[Goanet] The Great Goan Land Grab by V. M. de Malar

2005-09-25 Thread John Chandler

The Great Goan Land Grab
by V. M. de Malar

I would like to reply to this article:

I am worried for the people of Goa/India that the wealth generated from 
tourism will not be used to improve the "working man's" lot. I don't just 
mean from the point of view of un-taxed profits filtering out of the 
country, but also from the steep levels of corruption that seem to be 
prevalent in yours and most governments of this planet.

There is a cap on any profits that an "outsider" may make from business in 
your country, this individual is not allowed to take these profits out of 
India. Perhaps this is an area that could be improved/reinforced upon in 
some way. In any case if any money that is accrued remains in the hands of 
the few to do with whatever they want, then there lays the root of your 
problem. Most guests who stay in your country for any length of time have an 
Indian bank account which is taxed, that is honest and shows a willingness 
to contribute, there is very little else that a tourist can do except pay 
his bills and try to be understanding of Goan customs.

The western tourist generally speaking wants to be pampered and indulge 
themselves, most of them are just working class who have saved up all year 
for a couple of weeks holiday, if they are prepared to pay for this then so 
be-it. But will the poor and disadvantaged in your state get the benefit? I 
doubt it.

Integration through education and play will help, there is the usual crop of 
humanitarians, along with your average beer swilling short term rather 
un-knowledgeable type of "outsider". Incidentally I am uncomfortable with 
the term "outsider" as it leaves the impression of a homophobic attitude, 
guest is preferable and a lot less insulting. In any case human beings are a 
rather inquisitive lot so if the medium of education was used this would go 
a long way to furthering the understanding of two very different cultures. 
You could let it happen quite naturally, through courses at education 
centres, where people of all race and creed would be able to exchange 
thoughts and feelings (another opportunity to further increase the wealth of 
your country). The Goan warmth and penchant for friendly discussion and 
hospitality would soon shine through leading to many hands across the sea 
joining in friendship and harmony.

The salaried people as VM Malar identifies in this article are a privileged 
minority just like any tourist in your country.

As long as greed and avarice exists so will this problem, ignorance is a 
human ailment, spread the wealth, or pay the price in the future. And please 
stop blaming the tourist for all your problems.

Dev Borum Korum

John Chandler


MSN Messenger 7.5 is now out. Download it for FREE here. 

[Goanet] Re: World Goa Day in Melbourne ignites Cultural Heritage of Yore

2005-09-25 Thread Bosco D'Mello
On Sat Sep 24, 2005 Jorge/Livia de Abreu Noronha wrote:

> kindly note that what happened (more than) 18 years ago, not on August 20 
> but on February 4, was the passing of the Official Language Act by
> the Legislative Assembly of the then Union Territory of Goa, Daman and Diu
> according to Konkani the status of the sole official language of Goa. 


That would be February 4, 1987 ?? Would you know the dates (locations) of the 
Konkani agitation of 1986 and the violence that ensued ??

Thanks - Bosco

[Goanet] Aitaracheo Kaskutleo: Honey, I Need It

2005-09-25 Thread lino dourado
   Honey, I Need It

BAIL: Hanvem sanglam hat lainaka mhonn.

GHOV: Ghorant ekmullo asam mhonntoch……. 

BAIL: Ratchem kainch mhonnom nam tuka. Ponn atam? Hea
vellar? Na!! Koxench mellchem nam.

GHOV: Don toren magpachem asta. Ek borea bhaxen ani
BAIL: Puro, puro. Hi domkhi anik konnakui diat.
Donparchem tujem soboilem mhonntoch,  allsaiecho jor
tuka sottaita ani tum sust nidhta. Sanjer, tiatrak
vochunk zai.  Tuvem mhaka utor dil’lem asa tem
samball. Donparchem keddnach…….

GHOV: Tuvem bond kelem zalear ghora bhair khup daram
ugttim poddlelim asat. Tujea dollea add mhojean,
thoimsor vochun mhoji than bhagounk ieta. Ponn ho tujo
ghov dusrea dadleam porim nhoi. Ek pavtti ti pidda
laglear tatuntlo mekhllo zavnk khup kotthinn zatlem.

BAIL: Thodde pavtti koslo rakosh tujer bosta?

GHOV: Bail tum mhoji. Mhoje oskot bindu (week points)

BAIL: Oi, oi. Bullovpak number one tum. Chodd nhoi.
Matxe korchem. Tiatrak, vellar pavunk zai.

GHOV: Mon’xean thoddem punn dadhos korchem

BAIL: Avois!! Puro, puro. Kitlo motto re? 

GHOV: Ekuch pavtti double shots. (whisky-en boril’lo
glass ubarun bailek mhonnta) CHEERS. (dhuvek ulo
marun) Crystal, freezintli ek thondd soda ani thoddexe
'ice cube'  hadd bai.

Lino B. Dourado


Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005 

[Goanet] Re: Nayak (Naik not Nayak)

2005-09-25 Thread Sebastian Borges
Dear friends,

1.  Will someone kindly explain the connection between the current campaign 
for Roman script Konkani and Mr. Pundalik Nayak’s not being a Saraswat?  If 
there is no such connection, then what is Mr. Fredrick Noronha justifying with 
his “…his (Godfrey’s) earlier posting subtly yet sharply makes the point that 
caste is an integral part of the language in Goa.”?  Whoever had said that he 
was wrong?  I did ascribe ulterior motives to the campaign saying that its aim 
and object is to restore the age-old advantage to Roman Catholic Brahmins 
which they had surrendered to the long-suffering, underprivileged Catholics by 
not studying Konkani for all these years.  Since that has not been refuted 
thus far, I take it that the charge is well taken and proved.

2.  I shall concede Mr. Noronha’s contention that “without understanding 
caste, you can't understand Goa's yesterday and today.”  Consequently, in 
order to understand the campaign, it is imperative that one knows the caste of 
its chief instigator, Fr. Pratap Naik.  Since the campaign is being conducted 
in Goa and Fr. Pratap is also in Goa, I am sure he  will help in this 
understanding by volunteering this very crucial information.

3.  Please consider the following facts: (a) Fr Pratap is a Roman Catholic 
priest.  As such, one would expect him to advise and correct a lay Catholic if 
the latter, inadvertently or deliberately, commits any indiscretion so that he 
does not repeat it.  (b) Godfrey is a Roman Catholic and has acted as Fr.
Pratap’s handyman for the last two months.  He committed an “indiscretion” on 
20/08 by bringing in a derisive reference, however oblique, to Pundalik
Nayak’s caste.   (c) In spite of the two having met in the meantime, Godfrey 
repeated the same “indiscretion” on 11/09.  Obviously, this means that 
derisively alluding to someone’s caste is not an indiscretion in the eyes of 
Fr. Pratap.  I am therefore surprised that I am being faulted and sermonized 
to by Mr. Ancy Paladka for inquiring about Fr. Pratap’s caste in the 
same “subtle” manner;  more so because it comes from a prolific and popular 
Konkani author for whom I have great regard, having first met him at Cochin 
some seven years ago, during a session of the Akhil Bharatiya Konkani Parishad 
and last at Mumbai in April 2004, during a seminar.  Perhaps he is not aware 
that, in Goa, we have cannot understand any issue without considering the 
caste factor; this may not be so in Mangalore.  However, a year ago Ancy had 
communicated to “Secular Citizen” of Mumbai an article which was full of 
quotations from Fr. Pratap making derogatory remarks about some specific 
castes.  So, he is well aware of Fr. Pratap’s obsession with castes and
creeds.  What is wrong or “vulgar” in subtly giving Dr. Pratap a little taste 
of his own medicine? 

4.  I too am of the opinion that every person (not just Fr. Pratap) has a 
right to choose his own name and spell that name anyway he pleases. But is Mr.
Pundalik Nayak not a person? Why deny him that right? How come nobody objected 
when *his* surname was being parodied *repeatedly*?  Or, are we to treat only 
the anointed as holy cows?

5.  Are we to promote Konkani for future generations (whatever that means) by 
denying the current youth their hard-earned advantage, just because they happen
to be Catholic non-Brahmins?  Should we give a shoulder to people who work day 
and night in this conspiracy?

Sotak zoit mellum di.  Let truth prevail.
S. M. Borges

Fredrick Noronha, fred at bytesforall.org,
http://fn.swiki.net wrote: 

To be fair to Godfrey JI Gonsalves, I don't think he "still claim to 
be 'Brahmins'" in any of his writing, as far as I know. On the other hand, his 
earlier posting subtly yet sharply makes the point that caste is an integral 
part of the language in Goa.”

Ancy S. D’Souza Paladka,  ancyds at gmail.com wrote:
I am surprised that even people like S M Borges are very happy on attacking 
the personal life of a person instead of utilising their energy for any cause ?
What does he gain by knowing how Dr. Pratap Naik writes his sirname. Or what 
benefits he can gain by knowing what name Dr. Pratap Naik should keep for 

[Goanet] Portuguese Terror / Inquisition

2005-09-25 Thread Gilbert Lawrence
When will Goans and foreign tourists and Ph D students, writing FICTIONAL 
novels / and made-up thesis about Goa, write some facts - as they pertain to 
Goa?  Most take the easy way and substitute, transplant and confuse the 
Inquisition in Goa with the Inquisition in Europe.

Henrique Salles da Fonseca below has again confirmed that much of the Catholic 
Church Inquisition was directed against the Catholics. This was in at attempt 
to purge the Goan Catholic society (lay and clergy) of non-conformists (by the 
Inquisition's definition) of thoughts and actions.  By my reading some fear was 
justified for immoral behavior, given the widespread social and military 
misconduct; and syphilis epidemic sweeping Goa in the late 16- and early 
17-century. Statistics quote more than 500 deaths of tertiary syphilis was 
reported by Goa's hospitals every year. During this pre-penicillin period, 
syphilis was very much like today's AIDS.  What would Goans do TODAY if every 
year there were 500 deaths in Goa from AIDS, not to mention ten times that 
number being chronic sufferers and transmitting the disease.  This does not 
even account for the much larger native population today.   

I would appreciate if Henrique Salles da Fonseca could educate us with hard 
statistics (victims and offences) about THE INQUISITION IN GOA (not in Portugal 
or Spain or Europe) against the crypto-Jews.  I see this mentioned on 
cyber-Goa. Yet no one has told us how many crypto-Jews were IN GOA and how 
where they identified. Or is Crypto-Jews just a big word to confuse "supurlem 
Goenkars" like me. :=))
Kind Regards, GL

Henrique Salles da Fonseca:
Gilbert Lawrence is right, the abstract has nothing to see with the title.  
Furthermore, the most of the inquisitors in Goa were spaniard and italian 
dominicans but historic penalties felt over portuguese jesuits.  Jesuits were 
not allowed by their Generals, namely by Muzzio Vitteleschi, to cooperate with 
Inquisition; on the contrary, jesuits have been great victims of the 

However, there has been one jesuit who decided to intrude the Inquisition as 
the only way to collapse it: Ant�nio de Andrade has been Notary of a trial with 
no victims to death. But someone discovered his intention to collapse the 
Inquisition in Goa and assassinated him the eve of the "Auto de F�". Someone is 
writing the story of this portuguese born in Oleiros by the end of the XVI 
century and crossed the Hymalaias in 1620.

Best regards,
Henrique Salles da Fonseca

Re: [Goanet] London to GOA 4 weeks Xmas Time £289

2005-09-25 Thread Eddie Fernandes


24 & 27th Nov. 3 weeks £289
1st Dec. 3 weeks £249
1st Dec. 4 weeks £289

(Reminder: These deals will not appear here from next month, pl bear with
me until such time- thanks)



A tip or two:  If you want full details of these and other such deals, on 
tap,  check out http://www.charterflights.co.uk/
There are a number of mirror sites offering the same database.  One, 
offers a RSS Flight Feed, Gatwick to Goa.

Modify the url for other departure points.


Eddie Fernandes

[Goanet] Do not Politicise: Airport Issue

2005-09-25 Thread Nasci Caldeira

Hello Goanetters,

A lot of persons in Goa and on this forum have subconciously politicised the 
issue of the 'Great Airport that Dabolim is! All that is needed is continual 
upgradation of the facilities for a modern International Airport. This 
upgrading does not even have to be done all at once; but in stages. Only the 
planning for the future requirements needs to be taken care of, in advence. 
(that does not mean, meaninglessly going to Mopa, that is further than 
planet Mars) All of the future needs can be provided and delivered from the 
present airport at Dabolim.

With understanding the Navy can be asked to have their training periods 
between the early hours of morning and the late hours of evening, (peak 
hours on Goa roads). Say 0500 hrs to 0700 hrs AM and from 1800 hrs to 2000 
hrs PM. This way the Navy willl have experience in whatever they are 
training in, by day as well as by night! Or does the Navy think that daytime 
flying practice alone, is enough? Does the enemy attack only in the daytime?

It is high time that the Civilian Authority make demands on the Navy, from 
today, untill such time they can and be able to get out of Dabolim 
altogether. Why not? Dabolim has been civilian from inception; the Navy has 
to listen to the Civil Power in Goa and in New Delhi; they should stop 
dictating and trying to influence locals etc with sops!

The GoG is itself to blame for this unwarranted Noise about airport! Goa's 
time and energy and finances are better empolyed at resolving more pressing 
and basic problems, that are many!

Yes, there is no need for an opinion poll or a referendum. This is not a 
political issue. Its common sense to retain the present airport and develop 
it, as well as the support infrastructure, transport, roads, mass transit 
system et al. Goa does not need any more 'Consultants' over this. The last 
time the Canadian Consultants were employed, and not even told about the 
existance of Dabolim, and were given no brief as to compare Dabolim with any 
other locations in Goa. They were just told to give a report on Mopa, so 
somebody could mop up?? That's partisan politics indeed.

This is not to say that politicians should not lead the debate or actions 
needed for this accomplishment; but that they should lead for 'all of Goa', 
like some are already doing, after listening to the people of Goa.

Nasci Caldeira
Down Under

Re: [Goanet] Re: World Goa Day in Melbourne ignites Cultural Heritage ofYore

2005-09-25 Thread Valmiki Faleiro

From: "Bosco D'Mello" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, September 25, 2005 7:50 AM
Subject: [Goanet] Re: World Goa Day in Melbourne ignites Cultural Heritage 

That would be February 4, 1987 ?? Would you know the dates (locations) of the 
Konkani agitation of 1986 and the violence that ensued ??

Thanks - Bosco


I will volunteer a bit from memory, and off-hand:

The *Konkani agitation* truly began from the KPA- (Konkani Porjecho Avaz) 
public meeting at Azad Maidan, opp. Goa Police HQ, Panjim, on the evening of 
Dec 18, 1986.  In what appears to be a non-premeditated but spontaneous act, some

speakers, no doubt spurred on by then student leaders present at the venue, 
issued a
call for an indefinite Goa *Bandh* from that midnight (the following day, Dec 
19, 1986,
marked the Silver Jubilee of Operation Vijay, observed locally as *Goa 
Liberation Day.*)
The dispersing crowds marauded the decorative lighting put up on the Police HQ 
and a few other public buildings in Panjim.

By nightfall, the protest action began ... by placing stones, tree trunks, etc. 
on major
roads.  Next morning saw Churchill Alemao march to Rajendra Prasad stadium in 
which resulted in the so-called *Flag Incident* (local Courts acquitted Alemao 
and others
of the State charge of dishonour of the national flag.)  By noon, Alemao, in a 
Maruti Gypsy
van, was all over Salcete villages, exhorting village youth to cut off road 
communication, etc.
Widespread road blockades (even of internal village roads) were then evident 
all over Salcete,
Mormugao, Tiswadi and parts of Bardez.

The *agitation* took, what one can call a violent, turn in the afternoon hours 
of Dec. 20,
when at Gogol-Margao, an apparently overenthusiastic Asst. Sub-Inspector of 
from Margao Town police station (Narayan Yetle), leading a despatch of armed CRPF 
(Central Reserve Police Force) constables, shot dead a young *Other Backward Class* 
Goan lad, Floriano Vaz, since celebrated (and now largely forgotten) as 
*Goencho Poilo Martir.*

This single incident fuelled passions and, within a few days, a petty teashop 
fight at
Mandur, near Neura/Pilar in Tiswadi, ended in the slaughter of six men from 
in the paddies between Mandur (incidentally, Goa's Charlie Chaplain, Jacinto Vaz's 
native village) and Agasaim, through which the Konkan Railway line runs today.

All transportation routes from and to Goa -- whether by land, air or sea -- 
were cut off.
Goa was on the throes of a very sombre pro- and anti- Konakni showdown.

That's when Goa's rep. in the Union Government, Eduardo Faleiro, came in and 
held wide
discussions with all and sundry (remember the Goa Chief Minister at the time was
Pratapsing Rane.)  The police were hemmed in, Central forces withdrawn and Goa 
its sanity.  In early-Feb 1987, the Language Bill was adopted by the State 
Assembly ... whatever its merits ... but not before the Congress *High Command* 
that as the central Party leadership in Delhi) kept a Central party *Observer* 
stayed put in
Goa, until passage of the Language Bill ... seldom has a Central partyman 
attended a
Goa Legislative Assemby proceeding!

If I must add, even then there were voices of dissent that Konkani ONLY in the 
script had been officially recognized.  The masses who fought for the language, 
a few even
with their lives were marginalized.  Would you say betrayed?


[Goanet] Mopa versus Dabolim debate.

2005-09-25 Thread Averthan D'Souza

Dear Editor,
    It is a good sign that a 
public debate is being carried on in the Press about whether Goa should 
have another Airport at Mopa.  Let us hope that those who are to make the 
eventual decision on this issue will take into consideration the points of view 
expressed in the Press.
    The Goa Pradesh Congress 
Committee has publicly stated that it prefers to upgrade the existing airport at 
Dabolim to bring it on par with other international airports. However, it 
remains ambivalent about another airport being constructed at Mopa.
    The Travel and Tourism industry 
seems to be strongly in favour of upgrading the existing airport at Dabolim, 
although it is not averse to another international airport at Mopa.
    The politicians, as usual, are 
flying their kites to see which way the wind is blowing.  They will make 
their decisions - not on the merits of the case, but on what they can 'get out 
of it'.
    In the course of the public 
dabate, one obvious factor, which is staring us in the face, somehow appears to 
be missed.   The citizens of Goa should ask themselves the very 
pertinent question whether a small State like Goa really needs TWO international 
airports. With a geographical area of approximtely 3,702 sq. kms. and a 
population of approximately 1.5 million,  will Goa be able to sustain two 
very large international airports at the same time?   Even assuming 
that the capital costs of construction will come from the Central 
Government,  the Goa Government will have to provide the basic services of 
electricity, water, transport, solid waste disposal etc. to maintain the 
airports at an acceptable level.   Given the current sordid state of 
affairs,  where the Goa Government cannot even provide uninterrupted 
electricity to its citizens at a constant voltage; it cannot supply 
uninterrupted water to the people; and it cannot manage the waste disposal 
problem,  it is fair to assume that the Goa government (of whatever 
political predilection)  will not be able to sustain even one international 
airport, leave aside two !   Even the present airport at Dabolim 
suffers from many severe limitations.  It is highly inefficient, it is 
frightfully dirty and it is off-putting to most travellers.  Even with a 
lot of financial inputs to upgrade the physical facilities,  it will be 
necessary to spend a lot of money on daily upkeep and maintenance.   
It is highly doubtful that Goa can provide this.    
    It is normal, e.g. in Mumbai and 
Delhi, that passengers are provided free commutes between the international and 
the national terminals.   Since Mopa is quite a distance away from 
Dabolim, and assuming that one airport will be dedicated to international 
traffic and the other to domestic flights,  will the government be able to 
provide similar free commutes between Mopa and Dabolim for international 
travellers who wish to transfer to the domestic terminal?   

    The decision of the Goa Pradesh 
Congress Committee appears to be a typical 'coffee table' decision arrived at 
after a casual and cursory discussion of the subject.   It is apparent 
that no real thought has gone into the decision, and no expert opinion has been 
sought before arriving at such an important  conclusion.
    The Rane government is notorious 
for its inability to come to grips with any imporotant issue facing the citizens 
of Goa.   It simply refers the matter to the "High Command" and abides 
by its decision.    This is called government by 
    Let us hope that this government 
will take the bull by the horns,  and, after  soliciting expert 
advice, arrive at a decision which will not impose any further burden on the 
people of Goa.  We have had enough of the skybus and the IFFI to last 
us for a long time to come.   
Yours faithfully,
Averthanus L. D'Souza,
D-13, La Marvel Colony,
Dona Paula, Goa 403 004.

[Goanet] Ghost at Dona Paula Beach

2005-09-25 Thread borg costa
My favorite haunted beach in Asia is in Goa. Dona
Paula Beach there is haunted by the ghost of a
beautiful Portuguese woman who walks in the surf on
moonlight nights - naked except for her strand of
pearls. Her father refused to allow her to marry the
local Goan native she'd fallen in love with, so she
killed herself... 

anyone know who is this woman?

Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005 

[Goanet] Re: Aldona

2005-09-25 Thread English Books Al-Ahsa S/R
Your mail has been scanned by InterScan.

Hello Tom

Its really surprising that you did not hear of the Corjuem Club. But good to
know that you too have a link with Our wonderful Aldona.

Its so nice to know that many of the writers for Goanet originate from

Cheers and Viva to Aldonkars

Jerry Fernandes

Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2005 16:43:39 -0400
From: jaytey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet] Re: Aldona
To: goanet@goanet.org
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

Mr. Jerry Fernandes.

I know Mae de Deus Chapel and the whole of Corjuem upto Sinquerim.
But I did not know about the Corjeum Club.
I will make it a point to visit the club during Christmas this year.
I grew up in Cottarbath in Aldona.

Tom de Sousa in Hong Kong

[Goanet] Re: Still no native Indian Catholic Saint

2005-09-25 Thread Mario Goveia
So what?

George Pinto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:Sept. 25, 2005

Today is the 320th anniversary of the founding of India and the modern Third 
World’s first fully native religious Congregation by Blessed Joseph Vaz and 
his Oratorian companion priests on September 25th, 1685. Blessed Joseph Vaz 
has the official title of “Apostle of Kanara and Sri Lanka" for his heroic 
work in re-founding the missions around Mangalore and the Church in Sri
Lanka under Dutch persecution. The process for his Cause for Beatification and 
Canonization was started in 1713. It took until 1985 for the Church to declare 
him a “Blessed.” Why? Because the documentation and miracles submitted to Rome 
were annulled and rejected more than once on account of the Church’s earlier 
racial prejudice.

[Goanet] Moving Ahead

2005-09-25 Thread Cynthia Fernandes

It takes many inches to make a mile.

We can only move by inches, one inch at a time.
It's when we look miles ahead and wonder 'how
are we going to get so far?' that we fail to move forward at all.

The paradox is that we can choose to live life
'in the rear view mirror' and remain so far back
that moving forward, even an inch, is most difficult.

Most important, we must always keep in mind that
anytime we suffer a setback while moving forward,
it will always be just a matter of inches, and not miles.


Express yourself instantly with MSN Messenger! Download today it's FREE! 

Re: [Goanet] Software Freedom Day 2005 at Xavier’s

2005-09-25 Thread Frederick Noronha (FN)
St. Xavier's College of Arts, Science & Commerce - Mapusa -
xavierscollege at sancharnet.in  wrote: 

> Frederic Noronha, freelance journalist and ardent fan of Open Source 
> Software.

Just a clarification: the above should read *Free Software* rather than
*Open Source*. If you would like to know why, see:

While free software by any other name would give you the same freedom,
it makes a big difference which name we use: different words convey
different ideas FN

PS: I hope the extra-long signature would be excused!
| India Linux Users' Group, Goa |
| Join the friendly user group  |
| Mail list http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ilug-goa/join |
 -- |
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/ \.-.  * SOFTWARE
   ((__-^^-,-^^-__))  (. .) * FREEDOM
`-_---' `---_-'   / V \ * SHARING  
 `--|o` 'o|--'   //   \\
\  `  / /( )\ KNOWLEDGE IS POWER
 ): :(  '.^^_^^.' SHARE IT EQUITABLY
 :o_o:   \_/ \_/

[Goanet] World G.O.A.N. network

2005-09-25 Thread George Pinto
Dear all

Within minutes of the launch of the World G.O.A.N. network (a network of Goan 
Associations, and NGO's/non-profits in the worldwide Goan community), Mr. 
Gaspar Almeida (of Goa
World and Gulf-Goans D-list fame) was the first person to sign up.  He has 
consistently supported
Goans, Goan causes, Goa Sudharop and we thank him for his support of the World 
G.O.A.N. Network. 
Some of the others who were among the first few to sign up included many 
organizations and
individuals, including the remarkable young Constantino Xavier, the South Goa 
Public Interest
Action group, and many more. A complete list will be published in due course. 
In the meantime, a
special thanks to all for their unprecedented support as Goans unite to move 

If you have not signed up already and would like to do so, please email [EMAIL 


World G.O.A.N. network
Goa Sudharop

Re: [Goanet] Ghost at Dona Paula Beach

2005-09-25 Thread Helga do Rosario Gomes
I am pretty sure this is a myth to entice tourists. I was told so by a Goan
historian P. Noronha.
- Original Message - 
From: "borg costa" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

My favorite haunted beach in Asia is in Goa. Dona
Paula Beach there is haunted by the ghost of a
beautiful Portuguese woman who walks in the surf on
moonlight nights - naked except for her strand of
pearls. Her father refused to allow her to marry the
local Goan native she'd fallen in love with, so she
killed herself...

anyone know who is this woman?

Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005

[Goanet] Re: Still no native Indian Catholic Saint

2005-09-25 Thread Mario Goveia
George Pinto wrote:Sept. 25, 2005

Today is the 320th anniversary of the founding of
India and the modern Third World’s first fully native
religious Congregation by Blessed Joseph Vaz and 
his Oratorian companion priests on September 25th,
1685. Blessed Joseph Vaz has the official title of
“Apostle of Kanara and Sri Lanka" for his heroic 
work in re-founding the missions around Mangalore and
the Church in Sri Lanka under Dutch persecution. The
process for his Cause for Beatification and 
Canonization was started in 1713. It took until 1985
for the Church to declare him a “Blessed.” Why?
Because the documentation and miracles submitted to
Rome were annulled and rejected more than once on
account of the Church’s earlier racial prejudice.

Mario replies:

How do we know that racial prejudice was involved? 
Indian Cardinal Lourdaswamy is on the Vatican Council
in Rome that determines these kinds of things.  Maybe
he can shed some light on the issue.

RE: [Goanet] Needs for ' BETTER QUALITY OF LIFE'

2005-09-25 Thread Nasci Caldeira

Yes Philip,
I agree and support all this, as well as the amendments, I would make as 

Nasci Caldeira

From: "Philip Thomas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Date: Sun, 25 Sep 2005 07:14:28 +0530

Everything else remaining the same, here are a few things I would 

like to  see get better in Goa:

1. Electricity supply that is 24x7 and in dire emergencies gets restored in
a few hours.

Nasci:   Continual potable/clean water supply; this will give residents 
essential water, and help get rid of all those plastic bottles sold wirth 

2. Cable TV that is steady and stable (i.e. no sudden switching of 

hijacking of one channel by another, channels going on and off like a
Christmas tree's lights etc)

3. A newspaper guy who can deliver a Mumbai paper latest by noon and not
6:00 in the evening and sometimes the next day!

 Nasci:  Even local papers should be made available; this should not be 
that much of a problem, as long as interested parties do not put spokes to 
the wheel!

4. Computer guys who have every intention of keeping their home service

5. Streets, roads, highways (and sidewalks) that are free of potholes.
  Nasci:  Even surface and lit up as required by night.

6. A beach that is free of litter and not black.
Nasci:  more importantly, free of fake masseurs, hawkers, cattle, and 
stray dogs too!)

7. A public library that is systematically run  and has an uptodate
collection of books, periodicals and papers.

8. Long distance connectivity by bus, train or plane that is cheap and
cheerful and available on demand.

Nasci: Busses clean and modern in structure, without overcrowding and with 
tickets; and taxis clean and comfy and with meters.

9. At least one more petrol station where one can get air pressure checked

automatically and not manually.

Nasci: Petrol stations should be outside of the towns except one or two; on 
the roads leading in  and out of the towns; to reduce congestion in the town 
and facilitate out of town areas.

10. A riverside road in town that is not a micromini roller coaster with
umpteen bumps along the way.

Nasci: All roads should be of a minimum width (seven and a half meters?), 
and as straight as possible, and with an even surface.

 11) A well planned programme and implementation of 'Garbage Disposal' and 
of recyclable products, seperation of plastic and glass, newsprint and 
cardboard etc. at source, before collection!

Nasci Caldeira
Down Under


2005-09-25 Thread A. Veronica Fernandes


when coined its echo was reverberated in the Gulf in general and Kuwait in 
particular.  Kuwaitkars amongst the entire expatriate Goans spread all 
around the world took greater responsibility to support the cause of Konkani 
because the cause of Konkani is the cause of Goa and those who claim to be 
Goans are duty bound to support the cause of Konkani.  One of the reasons 
for the recognition of Konkani and thereby gaining statehood for Goa was the 
strong support lent to Konkani cause by the Kuwait Goans.  For the cause of 
Konkani Kuwait Goans are always awake and that they are awake was once again 
proved on 21st of this month at 8.00 p.m. in one of the city hotels where 
they held a meeting to support the cause of Romi Konkani.  This meeting was 
called by KUWAIT KONKNNI KENDR to show their solidarity with their Romi 
Konkani supporters and fighters in Goa.  It was unanimously agreed by all 
those who attended this meeting that Goa Government must amend the language 
act to give equal status to Roman script Konkani as well. Now the next issue 
GOYCHI RAJ BHAS.  We need simple Konkani as we speak in our day to day life 
and not the sanskritik Konknni with full of Maratik influence as it is 
propounded by few Hindu Saraswats who are trying to impose on us something 
which we cannot accept.  For the cause of Konkani only the Roman script 
Konknnivadis suffered martyrdom, there was not a single Nagrivadi martyr.  
Lakhs of rupees as donations sent from Kuwait by the Romivadis only. Since 
Kuwaitkars played such a mighty role in the recognition of Konkani as 
official language of Goa, now Kuwait Goans cannot remain as silent 
spectators when the events are taking place in Goa in support of Romi script 
Konkani.  We Romivadis are not denying recognition for Nagri script Konkani, 
we are not asking to withdraw the recognition of Devangri script. No, it is 
not our demand.  Our demand is equal recognition for Romi script Konkani 
also and to do this is not impossible.  Elesewhere dual script is in 
existence.  The Romi voters from Salcette and elsewhere who elected their 
MLAs now inject heavy pressure on their MLAs to pilot and support the 
amendment bill in Goa Legislative Assembly for giving equal status to Romi 
Konknni also.  The Christao MLAs are sleeping in Goa, their voters must wake 
them now thuis was the view of the people who attended this meeting.

The meeting on Wednesday 21st of this month was attended by Goans from 
different clubs and segments.  The Chief guest was Carmo Santos the 
president of Goan Welfare Society who along with his wife occupied the main 
chairs at the dias along with guests speakers Manuel de Santa Cruz, Santana 
Afonso – president Entertainment Club and KKK’s president Elvino Elvino 
Rodrigues. The others who spoke were Luis Cardoso of KKK and Alexandre 
Fernandes – the president of Colva. A.Veronica Fernandes compeered the 
proceedings.  All the speakers including the chief guest strongly supported 
the issue of Romi Konkani and demanded from Goa Government equal recognition 
for the Roman script Konkani.  It was also agreed by all during the meeting 
that at this stage Goans settled down in the west must also come out with 
strong support for the cause of Roman script Konkani.  Alexandre Fernandes 
in his speech regretted the silence of West settled Goans for the cause of 
Konkani.  Even all the attendees agreed on this point because we all know 
that during the language agitation in Goa besides Gulf Goans no Western Goan 
support came.  Alexandre and Manuel de Santa Cruz lauded the efforts of 
Kuwait Goans to give a lead now for the cause of Romi Konkani and expressed 
their hope that Goans from other places in the Gulf and Goans from West will 
follow the example of their brothers and sisters in Kuwait.  Besides them, 
other speakers too applauded KKK for taking bold initiatives and decisions 
to support the cause of Konkani.  It has to be noted that Kuwait Goans are 
always on forefront for the good cause of Goa, Konkani cause taking 
priority.  KKK has given the lead but other clubs and organizations 
functioning in the name of Goa and Goans with prefixes and suffixes, as Goa 
and Goans must also show their solidarity with this cause otherwise what is 
the use of naming their clubs and associations after Goa? Alexandre has 
promised to call a meeting of his Club to show solidarity with this cause.  
Other Kuwait Goan Clubs are also expected to follow and if any assistance is 
required, KKK is there for help.  This is the right time for us expatriate 
Goans to stand by our brothers by supporting this genuine cause of Romi 
Konkani. Let this cause be the cause of every Kuwait Goan and every Kuwait 
Goan association and not of KKK only.  Let every Kuwait Goan be the 
spokesman of Rom


2005-09-25 Thread Domingos Araujo
Sanny Bab,

Tumcho konknni lekh “SORO ANI BEBDHE” zo “TIATRO & SORO” hea vixoiea vor zabab-
achea rupan ami vachlo. vachun zaiti khoxi bhogli karan zaitea kallan konne 
tori konknni Romi Lipintlean net-ar boroup kelelem vachunk meulem mhunn. Zaith 
goddie tumi Romi Lipik tenko duipak hem pavl marlam zaunk favo. Hea akantachea 
vellar amkam osleam boroupanchi chodd goroz zea vorvim amcheanim akea 
sounsarak porgott korunk xokta “GOEMKAR AMI KHASS KONKANNI AMCHI BHASS”.

Tumcheo tinteavoileo (CROSS<+>ROADS) khobro inglez lekh sogott vachta, tumi 
khoreanich borim boroupam boroita, konknni machier borea vixoiacher ekoddo 
gaupi mhunn ami tumchi sodanch toknai kelea, pun porxim xabaski duink nam 
kiteak xabaski dili mhunntoch sabar boroupi ani tiatr nachpi xati fulloun 
cholta. zaitea zannak ek lekh boroup vho ek tiatr nachop, sorgak hath lailolea 
porim dista.

Adlea tempar orist ani bhirantkul goddneo goddtaleo tednam fokot char tonndam 
tintear khobro korun kabar zataleo, pun aiz toxem amkam disonam, rosteavelem 
kestanv rostear koxem kobar korchem tachi amkam azuni xinkvon mellunk nam. aiz 
amkam zaitem sompepon assa, khobro ami toeir korta ani ekach kinnath akea 
sounsarak uzzo laita. zoxe porim soro ghontlea uprant pottant uzzo petta. atam 
petlolea uzzeak petrolacho upai sarko nhoi, uzzeachi zath zanam zaunk chodd 
gorjechem, uddok vho ranv marli mhunn uzzo palouta? nam! basabas korun ami 
amcho kimti vell piddear korta, tumchea lekhant tumi sorol boroita 

[Ixttando, aiz passun konnuch fudem soronk-nam “Tiatro & Soro" hea vixaiea 
vhoir ek tori utor borounk. Punn kall hanvem nettar vachlam tantun charcha 
zalea punn nhuim tiatrist-anchi, kaim nezo, tiatrist nedentle zagoutoch konn 
tori fudem sortolo. Aiz haum jem kitem boroitam tem konnech apleak laun 
gheunchem nhuim. Kiteak haum konna-kuch bot'tam dakoi nam.]

Fuddem tumi oxem mhunnta.

[Maka sumar 6 vorsam zalim haum InterNet-hache velem boroup vachtam, Anik atam 
passun sumar 20 pautt tori "Tiatro & Soro" hache poile 2 (don) vers 
vachleat.  "They are repeat shows".
Aiz somplele Bab Lucasinho ani Bab  Joao Agostinho jive  asle tor chod khoxi 
zate asle, anik mhuntele asle: “Amkam adim titlo lokh volkonaslo, punn aiz 
amkam hea Internet-an famad kele.”
Teach porim Bab Joao Agostinho vhodik khoxi zatolo aslo kiteak tachem ek 
utor “rostad” hea  kallar choduch porgottat mhunon.]

Hanv mhunnta tiatrist rx, tiatrist bebdhe hatun kitem novidad assa? hem 
ami aiz ani kall aikonk nam, vorsam somplim. tiatristache nodren eka tiatrist 
bhavachem boreponn zana zalolo zalear sov vorsam tumi khoim nidlele? sov 
vorsam tumi net-ar koslo vaur kori? vho.

“TIATRO & SORO” tumi tumchea jivit-ak sorr korta, kiteak? Soro fott uloinam 
mhunnta tem soth. kantto topta tednam amkam eai zata. mhunxean apleak kitem 
sobta tench korunk zai. 

Dominic Araujo
Kala Mogui Kuwait.

[Goanet] Goanet News Bytes * Sept 25, 24, 23 * IT order attaches Goa minister's property, reports Gomantak Times

2005-09-25 Thread Frederick Noronha (FN)

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  [GOANET NEWS BYTES * SEPT 25, 24, 23, 2005 * DATELINE GOA]

* Compiled in public interest by Frederick Noronha ***

SEPTEMBER 25, 2005

o Income Tax authorities issue orders provisionally attaching
  properties of Town and Country Planning Minister Atanasio alias
  Babush Monserrate, following a raid at his residence and
  business establishments in August 2004, reports Gomantak Times.

o Cause of tar balls beyond our purview, says Coast Guard.
  Coast Guard says it is a security agency, and has no scientific
  expertise to arrive at any firm conclusions on the causes
  of the presence of tar balls. (NT)

o Goa government gears up to fortify jails. (NT)

o Mormugao Municipal Council unanimously resolves to
  support the continuance of the Dabolim airport. (NT)

  JAMINI MEHTA argues in the Navhind Times,
  "Not only is it not practical to wish away the
  navy's presence and its interest in the present
  airport, it may also be too small to
  accomodate bigger and multiple runways
  required to mention better passenger facilities." NT

o Officials in Goa fail to check unsafe Panjim buildings. (H)

o Gomantak Times says a DJ involved in a sex racket
  involving a Bangladeshi link was finally
  arrested. The DJ is from Britona. (GT)

  Herald says sources revealed that the Vasco
  police were "immersed in booze" during the
  recent Ganesh festival celebrations. There were
  earlier reports of "disorderly behaviour" at

o Politicos have selfish interest on the Mopa airport
  issue, alleges Travel and Tourism Association of Goa
  TTAG president Charles Bonifacio. (H)

o Motorists beware: Drunken driven may cost you Rs 2000.
  60 cases booked in Margao last month. (H)

o Navhind reviews Ben Antao's novel 'Blood & Nemesis'. "From
  the very first chapter of this work of fiction, the reader
  gets the impression that heavy drinking, gambling and
  illicit sex play an important part of the plot and as
  he reads on, his suspicion is confirmed." (NT)

o Gomantak Times says Goa officials question the report of
  a TV channel warning of "thundershowers" in most places
  over the Konkan and Goa. (GT/W)

o Rain causes extensive damage to Pernem paddy crop. (GT/W)

o GT profiles on lawyer Shanti (Maria) Fonseca, and artist
  Theodore 'Ted' Misquita. (GT/W)

SEPTEMBER 24, 2005

o Goa gets respite from the heavy rains. (NT)
  No major damage says North Goa collector Nikhil Kumar.(NT)

o Kuwait, Sharjah flights cancelled (due to heavy rain). H

o Carambolim lake spills over. (NT) Houses at Carambolim were
  partially submerged, following heavy downpour in the state
  on Friday. (GT)

o Normally, the monsoons in Goa, like in other southern states,
  starts receeding during mid-September, but this year the pattern
  has changed. (NT)

o Solid waste disposal plant needed in each municipality,
  says deputy CM Dr Wilfred de Souza. (NT)

o Hoteliers briefed about 'bar girls', dance-bar girls and
  other sex workers who were flocking to Goa. Police advised
  hoteliers to keep a track and intimate them of any 'girls'
  and any suspected woman accompanying them. (NT)

o (Deputy CM) Dr Willy willing to act against raves. (H)

o Rane takes over as Goa State Infrastructure Development
  Corporation (GSIDC), a special vehicle created by the
  BJP government for fast-track projects. (H)

  Herald. In Goa's already-bloated bureaucracy,
  some 684 posts for policemen for a special Armed
  Police Battalion and 102 government primary school
  teachers are to be shortly absorbed.

o South Goa zilla panchayat on Friday rejected a motion
  demanding the scrapping of the proposed airport at Mopa,
  but called for upgradation of the Dabolim airport by
  shifting the Naval base to 'Sea Bird' at Karwar. (H)

o Konkani supporters form world body, on the principle of
  'unity in diversity', despite the variety of scripts,
  dialects, castes and creeds. Eric Ozario of Karnataka
  is president and Tomazinho CArdozo the Exec Secretary.(H)

o Goa's Institute of Psychiatry and Human Behaviour is 'ill'!
  How is it gonna treat the mentally ill?

SEPTEMBER 23, 2005

o Child drowns; Sanquelim floods (NT). Life affected across Goa.
  People rescued in Ponda. 70 families evacuated in Sanquelim. (NT)

o Destruction galore as rains continue to pound State. (H) Dam