Re: [Goanet] Re: Further insights into WGD

2005-08-24 Thread Bernado Colaco
George should be recognised for his exemplary courage
in raising the Goan flag in 1999. Hail George Pinto!

B. Colaco

 thoughtful email, one Goan based in London
 emailed Rene and me to enchance the event.  

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[Goanet] Re: Further insights into WGD

2005-08-24 Thread George Pinto
Hi Eugene

I was told yesterday that the Goanet archives from 1999 are not available after 
I tried to
unsuccessfully access them myself.  In addition to what I posted previously 
regarding Goa
Sudharop's contribution to WGD, I did not mention the WGD yahoogroup too. I 
mention this to state
a fact and emphatically write that I personally deserve and take no credit, all 
credit belongs to
everyone else. However, it is interesting that those in the know have not 
publicly corrected the
record when many opportunities have presented themselves.  

As I mentioned before (and this is not meant to come across as sour grapes), 
Goa Sudharop got no
mention in two important articles written on the Goa Computer Schools Project 
when 90% of the
funding was provided by Goa Sudharop.  Goa Sudharop also funded a Goan website 
and at its launch
in Goa, not one word mentioned acknowledging Goa Sudharop. I have now come to 
expect a certain
amount of ingratitude and lack of credit from some Goans. However, a Goan wrote 
to me privately
that he is interested in writing a complete history.  Others have written in 
with their support
and I will reply as time permits.

But let us move from who deserves credit, to the event itself as you seem 
interested by your
subject line Further insights into WGD. I would like to mention there are 
important issues to
deal with in the future:
1. Not to allow some Goan associations and their self-promoting Presidents to 
hijack WGD.  For
example, I mentioned a WGD picnic where there was no mention of WGD, no poster, 
no announcement,
no WGD agenda, nothing.  Just a lot of self-serving cyber-publicity and 
2. There are a number of Goan associations who used to celebrate WGD but no 
longer do so.  I
suspect that number added up over time equals or exceeds those who celebrated 
it this year.  The
question to ask is what happened?  Did they no longer see the WGD purpose?  Did 
they feel
inadequately recognized?  Did they feel they did all the work and got no 
credit?  Did they feel
the event was not meangingful?  Etc.?  Those answers may help WGD become a 
stronger event.

Long-term WGD can serve a higher purpose. In a very thoughtful email, one Goan 
based in London
emailed Rene and me to enchance the event. He is right. It can be an important 
community event
which endures and not flicker out. For that to happen it must focus on 
community, and not


Re: [Goanet] Re: Further insights into WGD

2005-08-22 Thread Gabe Menezes
On 22/08/05, Eugene Correia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 When I posted my Free Thoughts on World Goa Day, I had
 just glanced over Basilio Magno's post, World Goa Day
 Has Come To Stay. I feel Magno has gone a bit
 overboard by his praise of Rene Barreto, calling it
 Rene's noble idea.

Comment: The Goans in the U.K. have been holding an Annual open day
event since 1984, I believe. This event was the brainchild of Mr.
Marcus D'Souza ex Uganda and of Aldona/Moira in Goa. This Annual event
was called 'S.C.O.G.O. day' or just simply SCOGO, which stood for
Standing Committee of Goan Organizations. This was held Annually at
the G.O.A. Club house grounds, by the G.O.A. in conjunction with the
Villages and other Goan affiliated organizations.

I was somewhat taken aback therefore, to read that the event was
called Goa Day. To my knowledge this has not happened. After the
S.C.O.G.O. Committee was disbanded the event was taken over by the GOA
(U.K.) Ltd.


Gabe Menezes.
London England.

[Goanet] Re: Further insights into WGD

2005-08-22 Thread Eugene Correia
When I posted my Free Thoughts on World Goa Day, I had
just glanced over Basilio Magno's post, World Goa Day
Has Come To Stay. I feel Magno has gone a bit
overboard by his praise of Rene Barreto, calling it
Rene's noble idea. 
As for me, I would have been rather circumspect in
heaping lavish praise either on Rene, especially since
Sudharop (California) has brought the issue into the
open on who the originators are.
I feel the Goan Welfare Society (Kuwait) is NOT a
contender. I explain later why I consider so.
While the issue is still at dispute and it would need
a through examination of the Goanet archives to check
who posted first in cyberspace on having such an event
globally. Goa Sudharop has said that it was Filomena
Giese's idea to have World Goa Day and had posted it
in cyberGoa in 1999. I would request George Pinto or
the Goanet administrator to provide us with a copy of
this post.
Gaspar's claim that the Kuwait Goan Association
launched Goa Day seems true from checking the website
on the report of the 1999 celebrations, saying it was
the fifth one. In the context of having Goa Day
celebrations, let me point out that the Goan Overseas
Association in Toronto organized a Goa Day, maybe not
exactly with that title, at the Harbourfront in 1986
(I could be wrong on the year).
It was GOA's organization, but the idea to have such
an event came from the late Ladis da Silva, writer and
artist. I think he had expressed such an idea in the
GOA newsletter. I am not sure how many times Goa Day
was organized. However, now the GOA has Viva Goa, and
I think this year was the sixth consecutive one. In
1988, the GOA had the First International Goan
However, calling it the first was disputed. It was
claimed that some Goans from neighbouring countries
met in Paris for a meeting and it was, therefore, the
first meeting of diaspora Goans. Not many had heard
of this meeting, and I, for one, don't know what came
out of this meeting.
The Toronto convention was ground-breaking, and those
who attended it can vouch for the manner it was
conducted. There were a few hitches but overall it was
a grand success. The International Goan Organization
(IGO) born out of this meet. I will skip the later
history of the IGO.
The then president of the GOA, Zulema de Souza, is
credited with the idea of having the international
convention. In the aftermath of the success it was
conveniently forgotten by her close associates and
friends that she had admitted to have borrowed the
idea from a similar convention held by Greeks.
In the same vein, the person who proposed the idea for
the IGO was never credited but these very people said
it came about during the convention. No, it was
proposed at one of preparatory meetings and it then
included as part of the agenda for the convention. It
was a deliberate attempt by this closely-knit circle,
mostly of Uganda Goans, to deny the person the credit.

What came out of the convention was the idea to have
the First International Youth Conference in Goa.
Former MLA and the current deputy chairman of the
NRI-GOA (I believe he still is), Herculano Dourado,
who was present at the Toronto convention was
appointed co-ordinator for the youth convention. The
youth convention was a damp squib, to say the least.
Similarly, the origin of the GOA Toronto is messed
up. However, on record there are more than 100, I
think, who are designated as founders. It was a
compromise because different people individually or
as small circle of friends or sports teams claimed
their rights as founders.
Some ten years ago another person, who was also part
of the founders, I think, came to me with a flyer
saying he was the first one to organize a Goan event.
I told him why he waited so late. The GOA history
begins with a series of sports and cultural events
that ultimately paved the way to have a formal
I also asked him why he can't write about his event on
the GOA newsletter. His reply was that if I write,
more as an independent observer and probably with some
credibility as a journalist, it would at least have
some impact. I have had a hand in providing some input
to the GOA history when I edited the souvenir for the
20th anniversary. I shared the byline with a former
president of the GOA. However, for the 25th
anniversary souvenir, though I and this former GOA
president were on the souvenir committee, the same
article (can't remember if there were any changes or
at least substantial changes) was carried with the
ex-president's name. And mind you, it was the same
person himself who had insisted that I put my name for
the history written for the 20th anniversary souvenir.
Why, despite me being on the committee, the story went
as the way it did is another story that would take lot
of space to write.
On the question of who was the originator of the WGD
will have to wait till we search the Goanet archives.
In the meantime, I don't have any hesitation in
believing George Pinto. What Gaspar wrote about the
Goa Day