[Goanet] SQCA

2006-06-10 Thread Ricardo Nunes
AMAZING! AMAZING! or may be not ...

The Inquisition, a spurious Portuguese regulatory
agency in charge of soul quality control centuries ago
(good souls to riches and heavens, bad souls to the
pyre right away) is being pathetically rekindled by a
bunch of true believers still surviving after the
Hindu tsunami of the early sixties (a scheduled tribe
of cannibals living in a tiny formalin flask).

How far away are we from the PINTO's spirit who had
clean minds and believed in LEF. 

The crap on daVinci in Goanet brings to my mind the
hysteria of Abecassis (the convert Mayor of Lisbon)
some twenty years ago against Godard’s “Je vous salue
Marie”. Zealot bigotry looms all the time everywhere. 

I didn’t read the book and I don’t plan to see the

Best regards


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[Goanet] WE ARE ALL NRAs ( non resident ALIENS)

2006-06-04 Thread Ricardo Nunes
Dear Cornel,

I noticed your last polite withdrawal. Many thanks for bowing out nicely.

But you really are a man of science and wisdom, with a non-resident
mind-set, and I cannot resist coming back for another thread.

North America is inhabited by a few hundred thousand pacific NRMs (non
resident Mongolians) who managed to survive the brutal invasion of a swarm
of greedy NREs (non resident Europeans) who brought in boat loads of NRAs
(non resident Africans) to work for them since the  NRMs seemed to be
totally uncooperative and had to be thrown into concentration camps. And
now, last but not the least, millions of NRIs (non resident Indians) fed up
with progress at home are pouring in to straighten that "white" man's

In your considerate view, who is going to pay for the honor and pleasure of
being there and who is going to apologize for making it happen?

Don't worry, NRIs are special and will collect both the tickets and the

Best regards


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[Goanet] OR NOT TO BE

2006-05-31 Thread Ricardo Nunes

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit http://www.garcabranca.com for details/booking/confirmation.
Bhai Sahab Cornel,

Who am I? Yours is a very good question.

Five or six hundred years ago, some of my forbears were islamicized North
African  Berbers (al Gharb, al Andalus), some were western Jews (Sefarad),
some were christian Barbarians, and so on and so forth. Than the melting pot
set sail east and west to make the planet one (oneness, you may recognize
the concept) and become global. Global, period.

I am the free sibling of that global tribe, where ethnic bias, hard feelings
or hatred have no abode. I can play with and enjoy as many aliases as I feel
like. I am at home.

You, yourself, I guess, before being a mixed up Cornel, were probably, in a
row, over the last few thousand years, a devious Cornélio de Jesus, a
faithful Abu Khan, a devout Krishna, a holy Siddhartha, a pure Mahavir.
Unfortunately you do not consider it to be a stream of enrichment and
enlightment but rather an embarrassing source of unease and soul searching
conflict. Bhai NRI cum aspiring Goenkar if you can't encompass them all go
back to just one of your forsaken selves and be happy. You can, if you just
want. It is not forbidden. This time the going Brits will not rough you.

'To thine own self be true'.  Atmavan.

Warrior at Kurukshetra

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[Goanet] DRIVEL

2006-05-30 Thread Ricardo Nunes

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit http://www.garcabranca.com for details/booking/confirmation.
We in Portugal are decent Goans with a measure of self government that
others do not enjoy since one of our boys has a top political job.


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[Goanet] RE: Cornel's contention with .... WE ARE ALL GOANS

2006-05-24 Thread Ricardo Nunes
Dear Cornel,

I did not say ³all Goans would have been of Turkish/Muslim provenance², if
we all know the meaning of provenance. I did say that if it were not for the
Portuguese, India would now be a Muslim nation, the biggest Muslim nation on
earth, inhabited by people of Indian provenance  and Islamic religion, there
would be no India, just Pakistan all over the entire subcontinent (no
Hindutva pride to celebrate). I am sure you understood my point but it
serves your racial hatred purpose  to mislead your fellow readers.

Best regards


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2006-05-23 Thread Ricardo Nunes
On 22/05/06, Michael Ali <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Nelly Furtado's third album 'Loose' will be released on June 20, 2006. The
follow up to 2003's 'Folklore', 'Loose' includes the single 'Man-eaters as
well as a duet with Latin pop superstar Juanes, and the song 'All Good
Things' which features Coldplay's frontman, Chris Martin.

Nelly Furtado, a Bombay Goan left India to settle in Canada when she was
three years old.

Mike Ali

Comment : It's not yet April 1st 2007! Nelly Furtado is a Canadian,
born to Azorean parents ( Portuguese)




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2006-03-20 Thread Ricardo Nunes

The stamp "brown" is a Manu red iron self inflicted wound that Mario carries
deep inside his soul. As I said earlier, "brown" is brown sugar or brown

How could we help him out of such a disgraceful trauma? And the other
million self inflicted "brown underling" stamps?

Ricardo Nunes  

Message: 5
Date: Sun, 19 Mar 2006 18:19:29 +
From: "Gabe Menezes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Re: Portuguese Passport & the Bonefacio factor
To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!" 
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

On 19/03/06, Gabriel de Figueiredo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- Mario Goveia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Wow!  207 Goans are interested in getting Portuguese
> > passports.  This would be considered a trickle, not
> > a
> > flood.  That means there are 1,399,793 who are not
> > interested.  Perhaps Goa is not quite as bad as the
> > brown Portuguese make it out to be.
> That trickle ... depends which way you look at
> statistics.  BTW, where did you get that number of
> non-interested people? Counting tea-leaves?
> I do take offence to your reference to "brown
> Portuguese". Would such a description be legal in your
> country, eg calling you a "brown American"?
> Gabriel.

[Goanet] Re: Goanet Digest, Vol 3, Issue 196

2006-02-23 Thread Ricardo Nunes
I knew of brown sugar and brown bread, never heard of brown Portuguese.

Since Mario seems to be very knowledgeable in colors and shades and care
about, would he, please, explain the difference between a black Kunbi and a
white Brahmin and which of which is a true Indian.

Why should a loving charitable Christian subject of a great world superpower
feel the Freudian compulsion of mentioning derisively  the poor folks of a
small small second rate European country now better known for friendly
dispensing EU valid passports? Mesquinhez? Mau caracter?

Complexions (whatever it means) acquired by force?

Who sent millions of innocent beheaded Buddhists to their graves?
Who saved millions of peaceful Hindus from turning fanatic Mohammedans?

Ricardo Nunes   

Ricardo Nunes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

It is very interesting to notice how popular it is the topic
of "ethnic" Indians eager to acquire and be proud of their Portuguese

Is there any affirmative action program to help minority
"ethnic" Portuguese acquire and be proud of their Indian nationality?
Why not?

Mario observes:

Louis Armstrong, when asked to explain jazz said,

"Man, if you have to ask, you'll never know!"

Likewise, if these brown Portuguese need an affirmative action program
to be proud of their Indian heritage, they may never succeed.

What is ironic is that Portugal and Portuguese, by
virtue of their European complexions and colonial
status, which they acquired by force, were once
considered somehow "superior" to India and Indians.
How things have changed.  Today, Portugal is still a
second rate European country, whereas India is well on
its way to superpower status.  Why anyone would want
Portuguese citizenship in this day and age is beyond
me, though I would respect their desire on general
principles of free choice, if that's what they want.

[Goanet] Portuguese Passports

2006-02-20 Thread Ricardo Nunes
It is very interesting to notice how popular it is the topic of "ethnic"
Indians eager to acquire and be proud of their Portuguese nationality. Is
there any affirmative action program to help minority "ethnic" Portuguese
acquire and be proud of their Indian nationality? Why not?


Ricardo Nunes

[Goanet] Dr. Ismael Gracias

2006-01-29 Thread Ricardo Nunes
Dear Goanetters,

I am  ready to pay up to GBP 100  for a copy in good condition of

Uma dona Portugueza na côrte do Grão- Mogol: Documentos de 1710 a 1719
precedidos d'um esboço historico das relações politicas e diplomaticas entre
o Estado da India e o Grão- Mogol nos seculos XVI, XVII, by Dr J. A. Ismael
Gracias, Nova Goa, Imprensa Nacional, 1907.

Please help me finding it.

Thanks and regards

Ricardo Nunes


2005-08-07 Thread Ricardo Nunes
Message: 12
From: "Alfred de Tavares" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: goanet@goanet.org
Subject: RE: [Goanet]East Indian
Date: Sun, 07 Aug 2005 13:10:26 +0200
Reply-To: goanet@goanet.org

>From: Tony Barros <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>The White Anglo-Saxon protestants (Wasps) meted out various labels to
>other minorities including  Chinese ("Chinkies")and Jews ("Hymies").
>Even white catholics were not spared . Italians were called
>"guineas". I believe, they also had a label for the Irish.

Not "paddys" Tony?


MIKE (from Michael)

The opposite of a wasp (white anglo saxon protestant) is a wog (western
oriental gentleman)

Why are East Indians from the West coast of India?



2005-06-13 Thread Ricardo Nunes
Meu Caro Afra:

I fully agree with you. A quarter of a million years ago Africa was the only
civilized continent.

In the beginning we were all Afros and our great-granny was a black girl.
Later on (uns dias mais tarde) a few became Afras.

To be politically correct we should be using an array of expressions like
Chinese Afros, American Afros, Indian Afros, etc.

B*llsh*t (merda) is indeed an appropriate word to describe the relationship
between the "American'Indian' thread and 'modern DNA testing'.

Please read 'The Seven Daughters of Eve' by Prof. Bryan Sykes.

Best regards


Date: Sat, 11 Jun 2005 09:25:52 -0400
From: afra dias 
Subject: [Goanet]Re: american indians

  Arjun wrote:
They migrated to America from Asia but they are of Sino-Mongolian stock not
of Aryan-Malay stock. To follow the pattern I would call them American Chinese
rather than American Indians ... How about that?

Afra says:
MODERN people migrated along the coastal lines from Africa.
Modern DNA testing has proved that.
Afra Dias (London)


2005-06-10 Thread Ricardo Nunes
They migrated to America from Asia but they are of Sino-Mongolian stock not
of Aryan-Malay stock. To follow the pattern I would call them American
Chinese rather than American Indians ... How about that?


> Message: 16
> Date: Thu, 09 Jun 2005 22:18:40 -0400
> From: afra dias 
> To: goanet@goanet.org
> Subject: [Goanet]American Indians
> Reply-To: goanet@goanet.org
> Hi All,
> Santosh wrote:
> else the Red Indians?
> The politically correct term is American Indians. They migrated to America
> from Asia. You are now dealing with entirely separate continents.
> Cheers,
> Santosh
> Afra Adds:
> Before any one disagrees with Santosh, I must add that he is correct.
> Afra Dias (London)


2005-05-18 Thread Ricardo Nunes
Aren't we all, tribals, non tribals, arians, malays, brahmins and dalits  of
African monkey descent? Shall we pool our common blood in a global world or
have a few of us stored in human zoos as tourist relics?


[Goanet]Homosexuality in the human population

2005-05-14 Thread Ricardo Nunes
To have a deviation you need a norm; to have a norm you need to have a human
concern. God is pure freedom, He fatherly loves all His creatures the same
and knows not sin from virtue, microbe from dying child, sun light from
typhoon. So norms are what they are, and are ours. Lots of famous Greeks
(and Brits) were gay, certain Amerindian tribes may indulge in gay frolic,
under stress entire mice colonies go gay. If there is no norm against
homosexuality, should there be norms against born pedophiles, born burglars,
born arsonists and so forth (within a reasonable percent cap)? Species
survival is an essential concern wherefrom we concoct rules on eating,
resting and fornicating. Am I saying that we should discriminate gays or
suttee roast our gay relatives? Not at all, but the utmost care should be
exercised to prevent contagion beyond the original 5% divine purpose, before
the norm turns otherwise.


[Goanet]Eating potatos

2005-05-09 Thread Ricardo Nunes
The continental blockade in the early days of the 19th. century forced the
Europeans to start eating potatos previously considered as just animal
fodder and, for the same reason, to produce sugar from beetroot.



2005-04-22 Thread Ricardo Nunes

For as long as you put the blame on colour instead of culture you will not
be able to figure out why certain tribes live more comfortably than other.

The colour of mourning in the east is white instead of black, so what?
In China whites are western devils (saikwai). Everywhere the other gets a
slightly less than kind caption (gipsy/payo, euskaldun/maketo,
roman/barbarian, bharati/farangi); that's human nature (innate software).

Do you know the meaning of 'vigarice' or 'judiaria'? Are we supposed to
limit our everyday talk to politically correct utterances to please the

You know, I know, that "white" Europe is not the continent where the plight
of dark/wheatish skinned people is worst, quite the contrary to be honest.

The racial connotation exists mainly in your mind as part of your own varna
mind set. Why can't you be just a human being?



From: George Pinto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

--- samir_kelekar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> The concept of black smoke, white smoke to indicate the election of the Pope
is quite funny. 


There is a language and race element being overlooked.  One can ask why is
black smoke chosen to
signal failure (non-election of the Pope) and white smoke to signal success.
Why not the other
way around?  One finds racial connotations in the use of language, as in
"black death" to describe
the plague. On the other hand to soften, even forgive a falsehood, is called
a "little white lie".
To commit certain crimes is considered a "black mark" on one's record.  Why
not "white mark"? 
This is to associate black people with crime. There are many other examples.
It is unfortunate we
do not pay attention to language, especially its hidden racial, sexist,
aegist overtones.  Yes,
black smoke to denote failure is not outside our racial prejudices,
including the Vatican's bias
for reserving its highest honors of Popes, saints for Europeans (whites).



2005-02-15 Thread Ricardo Nunes
Lucia's Aljustrel is in the parish of Fatima, nearly a hundred miles north
of Barreto's mining village of Aljustrel.



2005-01-30 Thread Ricardo Nunes

Yes. There is a tortuous link though between the two versions of the slanted
cross: the preachings of Madam Blavatsky and the initiation of Hitler in the
Thule Society.


[Goanet]Yahoo! India News - UK Hindus fight to reclaim swastika from Nazis

2005-01-29 Thread Ricardo Nunes
 By Paul Majendie 

 LONDON (Reuters) - Hindus have launched a campaign in Britain to "reclaim"
the swastika from its Nazi past and reinstate the 5,000-year-old emblem as a
symbol of good luck.

 They were stung into action when European parliamentarians called for a
Europe-wide ban on Nazi insignia after Britain's Prince Harry provoked
international outrage by wearing a swastika armband and Nazi costume at a

 "What we have decided to do is to reclaim the swastika," said Ramesh
Kallidai, secretary-general of the Hindu Forum representing 700,000 Hindus
in multi-cultural Britain.

 He said of the Hindu religious symbol purloined by Adolf Hitler for his
National Socialist Party: "It has been used for 5,000 years to promote life.
It brings good luck and wards off evil."

 Ever sensitive to the concerns of millions of Jews who suffered the horrors
of the Nazi Holocaust, he told Reuters: "For Hindus, the misuse of the
swastika is as repulsive as it is to everyone else.

 "It's like saying the Ku Klux Klan is burning crosses so let's ban the use
of crosses worldwide."

 Pictures beamed worldwide of Queen Elizabeth's grandson wearing the Nazi
uniform at a costume party prompted deputies in the European parliament to
call for a ban on Nazi insignia, an idea that the European Commission said
was worth considering.

 "The Hindu Forum was inundated with calls over the proposed ban," said
Kallidai. "If it came into force, that would mean if Hindus use the swastika
for religious purposes as they have done for 5,000 years, they risk breaking
the law." 

 First came a media campaign to put their case. Then Hindus pressed
parliament to debate the issue and lobbied deputies both in London and
Strasbourg to support them.

 Next comes a major conference in London and public awareness workshops
across Britain. 

 "We have already spoken to the Board of Deputies of British Jews and want
to have a dialogue with them. Everyone must understand that the swastika has
nothing to do with hatred and is purely for worship."

 A spokesman for the Jewish Board told Reuters: "We respect the Hindu
Forum's desire to take back the Swastika but our line of caution is that
Neo-Nazis and racists continue to use the Swastika as a potent symbol of

 To the millions who suffered in World War Two, the swastika is a loathed
emblem of hatred, racism and xenophobia.

 But to Hindus, it is a revered symbol, derived from the Sanskrit "svastika"
and meaning "Good to be."

 "In Gujarat, when a baby has its first haircut, a swastika is painted on
the top of its head to ward off evil. You find it on the door of the house
as a good luck charm. It appears on wedding cards and holy paintings,"
Kallidai said. 

 But he fears it will be a tough battle eradicating the swastika's nightmare

 "It is a very uphill climb because a 5,000-year-old symbol became
associated 65 years ago with hatred, destruction and xenophobia," said
Kallidai. "This could take a number of years." 


2005-01-12 Thread Ricardo Nunes
Mango in Cantonnese is MONG (KWOCK).

Where did the Portuguese pick up the name?


2004-12-11 Thread Ricardo Nunes
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A smart guy able to spot 'ungarian' by the looks of it is not uncultured,
quite the contrary. Or is there any particular freudian explanation for the



2004-11-13 Thread Ricardo Nunes
# If Goanet stops reaching you, contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]  #   
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Celina Fernandez graduated from the Nazareth School of Addis Ababa in 1969.
If you know her whereabouts please email [EMAIL PROTECTED] (clipped
from Expresso/Lisbon of today November 13).




2004-03-09 Thread Ricardo Nunes
Yes Alfred, what I tried to say was that (1) the whole Subcontinent would
probably be entirely muslim by now if the muslim invader chieftains went
unopposed (2) credible opposition came with the European 'visitors'.

The mughal empire was an episode, the conversion of millions of hindus to
islam was (is) a fact, the word visitors means that it is a ludicrous idea
to fancy that tiny medieval Portugal could have invaded big India.

It is not part of my argument to consider the above mentioned facts good or



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[Goanet]PIG TALK

2004-03-09 Thread Ricardo Nunes
" I find this  from Alu difficult to take even with a large pinch of salt!
Are you serious Alu or is this an early April Fools' joke? To suggest that
the people of Goa would have been Pakistanis but for the Portuguese embrace
is questionable on many counts. If  I had the time, I would have spelt this
out but I think it would be like casting pearls to swine. However, I say
this more in in sorrow than anger. Cornel"

Thank you Cornel for so benevolently spelling out you elegant and clear
argument. I'm glad I didn't anger you.

Best regards from your swine'walla reader,


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2004-03-07 Thread Ricardo Nunes

The very small Portuguese tribe traveled east by sea to reach the backyard
of the infidel empire - to alleviate the military pressure in the western
border of Islam and master the trade routes controlled by the Italians and
the Egyptians. After the Portuguese came the other West European tribes, the
might of Islam collapsed, the grip of the Turkish ruling dynasty on their
Hindu subjects floundered and the process of conversion to the faith of
Muhammad stopped. Otherwise, the whole subcontinent, instead of Indonesia,
would now be the most populous Islamic nation of the world (not just a few
hundred million in Pakistan and Bangladesh, and in India too, I know).

Us, the Portuguese, and you the Southern Indians, were then the agents of
change from ancient to modern times, because after we met in Calicut the
world 'nunca mais foi o mesmo'.

We together started today's globalization.

The fact that the  Emperor of China had sent his boats to the Cape route a
few years before but did not realize that the world could be one big show
place highlights my tribe's merit, it is not our fault. Modern times are
'broad every body' but could very well have been 'narrow yellow' here 'burka
something' there.  



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2004-03-06 Thread Ricardo Nunes
If it weren't for the Portuguese embrace 500 hundred years ago, wouldn't all
Indians be Pakistanis today?


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