
It was not my intention to portray Churchill as The best politician but just a 
good side of this person. all have 2 or more sides.  it was only the good side 
of this man known to many goans. I have never met him though nor got any 
personal favours. I did mention about Narvenkar too.. I felt the gratitude of 
the late carmo's family to the man who helped bring back the remains from 
distant land 'cayman islands'. could anyone else (politician) help ? can you 
imagine the sorrow of late carmo's mother at the death of this young lad, and 
not even having to see him for last time ? can you feel the gratitude of this 
woman to anyone who helped in this case ? from her point of view - thanks, my 
son lies in goan soil. god bless his soul.
we can view it differently why a particular person helped someone cross the 
road. some may say it was just show off, others may view it as pure help, 
while still others will say it was long term political benefit... what options 
do people have at the time of voting ? even if good persons are voted, they 
get along the rotten mangoes and get same thing done to themselves.
also i admit, no one person can be liked by all the people. even M. Gandhi the 
father of the nation could not escape the anger of few. 

i remember a story, a man said if i had the power of god, i would change a 
whole lot of things. he said what is this god made a huge banyan/oak tree with 
small fruit and see the pumkin plant, just a lke a creeper with huge pumkins 
on it. he was sitting under this huge tree when suddenly a  small nut fall on 
his head, he than realised what would have happened if a pumkin size fruit had 
fallen on his head from this big tree. he than said if i had gods power i 
would leave the world as it is, because god knows what is best.
tell me what can i or you do ? write  and inform people ? !! not vote ? join 
Laden ? 

I am also told a lot of bad things about churchill, like that he used the 
unemployed men to get his work done, that he smuggled goods, that he used the 
morchas for his political gains, that hotels in the south coastal belts were 
harassed, etc etc...  we hear a lot..about all the politicians. did you not 
hear about narvenkar and cricket, did you not hear about rane and his son in 
EDC, did you not hear that parikar got most brahmins in top govt. posts, did 
you not hear monseratee and money lending, did you not hear about ravi naik 
and land conversions ? did you hear what luizin did for himself and not to 
othres ? did you not hear the Ambani used to get discarded things from gulf, 
western countries and sell to indian govt in the 1970s. ?? see what he 
achieved for reliance co.. who is good or goodest ? you and me and others 
around us or george bush or ahmednijad ?

When we have to select between deep sea and devil, we have to and will choose 
in most cases the lesser evil and sometimes necessary evils too. my sympathies 
with those at the receiving end. and sorry i dont view him as catholic 
strongmen. he is just a normal chap, who rose to limelight with whatever good 
or not so good means he could get. from his brothers point of view , how many 
brothers do what churchil did for his brothers ? . from the goan public point 
of view, it is two sided. which  side will weight more, i really dont know ? 
-  if i or you were god, what things would i or you have changed ? or would we 
leave it as it is today ?
I hope i have tried to clarify my position and not aggravate it.
raul carneiro
From: ralph rau 

I have never had the pleasure of meeting the larger than life Mr. Alemao. 
Being a lifetime politician from South Goa what he does not know in his neck 
of the woods, is usually not worth knowing. So I assume he may also know why 
the Taj Exotica has always had its road signage torn down and by whom. He may 
probably know who goes around the South Goa hotels like the Club Mahindra at 
Varca collecting hafta. And why the Dominoes Pizza man is afraid to enter the 
area for fear that his legs might be broken ?
  I ask Goans why they vote for people like Churchill and Monsaratte.The stock 
reply is "They may not be good people, but at least they are Catholic". 

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