2006-06-14 Thread godfrey gonsalves
The vital link on the NH 17 the Zuari Bridge linking
Agacaim in Tiswadi (Ilhas) Taluka  on the Northern end
with Cortalim in Mormugao Taluka at the Southern end
opened since 1983 is being declared unsafe for motor
vehicles of above six  tons come Friday the 16th June

An ex official (whose name has been witheld on
request)from the PWD at Altinho, Panaji, informed this
writer in  a detailed tele-talk this forenoon  that  
the unchristened  Zuari Bridge has some interesting
insights(just as yet another bridge with the
official name as Jawaharlal Nehru Bridge has its
unchristened name the Mandovi Bridge  ) which needs
a probe.

Zuari Bridge was constructed in the early eighties
as a high level road bridge, 627 metres length with
four main spans at distance of 122 metres each (to
provide for  under bridge navigation  of barges
between two central spans (with 55 metres wide
navigable channels ) providing a vertical clearance of
13.7 metres above high tide level of over 1000 tonnes
dwt at speed not exceeding six knots)  with two end
spans each of 69.5 metres. 

This superstructure adopting the Fressynet system with
in situ RCC docking in a transition curve which is
cast progressively by the cantilever methods of
construction has a 10.5 metres width providing a clear
carriageway of 7.5 metres with 1.5 metres wide
footpaths on either sides.  There were addition
protective devices to absorb barge impact and the
foundation wells were as deep as 40 metres below HTL
(High Tide Level). 

According to this ex-official the Bridge was jinxed 
not because it was deprived of the blood of humans
as was commonly believed, to satiate  the demons
demanding in return the safety of the bridge, but
owing to money thirsty politicos   

It is stated  that some incriminating evidence may
still be  available in the files gathering dust in the
PWD wherein the Dredging Corporation of India is
believed to have initially forseen the feasibility of
a bridge on the present location of the Konkan Railway
bridge that is on the eastern side as against the
present site on the western side.  It is for this
reason the KRC constructed the rail bridge in a short
time  and with amazing ease unlike the Zuari road

The reason attributed to the failure of the Zuari
bridge was that the terrain viz; khazan soil of  the
Decking in slope at the Agacaim end especially just
next to the navigational channel span ,  later
jocularly referred to as longdo lame in Konkani or 
dangling   span  that led to the  cost overrun of
initial estimates of Rs.2.12 crores and time delay of
beyond  48 months.

So why then was the present site chosen oen may ask?

Well our Union Territory status remember Goa Daman and
Diu and the  Indian National Congress Party  had just
tasted power since 1980. It was the Central Government
which would decide or atleast influence such decisions
for they controlled the territories purse .
Then  cement was a luxurious commodity it was
marketed by the Goa Marketing Federation a Corporation
of the Government of Goa, the famine for cement
vis-a-vis infrastructure plans on the anvil was so
much that at one stage imports from South Korea were
resorted to and a jinxed span would only ADD to the
coffers of the politicians and the party.  Who cares
for safety and durability.  Thus the present site was

M/s Gammon India was perhaps then one of the only
reputed firms besides Uttar Pradesh Construction Co
Ltd executing such infrastructure projects. Their
integrity was not in doubt for they had only to
execute the works the locale was the choice of
politicos and the engineers architects 

So much of the midnight oil was burnt on this
dangling span that the long drawn struggle at this
span  involved a  24 X 7 all year round work which is
believed also led to frustration and penury of one of
its workman who is believed to have eventually
murdered an official of M/s Gammon India in situ.

It was for fear of the jinxed status even before the
bridge could be named and inaugurated it was declared
open and is being referred to as Zuari bridge since
it runs accross the Zuari river.

The bridge was in April 1997 declared closed for
similar repairs and the inconvenience caused to
commuters was tremendous.  .

The  present repairs would easily take over an year
before being declared safe for above 6 ton motor
vehicles and plans  for a new bridge would finalise
only by the  end of the decade as a matter of routine,
 unless one is built near the existing Konkan Railway
Bridge or more towards  the eastern end.

Therefore ferry services will be pressed and North
bound commuters from South Goa and other states will
have a harrowing experience, and a pinch in their

Incidentally on July 5th 1986 will be the 20th
aniversary of the collapse of the now referred to as
Old Mandovi Bridge.

Many Goans were in animated discussions at the bridge
when this writer visited it late  evening saying that
perhaps this time  St Anthony of Padua whose 

Re: [Goanet] Hindu temple replaced by temple of commerce - in 2006

2006-06-14 Thread Marlon Menezes
It is unfortunate that Mario has joined the likes of
Gilbert who deny that Hindu temples were destroyed
during the inquisition and replaced by catholic
churches - despite the volumes of research and
evidence that has been documented.

The destruction of hindu temples in Pakistan does not
in anyway justify the seeking of the truth in Goa as

--- Mario Goveia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Unlike Cornel's as yet unsubstantiated rumors about
 Hindu temples in Goa being demolished and replaced
 Catholic Churches, here is an actual report of a
 temple being replaced by a temple of commerce - in

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Re: [Goanet] RE: *** Goa wants expats to leave (Pushpa Iyengar in DNA)

2006-06-14 Thread cornel

I had asked on Goanet whether there was any bar to someone buying property 
in Goa in absentia.

From the UK,  I can buy property in the USA and get everything done by money 
transfer, phone or fax. Does this not apply in Goa to buy property assuming 
that  someone with Power of Attorney can get the ten fingerprints as are 
required now?

Does anyone know the answer? I doubt I could get an answer from the 

- Original Message - 
From: Mario Goveia [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994! goanet@goanet.org
Sent: Tuesday, June 13, 2006 1:06 AM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] RE: *** Goa wants expats to leave (Pushpa Iyengar in 

--- Dacosta Amilcar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Being of Goan origin, I felt ashamed to read the
article by some Pushpa Iyengar on Goa wants expats
to leave.

Mario responds:

Dear Amilcar,
Please calm down.  No need to waste your energy being
ashamed.  Why are you ashamed after reading an
article that does not even make sense? 

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[Goanet] Filling space in an empty coconut!

2006-06-14 Thread cornel

Hi Jose
Your paranoia seems to take a massive boost whenever anything even remotely 
critical is said about the  Portuguese when in Goa. It would be interesting 
to see how you have a go at Fred now for the excellent forwarded article 
about the deteriorating environment in Portugal today.

The Portuguese seemed to have colonised your mind so totally--they sure were 
good at something--  especially when they needed a coconut to fill empty 

You also seem incapable (despite so many of my  reminders) of responding to 
my long post to you in reply to your claim that Goa needed Portugal to 
protect it from fellow Indians. Will your specific reply ever come? I think 
I doubt it, as personal abuse is really your style.

- Original Message - 
From: Jose Colaco

To: cornel
Sent: Tuesday, June 13, 2006 12:01 PM
Subject: More spin or is it 'non-knowledge' from Cornel

Dear Cornel,

a quick response to  the few points from you which are strikingly strange .

2006/6/12, cornel [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

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[Goanet] You are lucky, You are meritorious.

2006-06-14 Thread Vidyadhar Gadgil
Sometimes one needs a poet to put social reality in perspective. Here is
the great Telugu leftist poet Varvara Rao on the recent reservation
controversy. Got it off another mailgroup, don't know who the
translation is credited to. Please circulate widely.

You are born rich
To say in your language
`Born with silver spoon in the mouth'

Your agitation sounds creative
Our agony looks violent

You are meritorious
You can break glass of buses
In a shape

As symmetric as Sun rays

You can deflate the tires
With artistic élan
While indulgent police look on
With their jaws rested on rifle butts

You can tie `Rakhis' 
Even in
The dark chambers
Of a police station
You do not buy bus ticket
Not because
Your pocket is empty
That is practical protest

The beautiful roads 
Are all yours
Whether you do a `Rasta Roko'
Or drive vehicles with `save merit' stickers

We are bare-footed
Sweat-stinking road rollers
What if we built the roads?
The merit of plan is yours
The credit of contract is also yours

Those exhilarating sixty days, what fun!
When your cute little girls
And their daredevil mates
Were going on a delectable rampage, 

Everybody was delighted
Parents, their parents
Brothers and sisters
Even the servants
And reporting Newspapers?
Oh, absolutely thrilled!

Boys and girls 
Hand in hand
In protest
Of buried merit and dashed future
Going off to a picnic
O Yaar,
How heroic!

You are the marathoners
In merit competition
Poor tortoises
Can we run with you?

You serve ``Chair'' in Chikkadpalli
Sell ``pallies'' in cinema hall
Polish boots in Kothi Circle
Stop a Maruti or Priya on the Tankbund 
To demand agitation fund

Media persons are `merit' creatures
Their camera hearts `click'
Their pens shriek,
``Youthful brilliance''!

We are drab faced duds 
Sitting in the stink of dead animals
We make shoes
By applying color with our blood
And polishing them
With the sinking light of our eyes

Isn't the shine different 
When polished
By someone in boots?

We clean up your filth
Carry the night soil on our heads
We wear out our bodies
Washing your rooms
To make them sparkle
Like your scented bodies

We sweep, we clean; our hands are brooms
Our sweat is water
Our blood is the phenyl
Our bones are washing powder
But all this
Is menial labor 
What merit it has?
What skill?

Tucked-in shirts and miniskirts
Jeans and high heels
If you sweep
The cement road with a smile
It becomes an Akashvani scoop
And spellbinding Doordharshan spectacle

We are
Rickshaw pullers
Porters and cart wheelers
Petty shopkeepers
And low grade clerks

We are
Desolate mothers 
Who can give no milk
To the child who bites with hunger

We stand in hospital queues
To sell blood to buy food

For the smell of poverty and hunger
How can it acquire
The patriotic flavor
Of your blood donation?
Whatever you do
Sweep, polish
Carry luggage in railway station
Or in bus stand
Vend fruits on pushcart 
Sell chai on footpath
Take out procession
With `Save merit' placards
And convent pronunciations

We know
It is to show us that
Our labor of myriad professions 
Is no match to your merit

White coats and black badges
Hanging over chiffon saris and Punjabi dresses
`Save merit' stickers
On breasts carrying `steth's (stethoscopes)
When you walk(ed) in front of daftar 
Like a heaven in flutter
For EBCs among you
And those who crossed 12000 among us
The reservation G.O.
Is not only a dream shattered and heaven shaken
But also a rainbow broken 

Is movement for justice
On the earthly heaven
That is why
`Devathas' dared more for the amrit

The moment
You gave a call for `jail bharao'
In the press conference
We were shifted out
From barracks
To rotting dungeons
Great welcome was prepared
Red carpet was spread
(`Red' only in idiom; the color scares even those 
who spread it.)

We waited with fond hope that
The pious dust of your feet
Would grace not only the country
But its jails, too

How foolish!
The meritorious cream 
The future
Of country's glorious dream
How can they come
To the hell of thieves,
Murderers and subversives?

We read and rejoice
That function halls
Where rich marriages are celebrated 
Became your jails

Ours may be a lifelong struggle till death
But yours is a happy wedding party of the wealth
If you show displeasure
It is like a marriage tiff
If you burn furniture 
It is pyrotechnical stuff
If you observe `bandh'
It is the landlord's daughter's marriage

The corpse of your merit
Parades through the main streets
Has its funeral in `chourastas' 
Amidst chanting of holy `mantras'

But Merit has no death
You creatively conduct symbolic procession
And enact the mourning `prahasan'
In us
To die or to be killed 
There is no merit

We die
With hunger, or disease,
Doing hard labor, or committing crime,
In lock up or encounter
(Meritorious will not agree inequality is violence) 

We will be thrown
By a roadside;
In a filthy pit;
On a dust heap;
In a dark forest

We will turn ash
Without a trace
We will `miss'
From a 

[Goanet] Any Goan in Hanover or Vienna ?

2006-06-14 Thread airesrod
Looking for contact details of any Goan based in
Vienna or Hanover

Aires Rodrigues


Mobile : 9822684372

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Re: [Goanet] Re: India gobbling the world - Malthus be gone!

2006-06-14 Thread cornel

Hi George
On TV we had programmes on child slavery. I watched one on the Democratic 
Republic of the Congo which was simply horrific about very young children 
slaving away in the open, manually extracting copper. Last might, we had one 
on India. It was reckoned that 11 million very young children produce goods 
for the Western consumer market . The scenes recorded clandestinely were 
truly terrible. They earned half a pound sterling doing 15 hours of work a 
day. Sad that sections of Indian capitalism are making progress in leaps and 
bounds by exploiting so many children who have never had a day's schooling.

Tonight there ought to be a programme on child labour in China.  Yet another 
one, on the relentless rush to world economic status.

Need I say more?
- Original Message - 
From: George Pinto [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994! goanet@goanet.org
Sent: Wednesday, June 14, 2006 6:38 AM
Subject: [Goanet] Re: India gobbling the world - Malthus be gone!

--- Elisabeth Carvalho [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I am sure as, Dr Khushwant Singh and Chidambaram,
revel in the headway that India is making, their
foremost wish is Malthus be gone. Unfortunately, the
spectre of Maltus will follow both India and China
well into the next century.

For those further interested in Malthus (Elisabeth's reference above), see 
link and excerpt below


In this famous work, Malthus posited his hypothesis that (unchecked) 
population growth always
exceeds the growth of means of subsistence.  Actual (checked) population 
growth is kept in line
with food supply growth by positive checks (starvation, disease and the 
like, elevating the
death rate) and preventive checks (i.e. postponement of marriage, etc. 
that keep down the
birthrate), both of which are characterized by misery and vice. 
Malthus's hypothesis implied
that actual population always has a tendency to push above the food 
supply.  Because of this
tendency, any attempt to ameliorate the condition of the lower classes by 
increasing their incomes
or improving agricultural productivity would be fruitless, as the extra 
means of subsistence would
be completely absorbed by an induced boost in population.  As long as this 
tendency remains,
Malthus argued, the perfectibility of society will always be out of 


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2006-06-14 Thread airesrod
With the stature and quality of our legislators and
parliamentarians declining by the day and the
executive succumbing to the pressures of the
politicians, the public has to rely on the judiciary
to see to it that justice prevails in terms of the
provisions of our Constitution.

The salaries, perks and benefits of the judicial
officers have to improve to attract the right people
to the sacred job of dispensation of justice.

The Jessica Lal and other cases have reinforced the
need of urgent changes to the criminal procedures and
Indian penal codes.

The trial of cases relating to serious offences like
murder, dacoity, molestation and rape have to be
attended on a fast track basis. 

No stone should be left unturned for the speedy
disposal of cases. Shorter vacations, longer working
hours and night courts could all help clear the
backlog and dust that has settled over the files
awaiting their turn at the temples of justice across
the country.

There is need to effect organisational and functional
changes in our courts with meticulous preparation and
remarkable devotion by the staff to meet the challenge
of the need of speedy disposal of cases. An initial
assessment, supplemented by a series of internal
measures could improve the effectiveness of working

There is a need to think long and hard about the
manner in which the courts work in order to make them
more efficient and counteract the expanding average
length of proceedings.

There is a need of putting in place a more rigourous
system for managing the courts judicial work with the
aid of computer tools developed specially for the
purpose.  There is obviously a need to speed up the
procedures and adopt a much stricter approach in
granting adjournments.

Ways would have to be evolved to check frivolous
litigations.  Perhaps a party that is unsuccessful
must in principle bear in addition to his own
cost, those of the opposing party.

The backlog of pending cases as on July 2005 in our
clogged courts across the country was 2,86,811,33. The
pile up is just getting worse.   

Aires Rodrigues

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Re: [Goanet] RE: Portugal... or Angola?

2006-06-14 Thread Mario Goveia
--- George Pinto [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Fortunately, Goan reporter Pedro was on the scene to
 capture the magic of this moment. He reported
 that one Angolan player was so overwhelmed by the
 colonizer-colonized camaraderie, in the ecstasy
 of the moment he invited a Portuguese player to come
 over and sleep with his wife. When the
 Portuguese player came over, he realized the Angolan
 player did not have a wife so he slept with
 him. Pedro also reported another Portuguese player
 invited an Angolan player to come over and
 marry his daughter. When the Angolan player came
 over he realized the Portuguese player had no
 daughter, so he married his adult son. This was such
 a happy ending to colonization for everyone
 except the homophobic Lusophobes.
 The World Cup is not simply about football, it is
 about colonization, history, sexuality, and much
 more. Btw, the Angolan player chose to marry the
 adult (rich) son. It is about money too.
 So now you know the truth.
Mario observes:

But it's The truth according to 'Pedro', which may
not be exactly the same thing as the truth :-))

Did Pedro really mean homophobic Lusophobes???  

Anyway, with this ecstatic obsession with homosexual
sleeping around between Lusos and Angolans, can
Pedro be aptly described as a homophilic
Lusophile??? :-))

Will the real Pedro please stand up...that is, if he
can tear himself away from watching the liaisons
between all those homosexual Lusos and Angolans.

Being a Goan reporter like Pedro must be a tough

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[Goanet] Goan Foot-ball in Kuwait

2006-06-14 Thread A. Veronica Fernandes


It is 27 years now since the competitive soccer initiated at Sour Grounds 
for the Indian community by United Goans Center.  Many of the stalwarts who 
took active part in this initiative and promotion are either dead or retired 
from Kuwait and forgotten though few are still in Kuwait namely Tony 
Gonsalves, Joe F.X. D’Souza, Joe Fernandes and others. The legacy that they 
have created is still alive and active as seen on every Friday at Sour 
Grounds in the mornings. For Indian community in general and Goan community 
in particular Friday mornings are especial not only because of soccer 
activities but also for meetings, inculcating acquaintances, friendships, 
exchanging views and discussing topics of their home places and their 
activities beyond soccer arena. Goan community is more actively and 
numerically involved in our soccer activities on Fridays at Sour Grounds and 
this soccer is more identified  with Goans in Kuwait.

Some of the happenings taking place there are really surprising.  For 
example, according to my observation betting is done in hundreds of dinars 
every Friday and even results of the matches sometimes fixed as done in the 
match mixing, as per the available information. People involved in bettings 
are controlling thru remote control the results of the matches. With the 
exception of the Holy Month of Ramadan, almost the whole year the 
tournaments and friendlies are conducted, including memorial tournaments in 
memory of even the small dead children whose contribution in the promotion 
and development of the soccer is BIG NIL. Normally memorial tournaments are 
conducted to keep the memory of the dead whose contribution in this field is 
noteworthy but at Sour Grounds this is not happening. If it had to happen 
then in memory of great Goan soccer player Neville D’Souza one tournament 
would have been instituted. Neville D’Souza is up to now the only Indian who 
has created history by being the first and only Goan, only Indian and only 
Asian to score a hat trick in the Olympics soccer in 1956 at Melbourne and 
received plaudits even from Sir Stanley Rous the then FIFA President. He had 
unique record to his credit when playing in Bombay for Rovers Cup final, in 
5 minutes he scored a stunning hat trick to the delight of all the Goan 
spectators.  Instead of organizing tournaments in memory of their dead 
children whose contribution in the promotion of soccer is Nil and thereby 
making mockery of themselves,  big and great hearted people should come 
forward and help organize memorial tournaments in the name of deserving 
people and NOT in the name of their kids.

During the first few years after the inception of our Sour Ground soccer, 
every participating player was playing only for the pleasure of playing and 
entertaining the spectators.  There was no demand from  his side on the club 
or team of any sort for playing except a request for a job, if possible. But 
gradually and mainly after the liberation of Kuwait the new comer players in 
keeping with their trend in Goa of charging fees for giving their services 
to their teams or clubs also started demanding monetary benefits for their 
services.  Not only monetary benefits but also benefits in many other forms 
namely free accommodation,  jobs for them and for their girlfriends and 
wives, free return air tickets from Kuwait-Goa-Kuwait, weekly quota of one 
liquour bottle, assistance in getting Car Licence, expenditure for the 
celebration of their weddings in a posh hotel, assistance in obtaining Visas 
for their relatives and even for their concubines. These are some of the 
demands now-a-days some of our foot-ballers are putting forth but above all 
the demand for cash money is on top of their agenda.  According to my latest 
information, one youngster forward who is creating ripples on Sour Grounds 
is demanding KD 500/- to play any team that approaches him.

Match fixing is very common now-a-days but that such a thing is happening at 
Sour Grounds can one believe?  See what has happened on 9th of this month in 
the morning.  Semifinal of Santos tournament was held at about 7.00 followed 
by final. Kerala Challengers and DHL were made to play in the semis.  
Malyaless took the field with 7 players only and within few moments one of 
their players left the field with an excuse of injury.  Referee then blew 
his long whistle terminating the match in favour of DHL because minimum 
number of players required to carry on with the game is 7.  Then DHL played 
in the final against Navelim and won the Trophy in penalties. After 
observing these events, can I say it is match fixing done with the consent 
of the KIFF with the collaboration of  Malyalees? Or can I call it a 
pre-planned result?  Normally, semifinal and final are not held on the same 
day, one after the other - semifinal followed by final, but has KIFF planned 
this much in advance with the blessings of one of the losing 

Re: [Goanet] Theist v/s atheist?

2006-06-14 Thread Gabe Menezes

On 12/06/06, Mario Goveia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Mario replies:

Then take a steel cube and multiply the length by the
breadth by the height to get the volume.  Then using
the water displacement method see if this comes out
any different.

RESPONSE: Surely to arrive at your conclusion it would have to be the
inner base x height?

Boil water the same way wherever you are again and
again and see if the boiling temperature changes.

Water does not boil at the same temperature wherever you are!!

Mario needs Thursday classroom!


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

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Re: [Goanet] Talibanisation of Goa./To Mr Floriano

2006-06-14 Thread Floriano
Indeed, thank you very much, Elizabeth.
Lets keep in touch for Goa.
PS. Re: DVC - tks5/5.
- Original Message - 
From: Elisabeth Carvalho [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994! goanet@goanet.org
Sent: Tuesday, June 13, 2006 8:05 PM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Talibanisation of Goa./To Mr Floriano

 Dear Mr Floriano,
 Likewise I am a great admirer of yours, although I do
 not warrant your reciprocal admiration. You, Sir are a
 doer and are doing much good for Goa. You are the
 alternative voice that Goa needs. It is unfortunate
 that a grass-roots movement such as yours will take a
 long time to grow in Goa but the seed has been
 planted. I have been looking for a link, where
 contributions to your party are welcomed. I will also
 encourage other NRIs to read about your party and
 support you as much as possible.
 As I side note, I really admired your stance on the Da
 Vinci Code.
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[Goanet] Re: Whoa! World Cup.

2006-06-14 Thread Gabe Menezes

On 13/06/06, Gabe Menezes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Well I am glad we got that out of the way, Brazil didn't impress?
Argentina, Germany, Italy, Czech Republic and definitely England are
still in the game.

It was rather remiss of me to forget Mervyn Lobo, who offered to
underwrite this and buy any unsold tickets. Mervyn is a generous soul
and my thanks to his generosity and willingness to come forward!


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

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[Goanet] University for NRIs/PIOs proposed

2006-06-14 Thread JoeGoaUk
Centre proposes  setting up Varsity for NRIs  PIOs.

  -All courses, including engineering , medicines, IT, Science etc
  -PM Manohan sing has convened a meeting of the ministers concerned on June 13 
discuss the dtails of the proposed PIO University.
  -PM himself initiating the idea of a PIO Uni, to be executed fully with 
investment, the project has assumed special significance and preliminary works 
progressing on a fast track under the aegis of OIA ministry.
  -50% seats would be reserved for children of PIO/NRIs and the remaining for
  -Location of the UNI likely to be decided later, depending upon the choice of 
investors and also the readiness of the State Govt. to give vast stretch of 
land for
the project.(H/UNI 12/6)
  JoeSays: Goa stand’s any chance ? If MOPA does not come up, then the Vast land
there can be used for the proposed Uni (just a suggestion).

  for Goa  NRI related info...
Konkani Songs, Goan Photos, Tiatr/Film VCDs, Bank interest rates etc etc
   (for updates etc click below)

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Fwd: Re: [Goanet] India gobbling the world - Malthus be gone!

2006-06-14 Thread Elisabeth Carvalho

Note: forwarded message attached.

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http://mail.yahoo.com ---BeginMessage---
I am sure as, Dr Khushwant Singh and Chidambaram,
revel in the headway that India is making, their
foremost wish is Malthus be gone. Unfortunately, the
spectre of Maltus will follow both India and China
well into the next century.

One of the economic magazines is carrying a story,
about how China's economic boom is confined to the
neon lights of Shanghai and Beijing. Outer China is
mostly disenfranchised, living in dire poverty, with
disparities at their widest. China is an experiment in
various forms of economic governance. Most of which
have been futile. It remains to be seen where their
latest quasi-embrace of capitalism will lead them.

There is a school of economic thought that believes
large populations are actually a viable asset to an
economy. I've never belonged to that school. Large
populations are nothing more than serfs that provide
cheap labour to the industrialised world in one form
or another. The manufacturing jobs of America, that
sustained a middle-class income in America, once
exported became nothing more than sweatshops in China,
where poor peasants sell their souls to the sweatshop
massa, and work into the wee hours of morn.

The shiny BPO offices of India today will, once the
demand flattens out and supply increases, become
nothing more than cubicles for clerks who mindlessly
churn out data for businesses fattened with the
profits of cheap labour.

No, no, I am not against liberalisation and
outsourcing. I am against this euphoric proclamation
that the Second Coming of India is at hand. India has
a severe population problem and it has one of the
lowest per capita incomes in the world because of
this. It has to come to terms with this reality. It
has to have a polity that addresses this situation.

It has to beg, borrow or steal technology to reduce
its ever growing dependence on oil. And it has to
invest intensively in RD. It cannot be a peddler of
second-hand technology, it must be the originator. For
India to overcome the Maltusian conundrum, it has to
have a pronged approach. A proclamation that India has
arrived based solely on advances made in limited
sectors, is premature to say the least.

As an Indian I sincerely hope that India has a linear
growth progression, I really do.

--- cornel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Ah! So there are impediments in India's way to
 imminent super economic 
 status. This is what I kept saying and you were so
 dismissive. Have you 
 woken up?
 - Original Message - 
 From: Mario Goveia [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!
 Sent: Thursday, June 08, 2006 12:26 AM
 Subject: Re: [Goanet] India gobbling the world
  --- cornel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi Gilbert,
  As you know, I have felt some scepticism about
  India's rapid growth to super economic status in
  the imminent future but I dearly hope it is true
  and that we will not be disappointed.
  Mario observes:
  India's rapid economic growth can be plainly seen
  anyone open to the facts.  What is lagging in
  march towards super-power status is corresponding
  growth in the transportation and communications
  infrastructure, and most sadly in the area of
  sense, due to a perplexing lack of civic respect
  rules and regulations and for others, particularly
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[Goanet] Zuari Bridge is Falling Down ?……. . (Dangerous Cracks Detected

2006-06-14 Thread JoeGoaUk
Zuari Bridge is Falling Down ?…….. (Dangerous Cracks Detected)
JoeSays: It may be reminded that 16 year old Mandovi Bridge (Panaji) fell down 
5th July 1986 at 8.15am, killing several people.
Now, dangerous cracks detected on Zuari Bridge (Cortalim-Agassaim bridge) 
making it
potentially unsafe for long term heavy use.
- Zuari bridge to close for heavy traffic as from 16th June (for about 6 months)
- About six Ferry boat services  to start soon.
- Worst hit will be the commuters/tourists using public transport KTC etc
- KTC Shuttle services may be allowed  (Mini buses with four tyres allowed, so 
two wheelers, cars, jeeps and other having not more than 6 ton capacity..
- Those students from south Goa attending colleges like Pilar/Panaji would be
affected too due to delays at the ferry points.
- Zuari Bridge took 9 years to complete and cost Rs. 18 crore (M/s Gammon India 
and was commissioned in 1983.
- The bridge was repaired on many occasions during the period 1997-2002, and the
total repair work costing Rs. 7 Crore and was declared unsafe for heavy vehicle
since then (except buses).
- CM says ‘The basic design of the bridge was faulty and therefore further 
for the bridge would do no good’.
- State Govt., reacting to the incident has decided to invite tenders for
construction of a new parallel bridge (Costing around Rs.100 crores) which 
would be
ready in 3 years ((?).
JoeSays: the bridge had problems for nearly 9 years now as it was declared 
for heavy vehicles,  so why not the work for new bridge started all this time ? 
'Bonkak tantem tenklem muntoch kombi bovall marta, ko-ko-ko-ko tosli ghot zali
amchea ministramchi'
All the CMs and PWD Ministers during the above period should resign now  
they are now ministers or not).  Shame on you Ministers.
  And when 6-lane express way comes up, we could be seeing total of 4 parallel
bridges at Cortalim across Zuari river (one being the existing Konkan Railway
bridge- two parallel bridges see pic).
 Note: The collapsed Mandovi bridge was built by Pioneer Company, Hyderabad at 
cost of  Rs. 82 lacs (1970).
Check these photos below (While the bridge still in one piece)
Click on the pic to get enlarged one.
if you can't see pic then follow the link below;
http://flickr.com/photos/joegoauk/166996939/  parellel bridges
http://flickr.com/photos/joegoauk/166996935  KR Train
http://flickr.com/photos/joegoauk/167003796/ KR Bridge

Zuari  Konkan Railway Parallel bridges 

  for Goa  NRI related info...
Konkani Songs, Goan Photos, Tiatr/Film VCDs, Bank interest rates etc etc
   (for updates etc click below)

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2006-06-14 Thread Marlon Menezes
The real question that should be asked is whether
these so called low cost airlines are making any
money. Alternatively are their market share gains from
genuinely lower cost operations or their lower prices
regardless of costs. I would be very surprised that an
airline like Kingfisher has a lower cost structure
than Jet. They both use aircraft of similar cost
structures and fuel efficiencies. Both use similar
business processes and offer the same level of
service. So what is the source of their cost

Air Deccan may have a genuinely lower cost structure,
given the levels of its no frills service and the type
of some of its aircrafts. However Air Deccan's IPO has
not gone very well.

On the other hand, I can imagine that Air India and
Indian Airlines (Indian) have significantly higher
cost thanks to their unionized workforce and infinite
government funded budgets. I do not understand why
these government supported white elephants even exist.


--- Philip Thomas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 New airlines gain more ground
 Praveena Sharma
 Monday, June 12, 2006  21:11 IST
 BANGALORE: Challenger airlines like Air Deccan,
 Kingfisher Air, SpiceJet and
 Go Air continue to eat into the market share of
 incumbent carriers like
 Indian Airlines, Jet Airways and Air Sahara.

 What DGCA in its half cocked way of putting out
 stastistics doesnt say is
 that despite losing market share the legacy carriers
 like Jet and Indian
 have not lost passenger volumes. These have only
 risen due to the expansion
 of the market which in turn is due to the lower cost
 fare regime. So, to
 those who cant afford air fares the message is: you
 may be able to do so
 sooner than you imagined!

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[Goanet] re: reita faria

2006-06-14 Thread Eugene Correia
If the information on Reita Faria's height is right, I
am surprised.
Having met her when she was an intern at at GT
hospital in Mumbai, she seemed much taller than 5 ft 7
1/2 inches.
Need to cross-check this.


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[Goanet] Re: India gobbling the world - Malthus be gone!

2006-06-14 Thread George Pinto
--- Elisabeth Carvalho [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am sure as, Dr Khushwant Singh and Chidambaram,
 revel in the headway that India is making, their
 foremost wish is Malthus be gone. Unfortunately, the
 spectre of Maltus will follow both India and China
 well into the next century.

For those further interested in Malthus (Elisabeth's reference above), see link 
and excerpt below

In this famous work, Malthus posited his hypothesis that (unchecked) 
population growth always
exceeds the growth of means of subsistence.  Actual (checked) population growth 
is kept in line
with food supply growth by positive checks (starvation, disease and the like, 
elevating the
death rate) and preventive checks (i.e. postponement of marriage, etc. that 
keep down the
birthrate), both of which are characterized by misery and vice.  Malthus's 
hypothesis implied
that actual population always has a tendency to push above the food supply.  
Because of this
tendency, any attempt to ameliorate the condition of the lower classes by 
increasing their incomes
or improving agricultural productivity would be fruitless, as the extra means 
of subsistence would
be completely absorbed by an induced boost in population.  As long as this 
tendency remains,
Malthus argued, the perfectibility of society will always be out of reach.  


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Re: [Goanet] Boycott Inox multiplex Cinema Hall for Showing the Film, despite Ban in Goa

2006-06-14 Thread Marlon Menezes
--- Joe Blessed Vaz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Marlon, first of, you do not need the Government’s
 decision or permission to 
 protest – that’s why it is called “protest” -- nor
 does it mandate a public 
 vote or poll –- even a lone (individual) person has
 the fundamental right to 
 protest.  Do people in USA need permission from
 their Government to protest?
No one is debating the right of people to protest.
None of us disagree with that. The issue is that
illegal treats were made to impose their religious
beliefs on others! It is rather unfortunate that you
have chosen to be on the side of the minority
extremists who threated violence to impose their
intolerant views.

 Marlon, the one thing you continually do on Goanet
 is ridicule peoples 
 religious beliefs and thrive on religion bashing?
If I am so anti-catholic, why is it that I continue to
support at no cost, your goan catholic network
(www.catholic-goan-network.net), despite it containing
individuals who have expressed some rather extremely
biased views on non-catholic goanetters.

I was also one of the few on goanet who strongly
supported the right of Christians to prostelyze in
India without government restrictions. Just because
some of the issues I raise threatens the beliefs of
some fundamentalists does not make me anti anything.
All it does is that it exposes your insecurities with
respect to your narrow minded beliefs.
 Joe responds:
 So, you agree that people are free to protest (sans
 the permission of 
 Government, or public vote or poll).  Now pray tell
 us, what were the 
 causalities of the threat/violence you alluded to in
 the protest above?
Perhaps you choose to ignore the fact that the Indian
Supreme court did not impose any bans on this movie
and neither did the Govt. of Goa. The movie was pulled
out because of threats made by a goonish politician
and his local thugs - in an attempt to pander to some 
fringe catholic groups. If this is your idea of
democracy in action, you obviously have a serious
 Joe responds:
 Good for you Marlon, you need to be commended for
 being a very thoughtful 
 ex-admin team member.   However, as you know – even
 your Goanet Admin Team 
 members did not agree with you.  Your long
 explanation above regarding 
 server quotas, lack of archival storage etc is
 convoluted reasoning and an 
 attempt to camouflage facts.  To the contrary, the
 Yahoo-Groups always had 
 sufficient server space.
Joe, you are obviously quite clueless or a terrible
liar. For one thing, yahoogroups did have significant
quotas on their mailing lists until a few years ago.
That is why much of the discussions from the mid to
late 1990s is missing - they were overwritten by newer
files. If you are so confident about your claims, why
dont you put your money where your mouth is? How about
a $1000 US wager? We can send the money to a neutral
third party in the US (Mario, are you interested?).
Goanet Admin can then be contacted and it can be cross
checked with Yahoo support. Please tell me if you are
ready to proceed.

Next, I am suprised you would be privy to dissent (if
any) within the goanet-admin team! The drive to
restrict posts originated from Goa and not from me in
the US, so any action that I took was on behalf of the
admin team. The reason for the controls was to reduce
the financial and technical burdens on users in Goa
who had to live with slow, expensive and unreliable

  It is worth mentioning that Marlon did not object
 two personal greetings 
 involving him (or his interests) on the same
 Yahoo-Groups server. Isn’t 
 what’s good for the goose also good for the gander? 
 Or are we talking 
Really? Please tell us what was posted, when it was
posted by whom and approved by whom? Also can you give
us a little more clarity on what my interests means.
I am always open to learning something new! 

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Re: [Goanet] Fr. Jorda at Loyola High School

2006-06-14 Thread cornel

Hi Themistocles
Many thanks for your kind reply. I am now getting a clearer picture of the 
Matriculation issue in the 1940s. Asking people around at that time has been 
my strategy and it has paid off.

- Original Message - 
From: Themistocles D'Silva [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994! goanet@goanet.org
Sent: Monday, June 12, 2006 9:14 PM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Fr. Jorda at Loyola High School

Hi Cornel

Loyola H. School started under the Jesuit management from 1944.  As you have
read from postings on the subject from others, that before before this time
it was called Dom Teotonio Union High School, which had failed to attain the
necessary university recognition and was faltering.  I joined Loyola in
1944, as I indicated before, starting at grade 2 since I had earlier studied
at the Portuguese primary schools and had attained the required 2o grau.
One graduated at that time after grade 7 (matriculation), and I was 17 years
old when I finished.  I would say that the average age for completion was
around 17-18 years. I am not sure if students appeared for matriculation the
very first year, unless they were previously enrolled with Dom Teotonio
Union or were transfer students from other schools.



on 06/12/2006 8:24 AM, cornel at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi Themistocles
Unfortunately, I received no response to my question about the age when
students successfully  completed the matriculation exam. As the 

period' is important for some work I am doing, please can you tell me at
roughly what age students passed their matric around 1942 or so?
Many thanks
- Original Message -
From: Themistocles D'Silva [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994! goanet@goanet.org
Sent: Wednesday, June 07, 2006 7:21 PM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Fr. Jorda at Loyola High School

Fr. Jorda S.J. was my first Principal at Loyola High School, Margão in
1944-1945.  He was an admirable individual, a great soul and I have vivid
memories of that tim

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Re: [Goanet] Communidades

2006-06-14 Thread richard
I was piqued by the correction that was made by Edward re the Konknni
phrase. If you don't mind Sir, could you please justify your syntax
vis-a-vis that used by the author-to-be.Let us keep aside the spellings.
Hope yuo'll kindly oblige.
Richard Cabral

- Original Message -
From: Edward Verdes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994! goanet@goanet.org
Sent: Tuesday, June 13, 2006 3:14 PM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Communidades

 The writer of the post was not aware that she was on the net
 till I send a pvt mail informing that the title of book should have

 Hope new goanetters are aware that the reply will not be sent
 to the individual but to all subscribers. Often I hv seen posts
 with just a thank you, which shud hv gone directly to the poster
 instead of all...

 Dev borem korum
 Edward Verdes

 - Original Message -
 From: godfrey gonsalves [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Dear Netizen,
  May I suggest you buy a copy of the book on
  Comunidades or Gaunkaries written by Dr  Olivinho
  Gomes ex Vice Chancellor Goa University who resides at
  411 La Oceana Near the Park  Dona Paula Panaji Tel No
  +91 0832 2453666.
  Email id uncertain as many have one but do not use it
  frequently in any case try [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Having browsed thro this easy to understand book on
  the A to Z of Comunidades may I request you make an
  appointment with Dr Gomes ( a native of Sao Estevam)
  and have a clear chicken soup tete a tete with the
  enchanting personality and get your doubts clear.
  As regards the contact number of the undersigned its
  Trust this info will suffice

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Re: [Goanet] Re: The destruction of Hindu temples to build Catholicchurches in their places.

2006-06-14 Thread Mario Goveia
--- Aurelius Figueredo wrote:

 Well it's also quite well known the during the early
 crusades in Europe, a lot of pagan temples were
 destroyed and churches raised in their place.  The
 reasons were varied of which this thread doesn't get
 into but it did happen. 
Mario replies:

Many things that are well known are based on rumors
and don't have the slightest evidence.

Auri writes:

 In fact as Marlon stated, in some old churches
 eastern Europe, tourists have actually traced the 
 outlines of the pagan temple within the church.  

Mario replies:

Since when did Marlon, who doesn't lose an opportunity
to bash Christians, Catholics and religion, become an
expert on this subject?
Auri writes:

 As far as what the thought process would be to
 desecrate a church by building over a pagan temple? 
 The raising of a blessed cross by a priest and the
 first mass would sanctify the land and drive away
 all evils.  
Mario replies:

And how about when pagan temples were built on the
ruins of Christian churches, mosques were built on the
ruins of Hindu temples, and Hindu temples built on the
ruins of mosques?  What cross was involved in these

Wherever this kind of thing did happen it was the  
ultimate symbol of religious supremacy, hatred and


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Re: [Goanet] Fr. Jorda at Loyola High School

2006-06-14 Thread Victor Rangel-Ribeiro
Dear Cornel,   After seven years of study at Mater Dei Institution, Saligao, I moved with my family to Bombay and enrolled in St. Mary's High School in Mazagon. Imatriculated next year at the age of 15. One of my fellow students (a Parsi named Rustom) was 12, and also successfully passed the exam.   In those days, one just had eight years of school before being able to enter college. The schooling requirements were changed to 12 years to slow down the crunch on the job market.   Regards,   VictorThemistocles D'Silva [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Hi CornelLoyola H. School started under the Jesuit management from 1944. As you haveread from postings on the subject from others, that
 before before this timeit was called Dom Teotonio Union High School, which had failed to attain thenecessary university recognition and was faltering. I joined Loyola in1944, as I indicated before, starting at grade 2 since I had earlier studiedat the Portuguese primary schools and had attained the required 2o grau.One graduated at that time after grade 7 (matriculation), and I was 17 yearsold when I finished. I would say that the average age for completion wasaround 17-18 years. I am not sure if students appeared for matriculation thevery first year, unless they were previously enrolled with Dom TeotonioUnion or were transfer students from other schools.Best, Themistocleson 06/12/2006 8:24 AM, cornel at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi Themistocles Unfortunately, I received no response to my question about the age when students successfully completed the matriculation exam. As the
 'historical period' is important for some work I am doing, please can you tell me at roughly what age students passed their matric around 1942 or so? Many thanks Cornel - Original Message - From: "Themistocles D'Silva" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!"  Sent: Wednesday, June 07, 2006 7:21 PM Subject: Re: [Goanet] Fr. Jorda at Loyola High School   Fr. Jorda S.J. was my first Principal at Loyola High School, Margão in 1944-1945. He was an admirable individual, a great soul and I have vivid memories of that tim_ Do not post admin requests to the list. Goanet mailing list (Goanet@goanet.org)_Do not post admin requests to the list.Goanet mailing
 list (Goanet@goanet.org)_
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Re: [Goanet] Talibanisation of Goa./To Mr Floriano

2006-06-14 Thread Elisabeth Carvalho
Dear Mr Floriano,

Likewise I am a great admirer of yours, although I do
not warrant your reciprocal admiration. You, Sir are a
doer and are doing much good for Goa. You are the
alternative voice that Goa needs. It is unfortunate
that a grass-roots movement such as yours will take a
long time to grow in Goa but the seed has been
planted. I have been looking for a link, where
contributions to your party are welcomed. I will also
encourage other NRIs to read about your party and
support you as much as possible.

As I side note, I really admired your stance on the Da
Vinci Code.


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[Goanet] Sweep stakes; the draw!

2006-06-14 Thread Gabe Menezes

Okay here is the draw:

1 Gabe Menezes: Tunisia
2 Lily Menezes.: Costa Rica
3 George Pinto: Australia
4 Mervyn Lobo: Serbia
5 Bosco (Goanet) : Angola
6 Aurelius Figueredo: Saudi Arabia
7 Tony Barros: Croatia
8 Maureen Rodrigues: Ecuador
9 Dr. Jose Colaco: Germany
10 Ronnie Delgado: Argentina
11 Milan Kojnok: Switzerland
12 Alice Ferens: USA
13 Lydia Pinto: Iran
14 Kim Gilbert: Ghana
15 Harriet Ferens: Spain
16 Shawna Ashwell: Ukraine
17 Loyella Coutts: England
18 Reena Fuentes: Japan
19 Moneesha Pinto: Czech Rep
20 Vinita Zakher: Mexico
21 Fred Noronha Courtesy Dr Eric Pinto: Trinidad
22 Cecil Pinto ditto: Sweden
23 Mrs. Fred Noronha dittto: Poland
24 Valmiki Faleiro ditto: Holland
25 Miss ( Fred ) Noronha ditto: Ivory Coast
26 Giles Menezes: France
27 Glen Menezes: Togo.
28 Eddie Fernandes: Paraguay
29 Eugene Correia: Portugal
30 Gulf Goans www.goa-world.com: Brazil
31 Gulf Goans www.goa-world.com: Italy
32 Gulf Goans www.goa-world.com: Korea.

Good luck everybody and please send in the cheques, Muito
Obrigado...since the talk it that a Portuguese speaking team will win!
We shall see.

**US $$** and make payable to GOA SUDHAROP and mail to: GOA


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

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[Goanet] Goan Association uk from Conception to Ruby

2006-06-14 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
From: Melvyn Fernandes
Subject: Goan Association UK - From conception to Ruby
Date: 13 June 2006

- Original Message Follows -
Dear Eddie, Cornel and Gaby

Having been involved with our Association since 1974 I am
thrilled to note of events prior to this and am happy to
coordinate the Gaps.However please let us get the facts
right. Manor Park is in East London. The embryo of the Goa
as we know it today was at the Catholic Hostel in st
Adolphus Road Manor House, North London. Bedford Hotel nr
Tottenham Court was used for Youth Discos and Notre Dame
hall at Leicester square was a venue for socials along with
a church hall at Clapham North. Please send me any info upto
30 November should make good Christmas Reading in Dec. Send


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Re: [Goanet] Fr. Jorda at Loyola High School

2006-06-14 Thread cornel

Hi Tony
Many thanks for your firm info. I had a problem with someone claiming she 
passed her matric at 11 and that others did so as well.  I had felt that 
this was well nigh impossible!

Thanks again
- Original Message - 

To: goanet@goanet.org
Sent: Tuesday, June 13, 2006 3:05 AM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Fr. Jorda at Loyola High School

Hi Cornel!
   Ref. your query to Themistocles, I passed the Matriculation Examination 
1945 when I was 15 years old (which was the average age at which most 

passed the examination at that time.)
---Tony Correia-Afonso.

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Re: [Goanet] World Cup Goan sweepstakes to benefit a Goan charity

2006-06-14 Thread cornel

To Gabe and George
Please count me in, if not too late. I will send £10 to Gabe.
Good wishes
- Original Message - 
From: George Pinto [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994! goanet@goanet.org
Sent: Tuesday, June 13, 2006 4:28 AM
Subject: [Goanet] World Cup Goan sweepstakes to benefit a Goan charity

Only a few tickets remain. Please buy a ticket and support a good cause. 
See details below.

Thanks, George

Dear all:

Many thanks to Gabe for initiating this World Cup Goan sweepstakes to 
benefit a Goan charity for
seniors in Goa. This is Gabe's personal initiative; it is not an official 
project of Goa Sudharop
although Gabe has kindly determined to donate the proceeds to Goa Sudharop 

for a Goan charity for seniors in Goa.

Here is a summary of the sweepstakes and related information:

1. 32 tickets will be sold for the 32 teams playing in the World Cup.

2. Each ticket costs UK 10 pounds or US $20. Please send your money order 
or checks/cheques in
**US $$** and make payable to GOA SUDHAROP and mail to: GOA SUDHAROP, 67 


3. Please send an email to Gabe Menezes at [EMAIL PROTECTED] to 
inform him you are entering
so he can maintain the list of entrants. He will later have a drawing to 
determine which team you

are assigned (each ticket is assigned one team).

4. The last date to enter and inform Gabe is June 15, 2006.

5. First come, first serve basis. Only 32 tickets will be sold, so rush 
your entry before it is

too late.

6. On July 9, the winner will be annouced based on the team which wins the 
World Cup.

7. The winner will receive US$200, the remaining amount collected 
(approximately US $400) will

benefit a Goan charity for seniors in Goa through Goa Sudharop.

8. A full public accounting will be made after the contest is over.

Thank you for your support.

George Pinto

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[Goanet] Allopathy, Telepthy, Cowpathy and Jopathy

2006-06-14 Thread JoeGoaUk
I will not go in deep to talk about Allopathy or Telepathy as you know it all.


Allopathy  = all included-Your Medical General Practitioner 
(mGP)/hospital/drugs etc

Telepathy = where two minds speak directly to each other (or direct 
between two minds without any interpreters) .
Cowpathy  = Treatment with medicines prepared with Cow’s MILK, URINE  DUNG.
This type of medicine has successfully treated a HIV positive woman, 
Swami Karamgiri and Vaidya Ram Niwas Jatasra claimed at the joint press 
Showing the blood test reports of a women patient, who had tested HIV positive 
by a
certified laboratory in Kaithal, Vaidya Ram Niwas Jatastra sai her treatment 
on January 15, 2006 and she has been tested HIV negative in the report dated 
May 28,
“the new medicine will now be used for research on s larger scale before we 
appy for
a patent” Sawmi said.  Vaidya Jatastra heads the department of cowpathy in 
Bharti Kisan Jagriti Shiksahn Snsthan of Ladwa goshala.  “Cowpathy has proved a 
for patients who could not find any treatment in allopathy. (w/ender/UNI)
In today’s NT/ANI, it was said that Goat Milk cures ailing patients (cough, 
spots etc) Strangely, this milk was not from She-goat but He-goat.  
JoeSays: What do we call this ‘Goatpathy’?
Some HIV Stats:
-At present, about 5 millions people in India live with HIV/AIDS.
-2.3 million of abv are under age of 15 years.
-14,000 contract HIV everyday.
-There were 2,50,000 deaths in 2005 i.e. one  every 2 minutes
Jopathy  this being a new, needs special mention in between the popular dotted 
Jopathy =  is nothing but a study of modern ‘husbands’ behavior.  Or ‘How to be 
model husband  like Joe-poti.  It’s a 2 months result oriented  full time 
course recognized by GU, with 100% success rate.  Its all about ‘how to be a
successful husband’ where the course includes more of practical and less of 
Live and hands-on practicals which includes outdoor visits to hotels, Goa’s 
massage parlors etc etc. The equipments used are of reputed multinationals 
like Indian, Nepalies, Russians and British make. German instruments to be added
soon. Hostel facility also available.
 Fees Rs.60,000/- only- that’s Rs.1000 per day (all inclusive).
 Hurry up!! Limited seats. 
Sorry, no Reservations Policy applies here, except for NRIs  (50%)
‘Jopathy Diploma’ will soon be made  mandatory for marriages to be registered in
Goa. This is likely to be announced by the CM soon after the forthcoming cabinet
'Those Husbands who are  'Goat-poti' are guaranteed to come out as 'Ghott-poti' 
with a world wide recognised Diploma. ( i.e from weak-poti to strong-poti).
and listen to your wives singing now every day

Poti ye, poti ye
ani gopant maka ghe


  for Goa  NRI related info...
Konkani Songs, Goan Photos, Tiatr/Film VCDs, Bank interest rates etc etc
   (for updates etc click below)

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Re: [Goanet] [OFFTOPIC] One-Way Trip to Disaster (IPS, on Portugal and the environment)

2006-06-14 Thread cornel

Hi Frederick
Thanks for an excellent article by Mario de Queroz re the report  from 
QUERCUS and with excellent further commentary from De Cruz.. I devoured the 
material  greedily.

I now await the wroth of Jose Colaco who seems to find it imposible to 
accept anything even very remotely adverse about Portugal and seems to see 
everything in 'paranoid' conspiratorial terms. Nevertheless I hope we can 
look forward to a coherent critique from him about this environmental 
disaster report from Portugal.

PS I seem unable to get this in Plain Text
- Original Message - 
From: Frederick Noronha (FN) [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: goanet@goanet.org
Sent: Sunday, June 11, 2006 8:44 PM
Subject: [Goanet] [OFFTOPIC] One-Way Trip to Disaster (IPS,on Portugal and
the environment)
One-Way Trip to Disaster
Mario de Queiroz
LISBON, Jun 5 (IPS) - Portugal is facing catastrophe as it heads down a path 
marked by rising emissions of greenhouse gases, wasteful use of water, 
unbridled construction activity and coastal erosion,

environmentalists warn.

While each successive government has promised to take urgent 
measures,studies show that little progress has been made in curbing the 
ongoing environmental damage.

In a recent report, Quercus, a local environmental group, called for a more 
rational ecological footprint

The legislator stressed that even though the question of the environmentis 
a challenge for humanity that interferes with daily life and compromises 
the future, in Portugal, a country of great ignorance... 

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Re: [Goanet] RE: *** Goa wants expats to leave (Pushpa Iyengar in DNA)

2006-06-14 Thread Mario Goveia
--- Dacosta Amilcar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Being of Goan origin, I felt ashamed to read the
 article by some Pushpa Iyengar on Goa wants expats 
 to leave.
Mario responds:

Dear Amilcar,
Please calm down.  No need to waste your energy being
ashamed.  Why are you ashamed after reading an
article that does not even make sense?  Save your
shame for when you have actually done something wrong
yourself.  In the meantime please be either irritated,
irate, upset, angry, mad-as-hell, or some equivalent
that fits your thinking more closely.  Then maybe you
will be motivated to let the author know what you
think, and she will be more careful the next time.

When I read Pushpa's article I was PO'd, and I let her
know it.  But I think she is hiding under her desk
because I haven't heard from her.

Ms. Iyengar apparently thinks it is good to write
inflammatory articles - an old journalistic technique
among opinion writers that gets people to notice them.
 This one made no sense on it's face because she was
complaining about foreigners on TOURIST visas being
unable to buy property in Goa.  Why would anyone on a
TOURIST visa want to buy property, when they will be
going home shortly?

Joe something-or-other, who goes as JoeGoaUK on Goanet
because he wants to hide his identity from the rest of
us, has reported that there are several foreigners who
own property in Goa, he said 49 just in Bardez. 
Obviously those foreigners had the proper visa that
enabled them to do so.  Joe's research  proved Pushpa
was wrong.

I am generally uncomfortable when someone hides their
identity - there is this one guy who hides in the
Canadian cyber-bushes and snipes at people using one
of several identities, and no one knows who he really
is.  However, I have learned that this particular Joe
is a serious guy and is particularly interested in
real estate in Goa.  So I am inclined to believe him
even though I would prefer to know who he is.


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