[Goanet]Queries about the CPLP

2005-08-07 Thread Frederick Noronha (FN)
Just came across the Community of Portuguese Language Countries

While Goa is not a 'country', was curious to know (i) how active is this
group (ii) how useful is it (iii) does it allow regions which are not
countries, and where Portuguese isn't the official language, to join in?

Tino Xavier had, if one recalls right, posted something on this in the
recent past. FN

- - - - - 
Comunidade dos Países de Língua Portuguesa or CPLP) is a multilateral
forum for mutual friendship between the lusophone nations across the
world where Portuguese is an official language.

CPLP was formed in 1996 with seven countries, Angola, Brazil, Cape
Verde, Guinea-Bissau, Mozambique, Portugal and São Tomé and Príncipe.
East Timor joined the community in 2002 after regaining independence
from Indonesia. Brazil, East Timor, and the five African member
countries are all former colonial possessions of Portugal.

[Goanet]Dinesh D'Souza.

2005-08-07 Thread Gabe Menezes

...a large portion of Bradley money goes to the major colleges and
universities. Bradley president Michael Joyce "...believes that
investment in academia is vital to the long-term success of the
conservative movement, and has directed millions toward academic
research and program development. According to Joyce, Bradley has
helped pay for the work of approximately 600 graduate students over
the years. 'That's like building a wine collection,' he said." [From
"Buying a Movement."]
 One of these bottles of fine wine is Dinesh D'Souza, a [former]
scholar at the Bradley-funded American Enterprise Institute. As an
undergraduate student at Dartmouth College, D'Souza founded and served
as editor of the ultra-conservative Dartmouth Review, the first member
of the (now) Bradley-funded Madison Center for Educational Affairs
"Collegiate Network." The Review was reportedly kicked off campus
after a student uproar following the paper's publishing of "humorous"
articles featuring KKK-type stereotypes of Black students. During
D'Souza's term as editor, the Review also reportedly published private
correspondence of gay students stolen by its staff members.
 D'Souza's next journalistic stint was as editor of Prospect, a paper
that under his leadership published an attack on women's studies and
an "expose" of the sex life of a woman undergraduate student, without
her permission [according to author Ellen Messer-Davidow.]
 With this impressive resume behind him -- and having penned a glowing
biography of Moral Majority leader Jerry Falwell -- D'Souza was hired
as senior domestic policy analyst in the Reagan administration. As a
[former] John M. Olin scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, he
[formerly] receive[d] an annual grant in excess of $100,000. His
subsequent books have also received backing from the Madison Center.
In 1995, D'Souza came out with "The End of Racism: Principles for a
Multiracial Society." The book argues that low-income Black people are
basically "pathological" and that white racism isn't really racism at
all, just a logical response to this "pathology."
D'Souza maintains racism will only end when
"...blacks as a group can show that they are capable of performing
competitively in schools and the work force...If blacks can close the
civilization gap, the race problem in this country is likely to become
The book would have made interesting reading on the Middle Passage,
that early example of European "civilization." And in fact, D'Souza
also writes that slavery itself was not a racist institution, merely
He further states that segregation was designed
"...to assure that [Blacks], like the handicapped, would
be...permitted to perform to the capacity of their arrested
The book was reportedly marketed extensively in business circles.
[From "Buying a Movement."]
P.S. If exposing the likes of Dinesh D'Souza is a personal attack,
then so be it. If a person journalist exposes himself to the extent of
inviting ciriticism, than I don't see anything wrong in it. After all
it shows how he progressed. I fail to see any crab mentality; a
frequent Goan myth professed on this site.


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

Re: [Goanet]re: the dinesh debate

2005-08-07 Thread Mario Goveia
--- Eugene Correia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> One of the netters suggested that there's always
> someone on the net to bring another fellow Goan
> down.
> If this is a reference to me, let me point out that
> I had posed a query. I just wanted to know if Dinesh
> is a Goan, and that's all. As I said, I was wrongly
> informed.
Mario replies:
It's OK, Eugene, you don't have to hide behind
euphemisms like "someone on Goanet".  My comments were
not aimed at you.  I believe I was very specific in my
responses to your assertions.
Eugene continues:
> Just for curiousity (as it does not matter
> to the core issue), if Dinesh's mom is 'east
> Indian.'
> The lady who informed me was of "east Indian
> origin".
> My point is why would she me this wrong information.
Mario replies:
I have no idea why this woman told you this, Eugene. 
Maybe you should ask her.  Eric Pinto has posted
details of Dinesh's Goan heritage.  BTW, as you must
have noticed, there were many falsehoods in omission
and comission in the article that was posted on
Dinesh.  Just like you have done in your case, I
wonder why people would do that?
Eugene writes:
> Second, as vivian too has noted that some of us may
> be suffering from 'crab mentality'. This is not the
> issue here. 
Mario replies:
Vivian can speak for himself, but I don't believe he
was referring to you either.
Eugene writes:
> As Mario says, it should have opened a debate on
> dinesh's politics and his writings. If i remember
> correctly, dinesh shunned away from a debate called
> by Black scholars after his book on race appeared.
Mario replies:
I don't know where you get your information from, or
who you consider black "scholars", but from the
debates I have seen him engage in, Dinesh does not shy
away from debating anyone, including real black
scholars, as well as white ones.
Eugene writes:
> But I was fear that it could take the turn such as
> Mario vs Cornel we saw recently on the list.
Mario replies:
Eugene, I consider Cornel to be a gentleman and a
scholar, unlike a couple of others on Goanet who shall
remain nameless.  We are collaborators in the fight
against the diabolical caste system.  Our discussions,
though heated, have been civil as far as I'm
concerned, even though we disagree profoundly about
economics as well as the situation in the middle-east.
Eugene continues:
> > In conclusion, let me say i have no intention of
> bringing dinesh down. Indeed I am happy for him for
> his success. But ideological I can't be happy on his
> projection and promotion of the Conservative agenda.
Mario concludes:
Fair enough, Eugene.  However, as a person who is
about as conservative as Dinesh is, it would help if
you could articulate some specifics of what you are
talking about, rather than some vague generalities
about modern political conservatism, which, in my
never humble opinion, has created more economic good
for more people in the US than any other philosophy,
including minorities and people who are considered
"poor" in the US, who have a higher standard of living
than most Europeans.

[Goanet]KONKANI KOVITA : DHADOSPON (Boroupi: Cajetan Godinho]

2005-08-07 Thread Goa's Pride goa-world.com


Xindrer Nidhlolo
Koslich Khont Nastanam,
Khuxealkaeche Suskar Sodta…
Velludache Khatir
Akhi Rat Bhor Zhago,
Khonti Uske Khadta…
Pinzlelem Ghalun Dhadoxi
Suittam Neslolo Sodanch,
Apun Vingllo Mhun Rhodta…

Goribachem Bolos Ritem
Uskea Meklo Jieta,
Faleamchem Chintinam…
Bankkinim Duddu Ektavun
Zaite Zan Torui,
Jivitant Kuxeal Nam…
Todde Ordi Bakri Kaun Khuxi
Noxibvontamchem Pott,
Kitlem Jeulear Bhoronam…

Amcho Dispotto Igraz
Aiz Amkam Dhi,
Devak Ami Ulo Martanv…
Kitlem Dilam Astanam 
Torui Pun Xinnon,
Rochnarak Okman Kortanv…
Ek Bhikari Passun Khadinam  
Titlo Faleamcho Usko kaddun,
Ami Sodanch Rodtanv…

Kitli Girestkai Aslear
Velludache Khatirui Nidlear,
Amkam Nid Podchinam…
Borem Nessonnuim Vinglle Distele
Kitlem Jeulear Passun,
Amchem Pott Kednanch Bhorchenam…
Jivitant Khorem DHADOSPON Meutelem
Zoritor Ami Monan Niallear Sodanch,
Khorim Dhadoskaechim Chintnam…

Cajetan Godinho – soccer legend at Soor Grounds -
(c) www.goa-world.com  07/08/2005 

Gulf-Goans e-Newsletter archived at

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2005-08-07 Thread Gabe Menezes
On 07/08/05, Ricardo Nunes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Message: 12

> MIKE (from Michael)
> The opposite of a wasp (white anglo saxon protestant) is a wog (western
> oriental gentleman)
> Why are East Indians from the West coast of India?
> Arjun

RESPONSE: I don't think that is correct although ti seems to fit the
bill. Wog was a derogatory term for black people. it derives from
gollywog. Which was a black doll (depicting a black person) This
gollywog was imprinted on Robertson's jams until not so long ago.
Political correctness caused it's demise.


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

[Goanet]Re: Neil de Jesus Rangel :feedback

2005-08-07 Thread Frederick Noronha (FN)
Okay, Neil. How about coming up with a well-reasoned case in writing to
argue the opposite point of view? Build an option... Goanet Reader
welcomes you to submit it through this channel. FN

From: neil rangel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: goanet@goanet.org, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [Goanet]Neil de Jesus Rangel :feedback
Reply-To: goanet@goanet.org

There is an increasing number of individuals like Joao
da Veiga Coutinho's "A Kind of Absence: Life in the
Shadows of History" (Yuganta Press, Connecticut,
1997),who take pride in self-hate(of being Goan
Catholic)and what I call pseudo-anticolonialism.
Lets face one fact: Portuguese rule in Goa was a
historic necessity that liberated our ancestors from a
culture of merciless human exploitation that continues

[Goanet]Somplelea Tiatristank Xrod�dhanjoli : CARMO ROD (ex-Kuwait)

2005-08-07 Thread Goa's Pride goa-world.com
Somplelea Tiatristank Xrod’dhanjoli 
 - John Gomes Kokoy


Ek Mhan Kantorist Greg bhaxentlean mousike mhollear
mousikos sobdantlo vixexonn ani to khoinchei kolek
zanv kovita, nattok ani nach, kivam songitak ani vadan
kaddil’lea avaza khatir vapuddttale. Romkaramni, Greg
lokam koddlean songit usnnem ghetlem ani Latintlem
musica aslem tem Konknnint muzgaponn zalem. Eka
kallar, vhoddlea ani sumarachea muzgancheo balvaddeo
mhollear Igorjecheo xalla axil’leo – teo atam
zhollkonant. Lok- priya ani namnnechim songitkaram ani
kantoristam Bharot bhor Hindi cholchitram sobhoitat.
Amchea adlea kaim tiatristamni oslea balvaddeancho
boro faido kaddlo ani dekhunuch te songit xikle ani
tachea adharan nove-nove sur rochle ani aplim kantaram
surngailim. Solfam noko asleleamni ap-aplea bhejeancho
upeog kelo, karonn kosloi novo sur jikhun dhorpant te
borech laik axil’le. Thodde crooner bore, punn tanche
kodden novim ghoddpam vo gitam rochunk tank naxil’li.
Oslea mhan kantoristam modlo amcho ek somplolo
tiatrist mhollear: CARMO PIEDADE RODRIGUES.

Amam Goenkarank songitachem pixem laglolem asa ani
dekunuch zolmak thavn moro porian ami hea bolladik
hotiaracho upeog kortanv. Songit mhollear ‘sonvsarik
othmik bhas’ hem konnacheanuch visrunk zaina.
Kerollantlea Divine Retreat Centre hatunt nnov
satolleancho retir kortana, ami thoim songitacho
kitlea toramni vapor kortat tem khas dolleamni
pollelem ani kanamni aikolem. Jin’sam bhasamni
(Inglez, Moratthi, Hindi, Telugu, Tamil, Malayalam ani
Konkni) zovoll zovoll xembor odhikuch bhokti gitam ami
aikolim, hem zalench; tea bhair songitachea adharan
gorvam-mhosranchem dud vaddovpant adhar zata ani
zhaddam sud’dam songitachea nadar borim follam-fulam
ditat, hem-i pollevn kaddlem. 

hachea avazan A.R.Souza Ferrao chea onttancher ami
aikolam. He ghoddnuke udexim tea cholchitrak loklok
choddlo hem konnacheanuch bason vocho nezo. Oxem
sangtat ki tem rikordd korche adim, onek gavpeanche
talle topaslole mhunn ani akhrek CARMOcho avaz eog’eo
oso mell’llo mhunn. 

CARMO, Osollnnechea Orelant Julaiache 16ver 1939 vorsa
zolmolo Agostache 13ver, 1975 vorsa, to Mumboint
somplo. Tacho nimanno haves ballgun, Osollnneant tache
kuddicher xevottache sonvskar korpant aile. Tachem
pret ghorantlem bhair kaddttana, muzgamni jen’na
tannem fank zoddil’lea OPINION POLL gitacho sur
sovkasaien vazoilo, ten’na hajir axil’lea soiream ani
ixtt-mitranchea dolleantlean ghosghoxit dukam
vanvtalim. Tachea mornnan, Maria-k ghorkar ani eklech
dhuvek bapui nam zalo, Jennifer, tacho bhavui bi ek
tiatrist ani sodheak Kuwait asta. 

Survek, CARMO Inglezintlean logna dobajeank ani
bhovxik nachank gaitalo. Tacho kherit ek nog mhollear
torekvar Konknni lok-gitanchi bhoros (Ami chedde,
bhangra gulle.., Chol nachum-ia, vazoi tujem toblem,
adi, adi). Ten’na to barik-sarik AVC-int tiatramni
nhestalo. Vevsaik Konknni machier poilem pavl tannem
Bhangwaddi rongbhuincher dovorlem. The Goan Dramatic
Group hannim ek ugtti spordha addail’li zantunt xoukin
toxech vevsaik gavpi vantto ghetale. VOL hea gita
udexim CARMOn poilem inam’ melloilem. 

Hea vhoddlea zoitan to, C. Alvares, Robin Vaz, Alfred
Rose, Jacint Vaz, John Claro, Jephsis Hitler, Kokoy
ani sabar dusrea digdorspeanchea tiatramni gitam ani
sovongam korun, Goenkaram modlo Pat Boone koso
chokmoklo. Ek sarkhim dha vorsam tannem Konknni machi
gazoili. CARMO, Saxttintlea fanki songitkar,
Chinchonnecho somplolo Carlito Rodrigues hachea Radio
Serenaders ani Vell’lechea Josinho mestrichea AVC Pops
hea donui pongddank gavun, borich namna zoddunk

Tiatristponnant astana, CARMOn he tiatr machier
PADRICHO GHUTT (jidik poddon ekech ratiam modem
FAVO (nimanne tin tiatr rochpi hanvuch axil’lom).
mhonnlelim gitam borinch gazlim. Carmo-Anita hanchem
zoddpem eka kallar borench chokmoktalem ani tanchea
zodd-gitancho (zoxim: PARCEL RAKHO & KOREZM)
tiatr-pollennar azun ugddas kortat. Punn Opinion Poll
hea gitant mat tannem aplo khoro jadu dakholl kelo.
Tannem gaileleam modlem sogleam von bes borem git
khoinchem? Oso ami vichar kortoch, to taboddtob zabab
ditalo: Poilem – OPINION POLL, dusrem – OPINION POLL
ani tisrem – OPINION POLL. Hangasor, mhaka spoxtt
sangin dista ki: Kitloi avgodd sur jikhun dhorpant ani
punzavpant CARMOk lagtolo anik dusro tiatrist
naxil’lo: Goroz ten’na taka gitam ghoddun divpak mhaka
umed ani khuxalkai bhogtali ani unnem odhik 25 tori
novim gitam hanvem tache svadin kel’lim. Moro sor, to
mhaka dhin’vaxi ravlolo. 

CARMO, zorui tiatr machier mhojea von fattlo, torui
mhaka boroch lagim aslo. Amche sobhav, gunn
ek-sarkhele – mat tori veglleponn naxil’lem mhollear
zatalem. Svotontrtaiek axel’le ami, amchench khorem


2005-08-07 Thread godfrey gonsalves
The organisors of the " Meet to highlight use of
Konkani in Roman script "  which is a meet of the
representatives of associations working in literary
and cultural field of Goa through Konkani in Roman
script to be held on August 8 at Grace Church hall,
Margao should send immediately invitation to all the
14 Catholic MLA's and Ministers of the Goa Legislative
Assembly to speak out their mind on the need to do
justice to the Roman script.

The theme being Unity in diversity of scripts and not
a monopoly of one script Devnagiri overshadowing or
anhilating other scripts.

This being the  follow-up of the preliminary meeting
held in July, 2005 at Pilar the meeting is
specifically convened to bring to the notice of the
writers, poets and artistes of Konkani in Roman script
about the injustice meted out to them and to their
creative activities.

The meeting will discuss about the importance of
Konkani language in our lives, identity of Goans
through Konkani language irrespective of any
particular script, financial support from the
government to all the literary and cultural activities
of Konkani in Roman script, etc., etc.

Even otherwise without an invitation the 14 "Cristao
Montris and Amdars" ought to attend this meet so that
an amendment to Official language act 1987 
legislation or mention be made for need of recognising
Konkani in Roman script during the forthcoming month
long since 11 August 2005, session of the Goa
Legislative Assembly.

Alternatively Mr Luizinho Faleiro on behalf of theINC
Dr Wilfred A De Souza on behalf of the NCP and
Francisco De Souza on behalf of the BJP  Mr Mathany
Saldanha on behalf of the UGDP could spell out their
respective party stands in person or messages at this
meet. Even Mr Churchill Alemao MP could give his view
and also rope in Mrs Margaret Alva attending to the
Goa Desk of her INC to render her views now that in
her home state Karwar -- demand for recognising
Konkani in Kannda script is gaining tremendous

If these 14 Cristao MLA's and Montris do not attend or
voice their opinion the organisors should meet them
personally and record their views and air them

In fact as a follow up after the meet a morcha could
be held in Panaji/Porvorim  during the Assembly
session giving vide coverage on the national and local
visual media.

This has been the demand of several senior Goans of
both  Hindu and Catholic community that this writer
has been interacting with, to build the ground swell
for this demand -- its now or never.

Godfrey J I Gonsalves
Borda Margao Goa

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2005-08-07 Thread Ricardo Nunes
Message: 12
From: "Alfred de Tavares" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: goanet@goanet.org
Subject: RE: [Goanet]East Indian
Date: Sun, 07 Aug 2005 13:10:26 +0200
Reply-To: goanet@goanet.org

>From: Tony Barros <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>The White Anglo-Saxon protestants (Wasps) meted out various labels to
>other minorities including  Chinese ("Chinkies")and Jews ("Hymies").
>Even white catholics were not spared . Italians were called
>"guineas". I believe, they also had a label for the Irish.

Not "paddys" Tony?


MIKE (from Michael)

The opposite of a wasp (white anglo saxon protestant) is a wog (western
oriental gentleman)

Why are East Indians from the West coast of India?


[Goanet]Off Topic !

2005-08-07 Thread rene barreto

A psot from "A Paulites"
I thought I d share and cheer up some of our Goans !

Hi folks,

This is a most interesting site. Its interesting what
we looked like when we were young!.Surprisingly there
r pics of most students of St Pauls and St josephs. I
dont know how they managed to get hold of them
--probably fm the passing out group photograph. 
BR  -Ever  == Johndee


Start your day with Yahoo! - make it your home page 

Re: [Goanet]Traditional Mando/Dulpod (Please name some popular M/F Names )

2005-08-07 Thread Edward Verdes
Mogachea Edu - Rita Rose
1-Kallzak hea kellai jadu, gheun boumtam tujo fottu
   Edward tujem nanv, punn mogan munntam Edu.

2- Kazar Zaina - Betty
Maim aum zaina kazaru, zaina Kazaru..Eddieche/Abbyche bogoru2

FLORA - (sung at the time of Ross)
Kai borem naum tujem flora, Bardezant ghanv tuzo arpora.
Mai pai tuca kortat kazaru, kortat kazaru, saxtint rai ambora  -

Damu - (aum saiba poltodi vetam)
Damulea lognac kolvontamcho khellu.2

Santan mauxen bitor aplem kapodd sudoilem }
Luis Bakran zonelantlean distuch polloilem}...2

KATRINA - ieo ieo Katrina

M: Ieo Ieo Katrina,   F: Na na euchina...2
M: Tuca Modgomvam than Ponje vortam, Ponje than tuca Xivole vortam
 Xivole feri bottint tuca loving xinkoitam


Luizinha mojea Luizinha, Luizinha mojea moga
Merces, Kalafura soddun divale vetai roddonaka

Oh Marialinha nanv tujem hanv zanam oh Marialinha
Mogacho tujea sumar mellona oh Marialinha

Claudia Mogachea, urbeborit jiv assa mozo,
Claudia niz moga, dolleamcher xapla rupkar tuzo

Maria and Valees in - SWEATER KORI

Maria -  Mohd Rafi
Maria, mojea mogan podlem.
tho suria

BALKUS  Jacinto Vaz
Okol khuimchi zaum, Novreacho rai ghanv,
Sangtam tachem naum., balkuso anv.

JULIANA - Alfred Rose
Juliana, Juliana, tokli moji tharear nam,
Juliana, Juliana, kernam mevxi Dev Zannam.

Bonny / Annie - Pitacho gullo - by Rita Rose
Kaiborem nanv tachem Bonny
Vhoi anv ghorkarn tachie Anni

other names...Marekin...Kunnbi Jaki, Cindrella (A.Rose, Ritin...etc

Edward Verdes

From: "JoeGoaUk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Goan Traditional Mandos/Dulpods and use of Males/Females names:
> Can you name some popular names used?

RE: [Goanet]East Indian

2005-08-07 Thread Alfred de Tavares

From: Tony Barros <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

The White Anglo-Saxon protestants (Wasps) meted out various labels to
other minorities including  Chinese ("Chinkies")and Jews ("Hymies").
Even white catholics were not spared . Italians were called
"guineas". I believe, they also had a label for the Irish.

Not "paddys" Tony?

[Goanet]Remembering 2nd August

2005-08-07 Thread A. Veronica Fernandes


The 2nd of August will go down in the history of Kuwait in particular and of 
mankind in general as the day of betrayal because on this day not only 
Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait but also betrayed Kuwait and converted it into 
19th province of Iraq.  In invading Kuwait Saddam Hussein trampled the 
sanctified principles of UN, NAM, OIC & Arab League which forbid the use of 
force to settle bilateral issues. On this day in 1990 Saddam Hussein sent 
his troops into Kuwait and when his invading troops reached Kuwait City 
early in the morning at 6.00 I was totally baffled to know that it was Iraqi 
troops. At that time Kuwait City transport was totally at stand still on the 
road as Iraqi troops forced the drivers out of the steering wheels  while 
the vehicle engines still on. In Kuwait city the soldiers were patrolling 
the streets carrying II World War Wireless sets and wearing worn out 
helmets.  There was gloom all around as Iraqi soldiers were taking 
possession of the entire city including that of the City Police Station.  We 
were more terrified at around 10.00 AM when we heard a terrible sound of 
bombing somewhere near the Church area and hearing this we fell on our 
knees, praying and crying for our lives.

With the fall of Kuwait fell our dreams and ambitions.  To their chagrin 
within few hours of invasion Kuwaitis lost everything and turned into 
countryless, homeless, passportless, friendless, servantless, expatriateless 
and many other less.  The Iraqis inducted such a fear into the minds of 
Kuwaitis that to identify them as Kuwaitis at moment was risking their 
lives.  We the expatriates residing in Kuwait city were terribly afraid 
because major portion of Iraqi troops was concentrated in this area.  
Knowing the habits of invading troops of targeting innocent women, I went 
around to inform my friends to disappear with their womenfolk from Kuwait 
city to prevent Iraqi troops from molesting and raping them.  In fact within 
few hours of invasion Iraqis raped some women irrespective of their religion 
and nationality.  Poor Filipinas went underground within 24 hours of 
invasion.  Within 48 hours of invasion Baba Bush threatened Saddam Hussein 
to withdraw from Kuwait or otherwise face the music.  As a reply, Saddam 
Hussein put more fear into our hearts by issuing a ruthless statement saying 
"if USA attacks Iraq, I will turn Kuwait into a graveyard".

After 4 days the first invading troops moved further near Saudi border and 
they were replaced by a fresh batch that was nothing but a bunch of thieves 
who with the help of some Arab traitor residents started robbing us and our 
houses during the daylight.  Among these troops there were some young boys 
who did not even have proper boots and uniforms and did not know how to hold 
the guns. A few of them were bitterly crying in Kuwait city for being in the 
military against their wishes. The gold shops in the city were nicely 
protected by the especial Iraqi armed soldiers who did not allow even the 
owners to open them.  While Iraqi troops robbed Kuwait of its identity, some 
of the expatriates especially holders of top positions in their companies 
directly or indirectly robbed the goods and products of their companies.  
With the help of the invaders some of the Kuwaiti companies were royally 
robbed by none other than the expatriate managers working in those 

During my 3 months of stay in invaded Kuwait I was deeply hurt to see the 
sorry plight of all the residents, Kuwaitis as well as expatriates.  Within 
a split of a moment rich became poor and somebody became nobody.  Due to 
stoppage of economic process in Kuwait our money power was totally weakened. 
 To show their gratitude to this country from where they earned their 
sustenance, many of the expatriates identified with the sufferings of the 

While remembering this day we must not forget the benefits we derived by 
working in Kuwait.  It is by working in this country that many of us became 
somebody in life.  For this reason let us all pray for peace in this 
peaceful country and pray for the well being of our employers because of 
whom we are all earning our daily breads.  May God Bless Kuwait.  May God 
Bless our Employers. May God Bless us.

A. Veronica Fernandes,

N.B. On 2nd August I could not release this article to this forum since on 
1st itself I left for Goa to attend to the funeral of my sister, late Martha 
who expired on 31st of last month.  I have just returned to Kuwait 
yesterday.  Hence, the delay.

Don't just search. Find. Check out the new MSN Search! 

[Goanet]Konkan Railway Trains Mumbai-Goa cancelled upto 08 Aug 2005

2005-08-07 Thread Lawrence Rodrigues

7th August, 2005

0945 hrs



 All trains leaving from Mumbai towards Goa, Mangalore and Kerala are cancelled
upto 8th August as the Panvel-Roha section over Central Railway is yet to be

KR1/KR2 and KAM1/KAM2 passenger trains, 1097/1098 Pune-Ernakulam-Pune Poorna
Exp, Madgaon-Mangaon & Ratnagiri-Mangaon special passenger trains will continue
to run on Konkan Railway route.


[Goanet]Neil de Jesus Rangel :feedback

2005-08-07 Thread neil rangel
There is an increasing number of individuals like Joao
da Veiga Coutinho's "A Kind of Absence: Life in the
Shadows of History" (Yuganta Press, Connecticut,
1997),who take pride in self-hate(of being Goan
Catholic)and what I call pseudo-anticolonialism.
Lets face one fact: Portuguese rule in Goa was a
historic necessity that liberated our ancestors from a
culture of merciless human exploitation that continues
till today. They gave us an egalitarian society with
equality, social justice and equal human dignity,
universal education and equal dignity of the sexes -
all alien to Indian culture.Off course what better
thing than a fabulous religion that made sure of all
the above. One needs to know and understand the
horrors of the caste(varna) system that is an integral
and inseparable part of Indian culture and
religion(Hindu). What about the abolition of Sati?
The Goan Catholics have a distinct Lusitanian culture
and 2 languages (Roman Conacanim and Portuguese) and
do not need to make apologies for the same.It is time
we had the official right to our languages: not a
script that's alien to us. They should fearlessly
guard and preserve their distinct identity and culture
that alone makes Goa a different place. To the Goan
Catholics, human existence is a celebration of life,
not a tragedy or calamity or consequence of a past
life, to be avoided or escaped from. Why do tourists
come to Goa? I do not need to answer this
question.Well I'll answer it: to experience the all
pervasive Goan Catholic culture..

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[Goanet]Rs 2000 to catch stray cows in Delhi

2005-08-07 Thread English Books Al-Ahsa S/R
Your mail has been scanned by InterScan.

Hello Goanetters

Read this on the newspaper. Rs 2000 for every stray cow caught in New Delhi.
Was wondering how much Goa Government would pay.


Jerry Fernandes

[Goanet]AICHEA DISSAK CHINTOP - August 7, 2005!

2005-08-07 Thread domnic fernandes

Patiennem kednanch pirdear zainam jednam soglleponn zoit vorta.

(Trust never fails when integrity prevails.)

Domnic Fernandes
Anjuna/Dhahran, KSA

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[Goanet]Goanet Reader -- Absence: what a Goan writer finds when he embarks on a journey

2005-08-07 Thread Goanet Reader
Absence: what a Goan writer finds when he embarks on a journey

  Eusebio L. Rodrigues, who has been at Georgetown
  University's English Department, takes a closer look
  at Joao da Veiga Coutinho's "A Kind of Absence: Life
  in the Shadows of History" (Yuganta Press,
  Connecticut, 1997), and finds the author's search has
  taught him many things. Including the lesson that
  there is no single way of being a Goan. And that Goans
  were among the first to experience a dislocating sense
  of exile that is modern; and that Goans must learn to
  live without roots, and replace roots with horizons in
  order to see a world of infinite possibility. Says the
  reviewer: "I hope this review will trigger questions
  about what it means to be a Goan."

Eusebio L. Rodrigues

Joao da Veiga Coutinho, a Goan whose inner depths have been
disturbed by mysterious eruptions, writes 'A Kind of Absence:
Life in the Shadows of History' to understand what is happening
to him. He undertakes a painful return to the self he was, so
that the act of writing becomes an invitation to a voyage of
discovery. A shy sensitive seeker he will exhume his buried
self, not to tell all, but to toss out bits and pieces that his
reader has to put together before meanings can emerge.

These emerge reluctantly in spurts of meditations, comments,
musings. They erupt out of a life that is deliberately not
channeled into autobiography -- that would be just a construct
-- but as an erratic, bubbling flow, a random quest crowded with

  It is a two fold quest. That of a writer who begins a
  search for he knows not what, one who sets forth to
  understand his Goanness, and who insists also that his
  reader come along with him on a parallel quest. He
  talks to his reader, but keeps him at the distance
  proper to art. He offers the reader insights but no
  explanations, compels him to experience his own
  hesitancies, his broodings, his speculations. Treats
  the reader as a kinsman, a Goan frPre, capable of
  sharing the experience and of understanding its

The journey opens with a meditation on history in general and on
Goan history in particular. No generalizations on history are
offered, for the writer will not trap himself in a definition.
History, an ongoing process, involves time, and time never
stops, it flows. Our writer is a Bakhtinian with a dialogical

He begins with the Portuguese intrusion, as he calls it, out of
which both reader and writer have sprung, a traumatic episode in
the life of Goa, of India, and indeed in the history of the
world. He refuses to elaborate at this stage, trusting that his
reader will remember traumatic events like the fall of
Constantinople in 1453. But he will not refer to this fall.

Instead, he leaps into texts that have sketched Goan history
hoping for answers to his questions. He will not describe these
writings either, six or seven of them, written mostly by Goans,
nor will he attack their views. They, like him, were fellow
Goans after all, they were searching for something.

So he has exchanges with them.

  * With an old French missionary, whose book, its
title, alas, forgotten, had made Old Goa come alive
for the writer’s father who used to make the little
boy accompany him on his rambles through the Old

  * With José Nicolau da Fonseca whose book on Goa,
based on cold statistical facts, was a solid
contribution to the British Imperial Gazetteer of

  * With Gerson da Cunha who felt completely at home in
the British colonial world, and quite uneasy about
his Goanness.

  * With Father Gabriel Saldanha who willingly assumed a
Portuguese identity.

  * With Socrates da Costa who lived comfortably in the
shadow of the Portuguese.

  * With Claude Saldanha who was convinced that Goa was
a distinct separate country

  * With Peregrino da Costa and Bento de Souza who
praise the absorptive quality of Goans that allowed
them to enter the modern world.

  * With A. K. Priolkar for whom the coming of the
Portuguese was a mere stain on Indian history to be
wiped away and forgotten.

A marvelous compression of observations on the Goan self this
chapter, with its enigmatic title, Conversations with the Dead.
Pleasant conversations, unlike the quarrels at a gathering of
immigrants in America mentioned in the opening chapter, where a
cynical Goan observes, Goans are like coconuts, brown on the
outside, white inside.

In this chapter, Goan writers and their books are tossed out
casually, no explanatory footnotes are offered. For 


2005-08-07 Thread Philip Thomas



[Goanet]It's a Mad, Mad, Mad World...

2005-08-07 Thread Lawrence Rodrigues
See http://oheraldo.in/node/2602

Twist to Nachinola murder

 Father slit daughter's neck with chopper
 Mom, sister-in-law attacked with knives

MAPUSA, AUG 5 - In a shocking twist to the murder of Perpetua Cardozo at
Nachinola on Tuesday night, Mapusa police arrested her parents after Perpetua's
sister-in-law broke down and confessed that Perpetua's own parents also
allegedly played their part in their daughter's death.
Mapusa police arrested Rosario Fernandes (61) and Terezinha Fernandes (58) in
connection with their daughter's murder after Perpetua's sister-in-law Apolonia
Fernandes, who was arrested on Thursday, told police that Rosario cut his
daughter's neck with a chopper, while Terezinha and herself (Apolonia) attacked
Perpetua with knives.
DySP Waman Tari and PI Sandesh Chodankar disclosed that on that fateful Tuesday
night, Perpetua's parents left her residence as usual at 10.30 pm. However,
around midnight, they returned along with Apolonia and murdered Perpetua.
Police further informed that broken pieces of red-coloured bangles were found
under the body of Perpetua. The bangles match with those worn by the deceased's
mother Terezinha.
The police also claimed to have seen bloodstains on the clothes of Rosario.
Though the exact motive behind the murder has not yet been established, the
police put it as an enmity between the accused and the deceased.
There were several police complaints and counter-complaints between the accused
and the deceased. Police have recovered three gold chains, three rings, a pair
of earrings, a bracelet and a pair of bangles hidden by Terezinha on her person.
All three accused have been remanded to four days police custody.