The people of Goa are agitated over the silence of a
majority of Catholic MLA's on the issue of bringing
about the amendment to section 2(c) of The Goa Daman &
Diu Official Language Act 1987.

Many of these  14 MLA's irrespective of the party they
belong to have in private vociferously expressed that
Roman script should be given official recognition.

The only difference is that some feel that

a) use it as an emotive issue at the time of elections
by including it in the election manifesto
b) bring the amendment now itself in the 20th March,

Most of the Hindu Bahujan Samaj MLA's have agreed to
support this move if in the ruling side or not oppose
it if in the opposition.

Therfore either way -- the people of Goa would like
the Cristao MLA's to make the first move.  

Thus far Dr Wilfred A De Souza NCP MLA Saligao and
Deputy CM on his behalf and on behalf of his
Ministerial colleague Mr Francisco (Mickey) Pacheco
MLA Benaulim have expressed full support if the
amendment is brought about as they cannot do so being

Now it is left for the others to follow suit.  The
reason why the community is shown distinctly is not to
whip up communal passions but because it is generally
the Catholics who are conversant with the Roman script
and if not, obviously ought to support the recognition
of this age old script while the Hindu Bahujan Samaj
who are frank enough to admit that Konkani in Roman
script is the natural script followed by the Catholics
in Goa.

Since the time is short for putting up the question
before the 20th March 2006 Goa Assembly session, this
message is sent out.

Meanwhile Goans worldwide should question their
respective MLAs on the issue and if possible post on
the net the views of the respective MLAs.

The same excercise will be carried out in Goa by a
team of young writers shortly.

Borda Margao Goa 

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