[Goanet]Queen =?iso-8859-1?b?S2V0ZXZhbpJz?= remains are still elusive

2005-04-23 Thread http://www.goa-world.com/goa/
Queen’s remains are still elusive Devika Sequeira in Panaji 

The Archaeological Survey of India’s 20-year search for the relics of Queen 
Ketevan in Old Goa has ended in disappointment. But the excavations offer an 
intriguing and significant insight into 16th century Goa. 

Setting to rest a debate that has engaged historians and archaeologists for 
over 20 years, the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) announced earlier this 
week that though it had managed to locate the “burial site” of Queen Ketevan 
of Georgia amidst the ruins of the St Augustine complex in Old Goa, the 
queen's remains were not at the site. 

Coping stone 

“We have conclusively identified the coping stone which, according to 
historical accounts, held the black box containing the queen’s remains. But 
the black box itself and the relics are not there,” N Taher, the ASI’s chief 
archaeologist in Goa told Deccan Herald. 

Some fragments of bone and stone inscriptions have been sent for scientific 
analysis. But archaeologists doubt these would be related to the Ketevan case. 

While Taher believes that the findings are conclusive enough to end the long-
drawn debate over the 16th century queen's relics, for the man who launched 
the search 20 years ago, the missing black box comes as a “huge 

“It leaves one with the nagging feeling that somehow the truth has not been 
found out,” says archaeologist S K Joshi, a fellow with the Indian Centre of 
Historical Research. Dr Joshi recalls how this intriguing archaeological 
search began when he headed the ASI in Goa in 1985 after a diplomatic request 
by the then Soviet Union. 

Elevated to sainthood, the martyred Queen Ketevan of Georgia is held in high 
regard in her country to this day, and teams of experts from Russia and 
Georgia have been dispatched to Old Goa in the past to help locate her mortal 

A prisoner 

Taken prisoner by emperor Shah Abbas of Persia in 1613, Queen Ketevan was held 
captive for 10 years in Shiraz. She was tortured and strangled to death on 
September 22, 1624 for refusing to convert to Islam, say historical accounts. 
Jesuit priest and history researcher Fr Moreno D'Souza who has spent years 
poring over historical records related to Old Goa, concludes that an arm and 
hand of the Georgian queen was brought to Goa by Augustinian friars in 1627 
and encased in a black box in the chapter chapel of the huge complex. So where 
did the relics go? 

“The ASI is on the right track and has all the circumstantial evidence to 
prove the location of the chapel and chamber. But with the relics missing, we 
can only conclude the obvious: that the Augustinians, who held the queen in 
such high reverence, took away the black box when they were expelled from Goa 
by the Portuguese government,” says conservationist Percival Noronha. 

Starting with the Our Lady of Grace Church in 1572, by 1602 the Augustinians 
had built an impressive complex on the Holy Hill at Old Goa with a seminary, 
convent, library, cloisters, dormitories, galleries and a number of cells, 
says the ASI. 

Seat of learning 

“It was one of the greatest seats of learning in Asia at the time, with 300 
teachers, 3,000 students and the biggest library on this side of the globe,” 
says Dr Joshi. 

After the Portuguese government expelled religious orders from Goa in 1832, 
the complex gave way to ruin, with the vault collapsing in 1842 and its towers 
and facade crumbling by 1938. 

The ASI’s 20 years excavation has painstakingly brought to light the ruins of 
what was once an architectural marvel. In the process of uncovering the truth 
about the 16th century queen, the ASI has also unearthed the ruins of five 
altars, eight side chapels, a cloister, six tombs and the interior of a church 
profusely decorated with glazed tiles. The excavation can only add to the 
significance of the world heritage site. 

“Now that we know that the relics are not there, we can move on with 
consolidating the archaeological sight,” says Taher. 

With excavation work still on, the ASI is uncertain that a tourist walk 
through will be permitted just yet. “We have still to decide how much of the 
site we can expose to the public.” Tourism, point out Taher, often destroys 
archaeological sites. 

(Deccan Herald)

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Organized by Goan Welfare Society (GWS)-Kuwait
Date: 12th May 2005, Venue: Safir Palace Hotel, Riggea
Band: Stepping Stones  Highlights: Crowning of the MAY QUEEN 2005.
Enjoy the Goan hospitality at its best.

[Goanet]YGC Bahrain May Queen Ball on 05-05-05

2005-04-23 Thread http://www.goa-world.com/goa/
YGC Bahrain May Queen Ball 
The Young Goans Club, Bahrain has announced their annual May Queen Ball. It 
will be held at the Palace Inn Hotel on May 5, (05.05.05) starting at 8.00 
p.m. The highlight of this annual event will be the YGC May Queen contest 
which is open to all nationalities. 

All those interested to compete are welcome to contact the co-ordinator 
Rosario Pereira on 39808508.  Entrance for the show is free for members and 
guests will be charged BD: 2.500 per head inclusive of a buffet. 

Members can collect their invitation cards on April 28 and April 29 from 
Konkan Singers Club between 8.00 to 9.30 p.m. Live band will be in attendance.

Meanwhile the Managing Committe in a circular has urged the members to update 
their subscription and has declared the plans of the club having its own 
premises very soon.

GR Crasto/Bahrain

Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://www.goa-world.com 

Forwarded by http://www.goa-world.com 

[Goanet]Eucharistic celebrations to inaugurate the pontificate of Pope Benedict XVI on 24th April 2005

2005-04-23 Thread http://www.goa-world.com/goa/
VATICAN CITY, APR 22, 2005 (VIS) - The Office for Liturgical Celebrations of 
the Supreme Pontiff announced in a communique published yesterday afternoon 
that the solemn Eucharistic celebration to inaugurate the pontificate of Pope 
Benedict XVI will take place in St. Peter's Square on Sunday, April 24 at 10 
a.m. All cardinals in Rome will concelebrate.
  The Church in Rome and in various parts of the world, adds the 
communique, is invited to give filial thanks and make a fervent supplication 
to God to obtain for the new Roman Pontiff, who will be given the Petrine 
pallium and the Ring of the Fisherman, copious graces for his ministry for the 
good of the entire Church.
  On Monday, April 25, at 6:30 p.m., the Holy Father will go to the tomb of 
the Apostle Paul in the basilica of St. Paul's Outside-the-Walls on the Via 
Ostiense to express the inseparable bond of the Church of Rome with the 
Apostle of the People together with  the Fisherman from Galilee.
   Holy See Press Office Director Joaquin Navarro-Valls, in a statement 
released to journalists yesterday afternoon announced that on Monday morning, 
April 25, the Holy Father Benedict XVI will receive in the Paul VI Hall the 
pilgrims who have come from Germany for the solemn inauguration of his 
  Journalists will be welcomed by the Pope on Saturday, April 23 at 11 a.m. in 
the Paul VI Hall.
  A change in program was also announced yesterday. Pope Benedict XVI will 
receive the heads of the diplomatic missions accredited to the Holy See and 
the heads of delegations present for the Mass to inaugurate his pontificate 
following that celebration on Sunday, April 24, and not on Monday, April 25, 
as previously announced.
VATICAN CITY, APR 22, 2005 (VIS) - This morning, the Pope received the 
cardinals currently in Rome, telling them that to the intense emotions I 
experienced on the occasion of the death of my venerated predecessor John Paul 
II and then during the conclave, especially its outcome, can be added an 
intimate desire for silence and two complementary feelings: a deep and 
heartfelt gratitude and a sense of human impotence in the face of the exalted 
task that awaits me.
  In the first place, he affirmed, I feel the need to give thanks to God 
Who, despite my human frailty, elected me as Successor to the Apostle Peter 
and entrusted me with the task of supporting and guiding the Church, that in 
the world she may become a sacrament of unity for the entire human race.
  Benedict XVI emphasized how truly emotional the first meeting with the 
faithful two days ago in St Peter's Square had been. May my most heartfelt 
thanks reach everyone: bishops, priests, male and female religious, young and 
old alike, for their spiritual solidarity.
  The Pope thanked all members of the College of Cardinals, especially 
Cardinal Secretary of State Angelo Sodano and the camerlengo Cardinal Eduardo 
Martinez Somalo, for the active collaboration they gave to running the Church 
during the period of vacant see. With special affection, I would like to greet 
those cardinals who, for reasons of age or ill health, did not participate in 
the conclave.
  The Pope extended his personal thanks to the cardinals for the trust you 
have placed in me by electing me as bishop of Rome and pastor of the Universal 
Church. It was an act of faith that constitutes an encouragement to undertake 
this new mission with greater serenity, because I am convinced that I can 
count on both the indispensable help of God and your generous collaboration. I 
pray that your support for me may never fail!
  The Holy Father recalled his predecessors, Blessed John XXIII, Servants of 
God Paul VI and John Paul I, and especially John Paul II, whose witness over 
the last days supported us more than ever, and whose ever-living presence we 
continue to feel. He went on: The light and the strength of the Risen Christ 
radiated in the Church by that kind of 'last Mass' that (John Paul II) 
celebrated in his agony, culminating in the 'Amen' of a life entirely offered, 
through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, for the salvation of the world.
  For me, your spiritual closeness, your enlightened counsel and your 
effective cooperation will be a gift for which I will be ever grateful and a 
stimulus to carry out the mandate entrusted to me with total faithfulness and 
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[Goanet]Pope Benedict XVI to visit India

2005-04-23 Thread http://www.goa-world.com/goa/
Pope Benedict XVI to visit India
NEW DELHI, April 23, 2005: 

Pope Benedict XVI has promised to visit India, Cardinal Varkey Vithayathil of 
Ernakulam said Friday. The new pontiff, who has special love for the Indian 
church, praised the country's culture and sent his blessings for the entire 
population, the Indian Catholic News Service (ICNS) quoted Vithayathil as 
saying. The new Pope has also promised that he would definitely visit India, 
Vithayathil said.

He (Benedict XVI) is a great admirer of Indian spirituality. He is impressed 
by India's unity in diversity, said the cardinal, who was among the 115 
cardinals who chose Joseph Ratzinger as the new pope.  I give my blessings and 
prayers to every Indian. India is a great country. I am happy at the growth of 
the church and the wonderful work that the church is doing in the country, 
the Pope told Vithayathil.

Vithayathil, also the Major Archbishop of the Syro Malabar Church, added that 
the Pope had sent special regards to everyone in the Syro Malabar church. 
The Indian church is divided into three rites - Syro Malabar, Malankara and 
Latin.  Apart from Vithayathil, Cardinals Ivan Dias (Mumbai) and Telesphore 
Placidus Toppo of Ranchi were in the cardinal college to elect Ratzinger as 
the 265th pontiff of the 1.1 billion Roman Catholics. 




Organized by Goan Welfare Society (GWS)-Kuwait
Date: 12th May 2005, Venue: Safir Palace Hotel, Riggea
Band: Stepping Stones  Highlights: Crowning of the MAY QUEEN 2005.
Enjoy the Goan hospitality at its best.

Gulf-Goans e-Newsletter  

[Goanet]A Musical Tribute to Pope Benedict XVI - http://www.mangaloreanrecipes.com/popebenedict.htm

2005-04-22 Thread http://www.goa-world.com/goa/
A Musical Tribute to Pope Benedict XVI 

My dear Friends,

In the passing away of our beloved Pope John Paul II, and God's gift to all of 
us, in the person of Pope Benedict XVI, we acknowledge, the benevolence of 
God, that HE cares for all of us, even though all around we see signs of 

Moved by this great grace, I was prompted by my inner voice, to acknowledge 
this God's gift to us.   I have composed a piece, Thou Art Peter, and have 
given it as a background music for A Musical Tribute to Pope Benedict XVI, 
which can be viewed by clicking a link, on the Church Music Page.

I hope it will reflect your own sentiments, and lift up your hearts to God in 
moments of doubt and despair.

Please visit my website:  http://www.mangaloreanrecipes.com

Thank you.

Walter Pais

- Forwarded by http://www.goa-world.com 


Organized by Goan Welfare Society (GWS)-Kuwait
Date: 12th May 2005, Venue: Safir Palace Hotel, Riggea
Band: Stepping Stones  Highlights: Crowning of the MAY QUEEN 2005.
Enjoy the Goan hospitality at its best.

Presented by FERNS BROTHERS.
Date: 24th June 2005, Venue: Hawalli A/C. Auditorium.

KONKANI MUSICAL SHOW Tum Voir Aum Sokol - A Rip-Roaring Comedy
Blockbuster.  Cast: Formidable artistes from Goa, Mumbai and Kuwait.
Date: 9th Sept. 2005   Venue: Hawalli A/C. Auditorium
Written  Directed by Kuwait's Konkani Comedian Philip.

[Goanet]Re: {OFFTOPIC} St Stephen's turns 125, plans bash

2005-04-22 Thread http://www.goa-world.com/goa/
Gabe Menezes,

Thanks for your indepth reading of the link provided. 
Many for some reason do not give a complete picture. 
Usually I wouldn't touch up on some subjects
originating from a particular patrakar, but am making
an exception, in years.

I wouldn't be surprised if the Goa university be also
be named as Rahul Gandhi university (as the Goa
Medical College has been named in lieu of getting the
statehood for Goa speeded up by the father (as is
claimed!) !!

Pls note that often I have found that Goans on this
mailing list spell Gandhi as Ghandi.  Any particular
reason for this. If pronounced in India's national
language Hindi, it gives a bad meaning !!!

Also instead of just forwarding the url, the whole
text be published. For example, the following url has
a lot to say, but how many on this will browse through
the same (after clicking the link/url)?

Hence, here is the text.  I would appreciate that this
complete email be posted as is:

Rahul Gandhi is the latest in the Gandhi-Nehru family
to enter electoral politics, but beyond the fact that
he is the son of Congress president Sonia Gandhi and
the late Rajiv Gandhi, how much do you really know
about him?

Not many do actually -- not the voters in Amethi and
elsewhere, not his party cadre, or even senior
Congress leaders. The few who have met him don't
recall him saying much. The few who have heard him,
say he is of a shy disposition.

So here's all you wanted to know about Rahul Gandhi,
and didn't know who/where to ask.

How old is Rahul Gandhi?

Soon to be 34. Date of birth: June 19, 1970. That
makes him a Gemini, and if you believe astrologers,
this is what he is like: 'Communicator. Social,
outgoing. Sees and blends opposites/both sides of an
issue. Vivacious, quick, flexible, versatile, lively
and changeable. Mentally ambitious.'

Which school did he go to?

His elementary and primary schooling was at Modern
School, New Delhi. But because it was the height of
Punjab terrorism (in October 1984, his grandmother,
then prime minister Indira Gandhi, was shot dead by
her Sikh bodyguards, and the family continues to live
under a security blanket), Rahul and younger sibling
Priyanka were mostly taught at home.

Unlike father Rajiv Gandhi, Rahul did not go to Doon

So did Rahul go to college in India at all?

He went to St Stephen's College, Delhi, for a year. He
enrolled for history honours in 1989 and left in 1990.
But here's the most interesting part: he was not
admitted to St Stephen's on merit, but from the sports

Really? So what sport was he good at?

He is good in rifle shooting, trap shooting being his

Like Anjali Bhagwat, you mean? So did he win any
medals etc? Does he still shoot?

No, not a great shooter like Anjali; but like Rajiv
Gandhi he trained at a shooting range in the Aravalli
ranges near Delhi. He does not shoot these days.

Was Rahul any good at studies while at St Stephen's?

His academic performance is unknown, as Rahul did not
complete his degree.

But Dr Anil Wilson, the principal of St Stephen's
College, recalls him as a diligent student. He had no
airs about the famous family he belonged to, says Dr

Rahul's security cover must always have been stifling,
right? Also, celebrity children wear their parents'
fame prominently. Was Rahul one of those Delhi kids?

Apparently not! Rahul was always embarrassed by the
security cover the college was under because of him,
is what Dr Wilson has to say: I think he left college
because of security concerns. We really did not get an
opportunity to assess his academic brilliance. 

So was it sayonara to studies for Rahul after that?

No. He went to the United States in 1990, to study
economics at Harvard University.

Great! So did he complete his studies in Harvard?

A little bit of confusion there. He did complete the
four-year AB course in economics, but did not get his
degree since he did not get the required grades.

And here, may we point out that Rahul's dad, Rajiv
Gandhi, did not complete his studies at Cambridge?
Neither did his grandma Indira Gandhi at Oxford's
Somerville College. But did the absence of a degree
interfere with the late Mrs Gandhi's leadership
abilities? We think not!

So between leaving Harvard and fighting the Lok Sabha
election, what has he been doing?

Nothing really. An acquaintance of Rahul says, He is
a man of apparently no occupation. After Harvard,
Rahul shifted base to London and worked as a financial
consultant but even that is a bit unclear. Some say he
worked as a manager in a financial consulting agency,
the name of which is not known. But Congress leaders
who know Rahul disclose that he was whiling away time
in Britain and the US.

Sounds so much like P G Wodehouse's Bertie Wooster!

In 1999 he kicked up his job to help mother Sonia
Gandhi and sister Priyanka during that year's Lok
Sabha election. Congress leaders say Sonia has been
politically grooming Rahul over the last five years,
and that she has now initiated 

[Goanet]Meerg - Pavsa..yo!.....Pavsa...yo!

2005-04-22 Thread http://www.goa-world.com/goa/

A classy essay in Konkani by Prakash Pariekar
Translated by Vidya Pai

Pavsa..yo!……..Pavsa…. yo!

Whenever I heard this little bird screeching, what seemed to me like an 
invitation to the rains, I'd rush to my mother; perplexed. What was the bird's 
name, what was it saying, why did it call out only at this time of the year, 
I'd ask. Avai would take me on her lap and I'd listen spell bound by her tale……

Once, there was a young girl who was married into a family that owned many 
buffaloes. She had to work hard all day looking after the animals and her 
mother-in-law wouldn't let her go to her mother's house, for who would look 
after the animals, then?

One day her father came to take her home for a few days. Her mother is very 
worried and wants to see her, he explained. But the mother-in-law was 
adamant. There is so much work in the house, I cannot send her now, she 

The girl's father was very sad. Let her come for just one day, he begged. 
Finally the mother-in-law agreed to let her go, but on one condition! She 
would have to fill all the water troughs in the cattle shed first, she said.

When the girl heard her mother-in-law's words she rushed to the lake and began 
to fetch buckets full of water to fill the troughs in the shed. But no matter 
how many buckets she fetched the animals drank it all up and the troughs were 
empty again!

It was almost evening by now. The girl's father had been waiting since 
afternoon, but her work was still not done. It would take them two or three 
hours to walk home and if it grew dark her mother-in-law wouldn't let her go. 
So the girl thought of a plan. She made a thick paste of dung and smeared it 
on the troughs before filling them with water. The buffaloes, repelled by the 
smell of the dung, turned away from the water in the trough. I've finished 
all the work, all the troughs are full, she said to her mother-in-law and set 
off home.

Now how did this girl finish the work so quickly, the mother-in-law thought as 
she went to the cattle shed to check. When she saw the dung smeared troughs, 
she was filled with rage. You'll be born as a bird in your next life… and 
every summer you'll yearn for a drop of water… she cursed.

And that is exactly what happened, they say. The girl became a bird in her 
next life. Every summer, just before the rains start this bird sits waiting 
expectantly, Pavsa….. yo!…. Pavsa…yo! it cries…..'

As the bird's raucous screech enters my ears I think of my mother's tale and 
my heart is filled with sadness for the bird.

When the first showers of Meerg fall upon the land, frogs emerge from the 
earth and begin to croak raucously through the night. There is music and 
rhythm in all this cacophony as hundreds of frogs croak in frenzied unison 
announcing the arrival of the rains. Thousands of white ants fluttering their 
tiny wings emerge from the depths of anthills. The chameleon, from his perch 
atop some tall mango or jackfruit, whistles aloud to the trees and plants 
around him signalling that the rains are here.

Pulses and grains that will be sown in the fields during the rainy season seem 
to sense instinctively that their time has come. Though wrapped in layers of 
grass and stocked in storerooms these tiny seeds begin to sprout. And when the 
gnarled and ancient shidan tree by the cow shed just beyond our house sprouts 
fresh tendrils on the outermost twigs everyone is certain that the rains will 
soon be here.

If the heat becomes overpowering even though summer has come to an end, 
everyone says the showers of Meerg will be on us in just a couple of days. But 
the clearest indication comes from birds and animals, trees and bushes. And 
once the first few showers fall to the ground the taikilo springs out of the 
earth covering it with a lush green cloak….

People in the countryside are busy throughout the summer months and it is only 
during the rains that they find some time to relax. However, there is a lot of 
work to be done before the rains set in-- the farmer who tills the 'puran' or 
low lying land reclaimed from the riverbed must harvest his crop and store the 
paddy and the hay in a dry place. The roof of the cattle shed and the shack in 
which firewood is stored must be repaired. Reed mats must be fixed all about 
the outer walls of the house to keep them from getting damp and the roof must 
be re-thatched.

My father would finish all these tasks before Meerg set in. 'We mustn't let 
the poor dumb animals get wet…. It doesn't matter if we get wet ourselves….' 
Baba always said as he set about re-thatching the roof of the cowshed well in 
advance. He'd finish all the other work and finally he'd fix the jhadap' or 
the reed mats around the house.

Once the mats were in place, darkness would descend on the house but the walls 
would be safe and dry even during the fiercest of storms. I would creep into 
the narrow space between the two and making a hole in the reed matting I'd 
gaze out at the fury 

[Goanet]Pope Benedict XVI: Dubai - St. Mary's Church Celebrations on Sunday (24 April 2005)

2005-04-21 Thread http://www.goa-world.com/goa/
Pope Benedict XVI: Dubai St. Mary's Church Celebrations on Sunday (24 April 


Our Holy Father  POPE BENEDICT XVI Installation Ceremony:
In keeping with the celebrations with the rest of the world, Our Church will 
join the celebrations with a Concelebrated High Mass on Sunday, April 24, 2005 
at 7:30 p.m. 
Please attend the Mass.


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[Goanet]Pope Benedict XVI confirmed Cardinal Angelo Sodano in the Vatican's No. 2 post

2005-04-21 Thread http://www.goa-world.com/goa/
Benedict Keeps Cardinal As Vatican's No. 2 

4 minutes ago
By TONY CZUCZKA, Associated Press Writer 
VATICAN CITY - Pope Benedict XVI confirmed Cardinal Angelo Sodano in the 
Vatican's No. 2 post Thursday and kept all other top officials, avoiding any 
immediate shakeup in the late John Paul II's administration. 

AP Photo 

Reuters Slideshow: Ratzinger Named Pope Benedict XVI
Complete Coverage
• News  Analysis 
• Photos  Slideshows 

It was a sign that the new pope, a doctrinal hard-liner, wants to show 
continuity with the popular John Paul. 

Sodano, the Vatican's secretary of state, is 77, already two years past the 
normal retirement age for Vatican officials. The new pope is 78. 

One appointment Benedict will have to make is his successor as head of the 
Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, the Vatican's guardian of 

Among names that have surfaced as possible successors are Cardinal Christoph 
Schoenborn of Austria and Cardinal Francis George of Chicago. 

The Vatican also said the pope confirmed the Holy See's foreign minister, 
Archbishop Giovanni Lajolo of Italy, as well as the undersecretary of state, 
Archbishop Leonardo Sandri of Argentina, who had become John Paul's official 
voice when the late pontiff could no longer speak. 

The confirmation of Sodano came a day after Benedict gave his first Mass as 
pope, pledging to keep reaching out to other religions and leaving no doubt 
that he senses the large shadow of his predecessor. 

I seem to feel his strong hand holding mine, I feel I can see his smiling 
eyes and hear his words, at this moment particularly directed at me: 'Be not 
afraid,' said Benedict, who until Tuesday was simply Cardinal Joseph 

While signaling that he wants to tread in John Paul's ideological footsteps, 
the pope is a contrast in style to his predecessor, who was 20 years younger 
when he became pontiff and kept up a grueling global travel schedule even as 
his health ebbed. 

John Paul II, who died April 2, acted, played soccer, went canoeing in 
mountain streams as a young man in Poland. Benedict is mostly an indoor man, 
though he is a big walker because of his youth in the Bavarian Alps. He finds 
relaxation in classical music and likes to play the piano, not take to the 

But the Vatican also showed that Benedict intends to follow in the footsteps 
of John Paul's multimedia ministry. It modified its Web site so that users who 
click on an icon on the home page automatically activate an e-mail composer 
with Benedict's address. In English, the address is benedictxvi(at)vatican.va. 

Benedict took a cue from John Paul when he pledged Wednesday to work for unity 
among Christians and to seek an open and sincere dialogue with other faiths. 

He also stressed he would draw on the work of the Second Vatican Council, the 
1962-65 meeting that modernized the church, an issue important to liberals who 
are wary of Benedict from his time as the powerful enforcer of church 

Benedict will be fighting that reputation close to home as he tackles one of 
the biggest challenges: a Europe of empty churches and growing secularism. 

And as the world's 1.1 billion Catholics got first hints of where the papacy 
is headed, followers of other religions weighed the future of interfaith 
relations. By and large, reactions were hopeful and expectant — an indication 
of the new standards in reaching out that John Paul set during his 26-year 

I think he has been very open, so I have no worries about the ecumenical 
route, said British Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O'Connor. It will continue. No 
doubt at all. 

But the new pope has been one of the most forceful Vatican voices for Catholic 
missionary work and other forms of evangelization. He was the intellectual 
force behind the 2000 document Dominus Iesus, which outlined the Catholic 
Church as an exclusive road to salvation and angered Protestants, Jews, 
Muslims and other non-Christians. 

In Israel, admiration for John Paul's tireless efforts to promote Jewish-
Catholic reconciliation mixed with unease about Benedict's time in the Hitler 
Youth as a teenager. 
Benedict has written openly about his service, which was compulsory under the 
Nazi regime. He also was drafted into a German anti-aircraft unit during World 
War II, though he says he never fired a shot. 
John Paul won many Israeli hearts during a trip to the Holy Land in 2000 by 
apologizing for Roman Catholic wrongdoing over the centuries. He also was 
praised for promoting interfaith dialogue, establishing diplomatic relations 
with Israel and aiding Polish Jews during the Nazi era. 
Israel can certainly coexist with him, Oded Ben-Hor, Israel's ambassador to 
the Vatican, said of the new pope. But the real test will come over the 
course of time. 
Benedict inherits sometimes testy relations with the Russian Orthodox Church, 
which has accused Catholics of poaching Orthodox believers. John Paul, the 
first Slavic 


2005-04-19 Thread http://www.goa-world.com/goa/
, the Holy 
Father approved his election, by the order of cardinal bishops, as dean of the 
College of Cardinals on November 30, 2002.
  As President of the Commission for the Preparation of the Catechism of the 
Catholic Church, after 6 years of work (1986-92) he presented the New 
Catechism to the Holy Father.
  He received an honoris causa degree in jurisprudence from the Free 
University of Maria Santissima Assunta on November 10. 1999.
  He became an honorary member of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, November 
13, 2000.

  Curial Membership:
 - Secretariat of State (second section).
 - Oriental Churches, Divine Worship and Discipline of the Sacraments, 
Bishops, Evangelization of Peoples, Catholic Education (congregations).
 - Christian Unity (council).
 - Latin America, Ecclesia Dei (commissions).
OP/BIO:BENEDICT XVI/...  VIS 050419 (590)
VATICAN CITY, APR 19, 2005 (VIS) - This evening, immediately after the 
election of the new Pontiff, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, who took the name of 
Benedict XVI, Holy See Press Office Director Joaquin Navarro-Valls made the 
following statement to journalists:
  The conclave having ended, the Holy Father Benedict XVI has decided to eat 
this evening with all the other cardinals in the Domus Sanctae Marthae, where 
he will also spend the night.
  Tomorrow morning at 9, the Pope will preside the Eucharistic Celebration 
with the cardinals in the Sistine Chapel and will deliver the homily in Latin.
  The Mass for the solemn inauguration of the pontificate will be celebrated 
at St. Peter's on Sunday, April 24 at 10 a.m.
OP/.../NAVARRO-VALLS  VIS 050419 (130)
- Forwarded by http://www.goa-world.com

[Goanet]New pope elected

2005-04-19 Thread http://www.goa-world.com/goa/
New pope elected Vatican crowd cheers as white smoke seen over Sistine Chapel.

--- Await for more details.

- Forwarded by http://www.goa-world.com Mae mogan nomomoskar, mhojo noman. Mogachea bhava bhoinino, mhaka hea tumchea mankulea Goeant eun he misache bhettent vanto gheunk khup khushalkai bogta. (My dear brothers and sisters, I am delighted to come to your tiny Goa to participate in this Eucharistic Celebrations) +Pope John Paul II’s speech in Konkani at Campal,Goa on 6-02-1986.http://videos.phototributes.com/pellerinfh/PopeJohnPaulII_files/PopeJohnPaulII.html MAY BALL 2005Organized by Goan Welfare Society (GWS)-KuwaitDate: 12th May 2005, Venue: Safir Palace Hotel, RiggeaBand: Stepping Stones  Highlights: Crowning of the MAY QUEEN 2005.Enjoy the Goan hospitality at its best.The Goan Forum http://www.yahoogroups.com/group/goa-goans/http://www.colaco.net  A quote for your
 thought:Jealousy is no more than feeling alone against smiling enemies. Gulf-Goans e-Newsletter  http://www.yahoogroups.com/group/gulf-goans/http://www.goa-world.com/
		Yahoo! Mail Mobile 
Take Yahoo! Mail with you! Check email on your mobile phone.

[Goanet]Re: Navelim ahead in Bahrain Goans' Soccer Tournament

2005-04-18 Thread http://www.goa-world.com/goa/
[Goanet]Navelim ahead in Bahrain Goans' Soccer Tournament 

On 4/17/05, Gaspar Almeida [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Navelim ahead in Bahrain Goans Soccer Tournament

The first round of matches in the Bahrain Goans Seven-a-side Soccer League for 
Fr. Felicio Diniz Trophy produced as many as 17 goals involving four
matches during the week.
In the inaugural match on Wednesday at Al Qadisiya grounds, Melroy Rebello 
registered the first hatrick of the league as Navelim crushed Tivim with a
9 - 0 score line.

Nine nil, nine nil - aren't they good at Soccer in Posh North Goa?
Saw the MUFC Vs Newcastle game; United were firing on all cylinders, surely 
they will beat Arsenal in the finals, perhaps a walkover!

Gabe Menezes.
London, England

Gabe Menezes,
It is nice that you read the postings in detail and also it appears that you 
are UNITED's fan. Your attention is drawn to the fact that the report is
produced by G.R. Crasto of http://www.goa-world.com who is based in Bahrain, 
and not as you might have though.

Goa-World.Com Team

Organized by Goan Welfare Society (GWS)-Kuwait
Date: 12th May 2005, Venue: Safir Palace Hotel, Riggea
Band: Stepping Stones  Highlights: Crowning of the MAY QUEEN 2005.
Enjoy the Goan hospitality at its best.

[Goanet]Goeant Congress Kitlo Kall Togtolo ?

2005-04-18 Thread http://www.goa-world.com/goa/
Goeant Kongres Kitlo Kall Togtolo ?

Kendrant sod’deak Kongresichea fuddariponna khal
UPA-cho sorkar cholta. Kendrant jea sorkarachem raj
cholta teach sorkaracho pokx desantlea her rajeamnim
sot’ter aslear, hea rajeak kendrachem boreponn
favpachi bhouch xoketai asta. Kendrant rajki sodrer
aslolo pokx rajeantui sodrer aslear rajeantlea hea
pokxachea amdar - montreank kott’ttibhor rogot choddta
ani teach sot’techea rogta bollar bhou thodde pavtti
lokanchim kamam sadhoita ani make hay while the sun
shines mhonntat te porim aplem-i sadhoun mekllo zata.
Dusrea orthan, kendrant aplo sorkar asa dekhun tacho
aplea motdar- songhak koso lav gheum ieta tacher to
vichar korta ani khorem mhollear korunkui zai. Punn
oslea sadea vicharanchi tank Goeantlea Kongres
amdar-montreanchea monamnim disonam. Tea bodlek tanchi
svarthi, podache ani kodeliche axechi, bhroxttachar
matoupachi tank mat soglleanchech nodrent bhorta. Ani
ti soglleanchech nodrent bhorta toxe te vagtat ani
vavurtat. Kendrant aplo sorkar asun kivam dusrea
pokxacho Goenchea Kongresvaleank tacho kosloch forok

Churchill Alemao  
Luizinho Faleiro  
Pratapsing Rane  
Ravi Naik  
Subhash Shirodker  

Vavraddeancho Ixtt satolleacho ho ank uzvadda ieta
mhonnosor, Goeant ritea aslelea 5 motdarsonghamnim
pott-venchnnuko jahir zaum ietat. He pott-venchnnukent
Kongresiche umedvar jikhche ani khub kallan Goeant
Kongres Pokx porot sodrer ieuncho, oxem khubxea
Goenkarank monantlena dista. Toxi tanchi opekxa-i asa.
Punn sod’deak Goeantlea Kongres Pokxantlea amdaram
modem zo ekamekacher dves-ragachi mati xevttun
marpacho khotto khell cholta to pollelear, he
Kongresvale aplench ghorchem nisontton korunk fuddem
sorleat koxe distat. Mickkey Pacheco, Atanasio urf
Babush Monserratte, Isidore Fernandes, Sudhin
Dhalvikar hankam aplea ekvottak ghevn Kongres Pokxan
Goenat sodrer aslolo Bharotio Janata Pokxacho (BJP)
sorkar khala xevttilo. Uprant Moddganvchea Digambar
Kamt-ak BJP-ntlo bhair kaddun Kongresan BJP-k anikui
osokt kelo. Punn sod’deak hache poros odik bhirankull
osoktai Kongres Pokxant dista. BJP-k olp-motant
uddounche khatir Kongresan zo bhou-motacho ekvott
samball’lolo taka aiz futti aileleo distat. Tanche
monache futtintlean tanchea ekvottacho duspott zalolo
dista. Heach tanchea duspottacher vichar korunk,
Mickkey Pacheco, Babush Monserratte ani Manohar
Parrikar goddie Colva-Sernabatim zomlole zait. 
Kidd poddlelea ambeak apunn kusla, apleak vas ieta,
apnnak atam bhair udditele, hachi taka koslich khobor
asonam. Punn tea ambeacher nodor poddleleak mat to
ambo kusla, taka vas ieta, to bhair uddounk zai oxem
dista. Hantunt il’loi dubhav nam. Goeant Kongres
Pokxant asleleanchi got hich zalea. Luizinho Faleiro,
Dayanand Narvenkar, Pratapsing Rane,Churchill Alemao,
Ravi Naik, Subhash Shirodkar, adi. hea Kongresiche
amdar atam rajki mollar aplea khottea ani
bhroxttacharachea kortubamnim kusleat. Tanchea khottea
rajkoronnacho vas lokanchea monanchea nakant bhorla
ani tachean to sosunk zainam. Mhonnonuch aiz lok
tanchim nanvam ghetlearuch “khak thu” korit thuki
bhiar uddoitat. Te rajkoronnant kusun tankam
bhroxttacharcho vas ieta tea khaitr tankam
rajkoronnantle bhair uddoitat titlem borem, oxem
Goenkaranchem mot zalam.
Onnbhov ho boreantlo boro xikovpi, oxem mhonnttat.
Monis onnbhovantlem jem kitem zannvota vo xikta, tea
pormonnem to aple fuddle vichar, hal-chal vagnnuk
ghoddoita. Punn Goeant Kongresichea vantteak kitle-i
onnbhov aile zalear tea onnbhovantlean kitem tori
xikpachem tankam monuch nam zalear? Rajkoronn mhollear
aple mutthintlo khell, to apleak zai toso khellum ieta
oxem chintun, he svarthi rajki monis rajkoronnant
lokanchea boreponnacho sodduch, aplea boreponnacho
khell khelltat. Oxe poristhitint rajkoronnak ani
motdarank kosloch sombondh uronam. Venchnnukechea jea
disa motdar aplem mot marun mekllo zata, titlearuch
tachi zababdari sompta. Fuddlea panch vorsamnim vo
modemkat venchnnuko zatat tedna taka ti porot labhta.
Barik-sarik ievjilear, Goenchea Goenkarank rajeant
Kongres Pokxacher visvas nam. Tea poros tea pokxachea
amdar- montreanich to bhongoila mhonnonk zai. Aplea
xrextt vavrantlean porjecho visvas koso samballcho
hachem tankam matui poddlelem. Kiteak, svota tankanch
tancher visvas nam. Te ratiam modem nhoi, ekech goddie
bhitor, varem marta te vatten aplem sup dhorunk bhouch
fixal asat.
Aiz Goeant Raxttrpoti Razvott cholta. Faleam
pott-venchnnuko zatoch, Kongres Pokx Goenche rajki
sodrer boslear, Goenkaranchea kallzantlean suttkecho,
boreponnacho, meklleponnacho ani udorgoticho svas
aslolo suskar bhair sorchonam. Kiteak, BJP itloch
Kongresui veglle toren khotto hachi soglleank khobor


Mae mogan nomomoskar, mhojo noman. Mogachea bhava bhoinino, mhaka hea tumchea 
mankulea Goeant eun he misache bhettent vanto gheunk khup khushalkai bogta. (My 
dear brothers and sisters, I am delighted to come to your tiny Goa to 
participate in this Eucharistic Celebrations) 
+Pope John 

[Goanet]One Year Later - The Asian Age

2005-04-17 Thread http://www.goa-world.com/goa/
One Year Later - The Asian Age India | M.J. Akbar

There is no evidence yet that Prime Minister Manmohan Singh is planning any 
anniversary parties to celebrate his surprise elevation to the top job in 
India. But there is plenty to indicate that the BJP has begun to mark a year 
of its funeral with a spectacular civil war.

We know that a year ago the BJP-led government died in the general elections. 
Was the death of natural causes? Was it suicide? Was it murder? These are the 
vital questions that the Hindutva Parivar has grappled with for twelve-odd 
months without finding a convincing answer. After much deliberation, RSS head 
Sudarshan, chief justice of the Supreme Court of the BJP's criminal-justice 
system, has reached a verdict of suicide and wants the two men who have led 
the party for the last quarter century to retire. But there remains some 
confusion about the verdict. Are Messrs Atal Behari Vajpayee and Lal Krishna 
Advani being punished for having lost the election or having lost their teeth? 
Were they wrong? Were they disobedient? Or are they simply too old for Mr 
Sudarshan, no spring chicken himself? The options are intriguing.

The fact that their election strategy failed is an old story. It doesn't take 
a year to figure out that they fell on their face when trying to expand the 
BJP space at the expense of allies like DMK in Tamil Nadu, Asom Gano Parishad 
in Assam, Janata Dal(U) in Jharkhand and Lok Dal in Haryana. But the younger 
men and women in the party were equally guilty. There is no record of anyone 
having suggested that the party was heading towards the pavilion rather than 
the three-century mark. Moreover, the two elders have learnt to get along with 
each other. That is not a quality that the BJP's Gen Next can boast of. The 
middle-aged leaders may have lost the elections, but they have not lost their 

Which of the younger leaders would Mr Sudarshan put in charge? The answer goes 
to the heart of a supplementary: did the BJP lose because of Vajpayee or 
because of Narendra Modi and the indelible scar of the Gujarat riots? I 
suspect that the RSS wants the two elders to make way for Narendra Modi, 
although that is not being said quite so plainly yet. For him, Narendra Modi 
is the solution rather than the problem. Mr Modi's problem is not the BJP: the 
party's knees get wobbly the moment it enters the vicinity of Nagpur. But the 
BJP is not yet ready to fight an election alone. It needs allies and its 
allies don't need Narendra Modi. 

The anger against Mr Vajpayee stems not from age but from disobedience, for he 
attempted to use power to reshape the party. He was, in a sense, trying to 
remake the BJP into a mirror of his preferred kind of government. 

There is a fundamental law of Indian politics: you can reach Delhi from which 
angle of the ideological prism you like, but when you reach the Centre you 
must rule from the center. The BJP could not run a government on the three 
wheels on which it ran its populist campaigns: the construction of a temple to 
Lord Ram on the site of the Babri mosque, which it helped destroy; the 
abolition of Article 370; and the enactment of a uniform civil code. You do 
not have to be a Chanakya to recognise that all three are issues that are 
hostile to the sentiments of Muslims. Mr Vajpayee and Mr Advani, whatever the 
difference in nuance between them, could not run a government that was on 
principle hostile to Muslims. In six years of office, construction of a temple 
did not begin. The abolition of Article 370 was always an absurd idea, since 
it would sever the constitutional link with Jammu and Kashmir. And of course 
no one ever did anything more than pay lip service to the idea of a uniform 
civil code. The RSS is punishing Messrs Vajpayee and Advani for disloyalty to 
its agenda. It believes that prevarication cost the party power, and wants to 
retire them. But since political formations respect the social culture, such 
bloodletting will not be easy. Mr Vajpayee did not walk the plank after Mr 
Sudarshan's fulminations. In a public speech he suggested that he might have 
lost his office but he had not yet lost his honour.

Confusion is the mantle of despair. Loss of government has turned the alleged 
swayamsevaks of the RSS into power-addicts. They can't seem to survive without 
sniffing the glue of office each morning.

If the Opposition is fragile, the government is frail. Its principal redeeming 
feature remains the personality of the Prime Minister, Dr Manmohan Singh, but 
while the goodwill generated by his integrity is fine, it is not good enough. 
The electorate has acquired a demanding voice. It expects a healthy government 
to deliver a child every nine months. So far the main things delivered to the 
people of India have been sermons in English. (It is a curious fact that all 
the leading lights of the Congress Party are far more comfortable in English 
than Hindi: Sonia Gandhi, Manmohan Singh, 

[Goanet]THE SAGINAW NEWS : An image of a better world

2005-02-11 Thread \\\www.goa-world.com/goa/\\\
An image of a better world

Thursday, February 10, 2005 BREANNA SHEPHERD


Saginaw is a place where children are fed full until they're smiling ear to 
ear; where all doors are open, leading the way to help and recovery; and where 
community reaches past concrete-covered city blocks and into cornfields. 

At least that's the vision some Saginaw youths have for their city -- a vision 
they brought to life when they helped design a mural at Good Neighbors 
Mission, 1318 Cherry. 

The mural depicts our young people's vision of a better world, a better 
neighborhood and a better Saginaw, said Carolyn Butler, director of the 

With the help of two Saginaw Valley State University students, several 
sponsors and children from Trinity-St. John Community Center, a three-part 
painted mural hanging in the entrance to the mission also makes neighbors of 
farmers and city folk. 

What the mural was really about was community, and not just the city as the 
community, but the entire area, said Matthew P. Zelley, a 2004 SVSU graduate 
who helped design and paint the mural last summer. 

It was important that students from SVSU all the way (in Kochville Township) 
had a tie with the downtown mission, bringing these two communities together. 

The other student artist was Clyde Araujo, an SVSU graphic design major 
originally from Goa, India. 

With bright colors throughout, the three panels depict all shades of smiling 
faces, embracing, playing and helping each other. 

One panel shows the families who get clothes and food from the mission and 
depicts the people who donate their time and goods to the charity. 

Another section is linked to a corn-burning stove, an SVSU and mission 
cooperative effort that for three years has lowered the mission's heating 
costs dramatically. SVSU engineering students installed the stove, which heats 
the building using purchased or donated corn. 

The mural shows a child holding a can of corn with large city buildings 
looming behind him. He opens the can and out comes a stream of events, 
starting with a wagon of corn on a farm, leading to power lines that light up 
the building in the child's neighborhood. 

Zelley said the optimistic messages only have to reach one down-and-out person 
for him to feel happy. 

I don't have a goal of changing the world with this mural, Zelley said. My 
only hope is that one person whose house has just burned down walks through 
the doors of the mission and feels hope, and like things can get better. v 

Breanna Shepherd is a staff writer for The Saginaw News. You may reach her at 

Forwarded by Goa-world team

Thanks for the continued support of the www.goa-world.com/goa/ team.


2005-02-11 Thread \\\www.goa-world.com/goa/\\\
government to make common cause with the Opposition, which seized the 
opportunity to form a Congress-led United Legislature Party having 18 members. 
This strength was equal to that of the ruling coalition (17 BJP + 1 UGDP). The 
ruling coalition had clearly lost the majority. Following democratic 
conventions, Parrikar ought to have gracefully resigned. He did not and 
boasted instead that he would prove his majority on the floor of the House. 
Having exhibited the bravado that he would prove his majority on the floor of 
the House, Parrikar put another plan into operation, namely to get Independent 
MLA Philip Neri Rodrigues disqualified by hook or by crook. Two BJP MLAs filed 
a disqualification petition alleging that Rodrigues had joined the BJP in 
October 2002. The Speaker was to do the further dirty work. The Speaker 
summoned Rodrigues four hours before the sitting of the House. Apparently, the 
initial purpose was to frighten Rodrigues and to bring him back. But that 
purpose having failed, Parrikar, through Speaker Satarkar, tried to prevent 
him from voting in the House by asking him to leave the House under a rule 
which was, by all accounts, not applicable. This was deliberate because in 
order to ‘win’ the confidence vote, the strength of the Opposition had to be 
reduced to 17. That would result in a tie and the Speaker would have the 
casting vote. Governor Jamir is right when he says that the Speaker had 
virtually murdered democracy and that he (Jamir) acted in order to uphold the 

The painful and shameful episode of February 2 is a manifestation of greed for 
power, which leads to immoral, illegal and undemocratic acts by unscrupulous 
politicians. One of the reasons that could have encouraged Parrikar and his 
colleagues to resort to this highly condemnable conduct is that they had 
earlier got away with such undemocratic and unconstitutional acts on various 
occasions in the absence of a strong deterrent. This time they did not succeed 
because a vigilant governor was occupying Raj Bhavan at Dona Paula.

The writer is president of the Goa Konkani Akademi
(Today's Indian Express)

- Forwarded by www.goa-world.com

Appurbai Ghara koddem, Nhuim Voddea koddem!

KUDOS TO T-BUSH FILM 'THE LETTER' - excellent presentation!
Goa's finest  www.colaco.net  www.supergoa.com   www.goa-world.com 

Gulf Goans e-Newsletter yahoogroups.com/group/gulf-goans/ 
Moderator Gaspar Almeida/Presented by Uly Menezes, archived at:
www.goa-world.com/goa/ since 1994.
Thanks for the continued support of the www.goa-world.com/goa/ team.

[Goanet]How the west was really won....................... Hinduism still being misrepresented...... !

2005-01-14 Thread \\\www.goa-world.com/goa/\\\
The following text is quoted from this webpage:

How the west was really won.
Hinduism still being misrepresented in schools world

It's 8:00 a.m., and students slowly trickle into Mr.
West's 6th grade history class. The majority of the
people, including the teacher, are white. One
African-American, two Orientals, and myself, a second
generation Indian girl, make up the rest of the class.

On the blackboard is written World Religions. As the
rest of the class prepares for a boring two hours, I
can already feel my stomach sink - what did I do to
deserve this? 

We are handed a fill-in-the-blank chart of major world
religions and are instructed to look in our books for
the answers. Finishing quickly, I hand in my chart to
Mr. West at his desk, and turn to leave. Now wait a
minute, you put 'monotheistic' down for Hindooism, he

Goanet Admin Note: original message truncated as content can be read at above 
quoted website.

[Goanet]Goa House okays 'disqualification' of MLAs - Prakash Kamat (Economic Times)

2005-01-14 Thread \\\www.goa-world.com/goa/\\\
Goa House okays 'disqualification' of MLAs 

PANAJI: The Goa Assembly on Thursday passed the MLAs’ Removal of 
Disqualification Amendment bill, brushing aside combined Opposition protests, 
which sought to retrospectively immunise the election of persons holding 
office of profit. 

A controversial provision inserted in the amendment (to give retrospective 
effect to immunise the election) could have a direct bearing on an ongoing 
court case before the Bombay HC in connection with the election of two of the 
ruling BJP MLAs. The Opposition was vehemently opposed to the same and 
unsuccessfully appealed to CM Manohar Parrikar to withdraw the same. 

The amendment was moved by a member of the ruling side and the Opposition 
feared that the amendment would subvert the judicial process and undermine 
constitutional sanctity. 

This bill was brought to replace an ordinance promulgated by the state 
governor on September 15, ’04 to protect the office of Parliamentary secretary 
from incurring disqualification. 

The amendment sought by ruling party MLA Damodar Naik — giving retrospective 
effect to two of the offices mentioned in the schedule of offices of profit — 
assumes significance, and raised eyebrows because a petition filed by NCP’s 
two defeated candidates against the returned MLAs of the BJP is pending before 
the Goa bench of the Bombay HC. 

The Congress and NCP MLAs lambasted the Manohar Parrikar government in the 
state Assembly on Thursday, accusing the government of bringing the amendment 
to subvert the course of law in the said cases. 

Smarting under the attack, Mr Parrikar tried to defend the action and said the 
passing of the bill had “nothing to do with the said cases before the court.” 
He said the amendment did not apply to the cases in the HC, as the two MLAs 
involved didn’t hold office during the ’02 Assembly election. Besides, the 
House had been dissolved. 

He also argued that there were instances when amendments with retrospective 
effect had been enacted earlier. As such, he said the Opposition was making an 
issue out of nothing. 
Refusing to buy the CM’s argument, Wilfred de Souza, NCP president and lone 
MLA appealed to the “conscience of the members” and said that this amendment 
would tarnish the image of the state Assembly before the world. 

“When we vote for this, we should be cautious as we are vitiating the function 
of this House to make good laws and instead trying to bypass the very 
Constitution of India,” he said. 

Even if the ruling party goes ahead with passing of the amendments, he wanted 
the governor to either withhold his consent or refer the same to the President 
as “this bill would serve a purpose it is not supposed to serve, that is, to 
derogate the powers of the HC to endanger its position, which the Constitution 
is designed to fulfil,” he said. 

Deputy leader of the Opposition, Dayanand Narvekar, said that passing of the 
bill would mean subverting the very jurisprudence and principle of democracy. 

(Economic Times)

Konknni Machiek Noman - A KGTS musical show with LORNA and a 
host of Konkani stage artistes  musician AGNELO DIAS on 4 Feb. 2005 in Kuwait.
Proceeds will go towards the welfare of retired tiatrists in Goa  Mumbai.
Gulf Goans e-Newsletter archived www.yahoogroups.com/group/gulf-goans/  
Moderator: Gaspar Almeida
Presented by Uly Menezes www.goa-world.com/goa/ since 1994

[Goanet]Prime Minister's National Relief Fund

2005-01-01 Thread \\\www.goa-world.com/goa/\\\
Forwarded message from: Goan Welfare Society - Kuwait

Embassy of India


No.KUW/ISI/303/1/2004 December 29, 


Dear Friend,

In response to the massive devastation caused by the recent earthquake 
and Tsunami tidal waves, Control Rooms and Information Centres have been set 
up in the Ministries of External Affairs and Home Affairs in New Delhi and in 
different State Capitals, as also in the Indian Embassies in the affected 
areas.  Details of these contact numbers are as under:

(I) Ministry of External Affairs (functional round-the-clock from 28th December 

Tel. No. 23011954, 23012292, 23017160, 

FAX: 23013945, 23010889 



(II) Ministry of Home Affairs

Tel. No. 23092885, 23092923, 

FAX: 23093750.


(III)State Capitals


(i) Tamil Nadu

(a)Relief Commissioner   Tel. No. 044-28523299 (Off),

044-24916322 (Res)

(b)   Control Room Tel. No. 044-28593990


(ii)   Kerala

(a)Relief Commissioner Tel. No. 0471-2325992, 2518408 (Off), 

0471-2432989 (Res)

(b)  Control RoomTel. No. 0471-2333198, 2327792


(iii) Andhra Pradesh

(a)Relief Commissioner   Tel. No. 040-23456005 (Off), 

040-23352451 (Res)

(b)   Control Room Tel. No. 040-23451043, 23456005


(iv) Andaman  Nicobar Islands

(a)Relief Commissioner Tel. No. 03192-234880 (Off), 

03192-234005 (Res)

(b)   Control Room Tel. No. 03192-231945, 233089

(c)District Collector, Nicobar   Tel. No. 03192-231945, 233089


(v)   Orissa

(a) Relief CommissionerTel. No. 0674-2536721 (Off), 

0674-2535799 (Res)


(IV) Control Rooms/Information Centres in Indian Embassies in affected areas:


(a) Kuala Lumpur

Information Centre: Tel. No. 00-603-20953369, 

Fax: 00-603-20933507, 20925826, 



(b)   Singapore

Information Centre: Tel. No. 90262594, 97536565


(c) Bangkok

i.  Direct helpline – Tel. No. 00-662-2604166

ii.  Embassy – Tel. No. 00-662-2580300-05

iii.  FAX: 00-662-2584627, 2621740, 2594871




i.  Information Centre – Tel. No. 00960-324857, 323015

ii. FAX: 00960-324778

iii.  Mobile: 00960-771728 (DHC)



(e)   Colombo 

i. Information Centre/Control Room:

  Tel. No. 0094-11-2472684, 2422788

  Fax: 009411-2446403, 2448166



i.  Information Centre – Tel. No. (62-21) 5204153

ii.  FAX: (62-21) 5204160



  Indian community members in Kuwait, wishing voluntarily to contribute 
to the assistance and relief efforts being provided to the victims of the 
tragedy may send their contributions either directly to the Prime Minister's 
National Relief Fund, Prime Minister's Office, South Block, New Delhi-110001, 
India (Fax:00-91-11-23016857/Tel:00-91-11-23012419) or to the Embassy of India 
(Special Counter in the Facilitation Centre) in Kuwait for forwarding it to the 
Prime Minister's Office in India (Contact persons in Embassy of India, Kuwait: 
Mr. Ram Rattan, First Secretary (Cons), Tel: 2533315 (off)/4860412 (res); Mr. 
A.K. Chandehoke, First Secretary (HOCInf.), Tel:2523304 (off)/2573903 (res); 
and Mr. Babu Paul, Attache, Tel.2573902 (off)/5628493 (res).  General telephone 
numbers of the Embassy: 2530600, 2530612, 2530613)


  The above information may please be disseminated by members of your 
association to facilitate a quick response to the anxious enquiries in 
connection with the tragedy as well as to guide them for making voluntary 
contributions to the relief efforts being made for the victims of the tragedy.


  With regards,

  Yours sincerely,

 (A. K. Chandehoke)

First Secretary (Inf.  HOC)

Commercial, E/I, Kuwait [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

All Indian Associations/Prominent Indians registered with the Embassy of India, 

--- Goan Welfare Society-Kuwait 

Re: [Goanet] SILVER JUBILEE OF G.O.A. Kuwait.

2004-12-31 Thread www.goa-world.com/goa/
[Goanet]SILVER JUBILEE OF G.O.A. Kuwait. 
A. Veronica Fernandes writes

This association was  called “Kuwait Goans” and it
was established by the late Aramando Carvalho and
Vincente D’Souza who is now settled down in Goa since
the time of invasion of Kuwait. 

- Kuwait Goans have been instrumental in getting the
first direct flight to Goa from a Gulf region and that
too by Air India. To-date this flight exist and it has
been a great solace to the travelling Goan (either
emergency, holiday or visit to Kuwait).  And the
person behind it was Vincent de Souza.  Not only the
direct flight issue was taken aggressively, but there
were hundreds of cases of Goans, who have received
assistance through the Kuwait Goans.  I know of a
couple of Goans whose passport work received priority
on just a telephone call from the members of Kuwait

Then came yet another Goan association known as “Goan
Arts Circle” only to organize cultural activities
which were not of high dimension.  

- Check out with the history of the Goa Cancer
Hospital project.  Who assisted them in collecting the
much needed funds?  Wasn't is the Goan Arts Circle
president, secretary and committee members?

All the above named associations lasted for very short
time though Kuwait Goans completed over 15 years and
then went into dormant stage.  

- Kuwait Goans is not the single most association
which went into hibernation, there are associations
like Kuwait Konkani Kendr (KKK), New Goans Overseas
Association (NGOA) among others.  It is felt that
there is an amalgamation of these two entities as some
of the members have joined forces of late with just a
name change.  When Agnelo Alcacoas was the president
of NGOA, this same fellow A.Veronica Fernandes was
hurling abuses on Agnelo Alcacoas and family and hence
after his departure from Kuwait, NGOA discontinued its
activities.  Remember the name calling 'family
clique'. Not everyone is short on memory.  

If Goa today is having the status of separate
statehood under Indian Union it is partly because of
the recognition of Konkani as an official language
of Goa and to make Konkani as an official language of
Goa, Kuwait Goans in general and G.O.A. in particular
have done yeomen services.

- Please elaborate what was Kuwait Goans and G.O.A.
contribution towards Goa's statehood and Konkani's
recognition. This is news to us.
What about the Goans in other associations? Or those
who were not affiliated to any outfits?  Did their
contribution went in vain?


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[Goanet]Betting odds?

2004-12-31 Thread www.goa-world.com/goa/
[Goanet]Betting odds? 
Mario Goveia goanet@goanet.org 

I previously said in a post:
Who quit and made Herman the Dada?  Who is Herman
anyway?  Never heard of him before now.

I have since learned:
I now know who Herman is and that he started Goanet,
and so he is legitimately its Dada.  Herman, I
salute you for your initiative in starting Goanet.

However, with all due respect, I find it patently
offensive  that some Goanetters irritation with
certain subjects and continuing debates should trample
on the free speech rights of others who may disagree. 
If such ideas prevail we have anarchy, sometimes the
anarchy of a majority, often of a small minority,
sometimes just a couple of fastidious elites.

This is like complaining of the content in any media
in a free society.  No one is forcing any individual
Goanetter to read every post or follow every debate. 
The subject line tells what the contents are likely to
be, and one can choose to delete or read, comment or

My comments:
I am fully supportive of the strong position you have
Keep up the fight Mario.


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Re: [Goanet]Are this postings not sufficient contribution to goanet

2004-12-31 Thread www.goa-world.com/goa/
I'm sure UKnow what I mean.

- And now I know who is the UKnow after this episode
from Darwaza.


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2004-12-31 Thread www.goa-world.com/goa/

The Ministry of Information  Broadcasting took
several initiatives during the year to further
facilitate media reach to the masses and also to
maintain the quality of content carried by various
media channels. 


Doordarshan’s Direct to Home (DTH) service launched.
The project would enable the viewers access to thirty
free-to-air channels, which include 17 TV channels of
the DD and 13 private channels. The Ku band
transmission project involved an investment of Rs. 164
crores. The channels available can be received by the
viewers through installation of a Set Top Box (STB)
and a small dish antenna. No separate monthly
subscription charges are payable by the viewers as in
the case of private DTH operator. 10,000 STBs and dish
antennae will be provided for community viewing. The
full set containing dish and antennae, satellite
receiving equipment excluding TV receivers would be
provided free of cost to institutions such as
Anganwadis, Schools, Public Health Centres,
Panchayats, Youth Clubs and Cooperative Societies. The
number of free-to-air channels is proposed to be
raised to 40. On the uplinking side, fifty-six
companies have been permitted to uplink 146 channels
from India. 

Live Coverage of Parliament Proceedings 

Doordarshan launched two exclusive channels for the
live coverage of proceedings of Lok Sabha and Rajya
Sabha. India thus joins a select list of countries,
which telecast live the entire proceedings of their
legislative bodies. 

Special Package for JK 

A special package for improvement of Doordarshan and
All India Radio services in JK at an estimated cost
of Rs. 430 crore is currently under implementation.
Under the package, All India Radio/Doordarshan have
set up new Relay Stations/Transmitters of varying
power/Studios/Earth Stations, etc., and also upgraded
various existing projects. Under the special package
to improve radio coverage and radio signals in JK,
there is a proposal for extending coverage of Kashir
Channel for five more years with enhanced quality
content in terms of software, as also efforts to
improve the reception of both the Kashir Channel and
general transmission in the State of JK. 

Community Radio

In order to empower local communities and encourage
local participation and address local issues specially
relating to the farmers and weaker sections of
society, the Ministry along with DD and AIR is
implementing schemes of ‘Community Radio’ and ‘narrow
casting’. The narrow casting is operational from 12
LPTs in analog mode, one center each in Maharashtra,
Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Karnataka,
Chattisgarh and Jharkhand and from two centers in

Country’s first Community Radio Station became
operational since 1st February 2004 at Anna
University, Chennai. 26 letters of intent have been
issued and 10 institutions signed License Agreements
with the Ministry. Broad basing of the current policy
envisages that the local communities including Gram
Sabhas, Civil Services Organizations will run their
own Community Radio Stations. 72 new radio stations
are proposed to be set up in the country. At present,
215 All India Radio stations including 14 in Uttar
Pradesh, are functioning in the country. 

FM Radio

About 400 stations have been identified, which are
envisaged to be utilized for expansion of private FM
radio in phase II. Recommendations of TRAI have been
examined and the matter is now under consideration
between the Ministry and the TRAI. 


Several initiatives have been taken to bring about
changes in the entertainment sector in the interest of
the overall development of this sector. The major
steps include, Institutional and bank financing are
now accessible to the entertainment industry; 100%
Foreign Director Investment is permissible in the
sector; Government has led participation in global
markets with a view to enhancing visibility of film
industry; Audiovisual co-production agreements with
other countries are being explored to expand avenues
of finances and markets for the Indian film industry

As part of a new initiative in JK, a nine-day film
festival was held in Srinagar in November, 2004, in
collaboration with the Government of JK. The festival
was inaugurated with the screening of the new colour
print of the film Mughal-e-Azam and some award winning
Iranian films were also shown. The festival was
extremely well received. Approximately 20,000 people,
both young and old, attended the festival. Festival of
Children’s Films, the first of its kind, was organized
in Srinagar in October, 2004 and DVDs of children’s
films were distributed to army personnel. 

In order to check piracy of films, the Ministry
brought film producers, multi-service operators and
cable operators together, and they had jointly
resolved not to exhibit films without valid permission
from the copyright holders. The other measures
include, suggested lowering of the entertainment tax
to a ceiling of 45 per 

[Goanet]Are this postings not sufficient contribution to goanet

2004-12-30 Thread www.goa-world.com/goa/
[Goanet]Centre okays second weekly flight from Dubai
to Goa   www.goa-world.com 
[Goanet]Parrikar Govt giving priority to social
sectors - 350 cr for education, 130 cr. for health, 10
cr. for Canacona hospital  45 cr. for Mapusa hospital
  Goa's Pride www.goa-world.com 
[Goanet]Goa Govt. schemes for betterment of Goans  
Goa's Pride www.goa-world.com 
[Goanet]So it was the media and patrakars which report
Rs. 120 crores for IFFI ?   Goa's Pride
[Goanet]Kuwait’s first private airline to start in
Feb.   Goa's Pride www.goa-world.com 
[Goanet]Second autopsy ordered over cause of Brazilian
player’s death in India   Goa's Pride
[Goanet]KGTS all set with their Mega Musical Konknni
Machiek Noman in Kuwait   Goa's Pride
[Goanet]Cheapie Brits visiting Goa along their
butlers, chefs and cooks   Goa's Pride
[Goanet]Re: Goa Govt Schemes ...   Goa's Pride
[Goanet]Tsunami scare: Tourists flee Goa  
[Goanet]Indian students win Oracle's ThinkQuest award 
[Goanet]Tiatr commentators   www.goa-world.com/goa/ 
[Goanet]Blogs become eyes and ears of disaster  

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[Goanet]Re: Betting odds

2004-12-30 Thread www.goa-world.com/goa/
For the record, the stated identity of this poster is
bogus, which is made all the more obvious since this
phony poster is also severly spelling challenged with
respect to last names.

To  : Bosco De Mello.

Bosco, can you find out what is this confusao about?
This need not be a on and off accusation hurdled on
the matching/similarity of the same IP.  I have no
account with lycos to the best of my knowledge and
neither wish to have one as I have paid subscription.

If someone wishes me to unsubscribe I had given this
option a long time ago to you.  The stubbornness of
the admin team in implicating me with uncalled for
tirade is yet another example of nirdukai and nothing

Appreciate your feedback.

Should anyone wish for a free account, please log in
to www.goa-world.com/goa/


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[Goanet]Blogs become eyes and ears of disaster

2004-12-30 Thread www.goa-world.com/goa/
 on the beach hinting at the
disaster are the lack of deck chairs. People are back
on the sand lying on towels. A few of the beachside
hotels and bars have opened again. The debris has been
cleared from the main street and several buildings
have been demolished. We have regular helicopter
patrols overhead and the odd airplane. There are many
water tankers passing through. . . .

The British Broadcasting Corporation has also invited
survivors to post their stories on its website. Here
are two messages from Canadians: Message to Kevin
Tunbridge, Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk: Our daughter
Lindsey says that they are stranded in Koh Lanta
(southern Thailand) as of afternoon of Dec. 27 (their
time). Ferry was not running to Krabi. People safe at
higher levels. Marla Wyer, North Vancouver, B.C.,

Also on the BBC was this message from Damean of
Canada: My uncle who lives in Kalmunai, Batticaloa,
in Sri Lanka had his house destroyed while he was at
church a mere 15 minutes away.
- Forwarded by AlmeidaG(ji), www.goa-world.com/goa/

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[Goanet]Tiatr commentators

2004-12-29 Thread www.goa-world.com/goa/
This is one of the many reports which were posted on
tiatr and tiatrists in Kuwait - some of these
tiatrists will be seen in January-February 2005 for
the upcoming shows:

As scheduled, Kuwait Goan Tiatristanchi Sonvstha
initiated by Marcus Vaz as announced on the stage,...

- Pray remember was this sonstha not formed in the
first instant by Marcus Vaz as he could not take your
barrage of name calling of fellow professional and
award winning tiatrists.

Though the show was scheduled to begin at 3.30, it
finally started at 4.10. The show was attended by the
capacity crowd.

- Ofcourse, with over 50 artistes and musicians, the
show was unique and a first time at this grand scale.
The second one also promises wholesome entertainment.
Hope they allow you to be amongst them.

Before the start of the show, Derek Mendes one of the
sons of the late Anthony Mendes inaugurated the
photographic display of some of the dead artistes.
A. Veronica Fernandes

- Now the question is: wasn't this gap consumed for
the brief introductory speech, Derek Mendes'
introduction to the audience, the walk-along to the
display area, photos session, etc.  
Oh! It was just for the sake of usual jealousy that
got you running to post the item. Archives of
goanet.org do not lie.

I timed the start at 3:38 p.m. True to tradition, a
small prayer backstage by all the performing artistes
must have taken 5-6 minutes.  So considering this, the
show did start in time.  A rarity, ofcourse,
considering other outfits similar presentations.

Possibly its time to get a new goddial (watch). Didn't
I read someone in the U.K. recommending a Titan this
week on goanet?

Such tiatr commentators have a lot to learn on the
basics of posting such comments in a balanced manner
rather than make themselves a laughing stock of the
cyber community.


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[Goanet]Indian students win Oracle's ThinkQuest award

2004-12-29 Thread www.goa-world.com/goa/
Indian students win Oracle's ThinkQuest award 

Bangalore, Dec. 29 (PTI): A website on Yoga created by
a joint team of students from India and the United
States has been adjudged the first place winner in the
19-and-under category of Oracle's global, educational
website contest -- ThinkQuest. 

Ajinkya, Rahul and Sagar along with their coach
Sangram Patil, all from Kolhapur, will join a group of
outstanding students selected from all over the globe
in three different categories, at ThinkQuest Live --
an educational conference and awards event, scheduled
to be held in the US in 2005. 

Oracle's ThinkQuest competition, which is held twice
every year, is open to teams across the globe. 

This time's winning websites reflect ThinkQuest's
unique focus on collaborative, cross-cultural
learning, featuring team members from nine countries
-- Australia, Germany, India, Mexico, the Netherlands,
Pakistan, Singapore, the United Kingdom and the United
States, an Oracle statement said. 

The Indo-US winning team in the 19-and-under category,
won the ThinkQuest competition for their website Yoga
- The Ultimate Attainment. 

Coached by Sangram Patil from India and Van Truong
from the US, the team, through their website, has
sought to tackle misconceptions about yoga and provide
an in-depth introduction to yoga and its scientific
basis and its interpretation. 

- Forwarded by AlmeidaG(ji), www.goa-world.com/goa/

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[Goanet]Promoting Konkani Musical Shows and belittling tiatrists

2004-12-28 Thread \\\www.goa-world.com/goa/\\\
Researched on the Net and found it archived at www.goanet.org:

These Rostad audience normally occupy backbenches and their motto is not to see 
the tiatro peacefully but to create disorder.  If you see them carefully you can
easily identify them and their background.

.Tinpot Rostad tiatrits (tiatrist) (sic) and regretably accepted by other 
tiatrists who are equally Rostad.  He never made an attempt to kill the art of
tiatr in any tiatrist as it is done in Kuwait by some Rostad tiatrists under 
the leadership of one double Rostad tiatrist who was formerly a drug addict 
and a rapist.

A. Veronica Fernandes,

- Why can't this fellow, A.Veronica Fernandes, expose the name of the tiatrist 
and the other tiatrists in question? Who is he afraid of?
Promoting Konkani Musical Shows in the name of Konkani and Tiatr and belittling 
Konkani tiatrists.
What a paradox, indeed.
Just curious.


[Goanet]'Konkani Nightingale' Ms. LORNA to enthrall Kuwait audience for KGTS 'Konkani Machiek Noman' musical show

2004-12-28 Thread \\\www.goa-world.com/goa/\\\
'Konkani Nightingale' Ms. LORNA to enthrall Kuwait audience 
for KGTS 'Konkani Machiek Noman' musical show

The Managing Committee of the Kuwait-Goa Tiatristanchi Sonvstha and  its 
members greets all Konkani lovers and announces  the versatile Goan singer  and 
diva Ms. Lorna will be the star of the second Konkani musical show in Kuwait 
titled Konknni Machiek Noman scheduled for 4th February 2005 organized by 
Kuwait Goa  Tiatristanchi Sonvstha (KGTS) which will be held at the Gulf 
English School Auditorium, Rumaithiya.  

The first musical show last year titled 'Tiatr ani Tiatrist' was a unique blend 
of presenation with scores of musicians and  stage artistes.  The proceeds of 
the KGTS shows goes towards support of seniormost Konkani stage artistes 
presently in Goa and Mumbai. 

Ms. Lorna, known as the 'Konkani Nightingale', began her singing career with 
renowned music director late Chris Perry in the 60s and  has mesmerised 
audiences in India and abroad with her golden voice. 

Ms. Lorna has also sung in Konkani movies and has hits such as Sorga 
Rajeant, Bebdo, Pisso and Lisboa among several others.  
Await for more suprises on this mega event or contact KGTS members (email:  
Links: http://www.goanet.org/pipermail/goanet/2004-December/021782.html

(c) GWNews

[Goanet]IFRA Exhibition Football Match on 31st Dec. 2004 in Kuwait

2004-12-28 Thread \\\www.goa-world.com/goa/\\\

A.E. D'Souza, founder and president of Indian Fooball Referees Association 
(IFRA), founder and ex-president of Kuwait Indian Football Federation (KIFF), 
after  serving as  president of IFRA for a long time, is retiring and is 
shortly due to leave Kuwait for good.  
In order to facilitate this great personality for his untiring services 
provided for sports and football in particular since its inception on Soor 
grounds, IFRA is organizing an exhibition football match between star studded 
Curtorcares United and Kuwait Duty Free-sponsored United Friends Club on 
Friday, 31st December 2004 at Soor Grounds at 8:00 a.m.  
The Managing Committee and members of IFRA hereby coordially invites all 
football lovers to witness this exciting match and to be a part of this unique 
celebration for a unique person, A.E. D'Souza.

Bernardo Fernandes
General Secretary
Indian Football Referees Association (IFRA)
P.O. Box 341, Dasman 15454, Kuwait
Tel: 4725210 - 2404914
Fax: 4725210 - 2454246

A.E. D'Souza (standing 5th from left)   (c) www.goa-world.com/goa/
Web link on IFRA:  http://www.goa-world.com/goa/sports/ifra.htm

[Goanet]Tsunami scare: Tourists flee Goa

2004-12-27 Thread www.goa-world.com/goa/
Tsunami scare: Tourists flee Goa
   By: Yogesh Naik / Mid Day

Foreigners are fleeing India’s premier tourist
destination Goa fearing a tsunami impact on its

Goa, a magnet for Christmas and New Year revellers due
to its lovely beaches, has nearly three lakh tourists
already. Of these, nearly 50,000 are foreigners. 

However, the party for the state tourism department
has been spoiled by the tidal waves that hit India’s
southern and eastern shores yesterday and claimed over
3,200 lives.

“Foreigners are leaving in panic,” Goa’s tourism
director and Captain of Ports Elvis Gomes told Mid
Day, though he could not specify just how many had
left till late last night. 

“They are scared after watching the news channels and
reading up on the disaster on websites. 

Actually the main disaster has passed, without any
damage to Goa, but their decision to leave is an
after-effect,” Gomes said.

Though state police and hotel managements denied any
foreign tourist exodus, there was a huge rush
yesterday at Patto in Panjim, from where buses leave
for other states. 

The rush for buses was because flights and trains
leaving Goa were already full owing to the holiday

The foreign tourists themselves did not hide their

Emily Richards, a Portuguese national, said, “India is
very scary. I saw gory pictures of floods on TV. I
want to leave this place immediately.” 

She took one of the night buses from Patto to Mumbai,
from where she will board a flight for her country.

Another tourist, Vincent Simons, who was leaving
Panjim with his girlfriend said: “We can’t say whether
there will be another earthquake. It’s better to be at
a safer place.”

P Sapna, an official at Goa’s Park Hyatt Hotel at
Arrosim, said foreign tourists were very worried. 

“They keep watching news channels, demand updated
information and ask whether Goa will be affected.
Indian tourists are not very worried, but still
everyone is indoors,” she pointed out.

Madhu Phadte, owner of a shack, Shiva’s Place, at
Vagator beach in North Goa said: “We saw a sudden rise
in water levels at 1 pm yesterday. Three Indians, a
couple and their kid, were being carried by the high

They raised an alarm and two foreigners rescued them.
Soon after this, panic spread on the beach and it was

While Mathew Pereira, manager of hotel Tusada Tauma
said the Calangute beach looked gloomy yesterday, Azim
Quazi of Coconut Grove at Betalbatim beach in South
Goa said the water levels suddenly started rising late
last evening. “We had organised a party at the beach. 

Since the water levels rose, we quickly finished the
party and returned to the hotel,” he said.

Goa’s deputy inspector-general of police Muktesh
Chander denied foreign tourists were leaving the
state. “Maybe it’s the weekend rush,” he said, adding
that a general alert had been issued to all coastal
police stations to keep a watch on sea waters.

However, sources in the Goa government said all
possible steps should be taken to ensure that panic
does not spread, because business during the new year
would be affected if it does. 

Goa gets 20 lakh tourists every year.

Gomes said the government had issued advisories and
asked river cruise operators and water sports
operators not to venture out into the seas and the
Mandovi river, but that was just a word of caution.

“No one needs to be scared. All tourists should bear
with us for one or two days,” he noted.
‘After-shocks may be felt for next 3-4 days’

After-shocks of Sunday’s earthquake may be felt for
the next 3-4 days and people living in coastal areas
should take special care during the next two days,
experts have warned.

The east and south coast of India was lashed by
tsunamis triggered by a major earthquake [measuring 8
.9 on the Richter scale] with the epicentre in the
island of Sumatra, Indonesia in Southeast Asia. 

“Whenever this type of earthquake occurs, after-shocks
can be expected. In this case, after-shocks may
continue for 3-4 days,” Earthquake Risk Evaluation
Centre’s director A K Shukla said adding, “It may even
go beyond that.”

Although the after-shocks are of lesser magnitude, he
said, “For 1-2 days, people should take care along
coastal areas.”

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2004-12-26 Thread www.goa-world.com/goa/
I have a keen eye to details, specially when it comes
to Tiatr and Tiatrists.  Hence my comments as below,
often of those whose only ambitions are to circulate
copies under the door mats:

A. Veronica Fernandes writes:
In the past M. Boyer was known to compose fast songs
on the latest topics.  
In Kuwait we also have Rosary Ferns who is also known
to compose fast songs on the latest topics.
- Yes, Rosary Ferns song 'Kavllo rodlo lozen' is
indeed a good composition in his recently released
VCD.  This does not mean that M.Boyer can be equated
to this talented youngster by a guy who does not have
an indepth knowledge of what's tiatr and what's a
musical show. Please say the rosary three times today
for a better enlightenment!
Please do not bluff Konkani tiatr lovers. The great
artiste that he is, M.Boyer does not need such a
mention in bad light from an unknown entity for
publicity gimmicks of a musical show.

Rosary Ferns in his songs describes in detail all the
aspects of the injury, soccer and death of the 
- I am sure Rosary will not take the bait and do a
number of controversial songs. How many songs can be
sung by a single artiste on the same topic unless the
audience goes for a 'Condolence Meet'.  Please get a
replay done of the TV news before the audience gets
injured themselves and bore to death.

For all the soccer lovers listening to this song is a
must and it will be on 14.01.05 at Hawally A/C Hall
during the Heritage Musical Show 05.  
- Hope this does not get the roustead audience wild
and make you collect the legwear and disposables
showered on you.

- What's so funny in advertising the A/C Hall!  It's
cold in here - 8-15 Degree Centigrades, with an upward
trend going in the bottom direction as the show date
nears. Indeed a free cup of tea/coffee by the
organizers will indeed satisfy the roustaed audience
seated in the A/C Hall before they scramble on you
thinking it's white (nay blue eyed) Christmas.

Tiatrists are known to highlight some of the important
topics of day to day life and Rosary Ferns in Kuwait 
is also doing so.  
- Wake up, Santa Claus has come to town.

Besides him there are others too who sing on different

topics but Cristiano Junior's topic is very sensitive.
- Did you miss the replay. If so, visit the archives
of goanet or footballindia.com  
I am positive that Fidelis Fernandes will see to it
that such topics are not repeated, under his
direction. He is know to give a wholesome
entertainment and has a good know-how of organizing
unlike the guy in question.

Rosary depicts in his song the correct picture of the
incident and highlights on many other things about
this topic in his song.  
- Please do not go too bostereous as even a strong
bull ultimately leads to the slaughter's. What correct
picture can be given after the medics version.

Everything one will come to know while listening to
this trio on 14th January at 4.00 pm during the
Heritage Musical Show 05.  
- If this is a musical show in the name of Cristiano,
let's instead organize a football tournament and give
him a resounding farewell and the collected proceeds
to the family of the deceased.  This will indeed show
a Goan's gratitude rather than be entertained on the
cost of the departed soul.  Musical Show depicting sad
stories does not auger well with roustaed audience as
per a previous posting by this fellow.

The local press is highlighting the news of this show
and technicolour handbills are already distributed at
Sour Ground and near the Church.  
- Which tiatr/show is not publized free of charge by
the local English dailies. Did you see a colourful
tri-colour handout print in technical colour of 'Hem
Kazar Koslem - musical show' and 'Lokachim Tondam
Bond'.  Please visit the archives of
www.goa-world.com/goa/ if you have a memory lapse.

Besides, all the artistes locals as well as visiting
will give fabulous entertainment of songs like solos,
duets, trios and quartets.  
- Hope the old songs are not sung and the audience
taken for a ride in an oft-repeat situation comedy
gimmicks as last time.

The visiting artistes are topmost comedian Prince
- Isn't Comedian Ben Evengelisto voted 'the Best
Comedian by GULAB' - as we read it as 'Topmost
Comedian'?  If this is not so, then we demand a

.latest young collegian Goan sensation Veeam Bond
Braganza who is rightly dubbed as second Lorna 
- Good introduction.  Let's hope for the best.  

The great singer Miss LORNA herself visits Kuwait for
the KGTS 2nd musical show in February 2004!  Is this
breaking news, it sure is.

and a great author of so many books and writer of
high grade Bonaventure Pietro who will dazzle the
crowd by playing on the stage blowing instruments.
- High grade in what? Do not feel shy to write about
Konkani? What happened to the 'Sahitya Award' you guys
had expected? Will it ever come? The writer of high
grade is plagued and suffering

[Goanet]WEBSITE for St. John of the Cross Church - Sanquelim

2004-12-26 Thread \\\www.goa-world.com/goa/\\\
Dear Friends,
I take this opportunity to inform you that our newly renovated Church of our 
Patron Saint - St. John of the Cross Church is inaugurated on 19th of December 
2004, by our Archbishop Felipe Neri Ferrao. On this happy ocassion the official 
WEBSITE is released:


With due respect, I wish to thank our donors, sponsors and all our friends who 
helped our church in one way or the other. May our Patron St. John bless you 
all always.

You are kindly requested to access the site and give your valuable comments by 

Yours In Jesus Christ,
Laurie M/Kuwait

The village of Sanquelim (Casabe de Sanquelim) is a part of the Bicholim Taluka 
in Goa, covering an area of 45.10 hectares and a total area of 1069.93 hectares 
along with Arvalem and Virdi coming under a single panchayat jurisdiction. Of 
the total population of 84,532 in Bicholim taluka [1991 census], 82.5 % are 
Hindus, 4.9 % are Muslims, 2.42 % are Christians and the rest (0.20 per cent) 
belong to other faiths.

Although the Christians comprise a miniscule percentage of the total population 
in the taluka, under the aegis of the Archdiocese of Goa and Daman and the two 
parishes of Bicholim and Sanquelim it has played a pivotal role in social 
development of the community. The Sanquelim parish is one of the two parishes 
in Bicholim Taluka with the Church dedicated to St. John and the Cross. The 
Christian population constituted just 7.39% of the population in the panchayat 
jurisdiction of Sanquelim, Harvalem and Virdi in 1992 (Directory, 1992).


The church dedicated to St. John of the cross was built as a chapel in 1826 at 
the initiative of Archbishop Frei Manoel de S Galdino from the donations raised 
by the faithful and the Portuguese Government (Catao 1955). In the subsequent 
year i.e. on 11.12.1827, the chapel was detached from the parish of Bicholim 
and upgraded as a distinct and separate parish. For a major part of period, 
this church has been looked after by the Jesuits. The church was rebuilt on two 
earlier occasions namely in 1933 and in 1948.


At present the parish is under the charge of the Redemptorists (The 
congregation of the most Holy Redeemer) with Fr. James D’ Costa as the Parish 
Priest. The church today, boasts of various vibrant institutions / associations 
and religions orders that are deeply associated with it and which carry on its 
mission of service. The congregation of the sisters of St. Anne of Divine 
Providence renders yeoman service in the social sphere of the village. Since 
their entry into the village way back in 1964, there has been no looking back. 
Their pioneering work in the small scale industry with activities like chalk 
making, candle making and macaroni making kept many a home fires burning. The 
primary school for girls, typewriting and shorthand institute for the youth and 
the dispensary for the poor and needy are ably run by the sisters who besides 
this lend their helping hand in the varied activities of the church. Truly, the 
seeds of service to humanity sowed in Tusia Italy in 1834 have bloomed
 all around Sanquelim.

The Confraria do Santissimo Sacramento e Nossa Senhora dos Milagres is a 
committee of the parishioners which helps the Parish Priest in running the day-
to-day affairs of the church.

The church runs and manages a school ( St. John of the Cross Primary/High 
School) which has carved a niche for itself in the academic field. Some of the 
teachers themselves are proud ex-students of the school. Besides, many an ex-
student holds very high positions in the government and the private sectors.

The socio-economic development of Sanquelim in the recent past has attracted 
many people including Christians in Sanquelim. An increase in the size of the 
Christian population and normal weakening of the church structure due to 
ravages of time had made the task of rebuilding the church urgent and 
necessary. This task had to be carried out with surgical precision so as not to 
destroy the historical importance of the old structure. In view of this, the 
front façade (Baroque) has been left untouched so as to preserve this aesthetic 
structure of historical importance for posterity.


19th December 2004 is a day of joy and rejoicing for all Sankhalikars. It is a 
day on which His Grace Archbishop Patriarch Filipe Neri Ferrao will bless the 
newly renovated church. It is a happy coincidence that it is also the 
liberation day of Goa . Let us the Christians of Sanquelim put into practice 
the teachings of St. John of the Cross. Let us join hands with people of other 
communities to make Sanquelim a jewel in our beautiful land.  Let us resolve to 
maintain our age-old communal harmony in this famous spiritual place by 
spreading the tapestry of love. More specifically, let us as fellow pilgrims 
and under