|              Add your name to the CLEAN GOA INITIATIVE                 |
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|      by visiting this link and following the instructions therein      |
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|   http://shire.symonds.net/pipermail/goanet/2005-October/033926.html   |
While googling "Mopa airport"  I came across this link:


It is the take of media in Goa about the March 2000 Union Cabinet decision
which has been much in the local news recently. So the news has not (or
should not) have come as a surprise. It has not been kept a closely guarded
'state secret' all this time to be foisted on an unsuspecting public.

Fast forward to August 2004. Here is another interesting link by Goanet's
own Fred Noronha.

It provides an excellent summary of the Dabolim imbroglio centering on the
Indian Navy and even refers to the Mopa proposal. But unfortunately it seems
to focus only on charter flights and on the Navy's concession of round the
clock airport operation and thus fails to highlight that the die is cast as
far as Dabolim's impending closure is concerned!

Thus while there has been a constant barrage of  posts on goanet in the
subsequent year and more about Dabolim, Seabird and Mopa, it is only now
that we are informed that  Dabolim's closure as a civil enclave is a
foregone conclusion! It is only a matter of limbo-like time.

This seems to speak volumes about the lack of honest information exchange in
Goa and perhaps even on goanet. All the talk about leveraging collective
learning etc seems just that ..."big talk"!

People also say that a year's time on the internet is practically an
eternity. That's what we may have lost due to hoarding of and hesitation to
share available information by people who knew better.

Who loses? Ultimately only the long suffering people of Goa -- most
unfortunately! We have let them down. No question about that. Let's hope
that something can at least be retrieved even at this late date. It might
call for a miracle.

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