From a Reuters report on the ongoing Edinburgh Fringe Festival:

"Comedians from round the world have descended on Edinburgh’s Fringe Festival believing they have what it takes to make humour truly international.

Whether pillorying every country that springs to mind or telling the joke about swimming badly with dolphins, they argue that humour needs know no boundaries.

American comic Dave Fulton, among hundreds of stand-up acts to grace the stage at the world’s biggest, and some would say wackiest arts festival, thinks he has found the perfect solution; mocking every country he has ever been to. What succeeds in Dubai goes down just as well in Cape Town.

‘‘Humour is invariably translatable. It is all about recognition and surprise, and stand-up comedy is the last bastion of free speech,’’ he told Reuters after mocking fellow Americans as much as the rest of the world in his high-octane gig.

‘‘America’s big problem is giving answers but not asking questions. It will take a decade to repair the damage done by the Bush administration,’’ he said.

Others do not escape his ire. “Canadians are just Mexicans with sweaters,’’ he said, casting political correctness to the winds.

“We cannot go to war with India -- we would have no one to connect us to our bank when we ring."

Are Mario and Merwyn listening?

Cheers, RKN

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