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Around the second half of the last century great stalwarts like Minguel Rod, Aleixinho de Candolim, C. Alvares and others took “Konkani tiatro” to great heights. This period was termed as the “The Golden Era of the Tiatro.” Goans were still under the Portuguese rule and would continue to be under its ‘hukumat’ until December 19, 1961!

The Konkani tiatro has evolved over the years as a powerful medium for mass communication, and the yesteryear tiatrists ensured that they made the best use of the medium through which they conveyed their messages to the public.

Among others, the three great pillars of the golden era were KID-YOUNG-ROD (Kid Boxer, Young Menezes and Minguel Rod); they went on to become the most popular combination of the period.

Kid Boxer was stationed and worked in Bombay. His songs were so powerful that they shook the Indian government at the Center. When he sang a song criticizing the Indian government for Goa’s liberation, he was arrested in Bombay, imprisoned in Nasik jail, sacked from his job with the Central Railways and deported to Goa. Immediately after Goa’s liberation, he was again arrested in Goa for rendering a hard-hitting “zupatti” against the Indian government for which he was branded as anti-Indian, but that did not stop him from criticizing the Indian government; instead, he became all the more powerful. Such was the might of Kid Boxer’s songs! The lyrics of his songs were mostly based on “opari” (proverbs) for which he was renowned!

Young Menezes will go down in the history of tiatro fraternity as the only tiatrist who was able to sing songs at jet speed. Just like the fastest sprinter who runs 100 meters dash race in the least time in seconds, he too, broke the record by singing the most words per minute! Many tried to copy him then, including Peter Gomes (ex Salgaonkar goalkeeper) from Calangute, but nobody could get close to his speed; he was unique. Young Menezes was always welcomed on the stage with a big applause but once he began to sing a song there would be silence because if one was to follow what he sang he/she had to be attentive or else the words would fly off from the top of the head! His songs, especially political ones, were an exercise for people to go home and ruminate; sample follows in the song below.

As for Minguel Rod, we all know that he was one of the geniuses of the Konkani stage. He too, did away a lot of social evil and brought about changes in the society through his songs. It is a pity that none of our yesteryear stalwarts’ children followed in their parents’ footsteps professionally, except Jr. Rod, who began his career as a tiatrist and continues to date as one of the best professional tiatrists.

In the following song, Jr. Rod presents us the above-mentioned three characters by singing one each verse and chorus of their original songs:

"KID-YOUNG-ROD" by Jr. Rod

Kid-Young-Rod mhuttlear adim gaztalem nanv
Tanchim kantaram aikonk lok marun ietalo dhanv
Mozo pai sonvsar soddun gelo mhunn bhogtam fugasanv
Aiz tacho ugddas korunk tacho ek vers chorus mhunntam hanv

Bhoinnim zobor mhaka bhogta dukh
Disandis vaddta mhunn dothinche rukh
Itleim tum ibaddit voitai tujem sukh
Punn hantun nam gho tuji koslich chukh

Te dothik lagon tum dukhan navta
Chintun tuzo fuddar ful koxem bavta
Ti doth punzavnk tum sirvisek ravta
Thoddim ankvarponnar maimieo zavnk pavta

Mojea paiche khambe kantaram mhunnpi Kid-Young zoddidar
Te kantarancho dunvor kori soddlelea porim far
Young-hachea fast kantarank xebaski ditalet Goenkar
Atam aikat Young koxem korta poi tem kantar

Mhaka tuka, tuka mhaka soglleank amkam thoddo teomp ravpachem
Devan soglleank amkam ginean dilam bore baxen uzar kelear borem sukh gavpachem
Varear bonvchea ganzilanchem kam bhavanim fokot eka-teka kunsam lavpachem
Ganvan bore baxen ravot ani bore baxen cholot, ganvan sogllem borem zavpachem

Neich ghoddun haddlea kannim, ghoiruman bhosla tho vannim, moskar uddki marun fulam chinvun ros pita chani Adim Black Line puddo dhanim, atam zalo cheallisanim, hi khobor soglle zannam Delhik noko asli rannim This world is very funny tell me why you’re laughing sonny, adim hanv uddean cheese khatalom, atam chopati with honey Thoddeach tempan Goyeam fuim bond zavpachi fenni, fenni bond kelear rendrank pensanv dilear puro tennim Amerikak tirip martam, vhoddlem rocket magon haddtam, soglleam rendrank tentun bhortam magir chondriman voir roitam Tentun kavote kirlavn kaddtam, magir bhattieo chalu kortam, Goyeam soro bond zait tumkam zavo titlo daddtam

Khorench Young Menezes-ak azunui favo vhodd maan
Tannem fast kantaram mhunnon dakoilem tiatristank
Tosoch Kid Boxer oparinchea kantaranim azun asa tann
Dekun Kiddacheo opari atam aikat sintidan

Mim kevrila ala vota Goela, kai fine zaga mure dhandela
Thonddu dukhachi mannsa bogaila, ar’re xethkari gaborte bhattkarla
Va very good night, bhattkar light, xethkari xeth korun raddtta mhunnche kai re, atam tras dite vaitt, atam tumich boga saib, dita bolun pian vazta savkarachi wife

Mi Goela dete vote maddachi, avxila bore mhunntat kazunchi
Bomboila gete vote dobbeachi, punn baiko bolte guttan iete tonddachi
Hadnaim fuk, baiko marte bukh, jasti zali tor ti sangte bhair zavn zop
Ar’re darucha rop, mhunnchem jivitacha fog, mister telling to drink me komblleacho sop

From Dom’s antique shelf!

Domnic Fernandes
Anjuna/Dhahran, KSA

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