Ladis da Silva, a Toronto writer,
self-published his books but kept them at reasonable
If Tony had priced it about $12, I think more people
would have bought it. I know of at least people who
didn't buy the book because of the price. The book is
slender and cerlock-bound. The pages of my book are
already coming out of the binding. Some may blame me
for not handling it properly. My point is that Tony
should lower his price and see if more buyers are
attracted to have a copy.
I must admit that I requested a review copy from
Tony and he obliged. I believe a writer canafford to
give away some copies free for publicity -- good or
bad -- that may follow.

Eugene Correia

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[Goanet]WORLD GOA DAY 2004

2004-06-25 Thread renebarreto
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Join Goans wherever  they may be - in promoting ,
participating or  dedicating  an event of YOUR Goan  
organisation  to the World Goa Day celebrations this year. 
Support ,  by promoting  the WGD theme  * JOBS  for 
GOANS*  as suggested by Goa Sudharop.

Too many of us  complain about -  us , Goans not reading 
enough , we all want others to buy ,  read the books we write or  
publish   - but yet , we do not seem to want  to support Goan 
communities in their efforts for a better society.

I am sure many are aware of Fred Noronha s efforts in trying
to promote * Goan Libraries * in Goa. I only wish we had more
Goans Authors / writers / publishers support these  projects. If 
they have - then we should be kept informed.

But ...having said that , we are proud to note that GOA NYC , 
under the leadership of  their President ,  Mr. Mario de Corla and 
well supported by his committee and not forgetting his wife Melba 
Plan to  change  all  this ,   by  organising

* an essay competition for various age groups. *.

They are also organising a PICNIC with a difference ! yes ,
an event with a meaning - as George would say.

Here below is a note I recieved from Mario and would like to 
share with Goans wherever they may be. I hope that other Goan 
organistions will also do something meaningful this year as WE 
all celebrate WORLD GOA DAY.

rene barreto
QUITTERS never win and winners never QUIT !


At this time we are in the planning stage for WORLD GOA DAY
which we plan to celebrate on our annual picnic on August 29, 2004.
It will be a fiesta of Goan food, music, dance and culture.

We have not yet decided on the theme. I would like to choose one
which pertains to our Young Goans. I think, they feel left out. In order
to encourage them we plan to have many youth activities on that day. Also,
we hope to have Dr. Gilbert Lawrence give another presentation this year on
Goan culture in Diaspora.

As you suggested, we are going to have an essay competition for
various age groups. They could choose from any of these topics:

a) Why do I call myself Goan.

b) What does it mean to be Goan.

c) How does it feel to be a Goan living abroad.

d) What do I like about Goa and Goans.

We plan to have these topics posted soon with a deadline date
for submittal, August 10, 2004. The plan is to have the essays judged
 before WORLD GOA DAY. Prizes will be awarded on that day. These
essays will then be posted at our Picnic site and could be posted on
Goan forums on the net.

Our committee has planned a Poster Painting and a Story Telling
(Goan theme) competition for our youth. Painted posters will be
brought to the Picnic and judged by our distinguished Panel of Judges.
All participants in Story Telling will be awarded prizes.

Mario de Corla-Souza
President ,


Great to hear from the President of the GOAN WELFARE ASSOCIATION,
DOHA - QATAR  Simon D Silva.

Simon writes to tell us  that GWS_DOHA -  This time around  is  going
to celebrate WORLD GOA DAY 2004  in a much  larger scale.

The programme will start in a very simple way on 20th August 2004  with
a konkani Mass.

The Grand World Goa Day social Functions  will be held in October/
November. Full details will be published once they are finaliesd
Simon will be directing a Konkani drama and he plans to get some
comedians / singers from Goa too.

Simon D Silva.
Goan Welfare Society  - 

rene barreto

Re: [Goanet]Colonial Powers Duel on Pitch

2004-06-25 Thread Marlon Menezes
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--- Gabe Menezes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On another issue, I had offered here 50 EUROS on and
 ENGLAND win, no takers!
 Just goes to show our Goenkar mentality, I'm sure
 most were rooting for
 Portugal but none wanted to put their money where
 their mouth was. 
A couple of problems: A large chunk of us do not live
in Europe and do not use this Euro funny money.
Secondly, the cost of a wire transfer to Europe would
make this entire initiative uneconomical. Thirdly,
perhaps there are many of us who do not care about the
performances of either England or Portugal.

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Re: [Goanet]GHAG debate - Margaret Mascarenhas replies to Fred

2004-06-25 Thread Bernado Colaco
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 Date: Thu, 24 Jun 2004 11:16:58 +0530
 From: Cecil Pinto [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  From Margaret Mascarenhas mmasc at sancharnet.in
 Fred, I don't think the issue here, at least for me,
 is about whether 
 (some) NGOs/activists do good work (many do),and it
 is certainly not about 
 ethnic origins--I don't know where that one came

Why do we need outsiders to run our destiny. Can Goans
not handle responsibility? Do we need these Hetas,
Fonseca and Alvares who are in Goa for publicity? Can
we stop being brainwashed by bharatis?

B. Colaco

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[Goanet]Short stories

2004-06-25 Thread jose lourenco
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Here's a page with short stories penned in my idle
days.I'd appreciate some feedback. Many a good house
hath been built by brickbats :-)


Jose Lourenco

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[Goanet]Proverbs - beta testing

2004-06-25 Thread jose lourenco
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Here go the first ten proverbs for correction/debate.
Please correct the Konkani spelling and meanings or
any ambiguities.I would also appreciate learning
whether a proverb is prevalent/originated in Goa  or
other parts of Konkan.

1.  Aapli savddi aplea paimam muddam.
Literal translation: One treads one’s own shadow. 
Meaning : Our actions follow us wherever we go.

2.  Aaplo koito hatar boslear , nallak kiteak galli ?
Lit.trans:  If the chopper cuts your hand, why curse
the coconut ?
Meaning: Do not blame something else for your own

3.  Aiz mhaka, faleam tuka.
Today for me, tomorrow for you.
 Don’t be complacent or gloat at my fate, the same
could befall you tomorrow.

4.  Ajiak natu xikoita.
The grandchild is teaching the grandfather. An
immature person is trying to teach  someone more
English equiv:  Goslings teaching the goose to swim
Port equiv:  Ensinar padre nosso ao padre vigario

5.  Akeak soddlo, Pokeak soddlo, Xannoimamank gobrant
Akko and Pokko were let free and Xannoimama was
smeared with ash.
The real culprits escaped and innocents were punished.

6.  Aleixo, jevunk io re, hanv manai muga.Aleixo, tann
re vole, hanv bhurgo muga.
Aleixo, come for meals, I am a  worker, sir. Aleixo,
pull at the oars, I am but a child , sir.
Some persons are greedy for gains , but find excuses
when it comes to work.

7.Allshak biknnam bhaj mhunnlem, to mhunntta
harvinch kalear chodd borem.
The lazy man was told to fry the groundnuts, but he
says its better to eat them raw.
A lazy person avoids doing things the proper way and
prefers to work haphazardly.

8.  Allshak dupat vavr.
 Double work for the lazy .
 One who carelessly lazes at work eventually has to
put in twice the effort .

9.  Allshi uttunk shimbrem shinklem.
The lazy man rose to work and just then a snuffling
(noseless ?) man sneezed, considered an ill omen. Lazy
persons  look for some excuse or the other to avoid

10. Ambadde vikun aile duddu khorzukainat
Money gained by selling emblic myrabolan (a sour local
fruit) does not irritate the throat.
Any work that provides one with honest income should
not be considered as below one’s dignity.

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