[Goanet]Abbe Faria, yet again.

2004-06-14 Thread J. Loiola Pereira
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Email 'sneezings' all these!
I click the Send button once and ... out comes a triple dispatch of the same
document on the same day!
Looked as if I was bent on having Isabel Vas' article on the great Abbe read
by all.
That was the story of the posting of  the not-so-brief text "Abade Faria --
A Forgotten Goan Pioneer?" on the 10th instant.

Today, it's a slightly different story.
The readers may remember my earlier posting -- "Abbe Faria remembered" --
sent in the small hours of the 10th.
It was about a meeting that took place in Panjim, to celebrate the 248th
birth anniversary of our hero.
Well, I received some three days back, a report on the same meeting,
prepared by Matanhy Saldanha, with a request that I send it to the Goanet.
Now that he has become a Cabinet Minister, I hasten to send it across ...
lest I be brought to book!
J. Loiola Pereira.

Read on ...

P.O. Box 242,
Panjim - Goa

For favour of Publication on the Goanet

The 248th birthday of the great Goan, Abade Faria, was celebrated by a group
of citizens at Club Vasco da Gama on the 31st of May, 2004.

The chief guest for this celebration, the honourable Minister for Art and
Culture, Mr. Ramrao Desai said that it is unfortunate that we Goans are not
aware of our own greatness in the form of individuals like Abade Faria and
others and thus he said is the reason we forget our own identity. Heritage
has to be protected, but everything cannot be classified as heritage. He was
very enthusiastic about publishing books on Abade Faria and said that the
Government and his Department would definitely help.

Mr. Matanhy Saldanha who has spearheaded this movement for the recognition
of Great Goans, welcomed the chief guest and said Abade Faria is a son of
the soil that is still unknown to many in Goa, and it is imperative that we
project our own great men so that the younger generation has role models
that can inspire them to great heights and give them a sense of identity
they can be proud of. Goa has produced great men but the Goan tendency to
remain closeted within the walls of the family has kept this pride of Goa

Mr. Saldanha said that legend has it, that Parashurama created Goa in its
natural splendour and we take pride in this, but it is now time to also
revel in the greatness of the people of Goa and the great men of Goa
belonging to all communities of the Goan society. In this context he
requested the Minister to aid the group in publishing books on the lives and
works of great Goans. He also said that it is being planned to convert the
house of Abade Faria in Candolim into a Museum depicting his life.

Prof. Prajal Sakardande also spoke on Abade Faria and his beautiful statue
that is almost unnoticed next to the Secretariat, Panjim. He said that the
great sculptor responsible for this statue is another great Goan Ramchandra
Pandurang Kamat from Madkai. Further he said that Mr Kamat has many
sculptures based on themes from the Bible like the Garden of Eden etc. Prof.
Sakardande explained, what heritage means and how important it is to one's
identity and therefore needs to be protected and preserved.

Prof. Isabela Santa Rita Vaz enlightened the gathering on the inspiring life
of Abade Faria from his birth to death. She narrated the well known legend
which every family in Goa has heard that on his arrival in Portugal, Abade
Faria was asked by the Queen D. Maria I to preach to the court. The young
priest was struck dumb with stage fright but his father who was sitting
nearby noticing his son's nervousness whispered to him in Konkani " Cator re
baji, hi soglli baji". These words had the desired effect and Abade Faria
spoke eloquently and perhaps these same works are responsible for Abade
Faria's interest in hypnosis which earned him the title of " Father of

Mr. Albano Couto said that Abade Faria was also involved in the first war
for Independence namely the "Pinto Revolution". His contribution towards
hypnotism is immense. Similarly there are other great Goans he said Mr.
Alban Couto, and remembered in particular Dr. Dharmanand Kossambe from

Others who spoke on the occasion are Prof. Sergio Carvalho, Dr. Celsa Pinto,
Alina Saldanha and Sabina Martins.

At the end Mr. Saldanha gave the vote of thanks and expressed his gratitude
in particular to Mr. Francisco Martins due to whose effort, zeal and
enthusiasm the function became a reality. He thanked the Minister for his
precious time and support. He also thanked the core group f

[Goanet]Re: Adding up to George's :"Beautiful One-Liners"

2004-04-03 Thread J. Loiola Pereira
1. A clean conscience makes a soft pillow.
2. A family altar can alter a family.
3. Approach God through knee mail.
4. Are you wrinkled with burden? Go to Church for a faith lift!
5. Coincidence is when God chooses to remain anonymous.
6. Do your best and then sleep in peace. God is Awake.
7. Fear knocked. Faith answered. No one was there.
8. Forbidden fruits create many jams.
9. God promises a safe landing, not a calm passage.
10. God doesn't want shares of your life; He wants controlling interest!
11. If God is your co-pilot, swap seats!
12. Worry is the darkroom in which "negatives" are developed.
13. He who angers you, controls you!
14. Kindness is difficult to give away because it keeps coming back.

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[Goanet]Installation of the new Archbishop

2004-03-25 Thread J. Loiola Pereira
Not very long ago, I "butted in" the cyber-conversation of the goanetters
with some 'clarifications' regarding the Patron Saint of Goa. Today, I feel
constrained to come out  with some other clarifications, or rather,
corrections, given the importance of the subject and the right of all to
know the objective truth.

I refer to the item on the "Installation of New Archbishop" which is
featured in the goanet dispatch of 22.03.04 and also in the "Goacom-GoaNow's
Special  Feature" of the 24th instant. Some facts have been misrepresented
in that report and my only intention is to let readers know what actually
happened there. I take the order in which the facts were wrongly reported:

1. " ... being graciously led to his Episcopal seat by outgoing Archbishop
Dr Raul Nicolau Gonsalves"
Correction: The new Archbishop was led to his episcopal seat by His
Excellency the Apostolic Nuncio in India, who was invited specifically for
that purpose, i.e. to install the new Archbishop in his chair.(What gives
any Cathedral its importance is the presence of the seat or "cathedra" of
the diocesan bishop, in which he is installed on the day he takes canonical
possession of the diocese).

2. " ... the 25 member choir led by Rev Fr Bernardo da Cruz"
Correction: The choir was led by Fr. Bernardo Cota, who teaches Music in the
Patriarchal Seminary of Rachol.

3. " ... a short procession (from the sacristy and around the Cathedral) of
priests nuns and Bishop ..."
Correction: There were no nuns in the procession; besides, a procession of
more than 300 priests and a score of bishops 'from the sacristy and around
the cathedral' cannot be "short!"

4.  " ... Fr Rodrigues read out the Pope's letter of appointment of the new
incumbent (from a papal brief  "InterGravissimas" dated 16.1.2004 )"
Correction: The Pope's letter (Papal Bull) was read by Fr. Jose Remedios
Fernandes, the Chancellor of the Archdiocese of Goa and Daman (appointed now
the Vicar General of the same Archdiocese). The Bull, titled "Inter
Gravissimas," is dated 12.12.2003, as read out by the Chancellor. And this
will surely come as a surprise to many. Filipe Neri was already appointed
Archbishop of Goa in December last year. It was he who asked the Holy See
that the appointment  be made public only on 16th January, 2004. There were
two reasons for his request: first, 16th Jan. was the Feast of the Patron of
the Archdiocese of Goa, Blessed Joseph Vaz, and the new Archbishop was
looking for a meaningful date for the announcement. Second: a few days after
the signing of the Papal Bull, his nephew Eric was to get married and the
nuptials would be obviously blessed by his uncle bishop. Filipe did not want
to "steal the show" on his nephew's wedding day, attracting to himself, as
he surely would, a horde of relatives and family friends wanting to
congratulate the new archbishop. When the undersigned said to Eric: "you
just missed being united in marriage by the Patriarch of the East Indies!"
the reply was: "What was important to me was to be blessed by Tio Filipe
(Uncle Filipe). Patriarch of the East Indies or just Fr. Filipe would make
little difference to me."  So much for the new archbishop's (and his family'
s)  unobtrusiveness.

5. " ... This was followed by  concelebrated sung High Mass ...  the main
celebrants were His Excellency the Most Rev Pedro Lopez Quintana Apostolic
Nuncio ..."
Correction: The only main celebrant was Abp. Neri. While the cardinals and
the other bishops concelebrated, Quintana remained 'present' during the
liturgy, sitting on a special seat.

6. " ... he (Abp. Raul) now leads his Penital Life within the precints (sic)
of the Paco Patriacal even post retirement"
Comment: Penital (???)  Even 'penitential' would be a gross misnomer!

7. " ... Chief Minister of Goa ... got himself photographed for posterity
with the Apostolic Nuncio ... just below the Blessed Sacrament."
Correction: The tabernacle where the Blessed Sacrament is kept in the
Cathedral has always been, throughout he last four centuries, in a special
chapel (to which the report refers, in a different paragraph) on the left
side of that grand church -- quite far from the place where the photo was

8." ... The final hymn that reverberated the precints (sic) of the See
Cathedral was "I will give you shepherds" sung by the Rachol seminary
Correction: The final hymn was "Zuze Vasa, Amchea Bhava," the anthem to
Blessed Joseph Vaz, the Patron of the Archdiocese. "I will give you
shepherds" was a composition of Fr. Bernardo Cota, sung by the Rachol
Seminary Choir as an item during the felicitation programme that followed
the Mass.

Godfrey Gonsalves' good intentions in presenting a report of the 

[Goanet]Re: Goanet digest, Vol 1 #901 - 11 msgs

2004-03-08 Thread J. Loiola Pereira
Dear Eddie,

Thanks a million for your prompt and painstaking reply.
I am overcome with such a generous response from a number of people,
some of whom decided to reach me directly, in my email box.
God bless you much more than what you can think of!


> Message: 4
> From: "Eddie Fernandes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [Goanet]Query about Abbe Faria...
> Date: Mon, 8 Mar 2004 01:41:43 -
>   Some items that may be of use:
>   1. Abbe Faria by Asif Currimbhoy .  Writers Workshop , Calcutta, 1992.
> 62, Size 23cm. ISBN:8171894402.
>   It is a play depicting the human condition in a dramatic way so as to
> communicates the message effectively.
>   Price: US$ 16.08
>   Available from: Books & Periodicals Agency, New Delhi, Phone
> 91-0-9811205624. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>   2. From Goan Voice UK, 5 Feb 2000:

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[Goanet]Awfully kind of you!

2004-03-08 Thread J. Loiola Pereira
Within 24 hours of my request for info about Abbe Faria, there's already
such a cascade!
And I'm sure there's still more to come.
To those who have already responded, here's a big  THANK YOU. It's awesome!

Special thanks to Frederick Noronha for routing my request to the Goanet
and for such an abundant mine of information!

What can I do for you, Fred? -- I shall attempt to give a gist of the French
text you offered us. Having studied French just for one year during my
seminary days, I know this cannot be called a literal translation of the
text. But I believe it does give an idea of what has been written by Dr. D.
G. Dalgado.

"Abbe Faria is known in the medical and scientific world, particularly in
France, as having signalled the end of the era of animal magnetism and of
magnetized trees and the beginning of the era of the lucid sleep or of
hypnotism, which is a very interesting branch of knowledge of physiology and
psycho-physiology, with practical applications, specially to therapeutics
and paediatrics. His book Of the Cause of Lucid Sleep, published in 1819,
and to which he owes his scientific reputation, has been out of print for a
long time. There are authors - some of them authorities! -- who know  about
it only through a few quotations cited in other works. I am of the opinion
that the reprinting of this book would generate a lot of interest among
those who dedicate themselves to the study of hypnotism and whose number is
increasing every day."

 (I can almost see Fr. Renato do Rego -- my French Teacher of 1961 -- giving
me one of those frowns he was so famous for! On second thoughts ...  do
people in heaven ever frown?)


> Message: 2
> Date: Mon, 8 Mar 2004 03:49:23 +0530 (IST)
> From: "Frederick Noronha (FN)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [Goanet]Query about Abbe Faria...
> L'Abbe Faria est connu dans le monde medical et scientifique, surtout en
> France, comme ayant marque la fin de l'ere du magnetisme animal et des
> arbres magnetises, et le commencement de celle du sommeil lucide ou de
> l'hypnotisme, que constitute une branche de science tres interessant de
> psysiologie et de phycho-physiologie, avec applications pratiques,
> specialement a la therepeutique et a la pediatrie. Son livre, De la cause
> du sommeil lucide, publie en 1819, auquel il doit sa reputation
> scientifique, a disparu, de puis longtemps, de la circulation courante, et
> il y a des auteurs, meme des plus autorises, qui n'en connaissent rien si
> ce n'est quelques extraits cites dans d'autres ouvrages. Il me semble,
> cependant,, que la reapparition ... ce libre offrirait un grand interet a
> ceux que ... livrent a l'etude de l'hypnotisme, et dont... nombre
> s'accroit chaque jour.
> Could someone knowledgeable in French give a gist of what's being said
> above please?

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[Goanet]Re: Goanet digest, Vol 1 #890 - 14 msgs

2004-03-05 Thread J. Loiola Pereira

For all I know, your box could be flooded with Portuguese translations of
that little passage. Here's my contribution.

"Ramesh, a culpa é toda tua! Nao devias ter casado com essa mulher. Ela foi
má esposa e uma mãe desnaturada. E agora, Tara está a tornar-se tal e qual."

"Por favor, nao digas isso, Mãe!"

"Di-lo-ei cem vezes - Tara é igual a sua mãe."


"Ramesh, it is all your fault. You shouldn't have married that woman. She
was a bad wife and a lousy mother. And now, Tara is growing up to be just
like her."

"Please don't say that, mother."

"I will say it a hundred times- Tara is just like her mother."

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Re: [Goanet]Some origin of ( SARA-PA-TEL)

2003-10-14 Thread J. Loiola Pereira
During my Seminary High School days, our good old Padre Filinto Dias would
surprise us sometimes with the orthography of certain words which had come
to be universally misspelt (and mis-pronounced) by Portuguese-speaking
Goans. He taught us to write SARAPATEL. Incidentally,  Sarapatel, also known
as Sarrabulho (Cf. SAMPAIO E MELO, Dicionario de Portugues; JAIME DE
SEGUIER, Dicionario Pratico Ilustrado, among other lexicons) is commonly
referred to and written by Portuguese-speaking Goans as SORPATEL, by
English-speaking Goans as SORPOTEL, and by Konkani-speaking Goans (at least
from my Saxtti) as SORPTEL.  Interestingly, both the above mentioned
Luso-Brazilian dictionaries trace the word to the original Spanish
"zarapatel." Could it be that sorpotel/sorpatel/sarpatel/sorptel originated
in the kitchens of Spain?

J. Loiola Pereira.

- Original Message -
From: "Gomes, Anthony" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, October 14, 2003 6:14 PM
Subject: RE: [Goanet]Some origin of ( SARA-PA-TEL)

I tend to agree that the origin of Sarpatel may indeed be African.
... I found the comments of EF rather interesting
in regards to the origin of Sarpatel or Sarabulho.

Anthony Gomes, MD.

-Original Message-
From: sarabond [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, October 14, 2003 3:29 AM
Subject: Re: [Goanet]Some origin of ( SARA-PA-TEL)

SARAPATEL sounds more like a Gujarati dish !!
SORPOTEL ... really sounds tasty and Goan.


- Alfonso Bond Braganza

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Re: [Goanet]Re: Addresses of Churches in Goa

2003-07-28 Thread J. Loiola Pereira

Thanks for the tips. I appreciate it.

I wish I could insert a big banner on the NewAdvent's webpage about the
Archdiocese of Goa -- which I accidentally hit upon a few years ago --
totell all visitors that what they are reading is a century-old stuff that
needs to be updated tremendously! The matter was
published in the (old) Catholic Encyclopedia in the year 1909! Just look at
howlers like "(it is the) chief see of the Portuguese dominions in the East;
comprising of,  as suffragans, the sees of Cochin, Mylapore, and Damão (or
Damaun) in India, Macao in China, and Mozambique in East Africa."  Here's
another one: "The present prelate, Mathaeus d'Oliveira Xavier, transferred
from Cochin, took possession of his see 1 July, 1909".

Why NewAdvent did not go for later editions I do not know. The latest
edition of  The New Catholic Encyclopedia is, if I am not mistaken, of the
year 2003, and it contains a well updated note on the Archdiocese of Goa.


- Original Message -
From: "Bosco D'Mello" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, July 28, 2003 3:22 AM
Subject: [Goanet]Re: Addresses of Churches in Goa

> Hi Padre Loiola,
> Confident that the Archdiocese of Goa will eventually come-up with a
> website to not only showcase the beautiful churches of Goa but also to
> communication with the faithful, for now maybe either yourself or somebody
> the Archbishop's house can verify the contents at
> www.newadvent.org/cathen/06602a.htm
> And maybe the Archdiocese or some "wealthy" parishes can join the
> www.catholicparishes.org , where in the Archdiocese of Mumbai and Sacred
> and St. Peter's already have a presence.
> And uniformity of email addresses among parishes and parish priests will
> definitely help everybody.
> Best wishes - Bosco

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Re: [Goanet]THE WILDLIFE NEWSLETTER: The Kings emerge in Goa

2003-07-27 Thread J. Loiola Pereira

That was an excellent write-up on the King Cobra. I suppose you forgot to
say that, besides herps, gyms and HM, you love writing too!

I've been fascinated with cobras for many years, but never dared to catch
one in the wild. I have handled a number of them AFTER they had been
relieved of their fangs by others and I even 'uncoiled' one who had
tightened its grip around the arm of its screaming catcher, to the point of
making him lose his grip on its neck. Recently I found myself glued to the
TV set as I watched a National Geographic documentary on the king cobra.
Simply superb!

Er ... can you teach us the art of catching a snake (a cobra, in particular)
if this is not a professional secret?


- Original Message -
From: "Rahul Alvares" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Frederick Noronha" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, July 27, 2003 10:26 AM
Subject: [Goanet]THE WILDLIFE NEWSLETTER: The Kings emerge in Goa

> By Rahul Alvares
> cna at sancharnet.in
> I am a snake catcher. Besides herps, I have two other passions:
> and heavy metal!
> The hottest news in Goa on the reptile front concerns an 11 foot king
> caught in Mollem. About a year earlier a 14 foot king cobra was caught
> caught in Mollem. Both were found in peoples' houses!

>Hat's off therefore to RFO Prakash Salelkar for daring to trap the King in
> Mollem without the security of an antidote at hand. He admits it was one
> scariest moments of his life. It would have been mine too.
> Now that we have seen two kings I am pretty sure more of them are going to
> turn up in the most unexpected places. The more forest lands we open up
> development works, the scarcer becomes the deep dark recesses of forest
> where the kings normally prefer to inhabit. Disoriented and rendered
> homeless by our activities, the kings wander around uncertainly, turning
> instead in peoples' houses.
> King cobras, like the tiger, are at the top of the food chain. Their
> presence indicates a healthy, balanced forest. We lose them, we lose a
> ##
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Re: [Goanet]Aitaracheo Kaskuleo: Zolmotat Konnak Sotaitat Konnak?

2003-07-27 Thread J. Loiola Pereira
Bab Lino,

Tujeo Kaskuleo bes-boreo asleo. Mhaka khorench konnem khatkutleo kel'le
porim pott bhor hanslom. Teo ieit racvheo!


- Original Message -
From: "lino dourado" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, July 27, 2003 9:55 AM
Subject: [Goanet]Aitaracheo Kaskuleo: Zolmotat Konnak Sotaitat Konnak?

> Panch vorsamchi eklich morgad dhuv. Avoi-bapaichi
> subeij apurbai zavn khub mosti ani mosteponna korpi
> utorli. Zai mholleli vost zai, na tor rodd-modd-fodd
> kortali. Mosteponna korit Dev martolo, portean zap
> diit  tonddak uzo laitolo, ani maglear kainch
> divnchona, oxem kednai-kednai avoi dhuvek bhirant
> ghaltali.
> Ek dis Devak fone korpak dhuven avoik sanglem. Deva
> thaim fone na oxem avoin dhuvek sangtokoch mezar
> asul'lo fone hatant ghevn zomnir marchea vellar avoin
> bovall kelo. Dhuv roddunk lagli. Avoik churchure
> disle. Avoi chintunk poddli. Dhuvek fuslavpak ani
> somzavpak konn melltolo? Tika ghavnchea padri
> vigaracho ugddas ailo.Tovui zalear gorom toklecho
> aslo. Taka dhuvechi gozall sangli.Dhuvek fuslavpak ani
> bharabor thoddichi bhirantui divpak vinonti keli. Dev
> ulounk sodta oxem dhuvek sangun fone tichea hatant
> ditana devak rag ailear dev taptolo mhonn xittkavnni
> dili
> BHURGEM: Hello konn uloita? Dev?
> P. VIGAR: Bhurgeam thaim ulovpak mhaka borem dista.
> Tuji mummy sangta tum khub huxear bhurgem mhonn. Tum
> fuddlea mhoinean thavn iskolak vetelem khoim.
> BHURGEM: Mhaka mummy sangta bhurgim mosteaponna korit,
> dev marta mhonn
> P. VIGAR: Na bai na. Dev bhurgeank kednach marina. Dev
> bhurgeanchi apurbai ani mog korta.
> BHURGEM: Mhaka mummy sangta, subeij uloit ani
> vhoddilank portean zap diit tedna dev tonddak uzo
> laita.
> P. VIGAR: Borim bhurgim vhoddilank portean zap dinant.
> Bhurgim bore tench uloitat. Deva thaim bhurgeanchea
> tonddak lavpak uzo na.
> BHURGEM: Ujeachem emkond asa mhonntat tem kitem?
> P. VIGAR: Tem na zait tor, vaitt monis asat te odik
> vaitt zatele bai. Emkondantlo uzo fokot patkeancho
> 'barbecue' korpak dovorla
> BHURGEM: Mostiponna kortat tea bhurgeank tum kainch
> dina khoim.
> P. VIGAR: Bai, tum mag ani tuka melltelem. Devachem
> ghor borlelem asa.
> BHURGEM: Mhojo daddy mhaka fokot 'toys' haddta. Hanvem
> daddy-k sanglam mhaka 'baby brother' zai mhonn. Baby
> brother-ra thaim mhaka khellunk zai. Daddy sangta baby
> brother zai zalear deva thaim mag. Mhaka ek baby
> brother di nhoim Deva.
> P. VIGAR: Bai, ho prons matxe gombhir asa. Uprant
> chinttun zap ditam.
> BHURGEM: Na..na..na.. Mhaka atanch 'baby brother' zai
> mhollear zai. Tuven divnchoch poddtolo. Vegim gheun
> ieo. Devachea borlelea ghorantlo gheun ieo. Ek 'baby
> brother' divpak kosli haddkoll asa? Mhaka atanch
> zai..baby brother atanch zai...
> P. VIGAR: Chup!! Ogi rav. Kortam kortam chodd zalem
> tujem. Mummy-k sottaitai, daddy-k sottaitai ani atam
> mhaka? Tumi zolmotat konnak ani sotaitat konnak go?
> Baby brother zai? Hoi? Hem kam tujea daddy-chem. Taka
> sang
> BHURGEM: M-u-m-m-yDev khorench taptta muge.
> Lino B. Dourado
> =
> http://www.goa-world.net/poems
> http://www.goa-world.net/poems/lino
> __
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Re: [Goanet]Addresses of Churches in Goa

2003-07-27 Thread J. Loiola Pereira
Hi Martin,

I hear the Archdiocese of Goa is toying with the idea of having a website of
its own. For all I know, it'll be months before you can "have all the
addresses of Churches in Goa" at the click of a button. Meanwhile, here's
what you are immediately in need of:

MAPUSA:  St. Jerome's Church, Mapusa, Goa 403 507
Tel: 2250590

NAGOA:Holy Trinity Church, Nagoa, Arpora P.O.
Goa 403 518
   Tel: 2409444  E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

GUIRIM:St. Diogo's Church, Guirim, Mapusa P.O.
Goa 403 507
Tel: 2473618
The present P.P.'s E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

- Original Message -
From: "Maarten en Els" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Goalist" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, July 27, 2003 4:36 PM
Subject: [Goanet]Addresses of Churches in Goa

> Hello everybody,
> I am still working very hard on that family tree of mine. To have more
> chances I would like to have all the addresses of Churches in Goa
> that is). Anyone with good ideas?
> In an old birth certificate is written down: Church of Guirim, District of
> Bardez, Goa. In that same birthcertificate the different places that
> and grandparents resided are written down; Maria Felicidade Dias of Nagoa
> and her father Valentino of Nagoa and mother Esabel De Sousa of Mapusa.
> Perhaps the addresses of the Churches in Mapusa, Nagoa and Guirim could be
> of good help to me as well the possible e-mailaddresses.
> Thanks a lot folks!
> By the way, just to tell you, the Fathers at Saint-Patricks Cathedral in
> Karachi were of a great help to me to find out more about my
> greatgrandparents.
> Adios,
> Martin Duarte - Van Camp
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