As the count down begins for the rally at Azad maidan
Panaji to save Goa and our mothertongue 19 years after
the official language Act relegated Cristaos to second
class citizens -- this is a wake up call -- its now or
never-- there will be canards myths floated -- about
heads being broken about marathiwadis staging a
backlash.  All this is hogwash --- make your presence
felt and ensure the unity of Goans Hindus Catholics
Muslims all.

We count on your presence .  At the time of writing
there are encouraging signs our politicians have
realised the importance of this public outcry and most
of them have heeded to our call and they promise to
render justice.  Be there --- in large numbers 

Here is the official press release for the ocassion.

Godfrey J I Gonsalves
Borda Margao Goa

c/o Rhythm House,Below City Hospital,Opp
Margão, Goa - 403 601
Phone: +91 0832 2714299

Dalgado Konknni Akademi (DKA), Goa, earnestly requests
all Konknnis spread throughout the world and those who
love and care about the survival of Konknni in Roman
script, to attend its rally  at Azad Maidan, Panaji on
Friday, 10 February 2006 at 3.00 p.m. to show their
active support to Konknni in Roman script.  

DKA also requests Konknni lovers to boycott and openly
show their protest during the forthcoming Konknni
Conference organized by All India Konknni Parishad
(AIKP) at Kala Akademi, Panaji from February 10 to 12,

DKA has organised this symbolic rally for the
following reasons:

The purpose of the Official Language Act 1987 is to
protect the interests of people of Goa in the field of
economy, education, culture, etc.  The Official
Language Act 1987 recognises Konknni written in
Devanagari script only.  

This is a great injustice to the Goan  community which
reads and writes Konknni in the Roman script.  

Due to this Official Language Act writers, readers,
publishers, artists, lovers and promoters of Konknni
in Roman script are treated as second class citizens
in Goa and they continue to suffer this humiliation.

Therefore DKA demands from the Goa Govt. equal status
to Konknni written in Roman script on par with Konknni
written in Devanagari script in the Official Language
Act 1987.
DKA recognises and respects diversity of scripts,
dialects of Konknni and cultural expressions of
Konknni people.
Konknni in Roman script is one of the best and
effective means to unite all Konknni speakers spread
throughout the world. 
By imposing Devanagari script and a particular dialect
as the standard Konknni have resulted in driving away
the minority community from the Konknni language.  

DKA regrets to state that the imposition of Devanagari
script for Konknni has divided the Goan community.
All India Konknni Parishad (AIKP) instead of
respecting the varieties of Konknni and thereby
forging unity among the various regions, communities,
dialects and scripts  viz, Roman and Kannada along
with Devanagari has caused irreparable damage to the
unity of Konknnis, by adopting a retrograde policy of
"ek lipi, ek bhas, ek sahitya, ek samaz" (one script,
one dialect/language, one literature, one community). 

Hence DKA wants to end the injustice meted  out to all
the scripts of Konknni except Devanagari. 
Through its above mentioned  policy, the All India
Konknni Parishad is sowing the seed of communal
division, hatred and disharmony in Goa and among
Konknnis spread throughout the country.
Through manipulative politics AIKP has attempted to
impose one script (Devanagari script) and one dialect
on all others (a) at the Sahitya Akademi level (b) at
the Goa Government level (c) at the other State
Governments level. 

In the name of development of Konknni, AIKP promotes
exclusively Devanagari script to perpetuate its
monopoly and hegemony.
AIKP does not accept the basic demand of a large
section of the Goan Community.  

The demand is to include Roman script as the official
script of Konknni side by side with Devanagari script
in the Goa Official Language Act 1987.   

Similarly AIKP does not respect and accept the demand
of Konknnis to teach Konknni in schools in Kannada
script in Karnataka.
AIKP is NOT registered under the Societies'
Registration Act 1860. AIKP has remained an 'Exclusive
Club' of a fistful of persons and organizations to get
funds from Govt. and the public to organize
unproductive conferences.  

No genuine attempt has been made either to include
active registered bodies into the AIKP or promote
Konknni language and literature. 
Since All India Konknni Parishad is NOT a Registered
Society, it has no legal status and right  to ask for,
or to receive Govt. grants, subsidy and funds. 
On 23 January 1978 an institution called All India
Konknni Sahitya Parishad was registered as a Society
in Goa.  Its Registration number was 6/78.  However,
this Society never renewed its registration from
11.06.2000.    Hence All India Konknni Sahitya
Parishad ceaseS to exist.  

A  coterie of writers who control AIKP also control
and manipulate practically all the matters related to
Konknni at the Goa Govt. and Central Govt. departments
and institutions.   

The time has come for Konknnis to voice their opinion
against this oppressive institution AIKP.  Unity among
people can never be achieved by imposition of one
script and one dialect over the others.  'Unity in
Diversity' meaning unity by accepting the three major
scripts (Roman, Devanagari and Kannada) and the
various dialects, is the only formula which can bring
Konknnis together, and assure the very survival of


Wilson Mazarelo
          Dalgado Konknni Akademi


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