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Filling in the gaps of Erith's history
By Linda Piper

Cliff Pereira holds nutmeg other spices at the display of Erith's town history 

  * Cliff Pereira holds nutmeg other spices at the display of Erith's
    town history BE1328-02

A new exhibition has just opened in Erith Museum which uncovers an intriguing 
new dimension to the town's history. Chief reporter LINDA PIPER finds out 
more ...

ROGER Griffith said in his account of the Thames in 1746: "Erith, a small town 
on the Kentish shore, is remarkable for little else but smuggling".

But as researcher Cliff Pereira has revealed, there was a whole lot more to 
Erith in the 17th and 18th Centuries than contraband.

It has taken him four months of painstaking work to plug a gap in the town's 
history, searching through maps and ship's manifests and diaries. 

Mr Pereira, 45, from Springfield Road, Welling, even found someone with his 
own surname staying at the Running Horses pub during the 1881 census.

He said: "Most people know about the Royal dockyards of Henry VIII and the 
growth of industry on the riverfront in Victorian times.

"But I wanted to know what was going on in between." 

In fact Erith had become an important part of one of England's best-known 
monopolies the East India Company.

Because the Thames is comparatively shallow between Woolwich and Erith, it was 
impossible for the company to send its ships from the Port of London, fully 

So they sailed down river to Erith, where they took on ballast and heavy goods 
before setting sail for the Far East.

And on the homeward journey, they would off-load cargo and ballast before 
returning to London with the remainder of their goods.

The exhibition gives a flavour of the sort of cargoes being carried and how 
the modern-day industries of Erith grew from their beginnings with the East 
India Company.

It also traces the links between well-known land-owning families such as the 
Wheatleys and the company.

An engraving from the 1700s (below) shows dozens of ships sailing down the 
Thames and several moored off Erith.

If you look carefully you can see the houses scattered down the riverfront and 
a pier stretching out into the river.

The houses are also likely to have included company warehouses.

One of the star exhibits of the exhibition, which also coincides with Black 
History Month, is a clay pipe recovered, like many others, from the Erith 

The pipes were tossed overboard by sailors and most are completely plain in 

But this one has a bowl in the shape of an African's head.

Mr Pereira explained: "The pipe would have been filled with tobacco, probably 
from Virginia.

"It happens that an agent local to Erith, called Biggs, had plantations in 
Virginia, at Chesapeake Bay, which grew tobacco, rice and indigo.

"And the workers on those plantations were likely to have been slaves from 
West Africa."

The use of saltpetre as ballast on homeward journeys and its use in making 
gunpowder resulted in powder houses developing along the riverfront the 
precursor to the later armaments industry.

Cotton and linen bales were off-loaded for bleaching in Crayford, a forerunner 
of the textile industry in the area which ended with the closure of the David 
Evans silk mills.

Even for those who think they know the history of Erith, this is a fascinating 
exhibition, made more so by Mr Pereira's running commentary on the exhibits.

It is hoped he may be persuaded to give some talks at the museum about the 
free exhibition, while it is still on display.

The exhibition runs until the end of December and the museum, in Walnut Tree 
Road, Erith, is open on Mondays and Wednesdays from 2.15pm to 5.15pm and on 
Saturdays from 2.15pm to 4.45pm. 

11:45am Wednesday 19th October 2005

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