[Goanet] Aren't we all a little like Pedro?

2005-12-15 Thread ash k
Aren't we all a little like Pedro?

Pedro was driving down the street in a sweat because
he had an important meeting and couldn't find a
parking place.

Looking up toward heaven, he said "Lord, take pity on
me.  If you find me a parking place I will go to Mass
every Sunday for the rest of my life and give up

Miraculously, a parking place appeared.

Pedro looked up again and said "Never mind. I found one."

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[Goanet] Tomazinho Cardozo's talk at XCHR

2005-12-15 Thread konknni kendra
On 15th  December 2005 at 6.00 p.m. during "History Hour" at Xavier Centre
of Historical Research Mr. Tomazinho Cardozo delivered the following


   By Tomazinho Cardozo

I am neither a historian nor a linguist. I am only a social activist and
that compelled me to participate in almost all the issues, movements, etc.,
which affected the Goan society. Konkani language was one such issue which
dominated the Goa scene for more than 25 years after the liberation of Goa
in 1961. Being a part and parcel of the Goan society and being a strong
believer of the Goan Identity through Konkani language, I did not only
participate in the agitation to make Konkani Language the Official Language
of the state of Goa but also contributed to its development through
literature, culture and education. I have experienced the impact of Konkani
language on the Goan society before the Liberation of Goa, after Liberation
and before the enactment of Goa Official Language Act and after Konkani in
Devanagari script became the Official Language of Goa. I am going to place
before you my experiences about the Konkani language and its scripts
vis-à-vis the socio-economic growth of the Goan Society.

During the Portuguese regime in Goa, Konkani language was not given any
importance. The elite of Goan society used it only to converse with their
servants. They felt ashamed to make use of it in public. They sent their
children to get a Portuguese education. Hindus preferred Marathi education
while majority of the children coming from poor catholic families studied
Konkani in Roman script in church schools.  The church schools, besides
Portuguese and Konkani in Roman script used to teach music.  I was one of
the few students in my village who started learning through Konkani in Roman
script. Educationally Konkani language did not have any value during the
Portuguese rule.

Economically too, Konkani language was not at all advantageous to the people
as job opportunities were open only to those who studied in Portuguese. As
such the weaker sections of the society suffered. They could not earn their
daily bread. This had an adverse effect on the economic growth of the Goan
society. Culturally also it was the same trend. Hindus, as they promoted
Marathi education without the help of the Government, continued to promote
their culture too without any patronage from the Government. The elite of
the Christian community, who used to speak in Portuguese in their daily
life, did not favour Konkani culture except for the promotion of Mando &
Dulpods which came to be identified with their status while the
entertainment for the poor masses was tiatr. Due to these factors the
economic growth, educational development and cultural unity of Goans

Goa was liberated on 19th December 1961. After almost 450 years of
Portuguese rule, Goa achieved freedom and became a part and parcel of our
motherland, India. Elections were conducted and Maharaxttravadi Gomantak
Party (MGP) formed the first democratically elected Government in free Goa.
Unfortunately, people of Goa elected MGP to power a party which was a strong
protagonist of Marathi language. In fact they fought the election on two
important issues i.e. (1) Marathi to be the Official language of Goa and (2)
Merger of Goa with Maharashtra. On the other hand United Goans Party (UGP)
which contested the elections on twin issues such as (1) Konkani as the
Official language of Goa and (2) Separate Statehood for Goa was defeated.

Statistics proved that the people of Goa exercised their franchise on
communal lines. MGP won the seats where a majority of the electorate
included people from Hindu community while UGP won the seats in areas that
were dominated by Christians.  MGP ruled for 17 long years. Promotion of
Konkani language, Konkani culture and Konkani education was not the agenda
of MGP. They promoted Marathi education and Marathi language. As they could
not neglect the presence of Konkani language and culture, they started
promoting Tiatrs through Kala Akademi. Literary awards were also given to
Konkani books in Roman as well as in Devanagari scripts. Economically too,
Konkani community of Goa, Christians in particular, was at a disadvantage as
far as Government jobs were concerned because of the lack of the knowledge
of Marathi. They had to depend only on their expertise in English. The
Hindus on the other hand, including the supporters of Konkani, were better
off because they were well versed in Marathi besides English. 17 years rule
of MGP in Goa, although it brought a lot of development to Goa, it could not
deliver the goods to all sections of the society and hence failed to give
social, economic, cultural and educational justice to Goans as one

Subsequently UGP merged with Congress Party and in the 1979 elections MGP
was defeated and the first Congress Government t

[Goanet] Goa Sausages achieves USDA certification

2005-12-15 Thread Marlon Menezes
I am happy to announce that Roy Furtado of Essence of
Goa (aka. Goanfoods) has obtained USDA approval for
his renowned Goa Sausages. It has truly been a labor
of love on his part and I am thrilled that he has
finally succeeded after encountering many hurdles.

Users can purchase his products online via:

About Roy Furtado:
Roy lives in Los Angeles, CA with his wife and two
children. He is an avid cook and began producing Goa
sausages from home after getting rave reviews from his
friends and family. In 2003, he decided to focus full
time on producing Goan foods, due to employment
limitations as a result of him becoming legally blind.
Roy would like to acknowledge assistance from Karine
Repchian of the Braille Institute, Los Angeles, CA and
Western Gourmet Inc. for their assistance in getting
his product certified by the USDA.

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[Goanet] goencho ulo

2005-12-15 Thread Eugene Correia
I checked the goacom website but didn't find the second issue of Goencho Ulo. How do I get to read it?     Eugene Correia__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com --
|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
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Re: [Goanet] Global climate change and Goa: questions from a village called Moira

2005-12-15 Thread Mario Goveia
--- Goanet Reader <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> By Nazar da Silva <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Eco-terrorism is a mild term to describe
> the oil clique that operates from the White House
> of US of A. Referred to as the 'Big Oil' cabinet
> because of the six members that include Condoleezza
> Rice and Dick Cheney who are closely linked to the
> industry, the country has been dubbed the 'climate
> pariah'for having backed out of the Kyoto Agreement.
Mario responds:
The Big Oil cabinet is a myth.  The term eco-terrorism
is applied to those extreme environmental activists in
the US who have resorted to vandalism and terrorist
tactics in order to promote their cause.  They are
lawbreakers who are being hunted down and brought to
Trying to make the US a "climate pariah" is an amusing
joke and a futile attempt by extreme environmental
activists in their failed attempts at influencing the
debate.  The US believes that while there may be
global warming taking place there is no rational
evidence that it is being caused by human activity. 
Therefore controls should be voluntary.  The US has
increasingly implemented environmental standards, but
these are mostly for health reasons.  It has far more
controls and a far cleaner environment then either
India or China, the two fastest growing large
economies in the world, who have no environmental
controls at all, but were exempted from the bogus
Kyoto Protocols for left wing political reasons.  How
can any rational person claim to be able to "improve"
the Earth's atmosphere by exempting India and China?
Anyone who is not an extreme environmental activist
would acknowledge that global warming and cooling have
taken place many times in Earth's history, way before
the first automobile was invented.  Frozen Siberia was
a verdant forest and verdant N. America was covered by
several feet of snow well before humans could be
>From basic physics classes one would know that 99% of
the Earth's atmosphere is comprised of Oxygen and
Nitrogen.  The dreaded CO2 of environmental activist's
nightmares accounts for 0.036% of the Earth's
atmosphere.  This is so minute that even if we shut
down ALL human industrial activity to stop more CO2
from being made, it will have a neglible affect on the
total atmosphere.
Nazar da Silva writes:
> Michael Moore’s documentary film 'Fahrenheit 9/11'
> serves only to confirm a long held suspicion about
> destruction of the Iraqi regime of Saddam Hussein.
The agenda
> was always control of the oil fields: 'yesterday's
firm ally'
> overnight became 'today's sworn enemy'.
Mario responds:
To begin with Michael Moore has little or no
credibility among any serious observers in the west. 
He belongs to the far left wing lunatic fringe, and
his celebrity among left wing activists as well as his
deliberate falsehoods have spawned a veritable
mini-industry that rose up to expose this documented
The above assertion about the agenda being control of
the oilfields is also patently false.  Here's why.  In
1991 the US had total control of the Kuwaiti and Iraqi
oilfields after the rout of the Iraqi army from
Kuwait.  Yet the US left all that oil behind and
returned home.  Today, the Iraqi oilfields are
controlled by Iraqis and the revenues from the
oilfields is going to Iraq.
The US, as well as the entire world, does have an
interest in ensuring the free flow of oil between
buyers and sellers.  Most of the European countries as
well as Japan have no domestic sources of oil, and
their economies, as well as the economy of the entire
world, would collapse if any despot "controlled" the
supply of oil.

|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
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|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |


2005-12-15 Thread godfrey gonsalves
According to excerpts from a recorded version  this
writer received late evening from the  "History Hour"
at Xavier Centre of Historical Research Porvorim Mr
Tomazinho Cardozo, ex-MLA, ex-speaker of Goa
Legislative assembly and ex-President of Dalgado
Konknni Akademi read a paper  on "Socio-Economic
Growth of the Goan Community through the Konkani
Language". About 80  people were present for the talk.
The paper reading was followed by lively discussion. 
The speaker answered all questions which were asked to
 him. His adversaries had no arguments to ask counter
questions. The gist of the speaker's  main points were
the following:
1. During the Portuguese regime in Goa, Konkani was
not given any
importance. the elite of Goan society used it only to
converse with  their servants. They felt ashamed to
make use of it in public. The elite of  the Christian
community who used to speak in Portuguese in their
daily life, did not favour Konkani culture except for
the promotion of Mando and Dulpods. While the
entertainment for the poor masses was "tiatr".
2. During the Portuguese regime the church schools,
besides Portuguese and Konkani in Roman script used to
teach music. He was the product of this system.
3. During the KPA movement supporters of Konkani
fought the battle to  make Konkani the Official
Language of Goa. At no point of time the script  for
the language was discussed. the agitation culminated
in making not Konkani Language the Official Language
of Goa but in making Konkani in Devanagari script the
official language of Goa. this was the greatest fraud
of the  20th
century committed on the Goan Konkani community.
4  The Official Language Act promotes the interest of
very few people while it works against the interest of
majority of Konkani people.
5. The architects of this fraud very well knew that
the followers of  Konkani in roman script will never
be able to match them in literary  activities.
6. Sahitya Akademi, 8th schedule and Goa Konkani
Akademi constitution does not mention the script of
Konkani. It is only the Goa Official Language Act
which states Konkani language means Konkani in
Devanagari script. Why  is this so?
7. In various Konkani committees you find 80% Nagari
supporters. He  called these acts as 'manipulations'.
8. It is a fact that today, it is only the schools
managed by the 
Christians that promote primary education in Konkani.
He supported this statement  with factual data.
9. Konkani in Devanagari script and in a particular
dialect is 
forcibly imposed on Christian managed schools.
10. If the use of Marathi in religious field is
considered as a sign of unity among Goan Hindus by the
supporters of Konkani in Nagari script, why not
Konkani in Nagari script and Konkani in Roman script
be a sign of unity of Goan Konkani community?
11. the policy one language, one script, one society
is divisive in natureand hence needs to be discarded.
12. India is standing tall on the world map due to the
concept of 
"unity in diversity". Goa cannot be an exception to
this fact. Hence let us  respect both scripts of
Konkani and let us treat Konkani in both scripts 

This writer could not attend this meet owing to his
meet alongith some others with the CM on urgent issue
TCP PDA's and the Regional Plan.

>From the Panaji end

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[Goanet] Dr. Garcia de Orta - the other view

2005-12-15 Thread gilbertlaw
Hi Santosh,

Your stand and based on all the historical sources you have quoted, the sole 
reason Dr. d'Orta was a victim of the Inquisition was because he was a 

So please tell us (based on your knowledge and references) how many cypto Jews 
were there in Goa? 
And how many crypto-Jews were the victims of the Inquisition in Goa in addition 
to Dr. Garcia de Orta?
Do any of the four references specifically state that they personally saw the 
inquisition documents on Dr. d'Orta?

Thanks for the information
Kind Regards, GL

|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
|  Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages   |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |

[Goanet] FW: The Cross

2005-12-15 Thread Cynthia Fernandes


I carry a cross in my pocket
A simple reminder to me
Of the fact that I am a Christian
No matter where I may be
This little cross is not magic
Nor is it a good luck charm
It isn't meant to protect me

From every physical harm

It's not for identification
For all the world to see
It's simply an understanding
Between my Savior and me

When I put my hand in my pocket
To bring out a coin or key
The Cross is there to remind me
Of the price he paid for me

It reminds me too, to be thankful
For my blessings day by day
And to strive to serve Him better
In all that I do and say

It's also a daily reminder
Of the peace and comfort I share
With all who know my master
And give themselves to His care

So, I carry a cross in my pocket
Reminding no one but me
That Jesus Christ is Lord of my life
If only I'll let Him be


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|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
|  Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages   |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |


2005-12-15 Thread Philip Thomas

|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
|  Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages   |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |

Re: [Goanet] If given the chance ..........

2005-12-15 Thread raju gonsalves
calll every politician, to my swearing in ceremoney,
treat them to the most popular wine ( with cynide)
.and rid my goa of a greater menace than

--- borg costa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Dear Goemkars,
> If given the chance to be the Chief Minister of Goa
> what will you do? 
> Please answer..
> borgee
> __
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Re: [Goanet] Dec 15, 2005 * Vasco houses razed to make way for highway

2005-12-15 Thread Bernado Colaco
Looks like one is comparing Oranges to Tomatoes? A
closer match would be Harare!

B. Colaço

--- Patrice Riemens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Vasco goes Shanghai?? What a pity
> cheers, p+D!+O!
> (sad... Like Vasco)

Yahoo! Exclusive Xmas Game, help Santa with his celebrity party - 

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2005-12-15 Thread godfrey gonsalves
With the Chief Minister Mr P S Rane reiterating "de
novo" his Governments decision to remove all revenue
villages (excluding Taleigao) from the PDA's but yet
dilly dallying to issue a fresh  notification to that
effect viz; withdrawing these  revenue villages
notified on 27.09.2005 from the PDA's ; 
a number of persons from revenue villages coming uder
the Panaji and Mapusa Planning areas (North Goa
Planning Development Authority NGPDA) have brought to
the notice of the Santa Cruz MLA Ms Victoria Fernandes
that the Sub Registrars of Panaji and Mapusa still
insist on NOC  under 49(6) under the TCP  from the
NGPDA for registering their documents, while others
desirous of development / amalgamation under section
44 of the TCP have complained that they have to obtain
the same from the North Goa Public Development
Authority (NGPDA).  

Nothwithstanding the CM's assurance to do so, they
demanded  that  the notification should not be delayed
any longer .

Therefore all affected persons are now requested to
forward such grievances to the MLA Santa Cruz Ms
Victoria Fernandes and should also attend the press
briefing at her residence at Santa Cruz at  1900 hrs
on 16th December, 2005 in the presence of all
Sarpanchas NGOs other well meaning citizens who have
been spearheading the TCP ordinance and the PDA's
agitation thus far to bring to the notice of the
Government the hardships caused to the common man.

Meanwhile Ms Fernandes who was assured of a reply
within seven days  by the Chief Minister at his
residence when she alongwith a delegation met him
earlier on 5th instant met the CM again today 15th
December, 2005 at his residence along with others
including this writer for the action taken report on
his 5th December, 2005 assurance.

The outcome of this meeting will be explained by her
tommorrow evening 16th December, 2005 at the Press
briefing to be held at her residence at 7.00 p.m.

Incidentally today being the last date for filing of
comments on the Regional Plan 2011 the Santa Cruz
Constituency Citizens  Action Committee headed by the
Chairman Mr Agnelo Oliveira demanded extension of the
date from 15.12.2005 to 31st
March 2005 as the same was not discussed at the
Village Panchayats which would be affected by such
changes and moreover the Plan is drawn on scale of
1:25,000 while if the same changes were incorporated
in the village Plans with survey numbers and
sub-divisions there would be more clarity.

Ms Fernandes also demanded the extension of the same
to 31st March 2005 as she had herself requested for
the CD ROM  of the Regional Plan 2011 but  was
informed that the same is available only at a
particular business premise  in Panaji and the same
could be down loaded for scrutiny at the business
premises itself and not for sale.

Similarly other Panchayats too have filed letters
demanding extension of the date for another two months
according to reports recieved by this writer.

Meanwhile the Congress Legislative Party (CLP) meeting
has been slated for tommorrow at 1130 hrs. Ms
Fernandes will bring to the notice of her colleagues
in the Government the discussions held with the CM
today and then brief the Press on the same later in
the evening.

>From the Panaji end


Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your partner now. Go to http://yahoo.shaadi.com

|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
|  Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages   |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |


2005-12-15 Thread Philip Thomas
Goanet News Bytes * Dec 15,

< Defence ministry has 1678 acres of land in Dabolim airport, since April
1962, Rajya Sabha MP Shantaram Naik was told in a parliamentary reply. Naik
sought to know whether the Government had title documents of the Dabolim
airport, its date of acquisition of title, area, etc. >

This area seems sufficient to accommodate a fairly modern international
airport with at least a couple of  jumbo jet runways. But for that to happen
the land has to be transferred in its entirety to AAI. At present AAI is in
possession of only 25 acres of which 15 acres has been legally transferred.
What was the consideration in effecting the "transfer"? What transfers are
pending e.g. for expanding parking bays?

At the very least the veil of krypto military secrecy surrounding Dabolim
airport has to be lifted so that comparisons and benchmarking can be done
vis a vis other airports in India and abroad in a similar situation.

We need to know what is the basis for revenue sharing with AAI if any. Is
Dabolim airport profitable? Also who is financially responsible for runway
expansion and maintenance. Reportedly the present 11,000 foot runway was
only 6000 feet  at inception 40 years ago. Who financed this expansion over
the years?

Others may have different questions to ask about the cost, configuration etc
of Dabolim airport. We must press for much more transparency on this front.

|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
|  Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages   |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |

[Goanet] Dec 15, 2005 * Vasco houses razed to make way for highway

2005-12-15 Thread Patrice Riemens
Vasco goes Shanghai?? What a pity
cheers, p+D!+O!
(sad... Like Vasco)

|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
|  Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages   |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |

[Goanet] UGC Soccer tournament Draw

2005-12-15 Thread blandino viegas

Hello GoaWorld N GoaNet,

Good Morning,

Please post following matter on internet and oblige.
Many Thanks
Member-United Goans' Centre-Kuwait.



The draw for the 29th edition of UNITED GOANS' CENTRE
football tournament will be held on 23rd December,
2005 at Al Soor grounds, after the end of first
semi-final match of the NYC ongoing tournament. 

The tournament will begin on 6th January, 2006 on
knock-out basis and it will be held under the
supervision of The Kuwait Indian Football Federation
and officiated by IFRA.

All KIFF Affiliates are requested to attend the draw.


Thanks once again. 

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Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
|  Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages   |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |

[Goanet] Goanet News Bytes * Dec 15, 2005 * Vasco houses razed to make way for highway

2005-12-15 Thread Frederick Noronha (FN)
,--,.---..--.  .-. .-.,---. ___Estb 1994
  .' .'/ .-. )  / /\ \ |  \| || .-'|__   __|
  |  |  __ | | |(_)/ /__\ \|   | || `-.  )| |
  \  \ ( _)| | | | |  __  || |\  || .-' (_) |`---
   \  `-) )\ `-' / | |  |)|| | |)||  `--. | |
   )\/  )---'  |_|  (_)/(  (_)/( __.' `-'
  (__) (_)(__)   (__)

Goanet news headlines * December 15, 2005

o Vasco houses razed for highway. 28 houses demolished. (Herald)
o Siolim in clutches of Russian mafia, says Gomantak Times. (GT)
o Sale of lottery tickets stopped in 2002, yet staff gets full salary.GT
o Trade houses sans licences haunt Margao council. (H)
o Rane's performance may come under scanner in coming months.(H)
o MLA Matanhy finds flaws in Regional Plan. (H)
o GVN's new library to be opened today in Margao. (H)
o Chinchinim for roll-back in phone rentals. (H)
o Curtorim Comunidade ex-chief Dr Ernesto Rodrigues denies charges.
o PI Gaonkar back in Panjim. (H)
o Family members arrested over religious feud in Canacona. (H)
o Wordy duel ends in murder in Aldona market. (H)
o Parrikar seeks time to assuage ill-will in Margao ruling council.H
o NE Diniz Music School Borda to hold concert at GVN's hall Dec 22.(H)
o Housewife, 23, dies of burns at Vaddem Vasco. (H)
o Tourist Bhavan coming up at Patto, existing building to go. (GT)
o PI Gaonkar transferred back to Panjim. (GT)
o Francis Luis Gomes Garden once in glory, now forgotten. (GT)
o Goa government losing Rs 140 million per year due to lottery ban.GT
o 727 students to join Liberation pagentry in Campal. (H)
o Jamir tours Canacona. (H)
o New entry rules for Panjim, to "decongest" Pato area. 
o Workshop on geology curriculum from Dec 22. (GT)

o Defence ministry has 1678 acres of land in Dabolim airport, since
  April 1962, Rajya Sabha MP Shantaram Naik was told in a 
  parliamentary reply. Naik sought to know whether the
  Government had title documents of the Dabolim airport, its
  date of acquisition of title, area, etc. 

o Lok Chetna Goa's Madhurya Asharam behind St Joseph's at Parra 
  is seeking donation of a plot of house for an old aged home.


o ASSOLNA: Antonio Sebastiao Dias of Navelim Fradelim.
o CURCA: Anthony Francis Rodrigues, Caitan b 1951
o MAPUSA: Dr Armando Baptista Cardoso, b 1919
o PORVORIM: John Manuel D'Souza of Vaddem-Socorro.
o VARCA: Jovito Jerome Martins (JV Irrigation), Novangully

o AGASIAM: Flaviana R C Vaz e Fernandes of Padribhatt
o ANJUNA: Ramnath G Nagvenkar, retd Asst Collector for Customs,
  and Central Excise, Panjim. Father of Mayabhushan, 9th anniv.
o CARMONA: Noel Rodwin Gracias, birthday remembrance

Ko~knni Xikat:3 ||| Learn Konkani
[With the new easy-to-pronounce TSKK Orthography]

Ko~knni Xikat: 3

To aylo ani tiy ayli.
Bayl Ko~knni xikli ani ghovuy xiklo.
Konnuy utt’ta ani apnnak zay te~ ul^yta.
Tich s^glle~ kam k^rta.
Mh^zo pa~ych dukta.
Bhurge~ p^ddta. 
Te~ r^ddta ani utt’ta.
He p^yxe takach di.
Tuje k^xtt Devakuch sa~g.
Tachya hatakuch mar lagla.
Bhav aylo t^ri bh^ynn ayli na.
Mh^s ayli punn gaych ayli na.
Devuch mhaka pavt^lo.
Bayl b^stali ani ghovuch kam k^rtalo.
Pratap Naik, S.J.

TSKK orthography could be used to write Konkani in Roman script in a
scientific way. Except three speech sounds of Konkani other speech
sounds are represented in this orthography. Note the use of ^ (as in
ago) and ~ (used for nasalized vowels).

Reproduced with permission from Dr Pratap Naik sj. 
More details: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/tskk-sad/join


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during Christmas than a fruitcake! Yes, It is time to be
considerate and appreciative of the rich history and tastes
that are passed on whenever one of these colorful treats
exchanges hands as a gift -- NOT a curse, a GIFT! It is time
to restore the fruitcake's good reputation. It is time to
make GOOD FRUITCAKES!  Just remember a few things before you
start out: The first step in fruitcake preparation is to
assemble, chop and pick over the fruit. You might be using
dried apricots, figs, dates, currants or raisins. Whichever
combination you prefer, softened, tenderized fruit should be
used. Soaking removes the crystalline sugar coating and
causes fruit to absorb sufficient moisture. Poor-condition
fruit will draw moisture from the surrounding cake structure
and cause crumbling. Fruit to be used should be placed in
just enough water, liquor (rum or bourbon) or fruit ju

[Goanet] If given the chance ..........

2005-12-15 Thread borg costa

Dear Goemkars,

If given the chance to be the Chief Minister of Goa
what will you do? 

Please answer..


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|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
|  Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages   |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |


2005-12-15 Thread D'Souza, Avelino
Rs 276 crore for tourism projects 

New Delhi, Dec 14: The government said it had sanctioned Rs 276.31 crore
for tourism projects in states. 

In reply to a question in the Rajya Sabha, Tourism Minister Renuka
Chowdhury said of the sanctioned amount, Rs 209.96 crore had been

In all, funds had been released for 150 projects, she said, adding Jammu
and Kashmir has been the biggest beneficiary with 15 of its projects
getting Rs 35.15 crore. 

As many as 11 projects of Tamil Nadu and Uttar Pradesh had been cleared
and 10 projects of Sikkim had got Central funding, the Minister said. 

On questions by members as to why states like Bihar, Jharkhand, Goa,
Orissa and Punjab had not received any funding, she said "the
development and promotion of tourism is primarily the responsibility of
state governments and the Tourism Ministry provides assistance based on
receipt of proposals." (Agencies)

|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
|  Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages   |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |

[Goanet] Destination India for global players in MRO segment

2005-12-15 Thread D'Souza, Avelino
Destination India for global players in MRO segment
Mumbai, December 14, 2005, Pr Sanjai (Business Standard)

With domestic carriers placing aircraft orders of over Rs 100,000 crore,
a slew of international maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) companies
are drawing up plans to set up shop in India. 

According to industry analysts, the market for MROs in India, excluding
Air-India and Indian Airlines, is estimated at over $100 million per

Putting up an MRO facility that offers complete technical services
solutions can cost anywhere between Rs 750 crore and Rs 1,500 crore. 

In addition to Airbus and Boeing, global MRO majors Jordan Aircraft
Maintenance Ltd (JorAMCo), Singapore Technologies Aerospace (ST
Aerospace), Lufthansa Technik AG and Singapore International Airlines
Engineering Company (SIAEC) are in talks with Air-India and Indian
Airlines for setting up a facility in the country. 

A senior Air-India executive confirmed that several MRO companies were
in talks with the national flag carrier but nothing had been finalised
so far. 

The Foreign Investment Promotion Board has cleared the proposal of
Lufthansa Technik for setting up a wholly-owned subsidiary, One Stop
Airline MRO Support Pvt Ltd, to undertake provision of spare parts and
consumables to be used in the maintenance, repair and overhaul of

According to industry sources, Lufthansa is targeting legacy carriers,
start-up and low-cost airlines of India and West Asia who do not want to
invest heavily on technical services. 

They said JorAMCo, an MRO firm that specialises in Boeing and Airbus
aircraft, was in discussion with Indian government and companies to set
up an independent MRO facility in the country. 

"The aerospace arm of Singapore Technologies Engineering (ST
Engineering), ST Aerospace and SIAEC are also exploring all possible
routes for setting up MRO facilities in India. Airbus and Boeing are
also in the process of finalising the project," the sources added. 

Airbus and Boeing are all set to sell aircraft worth Rs 45,000 crore to
Air-India and Indian Airlines and each of the two rivals might set up a
MRO to service these aircraft. 

Air-India is planning to set up a ground handling and cargo engineering
facility for its own aircraft as well as for others in Bangalore. In
view of its fleet acquisition programme, Air-India is also planning an
engineering base at Bangalore International Airport Ltd. 

|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
|  Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages   |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |

[Goanet] India, Israel to boost trade ties. MRO in Goa or Pune.

2005-12-15 Thread D'Souza, Avelino
India, Israel to boost trade ties  
>From Janaki Murali DHNS,Tel Aviv: 
The bilateral trade between India and Israel stood at $2135.4 million
for the period of January to October 2005 as against $1806.4 million in
the corresponding period last year. 
This is in an increase of 18.21 per cent. Since diplomatic relations
were established between India and Israel in 1992, bilateral trade and
economic relations have progressed rapidly in the 12 years after. 
While diamonds constituted nearly 60 per cent of India's trade with
Israel, with several Gujarati families dealing in diamonds making their
home in Israel, IT, aerospace, aviation, medical technology and
biotechnology are major Bangalore based industries who will be
benefiting from the growth of bilateral trade between the two countries.

Recently Union Commerce & Industry Minister Kamal Nath had two meetings
with his Israeli counterparts and it is expected that a preferential
trade agreement will be signed too. 

IAI's India plans 

Then there's a major initiative that the Israel Aircraft Industries
(IAI) is planning in India. It is looking at either Pune or Goa to set
up a Maintenance Repair and Overhaul (MRO) facility to cater to the
growing aviation industry in India. What is probably holding up the
project is the identification of a local partner, after which IAI should
be all set to launch the project within six months. 
Then there's of course the RAD group of companies with its core
competencies in the telecom sector, which has only recently set up its
joint venture with MRO Tek of Bangalore. 

Tourism potential 

The RAD group has huge plans for India. Of course the RAD group's foray
into biotech did not fructify otherwise this would have been a sector,
for Bangalore biotech companies to look at collaborations. 
Tourism is another huge potential that India is looking at, with nearly
40,000 Israeli students coming to India every year. 
These students finish their compulsory army engagement of three years
and then travel, with many of them choosing India. On the anvil are
banking links and also bilateral shipping agreements to promote trade
links between the two countries.  

|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
|  Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages   |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |

Re: [Goanet] Confessions of an Ex-Expatriate

2005-12-15 Thread Bernado Colaco

> The only Goans who are not benefitting are those who
> lie in their hammocks and complain and leave the
> benefits to non-Goan Indians who are flocking to
> Goa. 
> >
> I would like someone like Fred, a freelance
> journalist, to interview several people who make
> their
> living from tourism and see what THEY have to say.  
Do you expect people to be paid pea nuts or bingtams?
That's why the bingtam kars are flocking to Goa. It is
a haven for them.

B. Colaço

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|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
|  Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages   |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |