[Goanet]Anti-village Panchayat

2005-07-18 Thread Soter D'souza
 it is residential bungalow or multi-dwelling units as these
constructions have followed all the formalities framed for the purpose of
construction and as such the Panchayat cannot stop giving any licences when
the party/applicant has complied all the required formalities. Stopping
construction in the jurisdiction of Socorro village is a revenue loss to the
village Panchayat, therefore the panchayat cannot stop granting licences and
therefore it is resolved by the Panchayat to suspend the said proposal and
to read the said resolution in the next general body meeting'.

It is amply evident from the above resolution that the V.P Body of Socorro
has a vested interest in issuing construction permissions even if it is
detrimental to the health and welfare of the residents. It has violated
section 6 (4) of the Goa Panchayat Raj Act, 1994 which reads as 'the
decision taken by the Gram Sabha shall be binding on the Panchayat provided
it is not contrary to the rules and regulations framed under this Act or any
other law for the time being in force and it shall be the duty of the
Sarpanch to execute the same as early as possible.'

The Village Panchayat Body in its desperation and purported lust for
kick-backs has forgotten that the issue about the resolution being contrary
to the law should have been raised by the Chairperson or members at the time
it was proposed by the Gram Sabha, but that did not happen. The reasons
cited in the resolution are an after thought to circumvent the Gram Sabha
resolution. The resolution having been passed by the Gram Sabha does not
warrant the approval or suspension by the V.P. Body as per the section 6 (4)
of the Act which is clear. There are no powers vested in the Panchayat to
suspend or approve a resolution of the Gram Sabha and that is why the V.P.
Body is silent on the provisions of law. By this resolution the V.P. Body
has usurped the powers of the Director to suspend a resolution.
Again the Gram Sabha resolution is not contrary to Section 66 of the Goa
Panchayati Raj Act which makes obtaining a construction permission
mandatory. The Act no where says that the Village Panchayat is bound to
issue the construction permission. It is only bound to reply to the
applicant within 15 days about its decision, which obviously is to reject or
accept an application by citing reasons.  The whole concocted justification
and rationalization about not being able to deny permission to the applicant
having followed all formalities, which again the V.P. Body has not been
specific, is all cattle fodder. The Gram Sabha is the supreme body in the
village. All other N.O.Cs obtained from various departments are mere
recommendatory in nature. The V.P. Body in this resolution is also silent on
the provisions in the PR Act on the Village Panchayat's powers for making of
bye-laws for conservancy of water sources, health hygiene, etc.
Another argument that one can refute is the issue of revenue loss cited by
the V.P. Body. If this is the contention of the V.P. Body then banning
tobacco, matka, alcohol, prostitution, pornography is also a huge revenue
loss to the State. Can public welfare be undermined by revenue
considerations? When the people of the village have taken a decision, why is
the V.P. Body so concerned about revenue loss? Is it that more the revenue
collected would mean more the tendering of so dubbed development works which
in turn would mean more commission from contractors?

However, two other Gram Sabha resolutions, one for banning of bore wells and
another for banning the sale of water from local wells were executed by the
V.P. Body. Under which provisions of the law were these resolutions executed
is now a matter for the village panchayat to answer .

In all this is the Government officer called the 'Village panchayat
Secretary' who under Section 113A(vii) of the Goa Panchayat Raj Act, 1994
has to report within seven days to the Block Development Officer any illegal
act, or misconduct, or misuse or abuse of powers and infringements of the
provisions of the Act. In this case the V.P. Secretary has been silent and
appears to be conniving with the V.P. Body against the villagers of Socorro.
Finally, the above incident is a clear example of how Village Panchayat of
Socorro is anti-people and anti-village. The Village Panchayat is supposed
to take the defence of its local people. It is for those aggrieved to resort
to legal redressal. But here is a glaring case of how the Village Panchayat
takes up the side of the contractors, builders and real-estate lobby against
the village people. If this does not amount to corrupt practice then what
could it be? It is the Anti-Village Panchayat of Socorro.

-soter d'souza

For Socorro People's Panchayat (A Socorro Citizen's Forum) phone 

[Goanet]Where is all the milk going?

2005-04-10 Thread Soter D'Souza

One might be led to believe that shortage of water is the only major problem
facing the people of Porvrim every summer. This is not so. Water which is
essential for life is the uppermost priority on everyone's mind. But the
essential food for children which is milk also is a scarce commodity every

The booth manangers of the Goa Dairy Coop. have a tough time rationing the
milk which is in short supply. Opportunists also use this occassion to make
a fast buck. Other brands of milk from neighbouring States are now in
demand. No one has certified the quality of this milk.

Year after year this problem continues. A startling fact I bumped upon is
that in the last one year the Goa government has incurred an expenditure of
Rupees 2 crores 19 lakhs on subsidies to farmers under the Kamdhenu scheme
for procurement of milch animals. So where is all this milk going?

Unconfirmed reports have it that in several cases no animals were procured,
whereas in others ordinary animals were procured while claims were settled
for hybrid animals.

While the PWD officials are accused of promoting tanker culture the Goa,
Dairy officials seem to be promoting other brands of milk from neighbouring
states by creating shortages.

So where has all the boasting of good and efficient governance in the last 4
years brought us to? Nothing seems to have changed on the ground. In fact it
is getting worse. soter d'souza porvorim

[Goanet]Socorro village thirsts, courtesy the village panchayat

2005-03-26 Thread Soter D'Souza

Some five years ago an executive engineer attached to the P.W.D office at
Porvorim had appealed to a group of agitating citizens to wait for 2 years
until the new treatment plant at Asonora is ready. You will swim in water,
assured the engineer.

Its March 2005 and alternate day water supply has started. Until now
everyone is to get approximatedly 2 to 3 hrs. of water supply although at
odd hours. Again that depended on the power supply and functioning of the
main line from Asonora. Any disturbance in either one would mean no water
supply. The acute shortage of water and erratic supply has prompted some
residents and building societies to build huge underground water reservoirs.
Some have got direct connections from the main line coming from Asonora.
Many times they just pump their water from their underground tanks and have
no inkling if there is no water for 2 to 3 days. It is only when they notice
that their reservoir is dry that they raise a hue and cry. It is only the
poor man who cannot have the luxury of building his own tank that has to

But although there is so much difficulty for regular water supply one will
notice huge housing complexes being erected in socorro village panchayat
area within a radius of just half kilometre. One is Prabhu residency with
around 250 flats, then Devashri is constucting a project of around 150
flats, the old motel La Joy is demolished and around 50 flats, and just few
days back Devashri has received permission for around 450 flats. So around
900 flats are in the process of being readied in a radius of just half
kilometre when existing residents of the area are not getting regular water
supply. How is the PWD going to supply water to these 900 flats which will
have an influx of approximately 3000 people?

Mr. Dayanand Narvekar, the MLA of Aldona who visited the village panchayat
on 23rd March has advised the people to pass a resolution in the gram sabha
disallowing construction permissions until the water situation is rectified
in Socorro village. When he was asked to get a ban at the Town and Country
planning and Collectorate level, he skirted the issue. And he had nothing to
say when it was pointed out that the Directorate of panchayats is always
there for the builders to over turn the village panchayats decision and
permit construction.

We cannot forget the enthusiasm of  the village panchayat in hurriedly
granting permissions as you may have read in Herald dtd 25 March 2005 on the
2nd page. The unconfirmed reports has it that the Sarpanch and members have
got flats and shops in return for their favour. Recent talks doing the
rounds is that the government officer who is at present administering the
village has been gifted a maruti car. You see the beans are spilled out by
others who envy their counterparts getting rich instantly.

While the Chief Secretaries and secretaries give assuarances that everything
will be OK they do not tell how they will do it when the infrastructure
existing is the same.  No one talks of freezing construction, conversions
and the rest. One can see how the builders are controlling the government.
And one can see how the builders get together to destabilise the government
when their interests are jeopardised. See how they are gunning for Babush
Monseratte who has made life difficult for these blood suckers of Goa. That
he did it to benefit himself is another question. People should vote Babush
to teach these builders a lesson.  They do not care for Goa or Goans. All
they want is some vacant space to sell and make their buck. If once the
people had to fear the Portuguese soldiers raping the local women today it
is the builders who are on the prowl to rape the land.

The government and the panchayats are paid to fool the people and keep them
in the hope that their water problems will be resolved.  There are hard days
ahead if people keep believing the government and the panchayats and sit
tight doing nothing. Wake up Goa.

soter d'souza
socorro, goa

[Goanet]Political situation

2005-03-09 Thread Soter D'souza
Mathany Saldanha has started sermonising to Goans on principles and clean
politics when the party with which he has been associating and vehemently
defending does not have respect for the constitution nor the rights of
citizens to freedom of speech and religion. What  does Mathany have to say
about Black Friday? Does he need Satish Dhond and Parsekar of the BJP to
escort him.
Secondly who are Advani and Pramod Mahajan from Delhi to talk on behalf of
14 lakh people of Goa and demand dissolution? Is it the love of the people
that prompts them to demand for dissolution or is it the possibility of
skeletons  rolling out of the cupboards that is making them desperate? Once
dissolution is allowed the corrupt will go scot free and public attention
will also be diverted from BJP misrule. What gurantee do Goans have that
another election will not throw up a hung assembly and again the abuse of
democracy  perpetrated by both the National political partys.
While the people silently watch, the BJP is giving the impression to the
rest of the country that it enjoys the confidence of all Goans. If this
silence is continued then God save Goa and its democracy.

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[Goanet]Re: Mathany Saldhana's comments

2005-02-26 Thread Soter D'souza
I have been reading Mathany's justifications about supporting the BJP. By
all means we should not polarise the communities and every one should live
together in unity. But let me tell you that it requires 2 hand to clap.
Mathany's great heroism or efforts to avoid polarisation means nothing for
fanatics and fascists who have been at work since the opinion poll. I can
tell you that the minorities are needed by the BJP as decoration and the
same also holds good for the Bahujan samaj who are being used. Filipe
Neri's, Monseratte's and Micky's desertion has already been used by these
forces to support their earlier claims that christaos and musalmans cannot
be trusted. No matter what Mathany or Francis (babush) does, when it comes
to politics there is nothing to stop a senior leader of the BJP (who
incidentally is Parrikar's favourite) from my village to go around at every
election calling christaos 'dukhor khavu' and warning the hindu community
that if  christians get the majority they will get back the Portuguese.
There is nothing to stop many hindus from thinking that if Dr willy becomes
the Chief Minister that the Portuguese will come back. Nothing can stop some
hindu politician whether at Panchayat level or State Assembly level to
polarise the communities saying that a christao sarpanch or CM is not
acceptable.  And there are many such leaders in the organisational set up of
the BJP who are of the opinion that if christians can be used as stepping
stones to their ultimate goal of hindu raxttra then why not use them.
Talking about communal harmony is one thing and being naive about being used
like condoms is another. Sorry for the harsh language but I speak from
experience and we should take some clues from the experiences of Digamber
Kamat  although he has been guarded in his disclosures. But surely that does
not mean there are no balanced thinking hindus and by all means we should
support them and work together to eradicate the mistrust and misinformation
being dished out by fanatics to further their political agenda.

-soter d'souza

[Goanet]Relevance of NGOs in Goa today (Goa Social Forum)

2004-12-23 Thread Soter D'souza
As an innovative way of celebrating 'Goa Mukti Din', a People's Symposium
was organized by the 'Goa Social Forum' on 18/12/2004 at T. B. Cunha Hall,
Panaji. The theme was 'Relevance of NGOs in Goa Today'. About fifty people
from various backgrounds ranging from Labour organization, judiciary, media
and academician and prominent NGO's participated and discussed and shared
there views on NGO scenario in Goa. The following was the outcome of

1. NGOs should be the voice of the voiceless, after developing the
leadership among the marginalized they should take a back seat and allow the
emerging leadership to take over.

2. NGOs should be involved by the government in the policy formulation and
making process and not merely for the implementation of defined policy.

3. NGOs should develop cross sector network with larger base among the
oppressed section such as tribals, dalits etc. NGOs should not work against
each other as well as not compartmentalize the areas of operation and target

4. NGOs should not be mere firefighters, but develop a strategy to counter
the socio-economic and political forces in society, through mutual exchange
of views and joint action.

5. NGOs should not merely become contractors to implement the government

6. NGOs look forward for a closer exchange of views and support from the
media and judiciary.

7. NGOs are not alternative to government, but have the responsibility of
bringing to light the deficiency in government policy.

In view of the critical role played by NGO groups those whose vested
interests are threatened by the awareness created by NGOs can not expected
to talk positively about NGOs and therefore they resort to labelling NGOs as
anti-government, anti- development, frustrated, always negative and so on.

Reggie Gomes   and  Soter D'Souza
(Organising Secretaries of Goa Social Forum)

[Goanet]Symposium -- relevance of NOGs in Goa today (Dec 18, 3 pm Panjim)

2004-12-16 Thread Soter D'Souza
# Goanetters-2004 meet in Goa. Dec 21, Tuesday. 12 noon to 2 pm. #   
# Clube Vasco, Near Municipal Garden, Panjim. Pass the word around!  #  


Contact Address: C/o. AITUC, Velho Bldg. 2nd. Floor, Panjim Municipal
Garden, Panjim, Goa 403001. Phones: 436 / 2420424

On 19th. December last year, various Non-Governmental Organisations, Social
Action Groups, Community Based Organisations, Trade Unions, Civic Action
Groups and People's Movements, celebrated a Lok Utsav on Goa Mukti Din. It
was held in an inclusive and popular style through song, dance, skits,
speeches and a visual display of their respective activities. Many said it
was a very meaningful way of commemorating this historic day, where people
could express their views on what liberation meant for them. They also
wanted that such an event be held every year.

Continuing this practice, though in a different manner and on a day
previous, it has been decided to observe Goa Mukti Din with a PEOPLE'S
SYMPOSIUM on 18th.December 2004, from 3.00 p.m. to 6.00 p.m. at the T.B. 
Cunha Hall, Azad Maidan, Panjim.

Subject of the Symposium: The Relevance of Non-Governmental Organisations in
Goa Today.

Presidium: Mr. Flavian Dias, Mr. Kalanand Mani and Adv. Norma Alvares.

Secretary to the Presidium: Adv. Subash Naik

After a brief introduction by a member of the Presidium, the participants
will be free to critically voice their views on the subject of the
Symposium, substantiating them with concrete evidence, wherever possible. 
Members of the Presidium will respond accordingly. The Secretary will later
sum up the day's proceedings.

We wish to invite you to continue making Goa Mukti Din, a significant and
memorable day once more; and look forward to your active participation in
this event.

Conceptualised by: Mr. Kalanand Mani, Com. Christopher Fonseca, Mr. 
Beethoven Fonseca, Mr. Soter D'Souza  Mr. Reggie Gomes.