<At our starkly modest but yet independent unofficial press club -- Cafe
Prakash in the heart of Panjim, where journos meet up each evening, thank
goodness we don't have to depend on officialdom for this too -- there was
some angst while introspection over where we err. One middle-aged journo
quoted a senior as saying Goa's
journalism is mostly pressnote-centric and press conference-based.True. We
are all to blame for what's going wrong. What about readers who don't
challenge or question media's abuse of the faith placed in them?>

Was curious as to how many members of this koffee klatch were high on goanet
and how many used it professionally rather than as a mere time-pass. Are
there ANY local papers (without necessarily mentioning names) who take at
least SOME cues from what they come across on goanet? If so then our toils
may be worthwhile. Its barely visible in the paper I get.

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