2006-03-17 Thread avertano teles
How can GOANS protect their motherland (GOA ) from Terrorists?? How can GOANS 
protect catholic churches and holy crosses?? How can GOANS for once stand 
united against one common cause " SECURITY OF GOA , GOANS AND PEOPLE AT LARGE 
  Just like there was unity at the time of GARBAGE dumping, can't we goans 
bring a change in Goa? Where have all the daring youth who move in Panjim with 
the politicians ,and  goons gone? where have the youth who are so reckless in 
riding/ driving with loud music in the cars gone? where have the youth who 
want to prove themselves by showing their muscle power gone?? 
  Get the young blood involved in todays affairs of Goa, just like the change 
in theIndian Cricket team, let the old guards retire and be advisors to the 
Goan youth and see the change.
  We are shall soon be crying if we don't protect our Motherland (GOA)

[Goanet] Matrimonial website from Delhi...

2006-03-17 Thread Frederick Noronha (FN)
A matrimonial website from the Delhi Archdiocese:
Frederick 'FN' Noronha   | Yahoomessenger: fredericknoronha
http://fn.goa-india.org  | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Independent Journalist   | +91(832)2409490 Cell 9822122436

[Goanet] Happy Feasts

2006-03-17 Thread Anthony and Nolette de Souza

  HI, ALL!






[Goanet] Opportunities at PRADAN - the Appernticeship Programme for Rural Development

2006-03-17 Thread arjun halarnkar
This is for your kind reference and information:

PRADAN is recruiting youngesters to work on Rural Development in various parts 
of India.

[PRADAN is a voluntary organization registered under the societies 
registration act in Delhi. It currently works in selected villages in 26 
districts across 7 states through small teams based in the field. The focus of 
its work is to promote and strengthen livelihoods for the rural poor. This 
involves organizing them, enhancing their capabilities, introducing ways to 
improve their incomes and linking them to banks, markets and other economic 
services. PRADAN comprises professionally trained people motivated to use 
their knowledge and skills to remove poverty by working directly with the 
poor. It addresses the key felt needs of the sector livelihood creation.] 

You may visit www.pradan.net/hr/career/candidate or circulate this through 
your mailing list.  This may of interest to some on your mailing list.

With kind regards,
Arjun Halarnkar

Programme Manager
The International Centre, Goa
Dona Paula
Tel: 832 2452805-10
Fax: 832 2452812
Cell: 832 9890136056

Read Goanet messages at:



2006-03-17 Thread Philip Thomas
Military Bases Possible Locations For New Airport?
Airport Authority, Pentagon Official Discuss Location Sites

SAN DIEGO -- The airport authority and U.S. Pentagon officials met Thursday
to discuss the possibility of using a military base as a location for a new
airport, 10News reported. "They listened intently and very respectfully and
appeared to understand the criticality of our situation," airport authority
board chairman Joe Craver said. The military sites include Camp Pendleton,
MCAS Miramar and North Island. A final roster of potential sites for a new
airport is needed by April to make the November ballot.  "The board has not
made a decision on anything. We're still going through the process," Craver
said. The airport authority said that Lindbergh Field will be over capacity
by 2015. The number of passengers using it has increased by more than a
million per year. The selection committee is also looking at civilian sites,
including Boulevard, the Imperial desert, Borrego Springs and a plan to add
second runway at Lindbergh Field.

[Goanet] Re: Danish cartoons

2006-03-17 Thread Elisabeth Carvalho
I've just joined the mailing list so I haven't followed this argument in its 
entirety but I definitely find the reaction of Muslims the world over, over 
the top. Muslims have gone awry in their zeal to prove some obscure point. I 
would definitely have more respect for Islam if they had demonstrations 
everytime some innocent women who after being raped was beheaded or everytime 
women are beaten because they happen to have displayed their ankles or 
everytime women are told they can't work, drive or vote. Deny real human 
rights to their own people and it's all under the "cover of religion and 
culture". Draw cartoons of their prophet and ofcourse they go on a rampage of 
killing, pillaging and wanton destruction. How hypocritcal can one get?

cornel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Hi Gilbert
I had said that the issue of the Muslim reaction to the Danish cartoons was 
deemed by the British media "as over the top." I merely reported something 
and this is quite different from your reportage which says "Our friend 
Cornell calls the behaviour of British Muslims (on this issue) as "Over the 
Top." Clearly, there is a big difference between the two points above. Is 
there not?
- Original Message - 

> Hi Mario,
> Perhaps others can explain what you are seeking.
> Our friend Cornell calls the behavior of British Muslims (on this issue) 
> as "Over the top".
> Very British! (Perhaps true for British Muslims)
> You can analyze the differences between UK Muslims and others who behave 
> differently, as you described.
> Please enlighten me after your discovery.
> The title of this thread is Danish Cartoons.
> You can change it to: Science of Mass Hysteria.:=))
> Kind Regards, GL

[Goanet] RE: Number of Flights operated in a day

2006-03-17 Thread Philip Thomas

Ah for the intellectual energy conservation of preconceived notions
cherished by those who shoot from the mouse! Cheers.

[Goanet] Rat as fish

2006-03-17 Thread afra dias
Hi Goanetters,

If the Vatican can make dispensation of eating a BIG DESERT rat as fish on 
fridays in the SOUTH AMERICAS, and can issue a BULL to eat beef on fridays 
(they did this in the 1950s in Goa). M
My Church oarish priest issued these for 25 tangas every fridays - (the beef 
itself cost 25 tangs a quaeter kg. and there was no money coming in from M'bay 
due to Krishna Menon's embargo at that time).

They can give u their almight blessing to drink as much feni as you like so 
long as you go into a deep meditating mood and not aggressive.
Any thing is possible with Vatican Blessing.

[Goanet] Re: GOA FOR GOANS! - final

2006-03-17 Thread Mario Goveia
Gabe Menezes wrote: 
RESPONSE: What a fraud ! Are we to assume that the
statement made by a
fraud: Poor Americans are better off than middle class
Europeans, was
also a tongue in cheek statement?
Extremely patronizing stance.

Mario responds:

No, saying that many poor Americans have a better quality of life than many 
middle-income Europeans was not tongue-in-cheek.
As someone who has little use for facts you may not be aware of this.  I don't 
think it is patronizing to state a fact.
BTW, my comment that Portugal was a third rate European country was tongue-in-
cheek.  I should have said that it was a second-rate European country :-))

[Goanet] Address of BSG

2006-03-17 Thread kumud P

I am lecturer in Botany in St. Xavier's College. I wanted to know about the 
postal address of Botanical Society of Goa. Please do send me the same.  

Yours faithfully


Read Goanet messages at:


[Goanet] First the beam in your eye

2006-03-17 Thread Cecil Pinto

Roadside Shrine Exchange Program
Citizens volunteer to demolish their own shrines.

Unknown to the general public of Goa a top secret meeting was called for 
last week, of non-religious heads from the four major religions - Hindu, 
Catholic, Muslim and Alternate. The Alternates were included because they 
are statistically significant. They include Believers, Seventh Day 
Adventists, Vipassana Breathers, Yoga Addicts, Art of Living Disciples, 
Martial Art Practitioners, Multi Level Marketing Down-liners, Young Abacus 
Mathematicians and other converts to such new marginal religions - that are 
attracting many followers. The head of the Alternates did not turn up for 
the meeting as she was busy forwarding a hoax SMS to everyone in her mobile 
phone book in the hope of getting free talk-time.

The main purpose of the top secret meeting was to hammer out an agreement 
under the banner "Let's Keep Roadsides Secular". Of course there was no 
fanfare as accompanied "Together for Panjim" or "Panjim Chaka Chak" as no 
event manager was interested in a concept that had (a) No entertainment 
budget (b) No opportunity to promote oneself. Priests and politicians from 
all religions were purposely kept out of the meeting as it was not in their 
interest to break down roadside shrines. Yes. That's what the Top Secret 
Inter-Religion Roadside Shrine Exchange Program meeting was all about. 
Setting up an exchange system to demolish roadside shrines and those that 
had the potential to become traffic hazards. Each community would volunteer 
to demolish or re-locate their own shrines, and the other communities would 
reciprocate equally. The Government doesn't have the political will or the 
guts. We have to do it ourselves. This was the attitude.

I was present at the top secret meeting and am not afraid to reveal to the 
public the dastardly plans that threaten to tear apart the religious nature 
of our state and our country. To avoid any violent repercussions I have 
changed the names of certain speakers to hide their identity.

Simon D'Souza, representing the Secular Catholics, initiated the meeting on 
a very aggressive note. He publicly apologised to everyone present for the 
omni-present Accident Crosses. To quote Simon, "Our community has started 
this totally un-civil trend. Fortunately no other community has followed 
suit. If we had roadside shrines for every road accident victim in Goa our 
roadsides would have been so cluttered that even ugly billboards would not 
be seen. On behalf of the Secular Catholics I promise to re-locate every 
Accident Cross to the property of the accident victim's family."

Most of the others present scoffed at the viability of such a move but they 
all applauded anyway.

Pradeep Naik, on behalf of Secular Hindus, was even more remorseful about 
the roadside sins of his community. "This practice of stopping to offer 
coconuts and bananas at certain roadside tree shrines has to be stopped. I 
will use all my strength to convince my people to offer food to the needy 
instead. These practices cause accidents rather than preventing them"

"And on behalf of Secular Muslims all over Goa", said Amir Mainuddin, "I 
promise that we will have Friday prayers in wide open spaces rather than 
blocking traffic with spillover from our roadside mosques."

The meeting heated up considerably when the 'road map' of the Exchange 
Program was unfolded by Kamlesh Deshprabhu, the Deputy Director of 
Transport. A top team of statisticians, sociologists and traffic experts 
had spent more than a year studying the matter and assigning 'nuisance 
weights' to every roadside shrine in Goa - of any religion. A Quantum of 
Obstruction (QO) numerical figure was then assigned to every shrine. For 
example, the Chapel in the Goa Velha market had a QO value of 266 because 
it not only exaggerated the existing traffic bottleneck, but also could 
easily have been shifted a few meters back at the time it was being 
rebuilt. The Hindu shrine at the old Patto Bridge and the one near Bal 
Bhavan in Campal had QO values of 183 and 197 respectively. These high 
figures were not so much because of any physical obstruction but because of 
uncivil devotees who parked their vehicles irregularly (sometimes on the 
bridge itself!) and crossed the road recklessly to perform their rituals.

The negotiations started. The Secular Catholics seemed in a very generous 
mood. Without any provocation they agreed that Compound Wall Grottos and 
Elaborate Crosses would henceforward be compulsory facing inwards so that 
ladainha celebrations did not cause traffic obstructions. Not to be outdone 
the Secular Hindus voluntarily agreed that Ganesh immersion processions 
would henceforward be held on internal roads only and not block main roads. 
The Secular Muslims agreed that evening prayers need not be broadcast to 
the whole city and agreed to ban amplified prayers altogether.

Stunned by this move the Secular Catholics had a hurrie

[Goanet] village aldona

2006-03-17 Thread aldona g

i was cruising th enet today and i found that there was a village called 
aldona! this was like really exciting ofr me because htat my name too (woo!) 
so i was wondering if you could send me some further information, or an 
address that has information about this village.


Search for local singles online @ Lavalife - Click here  

Re: [Goanet] Only Olympic hatrick in Football belongs to a Goenkar!

2006-03-17 Thread cornel

Thanks for forwarding info on Neville D'Souza. I had definitely not heard of 
him before.
In this context, as a youngster, I had once read of Levy Pinto, a Goan 
sprinter in Bombay, as the fastest man in Asia in earlier decades. Does 
anyone know more about this person please?

- Original Message - 
From: "Bernado Colaco" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Friday, March 17, 2006 3:04 AM
Subject: [Goanet] Only Olympic hatrick in Football belongs to a Goenkar!

Great Goan Olympian
By Isidore Dantas

[Goanet] Terrorists is Goa

2006-03-17 Thread afra dias
  Hi Goanetters,
JC wrote:
I am glad that at least two individuals believe that the Goa Police are so 
honest and uncorruptable that Goans need to give more powers to the Goa police.

Good stuff Afra !

May be this NOC should require the following steps :

1. original  Birth Certificate
2. translated in teor (Devanagri only ...Romi Script not accepted)
3. Verified by notary public
4. Notary's signature verified by sarpanch
5. Sarpanch's signature verified by deputy sarpanch
6. both signatures verified by mamlatdar
7. All signatures verfied by local MLA
8. Finally ...all certificates should be submitted in triplicate to local 
police havaldar
9. final approval from MP ((video cameras NOT allowed)

Afra says:
It's ok to have the relevant requirements. Who is the body that will monitor 
and impliment these in place.
If the police are corrupt, then the Govt should do something about it.
But, which dept of the Govt is responsible for this?
In other words 'is there one?'.

[Goanet] Re: *Goanet News Bytes *

2006-03-17 Thread Prasad Gaitonde
Dear sir, 
I am very thankful to you for regularly  mailing me the links through which 
makes me feel that i m in goa.

It is the time where all the communities should strongly bound each other and 
fight against the extenal force which is againg and agin trying to create 
difference between us.

thanks a lot.

Prasad Gaitonde.

"The Mighty Oak was once just a small nut who stood his ground" 

Read all Goanet messages at:


Re: [Goanet] Rat as fish

2006-03-17 Thread Gabe Menezes
On 17/03/06, afra dias <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Goanetters,
> If the Vatican can make dispensation of eating a BIG DESERT rat as fish on
> fridays in the SOUTH AMERICAS,.

> Afra.

RESPONSE : Capibara  is a large rodent, not a rat! furthermore it
lives in flooded areas except when there is a drought. For pics of the
Capibara please click on to the URL: -



Gabe Menezes.
London, England

[Goanet] Prevent vandalism of crosses: Archbishop

2006-03-17 Thread Gabe Menezes

Prevent vandalism of crosses: Archbishop

NT News Desk

Panaji March 16: Expressing deep concern at the rise in the cases of
vandalism and burglaries of the churches and chapels, the Archbishop
of Goa and Daman, Reverend Filipe Neri Ferrao has urged the
authorities to take prompt and effective steps and thereby restore the
confidence of the people who are wondering whether the intelligence
has collapsed in our state.In a statement issued today Archbishop
said: "We address the administration of the state to remind them that
this (Comba cross vandalisation) is not the first such incident in
Goa. In the last 14 months, there has been a host of burglaries in our
churches and chapels as well as a number of incidents of vandalism,
affecting our revered religious symbols."

He said in spite of repeated requests and appeals to the concerned
authorities, there seems to be certain indifference in tackling the
matter and nabbing the culprits.

He said one more cross has been vandalised in Comba, Margao, one more
symbol of Christian faith desecrated, and the spate of violence
targeting the places and symbols of worship belonging to minority
communities seems to go unabated. We are indeed deeply pained with
this disturbing trend.

In these circumstances, our heart reaches out first to our Christian
brethren in their grief in a spirit of genuine solidarity. We appeal
to everyone, specially the Christians, to remain calm and not to let
themselves be provoked by such violent acts.

In the footsteps of our Master and Lord, Jesus Christ, we, Christians,
are expected to be promoters of peace and harmony and, inspired by His
supreme sacrifice on the Cross, be witnesses of love and

We express our appreciation for the solidarity shown by the people of
other faiths in rebuilding the vandalised cross and thus in restoring,
to a certain extent, a sense of security in the aggrieved Christian
community of the locality.

This noble act surely goes to confirm that those who resort to such
destruction do not belong to any religious community, since violence
has neither religion nor God.

Gabe Menezes.
London, England

[Goanet] Portuguese Passport & the Bonefacio factor

2006-03-17 Thread jose colaco

Dear all,

Just a quick note.

Since my responses to Bonefacio, I have received 207 e-requests for 
assistance with this matter.

Please excuse my inability to assist or even personally respond to 206 of 
those requests.

Almost all have requested - that info be found about their application. Must 
reiterate that the Goa Consulate is the best place to check for 
those who have applied through Goa.

I kow that information is all computerised for some time now.  If there is 
info, you should be able to find out, the inherant problems with the Goa 
Consulate notwithstanding. The last time we were there, we had this Bostiao 
Xencor at the gate trying his stuff. I told him that Baksheesh was waiting 
for him in that big car waiting outside. I meant the dilapidated bus 
at that filthy thing called Bus Station. But who was waiting to clarify 
anything to him? That confused him alright and got him out of our faces.

Inside, I saw only Gujarati and Hindi speaking fellas. Hm!

There are several thousand nationality applications from India (from last 
reports) which are awaiting the normal civil service traction and the 
resolution of other issues. I suppose the BOGUS certificate issue hurts 
Goans. Even the British High Commission in India is reporting receipt of 
BOGUS certificates.

Ah well  I suppose we in Goa have to accept the cross to our reputation.

My offer to Bonefacio was a singular offer. It was because I believe that 
something might be amiss there.

Good luck to all those who are applying for regaining Portuguese 

Did not realise that there were so many Goans on one Goan Network alone who 
were interested in regaining/applying for Portuguese nationality. From the 
tone of the discussions on GoaNet, I thought that folks here were 
anti-Portuguese, hated Portugal, could not stand the name Portugal etc.

I guess I was wrong.

I did not see any of the 207 stand up against the BOGUS anti Portugal 
stories that were circulated here.

On the other hand, this "passport" stuff might just be an act of opportunism 
- to get abroad.  I know quite a few who I would class as opportunists. They 
will use anything, anybody, any country (Portugal in this case) to achieve 
their personal goals.

That is why I asked if it was Nationality or Passport that was being 

Bonefacio, if you are not able to send that info within the next 14 days, 
I'll consider that you are not interested.  As you probably know (or do not) 
I have a day job  and a night one too. Neither of my jobs involve 
passport or nationality issues.

Anyway ... all the best to all


Don’t just search. Find. Check out the new MSN Search! 

Re: [Goanet] Re: Danish cartoons

2006-03-17 Thread cornel

Welcome to Goanet from an old timer. I have only read two of your inputs and 
found them very perceptive.

Hope you will keep up with your posts.
- Original Message - 
From: "Elisabeth Carvalho" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Friday, March 17, 2006 5:15 AM
Subject: [Goanet] Re: Danish cartoons

I've just joined the mailing list so I haven't followed this argument in 
entirety but I definitely find the reaction of Muslims the world over, 
the top. Muslims have gone awry in their zeal to prove some obscure point. 

would definitely have more respect for Islam if they had demonstrations
everytime some innocent women who after being raped was beheaded or 

women are beaten because they happen to have displayed their ankles or
everytime women are told they can't work, drive or vote. Deny real human
rights to their own people and it's all under the "cover of religion and
culture". Draw cartoons of their prophet and ofcourse they go on a rampage 

killing, pillaging and wanton destruction. How hypocritcal can one get?


cornel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 Hi Gilbert
I had said that the issue of the Muslim reaction to the Danish cartoons 

deemed by the British media "as over the top." I merely reported something
and this is quite different from your reportage which says "Our friend
Cornell calls the behaviour of British Muslims (on this issue) as "Over 

Top." Clearly, there is a big difference between the two points above. Is
there not?
- Original Message - 

Hi Mario,

Perhaps others can explain what you are seeking.
Our friend Cornell calls the behavior of British Muslims (on this issue)
as "Over the top".
Very British! (Perhaps true for British Muslims)
You can analyze the differences between UK Muslims and others who behave
differently, as you described.
Please enlighten me after your discovery.
The title of this thread is Danish Cartoons.
You can change it to: Science of Mass Hysteria.:=))
Kind Regards, GL


2006-03-17 Thread A. Veronica Fernandes


There will be an Eucharistic celebration for the soul of Rev. Fr. Joao 
Vincente Gonsalves on 18th March 2006,  Saturday at 7.30 p.m. at the Holy 
Family Cathedral, Kuwait City.

Mass offered by his brother Cruz Gonsalves and his cousin Albino Fernandes.

Rev, Fr. Joao Vincente Gonsalves was truly loved by his Parishioners, he was 
also a very skilled priest who has done lot of wonders of his work as a 
Preist, he has served Churches in Chinchinim, Curtorim, Chorao, Guirim, 
Pomburpa, Tivim, Valpoi and Nagoa -Arpora.

Sudden passing away from this world of Rev, Fr. Joao Vincente Gonsalves has 
touched  the  hearts and minds of many people in Arpora  and whole of  Goa, 
one could be still  known and  remembered and are also remembering in Kuwait 
are the Parishioners of Nagoa Arpora Baga – Goa residing in Kuwait.

A. Veronica Fernandes,

Don't just search. Find. Check out the new MSN Search! 

[Goanet] Mummy in the line of fire

2006-03-17 Thread Gabe Menezes

Mummy in the line of fire

CLP wants action for tie-up with BJP in CCP polls
PANJIM, MARCH 16 — In an important development, the Congress
legislature party (CLP) condemned the action of Deputy Speaker and
party MLA from Santa Cruz Victoria Fernandes and ex-minister Somnath
Zuwarkar of aligning with BJP in the Panjim Corporation polls and
resolved to send the matter to the High Command for necessary action.

CLP at a meeting held in the city today also passed a resolution
congratulating Town & Country Planning Minister and party MLA from
Taleigao for winning the Panjim Corporation elections and in
particular getting more seats in Panjim constituency segments denting
the base of Opposition Leader and Panjim MLA Manohar Parrikar.
Congress MLAs expressed total displeasure over the tie-up Mrs
Fernandes and Mr Zuwarkar had with Mr Parrikar. The Santa Cruz MLA was
not present for today's meeting.
 They also took serious note of the utterances of Mrs Fernandes in
public meetings in Panjim during the election campaign against the All
India Congress Committee (AICC) general secretary in-charge of Goa
desk Margaret Alva. She had gone to the extent of imitating Mrs Alva
in Mangalore Konkani.
Ironically, among those who condemned Mrs Fernandes were one or two
senior leaders who were instigating her against the CM during the TCP
Ordinance issue.


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

[Goanet] Mapusa plunges into grief with tragic death of 3 youth

2006-03-17 Thread Gabe Menezes

Mapusa plunges into grief with tragic death of 3 youth

NT News Service

Mapusa Mar 16: Mapusa was plunged in grief today with the tragic death
of three youth, including the former BJP Mapusa youth wing president,
Prasad Dhargalkar and a fourth youth still missing.

Dhargalkar (38), popularly known in Mapusa as "Pacha," was riding a
Bajaj Pulsar motorcycle when he was crushed between a bus and truck at
a village called Tershem, between Dodamarg and Tillari today morning.
He is learnt to have died on the spot. He had gone to search for three
Mapusa youth who went missing on Wednesday afternoon, on Holi day.

Two were his immediate neighbours and the third youth, Nikhil Pawaskar
(23) was from nearby Ansabhatt area of Mapusa. The lifeless bodies of
two of the youth, Pawaskar and Santosh Dicholkar (28) were fished out
today from a small river flowing towards Chapora at a village called
Dhumashem near Menkurem in Bicholim taluka. The third youth, Viraj
Kauthankar is missing.

The three bachelors had left Mapusa around 12.30 p.m. on a single
motorcycle on Holi day, reportedly to swim in the river, at a location
so remote, even residents of Dumashem village are surprised. But a
Mapusa resident who visited the site today said one of the boys worked
on a crusher on the Dumashem hill and knew the place well. When they
did not return yesterday, their family members filed a police
complaint at Mapusa yesterday afternoon. But by then, villagers of
Dumashem had noticed the motorcycle and clothes lying untouched on the
riverbank and informed the Bicholim police.

Co-ordination between Mapusa and Bicholim police and positive
identification of the motorcycle by family members prompted the
Bicholim Fire Brigade to conduct a search operation in the river late
yesterday evening. It was unsuccessful. With no trace of his
neighbours, Dhargalkar - a father of an 8-year old son and a sibling
to six - volunteered to join the search himself today morning. He left
his house, opposite the Rashtrolli temple (near the Laximinarayan
temple) at Feira Baixa around 9 a.m. He met his tragic end around 11

Meanwhile in Dumashem, two of the bodies were seen floating in the
river today. The Bicholim Fire Brigade with the help of villages used
a canoe to tow the bodies ashore. The bodies were then taken and
handed to the Bicholim police, who sent them for post-mortem to the
Goa Medical College, Bambolim.

Women wailed and men from the family wept as a huge crowd gathered
today in the narrow Rashtrolli temple lane, where the houses of
Dhargalkar and two of the youth are located. The Mapusa MLA, Mr
Francis D'Souza, who came to console the family, expressed grief at
the death of his party colleague and the other boys. The Tivim BJP
MLA, Mr Sadanand Shet Tanavade, Mandrem BJP MLA, Mr Laximikant
Parsenkar, BJP general secretary, Mr Satish Dhond, BJP vice president,
Mr Datta Kholkar, party workers and most Mapusa councillors were
prominently seen among the crowd. Dhargalkar was cremated today

Gabe Menezes.
London, England

[Goanet] Hillock digging upset Aquem locals

2006-03-17 Thread Gabe Menezes

Hillock digging upset Aquem locals

MARGAO, MARCH 16 - Excavation of a hillock at Aquem here has literally
forced local residents to run from pillar to post, as they apprehended
danger to existing structures due to shift in the sub-soil.

The residents, Molly Fernandes and M V Hede, has written to almost all
the concerned authorities, ranging from the deputy Collector, Margao,
PDA Member Secretary, Margao Police, Margao Municipal Chief Officer,
Town and Country Planning department.
They contended that the ongoing excavation has posed a risk to the
public road and the electric wire pole snapping under pressure of the
excavation. "There is no support of soil now on the eastern side of
the electric pole posing danger to the public", the residents
"There's no safety barricade set up outside the road to prevent an
accident. The place if visited will reveal the peril that the road
users are exposed to consequent to the excavation", the residents told
the deputy Collector.
The residents has now pleaded to the authorities to direct the builder
to take measures at the site to prevent danger and loss of lives.
Herald understands that the deputy Collector, Suresh Pilarnekar had on
February 24 asked Salcete Mamlatdar, Jhonson Fernandes for a report
within 8 days.
Sources said the Mamlatdar is alleged to have described the activity
as illegal, but the authorities - which are always quick in issuing
notices to any illegality in the coastal belt - are going slow on the


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

[Goanet] Ultra has revealed nothing new on Goa, says DIG

2006-03-17 Thread Gabe Menezes

Ultra has revealed nothing new on Goa, says DIG

PANJIM, MARCH 16 – Deputy Inspector General of Police Ujjwal Mishra on
Thursday said that the dreaded terrorist from Srinagar in their net
has revealed nothing incriminating vis a vis Goa, but whatever has
been revealed will surely have India-wide ramifications.

Mishra said Tariq Ahmed Battlo alias Tariq Jallal though a bit
uncooperative in the beginning has given information relevant to
Kashmir that could not be revealed because the country's security was
at stake. "We are constantly in touch with the J&K authorities and
they will be here any moment."
"So far, what he has told us is that he had plans to blow up three
places in Goa, but had no assistance. He was planning to get help from
outside," the DIG stated. So far, it looks like he was alone. We
haven't also found anybody who is party with him in the crime, he
The sleuths have identified the cyber cafes from where Battlo sent
e-mails. Mishra said the e-mails in their possession had given them
very good leads, but it was nothing specific to Goa.
"We still have eight more days of custody to interrogate him after
which any authority in India may ask for him for interrogation," he
He disclosed that after interrogating Battlo for all these days, it
could not be found whether he was involved personally in any terrorist
attack in the country.


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

Comment : Curiouser and curiouser

Re: [Goanet] Fond memories of a visit to an Indian town called Jabalpur

2006-03-17 Thread Mario Goveia
> --- Gabriel de Figueiredo
> Gabriel de Figueredo wrote:
> > Notwithstanding BC's satirical post, here is what
> I
> > found on http://www.jabalpur.com/history.htm:
> > 
> > JABALPUR- Is an ancient city in central India  ...
> > 
> > Jabalpur is well connected by National highway-7
> > (Nagpur-Varanasi) Broad gauge and meter gauge
> > railway
> > lines and Skeleton air service. 
> > ...
--- Bernado Colaco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Gabriel,
> My contents are what I saw. Probably at that time
> (20
> years ago) there was no internet or phamplets to
> tell
> us about the universities. 
> I guess because of such a miserable town, people
> made
> attempts to vist Goa for the Bacalhau, Tinto and
> Malcurado. (No restaurants in your post).
Mario responds:
If you really wrote "what you saw" 20 years ago you
really need to get your memory checked.
Anyone familiar with Jabalpur, even 20 years ago,
would know that you either have serious memory loss or
you made it all up.  The proof lies in the facts that
I laid out.  You apparently visited some British built
city where you were looking for English stew, mince
pies and vindalho, Marks and Sparks, Bentleys and
Rolls Royces.  You only saw women in burqas.  You had
no idea which team you played, how their players ages
were determined, or even who brought you food.
Anyone who traveled with such a team 20 years ago
would have had a coach and/or a manager who would have
found them better lodgings and food.  The population
of Jabalpur is over 2 million so there are plenty of
good hotels and restaurants.  Perhaps the Goa team
were too impoverished to be able to afford coaches and
managers, and decent lodgings and food.
Also, judging from your own account you may have been
in Manipur.
BTW, twenty years ago, Goa was well on the way to
recovering from the self-serving benign neglect of 450
years of Portuguese rule, and had begun to catch up
with the rest of India.

[Goanet] Re: Portuguese Passport & the Bonefacio factor

2006-03-17 Thread Mario Goveia
--- jose colaco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Dear all,
> Just a quick note.
> Since my responses to Bonefacio, I have received 207
> e-requests for assistance with this matter.
Mario observes:
Wow!  207 Goans are interested in getting Portuguese
passports.  This would be considered a trickle, not a
flood.  That means there are 1,399,793 who are not
interested.  Perhaps Goa is not quite as bad as the
brown Portuguese make it out to be.

[Goanet] NRI -FC officials -unwanted guests in GULF ?

2006-03-17 Thread godfrey gonsalves
Has the  Non Resident Indians --Facilitation Centre,of
Government of Goa  at EDC, House Panaji been disbanded
following the appointment of Mr Eduardo Faleiro, ex
Union Minister and Rajya Sabha member, as the
Commissioner for NRI's, under the Department of Home
Government of Goa?  Well one would think so. 

Following a teletalk  this writer had with the 
Commissioner for NRI's - to congratulate Mr Faleiro on
his  appointment to this office  (a post with a
Cabinet rank ) he stated he was not clear of his job
profile as of now -- but just that he accepted this

Ironically the first public function the Commissioner
will now inaugurate is a Seminar on "Communal Harmony
" organised by the almost defunct  NRI FC, on 18th
March, 2006 with Mr Digamber Kamat Minister for Power
and INC  MLA Margao to preside.

There is no doubt, that the appointment of Mr Faleiro
who has travelled extensively world wide representing
our country at the highest forum and his personal
acumen and expertise would be of immense help to the
NRI's (Goans) given the proper infrastructure and
personnel, besides a clear cut job profile, with due
budgetary support by the Government of Goa.  

Mr Faleiro would do well to come out with "out of the
box" mindset and proposals that will husband the
potential of NRI Goans.  A more friendly and meaning
ful interaction ofcourse with a patient mindset would
be of great help to the NRI's of all stratas. True the
NRI Goans as of now are indeed a divided lot. There
are Goans who serve at the lowest level in menial jobs
upto the top echelons of organisational heirarchy
especially in the Gulf countries and there are others
who are in Canada UK US Germany France Australia
Africa New Zealand etc.

While the former do cannot obtain  citizenships of
those countries like the latter, the aspirations of
the NRI's (Goans) therefore varies.

Nevertheless the NRI's (Goans) could now look upon the
new Commissioner to get their demands redressed now
that this posting is at best a non political posting
where Mr Faleiro does not need to appease or maintain
a vote bank.  His only interests would be tuned
towards Goa and Goans worldwide.

But what is shocking is that though the NRI FC will
eventually have to close shop ---following its
upgradation with an official at Cabinet rank, this
email sent out to Goan NRI's in the Gulf by Chairman
of the NRI FC Mr Chandrakant Keni at almost the end of
the financial year end March 2006 informing of an
impending visit of a three member delegation led by
Herculano Dourado ex MLA and Vice Chairman NRI FC   
has raised eyebrows and has become easily suspect as a
means to squander Government funds and hence needs to
be called off. Kindly read on the agenda.
Dear Friend 
The last Convention organized on 3rd and 4th January
2006 at Kala Academy, Panaji was a success as it was
well appreciated by all the Goans who attended from
various parts of the world. The high level of
organization was also noted by these delegates.
However, it was observed by many that many issues are
discussed at the forum although no follow-up action is
taken. To meet this criticism and to ascertain the
specific problems of Goans spread around the world
specially those in the Gulf, it was decided to send,
to start with, a delegation to Gulf countries to
clearly identify the problems and difficulties faced
by Goans in those countries and look forward for
solutions before the next Convention.

Towards this end we are pleased to inform you that a
three-member delegation led by the Vice-Chairman of
NRI Facilitation Centre Adv.Herculano Dourado, which
is sanctioned by the Government, is proposing to visit
Gulf Countries around the 4th week of March to study
the problems of Goans in those areas first hand.

During our visit in Kuwait which would be from 25th -
28th morning we propose to have a meeting / seminar on
Problems and Aspirations of the Goan Diaspora in
Kuwait / Gulf. What solutions?? We would be highly
obliged if you could assist us in organizing this
meeting by informing all your Goan friends and
colleagues connected with you through the
organizations you represent.

With salutations and warm regards.
Chandrakant Keni,
P. S Email of Shri.Herculano.Dourado
This writer has been inudated with calls from NRI
Goans abroad and via email that the visit is uncalled
for. The reasons they state are many:  a) the NRI FC
has not updated its website after the 2nd Goman Vishwa
Sammelan in January 2005 event although the third one
was held in January 2006 b) the Chairman and others
did pay a visit to the Gulf on the eve of the 2nd
Sammelan but the outcome was nil c) the complaints of
the NRI's have not been addressed as far as revenue
(land) matters, litigations, encroachment of lands
educational, NRI city, air flight fares, medical
engineering college facilities and self employment or
setting up ind

[Goanet] HIV test to be made mandatory for marriage registration in Goa

2006-03-17 Thread Gabe Menezes
HIV test to be made mandatory for marriage registration in Goa

Press Trust of India
Posted online: Friday, March 17, 2006 at 1736 hours IST

Panaji, March 17: Goa government today decided to make HIV test
mandatory for registration of marriage.

"We have decided to amend the Goa Public Health Act making HIV test
mandatory before registration of marriage," State Health Minister
Dayanand Narvekar told reporters after the cabinet meeting.

The government has also decided to "throw open this amendment for
public debate" and various NGOs and other individuals can give their
suggestions in this matter, said Narvekar, briefing reporters on the
cabinet decision in presence of Chief Minister Pratapsingh Rane.

He said that extensive debate on this amendment would be held in and
outside the state for over two months.

"There should be a national debate in which issues like morality and
personal privacy are discussed before giving final shape to the
amendment," Narvekar said.

The amendment would be put before the State Legislative Assembly in
the coming session in July, he said, adding "nitty-gritties of this
amendment would be finalised only after discussions".

If amendment comes through, Goa would be the first state in the
country to have mandatory HIV test before marriage, Narvekar added.

In yet another proposed amendment to the Act, the government has
decided to offer free medicine "to cancer and trauma patients who are
treated in state-owned Goa Medical College Hospital".


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

[Goanet] Goan teams score in Indianfootball.com awards...

2006-03-17 Thread Frederick Noronha (FN)


IndianFootball.Com, India's Premier Football Site, is proud to announce the
IFC Awards 2005 winners. The prestigious award has the slogan "The voice of
Indian football honouring the best of the best".

The IFC Awards 2005 is the only of its kind in India, where FANS, OFFICIALS,
PLAYERS and MEDIA can choose their top performers of the season.

The awards started with the selection round, where the Indian football
fraternity around the globe was able to name us their favourites of the
season 2004/05 in five different categories until June 20, 2005. 

Then in the final round the best five nominees, chosen by the voters, were
offered to all, for the last voting to select the IndianFootball.Com Awards
2005 winners in five different categories.

We delayed the release of the award winner by a few month's to be able to
organise an awards evening this year. Sadly IndianFootball.Com was not able
to host an awards evening, but we are looking forward to honour the winners
of the IFC Awards 2006 through a special event.

Further information on this years edition of the IFC Awards, the past
winners, further IFC Awards background information and more can be found at:


Please feel free to contact us, if further information is needed.

Kind regards,

Arunava Chaudhuri   Chris Punnakkattu Daniel
Editor-in-Chief Editor-in-Chief
Mobile: 0049 160 4819749Mobile: 0049 174 8987246

These are the official results of the IFC Awards 2005:

Please note, that several players have transferred to new clubs for the
2005/06 season! The below named teams are from the 2004/05 season!


1. Clifford Miranda (Dempo SC)45,5 %
2. Climax Lawrence (East Bengal)  21,2 %
3. Alvito D'Cunha (Mohun Bagan)   16,2 %


1. MacPherlin Dudu Omagbemi (Sporting Clube de Goa / Brazil)  59,0 %
2. Ranty Martins Soleye (Dempo SC / Nigeria)  30,0 %
3. Flavio de Oliveira Rodrigues (Mahindra United / Brazil)06,0 %


1. Clifford Miranda (Dempo SC)50,0 %
2. Habibur Rehman Mondal (East Bengal)24,0 %
3. Jerry Zirsanga (Mohun Bagan)   16,0 %


1. Armando Colaco (Dempo SC)  52,0 %
2. Clifford Chukwana (Sporting Clube de Goa)  21,0 %
3. Subhas Bhowmick (East Bengal)  17,0 %


1. Dempo SC, Goa  50,5 %
2. Sporting Clube de Goa  31,3 %
3. East Bengal Club, Calcutta 13,1 %

IndianFootball.Com Contacts
Headquarters: c/o Arunava Chaudhuri; Markt 1; 42853 Remscheid; GERMANY
Versmold Office: c/o Chris Punnakkattu Daniel; Knetterhauser Str. 4; 33775
Versmold; GERMANY

[Goanet] Whatever the opposition, slums are here to stay

2006-03-17 Thread Gabe Menezes

Whatever the opposition, slums are here to stay

MARGAO, MARCH 16 - Chief Minister, Pratapsing Rane's advise to Margao
citizens, including Power Minister, Digambar Kamat to maintain a vigil
on the proliferation of slums has no takers, so to say.

Indeed, while slums at Monte Hill, Azad Nagar and Fakir bandh have
come to stay, hutments have now mushroomed in private properties too
right under the nose of the authorities.
Take the case of Khareband. A ride down the Khareband bridge on the
city outskirts points towards a hutment colony akin to Mumbai suburbs.
Inquiries revealed that the huts on the banks of the River Sal have
come up on private land.
And, while a month has passed since Rane gave his frank advice, the
local authorities appear least interested in cracking a whip.
Take for instance, the Margao Municipal Council. The Civic body
appears more engrossed in the ongoing musical chair games than curbing
the illegalities. The technical section was frank in confessing that
it has till date not initiate any action against the slums.
Power Minister, Digambar Kamat, on the other hand, says he had
directed the police to act, but in vain. "I had told the police and
the deputy Collector to initiate action. They ought to co-ordinate the
job of verifying the antecedents of the slum dwellers and the
landlords. This exercise purely rests with government machinery", he
Urban Development Minister, Joaquim Alemao too is piqued over the
Municipal inaction against the proliferation of slums in Margao.
Incidentally, whatever the reasons behind the inaction, slum dwellers
are indeed a vote bank for many a city politician, with their numbers
of the electoral roll crossing the 4000-mark.


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

[Goanet] Dudhsagar — a fantastic experience

2006-03-17 Thread Gabe Menezes

Dudhsagar — a fantastic experience

jerome mendes
PANJIM, MARCH 16 — It was after 66 years of my life that my dream came
true to visit the famous Dudhsagar or milks and sugar falls. The
opportunity came because my wife Anastasia's Niece Elizabeth and Rick
together with his family and my brother Domnic who has come down from
Toronto and Sanvordem and on our way we were upset and sad to see the
destruction of cars, buses and building including a petrol station .

I always thought Goa was the most peaceful and harmonious state in
India especially as I have Christians, hindus and Muslims working for
me in Goa.
I always tell all my friends all over the world that Goa is the spain
of India and India is my country but Goa is my mother. I hope this
incident will not have further repercussions and all the people of Goa
will be able to forgive each other and bring peace and harmony. After
passing through Sanvordem we stopped for a break on the road and has
some refreshments and a walk to stretch our legs. Our vehicle was a
quails and seated nine but it was like seating in a sardine tin.
We reach Colleam at about 12 pm and a soon  as we arrived the tourist
Jeeps were waiting for us. Each jeep seats 6 people and the charge for
each jeep is Rs 1800/- + Rs 30/- for each camera plus entrance fee of
Rs 20/- per person. There was  a guide who is employed by the forest
department and relies on tips and his salary from the forest
No plastic bottles are allowed in the forest park as the government
want to preserve the park as a sanctuary. Our trip reminded us of the
Satari parks in Kenya where we lived for many years until we migrated
to the UK.
It was a fantastic experience, our jeeps crossing rivers, bumpy roads,
stopping a t a small Gaddi to taste Caju feni and then arriving at
dude Sagar.
Walking over wooden bridges, feeding the monkeys  who were friendly
and happy. When we arrived at the falls it was an amazing site to see
the falls. The entire tourist swimming at the bottom of the falls and
the water flowing down as if it was milk and sugar mixed together. The
driver ,guides were fantastic people . On our return to Colleam we
were ushered to a Thali restaurant where we enjoyed a superb Rs 22/-.
The highlight of our adventure was when Stephen the cow came to say
hello to us and wouldn't leave until we fed him bananas.


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

[Goanet] Cabinet: No power, water to illegal structures

2006-03-17 Thread Gabe Menezes

Cabinet: No power, water to illegal structures

March 17 - State cabinet met today in the city and took following
important decisions:

   1. Illegal constructions will not be provided with water and
electricity connections
   2. Two new private medical colleges to come up in Goa.
   3. Pre marriage HIV test will be made mandatory after public debate
for two months.
   4. Administrative Training Institute will be set up at Ela, Old Goa
to train junior cadre officers.
   5. GMC will give free medicines to cancer patients
   6. IT Policy is made applicable from March 1.
   7. Government to take over land from landlords who allow zopadpatti
to come up in their land.


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

[Goanet] AICHEA DISSAK CHINTOP - Marsachi 18vi, 2006!

2006-03-17 Thread domnic fernandes

Khalteachem prartonn kupam topta.

(The prayer of the humble pierces the clouds.)

Domnic Fernandes
Anjuna/Dhahran, KSA

Express yourself instantly with MSN Messenger! Download today it's FREE! 

[Goanet] Goodbye Goenkarponn (V M de Malar)

2006-03-17 Thread Goanet News Service
Goodbye Goenkarponn

By V. M. de Malar
vmingoa at gmail.com

It's over now, we Goans cannot afford to be laid back and famously sussegado 
any more, the world's ills have become our own. For generations we have 
sheltered in our jewel-like homeland while remaining quite shielded from the 
killing winds that swept through less fortunate lands. For generations, we had 
all that we needed deposited right into our laps by the hard work of our 
visionary ancestors; they carved out rich agricultural lands on the banks of 
our rivers, and set sustainable patterns for living that relied on nature's 
endless bounty. The resulting gentle lifestyle is the essence of Goenkarponn, 
the unparalleled graciousness that has been envied by countless others, where 
generation after generation lived without onerous worries that less fortunate 
peoples have suffered.

Well, it's goodbye Goenkarponn forever, as we wake up in the first week when 
Goa has become a terrorist target just like Bangalore and Mumbai, and New York 
and London, in the first week after that vicious little pogrom in Sanvordem. 
No more complacency now, not when our temples and churches and public spaces 
are threatened with explosives, not when grim paramilitary personnel patrol 
our airports and railway stations. No more light hearts when our children are 
on school trips to crowded locations, or when our mothers and fathers go to 
the marketplaces that have shown up on the nabbed alleged terrorist's hit 

Goa feels a bit like the USA after the horrific attack on the World Trade 
Centre in 2001, though we have been mercifully spared any of the horrors 
visited on New York. It feels similar because there is a similar overnight 
throbbing of recognition that things will never be the same, and the same real 
pang of loss for a state of mind - a certain innocence, a certain taking 
things for granted - that will never be ours again. We have had it so lucky, 
for so very long; our whole culture has been lulled into believing the good 
times would never end, that this party could not be stopped. 

But it's all surely gone now. Sanvordem demonstrated the home truth that we 
are neither immune nor particularly different from the rest of India, no 
matter how high our rankings in human development rise. We've seen that 
killing mobs can gather and wreak havoc just as easily here as in Gujarat or 
Mumbai, or indeed, benighted Baghdad. And now we have this paraded terrorist, 
with his expensive shirt and confused mien, with that horrifying bag of 
plastic explosives and those grenades, member of the same breed that has 
wrought so much bloodshed in the world in recent years.

Let's face this fact; even if every allegation made about this Kashmiri is 
proved false, there is no turning back Goa's clock to the good old carefree 
days. Even if he has been set up, even if this is all a plant, there is no 
denying that our atmosphere has been completely vitiated and it is only a 
matter of time before there is a genuine threat on exactly the same lines. We 
are not immune. We are not that special. It will happen here, all we can do is 
remain fearfully vigilant and fend it off as long as possible. 

We slumbered peacefully for years because there was no interest in Goa, no 
attention and nothing to gain for anyone who wanted to make a nihilistic 
statement. But all that is gone, we're high profile now; there is lots of 
international attention, and there are lots of high value targets. Goa is much 
more a part of today's world, a truly globalized little hotspot, and there are 
many benefits that we've received as a result. Trouble is, today's world is 
full of entrenched problems and gruesome human behaviour too, and now all of 
that has come to Goa permanently. We can never take things for granted again. 
So, it's over folks, this week we enter twenty-first century reality for the 
first and most decisive time. Let's just acknowledge for our own sake that 
we're never going back. This fearful genie cannot be put back in its bottle. 
The faster and more thoroughly we accept these unavoidable truths, the better 
it will be for everyone. (ENDS)

The above article appeared in the March 14, 2006 edition of the Herald, Goa

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: VM is an early Goanetter, who put his money where his mouth 
is and returned to settle-down in Goa in late 2004, while in his thirties. VM 
regularly writes for the Goa and Mumbai media.