[Goanet] Mario Gouveia: The nuisance value of a pod

2006-03-29 Thread Francis Rodrigues


You are a pod. 70 posts a day ? Definitely a pod. No sentient being would be 
craven enough to such self-aggrandisement. At even 5 min a post, that's 6 
hours daily spent overwhelming the admin. You're not Kozyrev, doubt you can 
bend time or even have a passing acquaintance with tensor calculus. And it's 
not like you have anything worthwhile to say asides from inane commentary 
and unctuous mutual back-slapping with sea-merchant/serpent cronies. Most 
certainly a pod.

Granted the admin's hardly faultless (the old Cecil Pinto episode still 
rankles), they do however strive manfully. But - 70 posts a day ?? Listen 
pod, maybe Gabe's no archangel, but his posts have been delightful - where 
do you ('Ponjekar' ??) get off calling them 'zilch' etc ?! Pimply 
nuisance-value mouthing-off won't cut the mustard here - or are you 
delusional enough to labour under the misapprehension that your broadcasts 
are podcasts ? Well, I guess... as you're a pod.

Your take on Jabalpur was appalling - as is your condescension towards 
things Indian. 70 posts a day ?? Pod, how many of them relate to Goa ? Not 
that it's a Goanet requisite, but would you even happen to know Konkani ?! 
And if you don't, why in just one para, I'll be most delighted to educate 
you in the chastest and swiftest Konkani crash course possible -  the real 
deal, with txting and portuguese thrown in for good measure, not the 
namby-pamby marathi-chapathi chatrapathi-sivaji- bharathi version 
masquerading on other forums. The 'Complete Idiot's Guide To Konkani' by 
H.A.D. Just ask, pod. At 70 posts a day, you deserve it.

When Cornel refers to you as 'challenging' the context is mental (as in 
'mentally challenged'), not as in 'if a dorji can achieve fame by 
vanquishing 7 flies at one blow, so can I with 70 posts in one flow' !
You wll excuse us for having thought your Al Jazeera takedown would have had 
a salutary effect on your incessant trumpeting (70 posts a day ?), but your 
constant 'I, Me & Myself' are beginning to pall, deluded enough that your 
iTunes are attributable to a unique kind of iPod. Get a life, pod.

When you have tired of your verbal diarrhoea dude, slither down to CalT. We 
have all sorts of uses for pods. Like feeding them to the gators. Or else 


Message: 12 Date: Sun, 26 Mar 2006 12:16:37 +0100 From: "Gabe Menezes" 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Subject: Re: [Goanet] Re: Welcome to Goanet To: 
"Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!"  Message-ID: 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Content-Type: text/plain; 

On 25/03/06, Mario Goveia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:--- Agnelo 
Pinto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

   Mario adds:

E-mail programs have an ingenious feature which allows certain e-mail 
addresses to be put in a spam list. This prevents any single Goanetter from 
hijacking this or any other forum with unwanted information cut and pasted 
from other web sites we all have access to.  If other Goanetters find these 
duplications useful it is fine with me, as long as my Inbox is not clogged.

RESPONSE: On any given day, you post more than anyone else on this forum. 
In the past you have had 70 postings in just a few hours and the Goanet 
Admin were sweating, just to try keeping up with you! Perhaps, you close 
friend Agnelo Pinto had you in mind. You trying to ram down our throats 
your ideals.


Message: 2 Date: Sat, 25 Mar 2006 09:01:23 -0800 (PST) From: Mario Goveia 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Subject: Re: [Goanet] Re: Welcome to Goanet To: 
"Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!"  Message-ID: 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Content-Type: 
text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

   REPLY: Dear Gabe, Here you go again. Only confirms you know ZILCH. I 
can be in any part of the world, and still be a Ponjekar. As I said 
earlier, you (Osama #1) have hijacked this forum.


Message: 4 Date: Fri, 24 Mar 2006 19:11:28 - From: "cornel" 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Subject: [Goanet] Carmo's depiction of Mario To: 
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="iso-8859-1"; 

Colleagues I want to disassociate myself from the terminology  ("b... 
b...") used by Carmo in relation to Mario. On reflection, I can't believe 
that this can be acceptable on Goanet. It simply lowers the tone of any 
discourse, irrespective of Mario being challenging  at times. Cornel


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Re: [Goanet] Mario Gouveia: The nuisance value of a pod

2006-04-02 Thread Gabe Menezes
On 29/03/06, Francis Rodrigues <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Mario,
> You are a pod. 70 posts a day ? Definitely a pod. No sentient being would be
> craven enough to such self-aggrandisement. At even 5 min a post, that's 6
> hours daily spent overwhelming the admin. You're not Kozyrev, doubt you can
> bend time or even have a passing acquaintance with tensor calculus.

RESPONSE: Thank you Gary for that wonderful piece, taking us from
Kozyrev to tensor calculus and onwards to the Brothers Grimm and the
dorji who killed 7 in one blow. Onwards then onto the gushing gutters
of Jabalpur, by one long flow...

I had suspected, that there was only one ponjekar, being devious and
replying to himself, to bolster his case. A give away was the use of
similar terminology: there you go again, here we go again and other
giveaways. I guess it was becoming cumbersome and precarious
continuing as ponjekar.

I suppose, now the Goanet Admin will have their job cut out, having to
reject many abusive posts, from one long flow, in response to your
enlightening piece.

Thanks once again for that very well written, insightful piece,
precise and pertinent - left me with a big smile - cheek to cheek!
Hope to see some more of your pieces on Goanet.

Gabe Menezes.
London, England

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