Re: [Goanet] Paes-Navratilova win easy

2005-09-03 Thread Vidyadhar Gadgil
On Fri, 2005-09-02 at 08:54 -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Subject: [Goanet] Paes-Navratilova win easy

This matter has come up before this on Goanet, without any meaningful
action. While all these sports-related articles are doubtless
interesting, what do they have to do with Goanet? -- as such they end up
merely cluttering our Inboxes. Maybe Goanet could set
up a sub-mailing list called 'India-Sports' or something, and such items
could be posted there, and those who are interested could subscribe to

Of course, Eustaquio's efforts are to be appreciated, but they are a
good thing in the wrong place, right?  
Question everything - Karl Marx


2005-09-03 Thread Philip Thomas
Yesterday evening I managed to catch the segment in the local TV (channel)
news about Margaret Alva's comments on Dabolim and Mopa airports.

It seems that the CM Pratapsing Rane (who was seen sitting beside her and
nodding his head vigorously in agreement with almost every statement of
hers), has succeeded in having her push his agenda of an international
airport at Mopa while Churchill Alemao (who was not in the picture) may have
been fobbed off with a mere platitude about Dabolim continuing in spite of

I got the impression that part of Rane's success may have been due to
'misinformation' i.e. regarding the Rs 300 crore said by Alva at Rane's
instance to have been committed for Dabolim's upgradation and modernisation.
This is in contrast to the mere Rs 8 crore announced by AAI recently. No
independent confirmation of the Rs 300 cr figure has been forthcoming so
far. Note that in this day and age one can get a greenfield airport built in
India for Rs 300 crore!

The other factor in the outcome we have picturised may be due to 'lack of
information' which should have been  provided by Churchill. Alva seemed
surprisingly  vague about the problems (and capabilities) of Dabolim
particularly regarding the Naval restrictions on the latter and plans for an
airfield at Seabird. But she was clear that 'Mopa would continue  and
Dabolim would continue'. Thank god for small mercies.

The qustion is for how long her verbal assurance regarding Dabolim's
continuation would be valid. Because once a deal is signed with a builder
for Mopa (a couple of years down the line), a requirement of shutting down
civilian flights at Dabolim might well kick in (two/three years later) in
order to maxmise returns from  Mopa!

Churchill must not go back to sleep. He needs to publicise the actual
picture about Dabolim based on his inside knowledge of the Defence Committee
(subject of course to the usual secrecy considerations).

More imprtant he should focus his energy on shaping the Mopa project  to
safeguard the south Goa hoteliers interest viz by ensuring that Mopa is not
a mega airport overnight but a small domestic one in evolutionary mode.

In the meantime all eyes have to be peeled for the deal with the Mopa
builder about closure requirements at Dabolim. Because when that happens
Rane and the Navy will simply shrug their shoulders and say "Dont blame us,
blame them (builder)" who in turn will say "This is based on international


2005-09-03 Thread carlos6143

Philip Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Finally a ray of hope in the bleak managerial landscape of Goa! There 

some basis for gaining traction instead of simply spinning wheels.

Chairperson of the Congress Coordination Committee, Margaret Alva, on 

a two
day visit to Goa, "has made it clear that Dabolim airport will not be 


down .. even when the new airport [at Mopa] starts functioning".

I do not see a ray of hope. Alva is only trying to pacify the Goans by 
saying that Dabolim airport will not be closed. What happens if the 
major airlines choose Mopa with state of the art facilities over 
Dabolim. Then Dabolim will see less and less civilian traffic (may be 
with only Alva Airlines operating) and ultimately becoming a 100% Naval 
The Goa Govt. needs to cancel the Mopa project in its entirety, and 
move the Navy out of Dabolim. I also do not think there is enough air 
traffic to support two civilian airports in tiny Goa.


[Goanet] RE: Saldanha and Alemao for Dabolim Airport

2005-09-03 Thread Philip Thomas
This post should perhaps have been re-titled  "Saldanha against Mopa
(period), Alemao for Dabolim AND Mopa".

Saldanha's proposal for paying the Navy (a ransom?) to shift is an old one,
at least 8 months to my knowledge. Conveniently for him it came at the end
of his term as Tourism Minister in which position he could have walked the
talk. Now he conveniently calls on the three Goa MPs to jointly petition the
government of India to get the Navy to shift to Seabird. What are 'MLAs'
like him doing jointly about Dabolim and the Navy? What is the Goa
government doing if anything? Dont they realise the "nuisance value" of the
kind Saldanha has in mind about paying is only increasing year by year.

This idea of paying off  the Navy is strange to say the least. The Navy has
a plan on paper for an airfield at Yenkebe (near Seabird) but routinely
pleads lack of money and approvals etc. (In fact it probably has absolutely
no intention of shifting to Yenkebe except at its own choosing). How come no
one in the Navy saw fit all this time to extract the required money for
Yenkebe from Goa govt? This kind of hawala payment doesnt work, ok?  So
forget it!

Its beside the point that this amount would be much less than what Saldanha
is proposing viz the equivalent of the Mopa two runway mega airport for

Saldanha's views, in my opinion,  are just 'playing to the gallery' and dont
deserve to be given any importance. We should be more concerned about the
lack of "dum" in Alemao's pleadings over the past one year. Why is no one
listening to him? Anybody know about his political track record in this
partyicula domain? (Or is goanet in the proverbial "see no evil, speak no
evil, hear no evil" mode).

P.S. Regarding Margaret Alva's related assurance that Dabolim would continue
even if Mopa is on, we have to wait to hear this line from the Civil
Aviation Minister. He has not said anything at all to this effect in the
last 8 months since he gave Churchill an assurance that "no final decision
has been taken" about Dabolim vis a vis Mopa. if we are not alert we will be
presented with a fait accompli.

[Goanet] Goanet Reader: America's Tsunami

2005-09-03 Thread Frederick Noronha
America's Tsunami

By V. M. de Malar

They're marching out of New Orleans today, the famous Jazz City of the
American South has been totally devastated by Hurricane Katrina. Huge
levees have been breached, main arteries of the metropolis are
underwater, thousands have died, and hundreds of thousands have been
stranded as the entire city is evacuated. It will be months before
average residents will be able to go back, if at all. The "city on the
bayou" from all that great music, the home of  world-famous,
rollicking, Mardi Gras, is largely gone, they're going to have to
rebuild it over many years.

Even sitting here,  oceans away, in India, you can't help but feel
real sorrow for the loss of a precious, much-loved, part of our common
global heritage. And you also can't help but wonder which part of the
globe is next. In less than a year, we've had a stunning tsunami wreak
havoc in large areas across eight countries in Asia, then that freak
Mumbai deluge of 37 inches in 24 hours that brought India's commercial
capital to a grinding halt and caused so much discomfort to so many
millions of people, and now Hurricane Katrina. It's not just New
Orleans, a large part of America's coastline with the Gulf of Mexico
is affected, all along the Mississippi Delta, seriously affecting
agriculture, shipping and oil production in the USA.

It's hard to grasp the complete significance of an event of this
magnitude immediately; the full picture, with all its implications,
will only emerge over time, and through painstaking examination of all
the facts. But it's not too soon to note some commonalities and
differences that are continuing to emerge between the impact of
Hurricane Katrina, and the two water-related disasters that have hit
India recently. Careful comparisons can teach us lessons, about
ourselves and about the Americans, about national character, about the
nature of societies in the rich and poor worlds, about disaster
management and the allocation of resources,  about universal human
values and underlying human instincts and behaviour.

So, one must note that the media gap between India and the USA is
closing; our national press covered the tsunami and the Mumbai deluge
mostly as effectively as the Americans have managed with Hurricane
Katrina. We too had hundreds of reporters on the ground almost in real
time, disseminating news and information even as the situation
unfolded. We too had Internet blogs up and running within hours, vast
amounts of donations pouring in the same day, and essential
communications links established even before the waters receded. The
Americans have a far more efficient and capable disaster management
capability, but it is very informative to watch the superpower
struggle to use it effectively in the wake of an awesome act of
nature; some inefficiencies are inescapable, acts of god strike rich
and poor equally potently.

And there are areas where we can count our blessings. Mumbai features
some of the world's starkest divides between haves and have-nots, but
something essential in its dynamic culture and in its character
prompted that city's residents to band together, to brave the
circumstances with indescribably moving solidarity. There was
something immensely and genuinely heroic about the way our great city
coped with the deluge.

Sadly, that is not the case in New Orleans, where armed mobs have
taken to the streets and we're seeing grotesque television images of
looting that's so widespread it recalls the chaos that overwhelmed
Baghdad when the Baathists took flight. In America, in the world's
richest and most powerful country, relief shipments of food and
supplies are being attacked by gun-toting mobs, and most of the
overworked officials who were assigned to rescue missions have had to
be re-assigned to restore law and order. Arms are everywhere, as they
always are in that country, and the ubiquity of firepower has rendered
a bad situation into utter anarchy.

Talking heads on the foreign cable channels are emphasizing how
awfully third-world the whole scenario looks, and there is a fair
amount of philosophizing that civilization always breaks down when
disaster strikes. They need to be reminded that there was no such
breakdown when an infinitely bigger, infinitely poorer, Mumbai was
submerged under three feet of water and millions lost their homes.
Though hurricanes are universal, and catastrophic acts of nature
certainly affect every part of the world, this particular descent into
chaos has a uniquely American character.

Frederick Noronha 784 Near Convent, Sonarbhat SALIGAO GOA India
Freelance Journalist  TEL: +91-832-2409490 MOBILE: 9822122436
fred at

Re: [Goanet] Saldanha and Alemao for Dabolim Airport

2005-09-03 Thread Bernado Colaco

 the government of India that the
> Dabolim airport is 
> totally civilian airport illegally occupied as war
> gains after Vijaya 
> Operation in 1961.

For all those who talk of 'liberation' there is a
current amendment. Please refer to the above.

B. Colaco

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[Goanet] Letter to Margareth Alva

2005-09-03 Thread A. Veronica Fernandes

Dear Roman Script Konkani Lovers,

Further to the ongoing movement going on in Goa in support of the 
preferential treatment to Roman Script Konkani also, yesterday I called the 
telephone of Margareth Alva (in Delhi) who is heading the Goa Desk besides 
being one of the top Congress persons but I could not get her on the line 
since the person who picked up the phone told me Alva is in Goa.

Then, today morning I called her in Goa and when I got her on the line I 
introduce myself to her as one of the responsible persons for the campaign 
of Konkani since last so many years from Kuwait and currently one of the 
Secretaries of the prestigeous Kuwait Konknni Kendr. When I told her that I 
called her to know her opinion on Roman script Konkani she told me that "why 
dont you come back to Goa and raise this issue instead of raising it from 
Kuwait"?  She was ignorant of what I in particular and Kuwaitkar in general 
did for the cause of Konkani by being in Kuwait.  Then she said little 
tilting towards Devanagri that it is the right script for national 
integration and to create a link amongst all, even in her state Karnataka 
she said Devanagri is favoured for this I firmly said no becuase there in 
her state Kannada script is used for Konkani.  Then she said why in Goa only 
you need Roman script since others are accepting Devanagri.  For this again 
I said it is not correct and since Goa is the citadel of Konkani we Goans 
have all the rights to say what is good for us.  Then she said she does not 
want to argue with me but asked me to send my grievances in writing which I 
am doing now herebelow.  I told Alva I approached her because she can 
influence Goa government as Rajiv Gandhi influenced Goa Government and got 
the language bill passed and thus Goa got Statehood.

Ms Margaret Alva
General Secretary
All India Congress Committee


Our tele-talks this morning 4/9/2005 refers.

The undersigned is the General Secretary of Kuwait Konknni Kendr
in kuwait and our organisation is sympathetic with the
cause of introducing an amendment to the Official
Language Act 1987.

While we appreciate your Party's stand as reflected by
the Chief Minister's assurances on the Floor of the
Goa Legislative Assembly on 30/9/2005 we remain
confident that the best way to ensure justice to the
Roman script once and for all is by an amendment to
the Act which will ensure that both Devanagari and
Roman will thrive in Goa.

We also appreciate your stand on the subject that as
of now the Devanagari script is recognised as the
Official script in Goa and that in regard to the
issue of Roman script it is the perogative of the
State Government to decide, since they are in a

However we look forward to your Party's unstinted
support and direction your Party MLA's in Goa towards
our cause in the coming session of the Goa Legislative
Assembly in December,2005 January 2006

A.  Veronica Fernandes,

Express yourself instantly with MSN Messenger! Download today it's FREE!


2005-09-03 Thread Philip Thomas

I agree that we have to be on the guard against being hoodwinked by these
politicians, what ever the hue. But let us not throw in the towel so soon.
Its premature to talk of airlines choosing state of the art Mopa over plain
old Dabolim. This is still at least 5 years down the line. We have to make
sure in the mean time that the plan is for Mopa to be a small domestic
airport rather than the two  runway A380 international airport Rane seems to
have in mind. The model should be Kochi's CIAL rather than say Singapore's
Changi II.

I do not agree with cancelling Mopa in its entirety but I do agree with
trying to shift the Navy out of Dabolim. But I am under no illusion that the
latter will require a lot of luck. They are a very tenacious dog in the
manger. Who can blame them when they are sitting pretty on a goldmine of an
airport?  Ya, Dabolim, none other!

The energy of our politicians needs to be spent from here onwards  on
strategies to at least get a 'reduction' in naval restrictions at Dabolim by
playing up plans for Seabird. Let us plug away on this aspect and not play
into the navy's hands by giving up on Mopa.

Your point about the viability of two airports is quite valid. That is again
the cue for 'right sizing' Mopa  rather than throwing in the towel
altogether. In this era of low cost aviation back up airports are the name
of the game. Mopa can and should be a good back up for Dabolim instead of
dreaming grandiosely as Rane would probably have it of Mumbai being a back
up to Mopa!

Viva Goa!

Re: [Goanet] Paes-Navratilova win easy

2005-09-03 Thread VRANGELRIB

Mr/Ms V. Gadgil, who objects to news of Leander Paes' activities, obviously 
is unaware that Leander Paes is a Goan playing world-class tennis, and as such 
his successes are of intense interest to Goans such as myself.
Best regards,
Victor Rangel-Ribeiro

[Goanet] Divaddechim Bonderam

2005-09-03 Thread Chris Vaz

Congratulations to Maurice and Clarina Coutinho and 
to all Divaddcars who participated recently in the 'Bonderam' celebration in 
Toronto.  Growing up in Divar this used to be such a colorful and joyous 
event with the procession proceeding to the paddyfields, the priest cutting a 
sheaf of rice and then the parade through the village, with bonderam sometimes 
in pouring rain firing fotaxis on the local belles.  Maurice and Clarina 
deserve kudos for keeping the tradition alive and bringing it to Toronto to 
revive old memories.


2005-09-03 Thread godfrey gonsalves
On the website
undermentioned extract is reproduced
.In the 16th century, Christian missionaries
studied in deep, Konkani language only to spread their
religion among common people whose speaking language
was only Konkani. They even prepared Konkani grammar,
dictionaries and studied various facets of literature.
Jesuit priests mostly did this work. Jesuists brought
printing machinery in Goa(1556). Konkani books were
published in roman script. Presently Konkani is
written in devanagari, Roman, Kannada and Malayalam

---"However Konkani has accepted Devnagri script
officially" --- (emphasis mine)   

Could the present office bearers of the Goa Konkani
Akademy Pato Panaji Goa  (whose term ends in Nov 2005
)currently on the 


1.  PUNDALIK NARAYAN NAYAK (Naik not Nayak) -
2.  BHUSAN BHAVE - Vice President
3.  Education Secretary, Goa Government


OR OFFICE BEARERS of the Sahitya Akademi New Delhi
Executive Board viz 
Mr Damodar Mauzo (representing Konkani )  
Advisory Board viz; 
 1. Sri  J.B. Moraes 
 2. Smt. Sheela Naik Kolambkar 
 3. Sri  N. Shivdas 
 4. Smt. Prashanti Talpankar 
 5. Sri  Vincy Quadros 
 6. Sri  Mahabaleshwar Sail 
 7. Sri  Shridhar Kamat Bambolkar 
 8. Sri  Pinto Vamanjoor 
 9. Sri  R.S. Bhaskaran 
10. Sri  Damodar Mauzo (Convener)

or the other eminent KONKANI PORJECHO AVAZ leaders Mr
Uday Laximikant Bhembre Mr Chandrakant Keni Prof S M
Borges Mr Churchill Alemao MP Mr Luizinho Faleiro
Minister for Education etc 

Please clarify 

a) who decided that "Devanagiri script" alone will be
the acceptable script for Konkani?
b) who were the persons or institutions involved in
taking such decision?
c) who were the politicians who subscribed to such a
d) the date when this decision was taken?

This is a vital information which is NIETHER 
available any where NOR has it been documented if at
all by the leaders of the KPA Movement.

An early reply will be appreciated as acceptance of
only Devanagari script and not Roman or Kannada or any
other  violates 
Article 29 of the Constitution of India 

.protection of interests of minoritiies (1) any
section of the citizens of India residing in the
Territory of India or any part thereof having a
distinct language script or culture of its own shall
have the right to conserve the same".

Hence justice can be done if the legislators back out
of bringing about an amendment to the Official
Language Act 1987 to safeguard the interests of
Konkani in Roman script.

godfrey j i gonsalves
Borda Margao Goa

Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your partner online. Go to

[Goanet] Indian 1-2 in Asian women's heptathlon

2005-09-03 Thread Eustaquio Santimano

Indian 1-2 in Asian women's heptathlon
Last Updated: September 02, 2005 22:55 IST

India won the gold and silver medals in the women's heptathlon, through  
Soma Biswas and Sushmita Singha Roy respectively, at the 16th Asian  
Athletics Championship in Incheon City, Korea, on Friday.

Soma tallied 5,377 points in the gruelling seven-event discipline while  
Sushmita finished with 5,308.

Thailand's Watcharaporn Masim got the bronze medal.

Earlier, Krishna Punia won a bronze medal for India in the women's discus  
throw after clearing 57.67 metres.

The gold medal went to China's Song Aimin, who hurled the discus to 65.15  
metres. Her compatriot Sun Taifeng claimed the silver.

Another Indian in the fray, Seema Antil registered 53.41 metres to finish  

In the men's long jump, India's Mahan Singh placed sixth with a best  
effort of 7.64 metres. The gold went to Saudi Arabia's Ahmed Marzoug, who  
jumped 7.98 metres.

The silver was claimed by Korea's Oh Sang-Won, who cleared 7.87 metres.  
Zhou Can of China won the bronze with a leap of 7.83 metres.

Another Indian jumper, Shamsher Singh finished seventh with an effort of  
7.61 metres.

In the men's 100 metres final, India's Anil Kumar was sixth, clocking  
10.61 seconds.

The race was won by Yahya Al Ghes, who breasted the tape in 10.39 seconds.  
The silver went to Singo Suetsugu of Japan while Qatar's Khalid Yousuf  
Al-Obaidli claimed the bronze.

In the women's sprint over the same distance, India's Poonam Tomar  
finished eighth, clocking 11.96 seconds.

Wangping Qin of China claimed gold with a timing of 11.47 seconds.  
Uzbekistan's Guzel Kuubbieva was second while Yi Liang of China settled  
for bronze.

In the men's 1,500 metres final, Ghamanda Ram also finished seventh,  
timing three minutes 49.62 seconds. Compatriot Pritam Bind was 10th,  
clocking 3:51.49 seconds.

The gold in the event went to Qatar's Kamal Abubaker Ali, who finished in  
3:44.24 seconds. The silver and bronze went to T Agar Adian  of Iraq and  
Kareem Nasser Shams of Qatar respectively.

India's Arun D'Souza finished ninth in the 3000m steeplechase, clocking  
9:11.87 seconds.

Musa Amer Obaid of Qatar claimed gold with a timing of 8:33.62 seconds.  
His compatriot Moustafa Ahmed Shebto won silver while Wen-Chien Wu of  
Chinese Taipei took bronze.

The men's 10,000 metres saw India's Kuldeep Kumar finish seventh, clocking  
31:18.75 seconds. Essa Esmail Rashid of Qatar won gold, clocking  
29:03.60sec. Mukhlid al Otaibi of Saudi Arabia and Ali Dawoud Sedam of  
Qatar claimed silver and bronze respectively.

India's P Shankar qualified for the men's 400m hurdles final, clocking  
52.09 seconds.

The race was won by Hadi Somayli of Saudi Arabia, who finished in 50.21  

In the men's 4 X 400m relay heats, the Indian quartet of Satbir Singh,  
Aboo Backer Thanikkal, Anil Kumar Rohil and Bhupinder Singh qualified with  
a timing of 3:10.00 seconds.

They finished second in the heat behind the Sri Lankan team which clocked  
3:07.98 seconds.

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[Goanet] Church attendance drops in Mumbai

2005-09-03 Thread Cecil Pinto
More than a month has passed since Cardinal Ivan Dias issued a dress code 
for Mumbai Catholic churchgoers. Statistics are just coming in and it is 
obvious that there has been a massive drop in church attendance figures. 
Roving reporter Cecil Pinto sending in this almost-live report for Cyber 
Goa from Mumbai to Frederick Noronha for further broadcast

Fred: What can we see there right now Cecil?

Cecil: Where?

Fred: There where you are right now in Mumbai.

Cecil: Do you know where exactly I am in Mumbai?

Fred: No?

Cecil: So I could be sitting in Goa right now and making up this report?

Fred: Are you in Mumbai or not?

Cecil: That's for you to figure out. Ha! Stop trying to sound like a big 
time TV anchor. Some people say I look like Rajdeep Sardessai. Anyway I'm 
standing here in front of Orlem Church in Malad. It's a delightful Sunday 
morning. Not a hint of rain.

Fred: Does the Church have a name?

Cecil: Our Lady of Orlem Church of course?

Fred: You sure?

Cecil: Of course. There's a grotto and stuff in front of the Church what 
else can it be?

Fred: Ok! Ok! What can you see there. Is the situation any different from 
previous Sundays?

Cecil: How will I know? I was not here last Sunday? In fact I was last here 
some 12 years back for my cousin Bonny's wedding. Hey Fred is this going 
out live?

Fred: Yes. You want to say something to our readers.

Cecil: Yes. Hi Bonny! Hi Mom!

Fred: What is the grass root feeling?

Cecil: How should I know? Do I look like a grass-root? I'm not even a local!!

Fred: Then ask some local. For heavens sake!!!

Cecil: Did you just blaspheme Fred? Gothca! Wait, I see a Goan elderly 
woman. Oieee! Oi! Aunteee! Hello Aunty? Are there less people this 
Sunday than a month back?

Aunty: Yes. It is good. All those pamprels with their mini skirts and 
noodles are no longer coming. They were a distraction. Of course my husband 
stopped coming for mass too.

Cecil: Aunty the correct term is spaghetti straps, not noodles. Why has 
Uncle stopped coming to mass?

Aunty: You ask him. What you asking me? There he is standing like a loafer 
near the bus stop. Bloody bayzon!

Cecil: Hello Uncle. Why you not going for mass?

Uncle: Arrree yaaar. What is the point yaaar? Buskya. What is the point yaar?

Cecil: You already said that!

Uncle: Buskya! What is the point yaaar?!

Cecil: Uhh! Fred I think I will interview the Parish priest just stepping 
out of the church now. Father! Fther! Heo Father!!! Is it true 
that attendance has dropped?

Father: Yes. It is very sad. It is a reflection on our community. The good 
Lord giveth and the good Lord taketh away.

Cecil: You mean your flock has decreased. It saddens you?

Father: Forget the flock. Our mass collection has dropped! That's what 
saddens me. We used to collect nothing short of a lakh every Sunday. You 
know what we collected today? Just seventy thousand. This is a sad day for 

Cecil: Fred I'm passing you over to Manuel who is outside the Portuguese 
Church in Dadar.


Cecil: Hello Fred, this is Manuel outside the Portuguese Church in Dadar.

Fred: You sound very much like Cecil?

Cecil: Yes. Cecil and me are first cousins. Father's side.

Fred: Oh! Ok. What's the situation there Manuel?

Cecil: Let me describe the Church first Fred. See it was built by the 
Portuguese in the Neo Gothic Romansque style with Corinthian influences. 
The stately pillars and imposing entrance is matched only by the statuesque 
doors and pews...

Fred: I thought the Portuguese Church in Dadar was a new avante garde design?

Cecil: Oh! Fred I'm passing you back to Cecil.


Cecil: Hello Fred. I'm here at Dhobitalao in front of the 

Fred: Marine Lines from Malad, so fast?

Cecil: Yes I took an Express bus. Like from Margao to Panjim.

Fred: Really?

Cecil: After the flooding they've introduced these superfast trains. They 
just started functioning today.

Fred: I see! Must check them out. What's the situation there. What's the 
name of the Church?

Cecil: Fred, this is the church of Our Lady of Seven Dollars? It was built 
with the money of Goan tarvotti who used to work on American ships and earn 
in dollars. Legend had it that...

Fred: Interesting name. I must write a feature on this someday.

Cecil: There's a decently dressed lovely young woman coming out now. Let's 
ask her what she feels about this. Hello! Hi! I'm representing Cyber Goa 
and would like your comments on the new dress code. By the way, nice dress?

Young Woman: Thanks!

Cecil: Really. I think light blue goes well with your wheatish complexion. 
And those white bows on the hem  are just right too.

Young woman: Really? You think so?

Cecil: Really! And you know if you could just keep a slight fringe of hair 
on your forehead like so... it would compliment the skirt and.. by the way 
nice legs!

Fred: Cecil! Cecil! Stop flirting. Just get some reactions.

Cecil: This job sucks! I'm resigning right now. Ok! O

[Goanet] Going To GOA this Oct/Nov/Dec ?? Check this prices

2005-09-03 Thread LetsGotoGoa

OK. Going to GOA (via Bom) this month, Sept???

How about flying with British Airways for just £357? (all taxes included)

Or Ever travel with Virgin Atlantic? Flying WED/FRI/SUN Just £358 (all

or Charter Flights ex Gatwick London ?? Check this out..

London Gatwick (LGW) to Goa, India  £379Per Adult

Saturday 29 October 20056 Nights
DateRoute   Flight No.  Depart  Arrive
Sat 29 Oct 2005 LGW to GOI  MON1728 19301200
Sat 05 Nov 2005 GOI to LGW  MON4725 10501545
London Gatwick (LGW) to Goa, India  £389Per Adult

Saturday 29 October 200512 Nights   
DateRoute   Flight No.  Depart  Arrive
Sat 29 Oct 2005 LGW to GOI  MON4862 20001130
Thu 10 Nov 2005 GOI to LGW  MON2499 08151320
London Gatwick (LGW) to Goa, India  £389Per Adult

Saturday 29 October 200513 Nights   
DateRoute Flight No.  DepartArrive
Sat 29 Oct 2005 LGW to GOI  MON17281930 1200
Sat 12 Nov 2005 GOI to LGW  MON47251050 1545

London Gatwick (LGW) to Goa, India  £249Per Adult

Thursday 08 December 2005   7 Nights
DateRouteFlight No. Depart  Arrive
Thu 08 Dec 2005 LGW to GOI  BY305A  01151600
Thu 15 Dec 2005 GOI to LGW  BY305B  18002300
London Gatwick (LGW) to Goa, India  £249Per Adult

Thursday 15 December 2005   7 Nights
DateRouteFlight No. Depart  Arrive
Thu 15 Dec 2005 LGW to GOI  BY305A  01151600
Thu 22 Dec 2005 GOI to LGW  BY305B  18002300
London Gatwick (LGW) to Goa, India  £269Per Adult

Thursday 08 December 2005   14 Nights   
DateRoute Flight No.Depart  Arrive
Thu 08 Dec 2005 LGW to GOI  BY305A  01151600
Thu 22 Dec 2005 GOI to LGW  BY305B  18002300
London Gatwick (LGW) to Goa, India  £289Per Adult

Thursday 17 November 2005   7 Nights
DateRoute   Flight No.  Depart  Arrive
Thu 17 Nov 2005 LGW to GOI  BY305A  01151600
Thu 24 Nov 2005 GOI to LGW  BY305B  18002300
London Gatwick (LGW) to Goa, India  £299Per Adult

Friday 09 December 2005 7 Nights
DateRouteFlight No. Depart  Arrive
Fri 09 Dec 2005 LGW to GOI  MON4724 18100910
Sat 17 Dec 2005 GOI to LGW  MON4725 10501545

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[Goanet] WGKF-GU Biodiversity

2005-09-03 Thread Miguel Braganza
Thank you Sonia. Every bit of support to stem the tide of the concrete 
avalanche in Goa helps. The Rotary Club has begun to chip in. We are still 
looking for Rs.101/- from every person in Goa who can spare that amount for 
the sake of better education in Goa. Yes, people do suffer from the attitudes 
of some persons in the Goa University. Change has to begin somewhere. If Sudha 
Kulkarni was not to write to JRD Tata, Telco would never have employed a 
female engineer, she would not have met Murthy...and we might not have had 
Infosys today. One post card from a M.Sc. student at I.I.Sc changed a hell lot 
of things!

Viva Goa.

> From: Sonia Vaze <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Dear Miguel,
> May your tribe increase!
> sonia

[Goanet] History of Konkani in Roman script in Goa (1556 -2005)

2005-09-03 Thread Thomas Stephens Konknni Kendr
Gõyant Romi Lipyecho Itihas
(History of Roman Script in Goa)
Compiled by:
Pratap Naik,s.j.
TSKK, Porvorim
September 3, 2005

6th September First printing press in India was brought to St. Paul College,
present day Old Goa by the Jesuits. Since fonts in local languages were not
available books were printed in Roman script. Between 1556-1561 Doutrina
Christã a catechism book in Konkani in Roman script  was printed.  No copy
of this book is available.

1560 -1600:
During this period Jesuit missionaries from oral sources recorded Konkani
Mahabharata and Ramayana stories in Roman script.  These manuscripts are now
preserved in the Public Library of Braga, Portugal.

The inquisition was established in Goa. To escape this many Goan Catholic
and Hindu families migrated to Karnataka, Maharashtra and Kerala.

By 1563, a Goan seminarian of St. Paul College, whose name may be Andre Vaz
prepared the first  grammar of Konkani.

Garcia da Orta's book "Coloquios dos simples, e drogas he cousas mediçinaes
da India" (Conversations on Indian plants and drugs referring to the
medicine of India) was printed in Goa.  It contains Konkani botanical terms.

Jesuits started Konkani schools to teach Konkani in Roman script at Old Goa
and Chorao, Goa. Later on such schools were opened by the Jesuits in

Through Jesuits' letters we know that already in 1570 Konkani grammar,
Konkani-Portuguese and Portuguese- Konkani vocabularies were written by
Jesuit and Franciscan missionaries

Jesuit priest Thomas Stephens' 'Doutrina  Christã' catechism was printed at
Rachol, Goa. Copies are found in libraries of  Lisbon  and Vatican.
Later a few Konkani books in Roman script were printed at Rachol.

Thomas Stephens' Arte da Lingoa Canarim (Grammar of Konkani language) was
printed at Rachol. This is the first printed grammar of an Indian Language.

Jesuit Missionary Ignacio Arcamone's 'Sogllea vorussanche vangel' (Gospels
of the whole year) was published. Most likely, this is the first attempt to
translate any part of the Bible in an Indian language.

27th June the Viceroy of Goa, Dom Francisco de Tavora Conde de Alvor issued
a decree which imposed Portuguese language on the people and suppressed
17th March 1987 the King of Portugal approved this decree.

Archbishop of Goa Lourenço de Santa Maria made it compulsory to all
Catholics to speak Portuguese only, or else their sons will not be allowed
to become priests.

Jesuits were expelled from Goa by the Govt. The work of Konkani in Roman
script came to end.

Archbishop Assunção de Brito ordered that all religious instruction should
be given in Portuguese only.

Archbishop of Goa Manoel de S. Galdino forbade the use of Konkani in parish
schools.  Many Goan Christian families began to speak Portuguese in their
homes and called it their mother tongue! Konkani was considered a stranger
in its own land by its own people!

Inquisition was abolished.

Govt. started schools in Goa. In these schools Konkani was excluded from the

Mando came into existence in Salcette.

Archbishop Jose Maria Silva Torres, forbade the use of Konkani in the

The Govt. press purchased Devanagari types from Bombay, for use in printing
advertisements and other notices in the Govt. paper Boletim do Governo.  the
first notice printed in Marathi appeared in this periodical on May 27, 1853.

First printed Konkani dictionary 'Diccionario Portuguez - Concani Composto
por um Missionario Italiano' (Dictionary of Portuguese - Konkani composed by
an Italian Missionary). Now we know it was compiled by Frei Francisco.

The first English - Konkani vocabulary 'Um Novo Vocabulario em Inglez,
Portuguez e Concanim Vulgar em Bardez' ( A new vocabulary in English,
Portuguese and Bardes popular Konkani) was compiled by Anicete Maria de

2nd February the first Konkani periodical 'Udentechem Sallok' was started by
Eduardo Jose Bruno de Souza in Pune.

17th April the first tiatr 'Italian Bhurgo' of Lucasinho Ribeiro was staged
in Mumbai.

In João Agostinho Fernandes' tiatr 'Bhattkara' his wife Mrs. Regina
Fernandes acted. She was the first lady to act in the tiatr.

31st July the first Konkani novel 'Kristanv Ghorabo' was written and
published by Eduardo Jose Bruno de Souza.

In Karachi Fr. Ludovico Pereira started Konkani monthly 'Dor Mhoineachi
Rotti' (Monthly bread). It still continues from Bom Jesus Basilica, Old Goa.
Fr. Moreno de Souza, s.j. is the present editor.

Pilar Society started Konkani weekly 'Vauraddeancho Ixtt' (Workers' friend).
It was edited by Fr. L.A. Fernandes. At present Fr. Peter Raposo is the

Ms. Shalini Mardolkar was the first Hindu lady to act in tiatr 'Bhau' of
Anthony F. Coelho.

24th April first full length Konkani film 'Mogacho Aunddo' produced under
the banner of ETICA (Ex

[Goanet] Lessons to learn:Goa FFs.

2005-09-03 Thread Miguel Braganza
The Portuguese colonial rulers were driven away in December,1961, by military 
action led by Lt.Gen. K.P.Candeth [then a colonel]. Call it 'liberation', 
annexation' 'conquest' 'invasion' was a military action by one 
sovereign power against another. So what role did the so-called "freedom 
fighters" play? The intellectual FF, I can understand. Calling petty criminals 
as FFs is a shame. Imagine listing Mahatma Gandhi and Phoolan Devi or Raju 
Bhaiyya  in one group!

Persons who revolted for selfish reasons like local power, promotion, etc or 
who were arrested for economic offences or crime cannot be called freedom 
fighters...or one will end up calling Arun Gawli and Dawood Ibrahim as freedom 
fighters. Every dacoit and smuggler thinks he is a present day Mangal Pandey. 
It is a typical symptom of the monomaniacs.

45 years after December 1961, there are still people claiming reservation for 
education as freedom fighter's children. Persons born in the 1960s have 17 
year old children. Do freedom fighters have fecundity in the sunset years of 
their life or did they fight from the womb or their mama's lap? Some of these 
folks who were not even in Goa, now review scripts for VCDs on Goa's Freedom 
Struggle. The older FFs have interesting stories to tell how so many persons 
became registered FFs in Goa. those who did not make it to those pensions, 
siphoned money from the DSSS. The CAG report is a severe indictment of what 
our very own Parrikarbab did. Rane's pet FF, V.N. Lawande, had set up a 
certifying unit that would make even A.K.Telgi blush. He died from a mosquito 
bite. Parrikar found his own pet to wag his tail. Unfortunately, his photo did 
not appear on the VCD jacket. The dog was luckier at HMV ;-(

Viva Goa.

From: rene barreto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> The decision by the Maharashtra government to
> institute a one-man commission under Justice A B
> Palkar to check the validity of a freedom fighters
> claim is a lesson Goa should learn. The reason behind
> this one-man commission originated from the claim of a
> 'so-called' freedom fighter who was claiming certain
> perks and privileges. No one wants to deny any freedom
> fighter their rightful due but to make a mockery of
> the system is something to be ashamed off '