2004-10-27 Thread Aires Rodrigues
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The Ribandar molestation case in which the local Parish Priest Fr. Newton
Rodrigues has been accused of allegedly molesting a 13 year old girl in the
church premises has taken a bizarre twist with the Investigation officer of
the case Police Inspector Mrs. Ezilda D' Souza reportedly having sought a
transfer claiming that she did not have the moral courage to charge-sheet
the Parish Priest.

Mrs. Ezilda D' Souza who is attached to the Crime Branch, which has been
investigating the case, is herself also a Roman Catholic and hails from
Ribandar too.

This stand of the Police Inspector has angered many who feel that if the
Inspector cannot fearlessly and courageously do her duty and uphold the law,
she should be ask to quit or dismissed from service for apparent gross
dereliction of duty.

It may be recalled that the Old Goa Police station had on 18th August 2004
registered an F.I.R against Fr. Newton Rodrigues based on a complaint from a
13 year old Ribandar girl that on the pretext of taking confession the
Parish Priest Fr. Newton Rodrigues took her to a room in the church and
molested her.

The F.I.R against Ribandar Parish Priest Fr. Newton Rodrigues for offences
under section 354 IPC (molestation) and section 8(2) of the Goa Children's
Act, 2003 though registered at the Old Goa Police station was later
transferred to the Crime Branch at Dona Paula for further investigation.

Crime Branch Police Inspector Ezilda D' Souza had in a statement before the
Panaji bench of the Bombay High Court on 16th September submitted that the
investigation of the alleged molestation case was at the last stage and that
the charge sheet against Fr. Newton Rodrigues was being filed shortly.

A contempt of Court petition now filed against Police Inspector Mrs. Ezilda
D' Souza for not having complied with this undertaking is pending before the
High Court.

During the course of investigation the police recorded the statements of
over 14 witnesses and the Executive Engineer PWD was also asked to draw a
sketch of the scene of offence. A Women's rights NGO Bailancho Exvott had
also investigated the case and submitted its report to the Director General
of Police.

Meanwhile nothing is yet known about the outcome of the inquiry ordered by
Archbishop of Goa Filipe Neri Ferrao in the matter and action if any that is
being taken under the provisions of Canon law which guides the social
conduct and behavior of the clergy.

The molestation issue has virtually split the parishioners of Ribandar with
some having tried to hush up the matter by feeling that the priest should be
forgiven. However another group has been demanding that no one can be above
the law and that the priest should face the Court of law as any other
citizen. Many feel that the Bishop's palace should have taken prompt and
deterrent action on the issue. A large section of the Ribandar parishioners
have however chosen to be neutral on the issue and are presumably waiting
for the outcome of the police investigation, as are other curious
parishioners across Goa as this case has evoked considerable interest and
has been a topic of conversation Goa wide.

Aires Rodrigues

[Goanet]For The Lighter Side !

2004-10-27 Thread Seb dc
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 Life Explained
On the first day God created the dog. God said, "Sit all day by the door of
your house and bark at anyone who comes in or walks past. I will give you a
life span of twenty years."

The dog said, "That's too long to be barking. Give me ten years and I'll
give you back the other ten." So God agreed.

On the second day God created the monkey. God said, "Entertain people, do
monkey tricks, make them laugh. I'll give you a twenty-year life span."

The monkey said, "How boring, monkey tricks for twenty years? I don't think
so. Dog gave you back ten, so that's what I'll do too, okay?" And God

On the third day God created the cow. God said, "You must go to the field
with the farmer all day long and suffer under the sun, have calves and give
milk to support the farmer. I will give you a life span of sixty years."

The cow said, "That's kind of a tough life you want me to live for sixty
years. Let me have twenty and I'll give back the other forty." And God
agreed again.

On the forth day God created man. God said, "Eat, sleep, play, marry and
enjoy your life. I'll give you twenty years."

Man said, "What? Only twenty years! Tell you what, I'll take my twenty, and
the forty the cow gave back and the ten the monkey gave back and the ten the
dog gave back, that makes eighty, okay?" "Okay," said God, "You've got a

So that is why the first twenty years we eat, sleep, play, and enjoy
ourselves; for the next forty years we slave in the sun to support our
family; for the next ten years we do monkey tricks to entertain the
grandchildren; and for the last ten years we sit on the front porch and bark
at everyone.

Life has now been explained to you.

(Source Unknown)


hAVE a nICE dAY!!

[Goanet]Re: A Must Read before you Vote

2004-10-27 Thread Mario Goveia
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The ignorance that is "bliss" on the deaf, dumb and blind left-wing is truly 
1. They continue to say that we rushed to war with Iraq, whereas we waited for 
12 long years while giving UN sanctions and 17 UN resolutions a chance to 
work.  Where were these ignorant critics while Saddam was brutalizing his own 
people and thumbing his nose at the whole world and looting the oil-for-food 
program, aided and abetted by the evil regimes in France, Russia and China, 
who had apparently assured him that they would protect him with their UN 
vetoes.  Tens of thousands of innocent Iraqis died as a result from a lack of 
food and medicines, yet they shed crocodile tears for the 1100 brave American 
who volunteered to shed their blood to liberate 50 million Afghans and 
Iraqis.  As usual, they give a pass to the glib, flim-flam artist who preceded 
Bush, who was all talk and no action, failed to react to a series of attacks 
against us, failed to apprehend Osama Bin Laden when he was offered up by the 
Sudan, and succeeded only in  emboldening Osama, leading directly to 9/11.
2. They continue to say that Iraq "had no WMDs" without the intellectual 
integrity to ask what happened to the WMDs he admitted having in 1991 and has 
never accounted for.  This blindness requires a total ignorance of all the 16 
UN resolutions on this topic since 1991, and of the 17th UN resolution 1441, 
which threatened "serious consequences" not just continued sanctions, which 
France, Russia and China were trying to eliminate.
4. They continue to praise John Kerry's "global test" with no cognizance of 
the fact that Kerry failed his own global test when he voted against ejecting 
Saddam Hussein from Kuwait.  The invasion of Kuwait met even Syria's criteria, 
but not Kerry's.  If he couldn't vote to defend an ally against an invasion, 
when will he ever use force to defend anyone.
5. They continue to rail against the job losses in the US with no cognizance 
of the recession that Bush inherited and the bursting of the phony dot.com 
bubble, no cognizance of the CEO scandals that were germinating throughout the 
Clinton 90's and were exposed and prosecuted under Bush, no recognition of the 
economic losses caused by 9/11, all of which has been reversed by Bush in 
record time.  Had he not cut taxes when he did we would have had an economic 
disaster on our hands by now.
5. And where are all the incredibly ignorant NRIs who seem completely blind to 
the planned attack by John Kerry on free trade and outsourcing as a payoff to 
his union supporters, all of which will severely impact emerging countries 
like India.  Kerry seems totally ignorant of the benefits to the US of 
insourcing and talks of outsourcing as if it is a one-way street, showng his 
callous disregard for the country as a whole.
6. Finally, think about two major national embarrassments if Kerry wins.  One, 
what kind of a message would it send to the Islamo-fascists, who will hail 
this as a victory for their side.  Second, imagine what a message it will send 
to the world that the 44th US President (God forbid!) is a war hero - to the 
Viet Cong, and has a special place of honor in the Ho Chi Minh War Museum for 
his role in helping their cause.

Chris Vaz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Your response is too simplistic. It is easy to Monday morning quarterback, 
but after 9/11 we had no option but preempt any future possibility of attack 
on us. It is insulting to say we had only the UK in our coalition and snub 
New Europe who have lost personnel, and older countries like Italy, Spain 
(didn't have the endurance unfortunately), Australians, et al. GWB did all 
he could to persuade, short of going down on his knees, the French, Germans 
and the Russians but they adamantly refused to join. As recently as a few 
days ago, both France and Germany have reiterated that they would not join 
us in Iraq even if a new Kerry administration comes in. The reason, now 
being revealed, is that these countries profited considerably under the Oil 
for Food program and didn't want to let go of the gravy train!

Yes, wars are never cheap, and the cost to preserve freedom can be high. We 
should not forget that this administration inherited a recession after the 
technology bubble had burst and it was like handing Bush a hand grenade with 
the pin pulled out.. In the long run it is far cheaper to fight the war on 
terrorist terrain than fight it on our soil just as the consequences of 9/11 
proved. Unfortunately, it does take a degree of spending to bring a country 
out of recession and recent economi

[Goanet]Re: Outisiders make life miserable for Goans

2004-10-27 Thread Frederick Noronha
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Interesting ;-) Do you too get called the same, or do they have a special 
derogatory term for Goans? Likewise, what do you think of terms like 
Goanese, Maca Pau, etc? FN

On Wed, 27 Oct 2004, Bernado Colaco wrote:

> In HK an indian is called acha (from acha hai). In the
> UK paki.
> B. Colaço

[Goanet]RE: Bringing food products from India to the UK

2004-10-27 Thread Tony Soares
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Hey, does that apply to feni and chourisam?

Tony Soares

[Goanet]Re: A Must Read before you Vote

2004-10-27 Thread Bosco D'Mello
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On Tue, Oct 26 22:40:07 2004, "Chris Vaz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:



RESPONSE: Chris..do I hear that familiar chant out of you.4-more-years !
4-more-years ! 4-more-years ! 4-more-years !

It's less than a week.electioneering has hit the crescendo !!

Best wishes - Bosco

Goanet - http://www.goanet.org - Goa's premier mailing list is 10 years old

[Goanet]Re: Dabolim, Churchill and Alemao

2004-10-27 Thread Bosco - Goanet Volunteer
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On Wed, 27 Oct 2004 02:13:12 +, "gilbert menezes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Fred,
> 10 harriers have suffered accidents over a period of 20 years.  The Navy 
> acquired 31 harriers since 1984.  You can draw your own conclusions.
> regards,  Gilbert.

RESPONSE: Gilbert, I think Diana made a sincere mistake by mentioning MIGs when
she probably meant Sea Harriers. And it's not all "hogwash".

Here is a breakdown of crash locations of the 10 Sea Harriers that have crashed
courtesy: http://www.warbirdsofindia.com

04May88   Near Goa
27Jun88   Chengalpattu dist 2 pts BO
09Jun92   ???
09Dec92   ???
02Aug94   INAS Dabolim Cdr Rana Killed. Trainer
08Feb96   From Goa - missing during nightflying over sea.
30Sep97   Dabolim, Cr in Sea (25 minutes after take-off from Goa/Dabolim at 0755
23Nov98   Cr in Indian Ocean Pt bo
25May01   Cr near Canacona . TO from Dabolim
24Aug03   Cr in sea off Goa - tech failure during ldg phase

7 of the 10 crashes have occured in the vicinity of Goa. In my mind it is
obvious that Dabolim vis-a-vis Goa is a significant base/location for the Navy.
Having said that it is unclear what if anything will change once Seabird becomes
operational. I am leaning towards Gabriel's analysis that the state
Government(s) and probably other politicians have been indoctrinated to forget
about Dabolim and to go about building another airport. Hence MOPA !!

Philip mentioned the Kochi airport - was this airport developed as a
Public-Private partnership or was it built purely with funds raised from
Keralites - NRI and local entrepreneurs ??

Re the Coast GuardWest Coast District HQ are located at Porbandar, Mumbai,
Mangalore, Cochin (Kochi), Daman and Goa.

Best wishes - Bosco

Goanet - http://www.goanet.org - Goa's premier mailing list is 10 years old

Re: [Goanet]A Must Read before you Vote

2004-10-27 Thread Mervyn Lobo
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Marlon Menezes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> The only positive with Bush from an Indian
> perspective is that he has not spoken against 
> outsourcing. While this is painful for american 
> workers, it is great for India. It is not a 
> surprise therefore that most of India's 
> establishement supports Bush's relection.

Many thought that Billy Bob Clinton was America's
first "black" President. Personally, I think that
George W. is America's first "Indian" President. 

On the other hand, may be he is America's first
"Chinese" President :-) Anyone who gives tax breaks to
companies sending American jobs to foreign countries
deserves some recognition

Post your free ad now! http://personals.yahoo.ca

[Goanet]Four years of Manohar Parrikar

2004-10-27 Thread Frederick Noronha (FN)
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Goa's media has, over the past week, been evaluating the four-year term of 
chief minister Manohar Parrikar. What do you think of his achievements, 
negative traits, failures and setbacks?

Is Parrikar one of the best chief ministers (if not *the* best)
that Goa has seen, as suggested by some of his supporters?
Has he achieved something that both his Congress and MGP
predecessors failed to do? Is he working wonders for the
infrastructure of urban Goa? Is he prime ministerial material,
as one newspaper query asked in a recent interview?
Or is Parrikar simply going along a media and party-generated hype, that puts 
him on a high pedestal needlessly? Are his achievements coming at a very high 
cost, that involve loans which are only still inadequately understood. Does he 
fit the classic dictator mould as his critics suggest -- party corruption, 
pompous self-serving rhetoric, viscous police-state tactics, running virtually 
a single-man government, cronyism?

What has helped him to stay on in office, bucking the trend of political 
instability (which, incidentally, the BJP also contributed to majorly at least 
since 1994)? What are the main achievements and failings of his term in office? 
If you had something to suggest, what would it be?

It might be interesting to hear diverse views of how Goanetters perceive the 
issue. Unlike in the mainstream media, you don't need to be someone eminent or 
prominent in public life, in order to have your views heard via the Net. FN

Re: [Goanet]A Must Read before you Vote

2004-10-27 Thread Tim de Mello
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"We should not forget that this administration inherited a recession after 
the technology bubble had burst and it was like handing Bush a hand grenade 
with the pin pulled out."

By the same token we should not forget that Clinton inherited an economy 
that was already devasted by the Bush Sr. but managed to turn it around in 
four years.

Bush Jr. inherited a huge surplus (not a recession) - and yes there were 
problems soon after he took over but he is no Clinton. Not even close. It 
was just poor governance. Nobody called Clinton a "moron" or "stupid" 
publicly. It is a very popular thing for the Republicans to dismiss eight 
years of good governance because of a single personal misdeameanour in the 
last few months of his presidency. I just feel sorry for all the Americans 
who have lost their jobs because of this administration. A bad economy in 
America negatively affects a large part of the world.

For those in India who may be not aware - being jobless in America is a very 
miserable experience. Particularly in the cold months. For many the choice 
is "to eat or to heat".

I hope the Americans do not vote Bush Jr. back into office.
Tim de Mello
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[Goanet]Thread hijacking

2004-10-27 Thread Frederick Noronha (FN)
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I had raised this issue earlier, in another context, and would like to do so 
again. Really, I don't think the subject-line should be used as space in which 
we score cheap points (or take potshots) against those we are debating an issue 

This would amount to what Netiquette guides call "thread hijacking".
To cite one example, a post which starts off as "Matka Numbers" suddenly 
becomes "Re: [Goanet]Roy, Joe, Hugo and Fred's matkaphobia". Other posters 
tend to carry on with the same thread, without quite realising the small 
game that's being played out.

Not that I mind these cheap shots, but does it make for ensuring quality debate 
on Goanet? Below is an extract which is also relevant. FN

 When starting a new thread don't just reply to a message sent by
 someone else and clear the subject line.  Not all e-mail and news
 clients behave like yours and will thread messages correctly based
 on the "Message-ID:", "In-Reply-To:" and "References:" headers
 embedded in the messages. Only programs which don't comply with
 Internet standards sort messages by subject and call that
 "threading".  When you simply change the subject of a message, all
 of the threading information remains intact and your new "thread"
 simply continues at the end of the old one. This is called thread
 By doing this, you're  shooting yourself in  the foot twice over.
 First of all, people following a thread don't want to see unrelated
 messages cropping up in the middle of it.  The most complacent will
 just delete your message without reading it, others will killfile
 you, some having complained to you asking you to learn how to post.
 Secondly, those who aren't interested in the hijacked thread and
 who have set their programs to ignore it won't even see your
 If you want  to start a  new thread  then use your
 mailer's/newsreader's "New Message" function. This will start a
 fresh thread of your own without any traces of previous threads.

Re: [Goanet]A Must Read before you Vote

2004-10-27 Thread Chris Vaz
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Your response is too simplistic.  It is easy to Monday morning quarterback, 
but after 9/11 we had no option but preempt any future possibility of attack 
on us.  It is insulting to say we had only the UK in our coalition and snub 
New Europe who have lost  personnel, and older countries like Italy, Spain 
(didn't have the endurance unfortunately), Australians, et al.  GWB did all 
he could to persuade, short of going down on his knees, the French, Germans 
and the Russians but they adamantly refused to join.  As recently as a few 
days ago, both France and Germany have reiterated that they would not join 
us in Iraq even if a new Kerry administration comes  in.  The reason, now 
being revealed, is that these countries profited considerably under the Oil 
for Food program and didn't want to let go of the gravy train!

Yes, wars are never cheap, and the cost to preserve freedom can be high.  We 
should not forget that this administration inherited a recession after the 
technology bubble had burst and it was like handing Bush a hand grenade with 
the pin pulled out..   In the long run it is far cheaper to fight the war on 
terrorist terrain than fight it on our soil just as the consequences of 9/11 
proved.  Unfortunately, it does take a degree of spending to bring a country 
out of recession and recent economic indicators suggest that the country is 
on the right track.  We must persevere if we are to win...

- Original Message - 
From: "Marlon Menezes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, October 27, 2004 2:02 PM
Subject: Re: [Goanet]A Must Read before you Vote

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The issue is not necessarily the war itself, but
rather the shabby way it has been conducted by this
administration. The incompetance is stunning and US
tax payers like me are now paying for this stupidity.
Unlike his father, Bush rushed into this war with no
allies worth mentioning (except for the UK). In the
first war, the coalition provided over 200,000 troops
and around 70% of the funding for the war (roughly 20
times more what it got this time around). The war is
currently costing the US tax payers around $100
billion per year and if the present administration
remains in power, it is unlikely to get any
significant help from any of the nations that can
really help. Stated in other words, if Bush wins, the
US tax payer and the US armed forces will have to
continue to sustain the Iraq burden for several more
years to come.
This incompetance is linked to the fact that this
administration is governed by its christian right wing
ideology, rather than factual/knowledge based decision
making. The anti-science stance of this adminstration
is well established.
Besides the above, the other big negative with regards
to Bush is the lack of financial accountability of his
administration. Despite having his party in control of
both houses as well as the white house, federal
government spending has grown at the fastest rate for
almost half a century. In this age of large deficits,
last thing we need is a money grabbing larger
The only positive with Bush from an Indian perspective
is that he has not spoken against outsourcing. While
this is painful for american workers, it is great for
India. It is not a surprise therefore that most of
India's establishement supports Bush's relection. Bush
has used these "improvements" in America's relations
with India as an example of his foreign policy
successes. The reality is that anti-americanism is
very high in India (as it is in much of the world) and
that Indians are only playing ball because they love
American money more than they hate this American

--- Chris Vaz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  "Without question, we need to disarm Saddam
Hussein. He is a brutal,
murderous dictator, leading an oppressive regime ...
He presents a
particularly grievous threat because he is so
consistently prone to
miscalculation .. And now he is miscalculating
America's response to his
continued deceit and his consistent grasp for
  of mass destruction... So the threat of Saddam
Hussein with weapons of
mass destruction is real."
  Sen. John F. Kerry (D, MA), Jan. 23. 2003

Re: [Goanet]A Must Read before you Vote

2004-10-27 Thread Frederick Noronha(FN)
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Hi Marlon: Are you suggesting that if Bush had handled the war/invasion of 
Iraq (pick your term) in an "un-shabby" or more "competent" manner, then 
you would have not have had a problem with his Presidency and his 

Half-seriously, it's perhaps time for the rest of the globe to have a say 
in the US elections, since the result has such far-reaching consequences 
for all of us. Are you only looking at the impact on the US tax-payer?

You seem to suggest you would have been happier had the "allies" paid a 
larger chunk of the war bill. But is this really the issue? Even if seen 
only from a US perspective?

Do you see Republicanism as something different from Democrat politics, or 
are these just two sides of the same coin? Would one necessarily have 
different consequences for the planet?

In your concluding para (part of the text deleted for brevity), you seem 
to suggest that India is a monolith, and that everyone views the US rather 
uniformly from here. That this is untrue is clear from the fact that the 
BJP was a pretty good ally of Bush, and vice versa. They seemed to 
understand each other's conservatism. Since May 13, 2004, the equation has 
changed, in part because people and parties like Bush and the BJP tend to 
create a broad-based coalition of interests against what *they* stand 
for. And I'm not talking about the politics of religion here. Had it not 
been for the BJP in India, it would have been unthinkable of the Congress 
and the Communists in the same boat, a situation the polarisation now has 
resulted in.

"Anti-Americanism" is a catchword that is insufficient to explain things. 
I guess anyone sitting in the US, and getting the local media's view of 
the world, would not appreciate the many issued involved. One doesn't need 
to read Asterix comics to realise that the Romans weren't quite popular 
in their days of Empire ;-) FN

On Wed, 27 Oct 2004, Marlon Menezes wrote:
The issue is not necessarily the war itself, but
rather the shabby way it has been conducted by this
administration. The incompetance is stunning and US
tax payers like me are now paying for this stupidity.
Unlike his father, Bush rushed into this war with no
allies worth mentioning (except for the UK). In the
first war, the coalition provided over 200,000 troops
and around 70% of the funding for the war (roughly 20
times more what it got this time around). The war is
currently costing the US tax payers around $100
billion per year and if the present administration
remains in power, it is unlikely to get any
significant help from any of the nations that can
really help. Stated in other words, if Bush wins, the
US tax payer and the US armed forces will have to
continue to sustain the Iraq burden for several more
years to come
The only positive with Bush from an Indian perspective
is that he has not spoken against outsourcing. While
this is painful for american workers, it is great for
India. It is not a surprise therefore that most of
India's establishement supports Bush's relection. Bush
has used these "improvements" in America's relations
with India as an example of his foreign policy
successes. The reality is that anti-americanism is
very high in India (as it is in much of the world) and
that Indians are only playing ball because they love
American money more than they hate this American

[Goanet]GOANET READER -- Purpose, dignity and peace ... for our elderly?

2004-10-27 Thread GoanetReader
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By John Eric Gomes  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Porvorim Goa (Tel 2412578)

The Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment has a National Policy which
promises to help the elders in society live the last phase of their lives
with purpose, dignity and peace. The previous government had formed a
National Council for Older Persons (NCOP) in 1999, to implement the National
Policy. This Council has met only twice in the last six years.  Suffice it
to say, most people on this Council, the conference felt, are unsuited for
the job.

The  National Policy visualises the following: (i) functional security (ii)
health-care and nutrition (iii) shelter (iv) education and training (v)
appropriate senior citizen concessions, rebates and discounts (vi)
strengthening legal rights of the elderly to safeguard life and property
(vii) financial assistance for the destitute and also old age homes, day
care centers, and mobile medicare units. 

There is also an Annapurna Scheme of free food-grains.

The Ministry of Finance has specific concessions like exempting senior
citizens (here its for those over 65 years), from the one-by-six scheme for
filing Income Tax, rebate of Rs 15,000 or actual tax whichever is less,
another Rs 15,000 medical insurance, higher bank interest rates, and special
senior citizens savings schemes with LIC and the Post Office. 

In addition, the Ministries of Railways, Civil Aviation, Road Transport,
Telecommunications are also noticing senior citizens, in line with the
national policy. The Chief Justice of India has advised the chief justices
of all high courts in the country to accord priority in cases involving
older persons. 

But, as per the wider malady of our country, the usual lofty ideals
are marred in actual implementation by rules and laws, and the
hypocritical or lackadaisical attitude during implementation.

Goa recently hosted a two-day conference of The National Coordination
Committee of Associations of Senior Citizens of India (NACCASCI), and with
the opening of a premises as office in Margao, is pitch-forked onto the
national scene. 

Since I was an invitee to the conference, I could informally talk to
the delegates who came from all over India. The plight of the
majority (except for only about 10% of the 77 million of our
elderly, out of these 5% who are even looking after others) is
indeed dismal.

It was possible for the writer to caution the chairman that we need
positive thinking to face the challenges of aging and not a list of
woes and demands for concessions and freebies, like is being done by
the freedom fighters after 57 years of Independence, much to the
disgust of the public!

The demographic profile of senior citizens the world over is fast changing,
in as much as people who live longer are not in ill health or invalid, and
in fact can be quite productive. 

A few examples were given. 

* Lord Roll of the House of Lords is the author of the classic
History of Economic Thought, and is an active, lively inquisitive 96
years old.

* Who has not heard of Alan Greenspan, now 78 years old, guiding and
directing economic policies of USA, the world's most powerful
economy for the last about 18 years. 

* In India we have 105 years old Dr Chandiramani of Mumbai, who in
July 2004 was felicitated by the Maharashtra government as the
oldest working general practitioner in The Bombay Hospital.

* When C.K.Mathews retired from Atomic Research Center Kalpakkam, he
mortgaged his house to become an entrepreneur and started a new
business with just one helper. Now, at 69 years, he walks briskly,
has 25 employees and has created a Rs 50 million business. 

At the Margao conference, 87-years-old Laura Dias from Vasco, got up from
her wheel chair, mounted the steps to the dais, addressed the audience with
gusto and ended singing, "You Will Never Grow Old". 

These few examples should inspire those who feel life ends at 65!

Although  in percentage terms, India has a senior citizens population of
only 7.7%, that is almost close to the entire population of Germany!
Incidentally while listening to World Radio Network, it was interesting to
hear that today the senior citizens in Germany are those with the most money
to spare. The young are busy working and saving, so advertising agencies are
targeting the senior group with older models.  A m

Re: [Goanet][GoanVoice-UK] Newsletter. Issue 2004-40. Oct 21, 2004

2004-10-27 Thread Eddie Fernandes
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I apologise to GoaNet for dragging out this farce but I am at a loss to 
understand how I can prove that I have written what I have not!

If Gabe cannot come up with the proof what is his agenda?
- Original Message - 
From: "Gabe Menezes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
RESPONSE: It seems that we have reached an impasse, it is like pulling
teeth, to get an apology - this being the case, it is just not worth
pursuing. I shall not even invoke the assistance of the Sage of Saligao in
this matter. Eddie Fernandes, your contention is that you do not know 
the email in which you accused me of raping the GOA (U.K.) Ltd and/or do 
remember this incident.  As God is your witness; (I trust you believe in
God, either faith or causes and effects)  you contend that you have no
knowledge of what I am referring to, I shall call it a day on this and 
on! It is not just a matter of an apology but also -  this is paramount - 
matter of credibility and integrity.

I cannot be fairer than that! There was no threat implied except to infer
that justice usually gets doled out. I would not use a sledgehammer to 
a nut!


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[Goanet]caste and all that

2004-10-27 Thread A.C. Menezes
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vernon : how to find one!s caste?
if your elders cannot ( or will not ) answer your question, then ,i am 
afraid, you should be proud that   you do not belong to the so called 
uppercastes. i think, you belong to ! er ! caste meaning other than those 

er in konkani means others, and if it is of any satisfaction to you, you 
should be lucky because er for your descendants means elizabeth regina 
class, the rulers of the future, with the two upper castes marching into 
marginalized or ghetoised classes, not unlike jews ( god!s people, aren!t 
they ? )

i take this opportunity to delve into some mundane aspects of the caste 
system of catholic goa especially during the 1940s and 50s when the catholic 
caste was at ita apogee. i also feel that i owe it to my brothers and 
sisters  of all classes who were born and bred away from goa and have no 
first hand knowledge of what transpired in goa during the iberian rule.

the hereditary caste system (as opposed to the meritorious class system ) is 
an unique social system that is found in the indian sub continent only.

people were generally classified into three twice born castes:  brahmins, 
kshatriyas, vaisyas - traders, and vaisyas - farmers. others (er) who are in 
absolute majority were called sudras including the most intellectual of them 
all -artizans.  suffice it to say that artizans were the percursors  of 
modern technology and science that brough so much glory to europe and north 
america as against the chaotic indian subcontinent.

when the portuguese missionaries came into contact with the hindu population 
, the real or shudh brahmins ran away with their idols leaving valuable land 
and equally precious paddyfields behind. brahmins in those days  were like 
living gods and one simply cannot understand why in the world they would 
accept  a totally strange religion. as for kshatriyas , there was only one 
hindu ruling family and that too in the distant past, namely kadambas of 
chandor goa.they obviously could not have so many oftheir descendants  to 
the catholic church of goa.

so there you have,vernon, devout catholics dividing themselved into three 
sections : bahmon, chardo and er.  the !beauty ! of the caste system is that 
class is automatically attached to the caste, which is not the case from 
lthe scientific point of view.  agreed that bahmons had a high percentage of 
individuals with class ( i.e. culture, education , family wealth etc ) but 
also there were bahmons without class called kashti bahmon.  and so was the 
situation within the chardo class  and more of them  were of low class  
generally known as  podehr chardo.  at this stage i dont think  that the 
bahmon and the chardo have any new adjectives left for the er class. they 
used them all  during the four and half centuries of colonial rule.

the er class individual  left holy  goa  for bombay to earn his llivelihood 
and with the part of his savings  he tried to educate his children.  i do 
not know much about the fate of er children in the english medium  schools 
in goa but i do know  much about the fate of the er children who were lucky 
enough to gain entry in the lyceum ( portuguese secondary schools) and  the 
seminary. they were subjected to insults, humiliations, ridicule and taunts 
by bahmon and chardo children with the connivance of the teachers  of their 
communities. yes, there were padris teaching in the lyceum too.

a bahmon padri who was full of christian love ( as long as one remained 
within his station ) became someone else when he dealt with the er children  
( hem tuca nuim) .  an average chardo padri whose intellectual level  
descended well below the knees : ( tumim quiteac eiliai re inga, kamanc vos)

may be some of readers will come up with some other  !pleasant! encounters 
with our wonderful society.

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[Goanet]Background on the movie 'Phir Milenge'

2004-10-27 Thread Karl Pinto deSouza
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Dear All,


This is without doubt one of the most meaningful and moving movies of the



AT 2264262, ON 28TH OCTOBER 2004.


Phir Milenge attempts to break mainstream moviedom's myths, to again break
myths relating to HIV through a positive human story within known constructs
of entertainment, is the film's foremost achievement.

Revathy had revealed her deft touch with characters, relationships and
intimacy with her supremely sensitive first film (Mitr - My Friend).

In this brilliant adaptation of Jonathan Demme's Philadelphia (1993), she
uses the same wares to tell a tale of a 'go-getter' and award-winning
ad-woman Tamanna (Shetty - very real and at ease) who gets sacked from her
agency for being an agent of HIV.

She contracts the virus, courtesy a rendezvous with her childhood sweetheart
(played by an as-usual studiedly silent Salman) at a school alumni meet.

No counsels, but for an initially reluctant, relatively loser lawyer
(Bachchan - extremely competent and endearing) decides to take up Tamanna's
discrimination case against her employers.

And the ensued courtroom drama (where courtrooms look like courtrooms) that
never degenerates into melodrama and rarely into a pedantic mode makes two
important points, besides point out our callous take on Aids victims.

First, how the written laws in the country is completely blind to
discrimination at workplaces. Second is the distinction between HIV carriers
and AIDS patients (If diagnosed at the right time, HIV agents can live for
10 to 15 years).

All this take-home incidentally is up for inference than hammered into your
heads. And the review reads more a public service message than the picture
itself, which is a frolic in its own right.

If you're apathetic towards Aids as an issue, or veiled social sermons,
certainly the lead actors and an enjoyable story line should sumptuously
serve as attractions enough here. And if reverse is the case, surely walk

Re: [Goanet]Fred Noronha & Dabolim

2004-10-27 Thread Jorge/Livia de Abreu Noronha
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Friends, Goans, Cybernetters:

A couple of years ago, in one of my posts on goanet, I quoted a message that
I had received from someone; and, as the quoted message contained the word
"ba***rd", I was rebuked by one of the coordinators for using foul language.
I pressed my case and, if I remember well, Marlon stood by me, gave me
reason and allowed my post to pass. Now I see Alfred using the same word in
his message (see below) and his post was passed by the coordinators. Has
there been a liberalisation of the decency standards followed by goanet?


- Original Message -
From: Alfred de Tavares <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, October 22, 2004 1:46 AM
Subject: Re: [Goanet]Fred Noronha & Dabolim

> Handoo, my dear chaps, Handoo, Nehru's trouble-shooter in Goa, and,
> reportedly, his illegitimate (read, bastard) first-cousin.
> Author of much subsequent  mishandled 'governance' in Goa.
> At that time, there being no civil authority in Goa, decisions were
> at
> in military tradition, as per doctrine of occupied lands and
> Alfred de Tavares.
> Stockholm, 2004-10-22

Re: [Goanet]A Must Read before you Vote

2004-10-27 Thread Marlon Menezes
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The issue is not necessarily the war itself, but
rather the shabby way it has been conducted by this
administration. The incompetance is stunning and US
tax payers like me are now paying for this stupidity.

Unlike his father, Bush rushed into this war with no
allies worth mentioning (except for the UK). In the
first war, the coalition provided over 200,000 troops
and around 70% of the funding for the war (roughly 20
times more what it got this time around). The war is
currently costing the US tax payers around $100
billion per year and if the present administration
remains in power, it is unlikely to get any
significant help from any of the nations that can
really help. Stated in other words, if Bush wins, the
US tax payer and the US armed forces will have to
continue to sustain the Iraq burden for several more
years to come.

This incompetance is linked to the fact that this
administration is governed by its christian right wing
ideology, rather than factual/knowledge based decision
making. The anti-science stance of this adminstration
is well established.

Besides the above, the other big negative with regards
to Bush is the lack of financial accountability of his
administration. Despite having his party in control of
both houses as well as the white house, federal
government spending has grown at the fastest rate for
almost half a century. In this age of large deficits,
last thing we need is a money grabbing larger

The only positive with Bush from an Indian perspective
is that he has not spoken against outsourcing. While
this is painful for american workers, it is great for
India. It is not a surprise therefore that most of
India's establishement supports Bush's relection. Bush
has used these "improvements" in America's relations
with India as an example of his foreign policy
successes. The reality is that anti-americanism is
very high in India (as it is in much of the world) and
that Indians are only playing ball because they love
American money more than they hate this American


--- Chris Vaz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   "Without question, we need to disarm Saddam
> Hussein. He is a brutal, 
> murderous dictator, leading an oppressive regime ...
> He presents a 
> particularly grievous threat because he is so
> consistently prone to 
> miscalculation .. And now he is miscalculating
> America's response to his 
> continued deceit and his consistent grasp for
> weapons 
>   of mass destruction... So the threat of Saddam
> Hussein with weapons of 
> mass destruction is real."
>   Sen. John F. Kerry (D, MA), Jan. 23. 2003

RE: [Goanet]Re: Death of Francis Fernandes

2004-10-27 Thread Alfred de Tavares
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From: "ben fernandes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet]Re: Death of Francis Fernandes
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 2004 14:29:24 +
Dear Friends,
Please accept our heartfelt condolences at your great loss.
I tried to ring Theresa and Benny, here is Stockholm, but they have 
left for Torronto. Sincerely hope that Theresa got to have last words with 
her father.

Francis, and your family, are in my prayers today.
Dear Joel,
Kindly publish the death of Francis Fernandes on 26th October 2004 in 
Toronto Canada.
Husband of late Justine Fernandes. Father of Tina/Justin (Canada), 
Effie/Sisinio (Canada), Theresa/Benny (Sweden).
Grandfather of Shaun, Avril and Brendon (Canada), Samantha (Canada), 
Sirikitt (Sweden).
Brother of late Maria Santana, late Flory/Moti Santan, late Josephine/Luis 
Manuel, late >Beatrice/Marcus, Bombay.
Funeral to be held on friday 29th october 2004.

Thanking you.
Express yourself instantly with MSN Messenger! Download today it's FREE! 

[Goanet]EVENT -- Screening of Hindi film 'Phir Milenge', Oct 28

2004-10-27 Thread zinya d'souza
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[Goanet]Writer Ben Antao elected President....

2004-10-27 Thread graceful
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I would like to join in wishing Ben my heartiest congratulations.

May your tenure be full of success.

Samir Kelekar

>Congratulations to writer Ben Antao, our own Goan author from Toronto, who 
was elected  President of Canadian Authors Association, Toronto Branch last 
>week.  Ben keeps himself busy these days writing regularly for The Goan 


2004-10-27 Thread Miguel Braganza
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Dear Vernon,
You know your surname. If you also know the village and ward to which you
belong[ by way of ancestry, if currently not living in your native
town/village], ask some of the oldies around and they will tell you. As far
as I know[AFAIK], baptism records do not show the caste ,nor do the birth
records. If you know any of your relatives, you can ask them their caste. It
will also be yours. AFAIK, there were very few inter-caste marriages in the
Vernon Fernandes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote
 I was curious to know how can I find out what caste i belong to. Some how
my elders do not know
> the answer to that, and have almost reached a conclusion that it's
definitely not the top 2 castes.
> I've been told that i can find it in the Church records of the parish i
> belong to. Can any of the participants of the discussions or the
> sociologists guide me to the same
> Vernon Fernandes

When my wife was in Std.XI, one of her classmates asked her to which caste
she belonged. She did not know, so she went back and asked her father. The
answer he gave was about the best one I have heard about castes[ I do not
believe in castes though I know to which caste I am supposed to belong].
Said he, " Remove your shoes and look at your toes. If your first toe is
longer than the 'big toe' [ankhono], you are a brahmin. If it isn't, you are
not a brahmin." Shall we apply that as the "Thumb Rule" for determining
one's caste?

In the era of inter-caste and inter religious marriages, in the era of
mobility of professions , how does one determine castesand why? Does one
adopt the husband's caste as in citizenship or does one still use the
derogatory term 'omlette' for offspring of mixed marriages?

The Harijans were untouchables for generations, even their shadow sshould
not fall on a caste hindu. However, if there was a pretty girl in an
"untouchable" family, it was okay to 'persuade' or 'convince' the family to
offer  the pretty daughter to the local diety [ Yellamma or Renuka of
Soundatti/Yellapur was the most famous site till the Karnataka Government
banned it and enforced the ban inspite of rioting by the 'high caste'
devotees]. The highest bidder['donation' giver] from the high caste than got
the right to deflower her. Religious sanction was thus bought to fulfill
one's lust through some payment to the religious authority. The
"Untouchable" became worthy of more than just a touch. ;-))

And this is not an anti-hindu tirade. We catholics have been brought up on a
lot of bull about "Bull" that permitted the rich to eat meat during Lent.
Now even the poor care a damn about the 'bull' and eat meat even on Good

Even atheists have used religion to serve their greed for power. The Kings
of England who led the Crusades also left the Roman Catholic Church when not
allowed to divorce; bastards[ or,if you prefer,'illegitimate sons'] became
kings in Portugal but promoted middle class morality through Christianity in
Goa. L.K.Advani is said to be an atheist...he is in the forefront of the Ram
temple campaign. Castes are politically convenient when religion does not

Viva Goa.

Re: [Goanet]Roy, Joe, Hugo and Fred's matkaphobia

2004-10-27 Thread richard
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Nagesh, I'm similarly reminded of "30"(tis) number beedies.
- Original Message -
From: Nagesh Bhatcar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, October 26, 2004 11:48 PM
Subject: RE: [Goanet]Roy, Joe, Hugo and Fred's matkaphobia

> ##
> # If Goanet stops reaching you, contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]  #
> # Want to check the archives? http://www.goanet.org/pipermail/goanet/#
> # Please keep your discussion/tone polite, to reflect respect to others  #
> ##
> Cecil writes
> >In the 70s and early 80s it was rumoured that the Mutt & Jeff comic in
> >Navhind Times was numbered and was used to let matka players all over Goa
> >know what number had been declared the previous day. I wonder if there
> >any truth in this. All I know was that the comic strip was repeated quite
> >often.
> Well, I used to go to Varsha Bookstall next to Cafe Prakash, to pick up
> our daily newspapers and was surprised at a request from one of the
> labourers sitting there, for a look at my paper. He opened the newspaper
> and went straight to the comic strip. He turned the newspaper upside down
> and after looking at it for a few minutes handed it back to me! I was to
> learn later, that he was indeed hunting for those elusive matka numbers.
> RKLaxman had written an article in the Illustrated Weekly, that a
> had asked his friend to invite him, RKL, over for dinner. As they finished
> the
> dinner, this gentleman emerged, bowed to him, folded his hands and walked
> away. RKLaxman learnt from his friend that this gentleman, who was
> his
> servant, had made a fortune on playing the numbers that Mr. Laxman used to
> 'hide'
> in his 'You Said it' or the common man cartoon on the Times Of India!! He
> had
> requested RKL's friend to invite him over to simply see the man who made
> this fortune!! With the money he made at matka, he had invested in
> paan shops. Mr. Laxman had no clue as to how he was hiding these numbers
> in his cartoons.
> Nagesh

Re: [Goanet]Kind request - Primary teachers training - a brief

2004-10-27 Thread richard
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Sr. Bernardo Colaco,
Muito obrigado! Se algum dia voce encontra mais informacao faca favor manda
a me.
- Original Message -
From: Bernado Colaco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, October 26, 2004 5:43 PM
Subject: Re: [Goanet]Kind request - Primary teachers training - a brief

> ##
> # If Goanet stops reaching you, contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]  #
> # Want to check the archives? http://www.goanet.org/pipermail/goanet/#
> # Please keep your discussion/tone polite, to reflect respect to others  #
> ##
> Sr. Ricardo,
> Teachers training was held in Massano da Amorim in
> Pangim and was called Escola Normal held on the first
> floor of the building. Candidates for prospective
> teachers had to be qualified in 5º ano to 7ª ano
> Liceu. The training could have been imparted somewhere
> in the early 20th century until the invasion.
> Trainees were taught Child Pedalogia, Português,
> History of Goa and Portuguese Literature. The course
> lasted 2 years there could have been around 30
> teachers during the lective year. Practical lessons
> were conducted on the ground floor. And for the exams
> the viva (5 persons) consisted of medic professor,
> professor of Liceu, Director of school, school
> inspector and teacher in charge of the course. After
> the successful completion of the course all the
> teachers were placed in various schools of Goa. The
> first year the teachers was classified as ´Nomeação
> Interino´ the second year was ´Provisório´ and the the
> thrid year ´Permanente´. The teachers faced rigorous
> school inspection from Prof. Roque da Silva and Prof.
> Carlos Xavier.
> I hope this brief is some kind of start for your
> research.
> Rekado
> B. Colaço
> > topic of my research is "Primary teachers' education
> > and training during the
> > Portuguese rule in Goa"(1841 - 1961).
> > If any of you could provide me with relevant
> > information/direction on the
> > above mentioned subject I would be greatly indebted.
> > Thanks!
> > R.Cabral
> >
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2004-10-27 Thread godfrey gonsalves
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At   the Institute Menezes Braganza Hall in Panaji,
today 27/10/2004 at 5.40 p.m.(IST)  the Goa State
Social Welfare Board (  a government body which looks
after the welfare activites of women in the State
)held a brief function to release a Directory of both
aided and unaided Institutions in Goa at the hands of
His Excellency the Governor of Goa Mr S C Jamir, a
Christian tribal from the North eastern State of
Nagaland  (one of the SEVEN SISTERS)

The hall was packed to capacity  all women and
just a dozen men  Over two thirds of  the  women
almost all Hindus were from the Novas Conquistas (New
Conquests ) the Talukas of Sanguem Canacona Sattari
Ponda Quepem Bicholim and Pernem . The Nirmal Vishwa
Group had arranged for the transport of these persons 

The function ought to have started at 5.00 p.m. (IST)
but took off only at 5.40 (IST) after the arrival of
the Governor.  

There was high security --- sten gun armed personnel
body guards and a metal detector at the entrance of
the Hall -- to screen the public as they entered into
.This attracted a good number of onlookers (mainly
office goers around ) near the Institute to watch the
Governor and the First Lady-- One pedestrian mistook
the Governor and his spouse for a Japanese dignitary
visiting Goa amidst loud laughter --  

The hall was stuffy though the weather outside was
reasonably pleasant. The fans were working alright but
apparently for security reasons( ? )all the doors of
the west side of the hall were closed.  The Governor
who is always immaculately   suited and booted  was
seen on the dais  sweating profusely and wiping off
the sweat as the less than an hour function got

Unfortunately the  Chairperson Ms Mridula Sinha of the
Central Social Welfare Board who was the Chief Guest
of the ocassion was absent and the Guest of Honour the
Governor had to release the Directory.

According to Ms Veena Phadate the Goa State Social
Advisory Board draws its inspiration from one Smt
Durgabai Deshmukh who is considered as a "godmother"
of the welfare board --- for the yeomen service she
rendered to the cause of women and their upliftment---

The Goa Welfare Board has been doing a lot on women
welfare with emphasis on literacy health care They 
have organised health camps in various Talukas and
have purused the issue of the "girl child" and
empowerment of women in right earnest under the
"Manavi Surakhshan Abhiyan"  

The Governor however impressed the audience with his
clear  observations on women. He stated quiet bluntly
that that "human beings are the greatest asset --- for
they are the creation of God in His own image and
likeness--- therefore all humanity i.e men and women
are equal ---It is the distortion by society,
religion, male selfishness, that there arose a
difference between man and women ---  

He proudly told the gathering in clear English that in
his homeland the State of Nagaland there is a) NO
CASTE SYSTEM b) Women and Men are equal c) there is NO
DOWRY d) women and man work hand in hand  

There is at the grass root level besides the Village
Council a separate Village development Council the
Board provides 15% financial assistance and the rest
is raised by the community .  A Deputy Commissioner is
appointed to ensure that the monies kept in Banks are
utilised  faithfully for the community . The villagers
 plan and implement the schemes necessary for their
welfare .  There are additional funds for  women and
for the youth as well and there are women and youth
representative on the panel.

In Nagaland --- he went --on  there are love 
marriages,   -- less or no suicides  -- it is a
totally free society any girl can chose her life
partner because the Nagas treat every one as human
beings it is clearly an open frank and fearless
society  --- He was not happy with the idea of 33%
reservation for women --- why do we need 33 %
reservation?  can we not treat them equally? -- he
questioned the audience.  By demanding 33 %
reservations he felt one was only separating the women
from man infact treating them as inferior, though the
Almighty created woman as a life partner for man.

He was convinced that mere  reading of rosy reports
was not enough  apparently refering to the earlier
speaker who spelt out the details of the Board
activites since inception in 1963.  

What is important he stressed is the need to guage 
how far the schemes have reached the rural women--- he
expressed concern over those living below the poverty
line in the rural areas, about those who do not get
access to health care nutrition or a single meal.. 
One sees Old age Homes in the urb

[Goanet]Kerry All The Way !!

2004-10-27 Thread eric pinto
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Or so it appears for now,  Clinton's second coming has
produced a 2 point pop in the polls for Kerry in two
days !
  Twenty years ago, a puppy was born in a Goan home in
America, and it lived out a full life, (un)burdened
with a very special name - Ron Reagan. In a more
circumspect mood, i settled for 'Bozzo' when our new
kitten arrived six months ago, and now the dilemma:
does it stay the same if the next occupant of the Oval
Office is not a pathetic circus 'Bobo'. Perhaps all is
not lost, after all bozzo is also a Goan term of
endearment, and with fond respects to the two Johns in
the White House, our fast growing bobo will continue
to be Bozzo to all.  eric.

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[Goanet]NO KTCL BUSES after 19 hrs

2004-10-27 Thread godfrey gonsalves
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Hon'ble Chief Minister of Goa
Altinho Panaji Goa

Today at 1900 hrs the "shuttle service" at KTCL Panaji
Bus terminus was in utter chaos.  The commuters over
130 person foreigners, Indian tourists  women and men
mostly office goers were stranded until 1925 waiting
for the shuttle service.  

There were just two KTC officials in the ticket
counter and they expressed helplessness over the non
availability of the buses.

Suddenly the Managing Director appeared on the scene
and the undersigned rebuked him for this utter state
of chaos.  He immediately went around the newly
inaugurated counter and after some talking arranged
for the bus but this was sufficient only for 54
passenger @ Rs.16/- The others were left helpless.  In
fact most of the women and college girls informed this
writer that this is  a regular phenomenom and they are
afraid after 1800 hrs to travel alone because they
have to proceed to onward destinations into the

What was surprising is suddenly another two officials
one in civil clothes and another in khaki uniforms
surfaced. But they were not wearing their name badges.

May I request you to ensure that there are buses put
in place. You will agree that after nationalisation of
bus transport it is KTCL that ought to provide
transport and shuttle service is only for those that
can afford not for the regular travellers.

Please investigate into the reason for this
irregularity with the Managing Director KTCL. Also
ensure that a responsible officer is placed on duty
until the last bus leaves.  In case of women and girls
care should be taken that they are given preference by
out of turn tickets as a precaution and shuttle fares
are not charged for such long delays.



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[Goanet]Cancer fighting Mango?

2004-10-27 Thread Gabe Menezes
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Asda fined over "cancer-fighting" mango
Tue 26 October, 2004 15:39

LONDON (Reuters) - Supermarket chain Asda sys it will fight to change food 
labelling laws after it was fined 5,000 pounds for illegally describing its 
mangoes as helpful in the fight against cancer.
Asda, a Wal-Mart Stores subsidiary and the country's second biggest grocer 
by market share, was found guilty of breaching a 1996 labelling regulation 
that makes it a crime to say a food prevents, treats or cures a disease.
The chain agreed to pay the fine, but dismissed the law as a "fruit basket" 
and said on Tuesday it would campaign to have it clarified or changed.
"This prosecution has massive implications -- any retailer wishing to 
promote the health virtues of fruit and vegetables risks being hauled up in 
front of a court and becoming entangled in outdated laws," Asda said in a 
"This label was produced in good faith as a means of encouraging customers 
to eat more fruit and vegetables," it said.
The case was brought by Swindon Borough Council, who took issue with the 
following label, found on an Asda mango in 2003: "Mangoes are a great source 
of vitamin C and beta carotene which are good for healthy eyes and skin. 
Their antioxidant properties help to fight cancer."
Asda spokeswoman Penny Coates said: "We're in the dock for saying that fruit 
is good for you -- the law is a fruit basket and has to be changed now." 

[Goanet]Caste among the Catholic Goans

2004-10-27 Thread cornel
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Dear Basilio,
It took me longer to get back to you than I had intended. Part of the reason
was to do with work commitments, but also, quite unexpectedly, I began to
receive private emails, from several Goan sources, who have clearly been
following our email correspondence. However, I want to try to confine
discussion to the points you raised.

Incidentally, one email indicated that you were a priest and  I am now not
sure if I should be addressing you as the Reverend  etc. Please advise me on
this as I should like to conform to protocol on this matter.

In sum, most of the other emails I received, strongly supported my position
and were highly critical of the Catholic Church on the matter of caste. I
suspect that they were reticent about  going public for fear of some kind of
'attack', especially, if they were resident in Goa. However, I am grateful
to them for making me even more informed about caste among Catholic Goans.
In particular I was more fully informed about the use of capes and other
paraphernalia and even use of instruments (drums) on feast days with regard
to something called  'OffMus' to highlight caste differentiation. To my
astonishment, I even learned about the process involved and costs of getting
some of the caste designating gear hand made! Their key criticism, which is
also absolutely  mine, but rejected by you, is that   the Catholic Church
has continued to condone caste differentiation in terms of the insignia used
in Church and I find this absolutely disgraceful. It is like providing the
Ku Klux Klan access to church premises with their hooded gear and  burning
crosses to profess their loathsome beliefs. If this were to occur, through
Klan tourism to Goa, dear Basilio, would you and your Church know where to
draw the line? Moreover, would you do anything about it? And is not caste in
the Catholic Church as loathsome and even more insidious than the
'Chrisitian' racist belief of the Klan?  To say, as you do that there are
'laws' about caste practice in Church is just tosh to me because it is high
time the Church provided some educated and missionary leadership in
eradicating the utter evil of caste among Catholic Goans.

Following the brief summative introduction above, I will number some of the
other issues you raised for reasons of brevity:

1. When you say that discussions on "caste are usually emotionally laden"
and that "they are largely anecdotal", I can assure you that the victims of
caste driven affliction are not so confused. The evidence of Catholic caste
practice in Goa and in the Goan Diaspora is plentiful. It has been dwelt
with in books, and PhD dissertations.  Are you really saying that the
Catholic Church has been  blind to such reality? Was it, or was it not true
that joining the priesthood, as Church business,  was entirely  caste based
until relatively recently? Is my comprehensive list of priests and their
castes in Goa, from earliest times,  anecdotal or a figment of the
imagination? Are you saying that, in just one celebrated case, as an
example, Cardinal Valerian Gracias, of humble origins, was not boycotted in
Goa by the caste-based upper classes when he visited Goa from Bombay? Was
the Church so impotent in this matter?  Really, Basilio, with a strong
desire not to be personal, I am impelled to ask if this is the kind of
Church you really wish to be associated with? I am afraid, I for one, find
the evidence pretty nauseating.

2. When you try to justify caste in the context of Catholic Goa, you state
that   "A niche carved by status, either by caste or class, it provides an
individual a place to feel secure and successful". I am sorry to say this,
but this is arrant nonsense. In industrialised societies, class formation
has taken over from other forms of stratification. However, even if
problematic, social class is not so inflexible as caste. Movement,
particularly, through education, professional advancement or money permits
movement to a significant degree. Caste, in theory and practice  does not
allow this because there is a certain finality about it. One is placed in a
caste by the caste hierarchy and there is no escape from it. Your logic
suggests that the lowest of the low feel secure in their niche. I am not
sure, many, except the upper castes, would agree with something so

3. Your view that "caste from a socio-anthropological point of view, is
ascribed status, therefore it is hereditary by force" In this, you attempt
to bypass my position that there is no scientific evidence for the existence
of caste nor for race.  However, my question is, why do you wish to root

[Goanet]Re: Death of Francis Fernandes

2004-10-27 Thread ben fernandes
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Dear Joel,
Kindly publish the death of Francis Fernandes on 26th October 2004 in 
Toronto Canada.
Husband of late Justine Fernandes.
Father of Tina/Justin (Canada), Effie/Sisinio (Canada), Theresa/Benny 
Grandfather of Shaun, Avril and Brendon (Canada), Samantha (Canada), 
Sirikitt (Sweden).
Brother of late Maria Santana, late Flory/Moti Santan, late Josephine/Luis 
late Beatrice/Marcus, Bombay.
Funeral to be held on friday 29th october 2004.

Thanking you.
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[Goanet]Sify Iway.com cybercafes in Goa

2004-10-27 Thread Frederick Noronha
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BELOW IS a list of Sify Iway.com cybercafes in Goa. I used to be a Dishnet fan, till 
finding these were faster. The one I frequent, next to Centurion Bank in Panjim 
(Unitec), is open 24 hours. But my Sancharnet 24-hour unlimited charge account (except 
for Internet hours) also keeps me tied up more hours at home, behind my desktop. FN

Iway.com- GOA Locator 
Franchisee Name Franchisee Address Pincode Contact Number 

YESHWANT ANANT KAMAT TARCAR Ground Floor,John Paul Building 403001 2426537 
403001 12345 
M.G.M International Travels Simplex Chambers, UmtavaddoCalangute 403001 2225166 
M/S sharp Shooters.Net Opp: Maruthi True ValueD.B.Marg, Miramar 403001 0 
Magsons Network (P) Ltd 707, DB Marg 403012 2463700 
Jude C.D. Lima Shop No.8, Tivim Parish CentreTivim 403502 3100942 
Tape Rollers Cyber Cafe G-1, Jelaza Apartments.Opp Muslim MasjidAngod, Mapusa, Goa 
403507 2263911 
Mark Anthony Cybernet (P) Ltd. Shop No. 4, Sajjangad, DattawadiMapusa 403507 2276184 
GOA 403507 12345678 
Sabino Enterprises Baskin Robbins,Shop No.1,Braganza houseOpp Mapusa Bus Stand,Bardez 
403507 2265758 
Lizlon Enterprises Shop No.186, Municipal MarketMapusa 403507 2256096 
Edlyn Infotech House No.73/10, KhorlimMapusa 403507 2262616 
ManaliOnline House No.687/2, Anjuna, Goa. 403509 2274421 
BAKE N BYTE G1, Laxmi Apartments 403515 2281504 
Nitesh Govekar Shop no.1, Manum Beach ResortsNear Health Centre, Candolim, Bardez 
403515 2281318 
Puja Cyber Space Shopno.6, Nr.Lawande Super MarketPrazeres Rendezvous, Candolim, 
Bardez 403515 2277300 
Netxcess ShopNo.1, Sunshine Complex,Baga Road,Cal 403516 2282442 
Newtons Supermarket Kamat Holiday Homes III, Gaura Vaddo,Cal 403516 2275858 
Netxcess 2 Bensons Complex 403516 66 
Surfeers Aimita-III, Shop No.4,Naika Wadoo,Calangute, Goa 403516 3119522 
Kool Dude Cyber Cafe H.No.860/3, Alto Porvorim, Bardez 403521 2415502 
Shaileshdotcom Shop No.14, New Housing Board Market Com 403521 2412376 
Arte D Ouro Cell World Nova Cidade Building Complex,S-1, Porvorim 403521 2276790 
Cyber Inn Shop No.5, Kalika Chambers,Varde Valaulikar Raod 403601 2733232 
Terrance Pimenta Shop no. 12, Felicinta ApartmentsNear Big Foot Traffic Island Gogol 
403601 0 
Tokina Cybercafe Damodar Building, Near Police StationAbove Central Bank, Margoa 
403601 0 
Sarah Cafe St. Anthony Complex Shop PG.11, Aquem, Margoa 403601 2703034 
I Browse Rosary Commercial Arcade, Shop no. 15,16Next to Panchayat, Navelim, Salcette, 
Goa 403707 2765610 
World Linkers 4th Ward, House no.405Colva Salcete 403708 2788056 
Cyber Magic Colva Beach ResortColva, Salcetta, Goa 403708 2788130 
Delu Cafe Isabel ClassicAlleamvaddo, Chinchinim 403715 2775327 
New Horizons 1595, Beach Road, Vuzavaddo,Benaulim Goa 403716 0 
G.K. Tourist Centre House No.1596, VasvaddoBenaulim, Salcete 403716 2771608 
National Bakery - 2 5, Da Salva Chambers, Swatantra Path,Opp Hotel Lapaz, Vasco Da 
Gama,Goa 403802 0 
National Bakery House No.5/20Feira Alto, Altinho, Mapusa 430507 2264021 

Frederick Noronha 784 Near Convent, Sonarbhat SALIGAO GOA India
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[Goanet]WORLD GOA DAY celebration in PAKISTAN Karcahi. 23-24 October 2004

2004-10-27 Thread rbarreto
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Hi Rene,

You can view some of our photographs of our 
World Goa Day celebrations at FIRPO FARM 
held on 23rd - 24th October 2004. 


After you get to this link clik on my Photos.


Deborah Santamaria


[Goanet]Accomodation in Canada

2004-10-27 Thread Viviana
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Short Accomodation in Brampton, Ontario, Canada for people on visit visa 
or just making an entry to Canada

Clean room preferably for couples in a brand new house with facilities 
on a weekly/ month basis

For more details contact andy @ [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

[Goanet]RE: ANTHONIANS P.P. Association front

2004-10-27 Thread Viviana

-- Original Message --
From: "genevive  dsouza" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: ANTHONIANS P.P.   Association  front

--- Begin Message ---
Dear  Members,

On the  Association front,  the  following  decisions  were  taken  on 24th  October.

1)  Fete  will  not  be  held  (  as  only  royalty  of  Rs.15,000/-  is  being  given 
 -  was to  be held  at  Mapuca  -  opp.  temple  grounds.
2)  Donation  coupon  draw  postponed  to  26th  Jan. in the  school
3) Souvenier  will  be  released  somewhere  by  Feb., or  earlier.
3) I  am  planning  to  approach  Wendel  Rodricks  to  sponsor  the  children park,  
I  am  told  he  sponsors  during  the  xmas  season,
4)  Registration  of  Association  work  is  in  progress.

5) The  PTA  is  raising  funds for  the  stage  renovation.

Take  care,

love  from  all of  us


--- End Message ---

[Goanet]Dubai Soccer : Loutolim in quarters; Casmiro Palha excels

2004-10-27 Thread borg costa
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DUBAI: Loutolim became the first team to qualify for
the quarter-finals of the Pehla Cup first All Goa
Inter-village football tournament, organised by All
Star Entertainment in association with United Goans at
Irani Club Dubai. Loutolim defeated ABC Benaulim 1-0
to register their second win after having beaten
Morjim 3-1 on Saturday. Earlier in the first match,
former Goa goalkeeper Casmiro Palha saved the day for
Chinchinim who held Vanxim-Divar to a goalless draw.
Palha showed his reflexes with his neat and timely
collections and rightly deserved the man of the match
award for his brilliant goalkeeping. The award,
however, went to Jean Fernandes of Chinchinim. After
the match the former Goa goalkeeper and Dempo's coach,
was humble enough to admit that promising players must
be encouraged. "It is the youngsters who deserve the
award," said Palha, who was instrumental in
Chinchinim's second draw. Palha's judgement was
faultless, and his interceptions timely. He
neutralised all the missiles fired by Vanxim-Divar
forwards. Once he dived to his left to parry a stiff
grounder from Russel Rodrigues and later blocked a
power-packed volley of Randall Pereira from close
range. Vanxim-Divar's Anthony Fernandes earned the
yellow. Franky Baretto, Anthony Travasso and Lyndon
D'Souza played well for Chinchinim, while Russel, Noel
and Ashok Satardekar excelled for Vanxim-Diwar.
Chinchinim now need to win their last match against
Santo Estevam on Nov. 1 to keep any hopes of
advancing. With both teams looking for an outright win
to assure of a quarter-final berth, ABC Benaulim and
Loutolim made a cautious approach in the first session
during the second match. Benaulim dominated the
proceedings most of the time, literally camping in the
Loutolim area in the second session. However, it was
Loutolim who carried the day. Julius Noronha, who
frittered away chances in the first half, made amends
for Loutolim scoring the match winner directly from a
flag-kick in the 40th minute. The league matches are
of 40-minute duration with a break of 10 minutes.
Benaulim's playmaker in the midfield Orlando Viegas
limped out after a muscle pull, but was earlier
cautioned for a foul on Loutolim captain Renato. The
16-team tournament, sponsored by Pehla and Citizen, is
also supported by UAE Xchange Abu Dhabi, Emirates
Flight Catering, Jet Airways, Oasis Pure Drinking
Water, Gulf Ocean, Refrigerate Equipment, Al Rubaiya,
Vanxim-Divar, Clipsal and Otis.Lawrie Gonsalves was
named the man of the second match and received a
Citizen watch from former Vasco & Maharashtra Junior
captain Benny D'Costa. Wednesday's matches: Fischer
St. Estevam vs Siolim United at 3.30 pm; St Anthony
Pernem vs Morjim at 4.30 pm at Irani Club Dubai

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Re: [Goanet]Sneaking admiration?

2004-10-27 Thread Bernado Colaco
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In the early 80´s Fernandes from Agaçaim was driving
his S-Class Merk via Siridão to Pangim. Fernandes was
a engineer by profession and had arrived from Germany
(FRG) to settle in Goa. In an accident with the indian
army his car got ploughed by a convoy truck. I am not
to sure what transpired after the accident, I was told
Fernandes had to leave Goa. 

B. Colaço

> in Goa? I've had - twice: in 1967, and then again in
> 1973.  They were minor incidents, nevertheless they
> are there in the back of my mind. At the time I
> thought they were isolated incidents, but I see that
> they happen to other people too. 
> Let me put it in another way.  Until you undergo the
> "St. Paul Effect", you will never comprehend what I
> am
> talking about.
> Gabriel.

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[Goanet]Dabolim Airport Debate

2004-10-27 Thread Philip Thomas
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Thanks to a private update on the airport scene, the picture regarding the
military use of Dabolim airport is getting a bit clearer.

The Navy not only uses the airport for imparting basic/intermediate stage
flight training to its pilots (for which morning hours are blocked for 4 out
of 7 days in the week) but also for operations related to patrol aircraft
and fighter aircraft. A variety of helicopters is also based at Dabolim.

The Coast Guard uses the airport for small surveillance

Now it seems the Indian Air Force also uses the place for "exercises" with
its advanced aircraft.

This pervasive military picture is much more than what the Navy's public
relations pieces in the media have led us to believe so far. To me there
doesnt seem much scope for a winding down of the military presence at
Dabolim Airport, Yenkebe/Seabird or no Yenkebe/Seabird. Perhaps to the
conrtrary.  We may have to accept  the growth of Mopa as inevitable much as
Kochi went in for a greenfield civilian airport in the face of Navy's
constraints. Which, if you ask me, is really a crying shame.

The alternative is to check out international cases of the move of big
military bases (Philippines?) out of their enclaves and see if  one can
build up a similar case here. Any takers?

[Goanet]re: Marie and the "labourers you want" plus mixing Sunghtam with Ambe

2004-10-27 Thread Dr. José Colaço
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Marie D'Souza Tue Oct 26 22:37:48 2004
# 1: 


# 3: 

Dear Marie,
I agree with your # 1 & 2.  Also, I will NOT contest what "The older 
generation of goans (at least here in north goa) say the  "educated"  goan 

wrt #3 : May I say that you have taken an excellent opoortunty to mix 
Sunghtam with Ambe.

Was I referring to the "labourers you want"?
Was I saying that the "labourers you want" should NOT avail of benefits?
Have you heard about VOTE BANKS?
Have you heard about MEDICLAIM?
Where does that MEDICLAIM money come from?
When last have you been to the Goa Medical College Hospital ? Could some of 
this MEDICLAIM money have been spent on working ambulances, working 
XRAY/Scan machines or even clean sheets for patients?

Hey, but i must have been "been out of Goa for many years" .  No wonder I 
expect clean sheets on examining tables of hospitals & Intensive Care Units 
not smelling of urine because it .


please visit "NEW" on The Goan Forum at http://www.colaco.net
Recommended Goa related sites
1. http://www.goa-world.com
2. http://www.SuperGoa.com
The Goan Forum, Goa World ani Super Goa: Three authentic Goan sites.
Pure Goa!

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Re: [Goanet]Re: Outisiders make life miserable for Goans

2004-10-27 Thread Bernado Colaco
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In HK an indian is called acha (from acha hai). In the
UK paki.

B. Colaço

> On Tue, 26 Oct 2004, Bernado Colaco wrote:
> > I guess the below information is the result of the
> movies dipicted by 
> > bolliwood about Goans. Goa is a free for all
> especially for the ghantis.
> >
> > B. Colaço
> Just wondering -- there's some equivalent term to
> the derogatory 'ghantis' for 
> migrants (from South Asia or elsewhere) in Macau and
> Britain. Innit? FN

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[Goanet]Bringing food products from India to the UK

2004-10-27 Thread Eddie Fernandes
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Source: 26 Oct. 2004.  Hindustan Times.
Headline: Govt launches 'If in doubt, Leave it out' awareness campaign
It has always been a problem, what edibles people coming from India can 
bring for their relatives and friends in Britain. But now a new campaign 
launched by the Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) is 
to help in letting people returning to the UK know about the risks and 
controls on bringing back food products.

This public campaign aims to raise awareness of the rules among people who 
are likely to travel back to the UK from countries outside the EU. The 
current rules mean that it is illegal to bring meat and milk-based products 
for personal use back into the UK from outside the EU. There are also limits 
on bringing back other food items, including fish, shellfish, honey, eggs 
and certain types of fruit and vegetables.

The limits depend on the country people are travelling from, and the same 
rules apply whether these food items are for personal use, as a gift, or if 
they are sent in the post. If the item is banned, or is in an amount greater 
than is allowed, it will be seized and destroyed.

Controls on food imports are essential to protect public health and 
livestock and the Government is committed to reducing the risks of disease 
entering the food chain via illegally imported food products, says the 
department. Measures to raise public awareness and improve preventative 
measures at the UK border and inland are backed by £25 million from 2003-06.

Launching this phase of the 'If in doubt, Leave It out' campaign, Food and 
Farming Minister, Larry Whitty said:  "People may not see any harm in 
bringing food back to the UK when they return from a holiday or a business 
trip, but some foods may contain pests and diseases that threaten the health 
of our agricultural crops and livestock, as well as public health. Because 
of these risks, there are strict restrictions on foodstuffs brought back 
from countries outside the EU."

"I would urge everyone to check the rules before they leave the UK. If you 
are caught breaking them, then you may face long delays, prosecution and a 

The campaign will incorporate a public information film, radio and print 
advertising. Posters and leaflets will be available in English, Arabic, 
Bengali, Chinese, Gujarati, Hindi, Punjabi, Turkish and Urdu. A staffed and 
fully-equipped mobile unit will explain the campaign's key messages around 
the UK. The unit will provide a 'one stop shop' for people to check the 
rules surrounding food imports, via an interactive website and campaign 
literature. The mobile unit will visit over 30 locations around the country. 
Stops include: London, Birmingham, Bradford, Liverpool, Manchester and 

See also: http://news.scotsman.com/latest.cfm?id=3670207

To check the new illegal imports database see 

Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
Version: 6.0.782 / Virus Database: 528 - Release Date: 22/10/2004 

[Goanet]]A Must Read before you Vote

2004-10-27 Thread rbarreto
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In short , 

  Sen. John F. Kerry to win.


- Original Message - 
From: "Chris Vaz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

[Goanet]QGA St. Francis Xavier Feast

2004-10-27 Thread rbarreto
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Subject: QGA St. Francis Xavier Feast


Thank you very much for doing a super job calling all the members for
our "Night in Goa".   As you probably know, the tickets were sold out and
there was a waiting list.  Below are two messages to be sent out to our
members.  Please let me know if you are unable to reach anyone on your list.

1) The QGA is celebrating the feast of St. Francis Xavier on November 27,
at St. Suzanne's Church Hall.  The Mass will be at 5.00 p.m. and will be
followed by the social and dance.  All are invited to attend.

HOWEVER,  we will not sell food coupons in the hall.  Any member who wishes
eat dinner at the function will have to purchase the dinner coupons in
This is to ensure we do not run out of food as has happened in previous
The prices are:

  Adult Life Member:  $10.00
Other Adults:   $15.00
Children 5 to 14$5.00

PLEASE NOTE: These tickets must be purchased by November 5, 2004. On
November 6
the prices will increase to Life Member: $15.00, Other Adults: $20.00 and
Children $7.50.  No tickets will be sold after November 12, 2004.

Any one who wishes to purchase the dinner coupons should contact a member of
Committee.  Any one who wishes to help sell these dinner coupons can let me
If any one wants to donate door prizes please let me know. (Tel. 626-8516)

2)  POSTER CONTEST:The  Four Categories for the Contest are 5 to 8
9 to 12 years, 13 to 16 years, and 17 to 20 years.  Size: No larger
than 22 by 30 inches.  Poster should be about the special exposition of
the body of St. Francis Xavier in Goa this year.  Posters must be sent to me
to Sharon, our Social Secretary before November 8, 2004.  All posters will
displayed in the hall, and special prizes will be awarded to the winner of
category.  Contestants must write their name, age, date of birth, and
with telephone number on the back of the poster.

For more details they can e-mail me at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Maria de Souza

Secretary/Telephone Committee Co-ordinator


2004-10-27 Thread domnic fernandes
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Dear Mommy,
I am in Heaven now, sitting on Jesus' lap. He loves me and cries with me; 
for my heart has been broken. I so wanted to be your little girl. I don't 
quite understand what has happened. I was so excited when I began realizing 
my existence. I was in a dark, yet comfortable place. I saw I had fingers 
and toes. I was pretty far along in my developing, yet not near ready to 
leave my surroundings. I spent most of my time thinking or sleeping. Even 
from my earliest days, I felt a special bonding between you and me. 
Sometimes I heard you crying and I cried with you. Sometimes you would yell 
or scream, then cry. I heard Daddy yelling back. I was sad, and hoped you 
would be better soon. I wondered why you cried so much. One day you cried 
almost all of the day. I hurt for you. I couldn't imagine why you were so 
unhappy. That same day, the most horrible thing happened. A very mean 
monster came into that warm, comfortable place I was in. I was so scared, I 
began screaming, but you never once tried to help me. Maybe you never heard 
me. The monster got closer and closer as I was screaming and screaming, 
"Mommy, Mommy, help me please; Mommy, help me." Complete terror is all I 
felt. I screamed and screamed until I thought I couldn't anymore. Then the 
monster started ripping my arms off. It hurt so bad; the pain I can never 
explain. It didn't stop. Oh, how I begged it to stop. I screamed in horror 
as it ripped my leg off. Though I was in such complete pain, I was dying. I 
knew I would never see your face or hear you say how much you love me. I 
wanted to make all your tears go away. I had so many plans to make you 
happy. Now I couldn't; all my dreams were shattered. Though I was in utter 
pain and horror, I felt the pain of my heart breaking, above all. I wanted 
more than anything to be your daughter. No use now, for I was dying a 
painful death. I could only imagine the terrible things that they had done 
to you. I wanted to tell you that I love you before I was gone, but I didn't 
know the words you could understand. And soon, I no longer had the breath to 
say them; I was dead.  I felt myself rising. I was being carried by a huge 
angel into a big beautiful place. I was still crying, but the physical pain 
was gone. The angel took me to Jesus and set me on His lap. He said He loved 
me, and He was my Father. Then I was happy. I asked Him what the thing was 
that killed me. He answered, "Abortion. I am sorry, my child; for I know how 
it feels." I don't know what abortion is; I guess that's the name of the 
monster. I'm writing to say that I love you and to tell you how much I 
wanted to be your little girl. I tried very hard to live. I wanted to live. 
I had the will, but I couldn't; the monster was too powerful. It sucked my 
arms and legs off and finally got all of me. It was impossible to live. I 
just wanted you to know I tried to stay with you. I didn't want to die. 
Also, Mommy, please watch out for that abortion monster. Mommy, I love you 
and I would hate for you to go through the kind of pain I did. Please be 

Your Baby Girl
Express yourself instantly with MSN Messenger! Download today it's FREE! 

[Goanet]How to find one's caste

2004-10-27 Thread Vernon Fernandes
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I have been following the discussion on the caste system on Goanet for a
while now. Although one can say that they do not believe in the same,
inadvertently it does not make the subject go away. I was curious to know
how can I find out what caste i belong to. Some how my elders do not know
the answer to that, and have almost reached a conclusion that it's
definitely not the top 2 castes.

I've been told that i can find it in the Church records of the parish i
belong to. Can any of the participants of the discussions or the
sociologists guide me to the same


Vernon Fernandes

[Goanet]RE: Jose Colaco and pregnant women

2004-10-27 Thread Radhakrishnan Nair
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(Marie D'Souza writes: Jose Colaco you have probably been out of Goa for 
many years and do not know that in Goa Builders and farmers go to Karnataka 
and Maharashtra to bring in labourers!)

Incidentally, Marie, Kerala also faces a similar situation. Keralite youth 
may do manual labour outside Kerala but not in their home state. Now not 
only its cities and towns but even its countrysides are replete with migrant 
labourers from Tamil Nadu. Someone has to fill the vacuum and till the land, 

It's incidental that these migrants raise their families and acquire ration 
cards in Kerala. If someone were to say that poor Tamilians get pregnant to 
travel to Kerala and deliver the babies there for ration cards, he would be 
booed by right-thinking people!

Cheers, RKN
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2004-10-27 Thread Joel D'Souza
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Oct 27, 2004

   GOACOM VIDEO NEWS: Video Clip from Goa on the first Session of HERITAGE
JAZZ YATRA organised by Armando Gonsalves of Trancemedia at Rebelo Mansion
at Betalbatim on October 10, 2004, at  http://www.goacom.com/news
Clips_Heritage_Jazz Yatra_1:

   CHECK the latest issue of GoaNOW webzine at http://www.goacom.com/goanow

BASILICA FIRE LOSS PUT AT RS.58 LAKH: The inferno at the Professed House of
Basilica of Bom Jesus on Thursday morning at Old Goa, which is most likely
to have been sparked off by an electrical short circuit, caused an estimated
loss of approximately Rs.58 lakh. The PWD, the Church Committee, Electricity
Department, Directorate of Fire and Emergency Services have submitted their
reports to the police department regarding the fire on 21 October. (GT)

GOA TO BE PROMOTED: The Union Minister for Tourism Renuka Choudhary has said
that the Central government would promote Goa as the Number 1 tourist
destination in the country and hinted that a special package to boost
tourism would be unveiled soon in view of IFFI and Exposition of the sacred
relics of St Francis Xavier. She was informally talking to media persons
after inaugurating the Goa Mahotsav 04 at Siri Fort auditorium in New Delhi
on October 26 evening. Goa's sun-kissed beaches, the churches, the
architecture, old heritage houses, its unique culture and its people lure
foreigners to Goa, Ms Choudhary said, adding that its culture is reflected
in the "warmth of its people". (H)

IFFI TO HAVE SIX CATEGORIES: The International Film Festival of India to be
held in the State from 29 November will be divided into six categories. The
10-day festival will feature a competition for feature films by Asian
directors, Cinema of the World, a section for Tributes and Retrospectives,
Indian Panorama and Mainstream Indian Cinema. The festival will also feature
a 'Film Bazaar' organised by the National Film Development Corporation
according to information provided by the Directorate of Film Festivals. In
addition cash awards totaling Rs.10 lakh will be given away in three
separate categories. Rs.5 lakh will be given to the Best Film by an Asian
Director while Rs.2.5 lakh each will be given to the Most Promising Asian
Director and Special Jury Award. (GT)

ISIDORE TAKES OAT AS MLA: Poinguinim MLA Isidore Fernandes was administered
an oath of office and secrecy by Speaker Vikas Satarkar in his chamber at
the Goa Assembly complex, Porvorim, on 26 October. Isidore took the oath in
English. (GT)

"ISIDORE'S MOVE NOT IMMORAL": Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar on Tuesday
said that the decision of Poinguinim MLA to quit the Congress and seek
re-election was not an immoral act. He said that even after the BJP strength
rose to 20 following Isidore's victory on party ticket, the BJP-led
coalition government was constitutionally and politically safe and stable.

VIGILANCE ON VPS PROPOSED: In the face of large number of complaints against
panchayat secretaries from sarpanchas, panchas and people, the Directorate
of Panchayat has proposed to set up a vigilance cell to monitor the
functioning of the panchayat secretaries. (H)

NAVELIM SUBWAY: The Navelim Civic and Consumer Forum has demanded the
commissioning of the subway at Navelim junction before November 7. In a
letter to Rajya Sabha MP Eduardo Faleiro, the Forum drew his attention to
the incomplete subway at Navelim and the chaotic situation endangering the
life, particularly of tiny students. (H)

DEMPO SECONDARY'S ALUMNI ASSOCIATION: The Parents Teachers Association of
Dempo Charities Trust of Vasantrao Dempo Higher Secondary School of Arts and
Science has formed an alumni association at a meeting held recently. (GT)

ANN INSTITUTE CHAIRMAN HELD: The police in Porvorim have arrested the
chairman of Ann Institute of Paramedical Services, AN Nagvekar, and his wife
Anika for cheating after a student of the Institute filed a complaint
against them. The student, Dorothy Diniz of Merces, complained against the
Nagvekars stating that she was falsely told that the institute had
government recognition. She also alleged that the students had been told
they would be awarded a BSc in Nursing and that they would easily get jobs
in America. (GT)

ILLEGAL SHACKS RAZED: In a demolition drive on Tuesday morning, the tourism
department razed four shacks which were illegally constructed on the
Candolim beach. (H)

DEVELOP KONKANI BY USING ONE SCRIPT": Although there are several
associations working towards the development of Konkani language, the
development of the language is slow due to its many scripts remarked Ron

[Goanet]Birthdays from 26th - 31st Oct 2004

2004-10-27 Thread Vincente Fernandes
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Wishing you all a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY on behalf of GoaNetters to

26-Oct  Charlotte Noronha   Kuwait  
27-Oct  Joseph Fernandes
28-Oct  Nathalie Falcao Brussels
31-Oct  Julie Castelino Mumbai  
31-Oct  Wilmarco Antonio Rosario Rodrigues  Margao - Goa / Abu - Dhabi, U.A.E   
31-Oct  Francisco Xavier Gracias


Please do notify if your e-mail address has been changed, for cc'ing
B'day wished to your e-mail address.
NOTE: Please send your Birthday's details for those who haven't done
so far to the following e-mail address([EMAIL PROTECTED]) with
subject as Birthday/Birthday details as per below format.
Birth Day/Month   NameBirth/Current Place

[Goanet]FRIDAY BALCAO to focus on Panchayat elections on party lines.

2004-10-27 Thread Goa Desc
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Welcome  to the FRIDAY BALCAO
Read the Balcao Synopsis on the website
Dear Cybergaokars on GoaNet,
Friday Balcao the fortnightly discussion event
to be held on 29th October will focus on
Panchayat elections on party lines.
The Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar recently announced that
the Goa Government proposes to move an ordinance to amend
the Goa Panchayati Raj Act so as to conduct the next general
Panchayat and Zilla Panchayat elections on party lines.
Although there has been protest from some quarters there has
not been a clear view on the Government proposal from regional
and national political parties in Goa.
What impact will the political party based elections have on
village panchayats ? Will there be an erosion of village autonomy
with regards governance ? Will National and State development
agendas dominate the village development agenda ? Will the
party manifestos decide the course of development in the
village ?
What benefits would be derived from holding elections on party
lines? Is such a move meant to tame the increasingly conscious
and questioning gram sabhas ? How dependent will the Sarpanch
be on the political party that sponsors the candidature ?
The Balcao discussion will cover these questions and
and also evolve an agenda for action by citizens on the issue.
Friday Balcao will be from 4pm to 6pm
at the Goa Desc Resource Centre
No.11 Liberty Apartments Feira Alta,
Mapusa and is open to members of the public.
Those citizens who would like to receive
the regular invitation to Friday Balcao and a one page synopsis
of the fortnightly session can subscribe for the same
by sending Rs.100/- to cover printing and mailing costs.
Interested citizens wanting more information
on Friday Balcao can phone on 2252660
or by email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
best wishes,
Roland Martins
Documentation + Education + Solidarity
11 Liberty Apts., Feira Alta, Mapusa, Goa 403 507
Tel: 2252660 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   website: www.goadesc.org
Working On Issues Of Development & Democracy