Re: [Goanet]Gerry Ferns and his PLO - 2

2004-10-03 Thread Gabriel de Figueiredo
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>> Gabe
>> Menezes may make noises about the difficulties of
breathing at elevations in
>> defence of the Indian armed forces,

>> but isn't the same yardstick to be
>> applied to the Portuguese troops who had no
ammunition nor anti-tank weapons
>> nor radio equipment nor tanks (just the one
armoured personnel carrier)nor
>> air support and yet faced the heavily armed Indian
troops, fighting
>> valiantly in a few pockets of resistance with what
little ammunition they
>> had and surrendering when they had run out? What do
you say about the Vega
>> (a 17-metre customs launch with one light machine
gun of 20mm) rushing out
>> of the port at Diu with one captain and two sailors
on board to challenge
>> the cruiser Delhi? It was a twist of fate that the
Vega was attacked and all
>> on board killed by an aircraft that straffed it -
not by the Delhi.
>> Gabriel de Figueiredo.

>RESPONSE: You take my name in vain, I have not
entered at any time into this
>discussion, if I did kindly quote the appropriate
article - if you are
>honourable, you will do the right thing!


>Gabe Menezes.

Hi Gabe (and Goanet readers),

An error of reference was made by me and I indeed
apologise for that error.  
It wasn't Gabe Menezes I meant to refer to, but to a
submission "Indian Bravery" of 8 Aug 2004 by Gilbert

That it took over a week for me to reply is due to a
period of illness that prevented me from accessing my
email at the address to which Gabe sent me the above.



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[Goanet]Parabens, querido Domingo!

2004-10-03 Thread Alfred de Tavares
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Supurlea Domnic-baba,
Moi mogan tumcam fotkotot zolmachea-disachim porbim patoitam.
Ek koxhalbhorit xekddo tuka, Deva-chea benssavant, meunk aum
Sombia-thaim magtam.
Tumch mogal ghanv-bhav,
Protect your PC - get VirusScan Online


2004-10-03 Thread Aires Rodrigues
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As you must be aware by now the Goa police has lost its independence and
sense of security. Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar and his ministers have
been interfering with the day-to-day functioning of the Goa Police.

Ministers choose to post their blue-eyed police Inspectors in police
stations in their constituencies so that the politicians are able to shield
their workers and use the police to torture their political foes.

Public relations Officer Mr. Shamba Sawant should not be the target. The PRO
acts on instructions of the DGP. And we all know that Chief Minister Manohar
Parrikar manipulates every move of the DGP. Although Mr. Amod Kanth might
have had big plans of ensuring good policing in Goa, he by now must be very
frustrated with the system he presides over. Having to fall to the dictates
of the politicians round the clock, Mr. Amod Kanth must be regretting his
posting in Goa.

We all know why the former DGP Seva Das was shunted out of Goa after a very
brief stint. He was an officer who took no nonsense from the politicians.

The interference with the working of the police has drastically increased
during Chief Minister Mr. Manohar Parrikar's regime but it is a fact that it
did exist during the earlier Congress regimes too.

A very upright former DGP R.S Sahaye for not bowing down to the then Chief
Minister's orders was overnight given marching orders. A visibly shocked and
heart broken Sahaye left for Delhi but died of a massive heart attack just a
few weeks later. I met him the day he was leaving Goa and I could sense how
shell-shocked he was to the way he was treated by the then Chief Minister.

So if this is the sense of insecurity amongst the top brass just imagine the
fate and dilemma of the low ranking staff.

The Chief Minister keeps saying that the Law will take its course. But we
all know that Manohar Parrikar is the law and the police take his course.

Aires Rodrigues

[Goanet]Seen and Heard - by Gaspar Almeida / It's Party Time in Goa

2004-10-03 Thread
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It's festive season in Goa again!
Panaji  / Oct. 3, 2004

As the festival season is about to set in, Goa is abuzz with lots of 
activities and nightlife soon catching up in the city. The emerald land of 
beaches, wine and swaying palms provide an ideal setting for nightlife. After 
sunbathing the whole day at the beaches, tourists like spending their nights 
at bars sipping beer. Shaking a leg or two, enjoying the hip-hop music, the 
tourists say they enjoy the Goan ambience. "It is very green and the water is 
very warm and beer tastes good. This is my first 24 hours in India, Goa and it 
is very beautiful," Nick, a tourist from Ireland.

Larry, a foreigner enjoying holidays in Goa, said that the state's hospitality 
simply floored him. Brian, a tourist from Australia also agreed with 
Larry. "The quality of service that we have experience in the days we have 
been here is extraordinary," Brian. With almost every third house, having a 
bar-cum-restaurant, Goa provides an exciting tourist destination.

For Shashi, hailing from Delhi, the nightlife of Goa is enchanting especially 
the discotheques. For him the nightlife of Goa is much better than metros like 
Mumbai and Delhi. "Night life is awesome. Most often the people go to beaches, 
but they should also enjoy the nightlife of Goa, which is great compared to 
Delhi and Mumbai," she said.(ANI)


Destination India: Cheaper charter routesSoni Sangwan / New Delhi, October 
3var href= window.location.href;href = href.substring(7);var idx = href.indexOf
("/");var relpath = href.substring(idx);document.write("" + "
var zflag_nid="294"; var zflag_cid="1"; var zflag_sid="0"; var 
zflag_width="180"; var zflag_height="150"; var zflag_sz="13"; 
Holiday-making in India may never be the same again. Circumventing capacity 
constraints and exorbitant fares, large groups of tourists are taking the 
charter route to India. And while Goa remains the favoured destination, the 
liberalisation of the charter policy are drawing tourists to places like 
Delhi, Amritsar, Cochin and Trivandrum as well.

"Last year, we had approximately 600 chartered flights to India. We expect 
this figure to go up by 20 per cent because of the policy change," informs a 
senior Ministry of Civil Aviation official.

And the Russians, it seems, are the first to make the best of it. Goa Tours 
Limited is going to fly in 180 Russians a week, ferrying about 5,000 tourists 
this season. Lugov Gennady, general director, Gou Tours, puts the turnover of 
the season at Rs 5.5 crore. Connaissance Travel, another Russian company, will 
be bringing in 80 holiday-makers a week, aggregating 1,250 tourists this 
season and contributing to a Rs 3 crore turnover.

Rohit Kohli, director (operations) of Creative Travels, is bringing in 
charters from UK to Delhi. "We are giving them one-week holidays inclusive of 
air fare, hotel accommodation and conducted tours in the Delhi-Agra-Jaipur 
circuit for £550. That is very competitive pricing, considering that just air 
tickets on commercial flights during peak season amount to more," he says.

Agrees Ghulam Naqshband of Le Passage to India. "Charter packages definitely 
work out cheaper since the norms differ from commercial airlines. Moreover, 
due to bulk hotel bookings you get better rates," he says.

Tourists are now preferring charters to travel within the country also. "We 
are flying two choppers a day to Ranthambhore during the season. A lot of 
tourists want to pack in twin destinations like Khajuraho and Agra in a short 
time. They may also want to take charters to places where scheduled flights 
are inconvenient or involve an element of road travel," says Semoun Jolly, 
director, Aerial Services Pvt Ltd. (Hindustan Times)


Doctor Visits
Like software: Indian hospitals are outsourcing care

By Seema Singh
Newsweek International

Oct. 11 issue - For Gregory Bates a holiday on the sunny beaches of Goa ended 
abruptly—in the hospital. The 54-year-old British weightlifter checked into 
the Wockhardt Heart Hospital in Bangalore in July with chest pains. His first 
impulse was to head back to Britain for bypass surgery, but after consulting 
with his family doctor back home, he opted instead to stay put. Now he's glad 
he did. "The medical service was fantastic," he says.

Bates isn't the only tourist who includes a high-tech Indian hospital on his 
itinerary. With broadband Internet and the latest digital imaging equipment, 
Indian hospitals can now send X-rays to Mass Gen in Boston or MRI scans to 

[Goanet]re Clean kerala beaches

2004-10-03 Thread kalpna desai
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The organisation 'Tourism Concern' based in UK is campaigning worldwide for 
more responsible tourism and for local communities to benefit from any tourism 
in their country. There was a study carried out a while ago on Community based 
Tourism - publication can be obtained from Tourism Concern An Annual General 
Meeting of this organisation is taking place on October 16th in London. The 
theme is 'Sun, Sea and Sand and Sweatshops' with representatives (workers)  
from several countries  present to impartr their experiences. Please contact for more information.  

There are now more degree and Masters programmes offered with this in mind in 
UK Universities. It may be possible to offer placements to students to offer 
their time to develop your ideas and learn from you and your communities on 
what has worked for centuries before in land management, in environment 
management as well.  

I hope that you will succeed in your endeavours to involve the local 

Kind regards  


Date: Sat, 2 Oct 2004 13:21:02 +0200 (MEST)
From: "Clean Kerala Beaches" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet]Re: Fw: Sinquerim Beach in Goa

Sorry, I am late in reply, but we are planning our next village Beaches
field work in Kerala, for women & children hygiene sanitation education

Thanks for the devastating photos. Can you explain, as to how these big
5 star hotels responsible for all that. We want Kerala to achieve prosperity
through clean-beach-tourism. What we are trying to find is the mastakes made
in Goa and other countries, to unstablise the ecology. Please let me have
your study of information on the subject. Thanks

[Goanet]Konkani... from (some facts seem wrong!)

2004-10-03 Thread Frederick Noronha (FN)
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Konkani, Goanese: a language of India
SIL code:   GOM
ISO 639-2:  inc
Population  Population total all countries 2,000,000 (1977 Voegelin and 
Region Southern coastal strip of Maharashtra, primarily in the districts 
of Ratnagari and Goa; Karnataka; Kerala. Also spoken in Kenya, UAE.
Alternate names   GOMATAKI, GOAN
Classification Indo-European, Indo-Iranian, Indo-Aryan, Southern zone, 
Comments Daldi and Chitapavani are transitional dialects between Goanese 
and Standard Konkani. Agriculturalists, mixed commerce. NT 1818-1976.
Also spoken in:
Language name   KONKANI, GOANESE
Population 3,900 in Kenya or 9% to 10% of Asians (1987).
Alternate names   GOMATAKI, GOAN, GOANESE
Comments Bilingualism in English. A community and home language. Used by 
many Asians whose ancestors came from Goa or north India. Not used in 
schools. NT 1818-1976. See main entry under India.

Frederick Noronha (FN) Nr Convent Saligao 403511 Goa India
Freelance Journalist   P: 832-2409490 M: 9822122436

[Goanet]East Africa remembered.......

2004-10-03 Thread Havovy Fernandes
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Hi All!

For a few pence, I recently acquired a treasure-trove of old books  at a 
hospice car boot sale in leafy Bickley,  South London. Here are some 
interesting excerpts from 'Introducing East Africa' - a (propaganda) booklet 
produced by Her Majesty's Stationary Office in 1950.

luv & peas, Desmond. Enjoy!!:

A Kisumu Golf Course rule reads:"If a ball comes to rest in dangerous proximity
to a hippootamus or crocodile another ball may be dropped."

"In Uganda there is absolutely no prospect of commerce. A little cochineal 
might be obtained, but the export trade will mainly be in ivory, which is 
diminishing in quantity every year in consequence of the destruction of 
elephants." -Henry Labouchere, M.P., in the House of Commons debate on Jul 
17th, 1896, when oposing the vote sanctioning funds for the construction of 
the Uganda railway.

The Kenya Highlands were offered by the British Government in 1903 as a 
National Home for Jews. The offer was rejected in 1905.

"The King of Malindi (a small port on the Kenya Coast) invites da Gama to land
but he refuses. the King sends a boat laden with large coper kettles, boiled
rice, fat sheep roasted whole, good butter, thin cakes of wheat and rice flour,
fowls stuffed with rice, vegetalbles and figs, coconuts and figs and cane 
sugar. Then the Portuguese did land and were received with Oriental 
hospitality. The King wore a robe of damask trimmed with green satin and red 
touca. He was seated on a cushioned chair of bronze protected by a round 
sunshade of crimson satin." -Extract from the journal describing Vasco da 
Gama's visit to East Africa in 1498. (By 1510 the Portuguese were estabished 
in Goa.)

Lord Lugard writing in the wake of Livingstone and Henry Morton Stanley: "We
have a prescriptive right in East Africa and its lakes. They were all 
discovered by British explorers...Our missionaries first penetrated to 
Uganda in the poorsteps of our explorers. Thus, by right of discovery an dof 
missionary effort, we had the prior claim."   -

Kampala, like Rome, is built upon seven hills. Above the tree-clad slopes of
Namirembe (Peace) Hill the Anglican cathedral of St Paul raises its twin 
towers. On the summit of Rugaga Hill are the cathedral and mission of the 
Catholic church. And on Makerere Hill, a short distance to the north-west, 
stands Makerere College...Cook built a fine hospital at Mengo, near to 
the Buganda King's palace. 2 yrs later it was struck by lightening...and 
within 2yrs a new one was built, much larger and more up to date. It still 

On the building of the Mombasa-Kampala  railway line by The British East Africa
Compnay and later the British Government:An early problem was labour. Little
could be expected from the backward African tribesmen; so thousands of skilled
and semi-skilled men were brought over from India. Before the line was 
completed their number had risen to nearly 32,000, the founders of the present 
Indian communities in East Africa. Work began in 1896by March 
1898 the line had only reached Mile 142.5, and that at a heavy cost in money 
and lives. Of 7,000 men so far brought from India, 340 had died and 705 had 
been invalided home. In some places all the transport animals had 
died...When, the following December, the line reached Tsavo, all work 
was held up for three weeks by depredations of two man-eating lions. Before 
they could be shot, these beasts had carried off 28 Indians and 'scores 
of Africans' (an Indian carpenter, Roshan, was moved to recount the whole 
sotry in an epic poem. It was written in Hindustani, and was very long; The 
Man Eaters of Tsavo (1907), by Colonel J.H.Patterson gives some idea of the 
flavour of it)... by May 1899 the railway had been brought as far as a 
cattle watering-place on the Athi Plain, situated in the swampy uplands but 
with a pleasant climatethe location became known as Nairobithe 
first locomotive reached the shores of the lake at Kisumu, 587 miles from 
Mombasa, on December 20th, 1901..The actual capital cost was 
finally £5,502,592, though the true cost after interest on borrowed 
capital ...was £7,909,925.

THE KABAKA AND THE LUKIKO:In marked contrast to what they had seen in Kenya and
Tanganyika, early explorers found in Uganda a well-organised system 
of Government. At its head was the Kabakahe had a Prime Minister called the
Katikiro, the Omulamuzi (Chief Justice) and the Omuwanika (Treasurer)and there
was a Kabaka's Council, or Lukiko; but these had little say in the government 
of the country. For admi

[Goanet]Goa govt tell Indian Oil Corporation to change pipeline

2004-10-03 Thread Cip Fernandes
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Goa govt tell IOC to change pipeline


PANAJI: Goa government has categorically directed the Indian oil corporation
(IOC) to immediately replace the pipeline that caused leakage of kerosene
into the Arabian Sea on Friday evening.

The fuel was being discharged from a vessel berthed at Mormugao Port Trust
(MPT) to the tanks in the adjoining oil terminal in the port town of Vasco.

While it took marathon effort till the early hours of Saturday morning to
neutralise the oil leak, the pipeline has caused havoc among fishermen and
the local people even earlier. Goa DGP, Amod Kanth said there was an
incident of fire some two years ago and another leakage was reported
sometime ago.

The Friday incident was yet another one in the series and cases have been
registered against several IOC officers. "The oil company was tardy in
detecting the leak as four to five hours had elapsed. Besides, the pipeline
had been checked recently but a particular segment that was not in good
condition had not been attended to," Mr Kanth observed.

Senior IOC officials led by the general manger in charge of Maharashtra and
Goa met the chief secretary, D S Negi and the DGP. "The pipeline first needs
to be changed first. This is a dedicated line of the IOC. Besides, there
ought to be some computer check for any such leakage. Police investigation
is on and till such time the pipeline is not replaced, all discharge
operations have to be stopped," Mr Negi said.

[Goanet]Royal Carribean Celebrity cup 2004

2004-10-03 Thread armstrong augusto vaz
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VARCA OCT 3;- St. Rock sports club Majorda  rode on their slice of luck while 
edging out cuncolim 10-9 via the tie breaker in the inaugural match of the 
Royal Caribbean celebrity cup 2004 organised by Varca sports club at Varca 
grounds today evening.

At the end of full time play the teams were locked three all in an exciting 
tussle for supremacy.

Cuncolim started with ten men and continued for the entire half with ten men. 
At the stroke of half time the teams shared a goal apiece.

Majorda took full advantage of the one men more in their camp to push the ball 
into the Cuncolim nets  through Russel Monteiro.

Thereafter Cuncolim equalized through shogun Aguair  but the striker failed to 
score twice in the second half missing open sitters.

In the second half Cuncolim dominated play and found the net through medio 
Franky Pereira. Franky found the net in quick succession to twice find the 
back of the nets.

Majorda never gave up and pulled one back with five minutes left for the final 
whistle through Russel Monteiro who slotted home a through ball from Joe Vaz.

Majorda restored parity with seconds left for the final whistle. Joe Vaz Cross 
in the goal mouth our foxed the Cuncolim keeper who failed to read the flight 
of the ball to tie the score at three all.

In the penalty shoot the teams were tied five all and the sudden death was 
rswtored to back the deadlock.

In the penalty shoot out Majorda found the net through Russel Monteiro, Sanlal 
Dias, Allister Monteiro, Joel Sequeira, Joe Vaz, Stafford Pereira and Russel 

Cuncolim were successful  through Franky Pereria, Satyadeep Naik, Krishna 
Shirdokar, Wesley Coutinho, Drupesh Dessai, Stanley Coutinho

Majorda take on the winners of Young strikers club Benaulim- Youth welfare 
club Assolna in the semi finals.


Royal Carribean Celebrity cup 2004

Ys Benaulim v/s YW club Assolna, At Varca grounds. 4.30 p.m.


[Goanet]Denounce mining violence in Goa

2004-10-03 Thread Philip Neri de Souza
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International Development Research Centre, Ottawa, ON, Canada. has sponcered a 
research on Health vis-a-vis Mining. the report of the case study was 
published    in April 2003.

you may read it at the idrc website., 


Philip Neri de Souza

On Thu, 23 Sep 2004 Eddie Fernandes wrote :



>On 6 Sept. 2004, TAZ, a German newspaper carried a long (1623 words) article
>by Ralf Leonhard.  From Goan Voice UK issue of 9 Sept.:
> > The tiny State of Goa resembles a Mars landscape with open mining fields. 
> > The poor quality iron ore of Goa is in demand for the construction 

[Goanet]Indian Government eases passport issuance process

2004-10-03 Thread Cip Fernandes
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Govt eases passport issuance process

New Delhi Oct 3: As part of efforts to ease the passport issuance process,
the government has exempted from police verification the renewal cases
having no change of residential address even as it has decided to take stern
action to end corrupt practices in the services.

“For renewal of passports wherein there is no change of address of
individuals, police verification has been done away with,” the Minister of
State for External Affairs, Mr E Ahamed told PTI here.

For tatkal (instant) passports, there are directions for issuance of
passports without waiting for police verification report which can be
obtained later, he said.

Noting that a number of other modernisation plans were also afoot, he said
these steps were aimed at reducing pendency of passport cases.

As of August this year, more than 1,90,000 passport applications were still
pending in various regional passport offices across the country.

“Our aim is to reduce the pendency to zero within three months depending on
furnishing of police verification reports,” Mr Ahamed said.

Referring to the recent detection of corruption involving employees of
passport offices as was indicative by a series of arrests, the minister said
the government had taken a series view of prevalence of such practices.

“We have issued strict instructions to passport offices to ensure that touts
are removed from these premises,” he said.

The Delhi police recently arrested a passport office employee as it smashed
a gang engaged in managing passports on the basis of fake documents.
Interestingly, several passports had been got issued in the name of one
person having same address.

The Central Bureau of Investigation carried out searches at various regional
passport offices, especially in southern region, following information that
travel documents were being issued on the basis of forged documents in
connivance with certain passport officials.

The CBI registered a case against five people and conducted searches at 11
places, including six residential premises of the accused officials.

At least 146 references were mentioned in the complaint in which passports
were issued on the basis of false and forged documents. On verification, it
was found that in 54 cases, the allegations were true.

Noting that obtaining of police verification was a difficult task, Mr Ahamed
said the passport officers had been directed by the government to interact
with police chiefs of the states.

The government, in an effort to simplify passport issuance system, had set
up a committee in March 2001 to review the process.

The committee submitted its report in September 2001 and made several
recommendations for simplification of procedures, decentralisation of the
submission of passport applications to the district level through the
establishment of district passport cells, and modernisation of passport

RE: [Goanet] Catholic wedding: a sacrament

2004-10-03 Thread Cip Fernandes
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Just curious to know whether Catholic Church Wedding could be performed just
as a Church service (just taking vows) by a Catholic priest without the
nuptial Mass?

Cip Fernandes
-Original Message-
Teotonio R. de Souza wrote on 02 October 2004 07:43

Dear Chris Hughes

I am surprised with the situation you describe and with your doubts. The
Portuguese juridical system (still valid in Goa) always permitted  a civil
registration before Church wedding. Alternatively, it recognized as legal
the marriage celebrated in the Church. The Parish authorities would send a
copy of the wedding registration to civil registrar.

Are you a Catholic? If you are, then youn should know about the difference
that the Catholic Church makes between the marriage of non-Christians and
the Christian marriage. The Christian marriage is regarded as "sacrament",
while the non-Christian marriage is not. This point is debatable and some
Catholic theologians do not like the distinction, but it is still held. It
is based on this doctrine that the Catholic Church does not permit divorce
as the civil law may do. What the Church permits in some situations is
separation, or in cases where it is discovered that there were grave
impediments prior to marriage, it declares that there never was a valid

Hence, your civil marriage is valid, but for the Catholic Church it will
become a sacrament only when you celebrate it in the Church, with a priest
as "witness".


[Goanet]Open Letter To The Voters Of Poinguinim

2004-10-03 Thread goasuraj
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OCTOBER 3, 2004

Dear Poinguinim voters,

On October 13, 2004,  you will be casting your 'valuable vote' in these forced 
bye-elections. You are, no doubt, in a dilemma of "whom to vote". Your once 
abandoned, little thought of, far away Constituency has suddenly come into the 
limelight. All political parties are trying to please you, appeal to you, brow-
beat you , inducing and urging you to go and vote in their favour, their 
candidates. And you are dazzled with the weighty offers of 'all round 
developments', of offers of 'government jobs', jobs through setting up 
of 'mighty industries'; new roads, bridges, this scheme and that scheme;  the 
heaven itself.

There is the Congress, which so much as didn't even look your way, nor did it 
bother to find out what was happening to you (kidney failures),  for the past 
many years of its rule. Now, you see its office bearers and partymen in droves 
at your doorsteps, apologizing for the past mistakes, asking you for 
forgiveness, begging you to vote for its candidate once again, brainwashing 
you through blaming its own ex-MLA for having duped you and the party to 
change sides. The MGP and the UGDP and even NCP which are shedding 'crocodile 
tears' with the Congress in these bye-elections seem to be having their feet 
firmly planted on TWO BOATS with their respective MLAs supporting the BJP  
openly and/or clandestinely. 

There is the ruling BJP, which has not bothered to so much as put a single 
nail in your Constituency for the past almost 4 years, penalizing you for 
voting to elect Isidore Fernandes in the last assembly elections. Having 
brazenly induced and bribed him to change sides, it  has fielded this turncoat 
as its candidate, promising you everything under the sun, if you will elect 
him again. You have the pleasure of the Chief Minister himself begging you for 
your vote at your doorsteps, promising your sons and daughters government jobs 
in return. You will, in all sincerity, ask yourselves the question: "Why this 
change in heart, Now?  Why not before? Can we trust him?" 

October 13 will be recorded in the history of Goa's politics, as well as in 
the history of 'Democracy', as a 'Lucky' or  'Unlucky' Day,where 
a 'PRECEDENT' will be set. The moot question is: " SHALL YOU, OR CAN YOU ALLOW 

You, dear POINGUINKARS, have the power to set this precedent right, to make 
October 13 a splendidly 'Lucky Day' for Goa'. Vote en mass  to DEFEAT Isidore 
Fernandes. Not for the reasons that the Congress and its shifty allies are 
giving you. DEFEAT Isidore Fernandes to 'arrest the moves' of other ambitious 
and self-centered  MLAs, who are waiting for your verdict, to follow in the 
footsteps of Isidore Fernandes, should you vote to re-elect him, the real 
reason which the Congress and its allies have kept away from you. Vote to 
DEFEAT Isidore Fernandes to send a distinct signal to these other MLAs  in 
waiting, that they too will be rejected, downright.

You are being told by Isidore Fernandes himself; by his friendly eminent 
lawyers, by the BJP itself, that his move to resign as CONGRESS MLA and re-
contest on the BJP TICKET  is 'politically correct'. You must REJECT this 
argument whole-sale. If Isidore Fernandes' move was 'politically correct' he 
would not have re-contested on the BJP ticket. He would have re-contested as 
an 'Independent'. A person will not shift ideologies overnight from 'secular' 
to 'fascist'.  No matter what Isidore Fernandes and others tell you, you must 
believe that  this is happening only for the love of the COLOUR OF MONEY.

Thank you.

Yours Sincerely,


(Floriano Lobo)
Goa Su-Raj Party 
2nd. Floor, Karakar Building,
Angod-Mapusa - 4003 507 
Tel: 2266111

[Goanet]Re: Something not quite particularly related to Goa...

2004-10-03 Thread George Pinto
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Hi Fred
You are ahead of your time, a cyber-goan Moses taking people to the promised land.

Thank you.


--- "Frederick Noronha (FN)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> If you have a moment to spare, and are interested in the social aspects of 
> computing, please visit
> This isn't particularly related to Goa, but is a half-decade old venture 
> that was, in part, thought up here. FN

[Goanet]-----> The WildGoa Newsletter! <----- Vol. 2004.04

2004-10-03 Thread MailingListClint!
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   -> The WildGoa Newsletter! <-Vol. 2004.04

Sunday, 03rd October 2004

It’s been a busy 3 months since the last newsletter but this time this 4th
newsletter of this year comes out in perfect timing. It's Wildlife Week
Celebrations from 2nd to 8th October in Goa. So this week, join hands with
the Forest Department to conserve, preserve wildlife for posterity. The
forest department is organizing various programmes, talks, shows, videos at
various places like the NIO & Goa Science Centre. Get more details from the
papers, especially the 2nd October, Saturday editions.

I’ve addressed an issue that’s close to my heart….the proposal for
de-notifcation of wildife scantuaries by the chief minster of Goa. Do read
and let me know what you feel about this issue. Please do participate, as it
will have some outcome only with your participation.

I simply could not include everyobdy’s articles into this issue. We simply
ran out of space!! It looks like we will have to make issues of this
newsletter come out more frequently! Therfore, with the increased workload,
WildGoa is looking out for volunteers to help with mailinglist moderation,
newsletter material and so on...any takers? We just need 1-2 volunteers.

Until next, keep up with the good work,  we are now 311 members at WildGoa!


In This edition!

1. De-notification of Wildlife Sanctuaries – By Clinton Vaz
2. A Tree Snake and a Garden Lizard –By Adavanne
3. Of Wild-Boar Attacks and Other Issues... -By Joseph Zuzarte
4. Birding at Dandeli & Anmod – By Vennila
5. In The News (Wild News in the Local Papers)
6. Other Wildlife Mailinglists and Websites from India.
7. Reader’s Write

Topic No. 1.
De-notification of Wildlife Sanctuaries

In July, a small announcement was made in the papers:

Parrikar, said on July 16 he will soon call a joint meeting of the MLAs of
Sattari, Sanguem, Quepem and Canacona in order to reach consensus over
denotification of the inhabited areas in the Mhadei and Netravali wildlife
sanctuaries.-Navhind Times, 17th July 2004

Though at first glance, it would seem that it does not matter to most of us,
a closer look would make any person think otherwise.

Like most of us living in Goa, I did know that mining is was having an
adverse effect on Goa’s environment, but it didn’t matter to me. As long as
I didn’t see it, it was ok. But then in 2001 I enrolled as a volunteer for
an animal census and at the orientation course, I selected Sanguem as the
place I’d volunteer for. Why? Well… the reason was a little silly. I had
friends in Sanvordem and I had also been for a picinic somewhere in that
area, so I figured that was the place for me.

The day arrived when we traveled the Netravali Range Forest Officer’s
headquarters. A friend, Shrinivas Narayan accompanied me and we were
introduced to Mr. Mashelkar, the RFO. Over a cup of tea, we were told about
how big this sanctuary is, and how Governor Jacob had notified this area as
a sanctuary to protect Goa’s biodiversity. Before, this place was overridden
with mining, but now it’s much lesser, he said.

That night, we were taken in a convoy of jeeps, deep into the forest to the
basecamp that was 1.5 hours from the nearest telephone. It was ironic that
the basecamp was an abandoned mining office. Getting some sleep, we would
wake up at 5.30 the next day for a day-long trek in deep forest spotting
animals for the Forest Department of Goa’s Wild Animal Census.

I was in high spirits that morning, when we all split up in groups of 2. My
group consisted of a forest guard, a local  and myself. It was amazing how
the local boy knew so much of the forest. He would stop and see pug marks
that we could not. He could identify animals by the droppings! But just as I
thought we were in the middle of a deep forest, we came to a clearing. A
mining truck passed

Re: [Goanet]Thanks Dominic !

2004-10-03 Thread Frederick Noronha(FN)
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On Sun, 3 Oct 2004, Vivian D'Souza wrote:
I wish Dominic, with his treasure trove of
information, would compile all his memories into a
book, with pictures of the various pots and utensils.
Thank you ever so much Dominic !
Ditto, Vivian. I agree with you fully.
These are vital societal memories which need to be captured, preferably 
in print. If Dominic is willing to put together 12-15 essays, I would 
volunteer my services to edit and layout the same as a book. Without 
charges, of course, since this is a good cause.

Currently, am myself exploring the possibility of self-publishing in Goa 
(or outside, it's far more inexpensive in smaller towns outside Goa) and 
it seems to be fairly affordable. There's no reason why a 
reasonably-priced book on a relevant topic would not sell a thousand 

In the past, I wrote a personal note to Dominic thanking him for his 
excellent write-ups on Goanet. For someone who grew up when Starco in 
Anjuna was widely talked off by college-kids, his essay on that was 
certainly very interesting to me!

But the reminiscences which go back to the 'sixties also strike a chord, 
because it's a reality we grew up with... even if we then didn't notice so 
closely. What's really interesting about Dominic's writing is his eye for 
detail and his narration skills which make it interesting to read.

Without doubt, the Net has bestowed in many the realisation that they can 
write. And write well. Some months back, I tapped a whole lot of these 
skills for write-ups used locally (and also subsequently put out on 

Keep it flowing Dominic. And, there are many other Dominics just waiting 
to get going. Please see our modest venture to e-mentor youngsters 
planning to take to journalist at 
-- in collaboration with the Ixtt Konkani weekly. FN
Frederick Noronha (FN) Nr Convent Saligao 403511 Goa India
Freelance Journalist   P: 832-2409490 M: 9822122436

[Goanet]New news website for Church in India:::::::::::

2004-10-03 Thread melvyn misquita
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PANJIM, OCT 1 -- The Public Relations Department, now renamed as 
Media/Information Office, of the Catholic Bishops Conference of India (CBCI) 
has launched a new news website, ‘Indian Catholic’, (
‘The new website is a comprehensive one giving more details about the Church 
in India with its various facets and it will also give daily update of church 
related news from across the country,’ states a press note by the CBCI 
spokesperson Dr Babu Joseph.
The website has also a regular column where eminent catholic writers will 
contribute on various issues concerning the Church in India, the press note 
In his message on the launch of the news website, Archbishop of Ranchi and 
President of CBCI Telesphore P Cardinal Toppo stated that more and more people 
in India now have access to the Internet. 
"They can use it at their discretion to get acquainted with Jesus’ Message as 
it is found in the life of the Catholic Church in India today," stated 
Cardinal Toppo.
"All people have the right to know. So the news is made available. The Church 
is in the public domain. All bona fide persons are welcome to inform 
themselves about it." 
"The news-website the CBCI launched on October 1 is meant to help truth 
prevail. The prevalence of truth will promote better understanding, justice, 
peace and harmony," Cardinal Toppo added.
- end - 


Melvyn S. Misquita,
Asst Chief of News Bureau,
Herald, Panjim, 
Goa - 403001 INDIA

Ph 1 : +91-832-2224202 (extn 231)
Ph 2 : +91-832-2224460 (extn 231)
Cell : +91-9422064707

[Goanet]Iraq Polls

2004-10-03 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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 Thanks Tim for your appreciation of my post and for your suggestion to send 
protest mail to the Prime Minister. One can write to him via his own website 
at the following address:-

---Tony Correia-Afonso

[Goanet]Will Saddam be made a saint next?

2004-10-03 Thread George Pinto
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>From Yahoo News, see story below on today's beatification by the Pope of an Austrian 
>Emperor whose
troops used poison gas.  For those interested in justice and equality and the 
second-class treatment of Indian Catholics by the Church, this news is as shocking as 
beatification of the founder of Opus Dei or the respect paid to the colonizer 
Columbus.  The
wrongful delay in canonizing Blessed Vaz is made even more relevant by the ongoing 
treatment of Europeans over others.  At the present rate, soon all of Europe will be 
The Vatican continues to loose credibility and respect with such actions.

See story at

"the Vatican had no business honoring a monarch whose troops used poison gas." 



2004-10-03 Thread Joel D'Souza
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Oct 02-03, 2004

   THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: "Adlo kall ek videx; thuimsor sogllem dusrech toren
kortat." (The past is a foreign country; they do things differently there.)
domnic fernandes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   Clips: Release of "Groove": A video clip on the release of a new
lifestyle magazine "Groove" in English, on October 1. Edited by Ethel da
Costa and published by Marathi daily "Tarun Bharat", the new publication
will be a supplement of the Marathi daily every Sunday. The magazine was
released at the hands of Wendell Rodricks.

   WHAT'S NEW: Check for today's
sports picture and a few inaugurations that took place on October 1.

LEAK ATTRIBUTED TO PIPELINE NEGLECT: Neglect of a 30-year-old pipeline is
being attributed to the major oil leakage at Kharevaddo late on October 1,
which sent thousands of litres of petroleum products into the sea, besides
threatening the lives of thousands in the port town. (H)

IOC OFFICIALS BOOKED:  The Vasco police have registered offences under
Section 285, 336 r/w 34 of IPC against the offices of the IOC, Terminal
Manager, Operations Manager, Safety and Maintenance Manager and the section
staff for negligence. (WE-GT)

VASCO PERCHED ATOP A TIME BOMB: Leakage or petroleum product from a pipeline
at Vasco has once again exposed the chinks in the armour of petroleum
companies in this port city. This is the second time that such an incident
has occurred in the port city of Vasco, the last one being reported on 12
July, 2002, when miscreants pierced the pipeline carrying petroleum products
from the port to the restive oil companies and pilfered oil. (WE-GT)

CASHEW FENI SHOULD BE PATENTED: NEGI: The Goa chief secretary, Mr Dev Singh
Negi, on October 1, said that Goa needs to bring in legislation whereby some
areas in the State could be declared as organic farming areas because
organic produce commands higher prices in the market. Mr Negi also suggested
that the cashew feni which is unique to Goa, should be patented before some
other entity patents it. Mr Negi delivered the keynote address at a one-day
conference on "Value addition in agriculture and horticulture produce in
 Goa", at which he was also the chief guest. (NT)

mirror that reflects the truth and journalists need to be fearless, stated
Datta Damodar Naik, while adding that "Vavraddeancho Ixtt" should strive to
weed out communalism and corruption prevailing in politics. Speaking at the
72nd Annual Day of V Ixtt held recently, at Pilar, Naik who was the chief
guest of the occasion congratulated the weekly for its long innings in
vernacular journalism. Naik further said V Ixtt was responsible for keeping
the common people informed in Konkani for many years. Earlier Fr Tony Lopes,
the Superior General of the Society of Pilar, congratulated the Editor and
staff of V Ixtt for infusing new life in the oldest weekly. Fr Peter Raposo,
the Editor of V Ixtt, said that inspite of the influence of globalization on
vernacular languages including Konkani, the Konkani weekly was growing in
strength and was widely read by the people. (WE-GT)

TAKE UP CAUSE OF KONKANI: MATANHY: Minister for Tourism Matanhy Saldanha
stressed the need to take up the cause for development of Konkani language
with all seriousness and dedication. Addressing a gathering of the Konkani
Bhasha Mandal at Aquem, Margao, Matanhy said acquiring knowledge of any
language is a big asset as it helps to communicate and disseminate
information effectively. (H)

Pandey, from Vasco had lodged a complaint with the police stating that one
woman from Kate-Baina allegedly forced her minor daughter into prostitution.
The CID/Crime Branch from Dona Paula conducted the raid and arrested the
alleged culprit. (NT)

CONDUCTOR ASSAULTS COMMUTER: A conductor of a bus plying on Panaji-Marcel
route allegedly assaulted a commuter for questioning him on the issue of the
fare at Patto, Ribandar, on 1 October. (GT)

FISHERMEN OPPOSE DREDGING OF RIVER SAL: The traditional fishermen along the
banks of River Sal from Betul to Chinchinim in Salcete have reiterated their
opposition to any plan to dredge the water channel beyond the river mouth at
Betul. The fishermen have argued that dredging of the river beyond the mouth
would destroy the rich marine resources and deprive them of their
livelihood. (H)


[Goanet]Drop-out trades (XLRI, Don Bosco SERI)

2004-10-03 Thread Frederick Noronha (FN)
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XLRI, Xavier Labour Research Institute of Jamshedpur in Jharkhand, has a Sigma 
club that interacts with the social sector and does consultancy work for NGOs. 
It recently did a project on school dropouts for the Don Bosco Self Employment 
Research Institute (DB Seri). Students conducted a survey in Liluah, near 
Kolkata, to identify feasible trades that these dropouts could gainfully engage 

I wonder if we in Goa could access this information. Even if it would not be 
directly relevant to our reality here, at least it could give some useful 
ideas. FN
Frederick Noronha (FN)   Nr Convent, Saligao 403511 Goa India
Freelance Journalist P: 832-2409490 M: 9822122436

[Goanet]Tipografia Rangel and Journalism in Goa

2004-10-03 Thread Teotonio R. de Souza
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 I wish to add a few more details to this thread of messages. In 1956 Goa
was celebrating 4th centenary of the printing press introduced by the
Jesuits in Goa. It is was possibly the first of the kind in Asia, though it
is known that first printed book has been found at Dunhuang, on the
silkroute in China, and it was done quite many centuries earlier.

As part of the above commemorations the Institute Vasco da Gama brought out
the issue nº 73 of its Bulletin dedicated to the theme. The Bulletin was
printed at Tipografia Rangel, and its owner Janin Rangel also included his
own article (text of a lecture at the Institute) entitled "A imprensa em Goa
 He mentioned therein that Vicente João Janin Rangel founded the Tipografia
in 1886 with limited resources at his disposal. He also paid attention to
the problem of writing Konknni in Roman script, and was particularly
interested in producing books with musical notation for the first time. The
first private printing press was set up in Margão in 1859 by Bernardo
Francisco da Costa. It was used to print a weekly entitled "O Ultramar"
(which survived at least till 1941). The other press was set up by Loiola in
1861 in Margão and later transferred to Orlim and to S. Tomé. Loiola's
published another weekly "A India Portuguesa". These two weeklies and a few
others that appeared in Bardez and were owned by Egipsy de Sousa (Calangute)
and the Count of Mahem, they permitted Goans to play active part in the
liberal politics of Goa in the second half of the 19th century. The priest
from Verna, Francisco Xavier Alvares, stood out as the most fearless critic
of the Portuguese regime and the Portuguese Church authorities through his
weekly *O Brado Indiano*. It became like a red rag for the Portuguese
authorities, particularly during the Rane uprisings that had left the
Portuguese administration helpless! Censorship of the press was imposed
during 1895-1897. The declaration of Portuguese republic gave  fresh impetus
to the press freedom in Goa and Luis de Meneses Bragança was the shining
star of the period, specially through his *O Debate* and *Pracasha*.  The
Salazar regime would come up with yet another period of press censorship,
but all in all, Goa can be proud of a rich history of journalism. Those
interested in knowing more about it could consult the writings of  F. N.
Xavier, A.M. da Cunha, H. Scholberg and Aleixo M. Costa, to mention only the
most important.

Teotonio R. de Souza

[Goanet]KRCL sky bus mishap

2004-10-03 Thread Miguel Braganza
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On Thu, 30 Sep 2004  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote
> Miguelbab:
> If you think that a sky bus test run is new science, then you are not upto
modern times.
> It has been also mentioned that there is no fire exit. Is that true?
> Samir Kelekar
Response: Dear Samirbab, You may think of yourself as ultra modern and me as
some dumbo. I will not dispute that.
Could you please enlighten me[ and other dumbos like me who happen to be on
Goanet] where one is supposed to jump from a fire exit in a Skybus...even if
it comes to a halt between stations.
Viva Goa.


2004-10-03 Thread domnic fernandes
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MANAMA:  Lourenco Fernandes won $250,000 (BD94,500) at the Ahli United 
Bank's Al Hassad Al Rabeh annual prize draw. Twenty-six other prize winners 
for other prizes were also announced. The certificates are redeemable at any 
time, pay interest and feature the shortest qualifying period of savings 
schemes. (GDN)

Domnic Fernandes
Anjuna/Dhahran, KSA
MSN 8 with e-mail virus protection service: 2 months FREE*

[Goanet]GoaNet[ Rules and Guidelines

2004-10-03 Thread Miguel Braganza
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Dear Admin Team,

Nice to have the Rules of operation re-stated simply. Jenifer has modified
the rules for Vascokars United and we have done so for Aldona Net, Mapusa
Net, and the Chillies-Net. Being a bigger Net group amongst the Goans, the
Goanet inspires other Netgroups. Of course, it is not the sole inspiration
as grouping  and bonding persons is not anybody's exclusive domain.

From: Herman Carneiro [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
1. Do not use foul or abusive language.
2. Do not engage in personal attacks.
3. Spam is not tolerated on this list. Goanet treats repeated postings,
 commercial posts, lengthy reposts of an earlier posting, among others, as
 If you're quoting an earlier post, quote the minimum.
 Goanet Administration Team:
 Herman Carneiro, Boston, MA, USA
 Vivian Coelho, San Francisco, CA, USA
 Fred Noronha, Goa, India
 Bosco D'Mello, Toronto, Canada
As requested by Fred, we will be listing Goanet on the PLUS tabloids.
Perhaps, there are Net-savvy people in Goa who have not heard of Goanet.
There definitely are quite a few 'lurkers' who are afraid to post for the
fear of having their postings ripped apart. there are others who enjoy being
spectators. ot all people on the stands in a stadium wish to play ball if
the opportunity arises. ;-))

Viva GoaNet.

[Goanet]Baina: another view

2004-10-03 Thread Miguel Braganza
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Dear Netters,

Baina Beach is seeing a spate of activity. It was the Freedom Rock on August
14 and soon we will have the V3 having a music event [Nov.21] One view is
that life is returning to normal in Baina. The other view is that life is
being 'normalized' in Baina to make it suitable for the hospitality business
[either a beach resort or a cruise terminal] without major risks to the
promoters thereof . All it needs now is sponsorship for events promoted by
gullible go-getters.  Shaila de Souza seems to indicate the latter scenario.
Everyone knows what the hotel trade has done to Vainguinim, Sinquerim,
Majorda and other beaches. Shaila is not an idle armchair writer:she has
been at Goa University's Centre for Women's Studies for many years [since
Sent: Friday, October 01, 2004 2:12 AM
 [Goanet]SPECIAL -- Sex, lies and red-tape. Baina.. the Emergency by Shaila
de Souza.
 The Future of Baina
 Interestingly, the entire Baina area has not yet been razed. What has been
 cleared and is feared to be further demolished is only the beach-front
 There are several 'unofficial' versions of what development is
 being proposed in the area. According to some sources, a four-lane link
road and expansion of the
 Mormugao Port is proposed. Some residents in the area believe that a luxury
 hotel is likely to come up. **Whatever, the actual land use that will
 access to the beach will be restricted for the common citizen.**

> 3. Considering the finding of the Committee that 250 cubicles are being
> used for carrying on sex trade, and the objection by the local community
> the District Collector of the concerned area is directed to take steps
> along with other concerned officers under the provisions of I.T.P.A. or
> other relevant laws. To close down the said cubicles by following the due
> process of law. If the said 250 cubicles constructions are illegal and on
> government or land belonging to local authorities then to take steps to
> evict the illegal occupants and then demolish them by following due
> process of law.

We know that more than 250 cubicles were demolished and that the drive went
well beyond the flesh trade.

Viva Vasco.

[Goanet]Why so few Mestico in Goa after 451 years?

2004-10-03 Thread Miguel Braganza
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Dear Neal,
Being simplistic simplifies nothing. There must be some historic or
anthropologic reason for the low mestico count in Goa. My surname[ Braganza,
or Braganca, is a place in Portugal] does not indicate a thing except the
clan to which I belong in the Communidade of Mapusa. Do you wish to suggest
that I am a mestico? ;-(   No, not anymore than you are chicken[ that is
what 'Pinto' means in Portuguese ;-)) ]
From: Neal Pinto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote
> Maybe we're wrong and ALL Catholic Goans are mestico
> There... is that what everyone wanted to hear?? ;) :)
> Neal Pinto
, Miguel Braganza
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Lobo is not an uncommon surname in Goa among Goans without even a hint
> > Portuguese blood, culture or language. Why there were so few Mesticos in
> > is still a mystery to me.
Viva Goa.

[Goanet]Groovy Groove.

2004-10-03 Thread Miguel Braganza
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Imagine a Marathi daily coming out with an English magazine in its Sunday
edition. Tarun Bharat has eliminated the need to imagine: it is already a
reality. The mag was launched at Hawaii beach [behind the Goa Police, Crime
Branch, Dona Paula] with a bang and music. It was by the sea...and the
"Hammerheads" were there.

Ethel da Costa has come a long way from the days at Herald and Femina and
Goa Plus and Femina to Tarun Bharat [literally, Young India]. It was
difficult to make sense of her column in the mindless translation into the
vernacular. Now you can read it like it is: in Zinglish. There is always a
zing in whatever Ethel writes in English.

If anyone had any doubts about the focus of the GROOVE, it would have been
dispelled by the photo [ by Farrokh Chothia]of the Goan model Mariam flying
in the clothes[ the little of them ;-)), at least  ] designed by Wendel
right on centre of page one. Next to it was the logo of Vijay Mallya's
favourite bird that's also flying. The sun,the sand and the 'see gals'
attitude with a dash of the spirit that unifies.

 See you folks for the "Celebrate Goa" festival from 19 to21 Nov., some
place in Goa.

Viva Goa.

[Goanet]Pros & Corpse

2004-10-03 Thread Miguel Braganza
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A week after the famous "Letter to the Editor" by the Public Relations
Officer of the Goa Police, the worthy PRO feels like a Pros : used and
abused! First he was forced to conceive and deliver a missive to Sujay. Now
he is being abused by the public for his illegitimate issue. Are we flogging
a dead horse? Has the Cop become a corpse?? Or a headless chicken running
around in circles??

In the meanwhile, Sujay has rightly suggested[ in the WEEKENDER] that the
Goa cops make a trip to Paradise ...via Anjuna, I guess.

Viva Goa.

Re: [Goanet]Australian/Goan Catholic wedding questions

2004-10-03 Thread President\(sgpiag\)
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Lawrence Rodrigues wrote:

QUESTION Could somebody who has been married in Goa,
please confirm whether the 
*date of
marriage* on the Marriage certificate issued by the
Civil Registrar in 
Goa is
the same as recorded in the Church certificate,

The dates do differ. For that matter whether it is the
Catholic Hindu or Muslim marriage the dates on the Cil
Registry differ from the respective religious records.

Terence Mazarelo
HELPLINE 24 hrs 9822158584
Tel +91 832 2731373

Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partner online
Go to:

[Goanet]Thanks Dominic !

2004-10-03 Thread Vivian D'Souza
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It gives me great pleasure to read Dominic Fernandes's
postings, evoking memories of childhood visits to Goa.
 I can visualize the kitchen, blackened by soot and
smoke from the fire, and the "ponti" casting
flickering shadows.  The kitchen as described by
Dominic could well have been my Grandparents kitchen,
except for a window near the
"Nanni" which overlooked the well, and from where
water was drawn with a copper cosso on a coir rope on
a pulley. Pleasant memories of the days gone by.
I wish Dominic, with his treasure trove of
information, would compile all his memories into a
book, with pictures of the various pots and utensils.
Thank you ever so much Dominic !

 Vivian A. D'Souza

[Goanet]Tidbits - Of a Dreamy Treaty Sunday

2004-10-03 Thread floriano
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Tidbits:  Of a Dreamy Treaty  Sunday

And unlike most dreary  Sundays, this Sunday the October 3, 2004 was a
treaty Sunday for me for it was a  real ball.

First, a Sunday not so dreary before this treaty Sunday, was a Sunday, that
made a brand new 'grandpa' out of me. And having resigned to the hatted,
booted, tailcoated,  cane in the hand pictures of great old grandpas of
yore, the  Sunday the 26 of  September, 2004 was a memorable one, because a
good friend of mine gave a ball of a party in 'Midaas Touch' to celebrate
his birthing day some sixty years ago so I could celebrate my being a
grandpa for the first time,  the Midaas Touch way. And true to the fact,
every empty glass that  I touched, turned out to be a glass full of whiskey.

Coming to this dreamy treaty Sunday, it was a feeling like being on the moon
traveling in "the eagle" carrying my brand new grandson home from the
maternity home, in my old, creaky maruti 800. Next, was to sit alongside
with the NCP chief of Goa, Dr. Wilfred D'Souza, to exchange a few heart to
heart words, over a samosa and a cup of tea, at the Moira club, not before
reminding him that the last time that had brought us together at the same
club saw him abandoning my company half-way through my vote of thanks in a
meeting of people where I was trying hard to convince them that a watch by
the name of 'clock' worn on the 'hand' does look good even if the 'clock'
had stopped working a long time ago. That was when he (Dr. Wilfred D'Souza)
lost by 50,000 votes to Shripad Naik of the BJP to help his clandestine
friend, Manohar Parrikar, to save his IIT'an shirt, in the General
elections, like Sonia Gandhi who refused to don  India's Prime Minister's
mantle only to save her good friend Sushma Swaraj a dreary diet of wet
channas for the rest of her life.

Coming home, there was a bonus waiting for me in a pile of Sunday
newspapers, where, going  straight to page 10 of the Gomatak Time's
"Weekender" and   'Alexyz Xacuti' describing a point to point commentary of
the encounter of Lord Parasurama and Gandhiji where Gandhiji is in Goa at
Lord Parasurama's coaxing to check on the progress of IFFI and having had
enough of it (IFFI) goes back to tell Lord Parasurama to strike another
arrow into Goa to undo the politicians and the builder's lobby. I do hope
that incase Lord Parasurama obliges, the arrow should strike the "Mahalaxmi"
at Altinho Panaji and turn it into a metallurgist's paradise so that Manohar
Parrikar can go back to his old passion of smelting metals to leave the
running of  politics to sensible persons.

And, that was not all. The NT Panorama had old Khushwant Singhji with  more
to say on 'Politicians' Antics' than Uma Bharati on the Tiranga and
Sanyassan tirades. Thanks to Uma Bharati's famous Tiranga Yatra, her paltu
followers can now use the tiranga ( India's tri-colours) for table cloths to
gamble with cards, eat food and to roll it over on the floor to have a cozy
nap, covering themselves with yet other tirangas to keep themselves warm
from the biting cold. And maybe the tirangas will come in handy in the
morning in the woods after  justice is done  to the anatomy through 'batli'

But I had to brush all the above absolutely aside to make way  for Rajesh
Singh's "Will IFFI wait be worth it?"  in Panorama's "reality check'. I have
known Rajesh Singh for a long time. And I have plain tagged him as Manohar
Parrikar's paltu kutta. But here was "His Master's Voice" clearing the way
for HIS MASTER  through the debris of the IFFI to be.  Like Khushwant
Singhji has said in his above piece that a politician dangles a carrot, a
foot in front of the ass's mouth to make it walk on and on in the hope of
getting at the carrot, so it seems that Manohar Parrikar has commanded his
'dog' to break the news to the Goan people that the infrastructure may not
be ready in time for the IFFI this November. And the dog, which is 'HIS
MASTER'S VOICE'  has done pretty well at that.

Mr. Rajesh Singh! Who are you trying to fool? When it all started, didn't
the people of Goa  say that Manohar Parrikar is biting more than he can
chew? That it would take a better part of two to three years to do what is
being planned? Wasn't he his arrogant IIT'an self in maintaining that it
could be done in 8 months? Does he now realize that his chums in GSIDC on
whom he relied,  may not be able to wrangle it? More than that, is it now
not apparent that the happiness of a lot of people in Goa, specially of
Panjimites has been screwed up these past few months so that Manohar
Parrikar's chums may make a lot of money in a giffy from IFFI?  Yo

[Goanet]Why passports are photocopied at Goa Airport ?

2004-10-03 Thread
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Something fishy and funny has been noticed at the Goa
(Dabolim) Airport, specially when one is travelling by
Indian Airlines and Air-India on the direct Goa-Kuwait
or Goa-Dubai-Kuwait flights respectively.  The
immigration counter staff after playing with the
keyboard for a good ten minutes and screening your
features for a couple of minutes more, and taking
their own sweet time (chatting is part of the duty),
walks away and photocopy some of the pages of the
passport?  Why? Strange, indeed.

Is this procedure required?  If so, what is the
purpose? Who authorized such a thing and entrusted the
immigration counter staff to do?  Why this is only
done at Goa airport and not other Indian airports?
And why only passports of Goans. In the last couple of
years I have been to atleast 10 major airports in
Europe and the Middle East and have not experienced
anything similar.

The said cases have been brought to light to the South
Goa's Member of Parliament, Churchill Alemao, who was
on a short visit to Kuwait a few days back and who
promised to look into the matter and stop harrassment
of the Goans and others who use the international

Will the Chief Minister and the Home Department also
check it out and clarify the need for such a 'task' of
xeroxing passports, inspite of entering the passport
details, visas, etc. 

Who do the immigration staff make the passengers go
counter to counter as if doing the 'Station of the
Cross' before proceeding to the final 'station' i.e.
security check.

I once read Jawaharlal Nehru-ji having remarked: 
Ajeeb hai hea Goa ke log? 
Very true, indeed.


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2004-10-03 Thread Cip Fernandes
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By Constantino Hermanns Xavier

BEING THE largest Portuguese-speaking country in the world, Brazil is
necessarily the first port to be docked at in this global trip to
Lusophonia. Following three centuries of Portuguese rule, Brazil became an
independent nation on 7 September 1822. By far the largest and most populous
country in South America, enjoying vast natural resources and a large labour
pool, Brazil is today a global economic power and a regional leader. Its
population stands at 169 million (2000), 86% are literate, and its federal
capital is Brasilia. The GDP per capita is $7,600 (2003 est.; India $2,900).
Brazil ranked 69th in the Human Development Report released by the United
Nations in 2001 (India ranked 115th). It is approximately the size of the
United States of America.

This surely is not the place for a lengthy analysis of the rich historical
links between Brazil and Goa. It is enough to remember that the Portuguese
transported the coffee plant from India to Brazil in the 18th century and
the cashew nut travelled the other way, from Brazil to India. Another
example is the Brazilian Jesuit priest Francisco de Souza, the missionary in
India in the second half of the 17th century who was Superior of the
Professed House of Bom Jesus in Goa.

But let us instead draw the attention to this contemporary period. There are
nearly 1500 people of Indian origin and 400 Non-Resident Indians in Brazil
today. If we have to choose one individual as the founder of contemporary
Goa-Brazil relations, it would be Prof. Froilano de Mello, who after being
ostracized by Salazar’s dictatorship for his staunch defence of Goan civil
rights and an independent Goa, migrated to Brazil in 1951. Sao Paulo has a
street named after him, while the local Medical College has named one of its
halls in his honour.

Then there is Prof. Eduardo Judas de Barros, heading the Department of
Afro-Asian Studies at the State University of Londrina, in Paraná. More
recently, renowned Goan artist Mario Miranda has also been to Brazil to
promote his work and various cultural projects. A Goan living in Rio de
Janeiro, Rui do Carmo Costa, has released the book “Da Sagrada Índia ao País
do Carnaval” on Goa, Brazil and India.

Sao Paulo, the metropolis where most Brazilian-Goans live.
Regarding Brazilians in Goa, it is impossible to ignore the legacy of
worldwide reputed intellectual Gilberto Freyre, who created and studied the
concept of luso-tropicalism. He saw it as a transnational lusophone identity
with its common denominator in the Portuguese colonial experience. Having
visited Goa only for a short period, yet he successfully identified its
distinctive capacity of assimilating and transforming Lusitanian colonial

Then there was the historical visit of one of Brazil’s most brilliant
contemporary writers, Cecília Meireles, in 1953. She was warmly welcomed in
Goa and in New Delhi she made friends with Jawaharlal Nehru and was given an
Honorary Doctorate by the University of Delhi. More recently there has been
a new wave of Brazilians rediscovering Goa, as footballers looking for a
career opportunity, as young tourists or as artists and writers.

What prospects are there for the future, considering the emergent
India-Brazil-South Africa (IBSA) axis? The main political leaders of these
countries have been discussing mostly commerce and international trade. But
the conclusions of the last IBSA Dialogue Forum Trilateral Commission
Meeting held in New Delhi in March show that this is now spilling over to
such diverse areas such as oceanography, Antarctic research, development of
joint education programmes, E-Governance etc.

Brazil has also taken the initiative of actively promoting the Portuguese
language in India. There is a Brazilian Chair at Jawaharlal Nehru
University, New Delhi, as well as at Goa University. Goa can and should
explore this Brazilian interest. There is a Memorandum of Understanding
between the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro and Goa University, but
other academic exchange and joint research programmes may be explored. Not
only in social sciences studies, but also the rich common heritage in
botany, agriculture, or tropical medicine.

The airfare between Goa and Brazil makes tourism hardly viable but why not
focus on regular cultural exchanges? Brazil’s Carnival is known worldwide,
and Goan groups could surely learn much from a samba troupe touring India.
Could we have some musical interaction, in new Brazilian styles such as jazz
and salsa with traditional Goan dances and folklore? Regarding investments,

[Goanet]Goa Football Association will benefit from MoU with Porto (Portugal) varsity: Messias

2004-10-03 Thread Cip Fernandes
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GFA will benefit from MoU with Porto varsity: Messias
NT Sports Reporter

Panaji Oct 2: Goan football will benefit immensely from the Memorandum of
Understanding (MoU) signed by the Goa Football Association (GFA) and All
India Football Federation (AIFF) with Portugal’s famed Universidade do Porto
(University of Porto), according to the secretary of GFA, Mr Savio Messias.

“Our emphasis continues to be on youth development and the MoU is mainly
aimed at improving Goa’s youth development programme which in turn will help
the game progress at the grassroot level,” stated Mr Messias while
addressing the media in the city today.

This week, the GFA represented by Mr Messias and Mr Jovito Lopes, member,
had accompanied Dr Susana de Sousa, Director of Youth Affairs, who had led a
7-member delegation to participate in the 10th Congress of Sports Sciences
and Physical Education of Portuguese-speaking nations, which was hosted by
the Faculty of Sports Sciences and Physical Education of the University of
Porto, Portugal, from September 27 to October 1 where the MoU was signed.
While Mr Alberto Colaco, secretary, represented the All India Football
Federation (AIFF), Dr Damodar Bounsulo, president, Sports Medicine
Association of India (Goa), and member of Sports Authority of Goa, Mr
Jawahar Dias, president, Spider Football Club, and Dr Aldrin Mascarenhas,
director of PE at DM’s college, Assagao were the other members of the

According to Mr Messias, the signatories will cooperate in improving the
standard of football coaches and players, scientific and technical
investigation and consultation, tournaments and event organisation, exchange
of experience, elaboration of programmes that will aim towards the
development of football in Goa. “ The University of Porto is supported by
the Portuguese Olympic Committee and FC Porto, part of Portugal’s football
trinity - Benfica and Sporting being the other two. Portugal’s standard in
world football is rising again. And Goa has only to gain from the MoU which
will of 3 to five years duration for the initial period. It could be
extended for successive periods of the same duration,” he added.

The GFA, according to the MoU, will send two under-16 footballers to train
with FC Porto players of the same age group for one and half month. A Goan
coach will also be sent with the duo to monitor their progress and also
learn the training skills and techniques and methods used by the Portuguese
club. Besides this, FC Porto teams will be invited to participate in Goan
tournaments, seminars will be organised on coach training by FCDEF-UP

The process of selecting the two players to take the trip to Portugal will
start from tomorrow. “The final round of the 27th sub-junior (U-16) national
football championship to be held in Goa from October 3 to 8 will serve as a
selection trial for the state lads. At the end of the championship, our
panel of experts will select two Goan players after evaluating their
performances,” Mr Messias said.

Mr Messias stated that the MoU has materialised because of persistent
efforts of Dr Susan D’Souza. “On her earlier visits Dr Susan made special
efforts so that the MoU could be signed,” he pointed out.

Meanwhile, the former FIFA president, Dr Joao Havelange, who is now the FIFA
Honorary president, is likely to visit Goa in July next year. “We gave Dr
Havelange a formal invitation after he expressed his desire to visit Goa
when we met him. Dr Havelange will attend a FIFA function in Singapore
slated to be held in July next year and after the function he will be coming
down to Goa,” Mr Messias added.

[Goanet]Goa: Schedule Tribe communities to get 12% reservation - Gawada, Kunbi and Velip

2004-10-03 Thread Cip Fernandes
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ST communities to get 12% reservation
NT Staff Reporter

Panaji Oct 2: The Chief Minister, Mr Manohar Parrikar today announced that
reservations for Gawada, Kunbi and Velip communities of the state, which
have been recently included in the scheduled tribe category, would soon be
increased from the existing 7.5 per cent to 12 per cent.

Speaking after inaugurated the office of the newly-formed Goa State
Scheduled Tribes Finance and Development Corporation Ltd in the city, Mr
Parrikar observed that education was the only factor which could bring about
a sea change in the ST communities in the state. And for this purpose, the
board of the corporation should try to implement all education-related

He also assured an assistance of Rs 60 lakh for providing a hostel to ST

The Chief Minister stated that if the government finds the ST population in
the state is more than that has been shown by a recent survey then it would
be ready to increase the facilities, proportionately.

Mr Parrikar said that his government had made efforts to accord the ST
status to Gawada, Kunbi and Velip communities not for garnering votes or
gaining cheap popularity. “If social problems are linked to selfish motives
then no solution would emerge,” he observed and stressed on the need to
eliminate the practice of using the ST communities for winning elections by
certain political parties.

He pointed out the need to put a leash on the vice of alcoholism as observed
in some ST communities. “A large number of ST members consume adulterated
alcohol and lose their lives at a very early age,” he stated, adding that
the government would run an insurance scheme for newly-married couples from
these communities to ensure a safe future for their families.

The Chief Minister announced that the Universal Mediclaim Scheme for Goa,
which was to be implemented from October 2, 2004, would now be launched on
December 19, later this year, as some modalities were still being worked
out. Mr Parrikar also stated that the entire Kumeri-related survey would be
completed by year-end.

Speaking on the occasion, the Social Welfare Minister, Mr Ramrao Dessai said
that a recent survey report of the backward commission had revealed that the
percentage of ST population in the state is 12.06 per cent and that there is
no question about denying the same. “However, if needed, the government
would undertake re-survey of Goan ST communities from a recognised agency
after carefully studying all the legal aspects,” he assured.

Speaking about the ongoing delimitation process for assembly constituencies
in the state, Mr Dessai said the work was being carried out by the
Delimitation Commission with reference to the Census 2001, “However, the
government would furnish fresh details as well as inputs about the state ST
communities to the commission,” he informed.

The GSSTFDC chairperson and Transport Minister, Mr Pandurang Madkaikar said
the directors of the board of the corporation would brief him about the
problems faced by the ST members in their respective areas, which would
range from Kumeri cultivation to Mundkari issues. He also appealed to the ST
community members to refrain from making unreasonable demands to the

Mr Madkaikar observed the government should implement central schemes meant
for the ST communities, besides making special budget provision for the

In his welcome address, the corporation vice-president, Mr Prakash Velip
said the United Tribal Alliance Association had already forwarded a
memorandum of its 34 demands to the government, urging ST members to avail
the benefits provided by the newly-formed corporation.

He also stated that the recent survey on ST communities would help the
government in implementing its reservation policy.

The North Goa MP, Mr Shripad Naik, the social welfare secretary, Ms
Debashree Mukherjee, the North Goa collector, Mr S S Keshkamat, the Sanguem
MLA, Mr Vasu M Gaonkar and the GSSTFDC managing director, Mr Sanjeev Gadkar
were also present on the occasion.


2004-10-03 Thread ACC GENERAL - CYPRIANO
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Mogall Goanetters,

Outubrachi 4 tarik amkam khup moladik karann he tarker
Bab Domnic Fernandes (Anjuna/Dhahran, KSA) hacho zolm dis.  Bab Domnic 
Fernandes ho Goanettar Konknintlean boroupi zo sogleank lokpriya zalolo
assa aplea buroupant, hantun bilkul dubau nam.  Aicho dis anik ek kherit
khuxealkaiecho dis karann aiz tachi malgoddi dhu VALENE aploi zolm dis 
monoita.  Tor hea khoxechea dissak Bab Domnic anik tachi dhu Valene
hankam un-unit zolm disachim porbim anvddetanam, hanv ho mozo dakttuloch
verse tankam bhettoitam anik mojea navan toxench soglea Goanetters
navan mojea kallzache khoraek thaun mhunttam "Khuxeal zolmancho dis"

Tuzo mogall,

Cypriano Fernandes
(Riyadh. K.S.A.)


D omnic, zolmancho aiz dis tuzo
O soch sodanch hanson khellon sarcho
M agtam Devan sodanch tuka khuxeal dovorcho
N astannam koslench dukh, oputt denneanim bhorcho
I nglezin tossoch Konknni boroun ukol kortai mhun Maim bhaxecho
C hodd anik chodd feliz zaum poddon axirvad Devacho

F attlo kall purvinlo, pun tum gostan tacher lekh boroita
E nglish lekh boroun, Konknintleanui tacho onnkar korta
R uch tujea boroupachi Goanettar sogleank posraita
N iz Goenkarpon rakonk boroupant aplea ulo marta
A ichea dissak chintop - khorench bhejeak sarem dita
N ennar asleleank Goenche sonskrutaie vixim voddun vorta
D evan tuka sodanch bore saudin dovorcho ho mozo aiz hetu vortouta
E kach avazan, sogleanchea navan "Happy Birthday" tuka anvddeta
S orvesporan tuka lamb auk divumchem Goanettar meulelea mojea ixtta

V alene vat tum uzvaddachi
A purbai tum tujea mama papachi
L han aslem, vhodd zalem ghevun savlli tanchi
E kttich mogall bhoinn tum Aldenachi
N ovea vorsant tujea tum bhitor sortannam
E k khuxeal zolm dis tuka favo zaunk kortam prarthnam

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[Goanet]September 2004: Some statistics from Goanet

2004-10-03 Thread Frederick Noronha (FN)
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Overall statistics
Statistics created on: Sun Oct  3 17:12:50 2004
Total number of messages: 1321
Total size: 3236KB
Total number of lines: 78060
Average lines per message: 59
Total header length (lines): 5666
Average header length (lines): 4
Average line length: 27245
The header is on average 7.26% of the message (lines).
The header is 7.94% bytes in size of the total.
Average number of bits information per byte: 3.9563
Top subjects
   | # msgs|av size| total|time| subject
  1]  9|   1074|   9KB|| [Goanet]Goa in 2004 vs Portuguese Goa
  2]  9|973|   8KB|| [Goanet]Dr. Froilano de Melo
  3]  8|   1991|  15KB|| [Goanet]_VM_
  4]  7|   2440|  16KB|| [Goanet]Another view on Riband...
  5]  7|   2414|  16KB|| [Goanet]Re: AN UPDATE ON THE RIBANDAR..
  6]  6|   2577|  15KB|| [Goanet]Life in the U.K.
  7]  6|   2470|  14KB|| [Goanet]RIBANDAR CHURCH SAGA
  8]  6|   2149|  12KB|| [Goanet]Why so few Mestico in Goa...
  9]  6|   1613|   9KB|| [Goanet]Re: Issue of closing discussions...
 10]  6|   1520|   8KB|| [Goanet]RE: HELMETS!
Created with mboxstats; written by [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Frederick Noronha (FN)   Nr Convent, Saligao 403511 Goa India
Freelance Journalist P: 832-2409490 M: 9822122436

Fw: [Goanet]From one Bharati to a Goan

2004-10-03 Thread cornel
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- Original Message - 
From: "cornel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, October 01, 2004 4:53 PM
Subject: Re: [Goanet]From one Bharati to a Goan

> Bernardo,
> Thanks for your reply. Unfortunately, I did find it rather convoluted.
> Firstly, you appear to think that a Goan is not a Bharathi/Indian. Surely,
> very strange!
> Secondly, I am not sure how you can arrive at a view that I shunned
> Portuguese education when it was never on the agenda for me except by way
> a personal interest in the language. What on earth is the  point you are
> making on this?
> Thirdly I do not know what being "clayish" means.  Fourthly,  I don't know
> to which/what  5% you refer. Finally, I am puzzled that you have referred
> me as Professor and got my name spelt incorrectly.
> Unfortunately, there appears to be  no mileage in this correspondence.
> Nevertheless, many thanks once again.
> Cornel
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Bernado Colaco" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Friday, October 01, 2004 10:38 AM
> Subject: Re: [Goanet]From one Bharati to a Goan
> > Hi Professor Coronel,
> > Is it my fault that you shunned Portuguese education?
> > (You claim to be a bit of clayish). Your analogy about
> > Portuguese people and 5 percent was a massive mishap.
> > What especifically do you want to know dear Professor?
> > B. Colaço

[Goanet]Aitaracheo Kaskutleo: Sweetie I'm Hot

2004-10-03 Thread lino dourado
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   Sweetie I’m Hot
BAIL: Oh, come on honey. 

GHOV: Mhaka bejear korinakai. 

BAIL: Chodd vell lagchona. 

GHOV: Uprant mhaka nhidunk tras zatle. 

BAIL: Tachea viret mhaka nhid iena. 

GHOV: Moddean ratik osle vichar koxe ietat. 

BAIL: Kiteak, ghormi choddlea. 

GHOV: Ani heach vellar? 

BAIL: Tuka mhoji apurbai asli zalear oxem toren hanv
poratchim naslim. 

GHOV: Ani tuka, mhojo mog aslo tor, tum mhojem chintam

BAIL: Tum atam mhojo mog korinai? 

GHOV: Na! Aiche ratik visor. 

BAIL: Dukhan toxem sukhan ami bhas dileli. 

GHOV: Hangasor to prons iena. 

BAIL: (--roddtta--) 

GHOV: Ok..Ok. Ogi rav. Hanv kortam. 

BAIL: Kitem zalem? Torch kiteak zai? 

GHOV: Mhaka melona. 

BAIL: Ai saiba! Hatan poxe nhi? 

GHOV: Ho poi pavlo. Khuxi? 

BAIL: Oh, yes honey. 

GHOV: Itkoch puro mhu? 

BAIL: Hoi, hoi titloch puro. 

GHOV: Atam sust nidhe. Ani dusre khepek varem zai
zalear tuvem kudd utthun fan-acho ‘switch on’ korcho.
Mhaka zagoinakai 

Lino B. Dourado 


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[Goanet]Re: Catholic wedding: a sacrament

2004-10-03 Thread Vidyadhar Gadgil
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This approach to the issue of marriage on the part of the Catholic has
always struck me as peculiar. In case of marriages between Catholics and
non-Catholics, the issue often comes up, as the Catholic half of the
union tends to be very attached to the sacrament and therefore insists
on it being carried out -- in addition to the civil wedding. 

This is peculiar, especially since 'secular' laws like the Special
Marriages Act have been created specifically to enable marriages without
religious trappings, and this is particularly useful to marriages
between people of different religions. Else, everybody insists on
carrying out what their faith prescribes, and people get married twice
or even thrice.

Maybe the Church needs to relook at its position and accept that
'secular' procedures are equally valid? 

The Christian marriage is regarded as "sacrament",
while the non-Christian marriage is not. This point is debatable
and some
Catholic theologians do not like the distinction, but it is
still held.


2004-10-03 Thread Teotonio R. de Souza
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 Some time back there was an interesting  stream of messages on Goanet
related to Goan traditional medicines. Could someone explain what are the
symptoms and causes of what was known (or is still known) in Goa as
*kôli-khônkli* (a persistent and shrill cough)? What was the traditional

Teotonio R. de Souza

[Goanet]Australian/Goan Catholic wedding questions

2004-10-03 Thread Lawrence Rodrigues
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(Posting again as the earlier post thru seems to have got lost in
cyberspace) :-))

> Alfred de Tavares <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> All over the world where Roman canon law, or derivatives thereof, is
> followed, a marriage to be legally obtaining, has to be civilly registered
> irrespective of its being blessed in Church, Temple or Mosque.

Beg to differ, Alfred.  In India (excluding Goa, AFAIK), for Catholic
marriages, the Church is also recognised as the *Civil Registrar*  There is no
need to be *married* at the State Civil Registrar's Office.

> Whether the civil aspect is carried out in one country and the religious one
> in another creates noproblem.
> I was married to my Swedish wife, Eva, in 1973, civilly in Stockholm, 1973
> and a couple of years later, in our village church in Loutulim, Goa.

What then is your *marriage date*? If you had a child before the *church
marriage* would that child be considered legitimate?

Do believe that Chris' question:

> >Although the registry office marriage might mean nothing to her, in
> >Australia (and all other places that I know of) the church recognises this
> >marriage, and so in the eyes of God we are already married (and cannot
> >subsequently get married in a church - except for just a renewal of vows).
> >So I don't understand how we could get married again in Goa, and it mean
> >anything. She tells me that she knows many people who have done this, but
> >it doesn't make sense to me.

is about having *two* marriage dates.  Believe that is the dilemma.

Could somebody who has been married in Goa, please confirm whether the *date of
marriage* on the Marriage certificate issued by the Civil Registrar in Goa is
the same as recorded in the Church certificate, please?



2004-10-03 Thread ACC GENERAL - CYPRIANO
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Mogall Goanetters,

Outubrachi 4 tarik amkam khup moladik karann he tarker
Bab Domnic Fernandes (Anjuna/Dhahran, KSA) hacho zolm dis.  Bab Domnic 
Fernandes ho Goanettar Konknintlean boroupi zo sogleank lokpriya zalolo
assa aplea buroupant, hantun bilkul dubau nam.  Aicho dis anik ek kherit
khuxealkaiecho dis karann aiz tachi malgoddi dhu VALENE aploi zolm dis 
monoita.  Tor hea khoxechea dissak Bab Domnic anik tachi dhu Valene
hankam un-unit zolm disachim porbim anvddetanam, hanv ho mozo dakttuloch
verse tankam bhettoitam anik mojea navan toxench soglea Goanetters
navan mojea kallzache khoraek thaun mhunttam "Khuxeal zolmancho dis"

Tuzo mogall,

Cypriano Fernandes
(Riyadh. K.S.A.)


D omnic, zolmancho aiz dis tuzo
O soch sodanch hanson khellon sarcho
M agtam Devan sodanch tuka khuxeal dovorcho
N astannam koslench dukh, oputt denneanim bhorcho
I nglezin tossoch Konknni boroun ukol kortai mhun Maim bhaxecho
C hodd anik chodd feliz zaum poddon axirvad Devacho

F attlo kall purvinlo, pun tum gostan tacher lekh boroita
E nglish lekh boroun, Konknintleanui tacho onnkar korta
R uch tujea boroupachi Goanettar sogleank posraita
N iz Goenkarpon rakonk boroupant aplea ulo marta
A ichea dissak chintop - khorench bhejeak sarem dita
N ennar asleleank Goenche sonskrutaie vixim voddun vorta
D evan tuka sodanch bore saudin dovorcho ho mozo aiz hetu vortouta
E kach avazan, sogleanchea navan "Happy Birthday" tuka anvddeta
S orvesporan tuka lamb auk divumchem Goanettar meulelea mojea ixtta

V alene vat tum uzvaddachi
A purbai tum tujea mama papachi
L han aslem, vhodd zalem ghevun savlli tanchi
E kttich mogall bhoinn tum Aldenachi
N ovea vorsant tujea tum bhitor sortannam
E k khuxeal zolm dis tuka favo zaunk kortam prarthnam

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[Goanet]Fw: Open Letter To The Voters Of Poinguinim

2004-10-03 Thread goasuraj
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- Original Message -
From: goasuraj
Sent: Sunday, October 03, 2004 8:46 AM
Subject: Open Letter To The Voters Of Poinguinim


OCTOBER 3, 2004

Dear Poinguinim voters,

On October 13, 2004,  you will be casting your 'valuable vote' in these
forced bye-elections. You are, no doubt, in a dilemma of "whom to vote".
Your once abandoned, little thought of, far away Constituency has suddenly
come into the limelight. All political parties are trying to please you,
appeal to you, brow-beat you , inducing and urging you to go and vote in
their favour, their candidates. And you are dazzled with the weighty offers
of 'all round developments', of offers of 'government jobs', jobs through
setting up of 'mighty industries'; new roads, bridges, this scheme and that
scheme;  the heaven itself.

There is the Congress, which so much as didn't even look your way, nor did
it bother to find out what was happening to you (kidney failures),  for the
past many years of its rule. Now, you see its office bearers and partymen in
droves at your doorsteps, apologizing for the past mistakes, asking you for
forgiveness, begging you to vote for its candidate once again, brainwashing
you through blaming its own ex-MLA for having duped you and the party to
change sides. The MGP and the UGDP and even NCP which are shedding
'crocodile tears' with the Congress in these bye-elections seem to be having
their feet firmly planted on TWO BOATS with their respective MLAs supporting
the BJP  openly and/or clandestinely.

There is the ruling BJP, which has not bothered to so much as put a single
nail in your Constituency for the past almost 4 years, penalizing you for
voting to elect Isidore Fernandes in the last assembly elections. Having
brazenly induced and bribed him to change sides, it  has fielded this
turncoat as its candidate, promising you everything under the sun, if you
will elect him again. You have the pleasure of the Chief Minister himself
begging you for your vote at your doorsteps, promising your sons and
daughters government jobs in return. You will, in all sincerity, ask
yourselves the question: "Why this change in heart, Now?  Why not before?
Can we trust him?"

October 13 will be recorded in the history of Goa's politics, as well as in
the history of 'Democracy', as a 'Lucky' or  'Unlucky' Day,where a
'PRECEDENT' will be set. The moot question is: " SHALL YOU, OR CAN YOU ALLOW

You, dear POINGUINKARS, have the power to set this precedent right, to make
October 13 a splendidly 'Lucky Day' for Goa'. Vote en mass  to DEFEAT
Isidore Fernandes. Not for the reasons that the Congress and its shifty
allies are giving you. DEFEAT Isidore Fernandes to 'arrest the moves' of
other ambitious and self-centered  MLAs, who are waiting for your verdict,
to follow in the footsteps of Isidore Fernandes, should you vote to re-elect
him, the real reason which the Congress and its allies have kept away from
you. Vote to DEFEAT Isidore Fernandes to send a distinct signal to these
other MLAs  in waiting, that they too will be rejected, downright.

You are being told by Isidore Fernandes himself; by his friendly eminent
lawyers, by the BJP itself, that his move to resign as CONGRESS MLA and
re-contest on the BJP TICKET  is 'politically correct'. You must REJECT this
argument whole-sale. If Isidore Fernandes' move was 'politically correct' he
would not have re-contested on the BJP ticket. He would have re-contested as
an 'Independent'. A person will not shift ideologies overnight from 'secular
' to 'fascist'.  No matter what Isidore Fernandes and others tell you, you
must believe that  this is happening only for the love of the COLOUR OF

Thank you.

Yours Sincerely,
(Floriano Lobo)
Goa Su-Raj Party
2nd. Floor, Karakar Building,
Angod-Mapusa - 4003 507
Tel: 2266111

[Goanet]Does Goa have sufficient 'social capital' to propel it forward?

2004-10-03 Thread Frederick Noronha (FN)
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Social capital "refers to the collective value of all 'social networks' 
and the inclinations that ' and the inclinations that arise from these 
networks to do things for each other," according to Robert Putnam, author 
of Bowling Alone

and the concept's leading exponent (though not its originator). According 
to Putnam and his followers, social capital is a key component to building 
and maintaining democracy.

The term "capital" is used by analogy with other forms of economic 
capital, as social capital is argued to have similar (although less 
measurable) benefits, and as a result is now considered by institutions 
such as the World Bank in deciding policy. Social capital is also argued 
to have a host of other benefits for societies, governments, individuals, 
and communities; Putnam likes to note that joining an organization cuts an 
invidual's chance of dying in the next year in half.

However, social capital may not always be beneficial. Horizontal networks 
of individual citizens and groups that enhance community productivity and 
cohesion are said to be positive social capital assets whereas 
self-serving exclusive gangs and hierarchical patronage systems that 
operate at cross purposes to communitarian interests can be thought of as 
negative social capital burdens on society.
Civil society or civil institutions are the total of civic and social 
organizations or institutions are the total of civic and social 
organizations or  institutions that form the bedrock of a functioning 
democracy. Civil society groups advocate and take action primarily for 
social development and public interest.

Examples of civil society institutions:
* non-governmental organizations (NGOs)
* private voluntary organizations (PVOs)
* peoples' organizations
* community-based organizations
* civic clubs
* trade unions
* gender, cultural, and religious groups
* charities
* social and sports clubs
* cooperatives
* environmental groups
* professional associations
* academia
* policy institutions
* consumers/consumer organizations
* the media
* citizens' militia
* organized religion
Care to share your thoughts on this subject? FN
Frederick Noronha (FN)   Nr Convent, Saligao 403511 Goa India
Freelance Journalist P: 832-2409490 M: 9822122436

[Goanet]Live Chat

2004-10-03 Thread Jimmy Fernandes
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AIM software is accessible to anybody - anywhere in the world - for free.

I can honestly say, this tool (or any such similar tools) could be of immense use to 
get Goans from around the world and help bounce some ideas in real time. My primary 
interests are investments in business opportunities in Goa. If it gets interesting, we 
could even have some Goa ministers (or even the Chief Minister - he is tech savvy) to 
join us and have them give us their inputs, such as, what business opportunities exist 
in Goa, or what they could do for us - and what we could bring to Goa. Business 
ventures is just one area we could use this tool. But it could be used for just about 
anything - Teenager's and kids can use it to make penpals with other Goans around the 
world, or Singles can meet up there and get hooked!

Networking, as we are all aware, is a really powerful means, to get like minded people 
to get together and do something.

In this day and age, the politicians in Goa should use such tech tools to get Goan 
NRI's to invest in their homeland. They don't have to make expensive trips to foreign 
countries to get investments. Moreover, such tools can get people from all over the 
world involved in the discussion, in one chat place - without spending any tax payer's 

I could take the lead in helping non techies on GoaNet to get started on AIM (if that 
the choice of the majority). It's really very easy - you shouldn't have any problems.

AIM software, if I remember correctly, is fairly easy to download and install. The 
whole process could be accomplished in less than half hour. All you need to do is:
1. Go to
2. Click on 'Download Now' to download AIM 5.9 (It works on Windows 98 and higher)
3. Click on 'New Users Click Here'
4. Create a screen name (login ID) and select your password. This could be a little 
   as you would have to select an ID that is not in use and that could take a few 
5. Fill in a few more details such as your gender, DOB, zipcode, country of residence
   and you are done.

Once the software download is complete, just install it in your desired folder.

That's it and you are ready to use. And it's free. After that, all we need to do is, 
get into a chat room with a designated name and show up there at a pre-arranged time.

Jim Fernandes.
New York/New Jersey.

> Jimmy, I'm open to the idea. It would be good to meet up, despite the 
> fact that (i) I'm not very sure how we people outside the North American 
> continent can get onto AIM and (ii) night-time access is most practical 
> (and lowest-cost) for us here. Willing to take the lead on this? FN 
> On Thu, 30 Sep 2004, Jimmy Fernandes wrote: 
> > For starters, we could have guys come in and chat on any Saturday 
> > morning (For folks in the US) - it would be mid-afternoon for folks in 
> > Europe; Would be Saturday night for folks in Goa and would be Sunday for 
> > folks in ANZ block. We could exchange some ideas - things such as 
> > pportunities in Goa to start businesses or any other related topics. We 
> > could experiment and see how it plays out  is anybody up for this? 
> > 
> > The younger crowd can open their own thing as well. 

[Goanet]DirtyBomb Plot

2004-10-03 Thread Gabe Menezes
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Just one week after our
story shook the world...
'Dirty bomb plot'
three in the dock
By James Orr

THREE men appeared in court yesterday accused over an alleged dirty bomb
plot following a News of the World investigation.
Roque Fernandes, 43, and Abdurahman Kanyare, 52, both of Edgware, north
London, and Dominic Martins, 44, of Stanmore, Middlesex, were charged under
the Terrorism Act.
They are accused of having involvement in a plot to supply dangerous
radioactive material to a third party between July 20 and September 25 this
The three-dressed casually in sweatshirts-spoke only to confirm their names
and addresses.
They sat in silence and listened attentively as the charges against them
were read out during a five-minute hearing at Horseferry Road Magistrates'
Court, central London.
The court then heard how the defendants had been arrested last week by
detectives from the Metropolitan Police Service anti-terrorist branch after
allegedly attempting to buy radioactive material.
Under Section 17 of the Terrorism Act 2000 they were charged "that they
entered into, or became concerned in, an arrangement as a result of which
money or other property was made available, or was to be made available to
another, and knew or had reasonable cause to suspect, that it will or may be
used for the purposes of terrorism".
Miss Sue Hemming, prosecuting, alleged: "These three men were involved in an
arrangement whereby a substance called red mercury was going to be supplied
for the purposes of terrorism."
She added that the radioactive material, costing £200,000 to £300,000 per
kilo, had "no legitimate use".
The three were remanded into custody to appear before Bow Street magistrates
on November 1.
A police van escorted by an unmarked police car later sped the three away
from the court to an undisclosed prison.
The charges follow a six-week undercover investigation by our reporter
Mazher Mahmood and his team-revealed in last Sunday's News of the World.
The scoop sent shockwaves around the world.
Posing as a Muslim extremist, he arranged meetings with the suspects,
secretly recording their conversations.
And unknown to the trio, the News of the World also worked closely with
Scotland Yard's anti-terrorist experts.
On September 24, a final rendezvous with the suspects was agreed at the
Holiday Inn at Brent Cross, north London.
But after tipping off Scotland Yard, teams of surveillance officers and
armed marksmen surrounded the high-rise building.
Then, as the suspects left the building, anti-terrorist cops pounced.
And in seconds the stunned men were pinned to the ground at gunpoint and
arrested. A fourth man was later arrested at this home in north London.
Deputy Assistant Commissioner Peter Clarke, head of the Metropolitan Police
Service anti-terrorist branch, said: "After consultation with the CPS three
men have been charged with offences.
"We are grateful to the News of the World newspaper for contacting us with
the information that started this investigation."
A Scotland Yard source explained: "This is the first time a newspaper
investigation has led to terrorism charges being laid."
DO you have a story? Call us any day on 020 7782 1001 or email us by
clicking here.

[Goanet]Re: People's Court

2004-10-03 Thread Miguel Braganza
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Bernado Colaco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote
> I guess the Police situation  you have described is
> worse than the actions of agente Monteiro?
> B. Colaço
Dear Bernado,
Agente Monteiro had a image that he maintained through his
actions,detestable though they might have been. These men in Khaki hardly
know what they want. Ask Shamba Sawant tomorrow why he did what he did while
sitting in the PRO's chair. I doubt he will know the answer. He may even
live to regret that he did it at all. That was not the case with Agente
Monteiro. One must give the devil his due.
Viva Goa,


2004-10-03 Thread domnic fernandes
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“Ami amkanch kelelem amchea morna barabor kabar zata, punn dusreak kelelem 
(What we have done for ourselves dies with us, but what we have done for 
others remain)

Domnic Fernandes
Anjuna/Dhahran, KSA
Help STOP SPAM with the new MSN 8 and get 2 months FREE*


2004-10-03 Thread domnic fernandes
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It is said that a housewife’s best place in the house is the kitchen and 
that’s because in the olden days she spent the greatest part of her life in 
a kitchen.  Hence, the bigger a kitchen the happier a wife felt as it gave 
her the freedom to move about in her own way.  In the fifties and the 
sixties kitchens were not as spacious as today’s kitchens, and were not 
furnished with sophisticated electronic appliances.  Life was commensurate 
with the environment.  Here is the description of a general kitchen of 

Most people cooked on the floor but those who could afford to spend a little 
money, would build a small kitchen unit out of stones.  The unit measured 
approximately 5’L X 2½’W X 3’H.  The top slab rested on three single stone 
walls – two on each side and one in the middle thus creating two storage 
compartments underneath on either side.  While one compartment held 
“foddlelea zollovachim kanttiam” (big broken pieces of firewood) and “suke 
chirlele pidde” (cut-open dry coconut leaf stems), the other held 
“xirputtam” (small firewood sticks), “sonnam” (coconut husks) and “kott’tteo 
(coconut shells).  All the firewood, including xirputtam, sonnam, chuddtam 
(coconut leaves), kott’tteo, etc. was stored in a “kolvachi khump” - a 
storage place made of bamboo and coconut leaves.   Two tri-stone “chuli” 
(fireplaces) were usually installed on a slab.

Very few people had zinc utensils.  Almost all of the kitchen utensils were 
made of clay.  Obviously, those were the potter’s days.  Do you remember the 
good old saying “Kumbarak moddki dhodd nam?” Roughly translated it means 
that the potter supplies pots to everybody but does not have one for himself 
in good condition.  Here are the names of utensils and other kitchen 
appliances that were used in those days:

“BUDKULO” – A small earthen pot used for preparing tea, cuzument (herbal 
medicine), etc.

“MODDKI” – A medium earthen pot used for cooking rice, canji (soft rice), 

“MODDKO” – A large earthen pot used for warming water for the bath.
“MANON” – An earthen pot used for serving “canji.”
“TOULI” - A small earthen utensil used for preparing vegetables, curries, 

“KUNNLLEM” – A medium earthen utensil mostly used for preparing curries and 

“TIZAL” – A large earthen utensil used especially for cooking large 
quantities of sorpotel, roast meat, vindalo, etc., at weddings, feasts, etc.

“MALTULO” – A small earthen bowl.
“MALTI” – A large earthen bowl.
“KAIL” – A frying pan.
“KAILONTTO” – A wooden spatula used for scooping/lifting fish, meat, etc.
“TOVO” – A broken bottom piece of an earthen pot used for frying chapatti, 
kailoieo, etc.  Those who could afford would buy a metal one.

“BANNXIREM” - A rag.
“NIUNNEM” – A thick ring made of hay on which earthen utensils were placed.  
(Do you remember women’s hair styles of the early sixties - “Niunneacho 
Xenddo” on the head?)

“KURPONN” – A lid made of bamboo to cover a buddkulo, moddki, moddko, etc.  
(Do you remember the good old saying: “Tempa pormonnem matheak kurponnem?”  
The last word is derived from the word “kurponn” which was available in 
different sizes.

“KONNFO” – A rectangular wooden frame used for draining rice.  Once the rice 
was cooked, the “xitachi moddki” (rice pot) was tilted and rice water 
removed.  A “kurponn” was placed on the opening of the “moddki,” then tilted 
and placed diagonally on the “Konnfo,” thus enabling the remaining water to 
fall into a poop-shaped earthen container also known as “konnfo.”

“FUNKPACHI NOLLI” – A small piece of metal pipe to blow on the fire in the 

“KODDIECHO DOULO” – A shallow ladle made of a coconut shell and a bamboo 
stick used for serving curries, vegetables, etc.

“XITACHO DOULO” – A hollow ladle made of a coconut shell and a bamboo stick 
used for serving rice.  We had a house in Gaumvaddy, Anjuna, known as 
“DOULEAKARNIGHER”.  It was so named because the family made “DOULE” on a big 
scale for sale.

“KULER” – A big spoon.
“KULERIN” – A small spoon.
“KANTTO” – A fork; was used for pricking roast meat.
“VATTLI” - A brass plate; it was available in three sizes - small, medium 
and large.

“MANDD” – A round, flat wooden lid with a small handle; it was available in 
different sizes.

“PITTACHI MANND” – A round, slightly curved piece of wood around 10” in 
diameter with small feet underneath on which chapattis were rolled.  Those 
who could not afford to buy it would use a “bankin” (small flat wooden 
stool) instead.

“LATTNNI” – A wooden cylinder about 16 inches long and an inch and half in 
diameter used for rolling chapattis.  Thos

[Goanet]For The Lighter Side !

2004-10-03 Thread Seb dc
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Rest Smart

Once there were a group of man - a young hot-blooded guy and a big number of
old folks, doing timber job in a jungle (i.e .chopping down trees).

This young chap is very hard working. He always continues to work through
his break time and complains that those old folks were wasting time, having
to break few times a day to drink and chat.

As times goes by, this young guy noticed that even though he worked thru'
break time and hardly took a rest . those old folks are chopping the
same amount of trees as he did and sometimes did more than he did. It was as
if those old folks work thru' the break time as he did. So he decided to
work harder the next day .unfortunately the results were even worse.

One day, one of the old folk invited him for a drink during their break
time. That young guy refused and said he has no extra time to spend! Then
the old man smiled to him and said "It was just a waste of effort to keep
chopping trees without re-sharpening your knife. Sooner or later you will
give up or be so exhausted as you have spent too much energy." Suddenly the
young man realised that actually during break times while those old folks
were having a chat, they were also re-sharpening their knife at the same
time! And that's how they can chop faster than him and yet spending lesser
time! The old man said "What we need is efficiency by making use of our
skill and ability intelligently. Only then can we have more times to do
other things. Otherwise you will always keep saying ... I have no time!"

The morale :-

By taking a short break during work, it would make you feel fresher, think
better and work better after the break! (or am I just finding excuse to take
a break?)

But by taking a break, it is not to stop work but to rest and re-think our
strategy to go about it from another angle.

Think smart, work smart and rest smart.

hAVE a nICE dAY!!