[Goanet] Re: Roman script Konkani

2005-08-28 Thread Eugene Correia
With the turn of the Konkani Romi script debate
towards Marathi, I remember that during the agitation
for Konkani a noted Marathi writer said that Konknni
should be written in Marathi! Didn't know what he
meant or if he was misquoted.
With so much of Hinglish now in use in India, the day
is not far when Konglish will be widely spoken. The
trend has set in Goa.
All Indian languages with have "lish" as a suffix. I
remember couple of English plays where the Parsi
characters spoke in mixed Gujarati-English sentences.
The RSM may achieve its objectives, but will it give
rise to more writers in this script? Those at the
forefront of this movement would do well to answer
Newspapers such a V.Ixtt and even magazines such as
Gulab are not seen in too many Goan catholic
households. There is a dearth of Konknni writers.
Another movement to make RS writers of youngsters
would be needed as a follow-up action.

Eugene Correia

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[Goanet] Re: Roman script Konkani....correction

2005-08-27 Thread Eugene Correia

> copy  of Konkani Ord Xastra (maybe my spelling is
> incorrect) written by Prof. Antonio Fernandes 

I think the name of the booklet is Konknni Nad Xastra
(definitely NOT Ord). I think it means, Rules of
Konknni Grammar.


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Re: [Goanet] Re: Roman script Konkani

2005-08-28 Thread v. fernandez

--- Eugene Correia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

With the turn of the Konkani Romi script debate.The
trend has set in Goa...The RSM may achieve its
objectives, but will it give rise to more writers in this
script?...  Newspapers such a V.Ixtt and even magazines such as
Gulab are not seen in too many Goan catholic households. There is
a dearth of Konknni writers...

Eugene Correia
Comment: This is not a fair assessment of the ground
realities.Many of us read V.Ixtt & Gulab,(some even on line). Some
others love to criticize, maybe out of habit...To each his own.

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[Goanet] Re: Roman script Konkani.... new form

2005-08-27 Thread Eugene Correia
Eugene Correia wrote on 25.08.2005: > Even the late
Lourdino Rodrigues
> devnagiri script, and the TSKK published his work in
> that script.

Jorge: Is it Prof. Lourdino Rodrigues or Prof. Lucio

Eugene: Prof Lourdino Rodrigues from Santa Cruz. To
the best of my knowledge Prof. Lucio didn't write in

The Dalgado Konkani Academy had published a small
booklet on Roman orthography many years ago. It's
obvious now that this one is no longer relevant.

I don't know how many netters have seen or have a copy
of Konkani Ord Xastra (maybe my spelling is incorrect)
written by Prof. Antonio Fernandes (not sure if I got
the name correctly). He was called "professor"
because, I believe, he taught at the Rachol Seminary.

I had mentioned this to Tomazinho Cardozo during one
few meetings at the NRI Meet at the Kala Academy. He
wanted a copy of it. Unfortunately, the copy is at a
different location than I am currently at.

I think I also talked about the professore's small
booklet with Fr. Mathew Almeida, when he came to
Toronto, more in passing than its merits and demerits
in the context of present-day Konkani.

Since the structure of Roman script Konkani has
undergone changes over the last decade or so, Konkani
Ord Xastra would not meet the present qualifications.
It could be dismissed as "old Konkani".

The late Prof. George Mark Moraes paid a glowing
tribute to Prof. Fernandes in an article in The
Examiner under the heading, Konkani Man of Letters.

I think I mentioned about Prof. Fernandes before on
this forum. I had requested his daughter to get his
works published, but she said that her brother was in
possession of his papers. 

It's hard sometimes to convince people that publishing
a learned man's material for the common good of the
community is better than hanging on to such works for
whatever personal reasons.

In the context of the new form of Roman script
Konkani, I would have loved to hear the views of Prof.
Olivinho Gomes. Has any journalist approached him for
his views? If not, could some of the journos on this
forum get Prof. Gomes to talk. It would be nice to
have an all-round debate on the subject that's hot
issue now.

Eugene Correia

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[Goanet] Re: Roman script Konkani... in new form

2005-08-25 Thread Eugene Correia
Since the Dalgado Konkani Academy hasn't said anything
regarding the new Roman Konkani script, it's fair to
assure the body has accepted the script.
Like Fred, I too am totally taken by surprise by
TSKK's about turn or rather a change in direction,
from first pushing from a devnagiri script to now
promoting the new Roman Konkani script.
Even the late Prof. Lourdino Rodrigues advocated
devnagiri script, and the TSKK published his work in
that script. I am not sure if the learned professor's
full dictonary has been published.
TSKK's earlier thrust for devnagiri was probably
because the devnagiri script captured the phonetics
well. If the same effect is available through the two
added symbols to the Roman script it may be wise to
follow this script.
Will Goem be written as Goƒhy? (I tried to put the
symbol over the letter "o", but can't in plain text. I
copied from Microsoft World, but the result is what I
got above).
Would this new script make Shenoi Goembab turn in his
grave? Or, could his book, The Triumph of Konkani,
renamed as The Crimp of Konkani?


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[Goanet] Re: Roman script Konkani... in new form

2005-08-26 Thread Vidyadhar Gadgil
This new Roman script Konkani is bizarre. It really appears like
shooting oneself in the foot. Mere phonetics should not drive one to
such absurdities; after all, we read and write English accurately enough
in Roman script, even though it is far from phonetic. (George Bernard
Shaw once suggested that 'fish' be spelt as 'ghoti', with the 'gh'
pronounced as in 'rough', the 'o' pronounced as in 'women' and the 'ti'
pronounced as in motion!)

If one is serious about popularising Roman script Konkani, such stuff
should be avoided. Experience with diacritics and unconventional marks
is that these things only cause confusion in the minds of the average
reader; as such, they are best reserved for academic journals, etc. Look
at the way Hindi is written in Roman script (in newspapers, magazines,
etc. there are always a  few Hindi words nowadays). Nobody who knows
Hindi (and can read Roman script) has the slightest difficulty in
understanding them. 

What is wrong with Roman Konkani as it is currently written? I am not a
native Konkani speaker, but with some practice have never had any
particular difficulty in reading Roman Konkani (though understanding it
is more difficult, but then I have that problem with Devanagari Konkani
as well).

When getting Roman Konkani accepted is such a big struggle in itself,
this really seems to be creating an additional unnecessary handicap,
like tying heavy weights round one's legs before starting to scale a
Question everything - Karl Marx

Re: [Goanet] Re: Roman script Konkani... in new form

2005-08-25 Thread Bernado Colaco
Not to be gofhy please install PT (Portuguese) in your
system to get the ortography. 

B. Colaco
> renamed as The Crimp of Konkani?
> Eugene
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Re: [Goanet] Re: Roman script Konkani... in new form

2005-08-26 Thread Ancy S. D'Souza Paladka
Dear Eugene,

TSKK just by introducing two symbols namely ^ (or inverted V)  and ~
could achieve more than 90% accuracy in writing Konkani as it is
pronounced. Accuracy in Devnagiri or other scripts are less than 70%.

As per the new method Goem will be written as Goye~ 
and Goim will be written as Go~y
Goiam will be written as Go~ya~
Goimkar will be written as Go~ykar
Note that ~ is used for the nasal sound which is also the symbol in linguistics.
This symbol is awailable as the first key below the escape key.

^ (or inverted V) Other symbols introduced by TSKK is for the vowel
short A which is represented by 'o' in current roman script.
This symbol is awailable at the seventh position after the symbol ~
which is also used for the number 6.

Please click here to check out how this character is represented while
printing by clicking the link

Dev Borem Korum,

Ancy Salvadore D'Souza, Paladka
Url: http://www.konkanifoundation.com/ancy 
Photographs: http://ancy.fotopic.net/list_collections.php

On 8/25/05, Eugene Correia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Since the Dalgado Konkani Academy hasn't said anything
> regarding the new Roman Konkani script, it's fair to
> assure the body has accepted the script.
> Like Fred, I too am totally taken by surprise by
> TSKK's about turn or rather a change in direction,
> from first pushing from a devnagiri script to now
> promoting the new Roman Konkani script.
> Even the late Prof. Lourdino Rodrigues advocated
> devnagiri script, and the TSKK published his work in
> that script. I am not sure if the learned professor's
> full dictonary has been published.
> TSKK's earlier thrust for devnagiri was probably
> because the devnagiri script captured the phonetics
> well. If the same effect is available through the two
> added symbols to the Roman script it may be wise to
> follow this script.
> Will Goem be written as Goƒhy? (I tried to put the
> symbol over the letter "o", but can't in plain text. I
> copied from Microsoft World, but the result is what I
> got above).
> Would this new script make Shenoi Goembab turn in his
> grave? Or, could his book, The Triumph of Konkani,
> renamed as The Crimp of Konkani?
> Eugene
> Start your day with Yahoo! - make it your home page
> http://www.yahoo.com/r/hs


Re: [Goanet] Re: Roman script Konkani... in new form

2005-08-26 Thread Jorge/Livia de Abreu Noronha
Eugene Correia wrote on 25.08.2005: > Even the late Prof. Lourdino Rodrigues
> devnagiri script, and the TSKK published his work in
> that script.

Jorge: Is it Prof. Lourdino Rodrigues or Prof. Lucio Rodrigues?

Eugene: > Will Goem be written as Gofhy? (I tried to put the
> symbol over the letter "o", but can't in plain text. I
> copied from Microsoft World, but the result is what I
> got above).

Jorge: I suppose it should be "Goe~" or "Go~y". What do you say, Fred? You
seem to have a copy of TSKK's new orthography book, so you should be in a
position to elucidate.

Eugene: > Would this new script make Shenoi Goembab turn in his
> grave? Or, could his book, The Triumph of Konkani,
> renamed as The Crimp of Konkani?

Jorge: Not necessarily. Goembab himself wrote books in Roman script. Matthew
Almeida s.j. tells us in a recent article in Panjim's "Herald": "Shanai
Gõibab wrote his first book in Devanagari only in 1910. Before that Gõibab
himself wrote 13 books in Roman script, the last two of them were later put
into Devanagari".

(I hope everybody gets correctly on their monitors the tildes which I have
