2005-09-04 Thread Sonia Vaze
Venantius J Pinto wrote:
Dear Sonia,
My personal opinion is that the overall design sensibility in India is somewhat outdated. Design is something that one lives and not merely apes. In this regard the Dutch stamps are very well designed. However,if ones goes to the the philately section at the GPO in Mumbai, one getsto see some interesting stamps. Its just that very few people go to getthese special stamps.
But collectors appreciate India stamps for their quaint characteristics that range from quality of paper, fluctuations in print quality, they do consider Indian design uniqiue - for example an image of a gaur or sambal, lots of images of Gandhi. 
Our bashfulness will change when the Design manager is given free rein of uplifting the overall aesthetic of these little ambassadors. But for design to thrive one has to feed the design soul too, other than just regurgitating cliches.
Dear Venantius,
True that the philately stamps are interesting and of good quality. But they are not available at all post offices, only at the GPO Panjim. And why can't we have regular postal stamps, little ambassadors as you call them, of good quality too? 
India has so much that can be showcased to the world at large through our stamps. But not only the designs, quality also should improve, else Indian stamps will be remembered for all for the wrong reasons.
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2005-08-31 Thread Sonia Vaze
Venantius J Pinto wrote :
The line portrait on the site - would make an intriguing image on a stamp- perhaps, a narrow vertical. It would workwell either in gravure or in mixed technique printing (the IP&T avoidsthis) - engraving with gravure. I have  a feeling the drawing is by DomMartin. Is t his correct? It has a far off feeling yet is very pentrativein its focus; and as such portrays an idea of the hypnotist  spendidly.venantius j pinto
why is the quality of postal stamps from india so poor? can anything be done about this? a stamp is the ambassador of the country. hope the quality of the ABBE FARIA stamp will be better!
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[Goanet] Re: WGKF-GU Biodiversity

2005-08-31 Thread Sonia Vaze
Miguel wrote:

WGKF has signed a five year Memorandum of Understanding with Goa Univeristy to plant and maintain the trees. 
 This barren patch of the plateau [which was wooded/forested in the 1960s as per aerial photographs with Dr.S.G.Torne, the first Head of Botany Dept. at Goa Univeristy and the Ph.D guide of at least one Reader at Goa University and one Asst.Conservator of Forests in Goa] which Dr.Padmakar R. Dubhashi [the second Vice-Chancellor-1990-94 of Goa University] had begun to re-vegetate will one day be a green oasis amidst an urban jungle. 
Viva Goa.Miguel
Dear Miguel,
May your tribe increase!
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[Goanet] Re: Zero-plastic shopping...

2005-08-23 Thread Sonia Vaze
Vidyadhar Gadgil wrote :

>The only way to tackle this problem meaningfully is to zero in on the 
producers, and make them responsible for the plastic >they produce. The two 
main offenders are mineral water and carbonated water manufacturers. Why can't 
legislation be >brought in, making them responsible for the rubbish they 
What Vidyadhar Gadgil has written is completely true. Plastic bottles and bags 
in Goa is today a sickening menace (literally). In Chorao, lots and lot of 
plastic mineral water bottles enter with the tide into Salim Ali Bird 
Sanctuary. Big companies make huge profits from selling their products in PET 
bottles but have no responsibility towards the the environment which their 
empty bottles are destrying. If unwilling to clean up, maybe a movement by all 
environmentally-concious public in Goa can bring  legislation to ban plastics? 
If the Indian state of Sikkim is sucesful to ban plastics, why not our Goa? I 
heard these manufacturers pay our corrupt politicians to not ban plastics. Any 
comments, specially from any politicians on this list?

[Goanet]Re: WGKF - Support Goa University

2005-08-14 Thread Sonia Vaze
Alfred de Tavares wrote :
>Sonia, dear, perhaps, dear Wendel could help evolve "mentalities.

>His hoardings are by far the hugest and do tend to overpower a sizable 
portion of Goa's "...  trees  sight,smells,shade and fruits ... ."

>Just truing to help a little..

Dear Alfred,
On another note  since you said you'd like to help :) might you might want 
to sponsor one of the WDKF/Goa University gardens? Or any small traffic 
island/gaden anywhere else in Goa? Or anyone else/any organization like to do 
that? Can we all work to make Goa cleaner, greener, more beautiful?


[Goanet]Re: WGKF - Support Goa University

2005-08-13 Thread Sonia Vaze
Alfred de Tavares wrote :
>Sonia, dear, perhaps, dear Wendel could help evolve "mentalities.

>His hoardings are by far the hugest and do tend to overpower a sizable 
portion of Goa's "...  trees  sight,smells,shade and fruits ... ."

>Just truing to help a little..

Dear Alfred,
Yes, Wendell did use to have that before. But not now  insted there is a 
green beautiful landscaped area near old Secretariat,  close to Damsan, Panjim 
with lovely terracotta sculptures of Goan fisherwomen by Goan sculptor 
Verodina Ferrao. And I noticed from the small boards that this island is 
sponsored by Wendell. God bless the man. Everyone makes mistakes sometimes, it 
takes a great person to realize and remedy them. 
God bless you too Alfred for trying to help.

[Goanet]Re: WGKF - Support Goa University

2005-08-10 Thread Sonia Vaze
Miguel wrote :
>Advertising has evolved. The understatement is in, the flaunting on 
>large hoardings is passe.
>When you see the trees and enjoy the sight,smells,shade and fruits just 
>bless the ones that thought of the trees before they thought of what they 
>will get out of it. That will be their/our reward.

Dear Miguel,
Advertising has evolved but mentalities of advertisers/companies has still a 
long way to go. The huge advertisement hoardings all along the National 
Highway e.g. Porvorim-Mapusa, Panaji-Margao etc. is testemony to this. 
Whenever I pass by a pretty looking garden or landscaped area, I look for the 
small boards that tell me whose generosity it is due to, and then I say a 
prayer ... the Sharayu-Toyota island at Cortali is one such where I have so 
often prayed for the company and their staff and for so many other companies 
who sponsor these type of parks. But it is just the opposite when I see huge 
nauseating hoardings that are nothing but an eysore.
Miguel, God bless you and others who are involved with planting more trees in 
Goa. In my own way, I try also.

[Goanet]Re: WGKF - Support Goa University

2005-08-03 Thread Sonia Vaze
> Chowgule and Company is giving earthmoving machinery totally 
> gratis while Ses Goa will develop the area around the Library 
> and develop two of the four traffic islands while SBI develops 
> the third traffic island on the stretch of the Bambolim-to-Dona 
> Paula road that passes through the Goa University campus. 
> Cidade de Goa and other agencies will help develop the rest of the
> avenue plantation till the NIO circle in Dona Paula.

good to know chowgule & co have given earth movers free of cost. also that 
sesa goa, cidade de goa, sbi are looking after traffic islands as  looking at 
landscaped islands is very refreshing and soothing and good advertisement for 
companies that look after them. on the other hand the advertisement hoardings 
everywhere look horrible and spoil the companies image who do such 
advertising. is it possible to ban these hoardings?

[Goanet]Re: Dumping of garbage

2005-07-28 Thread Sonia Vaze
>No more dumping in Curca, say residents: The apathy of the
>government in dumping garbage on the Curca plateau without treating
>it seems to have caused havoc in the surrounding area. Water
>that was accumulated at the dumping site had seeped into the
>wells, in low lying areas, contaminating them. (NT)

>Garbage problem: Ponda citizens stage protest march. (NT)

Foreign trips seem to be a regular perk of our politicians. If only they could 
imitate the cleanliness and the efficient garbage disposal systems of counties 
abroad, perhaps those trips might benefit the common man too!  Manufacturers 
of water sold in plastic bottles should also be held to account for keeping 
the cities clean as the discarded bottles are an ugly sight and a nuisance 
everywhere. In a country like India where the cow is supposed to be a holy 
animal that is venerated, it is shocking that many cows die due to swallowing 
of discarded plastic bags that wrap around internal organs. 

[Goanet]Re : ABBE FARIA

2005-07-26 Thread Sonia Vaze
>May 31, 2006 will mark the 250th birth anniversary of Abbe Faria.  
> Perhaps, incorporated in this Year’s World Goa Day should be the 
> initiative to urge the Indian Postal authorities into issuing a 
> stamp to mark the historical event and the singular significance 
> of this illustrious Goan.
>Dom Martin

Could it also be possible to ask the Postal Authorities to improve the quality 
of Indian Postal stamps? Stamps are like ambassadors of our country, and the 
extremely poor quality of most of our stamps (excluding special ones available 
only at the Panjim Head PO) are a poor reflection on our country.