2004-07-14 Thread joel3
# Would you like to discuss the news? Your comments are of interest! #   
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14 July 2004

   THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Utram bhou zobordost munxeakullan vapur kelelim
noxeachim voktam. (Words are the most powerful drugs used by mankind.)
domnic fernandes [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   GoaNEWS-10 Jul-08-04: H I G H L I G H T S:
   * Naval Airport open for 24 hours: Flag Commanding Officer * Service
tax levied to burden the common man, stock market brokers unhappy with
the budget.

KARWAR BOATS HAVE FIELD DAY: Off the Goan coast, it is once again a joyous
ride for motorised fishing boats from Majali, Karwar to catch fish during
the period of ban. They had done this last year and also in 2002 with
subdued silence, but it seems this time they are doing it in a planned and
systematic manner...The boats venture up to the Talpona coast and the
catch consists of the prized solar shrimps, pomfrets, mackerels, sharks
and other varieties and they are offloaded at remote places at Devbag,
Tilmati beach in Karwar.  The remote beaches of Dabel and Vaturem in
Loliem-Polem have also come quite safe for the mechanised boats. (H)

SOLAR SHRIMPS: If fish from across the State`s borders ensured the markets
did not go dry this moon, Tuesday (July 13) turned out to be different:
the much-sought after prized Solar shrimp made its way for the first time
in the local fish markets, since the ban on mechanised fishing came into
force on June 10...Inquiries with the fisherwomen revealed that catch of
the prized shrimp came mostly from Velsao. Others said the shrimp was
netted in small quantities using the traditional rampon along Salcete's
coastal belt. (H)

DRY RUN FOR SKY BUS: The dry run of the Sky Bus will be conducted by the
end of this month, said KRC managing director B Rajaram while speaking to
GT representative. Rajaram stated that 500 metres of the track is nearing
completion even as all allied work in this regard is being expedited so as
to complete the entire project in time... `France has evinced keen
interest in the whole project while some corporate bodies are following
suit,` he said describing the project being economically feasible,
technologically sound and safe. (GT)

spend upto Rs. One lakh on street lighting per annum even as the
Electricity department has plans to set up street lights maintenance
divisions for better service to the villagers, Power Minister Digambar
Kamat informed the Assembly. Hitherto, panchayats had a Rs.25,000 limit on
expenditure on electrical fixtures and spares. (H)

TENANCY ACT AMENDMENT: Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar said on July 13
that a few minor amendments will have to be made to the Agricultural
Tenancy Act and the Mundkar Act to help expedite the quasi-judicial and
judicial cases instituted under these two major land reform laws of the
State. (H)

POWER DEPT REVENUE: The Power Minister, Mr Digambar Kamat, informed the
house that the revenue collected the electricity department during the
year 2003-04 was Rs.592.73 crore while that for the year 2004-05 up till
May was Rs.107.38. (NT)

ILLEGAL CONSTRUCTIONS: The Chief Minister, Mr Manohar Parrikar told the
Assembly on July 13 that two deputy collectors will be assigned only to
look after the illegal constructions and encroachment on government land.
He also said that the government will make an amendment to the Goa
Panchayati Raj bill for making a provision to act tough against the
illegal constructions. (NT)

COACHING CLASSES: The announcement by the Director of Education on the
proposal to streamline private coaching classes has put officials of the
Zonal Education offices in a tight spot. Bereft of any circular or code,
officials attached to the Margao zonal office are at pains to process the
applications for registration received from the representatives of
coaching classes. (H)

GOA SADAN: The House of the state legislative assembly adopted a budgetary
demand on Goa Sadan, amounting to Rs.85 lakh. Chief Minister, Mr Manohar
Parrikar, said the state government by next six months will begin the
construction work on the new Goa Sadan building at Chanakyapuri in New
Delhi. (NT)

CHAPEL OPPOSITE SIDNEY HOSPITAL: PWD Minister Sudin Dhavlikar told the
House that the chapel opposite Dr Pinto do Rosario maternity hospital
Porvorim would `not be touched` in view of the four-laning of the National
Highway. He was replying to a matter by Aldona MLA Dayanand Narvekar, who
said due to the `unscientific cutting` of the hill, thee are apprehensions
in the minds of the people that the 400-year-old chapel 

[Goanet-news]GOANVOICE-UK: Goan Ghetto, Kenyan youth culture... etc

2004-07-14 Thread Frederick Noronha (FN)
# Would you like to discuss the news? Your comments are of interest! #   
# Post your comments, feed-back, opionion to [EMAIL PROTECTED]   #  
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From [EMAIL PROTECTED] * Fri Jul  9 02:35:36 2004
Newsletter. Issue 2004-25. Jul 08, 2004  Printer Friendly Version
Goan Ghetto is a group to connect young Goans in London. They have frequent
outings to many fun places in London. The Goan Ghetto msn group is for
discussions and arranging these outings. They have members between the ages
of 12 and 21,who are Goans or people who have an affinity to Goans.
Membership is free and new members are welcome. The main Managers are Savio
D'Sa (aka Savy D) [EMAIL PROTECTED] and Jonathan Da Cruz (aka JD).
 Goan Ghetto is modelled on the older and mature YLGS (Young London
 Goans Society) but is targeted at a younger age group. Goan Ghetto
 started in February 2003 with a small number of young Goans and has now
 grown to over 150 members. Check out the group at
Please forward the message to your friends and family.
7 Jul. Pacific News Service. (San Francisco). Headline: As Censorship
Weakens, Kenyan Youth Culture Takes Off. Excerpts: From her studio in
downtown Nairobi, 25-year-old radio disc jockey Eve D'Souza [ex Mombasa] has
a good perspective on the tastes of young Kenyans. D'Souza says that until a
few years ago, her show was filled exclusively with Tupac, Dr. Dre and othe
r U.S. artists. But Kenya's music scene has exploded in recent years.
D'Souza welcomes the change. We're finally becoming serious about local
music, and being proud of being Kenyan, she says. 915 words click here.
 7 May. BBC. Another outstanding performer is our next award winner -
 Best Female Presenter - Eve D'Souza, a DJ on Nairobi's Capital FM, and
 her daily programme 'Hits Not Homework' Best Show, in Kenya's CHAT
 awards. Not only does she have a great voice, to her teenage audience
 she is a friend and role model.
2 Jul. Nunatsiaq News (Canada). Former Managing Editor Patricia D'Souza came
first in the best features page competition for her story on the memorial
service held for Joamie School last July. She also won the prize for best
photo essay, for pictures of a gathering of Nunavut and Nunavik elders.
[Patricia D'Souza is now editor of THIS magazine - see
6 Jul. The Globe and Mail (Canada). Headline: A group of shareholders in
Infolink Technologies Ltd. has asked an Ontario court to remove the
company's chief executive officer and the entire board of directors. The
legal move by investors comes a month after Cesar Correia, Infolink's CEO,
confirmed that he killed his abusive father in 1984 and was convicted of
manslaughter. Mr. Correia received a 10-month sentence and was granted a
pardon in 1996. For full text, 553 words, click here [For the earlier report
and photo see Newsletter issue 2004-21]
 8 Jul. The Globe and Mail. Judge appoints monitor to investigate
 Infolink. For text, 435 words, click here.
7 Jul. Northwich Guardian, Cheshire, UK. Ben and Maggie Lowther are
heartbroken after immigration authorities refused to allow Maggie's s ister
to come for a holiday from Goa. They are appealing to the immigration
authorities to let Sandra Fernandes, 22, come to Northwich on compassionate
grounds as she needs a break after spending all her time looking after her
37-year old brother Sebastian, who has severe disabilities. Maggie came to
England four years ago from Goa and works at Valerie's Beauty Salon in
Witton Street. 286 words.
5 Jul. Publico (Portugal). Dr Edgar Valles, a Goan and a lawyer since 1977
provides free online advice regarding Portuguese Civil law. Dr Valles is the
Odivelas' Local Government Assembly President and also Vice President of th
e Goan Association of Portugal. [Text in Portuguese] Go to
http://ultimahora.publico.pt/edgar.asp Then select the appropriate Ultimas
perguntas (foot of the page) Then select Pergunte to open up the enquiry
 2 Jul. The Guardian. Excerpt: There has never been a black or Asian
 high court judge in England and Wales; a survey by the Labour MP Keith
 Vaz showed the full-time senior judiciary is no more ethnically diverse
 now than when Labour took office in 1997.
A seven month initiative between Arista and Film London is taking 10 new
Black and Minority Ethnic screenwriters through a process of professional
development - building screenwriting craft skills, developing a film or TV


2004-07-14 Thread Goanet Mail Reformatted
# If Goanet stops reaching you, contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]  #   
# Want to check the archives? http://www.goanet.org/pipermail/goanet/#  
# Please keep your discussion/tone polite, to reflect respect to others  #

- Forwarded message from [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

Date: Wed, 14 Jul 2004 17:13:45 +

To whom it may concern,...

I'm a little bit pissed of,..everyday i get your online paper in my
mailbox...(and mostly every day i read it with much pleasure.) Except
for the last few days!
The half of India is flooded,millions of people are homeless and the
only things that you guys are (apparently) intrested in is football
and local shmuzery???
I know that the horrible weather conditions are not exactly
destroying goa but a bit more consideration for your fellow
countrymen and a bit more about the situation would be very welcome.
Where is the Ghandi in each of us??
Oh yes,...we've putted him on our banknotes,..disgracefull


- End forwarded message -

Webcam girls who you can actually date!

2004-07-14 Thread Berry

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hostile skye eight excursus borderland perplex.

Re: [R] Permutations

2004-07-14 Thread Gabor Grothendieck

As Erich points out, there is some question as to
what the original problem really is but lets
assume its as Erich describes.  Then, to get a
random ordered permutation we just get a random 
permutation of 12 elements and sort the intra-block 
elements like this:


Note that there are 12! = 479,001,600 permutations
of 12 elements and 3!^4 = 1,296 of those
permutations correspond to each ordered
permutation so there are 479,001,600 / 1,296 =
369,600 ordered permutations in all.  

Erich Neuwirth erich.neuwirth at univie.ac.at writes:

: Perhaps what you want might better be described as
: ordered partitions?
: Is what you want the following:
: We study sequences of length 12 and divide them in
: 4 segments
: position 1 2 3, position 4 5 6,
: position 7 8 9, position 10 11 12,
: Find all permutation sequences of the numbers 1 to 12
: with the property that all segment sequences
: are monotonically increasing.
: I think that produces what you need.
: Since the segments are ordered, you avoid intra-block permutations.
: If that is what you want, writing a recursive function should not be
: too hard.
: Jordi Altirriba Gutirrez wrote:
:  Dear R users,
:  Im a beginner user of R and Ive a problem with permutations that I 
:  dont know how to solve. Ive 12 elements in blocks of 3 elements and I 
:  want only t

Re: [R] Permutations
Gabor Grothendieck



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