RE: [Goanet] Reminder on morality and social conscience

2006-06-05 Thread Mario Goveia
> Date: Sat, 3 Jun 2006 11:29:34 -0700 (PDT)
> From: Mario Goveia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> The difference in my opinion is one of checks and
> balances.  For example, Christians have a rock-solid
> "Golden Rule" 
--- "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" wrote:
> The Golden Rule or the ethic of reciprocity is
> found in the scriptures of nearly every religion. 
> It is often regarded as the most concise and general
> principle of ethics. It is a condensation in one
> principle of all longer lists of ordinances such as 
> the Decalogue.
Mario observes:
Kevin, you are absolutely right.  What you missed,
however, in my comment above, was that I was using
Christians as AN EXAMPLE.  Where did I suggest that
other religions did not have perfectly adequate Golden
Kevin writes:
> Actually, only six of the ten commandments dea1 with
> an individual's moral conduct, which comes as a 
> surprise to most Christians. Essentially, the
> first four commandments say:
Mario responds:
By golly, I was wondering when one of the intrepid
atheists and/or agnostics would pick up on this :-))
The Holy Joe's did not either :-))
Kevin, my man, there is hope for you after all.  This
shows your familiarity with the Ten Commandments,
which I know you used as the basis in formulating your
very own, "unorganized atheist" version of the Seven,, Six Suggestions :-))

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Re: [Goanet] Past BBC programmes on Goa

2006-06-05 Thread Mario Goveia
--- Nasci Caldeira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> When there was this invasion by the Indian armed
> forces, into Goa, ('de jure' Goa was the 'Overseas
> Province of Portugal' even before the 'Union of
> India' the present entity, was born on the 15th 
> August 1947.)the Potuguese Govt, abandoned Goa and 
> fled.  The act of surender was not signed. So India 
> was in 'de facto' control and in government of Goa. 
> Only a few years after, things stabilised; the 
> Govts of India and Portugal started talking again, 
> and then after many 'talks' an agreement was 
> reached and a 'de jure' transfer of Goa was 
> performed. It was a good ten years I think. Does 
> the date matter? It's a 'fait accompli'.
Mario observes:
Nasci, thanks for clearing this all up, especially the
'de facto' and 'fait accompli' part, which is what I
have been imploring the Portophiles/Lusophiles among
us to recognize for months now.
BTW, don't you just love the Machiavellian concept of
the 'Overseas Province of Portugal'?  Problem solved. 
No such thing as a colony.  Voila, the nationalists
become insurgents and the liberators become the
"invaders".  I'll bet the other European colonialists
wish they had thought of this idea :-))

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RE: [Goanet] Dev Borem Korum, Adieu, Adios.

2006-06-05 Thread Mario Goveia
--- "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" wrote:
>  Next you will probably be telling us that
> "Good-Morning" and "Good-night" are some derivative 
> of "May GOD give you a pleasant morning/night" and
> "Hullo" is related to an angelic cranial adornment
> :-))
Mario responds:
Dear Kevin,
Wrong AGAIN, my friend.  That is not what I am telling
you next :-))  You need to be careful when
anticipating what I am likely to say next :-))
The greeting "Good-morning" stands for "Have a good
morning", and "Good-night" stands for "Have a good
Of course, the word "Good" is synonymous with God, who
is ultimately the one who decides whether most of us
have a good morning or night - except for you atheists
and agnostics of course, because for you "Good" is
whatever you say it is :-))

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[Goanet] Tomorrow is 666

2006-06-05 Thread Gilbert Lawrence
To those who are superstitious and belive in the End-Times, the number 666 is 
Tomorrow is that date on the calendar.
Kind Regards, GL

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[Goanet] Woman priest says Mass

2006-06-05 Thread Gilbert Lawrence
Hi Marlon,
Can you provide me a copy of my post where I an "denying that Hindu temples 
were destroyed during Portuguese rule in Goa"?
Thanks in anticipation.

Kind Regards, GL

-- From: Marlon Menezes  

Gilbert for his part believes that the Catholic Church can do no wrong to the 
point of denying that Hindu temples were destroyed during Portuguese rule in 

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Re: [Goanet] Past BBC programmes on Goa

2006-06-05 Thread Eugene Correia
Marlon said that USA back Portugual during the Indian
army's march into Goa.
USA played a double role. In his memoirs, GK Galbraith
has explained it all. Nehru had Kennedy's backing.
However, Portuguese call on US to help them as NATO
ally fell on deaf ears.
Subsequent crying by Portugal was ignored by
As far as I know Portugal has not offically recognized
Goa's liberation. Portugal only restored diplomatic
relations which were cut off after 1961.


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[Goanet] Start a World Cup sweepstake for Goan charity?

2006-06-05 Thread Gabe Menezes

There are 32 teams, If George Pinto is willing we should start a
sweepstake, £10 or equivalent each. All teams go into a hat and each
one is pulled out and given to a pre-determined list. The total
collected would be £320. The person who gets the winning team get £100
the balance £220 to Goa Sudharop. If there are more people willing to
come in on this then we do the same exercise all over again?

How about it, let's enjoy ourselves and at the same time raise money
for a worthy Goan cause?

If this is acceptable put me down as the first entrant and the first
team drawn will be against my name and we continue the process.


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

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[Goanet] RE: An angry man, unleashed

2006-06-05 Thread Francis Rodrigues


I'm sorry my intellectual superiority and physical presence
bother you. Perhaps you should seek consolation elsewhere.

Mario complains:

I have no idea what an "un-goan" thing is, but just to
relieve "Francis" and his complex personality of his intellectual 
superiority, I really didn'twant to know

Mario asks:

Are you threatening me, now ?


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Re: [Goanet] Goa importing poverty/response to Mario

2006-06-05 Thread Elisabeth Carvalho

Dear Mervyn,
I do not create disparities, I just report on them. To
liken situations and drawn analogies to Nazi Germany
is simplistic. 

> Elisabeth,
> While you have some great points in the above, I
> find
> it troubling that you feel any immigrant has
> "cultural
> poverty." That sounds positively Hitlerish.  
> > If we don't address these issues now, what we will
> > have is a sort of social apartheid. Two societies
> > living in parallel worlds. And Goa is not immune
> to
> > becoming just another Soweto.
> There will always be parallel societies in any
> community. In Toronto for example where a child has
> to
> attend the school nearest his/her residence, some
> kids
> arrive at school hungry and have nothing to eat the
> entire day. Other kids in the same class are grossly
> obese. 
> Lastly, Soweto did not evolve into a "black
> township."
> It was created just to keep black Africans from
> living/mixing with others.
> Mervyn3.0
> __
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[Goanet] Goa-Mumbai bus accident

2006-06-05 Thread Edward Verdes
Just heard from Goa that Chinchinim-Mumbai bus met with an accident this
No reports in the news, hever ustand that bus caught fire and many are
Does anyone know if there are any casualties?

Edward Verdes

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[Goanet] Goan Taliban?

2006-06-05 Thread Cecil Pinto

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Da Vinci controversy
Navhind Times Dt. 21st May

Now that our secular state has achieved the dubious distinction of being 
the first state in the world attempting to ban The Da Vinci Code (film, not 
the book), on the grounds that it is 'blasphemous', I would be interested 
to know if those who want it banned have even read the book since there is 
no question of seeing the film.

But perhaps that is beside the point; this is India where logic and reason 
are illusory. After all, we were the first country to ban Salman Rushdie's 
'Satanic Verses', we also banned the musical 'Jesus Christ Superstar', 
banned Oscar-winner Martin Scorsese's 'The Last Temptation of Christ'. Why? 
Because they 'hurt the sentiments of certain sections of society'.

Of course we are a secular country, and going by the developments of the 
last couple of days, our secularism is only growing stronger. So does the 
ban reflect a somewhat immature and overtly touchy Christian community in 
India? Right now, not many alternative explanations are forthcoming.

The Da Vinci Code offers a point of view which can certainly be opposed, 
but not banned.

Coming to the book, it was published three years ago, sold well in India in 
hardcover and paperback (and even better in pirated prints), but all of a 
sudden some have found the book 'blasphemous', 'a pack of lies' and 
otherwise reprehensible. Whether these worthies were in deep slumber during 
the last three years, when the book sold 60 million copies and outsold 
practically every other book in Christendom, is a matter for conjecture.

Incidentally no country, Christian or otherwise, has banned the film at the 
point of writing this. Lebanon banned the book last year; Goa is almost on 
a par with it by being the first state to ask for a ban on the film. Since 
Lebanon is not exactly a poster-nation for democracy and free speech, this 
meeting-of-true-minds is probably not something we should be proud of. The 
Taliban would approve, though.

As a general democratic principle, if you don't like to hear, see or read 
somebody else's opinion, then by all means don't go to the theatre and 
refuse to buy the book. If sufficiently outraged, you may even - since 
Article 19 applies equally to all - even condemn the author by bell, book 
and candle, and call for a boycott. But knee-jerk demands for bans and 
proscriptions - like the Shiv Sena's passion for ransacking libraries and 
the Uttar Pradesh minister's offer of Rs.51 crores for the head of a Danish 
cartoonist - are signs of a growing intolerance which should be cause for 
deep concern.

One likes to think that the Christian community is less rabid, but one 
would be mistaken. Joining the Coalition of the Willing to lynch is 
Nicholas Almeida, a former corporator of Mumbai who has offered Rs.11 lakhs 
to anyone who brings him Dan Brown, 'dead or alive'. Later live on 
television, he increased the bounty to Rs.22 lakhs. "God may forgive Dan 
Brown but Almeida will not," he was quoted as saying. So much for learning 
from the life of Jesus.

Dan Brown is a lucky man. In another day and age, he would have been 
roasted alive for lesser sins. And if Nicolas Almeida is a sign of things 
to come, the auto da fe - long forgotten in Goa - could well see a revival.

Now consider this: the Vatican has asked Christians to boycott the film. 
Fair enough. Admirably, as befits a modern and progressive church, it did 
not call for an outright ban. But in India, the film will be screened 
before the Catholic Churches' Association of India (CCAI), who will then 
decide its fate. The Censor Board (Central Board of Film Certification), a 
professional body meant for the purpose, has already passed the film, but 
now we have a new set of ecclesiastical censors - a new Congregation of the 
Index - who (along with the I&B Minister) will lay down the Tridentine law.

If the film is banned, should the book be proscribed too? And likewise, 
other blasphemous works like Holy Blood, Holy Grail and various Da Vinci 
clones that are circulating in the market? Where will it all end?

Surely the Government is aware that VCDs and DVDs of the film will be 
available within no time and, fuelled by the ban, pirated versions will 
flood the market. All that the ban will achieve is the loss of large 
amounts of money to the exchequer, in the form of entertainment tax which 
would have been earned had the film been shown in theatres. But then, 
secularism - not to mention vote bank politics - outweighs all other 

Just for the record, the book is written by a Christian, almost the entire 
cast and crew of the film is Christian and it was shot in Paris and 
Westminster Abbey (to which the Church didn't object). Why, then, is such a 
hue and cry being made in India? Is there something special about the 
Christian community and leadership in our country that we need to be 
enlightened about?


[Goanet] Re: Journalism in Portuguese India 1821-1961

2006-06-05 Thread Constantino Xavier

Dear Jorge,

my statement was mostly directed at the 20th century freedom struggle, and I 
wanted to point out that the current favouring an independent Goa was small 
and insignificant (though some of its member very influential), when 
compared to the mainstream activists favouring integration within India.

Now, in regard to the "Conjuracao dos Pintos", I agree with you: it could 
potentially be seen as a first freedom movement/action seeking to establish 
a modern independent Goan republic. Yet, I believe further study should be 
made, and you, and other historians, could and should do so much better than 

But the question you raise is interesting in context of my previous 
comments, for the following reasons. For too long, the debate about the 
"Conjuracao dos Pintos" (Or Pinto Revolt) has been understood under a biased 
political light, namely, as a revolt against the oppressive colonial power 
and an " Indian nationalist freedom struggle" (!). This appropriation is 
ridiculous and mirrors the uses and abuses political powers and mainstream 
political ideologies and academic currents have made of Goan and Indian 
history. For the Pinto's, as well as for many of the Indian freedom fighters 
up to the 20th century, there was no concrete and common view about an 
"independent Republic of India".

Few, like you do, rightly point out to this local character of the revolt. 
Untill there are concrete proofs that the revolt was essentially political 
and motivated by either subcontinental Indian independence (integration not 
possible by then, because there was only "British India" on the "other 
side") or Goan republican independence, we should be forced to conclude in a 
microcosmic way: it was a local/regional revolt due to socio-economic 
reasons, punctuated or even masked by political objectives.

Still, I would be very interested if someone could explore and prove the 
objectives you attribute to the 1787 revolt. It would force us to conclude 
that there was a particular "Goan political consciousness", different from 
the pro-Indian or pro-Portuguese one. And it would certainly force many of 
us to rethink the past and contest certain established mainstream myths.


Date: Sat, 3 Jun 2006 20:33:47 +0200
From: "Jorge/Livia de Abreu Noronha" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Do you really maintain that the last part of your following sentence is
correct: «Goa has never
been independent, nor has there been any relevant movement aspiring to that
status»? If so, how would you classify the "Conjuracao dos Pintos" (The
Pinto Revolt) of 1787 which aimed at making of Goa a republic based on the
lofty principles (later proclaimed by the French) of liberty, equality and


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[Goanet] Re: Journalism in Portuguese India 1821-1961

2006-06-05 Thread Constantino Xavier

Dear Cornel,

Doutor Colaço has already given his opinion about this.
I just want to calrify that I obviously do not consider Portugal a 
continent, nor assume it has ever been a continent. I have also never said 
or implied so.

What I meant by "continental Portugal", was "mainland Portugal". During the 
colonial empire, Portugal consisted of its mainland, situated on the Iberian 
Peninsula, and several other territories spread over other continents. I 
guess the same is used regarding Europe, when we oppose "continental Europe" 
to the United Kingdom, for example in regard to political differences about 
the future of the European Union. If I am wrong, I am sorry about that. I 
must have it from the Portuguese language, where we use this concept 
"continental" with this meaning.

Anyway, I hope you have understood by now what I meant by "continental 
Europe" and satisfied your query, and allowed you to better understand my 
ideas in my text. That was your objective, wasn't it?

I am sure there are good chances that you know some places in Portugal 
better than me. That happens often, that people from abroad know your place 
better than yourself. That's what people tell me when I am in Goa, for 
example. And North Africa is still a grey spot on my own travelling map.

Yes, I wrote a weakly and fortnightly column called "Global Goan" for over 
two years in the Goan Observer, for free. Does that imply that I have no 
right to have my opinion about that newspaper or about the media in Goa? I 
don't think so. I hope you trust my impartiality and good faith.

Thank you

Original Message Follows
From: jose colaco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Subject: Re:  Journalism in Portuguese India 1821-1961
Date: Mon, 5 Jun 2006 03:43:29 -0700 (PDT)

Cornel wrote to Constantino:

1: Thank you very much for your explanation for your
contemporary, repeat, contemporary use of "continental

2: I very much regret to say that your use of
"continental Portugal" is quite misleading. It is also
totally inappropriate and incorrect. Portugal is not
a continent.

3: Did you once say on Goanet that you were a regular
writer for the weekly Observer in Goa? The mind simply
boggles, but I wish you well

Dear Cornel,

Please allow me to disagree with you.

The term "continental Portugal" does not imply that
Portugal is a 'continent'; neither does the term
"continental USA".

It only indicates (as with the US) areas which are not
on the mainland i.e. Puerto Rico, Hawaii, Virgin
Islands, Guam etc.

The term "mainland" would have (to some) been a 'more
appropriate' word, but I submit  a less
'politically correct' word.

It would mean that the 50 contiguous states in the US
are kind of "Brahmin" vaddos ...while the others are
"Sokoilo" or "Sudra" vaddos.

Accordingly..In some archipelagic countries, the
islands formerly known as "Out" Islands are now called
"Family" Islands.

Never mind Tino and his part time contribution to the
Goa Observer. He is still a young student.

You and I claim to have passed that stage, though I
remain a student. Even so, we should have known that -
should we not have?



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Re: [Goanet] Reminder on morality and social conscience

2006-06-05 Thread Santosh Helekar
As usual, Gilbert misrepresents my position and my
answer to his question. He has no substantive or
meaningful argument, and no rational answer to his own
poorly framed question - "What's the Purpose to life?;
and What happens after death".

Moreover, his post has no connection with what I
stated earlier under this thread. 

As far as morality or social conscience are concerned,
as I have stated earlier, neither depend on the
presence or absence of religious belief. Briefly, this
is so because of the following:

1. Moral human behavior predates theistic and
atheistic religious belief by several thousand years.

2. Rudiments of morality are present in several
species of higher mammals.

3. Religious texts have prescribed many types of
immoral activities.

4. Religious authorities and bodies have committed
many types of immoral activities.

5. Religious justification continues to be used for
the commission of various crimes and atrocities in the
world to this day.

6. Theistic and atheistic belief has provided a cloak
of immunity for thousands of criminals.

7. Theistic and atheistic ideologues are responsible
for most of the genocides committed in recorded

No religion, ideology or faith of any kind provides a
rock-solid moral compass. Religious texts are full of
immoral advice, which if taken literally, could wreak
havoc in the modern world governed by humaritarian
ethics and rational morality. The proposal that
religions requiring compliance with some multiply
revised list of ten commandments, provide a better or
more rock-solid moral compass than beliefs following a
prescription of seven moral suggestions, is entirely
unconvincing. No genuine knowledge-based rational
argument has been provided for any such contention.



--- Gilbert Lawrence <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Santosh's post makes interesting reading and in some
> ways is thought provoking.  His response as an
> atheist / agnostic to my post about: What's the
> Purpose to life?; and What happens after death", was
> interesting. It was short and what one would expect
> from an atheist / agnostic - Nothing, Nyet, De nada,
> and Kaput.

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[Goanet] DIARY OF A GOAN TEEN - 2 :-)) HUMOR

2006-06-05 Thread Francis Rodrigues
If you came in late: Miguel (16), Bertie (10) & Anisha (22), live with 
parents, Dr. G.A. & Marilia De Souza, in Mangor, Vasco. Miguel's daily 
attempts at sanity are dominated by his rambunctious family, friends, 
neighbours, pet, father's patients and the endlessly bubbling ingredients 
that make up the chaotic, modern Goa of today. Hitler, the mongrel family 
pet and Kazi Rizvi, Anisha's boyfriend, make technical appearances. Miguel 
proudly insists "This is a di-ary, not a bo-llog (blog). It's reel !"

Holidays are over. Miguel's been away a fortnight & school starts tomorrow.

SUN. 28 MAY: Dear diary, oh how I have missed thee, flesh of my flesh. I 
have not seen your face for a whole fortnight. This week started so full of 
promise. And mysterious phone-callsevery two hours my cell would 
buzz:"You think you're india shining ? #&[EMAIL PROTECTED] want polish ?!!" When I 
refused the polish offer, another expletive. Some nut probably. Great news. 
First, Dr. Kaza Moyo, the deranged psychopath is to be paroled ! Then, no 
mass today, as Mum & Dad fly to Shimla, and Anisha & Kazi go with them upto 
Mumbai. Bertie is being sent to an orphanage ! Wishful thinking...

MON. 29 MAY: The mystery of the phone-calls is solved. I am alone. At 5 pm, 
my cell buzzes again: "Vasco Polish ! Saiba wants to see you !" Ah, sweet 
mystery of life. I reply " Which ? Polish cyber ?!" Big mistake. Within 30 
min. a Black Maria races up outside our modest dwelling on Mangor, and two 
mismatched constables haul me down to their tatty vehicle.The driver leers 
at me wolfishly. Mental note to have him sent to Dr. Kaza Moyo. At new Vasco 
police stn., constables Mutt & Jeff drag me in. Mutt yells "Do you know who 
we are ?" (What am I,Google?!). Quoting common knowledge I venture "Sakharam 
Havaldar?" Second mistake. I'm summarily thrown in the cells. It is 6.28 pm.

TUE. 30 MAY: Have you ever been inside police-cells in Goa? First they book 
you in the occurrence book, rap you smartly with a knobby ruler, then divest 
you of belt, shoes, mobile & money. As you never get these back, one assumes 
there's a thriving black-market in these items. The cells are one large 
partitioned, grimy, windowless slum, with no furniture and basic bucket 
sanitation. No guesses why the floor is wet. Meals are a crapper - as no one 
cooks, meals are supplied by a near-by café. I've no doubt they are customer 
leftovers, they taste like bilge. Nobody knows I'm in, the Saib is away, and 
apparently 'habeas corpus' now allows you to be held 24 hours without trial.

WED. 31 MAY: At 10am, the Saib is 'in' and I am hauled before him."Where 
have you been this past fortnight?" "Gao". "Shut up! Gao, who?" ( is this a 
knock, knock joke?)"Say, Gao, Saiba!!" "Oh, cyber-gao!" A clip on the ear. 
These cops have no sense of humor, they're mostly from Galgibaga. "You have 
been disrupting communal harmony,passing derogatory comments against hindus, 
muslims & christians!" "Where?" "On GoaNet!" "GoaNet? What's that, a fishing 
daily from Kharewaddo?" Another blow. "Where is your father?" (What am I, 
Darth Vader?)"We're not afraid of him !"(Unfortunately, father has often put 
them down). "Back to the cells with you ! One more night will do you good !"

THU. 01 JUNE: Constable Jeff is agitated. All Goa cops are on tenter-hooks 
as Dr. Kaza Moyo is to be released on Saturday at Aguada, police-bandobasts 
are to be mounted,all kinds of sections from '0' to '144' to be promulgated, 
the international press will be there, so CRPF reinforcements are being 
flown in from Delhi, and here they have their hands half-full with a 
half-wit college kid. I think the real problem is Dad has finally been got 
hold of in Shimla by Bella, and is flying back tomorrow. His fury can be all 
consuming. In the meantime, I cannot be released on bail, as I am officially 
in the occurrence book and the earliest judge only resumes duty tomorrow.

FRI. 02 JUNE: My day in court ! What a farce. Justice Pinga is as witless as 
police saiba."What is the charge?" "Saib, he wrote all communities are chors 
and many other bad things" "Are there any witnesses?" "Saib, they're all in 
Boston, Amrika". "Then you cannot hold him without bail - release him on Rs. 
20,000 bond!" My turn. "Saib, I'm not guilty - the BJP made me do it!" "Keep 
quiet! Do you have the money or not?" "Not!" "Don't you know anybody?" I see 
Bella in court and wink at her. I whisper to the constable. He blurts out 
aloud "Saib, he says he knows a judge!" "Which judge??" "Saib, Judge-ill !" 
The court is horror-struck,I am instantly released. Churchill strikes again.

SAT. 03 JUNE: Hell hath no fury like Darth Vader. Father is back & Churchill 
has promised to gherao Vasco police station as soon as Dr. Kaza Moyo has 
watched the Da Vinci Code. I am showered and rested and join the whole 
nation in watching 

[Goanet] DEAR AUNTY - No. 7: WEEKLY HUMOR :-))

2006-06-05 Thread Francis Rodrigues


Shocking news of the lady being bitten by a stray dog at the GMC !
What's the first thing you advise to do in rabies case like this ?   Rabi.
Dear Rabi:Quickly make a list of all the people you'd like to bite !

Konkani is the language of angels. But what if you go to hell ?Bakru.
Dear Bakru:   Do not worry. I am fluent in Marathi too.

I'm heart-broken. A Swedish girl lived in my beach-shack. We had such a 
great time. Now she's gone back home and forgotten me. What to do ? Shacky.

Dear Shacky:Oh, just live on your 'swede' memories..

Do you like your chicken cafreal rare, or nice and spicy ?   Succorina.
Dear Succorina:Oh, it does nutmeg any difference !

Thunderstorms hit Goa, massive downpours and flooding everywhere.
How come our politicians can't do anything about these rains? Rani.
Dear Rani: Oh, our govt. is powerless now - this time the monsoon 'reigns'!

What's your opinion on the current looting in East Timor ?Paulo.
Dear Paulo:   When the West has less, they rush East To-more !

Driving in Goa is absolutely horrifying. Worse, my driver's even more 
dangerous, he almost killed me three times today. Shall I sack him?   Shy.

Dear Shy: Please don't be hasty. Give him one more chance !

Maruti-Suzukis always have radiator problems. Why they always leak ? Hema.
Dear Hema:Don't you get it ??  Maruti Susu-ki !

Our Konkani is such a beautiful language, it seems every word has a double 
meaning. True ? Can you give an example, say a word like "kalliz" ?   Biba.

Dear Biba:  Sure !   kalliz, yesterday;   and,   kalliz, the mormugao MLA !

We love your Konkani "Knock, Knock" jokes! Please find one for me! JoeGoaUK
Dear Joe: "Knock, knock!""Konn?""Joe !!"..."Joe konn ??"
  "Arre. Joe-pak yo re, beshto ved korunaka !"

The World Cup starts this week. Now that his team Fransa Pax are out, will
our Sports chief Miccky Pacheco be going to Germany for the Finals?  Bruno.
Dear Bruno:   Definitely.  Fransa one of the top countries in the finals!

Dr. Willy D'Souza, M.D., Deputy CM, is now threatening to get rid of all 
foreign property owners from Goa ! What do you think of this gimmick? Kate.

Dear Kate:   Oh don't worry, it's nothing but M.D. promises ?!

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2006-06-05 Thread Mario Goveia
--- cornel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Mario
> It is always a matter of judgement when having
> judged a point or piece as 
> drivel whether it is worth wasting time on it or
> not. A perfect illustration 
> of drivel is when someone  persists on saying that
> the Portuguese took their 
> surnames from Goans rather than the other way
> around. Why would any sensible 
> person  want to waste time on a daft assertion like
> that?
> The ball is now in your court re the specific point
> I make above and I await your reply.
Mario replies:
Your comments above sadly lack an understanding of a
couple of facts of modern life.
a) Failure to understand the modern use of the smiley
face in internet communications, which leads you to
your embarrassing and persistent challenge to the
notion that the Portuguese did not in fact get their
names from Goan Catholics :-))
b) Failure to understand the meanings of the words
"intemperate" and "drivel" when challenging me to show
you where you had used "intemperate" language in your
response to Arjun.  Id showed you in great detail. 
You will have to re-read my previous post to  learn
why you were being "intemperate" in calling Arjun's
comments "drivel", while omitting to explain
specifically why you disagreed with him.

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Re: [Goanet] Re: *** Goa wants expats to leave (Pushpa Iyengar in DNA)

2006-06-05 Thread Mario Goveia
I think the difference is between being on a TOURIST
visa and being a resident.  
The article was Pushpa Iyengar's personal spin on a
bogus issue.  She refers to foreigners who are on
TOURIST visas.  Why is someone who is on a TOURIST
visa, which is a short stay visa by definition,
wanting to buy property, which is a longer term
If the foreigners change their visa status to reflect
their real interest in Goa, I'm sure they will be able
to buy whatever they like.
--- Linda Richardson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> yes , and send all the Goans & all the Indians that
> have taken residence in the UK  back to India !
> Lynda
> From: Goanet News 
> >
> >
> >
> >PANAJI: They helped build brand Goa, fell in love
> with it and
> >decided to stay on forever. But it seems that they
> have worn
> >out their welcome.
> Read all Goanet messages @
> _
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Re: [Goanet] Kiss which cheek first?

2006-06-05 Thread Mario Goveia
--- afra dias <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi Goanetters,
> 'Left cheek first'. Its not only because we British
> drive on the left, it is also because we write from 
> left to right.
Mario observes:
Afra, I'm surprised that you are disagreeing with your
"British" buddy, Gabe Menezes, who wants everyone to
kiss the right cheek of the kissee first which would
require the kisser going to the left.  Apparently some
Portuguese guy said so, and Gabe wants to be like the
Portuguese guy.  You, on the other hand, want everyone
to kiss the kissee's left cheek first, which would
require the kisser to go to the right.  I hope I am
not confusing you :-))
Afra writes:
> Also if we give someone a back-hander we swing our
> right hand from left to right.
Mario responds:
Afra, if you start kissing from the left, you will be
kissing the right cheek first!  I thought you said
above "Left cheek first".  Please make up your mind. 
BTW, remind me to stay away from your backhander :-))
Afra writes:
> It all adds up that the French and the Belgiums have
> got it all wrong and the British have got it right -
> we always do.
Mario observes:
I don't know about the British, but it looks like you
are all confused as we can see above :-))
Afra writes:
> As for the Number of kisses it depends on how
> intimately you know the person - 
> 10 times if you have been emailing them and have
> seen them for the first time. 
> (Gabe - don't count on it).
Mario asks:
Afra, if you know the kissee "intimately" you should
not be still kissing him or her just on the cheeks?
:-))  You'll be lucky to go beyond two times for
someone you are meeting for the first time :-))

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Re: [Goanet] Foreigners on tourist visas banned from buying land ( Open Reply)

2006-06-05 Thread Gabriel de Figueiredo

--- Stephen Fernandes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Foreigners on tourist visas banned from buying land
> They can’t run businesses in Goa either

One part of that is not quite fair. The other part is.

I am sure Indians on tourist visa can buy land in
Australia (or in any part of the world) if they have
the finance. Which means that a foreign tourist, in
reciprocation, would be free to obtain property in

But they cannot work, unless they obtain the proper
business / work visa.  Therefore, in reciprocation,
unless a foreigner in India has the proper visa
authorising him / her to work in India, they cannot
run a business in India.


Gabriel de Figueiredo.
Melbourne - Australia.

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Re: [Goanet] Journalism in Portuguese India 1821-1961

2006-06-05 Thread Gabriel de Figueiredo

--- cornel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Constantino
> Thank you very much for your explanation for your
> contemporary, repeat, 
> contemporary use of "continental Portugal" 


Pardon me for intruding, but Constantino, being of
Portuguese extraction, is probably talking in terms he
is accustomed to: "continental" Portugal (or "Europa",
as was another termed used then) to distinguish it
from the "overseas" Portugal.  I am sure these terms
came from pre-1970s description of the Portuguese


Gabriel de Figueiredo.
Melbourne - Australia.  

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Re: [Goanet] Woman priest says Mass

2006-06-05 Thread cornel

Are you seriously saying that Hindu temples were not destroyed by the 
Portuguese so as to build churches atop the destroyed buildings?

Please clarify this point in case I have misunderstood you.
- Original Message - 
From: "Marlon Menezes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!" 
Sent: Saturday, June 03, 2006 11:38 PM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Woman priest says Mass

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
There is no better, value for money, guest house.
 Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

 Visit for details/booking/confirmation.
The answer to the Mario's question is pretty simple:
It is called a welfare state. If in case Gilbert and
Mario are not aware, secular, democratic rule has
superseded the closed, theocratic institutions they
talk so highly about. If anything one could argue that
the reach and cradle to grave scope of the secular
welfare state has become overly excessive.

As for a consistent moral compass that religion
apparently provides, one has to wonder which religion
or even brand of Christianity they are referring to. I
do agree that Christianity has been so successful
-there are so many versions of them, covering the
gamut from rationalizing slavery and apartheid to the
selfless charity of Mother Theresa. Christian? Yes.
Consistent? Hmm.

The dichotomy of views and lack of consistency is also
apparent in the beliefs of these two individuals.
Mario for example stated that the late Pope John Paul
aligned the Catholic Church with the Islamic
fundamentalists by opposing the US led attack on Iraq.
Gilbert for his part believes that the Catholic Church
can do no wrong to the point of denying that Hindu
temples were destroyed during Portuguese rule in Goa.
Will the true defender of the Christian faith please
stand up!


--- Gilbert Lawrence <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi Mario,
I am sure you would not mind / want to
"discriminate" / prevent other card carrying
atheists / agnostics from answering the second
paragraph of your well written post (see below).  In
my communications with this group, they are great in
articulating the limitations of other's beliefs. Yet
when it comes to explaining their own beliefs and
actions they appear tongue-tied.

I'd welcome / encourage them to have a "Progressive
Igroz" with a woman pope.  They even have a good
candidate for the job.  And very articulate members
on this forum (donâ?Tt have to go far) who could
hold other high offices. Their religion could
expound on multiple spouses, lax moral, social and
legal codes etc etc. So what is holding them back?
Their joy of torturing the rest of us perhaps.:=))

The next demographic study of Goans can even have a
category of Goan atheists/agnostics. This in
addition to the current Hindus, Catholics and
Muslims.  I am sure the ever-generous Khoro Niz
Goenkars will make room for these "bhaile".
Kind Regards, GL

From: Mario Goveia
As an atheist convert and evangelist with the
typical hubris and "what can I get away with today"
moral compass, it does not surprise me at all that
you are deliberately misconstruing my posts, because
I have done anything but blindly follow the
I will have far more respect when you can show me
long-standing and world-wide atheist-supported
schools, hospitals, nursing homes, homes for the
aged, orphanages and other charitable organizations,
as well as a rock solid moral compass going back
thousands of years that no one with even half a
brain can misunderstand.

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[Goanet] Enviornment and Destruction Minister

2006-06-05 Thread avertano teles
Enviornment and Destruction Minister, we ought to have one in every state. 
While nothing is being done during the summer or winter season to have the 
gutters repaired or take precautionary steps should there be a heavy down 
pour , what's going to happen to the citizens of the state and country at 
large, floods causing heavy damages to life and property . We as a Govt. of 
the state should have had our brains on shoulders by taking concrete steps to 
protect the lives and property and the state at large from such incidents, 
what were we doing during the summer (eating mangoes,fish and fruits and 
holidaying with our family at the cost of the taxpayer) what was i as a 
citizen of the state and a human being who exercises my right to vote and gets 
and MLA elected doing during summer , having fun too and when problem arose 
its me who should suffer, in the flooded streets of Goa, where lives have been 
  We cannot and ought not to blame anyone of what is happening in Goa, the 
blame lies on all of us, who are irresponsible , very forgetful, fun loving 
relaxing dancing dreaming and just not affected of what negative happens in 
  Take the Minister to task, take the Govt to task, the muncipal council where 
we pay taxes and who knows where the money is going in whose account and 
pocket , we are all happy when we see a few visible places in panjim painted 
and lit and we think "Oh yes development is taking place" and that's why we 
have never progressed in our own state due to our sheer negligence.
  Learn to exercise your right Goenkars,by questioning the departments and 
Ministries and Ministers/Chief Minister/Prime Minister etc. just don't sleep 
and wait for dances if we are not CAREFUL AND HANDICAPPED OF HANDLING  OF SUCH 

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[Goanet] Re: *** Goanet Reader: Wanted: an Asian perspective on the freedomofreligion (Eduardo Faleiro)

2006-06-05 Thread Arch Bishop Henry D'Souza
Congratulation to Eduardo Faleiro for his comprehensive statement on
conversions. Please Inform him
Archbishop Henry D;Souza

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