[Goanet] Re: *** Goanet Reader: Just one degree more... lessons from an Italian priest

2005-12-18 Thread Grace
Indeed..this is really a well written article by Pravin..It speaks alot of 
his past experiences and how much effort is gone into the making of a 
whole..i appreciate reading such write-ups as it adds to the readers 
knowledge too..increases word power and opens the eyes of the readers 
mind!!!..thanks to Fr.Gatti .his soul sure is resting in peace hearing his 
praises down here on earth..

Grace Godinho

- Original Message - 
From: "Goanet Reader"
Sent: Saturday, December 10, 2005 10:50 PM

> By Pravin Sabnis
> In Don Bosco High School, an Italian priest, Fr Peter Gatti,
> taught me English in the tenth standard. He was huge,
> humorous and a highly effective teacher. My language skills
> prospered under his nurturing.

|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
|  Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages   |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |

[Goanet] Re: Tour of Aldona

2005-09-12 Thread Grace
that was an interesting trip to aldona..even now..i havent seen much of 
aldona i guess..n being the biggest village in bardez..amazing!! had hell 
lot of friends there..but never had the opportunity of touring all these 
forts..irmits and what not..bridges..ofcourse i heard of the overnite built 
bridge for the film festival last year.
interesting on the whole,,waiting for more to follow..some other village 


IN A LIGHTER VEIN: Taking a tour of Aldona

Cecil Pinto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> shared his idea of an ideal
tour of Aldona, recently:

I have often taken friends over to my parent's house in Goncoi at
Aldona. Sometimes these guests have either never been to Aldona, or
have visited fleetingly. I take such people on a brief pre-lunch tour
of Aldona either in my van or on bike/s.

[Goanet] Re: *** Goanet Reader: Let's go party (Cedric Silveira/Panjim Plus)

2005-08-30 Thread Grace
that was really interesting..informative, useful ideas and what involves 
partying...im really impressed by this writeup!!..
Mr.Silveira has done a superb job on collecting information from 


> Have Panjimites changed the way they party?
> Cedric Silveira finds out.

[Goanet]Re: Goa in Olden days

2005-06-26 Thread grace

I really enjoy reading from your shelves..once i start cant stop..its really 
interesting to learn how healthy olden days people are till date..going 
strong..but young ones like us..keep falling ill due to lack of exercise..and 
no burning of calories..I have my mother, a living example of the 1930's..she 
prefers to walk anywhere and everywhere..whilst i would always offer her a 
ride on my Scooty..she would prefer to go on foot..in our area of Goa, 
transportation was not fully developed till recently..say 1990's when i was 
going to college..

in the late 1960's..when i was born in 1970..by that time my father sold his 
car away..and proceeded to Gulf..once again..after a break of say 3-4 
years..not sure..these are stories before i was born..but i dont remember 
seeing my father's taxi..it would have been there..but i was too small to
register anything then..

well well..im telling you my stories now..but reading yours are really
interesting specially the ghostly one!!!..infact when i was in my tenth
class..i used to wake up early to study for my Prelims..around 4- 5 a.m.
may be..and i used to hear this stumping sound on the road like a metal rod
when banged on the ground with its vibrations..and i used to wonder what it
was then..then i told my mother i hear this sound early morning..she told
me its the Gaonkar going back to his destination..passing by the road..i
used to get scared after that to wake up in the mornings..then i started
keeping up nights..but the prob existed..this gaunkar used to leave his
destination at 12 am and go back at 5 am or so..so at 12.30 i used to hear
this sound again..then i used to close my ears and go on studying..with
fear inside me..cos i was the only one UP then..all fast asleep..i was the
youngest so had no company from the rest of my brothers n sisters in
staying up late or waking up early for studying..my eldest sister finished
her SSC in 1975 when i was a lil girl..and all the rest were born in 2
years gap..all together 6 of us..so missed out on the fun when they used to
wake up to study..

Good old memories are refreshed reading your mail..im feeling at home now
here..n my mother is here with me..helping me with my baby..she is now 75 but 
as active as ever helps me also with all other chores..

