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First of all,

I am delighted to see this post from Mr. Borges on GoaNet - replete with the 
"dreaded" cross-posting (;-)

I await the decision of the gorrment on this issue.

>From what I know, only dictatatorial regimes i.e. Salazar, Franco, Sadaam, 
Bandodkar etc selectively applied RULES which even did NOT exist.

These are the non-existent  rules which "some" of us are accused of 
violating. Ha!  I am waiting for the Man himself to show that he is Man 
enough to EITHER show me the RULE that has allegedly been violated, or 
WITHDRAW that bogus allegation.

And please ...DO NOT bother send private messages to me ...on a matter which 
is public. OK?

Having said that, TSKK ......Congratulations on Ulo.

I personally commit to assisting and finding assistance for ULO in 2006

As long as the language in ULO is understandable ......it will succeed. 
Otherwise it will go the way of Dixxt, Gulag ani Superannuation

I suggest that you DUMP Mr. Borges' alleged advice. He has been squeezed 
enough to publicly accept that he is anti-ROMI Konkani. We summised that a 
long time ago.

And dump any alleged AWARD which fails to recognise the rights of all Konkanis.

re the "procedure suggested" by  Sebastian Borges, I say DUMP it. I also say 
IGNORE the attacks made by intention on JESUITS, on Fr. Pratap, and on the 

Dump those who have inbuilt animosity towards Konkani and Romi Konkani 


jc  (Matric fail, but  MA - Master of Argument   -   contra 'agentes' de 
Hypocrisy, False Accusations, Communalism and Casteism)

Borges: <  This should be done by literary experts i.e. those who have at 
least an M.A. in Literature, not necessarily Konkani Literature. >

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