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In the email re: Chukh -- few omissions, I got the
name of the Girgaum Congresss Block President. His
name is Nolasco Gama, NOT Nolasco Dias.
Nolasco Dias is famed AIR singer, a colleague of my
father. Not sure if he is still alive. He composed and
sang many Konkani songs. He wrote a Konkani operata
called Amoriche Ghantteo (Bells of the Angelus). I
think my father wrote the music for it and later he
was joined by Mauro Alphonso, a well-known musician.
Or, Alphonso wrote the initial music and then my
father was asked to join Alphonso as a team.
My memory is not clear on how it worked.
I, however, remember that my father and Dias spent
hours at my home fine-tuning the music. Then Alphonso
would come to my house and all three would sit and do
rehearsals with Dias doing the vocals.
My father also helped with suggestions in improving
the script of the operatta. 
I won't list my father's limited contribution to songs
of a couple of noted singers, who I will not mention
One thing I will say, my father didn't have high
regards for Goan Konkani stage. He appreciated
Manglorean Konkani dramas. When growing up, he would
tell me that Manglorean dramas were of a higher
standard than Goan dramas. 
He would never decline playing at Manglorean plays,
but I don't remember him playing at Goan dramas. He,
however, went to see then at Bhangwadi, a stone's
throw away from my building in Kalbadevi Road, and I
often went with him when I was very young till I was a
Similarly, I accompanied my dad to many Manglorean
dramas where he played the violin for bands.
Like other aspects of Goan Konkani stage, band groups
played politics. He would never sink to that level. He
would never ask band leaders to give tue chance to
play for tiatrs. Unlike some musicians who played for
tiatrs, my dad had a "day job" working for Indian Navy
in the administrative office. 
He played for the Bombay Orchestra and often
substituted at the Andrian de Mello and His String
Quartet at the Grand Hotel at Ballard Estate.
Since Romaldo wanted to know how many tiatrs I have
seen, I must inform him that I have lost count. I
would see a tiatr at Bhangwadi more than once. I could
just walk in as the stage hands there knew me well. I
would go backstage at the middle of a play that I have
seen before and engage in conversations with some of
them and then come home.
Princess Theatre, popularly known as Bhangwadi, was my
second home, so to say.
Does my background satisfy both Romaldo and Joyce and
other supporters of the Alphonso brothers and, in
particular, the play, Chukh.
Would Romaldo and Joyce like to know more about my
background with respect to Konkani theatre? At the
same would Romaldo and Joyce be kind enough to tell me
your backgrounds with respect to Konkani theatre and
how many tiatrs each has watched?
Since you'll started this game, including suggesting a
"conspiracy theory", I have thrown the ball in your
Forewarning: Failure to reply would invite harsh
comments from me.

Eugene Correia

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