Agnelo loves people, i know, i have experienced his
largesse !  He and Maria have raised six lovely 
American children,  all very accomplished.  Agnelo,
they would love to edit your prose, you only have to
ask !  Tom belongs to the very first group to graduate
from the very first College of Engineering built by
Nehru in Goa.  I would imagine that Agnelo got the
benefit of the same facility to become an engineer, or
perhaps another in Nehru's India.  I paid Nehru ten
dollars a year for a graduate school education,  it is
now 65,000 dollars a year in the United States.  Pay
back to that country can in no way include lethal
    Agnelo, the old English 1911 sedition laws kept
Nehru in prison for 15 years.  They are still in
effect and have been upheld by our courts.  The US is
a military ally, not so hush-hush either  The FBI
would pick you up in a blink - Hemant had the same
idea,  he got 45 years in Federal Penitencia in your
state - New Jersey, this week. He is 65, he will be
cremated in prison, fueled by a rocket he wanted to
sell Al Quaeda.  We Goans are a very "quaido"
conscious people, something our parents never stopped
reminding us.  The word's the same, propriety, pity
that Arab got it so wrong from his mother.      eric.

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