2006-04-11 Thread Araujo Jose
 Domnic Fernandes continues (Part III) his reminiscence of 
   Mapusa of the 1950s
Thought of sharing this information .

Monday, April 10, 2006
Jesus Christ!

The television connection at home was down over the weekend, as were a few
other electronic items, which made life very very different. I desist from
saying 'difficult', for this is how things were once upon a time not so long
ago, before technology carpet-bombed our homes, and minds.

Not an avid TV watcher, except for the late-night, male-specific zombie act
with the remote control, I wasn't too bothered. But on learning that
National Geographic was telecasting its documentary on the Gospel of Judas
on Sunday night, I decided to have myself invited for drinks by a friend,
and thus ended up catching the rivetting drama.

This piece had been simmering since the news of the Gospel of Judas broke on
Thursday-Friday, and although my favourite Sunday columnist Vir Sanghvi has
quite taken the wind out of the sails I was planning to use, let me share my
thoughts on the matter.

There's a lot one can dislike about the West, but at the same time there's
much more one can like about it.

Conversely, there's such a lot one can love about India, and at the same
time there's so much one can dislike about it.

Without doubt, for me the whole Gospel of Judas episode reaffirms my belief
in the liberal nature of Western civilisation. Make no mistake, the latest
Gospel strikes at the very core of Christiandom as we know it. Yet, there
are no protests, no opposition, no cries of 'Christianity in danger' or any
such thing. It's possible that many among the experts who worked on
authenticating the gospel were practicing/believing Christians. Yet, when it
came to lending science's cachet to the documents, there was no holding

Has the religion weakened one bit? On the contrary, I think the faith has
gained from the whole episode. Sure, everyone knows how organised religions
work, so there's no surprise at how the gospel was sought to be suppressed
in the early days of Christianity. Suppression of inconvenient texts,
opinions, after all, is the stape of all faiths. We see it all the time
around us.

I maybe wrong, but for the life of me I cannot imagine such a scenario in
India, like new evidence presenting our epics in a new light and the country
going about its usual business. Once upon a time, maybe, but now? No way. We
were the original liberal civilisation, yet today we have let dogma take
over and stultify everything. Before you start throwing stones, abuse etc my
way, let me add that my faith is firm, and needs no certification or
affirmation from a bunch of lunatics.

While I was mulling over the Gospel of Judas, another news report in a
morninger today caught my eye. That was about the central government
readying to throw the book at artist M F Husain for offending sentiments
with some of his paintings. Regular readers of this blog know my views on
that artificial controversy so I will not waste time repeating it. But the
contrast between the two cultures has never been starker in my mind than
when I read this report.

What struck me the most as I read about and watched the Judas gospel was the
language that was attributed to Jesus Christ:

'...You will sacrifice the man that clothes me...' Jesus is said to have
told Judas. For us in India, this is familiar language, and harks back to
the Vedanta and so many of our mystics who deride the physical body as an
impediment after realising their self. I will not get into the argument
whether Jesus visited India and picked up eastern spirituality, as suggested
by a school of thought, but restrict myself to observing that the land from
which such liberalism sprung seems to have lost its course.

Which is the real tragedy.
so believes Saisuresh Sivaswamy

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2006-04-11 Thread Araujo Jose
 Domnic Fernandes continues (Part III) his reminiscence of
   Mapusa of the 1950s

-- Forwarded message --
From: Araujo Jose <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Apr 10, 2006 2:10 PM
To: goanet@goanet.org

Here we go again, first its Judas did not betray Jesus, try surfing
the website www.timesofindia.com and you will see the flashy animated
articel Exclusive Gospel of Judas.

A study in Miami states from the New Testament"Jesus walked on Water"
while a Florida University professor believes there could be a less
miraculous explanation -he walked on a floating piece of ice"
as his study found an unusual combination of water and atmospheric
conditions in what is now nothern israel. which could have led to ice
formation on the Sea of Galilee.

The professor used records of the Mediterranean Sea's surface
temperatures and statistical models to examine the dynamics of the sea
of Galilee which israelis know now as lake Kinneret. The study found
that a period of cooler temperatures in the area between 1,500 and
2,600 years agn could have included the decades in which jesus lived.A
drop in temperature below freezing could have caused ice thick enough
to support a human from on the surface of the freshwater lake near the
western shore. Nof the professor of oceanography at Florida State
University said it might have been highly impossible for distant
observers to see apiece of Floating ice surrounded by Water.

Nof offered his study--published in the April edition of the
Journal of Paleolimnology- as a "possible explanation" for  JESUS WALK

He concluded saying " If you ask me if i believe someone walked on
water no i don't" May be somebody walked on the ice I don't' know . I
believe that something natural was there that explains it"

Just pray that we don't have to hear or read one day " JESUS WAS NOT JESUS"

Araujo Jose

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2006-04-09 Thread Araujo Jose
 Domnic Fernandes continues (Part III) his reminiscence of 
   Mapusa of the 1950s
Today's Times of India which was updated at 11.41 hrs IST , (i was surfing

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[Goanet] Portuguese Passports

2006-04-09 Thread Araujo Jose
 Domnic Fernandes continues (Part III) his reminiscence of 
   Mapusa of the 1950s
Mario's comment on growing respect towards indians in many countries could
be partially right due to the nuclear programmes, Information Technology
booming (but most is now being outsourced) engineers, docs, etc. but that
does not stop the authorities at the immigration to lookdown on the Indian

As Mario comments Indians are taking over England but there is a strong
resentment to it among the Brits.(though brit's can't help it).

When Mario explains the above issues , indirectly he too accepts that Indian
PP are not respected unlike Portuguese Passport. I hope Mario has an Indian

Mario may have read and seen on TV's how india is progressing and shining ,
but merely sitting at one corner of the World you may not experience the
situations on Ground and i can tell you by experience's all is not well with
Indian Passport .

We should question ourselves why having an EU passport is better than Indian
Passport, why the trend in today's world is moving to US and other
places and the craze for Green Card, why all this fuss. Hundreds and
thousands of Indians accross the Globe are seeking for dual citizenship, or
some trying to renounce their Indian citizenship by abiding the law of those
countries which allows them to be a citizen .

Araujo Jose

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[Goanet] PRE & POST 1961- OH TO BE IN GOA

2006-04-08 Thread Araujo Jose
 Domnic Fernandes continues (Part III) his reminiscence of 
   Mapusa of the 1950s
Congs. to Oscar & Hazel Lobo , for their contribution on the above subject i
must say i have atleast learnt things which i did not know .

Wish those writers who want it their way but can't have it  accept the fact
,that Portuguese were a decent nation and who did something to Goans is a
matter of appreciation  and PRE-1961 was better.

Araujo Jose

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[Goanet] Who can take up this exercise

2006-04-06 Thread Araujo Jose
 Domnic Fernandes continues (Part II) his reminiscence of 
   Mapusa of the 1950s
WHo can take up this exercise of checking how many unsolved cases are lying
with dust covered in the courts of law in Goa, how many innocent victims are
Languishing in Goa Jails, how many cases and from which year employment
exchange has been recruiting and not recuriting educated youth, or is it pay
first and only then we shall send you a call letter from Exchange.Who can
tell us the crime rate in Goa, has it increased or decreased?

Any takers?

Araujo J

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[Goanet] Priest Murdered

2006-04-05 Thread Araujo Jose
 Domnic Fernandes continues (Part II) his reminiscence of 
   Mapusa of the 1950s
Let's get our minds together and track down on the investigations being
carried out by the police, confessions being made by the accused and the
status of the case , whether justice is going to prevail, if yes thank God
if not then we all have to be blamed for it.

Offtrack issue are being discussed about this murder which i think
personally is not a good sign of discussion on the net. Let's stick to the
gist of the subject matter and disregard the rest as it has no end.

United we stand divided we fall

Araujo Jose

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[Goanet] Of Portuguese passports, migrants & OCI status

2006-04-05 Thread Araujo Jose
 Domnic Fernandes continues (Part II) his reminiscence of 
   Mapusa of the 1950s

Personal experience makes one wise, if you wanna experience try this
receipe. Carry two passports one indian and other European or /East African
or any other african country check Produce all of them in a jumbled order
the immigration authorities at any airport, he's gonna pick Indian Last.

Second objective question, At the Mumbai International airport , carry an
indian PP and other European , check it out for yourself.

Thirdly there are many Indians accross the globe who are dubious in their
moves and behaviour (its sad though) but one has to live with it, if the
financial climate suits them in USA then they are USA Indians, and so forth,
gone are those days of patriotism. Today its survival of the fittest .

In short acquiring a Portuguese Passport for every Goan is must, the
argument is why are we moving out of GOA and paving way for outsiders to
move in, its a cycle as we move out others move in GOA and we do the
same in the rest of the world.

Love Goa, Love Goans, Love your motherland Love your country but if
Goenkars do get a chance to travel with a Portuguese Passport anywhere in
the world, do go but please turn back to help other Goenkars who want to
climb the ladder of prosperity with the rest of Goans, turn back by
contributing to your motherland Goa.

Araujo Jose

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