[Goanet]re: Samir Kelekar's disappointing trip to Taleigao

2005-05-30 Thread The Goan Forum
re: Samir's disappointing trip to Taleigao, and his
assertion that Taleigao is a la Taleban

please read:

The question is: Are Goans truly liberated? TGF says:


The Big Let Down


critical comments welcome


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[Goanet]BJP lies and distortions - expose by Tehelka

2005-05-28 Thread The Goan Forum
ll article at Tehelka!

Let's say ? Jai Hind Phor That ??


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[Goanet]re: Gilberto on Santoshbab ani Catholic-bashing

2005-05-17 Thread The Goan Forum
Gilbertobaban boroilem:

<1. I and many don't care how many people or religions
Santosh insults. He is not going to insult ME and MY
religion. (Period - End of story!)

2. Please read my original post. I clearly state there
that Santosh DOES CHALLENGE Hindu beliefs. But those
threads are short and he posts it on the wrong Forum.

My prior post:
>From the types of subjects (on Hindu beliefs), I would
suggest (and I have made this point before) if you
seriously want to take on the Right-wing Hindus, you
got to take them / post them on their web site and not
on Goanet.

So who should be apologizing to whom for the
misquoting their writings.:=))


Dear Gilbertbab,

The point has been made. Whether one is big enough to
cast aside one's prejudices and withdraw an
unfortunate remark, is another matter.

Thank you for legislating where a Goan like Santosh
Helekar should and should not post his views.

My submission is as follows: If the Goan d-lists had
more Hindu Fundamentalists (at the moment we have
about 2 who post now and again), Santosh and Samir
would have been debunking those fellas even more than
at present.

Unfortunately, we have a number of Catholic
fundamentalists on the Goan d-lists. 

Do you believe they do Catholicism any favours?

Have the Inquisitioners done any favours to the
Catholic Church?

Are the child abusers doing any favours to the
Catholic Church?

Are those who kept silent about the abuse done the
Catholic Church any favours?

BTW: Gilbertbab, If I may ask you this: WHAT is your
position on the Child abuse scandal which hit the
Catholic Church and WHAT did you as a Catholic write &
do about it?

Silence, my dear Gilbert (as George Pinto has rightly
said) badly bruised the Church from within. That
Silence gave unnecessary credence to those
ex-Catholics and RSSites who hate SFX, Mother Teresa
and Pope John Paul.

Now please do not ask me about "statistics" of the
Inquisition in Goa. There are Rt. Wing Hindu nuts who
are asking if I have "statistics" of Hindu widows who
were also burnt alive in the hundreds of millions by
the violent and greedy people who feigned peace -
until Afonso de Albuquerque (yes that PORTUGUESE
fella), and later the Brits put an end to it via


ps: I wonder if Mario, Mervyn, et Gabe will watch the
discussion of their favourite topic this morning on TV
9:30 EST.

Recommended Goan Sites in Cyberspace 

Goa-World at http://www.goa-world.com * TGF at http://www.colaco.net

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[Goanet](no subject)

2005-05-01 Thread The Goan Forum
Goa Going Slumbai

Goa should learn some lessons from what is happening
to Mumbai. The metropolis which is increasingly being
referred to Slumbai. The commercial capital of the
country which has the dubious distinction of having
the largest slum in Asia if not the world.

A stinking cesspool called Dharavi. Over 60 percent if
not more of the population of Mumbai now live in
slums. And slum colonies keep springing up not by the
year or the month but by the day and by the hour. When
slums get established it is impossible to remove them.

What has happened to Mumbai could well happen to Goa.
Goa has seen waves of immigrants. Partly because Goans
are averse to manual labour of any type. All the
carpenters and plumbers and masons in Goa are from
outside the State. All the construction labour are
from Karnataka an Maharashtra. All the employees in 
the steel rolling mills are from Bihar and Uttar
Pradesh. All the security guards are from Orissa. We
do not know whether the fact that the Governor is from
Nagaland has anything to do with it. But there is an
increasing number of young people from the North East
in the hospitality industry. For the poverty stricken
chronically drought affected states like Bihar and
Orisssa, Goa is Dubai.

 One can see the presence and impact of continuous
waves of immigration all over Goa. Particularly in
villages in and around industrial estates. Just to
give one instance villages like Nagoa in Verna has
been virtually been taken over by immigrant labour.
Then of course there is the notorious Fukat Nagar in
Vasco so called because every structure is illegal.
Closer to the capital city there is Goa’s own Dharavi,

Slum colonies and illegal structures flourish in Goa
as anywhere else because of the patronage extended by
politicians. Once a slum colony comes up it is next to
impossible to eradicate it. This has been proved time
and time again. Whenever there is any attempt to clear
a slum colony there is a stiff opposition from

And Goa will hurtle relentlessly towards becoming a

courtesy Goan Observer
http://www.goanobserver.com/members/ (subscription



ALL THE SKELETONS that Manohar Parrikar tried his best
to hide and suppress while he was in power are coming
tumbling out of his cupboard. The latest and the most
shocking instance of the criminal irresponsibility
with which the Parrikar regime went about awarding
contracts to dubious parties is the exclusive contract
entered into  for sale of surplus power. 

Just a few months before the collapse of the Parrikar
government and the termination of the Power trading
agreement with Harry Dhaul, the state just escaped
being taken for a further roller coaster ride by Harry

Thanks to Goan Observer’s (Jan. 10-16, 2004) exposure
of the scam, the project was abandoned and the
inauguration of the same by the President, Abdul
Kalam, was cancelled at the last moment. Harry Dhaul
was allegedly very close to BJP leaders both at the
centre and in the state and is reported to have
contributed to the election war chest of the party

Corporation. Harry Dhaul failed to deposit the
proceeds of the sale of surplus power belonging to the
government of   Goa into the treasury of the State
government. At the time of writing, in what senior
government officials insist on casually referring to
as a commercial dispute, Harry Dhaul owes the Goa
government over Rs 100 crores.

courtesy Goan Observer
http://www.goanobserver.com/members/ (subscription


Joke of the Month of April (courtesy GoaNet Reader
April 30, 2005)

Press in Goa

By Rajesh Singh

The press in Goa has undergone many dramatic changes
over the decades since Liberation. From being a
propaganda machine of the colonialist Portuguese
regime, it is today a powerful medium to convey the
views and aspirations of the people of the state. 

The press has BECOME a WATCHDOG of society, and to a
significant extent it has been keeping a watch on the
performance of our public figures, not hesitating to
pull them up for their lapses.

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Goa-World at http://www.goa-world.com * TGF at http://www.colaco.net

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[Goanet]Goa: News and Views you may or may not have read

2005-04-29 Thread The Goan Forum
GOA: - world's foremost Paedophile destination (Tehelka)

August 14, 2004


One estimate by Child Relief and You (cry) indicates that over 10,000 
paedophiles visit Goa every year. Another assessment by Children’s Rights in 
Goa (crg) says that at any given point there are at least 100 paedophiles on 
the prowl in Goa. According to field data collected by national and 
international child rights organisations, a paedophile in Goa sexually 
exploits at least 20 children during his or her visit.

This exposé is a startling revelation of Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar’s 
passive connivance in turning Goa into a sex tourism destination. As
paedophiles roam the streets of Goa, the state government has looked the other 
way in its quest for more tourism revenues.

And Parrikar has been sitting tight on an explosive report on child-related 
sex crimes perpetrated by foreigners since 2001. He has buried the report
because he does not want the report to affect the state’s tourism revenues. 
The latest government statistics show that 3,21,399 foreign tourists visited
Goa between April 2003 to March 2004 and the state earned Rs 3,000 crore in 
foreign exchange.


GOA: Democratic King-ship for Alibabas (Goan Observer)

April 23 - 29, 2005


I have lived through the erstwhile Portuguese regime. If this was then, the 
missing items would be recovered within hours, and the culprits would be 
nursing their bones for a month and would have forgotten about robbing 

But no. That was dictatorship. Ours is a democracy where the victim has to run 
from pillar to post and the accused are the kings. Cheers!! 

Is that all? No! 

I will probably be, nay, most certainly be branded as the lover of the 
Portuguese who is longing to have them back in Goa. Why the hell not? If the 
police, whom we are feeding from our hard-earned tax-payers money are unfit to 
do a simple investigative task, then we certainly want to at least dream about 
the almost crime free era during the Portuguese rule where we could soundly 
sleep with our doors and windows open, even at nights. 

Today, our much touted-about democracy has brought in the scourge of 
robberies, dacoities, murders et al, including the insufferable mosquitoes 
that we had never seen during the Portuguese era, making us shut our doors and 
windows like shutters of fortresses. And our police, instead of applying 
themselves to the tasks of preventing and detecting crimes, are become
little poodles running behind the politicians from the day they put on the 
cursed uniform of the police force.




Looking Glass 2:   Dateline April 30, 2005:   The once clean and serene Goa is 
being royally messed up ever since the Indian troops marched in and captured 
it on Dec 19, 1961. There are many who get their knots all tied up when 
reference is made to the December 1961 invasion of Goa. So be it, for facts 
will always be facts.

The fact remains that despite the 'tons' of funds that hard working Goans have 
repatriated from abroad, Goa has become increasingly dirtied up . What, one 
must ask, has happened to all the money which has been earned from iron ore 
export, tourism and the repatriated Goan sweat?

The answer remains crystal clear when one realises that in 2005,  the average 
Goan in Goa is catching hell and calling it a good time while the politicians
are an epitome of  a Rags to Riches story.  No prizes for guessing that 
millions of  rupees have basically been stolen by these corrupt politicians, 
in plain daylight. And what have the watchdogs in the Goan Media done while 
has occurred ?  Oh ! those watch dogs? They have kept barking at the 
Portuguese who left Goa over 40 years ago.

Recommended Goan Sites in Cyberspace 

Goa-World at http://www.goa-world.com * TGF at http://www.colaco.net

The Goan Forum d-list is at  http://www.egroups.com/groups/goa-goans

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[Goanet]In the defence of Gilbertian Defence Scams!

2005-04-28 Thread The Goan Forum
According to the affidavit, the ministry has so far
been able to scrutinise its files for five
transactions carried out on the pretext of the Kargil

Findings on all but the tgm transaction have been made
available to Tehelka. 

It turns out that three of these four transactions had
been cleared DIRECTLY by the then Defence Minister
George Fernandes and in all three cases serious
procedural lapses were noted.

The transactions date to the period after the Kargil
conflict began in May 1999. At the time the defence
ministry, with Fernandes’ approval, issued an order
envisaging modifications in the procurement procedure
applicable for the duration of Operation Vijay for
items “specifically required for OP Vijay”. 

The contract for ammunition for t-72 tanks was signed
in June 1999 at a cost of Rs 116.83 crore. Files
relating to this deal revealed that “the said
ammunition was in production by the Ordnance Factory
and hence there was NO NEED to import ammunitions.

 However, by placing reliance on the Kargil conflict,
a proposal was mooted to buy the ammunitions for
Kargil. The RM (Raksha Mantri) has approved the
purchase for ammunition 02.07.1999 in view of the
prevailing circumstances.” According to the cag
report, t-72 tanks could not have been deployed at
high altitudes. The case has been recommended to the

Similarly with regard to the Rs 402.76-crore
ammunition contract approved by Fernandes, the
“pre-delivery inspection was waived. No formal request
for proposal was issued, which is contrary to usual

 Moreover, “Kargil and OP Vijay became the reason for
import of this ammunition. It is clear that the
supplier delivered old ammunition.”

 Further, the files have revealed that the Directorate
General of Quality Assurance (dgqa) “had
approved/certified the ammunitions stating that they
had residual shelf life of three years, even though
the ammunition was very old and their shelf life and
(sic) already expired by that time. 

The said inspection of dgqa is very suspect one”. This
case has also been referred to the cbi.

Recommended Goan Sites in Cyberspace 

Goa-World at http://www.goa-world.com * TGF at http://www.colaco.net

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[Goanet]The TWO RUPEES Andaman story which makes intriguing reading

2005-04-28 Thread The Goan Forum

 Two rupee tsunami aid


Villagers in India's Andamans and Nicobar Islands have
denounced 'paltry' tsunami compensation relief they
have received from the local government.

One woman received a cheque of just TWO RUPEES (less
than five US cents) for damage to her coconut crops.

The islands' chief administrator has now conceded that
"ridiculous" cheques have been sent out to tsunami

Thousands of islanders were killed in the 26 December
Indian Ocean tsunami and many survivors were made

India's central government promised millions of
dollars worth of aid to the Andamans after the

Scores of villagers in the worst hit Nicobar group of
islands say they have been issued with cheques for
small amounts of money.

The BBC has seen a cheque for two rupees sent to
Charity Champion, who lives in the village of
Nancowrie, an island in the worst hit Nicobar group.

more at BBC "This was done as per our rules

fwd sans comment by JC for TGF

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Goa-World at http://www.goa-world.com * TGF at http://www.colaco.net

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[Goanet]Looking Glass 2 now on TGF

2005-04-26 Thread The Goan Forum
The fact remains that despite the 'tons' of funds that
hard working Goans have repatriated from abroad, Goa
has become increasingly dirtied up . What, one must
ask, has happened to all the money which has been
earned from iron ore export, tourism and the
repatriated Goan sweat? 

from Looking Glass 2 (Dateline April 30, 2005

at http://www.colaco.net

fwd by jc for TGF

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Goa-World at http://www.goa-world.com * TGF at http://www.colaco.net

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[Goanet]Dabolcars please note: Mess in the Air Force Mess not too far away

2005-04-21 Thread The Goan Forum
Flying officer Anjali Gupta has been put under custody
in Bangalore and slapped with charges of consistent
insubordination, delinquency and even fraud.

The accused officer has responded with spitfire
charges of harassment against her male superiors, and
alleges that she's been put in the dock after pointing
out corruption in the recruitment of cooks and waiters
at an Air Force MESS.

A combative Gupta has fired on several fronts to
defend herself, slapping an FIR against two of her
seniors for harassment at a Bangalore police station,
approaching the Karnataka Women's Commission, and even
attempting to put her case in court.

More about the MESS in the Air Force Mess at this URL


Recommended Goan Sites in Cyberspace 

Goa-World at http://www.goa-world.com * TGF at http://www.colaco.net

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[Goanet]Dance-Bar Girls and Dabolim - any connection?

2005-04-20 Thread The Goan Forum
Not so rich dance-bar-girls to be evicted from Govt
houses in Mumbai. The Maharashtra Govt says that they
are not there legally. Apparently some senior officers
(illegaly) rented out the accomodation to them.

Wonder if ANY such illegally 'farmed out /
appropriated' accomodation exists in Dabolim.

Jusht asking



Dance bar girls to be evicted from Govt houses


Mumbai, April 20, 2005

After the ban on dance bars, Maharashtra is all set to
evict dance bar girls from government accommodation
that they are illegally staying in.

The Maharashtra government has asked its estate
department to compile lists of houses allotted to its
employees that have been illegally rented out to dance
bar girls in different parts of the state.

Acting on the orders of Deputy Chief Minister RR
Patil, bureaucrats in the state have decided to evict
dance bar girls living in government property and
prosecute employees who have illegally rented out
premises to them.

Sources say this illegal renting out of government
premises is a major racket made possible by the
connivance of senior officers. Employees who rent out
premises usually stay in their own houses.

Recommended Goan Sites in Cyberspace 

Goa-World at http://www.goa-world.com * TGF at http://www.colaco.net

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[Goanet]Dabolim and Squatters' Rights ani our "proxy" bar owners

2005-04-16 Thread The Goan Forum
While we are working on the TGF-Xacuti Bozo Singh
interview re: Dabolim and Squatters' Rights, attached
herewith sans comment is an article which readers
might find interesting.

For previous TGF-Xacuti Bozo Singh interviews please


good wishes



MUMBAI: It's a case of lawkeepers feeling the heat of
the law. The closure of dance bars might leave several
policemen, from humble inspectors to powerful
additional commissioners, in penury. That is if
missing out on big bucks can be described as such.

Sources say policemen have a benami stake of over Rs
20 crore in bars in Mumbai, Navi Mumbai, Thane, Raigad
and Panvel. There are no documents or ownership
records, but according to sources, these policemen
have clandestinely invested hafta money in dance bars.
In some cases, the bar is even owned by a police
officer who then gets a PROXY to run it for him.

A few days before deputy chief minister R R Patil
banned dance bars, a senior crime branch officer in
Mumbai struck a deal for over Rs 1 crore to take
possession of a dance bar in Andheri (East). This
officer already has a benami  stake in two other bars
in the area.

A couple of months ago, an officer with an encounter
squad bought a Malad bar from a woman for Rs 75 lakh.
After his first installment of Rs 25 lakh, he has
defaulted, and the woman is FINDING IT DIFFICULT to
recover the balance from him.

A former deputy commissioner is reportedly the
proprietor of a bar in the Pali area of Bandra. An
additional commissioner now posted outside the city
also has stakes in several bars, according to sources.

Recommended Goan Sites in Cyberspace 

Goa-World at http://www.goa-world.com * TGF at http://www.colaco.net

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[Goanet]Stuff one is unlikely to find anywhere else

2005-03-12 Thread The Goan Forum
Things which will make Bernado Colaco, of the Ole_Xac
de Macau fame, go Uumh!

Stuff one is unlikely to find anywhere else

1. It might not be known
2. It might be known but Hidden in the sand of Goan
3. It might actually be censored by those who do not
wish it to be known
4. other reasons


This is probably what LIBERATION is all about!


The top political leadership in Delhi irrespective of
which party is in power, have tended to think of Goa
only as a holiday destination. Even as scores of prime
ministers and presidents and central ministers and
senior political leaders of the entire spectrum of
parties have DESCENDED on Goa to enjoy the sun, the
sea and the sand, they have never spared any time or
attention for Goa’s problems. 

Successive governments at the Centre have been happy
enough to MILK Goa for its foreign exchange potential.
Goa is among the largest, if not the single largest
contributor to the foreign exchange reserves in the
country on the tourism account.

While Goa may relatively speaking be rich, Goans are
poor. If the per capita income in Goa is high, it is
not because of the wealth created in Goa, but because
if NRI remittances.

courtesy   http://www.goanobserver.com/
Subscription required to access online publication


Recommended Goan Sites in Cyberspace 

Goa-World at http://www.goa-world.net, TGF is at http://www.colaco.net

The Goan Forum d- list is at  http://www.egroups.com/groups/goa-goans

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[Goanet]The Mumbai to Manchester scandal - what about Margao and Mapusa ?

2005-02-23 Thread The Goan Forum
>From Mumbai to your supermarket: on the murky trail of
Britain's biggest food scandal

Randeep Ramesh and Sanjay Jha in Mumbai, Felicity
Lawrence and Vikram Dodd
The Guardian  Wednesday February 23, 2005

The head of an Indian company at the start of the
trail leading to Britain's biggest food scare since
BSE yesterday admitted that it had been the source of
"one or two tonnes of chillis" but denied that it had
sent adulterated spices to be processed.

Jagdish Advani, senior partner with Gautam Export, a
company based in Mumbai, accepted his company played a
role in a chain of transactions that ended up with an
illegal carcinogenic red dye contaminating over 400
well-known processed foods.

The Guardian has established the tortuous chain of
supplies which led to last Friday's food alert and
products being withdrawn from leading supermarkets
including M&S, Sainsbury's, Asda and Tesco.

Gautam admits supplying to UK importers EW Spices, who
then supplied five tonnes of chilli powder to an
Essex-based company called East Anglian Food
Ingredients. The chilli was sold on to another company
called Unbar Rothon which in turn supplied it to
Premier Foods.

Premier Foods added the contaminated chilli to
Worcester sauce which was used as a flavouring in the
manufacture of over 400 supermarket and top brand

Mr Advani said: "I sold one or two tonnes of chillis
to EW Spices but I do not know where they sent it to."
His company had its export licence revoked after
traces of the dye Sudan 1 were found in products from
the UK by the French authorities in spring 2003.

Last night Ashok Joshi, of EW Spice, denied the
application followed on from the firm's financial
troubles. He said he had reached retirement age and
was now claiming a state pension. He refused to
comment ahead of a meeting today, but when asked
whether he had consumed any of the affected products,
Mr Joshi replied: "We are vegetarian. No."

The trail is unlikely to stop with Gautam, which
continues to trade in sesame seeds. "We brought our
chillis from another Indian company, Volga," says Mr

Volga can be found less than a hour's drive away along
Mumbai's frantically busy roads. In the middle of the
city's grimy industrial centre, amid shanty towns and
high rises, is a wood panelled office which resounds
endlessly to the noise of spices being ground.

Inside are the men of the Shaikh family, whose chilli
trading empire has been laid low by tiny specks of
Sudan 1, a toxin that 18 months ago few people had
heard of.

Today the Indian spice industry, which accounts for
nearly half of the condiments sold across the globe,
is reeling from allegations that a shipment of the
country's chilli powder was behind Britain's latest
food safety scare.

The scare was triggered by the discovery of Sudan 1 in
a batch of Crosse & Blackwell Worcester sauce which
was supplied to all the main food manufacturers. The
dye, which is normally used in wax and floor polish,
is thought to have been added to chilli powder.

rest of the article at The Guardian - UK

Recommended Goan Sites in Cyberspace 

Goa-World at http://www.goa-world.net, TGF is at http://www.colaco.net

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[Goanet]Re: information on Goa, Goa's liberation, Hindus, Christians etc

2004-01-16 Thread The Goan Forum

--- ariana lopes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Dear TGF:

I am a student in my final year of the International
Baccalaureate Program in my high school. As part of
this program I write an extended research paper on a
subject of my choice. 

My paper is on the liberation of Goa. 

Specifically, I want to talk about the impact of
colonialism on the way people self-identify and based
on this why the Goan Christians did not feel it was a
liberation. (why they did not want to become part of

I chose this topic because my grandfather is Goan and
I always found his strong objection to being called
Indian interesting, and wanted to find out more about
Goa's history. I have been reading the articles on
your site and they are very helpful, but I wonder if
you could recommend other sources specific to my

Also, I sometimes am confused as to the credentials of

the authors and the academic validity - that is,
whether they were written solely as opinion pieces, or
as academic pieces. 

If you could provide me with some further information
I would greatly appreciate it.

Specifically, could you help me with a few questions
(if possible)

Were the religious conversions in Goa under the
Portuguese forced? and were they directed toward the
upper class Goans, or more appealing to the lower 
class (as I read once)?

Are there figures available on the number of Goan
Christians who were involved in an independence
campaign, and those who  left Goa after 1961?
Thank you very much!

Ariana Lopes

Dear Ariana,

The articles on The Goan Forum are personal opinions.
Having said that, you will do well to remember that
History by Historians is also subject to personal
biases, agendae, chips(on shoulders) and axes(to

So, all I can advise you to do - is to read widely;
and then form an opinion.

On a personal note I'd say that we at TGF value ALL
shades of opinion. 


Now - to your questions

question 1. 

answer 1: Not so sure that the above assumption is
correct. In any event, we will never know the real
answer to the question of IF "what happened post 1961"
was what Goans really wanted. The Indian Prime
Minister Nehru was NOT really sure. That might
probably explain why his Congress Government refused
to have a plebiscite at the time.

Please refer to the following articles

The Big Let Down 

Goa: An African writer's perspective

any parallel with the 21st Century?

a new article just posted

Now...I hope you are NOT of the blanket Opinion that
Goan Hindus wanted merger with India & Goan Catholics
wanted to be with Portugal.

Revision apart, the facts speak for themselves. As far
as one can decipher, Most Goans (especially the
intellectual ones) were fed up with the dictatorship
of Salazar. Incidentaly, so were the Portuguese - as
events would further reveal.

Besides that - a number of Hindu Goan Freedom Fighters
got left Goa for good post 1961 & migrated (of all the
places) to Portugal !

The advice one can give you is to NOT look at it as a
Hindu-Christian issue. We are ALL Goans. Religion is a
tool used by Politicians to divide us. Hopefully, we
will not fall into that trap.

Question 2: 

Answer 2: In a great number of instances, the answer
is Yes. A good example of the futility of this forced
conversion is found in the villages of Carambolim and
Mandur (Old Goa or the "Goa" of old).

Many Hindus carried Christian names and they have
reverted back to Hinduism( or at least Hindu names
after 1961).

A rapid survey of post 1961 will reveal that there
hasn't been any signifiant reversal from Catholicism
back to Hinduism. That fact speaks for itself.

As far as , it is best to be
honest about the whole matter and call it CASTE.

Of course, the caste system and Catholicism are
incompatiblebut Goan Catholics even today live the
lie of the Caste System they learnt from their Hindu

It is a shame, but one which illustrates that Goans of
all classes (castes) exist(were converted) into

Hopefully, this post will assist you towards an
understanding of the complexity of Politics and Power,
as well as the involvement of Religion as a means to
an end.

It happened in the area we know now as Goa, during the
thousands of years of Goa's existence - even the 451
years of Portuguese rule. It is happening TODAY.

And like every era - we have ostriches with their
heads buried in the sand.

Footnote: Hopefully Goan Christians and Hindus will
see the writing on the wall and unite. Otherwise, Goa
and Goan culture will be wiped out - once again by the
wind from the immediate EAST.

just like it happened 452 years ago!

good wishes

jose colaco
for TGF

Recommended Goan Sites in Cyberspace 

Goa-World at http://www.goa-world.net, TGF is at http://www.colaco.net

The Goan F

[Goanet]Unrevising the actions of the Konkani revisionists - 1

2003-12-30 Thread The Goan Forum
Goanet next meets in Goa: January 7, 4 pm (meeting point: Kala Academy canteen). 
Goanet founder Herman Carneiro will be there. See you there!

Further to what the good Goemcar Godfrey Gonsalves has
posted about Konkani and the attempt to forcibly
Sanskritize it (much like HINDI was), we are placing a
provisional list of Konkani words which are being
targetted by the Saraswat Revisionists for

This is a provisional list and we welcome correction
of typos or other errors, before it goes on to the
website. http://www.colaco.net

We are presently double checking the MARATHI
translation of the following words. They will help us
to anticipate what S-Kokni words to expect replace the
normally used Konkani words.

Like in the case of Hindi - We will all be advised by
alleged researchers and linguists that THIS (s-kokni)
is the purest form of Konkani.

And . we will believe them becauseLANGUAGE
never evolved (did it?)

It was delievered to Gomant via the Indradhanush!


jose colaco for The Goan Forum
NOT a researcher, nor a linguist - ONLY a Goan who
knows Marathi and.. its dialects?! (;-)

(please feel free to critique the text)

acsidente [K] acidente [P] accidente [E]

adeus [K] adeus[P] good bye [E]

advogadh [K] advogado/a [P] lawyer[E]

aeroporth [K] aeroporto [P] airport [E]

almoss [K] almoço [P] lunch [E]

assadh [K] assado [P] pot roast [E]

alth [K] alto [P] high [E]

amig [K] amigo [P] friend [E]

armarr [K] armario [P] wardrobe [E]

baim [K] bainho [P] bath [E]

botato[K]   batata[P]   potato[E]

bebdo[K]   bêbedo[P]drunk[E]

bileth [K] bilhete [P] ticket [E]

biskit [K] biscuitos [P] biscuits [E]

bluz[K]a blusa[P]   blouse[E]

burak [K] buraco [P] hole [E]

camra [K] camara [P] municipality [E] *

cazar [K] casamento [P] marriage [E]

cervej [K] cerveja [P] beer [E]

chepem [K] chapéu [P] cap [E]

chikri-pireô [K] xícaras e pires [P] cups and saucers

conth [K] conto [P] count / total [E]

convith [K] convite [P] invitation [E]

cop [K] copos [P] glasses [E]

cuidadh [K] cuidado [P] careful [E]

cuitadh [K] coitada [P] Poor You! [E]

culeram [K] colheres [P] spoons [E]

cumprimenth [K] cumprimentos [P] regards [E]

cuniadh [K] cunhado/a [P] brothrt/sister-in-law [E]

currei [K] correio [P] post [E]

curth [K]  curto [P]short [E]

cuzine [K] cozinha [P] kitchen [E]

dans [K] dança [P] dance [E]

derepenth [K] derepénte [P] suddenly [E]

deshpaez [K] despesas [P] expenses [E]

espozisaum [K] exposiçao [P] exposition [E]

ezam[K]  exame[P]exam[E]

falth [K] falto [P] shortage [E]

fameel [K] familia [P] family [E]

fath [K] fato [P] suit [E]

felize [K]  feliz [P]happy [E]

feriadh [K] férias [P] holidays [E]

feridh [K] ferido [P] injured [E]

figdh [K] figado [P] liver [E]

frak [K] fraco [P] weak [E]

futbal [K] futebol [P] football [E]

garf [K] garfos [P] forks [E]

gosthu [K]  gosto [P]taste [E]

gravath [K]  gravata [P]neck tie [E]

greep [K] gripe [P] flu [E]

Gurgulet [K] gorgoleta [P] pitcher [E]

guardanap [K] guardanapos [P] serviettes (or napkins)

horr [K] hora [P] hour [E]

hotel [K] hotel / restaurante [P] hotel / restaurant

igorz [K] igreja [P] church [E]

infirmeir [K] enfirmeiro/a [P] nurse [E]

iskolam [K] escolas [P] schools [E]

inglez [K] inglés [P] english [E]

inzneiro [K] engenheiro [P] engineer [E]

irmao [K] irmao [P] brother [E]

istassaum [K] estaçao [P] station [E]

jardin [K] jardim [P] garden [E]

jornal[K]  jornal[P]newspaper[E]

juiz [K] juizo [P] judge [E]

Kafi [K] café [P] coffee [E]

kalsao[K]  calçao[P]   a pair trousers[E]

Kapitaum [K] capitao [P] captain [E]  *

Kansad[K]  cansado/a[P]   tired[E]

kantar[K]  cantar[P]to sing[E]

kass[K]a caça[P]hunt[E]

Kristaum [K] cristao[P] christian [E]

komess [K] começo [P] commence [E]

lath [K] lata [P] tin [E]

leitaum [K] leitao [P] suckling pig [E]

lenss [K] lenço [P] kerchief [E]

limpo[K]   limpo/a [P]clean[E]

lissens[K]  a licença[P]   permission[E]

limaum[K] limao [P] lemon [E]  *

lissao[K]  a lição[P] lesson[E]

livroo [K] livro [P] book [E]

lugar [K] lugar [P] place [E]

maal [K] malas [P] suitcases [E]

mai [K] mae [P] mother [E] *

manteigh [K] manteiga [P] butter [E]

mez [K] mesa [P] table [E]

modher [K] madeira [P] wood [E]

natal [K] natal [P] christmas [E]

negoss [K] negocio [P] business [E]

nervose [K] nervoso [P] nervous [E]

obrigadh [K] obrigado/a [P] thank you [E]

pai [K] pai [P] father [E]

paum [K] pao [P] bread [E]

pagamenth [K] pagamento [P] payment [E]

passinjeir [K] passageiro [P] passenger [E]

perig [K] perigo [P] danger [E]

prass [K] praça [P] square [E]

pratin [K] pratinhos [P] small plates [E]

pronth [K] pronto [P] ready [E]

pry [K] praia [P] beach [E]

rope [K] roupas [P] clothes [E]

relloj [K] relogio [P] watch [E]  *

quarth [K] quarto [P] room [E]

queij [K] queijo [P] cheese [E]

razaum [K] razao [P] reason [E]


[Goanet]TGF's promised weekly review (#3) of online Goan Observer - Nov 28, 2003

2003-11-30 Thread The Goan Forum
This is Review No 3.

This online edition is an improvement on the previous
editions: gets a 4.9 out of 10.


1. [Stray Thoughts]

A shameful reminder of the Police State, Goa has
become under this RSS regime. This surely must be what
they call "Freedom".

Good to note that "Agente Karnal Singh Monteiro" has
left Goa.

2.[Stray Thoughts]

Hijacking is the art perfected by the Revisionists &
Thieves. If anything, the Goa Observer has done well
by reminding those who care to note WHO was the
pioneer of this school

3. [Stray Thoughts]

< REVISION IN SAFFRON - the efforts of the Sangh
Parivar to saffronise education institutions in the
state. The Sangh Parivar obviously does not feel any
need any longer to be secretive about its insidious 
attempts to infuse education in the state with a more
nationalistic fervour. Nationalism as in Bharatiya
which translates into the Hindutva perspective on
nationalism. The Goa Shikshak Parishad, a Sangh 
Parivar-affiliate, has sent out letters to all the
schools in the state announcing a seminar on the
quality of education in Goa on Monday, Dec.1, 2003.
The seminar has the blessing and the benediction of
the state Directorate of Education.>

Its coming. Goans will now be taught Mythology instead
of History. And, Mythology will be presented as facts.
The "useful idiots" will believe.

4. [Media Watch - Eddie D'Sa] 

Wonder where the writer of the above garbage has been
for the past year - in Rip Van Winkle land, perhaps.
If anything, The BBC & the Independent have been under
severe pressure for trying to maintain their
independence. So much so that the US TV audience for
the BBC, in recent times, has shown significant

5. [COMMUNAL COMBAT - Indian students and violence in
the US]

Looks like the Revised Silly Stuff(RSS) is spreading
its wings. While TGF is aware that 'volunteers'
regularly hit websites sites with programmed sound and
word bytes, this act took it to a new level.

6. [ECO-WATCH - Chimbel Jimbell]

Chimbel hanh?

7. Recommended Reading:


A comprehensive, critical Beethoven Fonseca analysis
of the draft proposals for the School Education Policy
for Goa and State Council for Education and 

* Ben Antao's Review of MAQBOOL

8. Thumbs Down:

* JONQUIL SUDHIR's - News Analysis

First of all JONQUIL SUDHIR, it is NOT the Post Mortem
REPORT that is "conducted", only the post mortem.

Secondly, you are slandering Dr. Edmond Rodrigues. Has
the named pathologist been found guilty of "messing up
the medical examination" you write about? - Even

Is it the intent of this Goa Observer to become a rag
sheet which slanders professionals on the basis of

What if the same GOSSIP MILL stated that JONQUIL
SUDHIR may be linguistically challenged?. Would you
print that?

Interesting if the "Board of Directors" of the Goa
Observer will allow the continued spread of GOSSIP
under the title of New Analysis.

* Tara Narayan's  EATING IS FUN

TGF waited a week to see if Tara Narayan had heeded
the criticism of her awful "Food" column.

Lat week, Tara wrote an excellent piece on the Gaudis.
This week, it is back to the same old junk - the above
quoted plug for TRA Narayanan having been noted.

November 29, 2003

Recommended Goan Sites in Cyberspace 

Goa-World at http://www.goa-world.net, TGF is at http://www.colaco.net

The Goan Forum d- list is at  http://www.egroups.com/groups/goa-goans

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[Goanet]Subject: Stray Thoughts about the Goan Observer - 2

2003-11-29 Thread The Goan Forum
On TGF, we believe that Goans can be intelligent, and
can have opinions. They have a right to express these

Today, the day before we review the latest online
edition of the Goa Observer, we had a few Stray
Thoughts about some of material in the Goan Observer's

GO 1.[IN THE CURRENT issue of both the print and
online edition we have broken a major taboo or at
least a convention in Goan journalism. The national
media, particularly the magazines have long since
abandoned the conventional wisdom that the private
lives of politicians are not relevant to their public

We disagree with the sentiment as stated above.
Private lives are private lives & should be so, no
matter WHO it is.

These private lives of others (politicians included)
are NOBODY'S business UNLESS public position is used
BY the politician or govt. official to extract private
favours from other individuals, OR the events
adversely affect the conduct of public policy.

Fortunately, Mr. Rajan Narayan comes on track to state

BTW: Has anyone thought of WHERE in Goa the document
for the Konkan Railway, was signed? and by whom?

Did it matter that the person who signed that Konkan
Railway document was dethroned, because he got on the
throne by not so legal means?

GO 2.[The famous case of the kin of a senior minister
allegedly running a brothel in Panjim was very quickly
and quietly and effectively hushed up]

One really doubts that this matter has been finally
"dealt with". It is more likely that the issue is kept
on the back burner, ready to be brought to the front
burner, IF that "FORMER senior minister" (not 'senior
minister' as Mr. Narayan alleges) becomes too vocal.

GO 3. [I wish to focus only on one more issue. My good
friend M.K. Jos, who has always considered himself an
avenging angel and the conscience of Goa, has lodged a
complaint against me and the Goan Observer Pvt.Ltd.
with the Registrar of Companies]

Not again!

Not this same old battle between Two Malyalis settled
in Goa.

These were the two star players in the famous Raul
Saga. Now they have started this silly stuff again.
Hey Guys, have you thought of washing your private
laundry and battling your petty quarrels in another
place? like Trivandrum for instance!

for 2000 battle check this URL out

Thank Goodness, NO Offensive Stuff in Bad Konkani, in
this issue!

Nov 29, 2003

Recommended Goan Sites in Cyberspace 

Goa-World at http://www.goa-world.net, TGF is at http://www.colaco.net

The Goan Forum d- list is at  http://www.egroups.com/groups/goa-goans

To respond directly to any post  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[Goanet]TGF's promised weekly review (#2) of online Goan Observer - Nov 22, 2003

2003-11-23 Thread The Goan Forum
Subject:  TGF's promised weekly review of online Goan
Observer - Nov 22, 2003

This is Review No 2.

This online edition is an improvement on the first
edition: gets a 4.1 out of 10.


1. [Stray Thoughts]

TGF1: an important story which describes typical Goa
police ineptitude.

Where on earth is this "Madgaon"?

Hyper Marathisizing Romi written Konkani!!?!

2.[Stray Thoughts]

TGF2: Again, a very important exposé of the CLEAN
Corruption which exists within Goa's political

3. [Stray Thoughts]

TGF 3: A know technique for disenfranchising
legitimate voters & making mockery of the "Alleged One
person, One Vote" boast

4. [Crab Xec Xec] [Wily Willy leads the crab pack]

TGF 4: Very well written article describing the
foibles of ostensibly Intelligent Goans who did NOT
realise that they were spiting their proverbisl faces
when they cut their own proverbial noses.

5. [Tender Bender]

TGF 5: An age old technique of BJP(aka MGP aka Rane
Cong) for swiping contracts.

An 'excellent' example of CLEAN GOVERNANCE.

6. [Mine Fine]

Norma Alvares

TGF 6: A very well stated position which would never
have found its way into the established Nooj Papers

7. Recommended Reading:

An undemocratic approach to education in Goa. 

TGF 7: A comprehensive, critical analysis of the draft
proposals for the School Education Policy for Goa and
State Council for Education and Training. By
Averthanus L. D’Souza.

8. Thumbs Down:


TGF 8: An important topic written in language NOT
meant for the "masses". The article looked like a
plaguarised version of a what Dr. Kaisare had written.
If Ulhas Kaisare wrote it, why NOT give credit to
Ulhas Kaisare?

BTW: The ophthalmologist may say that"The single most
important thing you can do to reduce your risk of
vision loss is to have regular medical eye
examinations" but those who deal specifically with
diabetes may say that CONTROL of BLOOD SUGAR is THE
single most method of reducing not only risk to vision
loss BUT also many other complications of diabetes.


Edition #2 has some of that "Goan" Touch. Hope that
TOUCH is more and more evident in the editions that

Nov 22, 2003

a look at Goa Journalists and the pathetic state to
which they have been reduced. IGO a possible rainbow?

Recommended Goan Sites in Cyberspace 

Goa-World at http://www.goa-world.net, TGF is at http://www.colaco.net

The Goan Forum d- list is at  http://www.egroups.com/groups/goa-goans

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[Goanet]TGF's promised weekly review of online Goan Observer - Nov 15, 2003

2003-11-17 Thread The Goan Forum
Still early days.

Even so: gets a 2 out of 10.


* WHO'S AFRAID OF THE BIG BAD WOLF? - a fair rehash of
generally known material, and a good reminder for our
generally sossegado & short attention span Goans

* STRAY THOUGHTS - too stray except for "the new
thunderbolt from the Goa Su-Raj party"

* EATING IS FUN - A variety food column BY Tara

el crapo all over again! Please try to get hold of a
good Goan writer for this section. Time for some Goan
stuff written by a Goan.

* SHACKS GO FOR A TOSS says "Shack owners are furious.
The Tourism Department has always displayed an
outright disregard for the environment, but it is now
playing with people's lives"

One sided article. 

On what basis does this author say that "The Tourism
Department has always displayed an outright disregard
for the environment" ?

And what about The Shack Owners  and their "regard for
the environment?"

The writer accuses the Tourism department of "now
playing with people's lives"

Notice that he makes NO mention about "The Shacks".
Does he believe that their state of "Cleanliness" and
facilites for "Hand Washing" and "Toilets" can be said
to be any better than "playing with people's lives" ?

Truly Disappointing OnLine issue

Certainly LACKS that "Goan" Touch.


a look at Goa Journalists and the pathetic state to
which they have been reduced. IGO a possible rainbow?


Recommended Goan Sites in Cyberspace 

Goa-World at http://www.goa-world.net, TGF is at http://www.colaco.net

The Goan Forum d- list is at  http://www.egroups.com/groups/goa-goans

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[Goanet]Previous msg has "wrong sender". TGF coordinator error

2003-11-16 Thread The Goan Forum

The previous msg was NOT sent by Aloysius D'Souza but
by Dr. Jose Colaco for TGF

apologies for the error.

Had Aloysius' name in the SENDER option, to FWD his
msg - forgot to change it.

Apologies again


Recommended Goan Sites in Cyberspace 

Goa-World at http://www.goa-world.net, TGF is at http://www.colaco.net

The Goan Forum d- list is at  http://www.egroups.com/groups/goa-goans

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[Goanet]Goan Observer (Nov 15, 03) talks about Goan Journalistic Cowardice

2003-11-15 Thread The Goan Forum
>From the latest Independent Goan Observer

"is committed to the Journalism of Courage, as against
the Journalism of Cowardice, which has become the norm
in Goa."

"The Goan Observer is also committed to liberating
Goans in Goa from the all pervasive fear and dread
that they live in."


TGF comment: Need TGF say any more?

Read TGF's editorial on the topic



Recommended Goan Sites in Cyberspace 

Goa-World at http://www.goa-world.net, TGF is at http://www.colaco.net

The Goan Forum d- list is at  http://www.egroups.com/groups/goa-goans

To respond directly to any post  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[Goanet]The Infamous Raul Saga being loaded on TGF

2003-11-10 Thread The Goan Forum
The Infamous Raul Saga

Did a cabal of senior Goan Journalists decide to teach
an honest Goa Journalist, a lesson

Dear all,

The above captioned is being loaded on site. It has
not been fully edited yet - hopefully by this weekend.

Many naive and generally uninformed Goans have asked
us why Raul is so important.

TGF will let the material speak for itself.

6 parts have been uploaded thus far:

The cabal pack-attack the Goa Journalist

TGF members' outrage

More TGF members' outrage

The outrage continues

The Heraldo's pathetic response

Is this the article which merited the Raul attack?

A couple more articles including one by Bosco Eremita
on "Crooks & Lies   etc"to be linked

The information in the above 6 pages is raw data. That
data, we believe, speaks for itself.

The introductory page is in Goa for vetting, has not
yet been received.

your critical input welcome


posted on TGF and GoaNet (do not know if GoaNet will
do the selective censoring of posts again)

Recommended Goan Sites in Cyberspace 

Goa-World at http://www.goa-world.net, TGF is at http://www.colaco.net

The Goan Forum d- list is at  http://www.egroups.com/groups/goa-goans

To respond directly to any post  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[Goanet]IGO, I Goan, I Gone! - a TGF editorial ( an updated preview now on website )

2003-11-09 Thread The Goan Forum

IGO, I Goan, I Gone! - a TGF editorial: a look at Goa
Journalists and the pathetic state to which they have
been reduced, & IGO, a possible rainbow  (enter)



Look in NEW section

opposing comments welcome


Recommended Goan Sites in Cyberspace 

Goa-World at http://www.goa-world.net, TGF is at http://www.colaco.net

The Goan Forum d- list is at  http://www.egroups.com/groups/goa-goans

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[Goanet]Raul 2 ..... the continuation of a saga

2003-11-03 Thread The Goan Forum
It was an excellent response (to Valmiki's Sunday
Reflections) from Floriano Lobo.

He has wisely asked us to evaluate the IGO and its
leader Rajan Narayan.


TGF continues its own process of evaluation.

The hope is that IF there is room for CHANGE, that
room will be utilised.


Change often results from compromise of Ego without
the Compromise of Principle

here is the second segment of RAUL


TGF offers NO comment yet...but will do at the end.

ANY contra comment is welcome


Recommended Goan Sites in Cyberspace 

Goa-World at http://www.goa-world.net, TGF is at http://www.colaco.net

The Goan Forum d- list is at  http://www.egroups.com/groups/goa-goans

To respond directly to any post  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[Goanet]Here's.............RAUL! segment 1

2003-11-02 Thread The Goan Forum
Dear all,

The first article in this Raul saga has just been
uploaded on to the website.

It has been uploaded sans any written comment (Yet),
though some sections have been highlighted.

Must say that some of the words make interesting
reading.3 years+ from the first "Raul" incident.

It is accesible at


TGF's comments will follow at the end. We certainly
hope to return to some of those highlighted words at
that time.

PS: The IGO, I Goan, I Gone TGF editorial is awaiting
permission for use of feedback from Goa + vetting
(also being done in Goa.

jc for TGF

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Goa-World at http://www.goa-world.net, TGF is at http://www.colaco.net

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[Goanet]Coming soon to the TGF website: der RAUL! due Nov 4, 2003 (please stay tuned)

2003-10-31 Thread The Goan Forum
Coming soon to the TGF website at

der RAUL!

expected date of Web Publication: Nov 4, 2003

please be sure to access itin the NEW section.

You critical critique is welcome

Opposing views extra welcome.


jc for TGF

Recommended Goan Sites in Cyberspace 

Goa-World at http://www.goa-world.net, TGF is at http://www.colaco.net

The Goan Forum d- list is at  http://www.egroups.com/groups/goa-goans

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[Goanet]IGO, I Goan, I Gone! - a TGF editorial ( a preview before website inclusion )

2003-10-28 Thread The Goan Forum
en with the public's collective bad attitude
against them, they keep repeating the same lies; and
sure enough, someone other than a reporter begins to
believe in them.( 1995 Mark Y. Herring )

So what is all this hullabuloo about this IGO?
This IGO is set up gluteus maximus forwards! For
anything to succeed, the organization must be set up,
and individuals placed in position. In the case of the
IGO, it appears that the organization has been built
up around Rajan Narayan. 

Building organization around a single individual is
recipe for failure!

Make no mistake. At this point and time, Rajan Narayan
is best suited to be at the helm of the Professional
side of IGO. He has the zeal to succeed,he is hard
working, and the gusto to take on the racist, bigotted
and corrupt Alibabas that inhabit the corridors of
power in the allegedly Liberated Goa.

However, there are issues such as the ones Valmiki
Faleiro alludes to. Valmiki may be too harsh in his
criticism, but he has more than a couple of points
that need to be properly answered. There is also the 
"raul" attack on Fred Noronha and the pathetic Rajan
Narayan justification of that cowardly attack.

TGF still hopes that Rajan Narayan has turned a
corner, and has resolved to be different from the
Rajan Narayan of the Raul saga era.

If he has, TGF suggests that we all support IGO. 

There is a real need to oppose the present bigoted and
casteist tactics of the BJP in Goa. 

IGO is perhaps the only hope.

However, if IGO's editor does not resolve to open up
to criticism, and does NOT open up to collaboration
with decent Goa Journos, it will only be seen as an
attempt to WHIP UP anti-Hindu sentiment among the 
Christians in Goa, that too for personal Rajan Narayan

Whether the 'Rajan Narayan gain' part is true or not,
Goans cannot afford a greater Hindu-Christian divide
than one that has been developing since 1961.

The politicians, right from the MGP to the Congress to
the present BJP governments, have used politics to
divide Goans. The reason: VOTES!

All this while MONEY has been swallowed, LAND swiped,
previously clean HOSPITALS turned into shabby
urine-odorous death row holding centres with fancy
machines, Cities polluted, Walls full of Paan Spit,
Water supply contaminated with Hepatitis E, Malaria
spreading, Roads converted into death traps and Goan
culture and language SUPPRESSED -(Konkani suppressed
like in Portuguese times!)

Even so, Goa certainly does not need Rajan Narayan or
anyone else to add fuel to the fire.

Goa will outlive this present BJP attack on freedoms.
Newspapers have come and gone, Governments have come
and gone, Goans are still there, and despite it all,
have enjoyed very good, Hindu-Catholic-Muslim ekta.

If IGO commits itself to be a responsible supporter of
good Government actions, and a responsible slammer of
Government rip-offs, fine. Otherwise, forget it.

Let us, Goans, not be like the Lenin's "useful idiots"
and allow personal agendae to cloud community

Hopefully, the IGO folks will read this and think
about his. Hopefully, Rajan Narayan will disabuse
himself of the belief that he is the present "Goemcho
Saib". He is not!

Hopefully, the IGO will be run by a board which will
invite the good 

Goa Journos to join as equal partners with equal
voices. That includes Valmiki Faleiro. They may not
accept the invitation, but IGO must be seen to be open
to inviting detractors.

And hopefully, IGO will relegate that awful Tara
Narayan food section to where it belongs - thrash!

October 27, 2003

(corrections and opposing comment welcome.)

Unless otherwise specified, comments (minus foul
language) will be used on TGF website.


please NOTE 

The Pin-Toe files on site under "NEW"

Recommended Goan Sites in Cyberspace 

Goa-World at http://www.goa-world.net, TGF is at http://www.colaco.net

The Goan Forum d- list is at  http://www.egroups.com/groups/goa-goans

To respond directly to any post  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[Goanet]Der Senhor Shri SaySill Pin-Toe files NOW on site

2003-10-25 Thread The Goan Forum
The Senhor Shri SaySill Pin-toe files are now on site


Please access NEW and look at 

Der SaySill Pin-Toe  Tongue in Cheek series!


Judge Fudge

Your input including a contra view on any of the
articles, is welcome.

Posts containing abusive language not welcome.


Recommended Goan Sites in Cyberspace 

Goa-World at http://www.goa-world.net, TGF is at http://www.colaco.net

The Goan Forum d- list is at  http://www.egroups.com/groups/goa-goans

To respond directly to any post  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[Goanet]The Pin-Toe files #2 being proofed for e-publication....stay tuned

2003-10-25 Thread The Goan Forum
The Pin-Toe files #2 being proofed for e-publication
of http://www.thegoanforum.comstay tuned

It stars the usual suspects and has brief cameo
appearances by two other interesting personalities

stay tuned

might be of interest to Rajan Narayan (;-)


Senhor Saysill Pintoe is the new and dynamic e-savvy
Chief Minister of the Republic of Aldona. He is sharp,
jocular, and in total control of the opposition

His quick wittedness has impressed liars, friars and

The world famous distance-journo Shri Jew-Zé is in
Goa, and this is his second tete a tete with Shri
Senhor Saysill Pintoe. This interview took place at
Velim's world famous Bar Herculeano. Many other well
known Goan personalities were in attendance; the
allegedly crisp Siolim Caju feni was relegated by the
brew brought in from Betul.

This is a brief record:

Jew-Zé:  Your Excellency, Thank you for agreeing to
see me again. After last time, I thought you were
Ragar-Fugar with me.

Senhor Saysill: Arre baba, I am like that only. I call
that testing the waters. General public is usually
sleeping. You have to find out if they are awake or
not. If they are awake and they make bobbat, all I 
have to do is pull back.

Jew-Zé: And they will forget, like in the "judges
corrupt" case!

Senhor Saysill: Yes Yes!

Jew-Zé: And the Goa Journos? Do they also forget?


(entire script will be on website later tonight EST)

stay tuned. Will publish URL once article is fine
tuned and linked.


Recommended Goan Sites in Cyberspace 

Goa-World at http://www.goa-world.net, TGF is at http://www.colaco.net

The Goan Forum d- list is at  http://www.egroups.com/groups/goa-goans

To respond directly to any post  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[Goanet] Re: Konkan Railway - Mishap : NO Anti-Collision Device fitted !!!!

2003-06-24 Thread The Goan Forum
The driver of the ill fated Konkan Railway train is
naturally distraught after the accident.

It appears that the engine COLLIDED with boulders !!

According to the Deccan Herald the driver is reported
as saying that : "this particular locomotive had not
yet been fitted with the KRC’s anti-collision device

The question is 

sued for Criminal Negligence

The Konkan Railway Corporation (KRC) managing director
B Rajaram told Deccan Herald after returning from the
accident site " Not even the anti-collision device
(which have not been fitted on KR trains yet) would
have prevented Monday's accident"


Your views are welcome

Please REPLY ALL !!


Here is what the Deccan Herald reports

Rail engine driver upset by tragedy

DH News Service PANAJI, June 24

The fact that the engine of train No 904 hit the mouth
of the Berle tunnel perhaps saved the lives of engine
driver C K Johnson and his assistant R K Gupte. 

Mr Johnson was in command of the Karawar-Mumbai
holiday special which crashed 7 km from Vaibhavwadi
following a landslide. Over 50 people lost their lives
in Monday’s crash, the Konkan Railway’s worst disaster
so far.

As fate would have it, Mr Johnson’s brother, C K
Thomas, also an engine driver, was driving the train
right behind, the Konkankanya Express. “I heard of the
accident when we arrived at Vaibhavwadi station, and
we rushed to help out with the rescue operations,” he

Mr Johnson who was brought to the trauma ward of the
Goa Medical College on Tuesday evening, has suffered a
fractured leg, nose, and dislocated shoulder. Being
granted a second chance to life can be an “unhappy
experience” for a locomotive driver, when there have
been so many casualties, he says.

“I would have been happy had I been able to save all
the people travelling on the train that night,” he
says. This is the first time a train he has handled
has suffered casualties. It had been raining heavily
just a few minutes before the accident, which took
place around 9.25 pm. He said he reduced the speed of
the train, but a few metres away from the tunnel the
engine ran into boulders, brought down by a landslide
causing it to derail and hit the mouth of the tunnel.

A resident of Trichur, Kerala, the train driver says
this particular locomotive had not yet been fitted
with the KRC’s anti-collision device (ACD).

Recommended Goan Sites in Cyberspace 

Goa-World at http://www.goa-world.net, TGF is at http://www.colaco.net

The Goan Forum d- list is at  http://www.egroups.com/groups/goa-goans

To respond directly to any post  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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