|                    Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions                 |
|                                                                        |
|      Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages       |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |
At a meeting held this evening 5th December, 2005 with
the Chief Minister of Goa, Mr Pratapsing Raoji Rane at
2016 hrs ( the scheduled time was 1900 hrs but the CM
was away at Selaulim in Sanguem)  Ms Victoria
Fernandes MLA Santa Cruz and Deputy Speaker of the Goa
Legislative Assembly who has been spearheading the
over two months agitation on the twin issues of
withdrawal of the draconian Town and Country Planning
Ordinance of 29/9/2005 and removal of all revenue 
villages from, the PDA's (incidentally on 4.2.2005 Mr
Rane had in "public interest" scrapped all the PDAs
and and suddenly brought them back for reasons unknown
on 27.9.2005 after Presidents Rule bye elections and
the  month long budget session selectively including
some revenue villages in Panaji and Mapusa excluding
all revenue villages from Ponda and Margao, though his
INC party had opposed revenue villages in PDA's while
in the Opposition)  Mr Rane clarified to Ms Fernandes
in the presence of the President of the Santa Cruz
Constituency Citizens Action Committee Mr Agnelo
Oliveira, Mr Agnelo Pereira of the Penha de Franca
Citizens Forum Mr Nitin of Salvador do Mundo and this
writer that the new incumbent Law Secretary to Goa
Government Mr U Bakre ( ex District Judge )was asked
to examine the legal aspects of repealing the
controversial Town & Country Planning Ordinance of
29/09/2005 and he was awaiting his report thereon. 
Owing to this Mr Rane clarified he could not reply to
the letter of Ms Fernandes wherein she sought written
assurance from the CM on the fate of the ordinance and
the withdrawal of revenue villages from PDA's   It may
be noted one NGO People's Movement for Civic Action
has received a clarification signed by P S Rane handed
over to the NGO by the Goa Pradesh Congress Committee
Chief Mr Ravi Naik (Ponda MLA) earlier and they have
asked for further clarifications from  Mr Rane which
is awaited.

As regards the exclusion of revenue villages from the
PDAs Mr Rane told Mrs Fernandes that her villages of
Santa Cruz were already excluded, when pointed out
that she had forwarded the resolutions of over seven
Village Panchayats who too have approved withdrawal of
the villages from PDAs's Mr Rane feigned ignorance of
such demands and enquired as to when the same was
forwarded to his office.  He was told by Ms Fernandes
that the same was forwarded to his office on Friday
2nd December, 2005 Mr Rane then agreed to take up this
issue with the Cabinet and said it could take a seven
to eight days when pressed for a firm committment.

However Mr Rane categorically warned the Village
Panchayats that demands for exclusion of revenue
villages from the PDA's would entail problems of
garbage He also referred to the rampant corruption of
giving House Numbers to illegal construction and cited
the instance of his own constituency where such
activity was going on. He further added that his
government would bring an amendment to the Village
Panchayat Act to ensure that all such Panchayats
promoting illegalities would be dissolved.  He also
bluntly stated that the Calangute Panchayat was
indulging in rampant corruption.  When asked by this
writer that when such positive measures to stop
illegalites were appreciated by citizens from all over
Goa why no ordinance was brought on this count instead
of the controversial TCP ordinance Mr Rane remained

Mr Rane also stated that it was late Rajiv Gandhi's
desire to have direct elections for Sarpanches so that
they could be summarily removed for promoting
illegalities as they would be answerable to the entire
village Panchayat.

The delegation listened to his observations however
given the fact that the revenue villages have been
selectively included and PDA's hardly bother about the
garbage problem one of the members suggested immediate
implementation of the 73rd and 74th Amendment to the

When this writer amd President of SCCAC Mr Oliveira
brought to the notice of the Chief Minister that while
Santa Cruz Villages were excluded from the PDA's but
there was no notification to that effect and as a
result from 27th Spetember, 2005 to date the villagers
are inconvenienced as they have to obtain clearance
NOC under section 49(6) of TCP Act 1974 or development
and other permissions under section 44 of TCP Act 1974
from the North Goa Planning Development authority for
registration of documents Mr Rane stated that the file
has to be moved by the TCP Minister Mr Atanasio Babush
Monseratte and he would take up the matter with him to
expedite the same.  It may be noted that the Sub
Registrar cum Civil Registrar Panaji has been
insisting and rightly so that unless a gazette
notification is issued excluding Santa Cruz villages
from PDA's he would continue to insist on clearances
NOC from NGPDA as per the 27.9.2005 gazette

The meeting ended on the hope that the law department
will submit its report immediately to enable Mr Rane
a) reply to the letter of Ms Fernandes on the above
issues b) repeal the TCP ordinance c) take a Cabinet
decision to consider exclusion of villages other than
of Santacruz who have vouched for coming out of PDAs
and whose representation has been forwarded to the CM
on Friday, 2005 d) immediate issue of notification
excluding villages of Santa Cruz and preferably with
other villages as well as the matter is considerably
delayed and the agitators can remain silent no longer.

The next seven days therefore is crucial for the Rane
Government failing which the agitation may take a
different turn the agitators informed Ms Victoria. 
Other NGO's the PMCA Mr Anand Madgavkar Ms Patricia
Pinto the Goa Environment Group Goa Suraj party Mr
Floriano Vaz and Sarpanches of villages and other
village groups from Siolim  Ms Nirmala Sawant ex GPCC
President and ex MLA Cumbarjua constituency etc were
also present outside the residence.

from the CM's residence end Altinho


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